A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The people of the french revolution

The Estates General was a group of representatives from the three classes: the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate which was the middle and lower classes, though only the middle was represented here. Palmer, history professor and author of The World of the French Revolution about the immense significance of the Declaration.

University professors should make more money

Many people have described the benefit from high salaries professors' quality of education, encouragement and but in my perspective, university should not spend too much money on professors' salaries in order to improve the quality of education, taking the competition between professors and the stable education skills into account. Secondly, in order to improve the β†’

Self knowledge and happiness in pride and prejudice assignment

His loss of happiness in his wife is seen when she interrupts him in the library and he says, " I will be glad to have the library to myself as soon as possible", he does not enjoy her company. She tells Darcy her strongest reasons for declining his hand; she has never liked him, β†’

Reading gandhi- delhi university assignment

As we celebrate a hundred years of his acknowledged magnum opus Hind Swarm, It Is time to reflect on the Importance of both the text and the context of this renowned work. The text consists of twenty short chapters, cast In the form of a dialogue between Gandhi who Is called the ' editor' and β†’

Evaluating websites assignment

Objectivity Objectivity referred to the presence of bias or a ' hidden agenda' portrayed on the site and the accuracy of the content posted on the site. Currency Currency referred to the dates of information and links posted on the website.

Ap us government assignment

Economic groups work to win private goods, which are benefits that only the members of the group will enjoy. Business Groups Business groups are the most common type of interest group; more than half of all registered lobbyists work for business organizations.

Critique of “stories from the homefront: perspectives of asian assignment

01 To: Professor Kim Dulaney From: LauWanzer Quince In re: Essay Report II: Critique of " Stories from the Homefront: Perspectives of Asian American Parents with Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons" I chose to write about this topic related to LGBT because since I was 15 years old I have been able to relate and β†’

Career goals and learning plan paper assignment

I learned the art of listening at a very young age and I am glad that I adhere to it. I pick a time to complete my work and as each task is completed I mark it off on the syllables as done.

Bullying benefit both sides and maybe end

Bullying is somewhat of a controversial topic in many ways, one of them is what to do when its a problem and how to resolve it. That's just a different kind of messed up that not and one of the reasons bullying is still going to be around.

Army leadership essay

Owen opens the poem with a description of a group of discouraged soldiers retreating from the front lines of the battlefield. Owen describes his experience of walking behind the wagon in which the dead man has been placed, seeing the corpse frozen in the twisted agony of its death.

Certificate in teaching in the lifelong learning sector essay sample

The two types of assessment which I use are internal and external and the concepts of assessment which are commonly used in my teaching environment are Norm referencing, criterion referencing, formative and summative assessment. Peer and self assessment Throughout the PTLLS and CTLLS course I have been impressed by the use of peer assessment and β†’

ο»Ώhistory and development of stylistics essay sample

Verbal expression involved stylistic choices involving the choice of words, the ordering of those words, the collocation of words on the basis of their meanings, figures of speech, and the rhetorical devices at the level of sentences. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the novel emerged and the rhetorical devices became part of the style β†’

Seven myths of the spanish conquest essay sample

First, that the European discovery of the Americas was one of the greatest events in human history. This expansion began over two hundred years prior, over time establishing a zone that was bordered by the Azores in the north, the Canary Islands in the south and African coast to the east.

Emotions in interpersonal communications essay sample

It is essential that we are aware of the customs and beliefs of a client, this way they do not feel disrespected or discriminated in any way. We need to understand that emotions will always be in the way of a client recovery that is why it is important that we learn to communicate effectively β†’

Law-making process of contemporary international law essay sample

There are ranges of international organisations that have developed considerably in their roles in the international legal community, such as international corporations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund. This essay will examine the importance of international organisations in the law-making process of contemporary international law." International organisations means an organisation established by treaty or β†’

Intentional infliction of emotional distress essay sample

The ethical pressure and dilemmas of the BP Oil spill stem from the severity of the situation and long term impact of this disaster. I would drive the idea to not only recover from this disaster but learn educate and become better because of it.

Loyalty and betrayal in king lear essay sample

And art thou come to this?" In contrast to the parallels between Lear's daughters and Edmund, Kent and Edgar represent, respectively, the loyal sides of the conflict. The contrast between the silky words of the traitors, "...love you more than words can wield," and the plain-speaking of Kent, " What are you doing, old man?" β†’

The eurocentric development during post world war ii era essay sample

Generally, the idea that Brohman was trying to discuss with regards to his statement about how " the post World War II development process has been Eurocentric, thus arresting indigenous development within the third world" was basically about the putting to the fore, front and center the development that happened in Europe after the Second β†’

Gung ho essay sample

It shows a clash of cultures between the Americans and the Japanese after Hunt Stevenson successfully convinced the Japanese to reopen the automobile factory in a small town. On the first day of the joint venture, Kazihiro addresses the American workers: " We must build spirit.

The empirical formula of magnesium oxide essay sample

057g Absolute uncertainties of the mass of magnesium, magnesium oxide and oxygen Due to subtraction was employed, to calculate the net mass of magnesium and magnesium oxide, the absolute uncertainties were added.E.g, the absolute uncertainty of magnesium = = 0. 002g The mass of oxygen was reached by subtracting the mass of magnesium from the β†’

Russell uses humour to convey a serious message in our day out essay sample

The main aspects of his message are, he tries to bring awareness on the children's poverty, how they are deprived in their lives because of their social background, the way the education system does not help these children, but brings them up to be ' failures from the day they were born', and lastly how β†’

Criminal justice mini study

Prior research refers to the study of the current situation of the problem of graffiti with reference to the available data. Research findings will contain the implications of the problem i.e.conduct of graffiti in the community.

Healthcare law & ethics class – online discussion

Sound Medical Treatment As per the medical principles of ' beneficence and non-maleficence', the physicians are required to use the treatment that is best to their knowledge for saving the lives of the patients and provide them with relieve from sufferings and pains. Ultimately, to the best of the physician knowledge, the treatment would not β†’

Muslim religion- analyzing their beliefs- as they relate to health care

Muslim Religion- Analyzing Their Beliefs- as they relate to Health Care Provide a brief of the religion chosen including available demographics.size of the group and area of the country/world where members reside. Islam is the predominant religion in the regions covering the Middle East and Northern Africa.

History 2

Keiji Nakazawa, who was a boy of seven when the bomb was dropped, has portrayed the aftermath of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima incisively in the graphic book Barefoot Gen, vol 1 and vol.2. Barefoot Gen is a chilling tale of horrible suffering and death of the innocent caught in a war.

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing

As with any innovative and new treatment there are proponents and opponents both trying to convince their peers and the public about the validity and usefulness of the treatment. The movement is a distraction that allows for the patient to relax and realign the memory with a more positive outcome or belief.

Sleep terror disorder

Sleep terror is one of the common problems among children of this age group." Sleep terror disorder is defined as repeated temporary arousal from sleep, during which the affected person appears and acts extremely frightened. Fever, lack of sleep, stress and other emotional problems are believed to the reasons of sleep terror.

Introduction to cultural anthropology, unit 3, question #2

According to Karen Duffy and Eastwood Atwater, authors of the book entitled Psychology for Living, chlamydia is a " bacterium that is spread by sexual contact and affects both males and females". For men, the most common symptoms of chlamydia is discharge from the penis and burning during urination.

Applied learning agency and employment

Assume the driver of the truck is an employee of the trucking company. The trucking company is primarily liable, since the driver just acts as the agent of the trucking company, which is the principal in this case.

Law synopsis

The appeal was from the District Court of the United States for the District Court of Porto Rico. The case was also heard based on the fact that the appeal had been properly taken to the Supreme Court.

Case study: out-of-town brown and the besieged probation supervisor

In the context of the case study, it can be stated that boot camps can be used as a form of intermediate sanctions. The purpose of a policy draft for Collier County Probation Department is to make sure that it provides sensible and correct reactions to media investigations.

Micronutrient deficiency

Iodine Deficiency of the Health Sciences and Medicine of the Concerned July 14, Iodine Deficiency Introduction Iodine is an important micronutrient required by the human body to synthesize vital thyroid hormones. Disorders Caused by Iodine Deficiency Iodine deficiency can impact human health much before the birth of a child.


Yahoo and Google: A Comparative Analysis The fast technological developments have paved the way for the proliferation of the World Wide Web and the Internet as global networking sites for various purposes. Among the most successful of the websites are Yahoo and Google.

Nascar and formula one

Nascar and Formula One: Both NASCAR and Formula One are motor-car racing competitions with a huge fan following. But the two competitions differ in three key areas, namely, 1 rules and set-up of the competition; 2 the technical differences in the build of race-cars; and 3 the reach and fan following of the sport.

Organization theory, design and change

The organizational change and design explains how and why various options are selected which aid in managing the culture and structure of the organization, control its activities and move it towards achieving its goals and targets. The organizational theory, design, change, culture and structure are various systems of inter-related roles which support each other towards β†’


2) Walter Gropius Walter Gropious was noted as an American-German architect who was born in the year 1883 and identified to be one of the leaders of modern functional architecture. Land of Amber Waters: The History of Brewing in Minnesota.

Developing of new boutique hotels

What can we learn from the mass customization of tangible goods that can be applied to the mass customization of services? Collaborative customization is what we can learn from mass customization of tangible goods, which allows the service provider to discuss with the customers regarding their preferences, and thus articulate their services to match the β†’

Techniques to optimize communication skills

Techniques That I Want to Use To Optimize My Communication Skills: Working efficiency in any team is best achieved when there is unhindered communication between the management and workers. When I have to communicate with my team members, irrespective of whether it is a junior or a senior, I would endeavor to keep the following β†’

Partnership in fundraising program

Following are some of the questions that I would like to ask before we can form any partnership: Would you be offering any discount to people who will be raising funds for us? Will you be offering them traditional doughnuts or will you be reducing the quality or quantity so that you can give the β†’

Onet skills search

As such, it was enlightening to know that from among the exact matches in skills, the occupations noted as bright outlook occupations are: chief executives, medical and health service managers, as well as nursery greenhouse managers. The site was very informative and highly educational in terms of revealing the appropriate skills and related occupations that β†’

Abstracts for articles

Abstracts for Articles Article 1: Pilot Fatigue in Short-Haul Operations Powell et.al.note that there is little research done on the subject of fatigue in short-haul pilots and their article seeks to evaluate how factors such as duty times, number of sectors, flight time and others effect fatigue levels. From more 1370 pilot responses, the β†’

History of healthcare

History of health insurance History of health insurance in United s This paper describes the progress of the United s' health insurance plan and its growth over the years. Due to people's unwillingness to purchase insurance for their health as opposed to ' illness' insurance, it aided in the opposition of compulsory, nationalized insurance in β†’

Share your critical response

Critical response Gary Guttin in his You Say You Want a Revolution suggests that the majority of the people who wouldlike to overthrow the rule of the current President administration do not understand what they are willing to do. In spite of the fact that the American nation praises its past in which the theme β†’

Is the catholic church the continuation of the imperial spqr

Some of the principles that were advocated and supported by SPQR that are currently defining the Roman Catholic include the freedom of expression. The principles and advocacy of SPQR and Roman Catholic's remain the same.

Review and critical thinking

A nurturing environment is where parents are responsible and actively attentive to their child's physical and emotional needs. In a nurturing environment, parents are responsible and actively attentive to their child's physical and emotional needs.

How duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals essay

Risk Assessments carrying out and reviewing risk assessments for all of the activities we do and places we visit ensures that thought and concern is given to how we do things every day, this way I ensure risks concerning equipment, venues and activities are minimised and therefore reducing the risk of injury or harm to β†’

Factors affecting the importance of marriage essay

Contents Decision As the matrimony rates for 2008 in the United Kingdom were the lowest since records begin, this survey sought to understand the altering importance of matrimony by implementing qualitative methods dwelling of semi-structured interviews and grounded theory, to achieve more robust and comprehensive positions on this issue. This paper hence seek to understand β†’

My last duchess and porphyry’s lover

The madness for control in " Porphyry's lover" is in a different context as we have the idea that the speaker is ill as he is described as " one so pale." He states, " at last I knew that porphyries worshipped me." This implies that the lover had finally gets what he wanted which β†’

New balance: strategic management

Bhat, 2005) New Balance started with a niche in developing accommodative foot orthotics and insoles to accommodate all kinds of foot issue and therefore when New Balance went into shoe manufacturing, they decided to take advantage of their expertise and cater to all foot-types by providing five different shoe widths in an industry where three β†’

Shanghai university of finance and economics

1 Selling" Marketing is the procedure of pass oning the value of a merchandise or service to clients. The clients are entitled to a sensible merchandise for a sensible monetary value.while the house is besides entitled to a sensible net income for a sensible merchandise.

Computron case analysis essay

Maintain high quality image and branding of Computers.2. Maintain high quality image and branding of Computers.

Ladder of inference

DATA In the following illustration of this model, we consider a situation in which two individuals, X and Y, were participants - and then we consider a range of possible interpretations and responses by X to the actions of and verbatim words spoken by Y. Briefly, the data are: X and Y are both VPs, β†’

5 ways to turn a crazy idea into an awesome reality

Related: With all the focus on growing Bitty, it's a wonder Megan has been able to maintain her sanity. Megan's vision is to make sustainable insect protein a substantial part of the food supply, and in so doing, help solve some of the biggest ecological challenges we face.

British patrol

It is ranked as the fourth largest company in the world and it is the largest corporation in the United Kingdom. The company has to build confidence in the eyes of these customers and it is an uphill task.

Annual day function

Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creed, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person.

Confucianism in chinese business culture

Nowadays, as a citizen in this modern civilization we can never hide away from the impact of china in the global economy, based on a personal point of view thesuperpowerof China today has always maintain the samephilosophy, culture and tradition as they have always have which could that back the most ancient of times, none β†’

What impact does tourism have in coastal areas in spain

According to Bramwell a third of the income of the Mediterranean comes from the tourism sector, as tourism is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of Spain. Therefore, Bramwell maintains that international mass tourism began to develop in the coastal areas and islands of the Mediterranean Europe in the decades of the late 1950s.

Traditional skills are disappearing

If we gain the insight into the history, it is not difficult to discover that when a country develops itstechnology, the traditional skills and ways of life always die out. Some individuals firmly argue that to keep the traditional skills and ways of life alive makes nonsense.

Advanced flight deck technology for safety

Boeing has spent many years with engineers as well as the astronauts from Nasa to incorporate and implement a flight deck design that in its overall abilities will prove to be a much safer, a more reliable " tool" of flight ensuring the safety of all on board their commercial plane as well as ensuring β†’

Libertarianism and redistribution of wealth

The libertarian claim that anymoneygained though employment or business is none that they are fully entitled to is false, therefore the claim that the redistribution of that wealth through taxation Is a form of theft Is also false based on the grounds that no one fully owns all of their wealth. The reason that no β†’

The credit crunch

Leading to the rise of the house of cards. They would have the option to pay part of the interest each month, and the unpaid interest was added to the principal.

Cultural norms assignment

We have cultural norms due to how we do things as a country, the community we live in, and how our families do things. One of our country's cultural norms is the emphasis on promptness ands time.

The tempest and william shakespeare assignment

Prosper used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Prosper used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge.

How the french revolution impacted western civilization assignment

How The French Revolution Impacted Western Civilization civilian The reason the revolution occurred at that particular time was because of immediate economic factors which included widespread famine and malnutrition, which Increased the likelihood of disease and death, and intentional starvation In the most destitute segments of the population In the months Immediately before the Revolution. β†’

Effects of the exxon valdez oil spill engineering essay

In this paper I want to discuss the history of oil drilling, the effects of the Exxon Valdez on the Alaskan coastline, the impact of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and discuss some alternative source of energy. The diversity of the shoreline made the migration of the oil easy.

The art of alienation in brecht’s work

His demands of drama were high; he wrote, " The urgent revolution of the theatre must start with a transformation of the stage we do not ask for an audience, but a community, not a stage, but a pulpit". The resolution of a play was to come from the world, and not the stage.

Free essay about spanish cultural studies

It is worth noting that the aspect of prostitution in the Spanish constitution is not illegalized. The imminence of Don Quijote in Spanish literature is based on heroic and noble ideas that are full of comic.

Example of inductive method essay

He coined the famous theory on mass and energy, and this has formed the basis of analysis in the physics world. The findings in this study led to the explanation of the Brownian molecular movements.

Crime and horror essay examples

This is due to an individual's development of a feeling of isolation from the rest of society. Similarly, it cannot be able to control individuals' estimation of the various structures in society.

Exploring the issues of gender oppression sociology essay

In order to explore the question of domestic violence, I will address the possible nature and scope of gender oppression in contemporary Britiain. Patriarchy can be said to permeate key social instituitons and agents of socialisation in society, including the media, the education system and the family.

The changing patterns in indian society sociology essay

The essay presents the inferences along with implications and the utility of the social capital theory plus social alliances framework for the field of human resource professionals as well for the others who may be interested in knowing and understanding the associated implications of the social capital. A sagacity of belonging and the concrete experience β†’

A sociological perspective on adhd

The caudate nucleus and the globus pallidus, which is found at the centre part of the brain and which is known for its ability to increase the speed or to stop the orders emanating from the front part of the brain has been found to be smaller in the children who happens to be victims β†’

Female offenders: court sentences

Most research implies that there is a significant difference in the way women and men ware treated by the criminal system and that these differences are mainly due to the operation of gender stereotypes. It has also been suggested that the fact that men and women enter the criminal justice system in ways that are β†’

Qualitative critique of psychology paper

The article Effective Interaction with Patients with Schizophrenia: Qualitative Evaluation of the Interaction Skills Training Programme is a mixed method study that focuses on the qualitative research results and the effects the ISTP had on relationships between caregivers and patients, in terms of the caregivers lived experience. This paper will be examining the study using β†’

Neuropsychopharmacology concepts: overview and analysis

From the psilocybin administered subject trials, the researchers found that the oscillations were weaker than usual in the prestimulus phase and the subsequent reduction of strength was not observed in the poststimulus phase. Alternatively, further research could be done on ibogaine in order to develop a treatment that excludes the hallucinogenic effects of the drug.

The neurobiological impacts of trauma

The main component of the endocrine system is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which is the central coordinator of the neuroendocrine stress response system that influences and interacts with the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal cortex. An overexposure to glutamate has been shown to damage neurons and is thought to lead to the reduction of neurons in the β†’

Analysis of the federal communications committee (fcc) and net neutrality

It's but made in a sense that circumvents the text of the Net Neutrality principles while handing this middle finger to the meaning of the Net Neutrality regulations, the F.C. The problem of preserving the Canadian model of Neutrality comes up in the Canadian government looking for the best interests of the public in Canada." β†’

China beer market & competetor analysis

The Aire Breweries plc.as a part of logical extension decided to enter Chinese market, where beer market is largest in the world next to USA. The Customer: The proposed target market China is undoubtedly a large consumer market in the world and beer in particular.

First phase of integrated marketing communication plan

Malaysia was chosen to launch ' Avatar World' because it was likewise touched by the Avatar hype as Malaysians of mostly all ages flocked the movie theaters to watch Avatar which was shown for more than three months due to its unprecedented popularity.' Avatar World' will be the first restaurant in Malaysia and around the β†’

Concepts of money measurement

The definition of the depreciation is refers to noncash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of wear and tear, age, or obsolescence. The main reason of the depreciation is due to the physical wear and tear and the passage of time.

Trends in the irish foodservice

The Irish Foodservice Market Executive Summary The aim of this report is to inform small companies, who specialise in local artisanal products, of the sectors within the foodservice market, the opportunities and trends that exist within the market and to identify suitable distributors that can help them enter the foodservice market. The research used in β†’

The establishment of abbasid dynasty history essay

The Umayyad was the first in Islamic history to introduce inheritance system in choosing the next caliph. Meanwhile, on the other side, the combined army of Persian, Shi'ite and Abbasid fought for the same reason, which was to take down the Umayyad and stop the corruption.

Europeans attitude change towards africans

They were able to realize their rights and the need to fight for them, so they formed unions through which they could raise their grievances to the colonialists in order to be valued as equal to them. Another thing that contributed to the change of attitude was the impact of the world wars whereby both β†’

Japanese invasion of malaysia

Japan also had become the leader in the revolution of economic through the great empowerments in the development of industrial after the successful of Industrial Power Plan during the Meiji Dynasty era in 1867-1912. The sanction of resources supply by the United States to Japan after the invasion of China in Sino Japan War in β†’

Pastoral care system support students education essay

The first is on the basis of whether there has been ' a noticeable drop in the academic performance of pupils', whilst the second depends on pupils' feedback in response to ' the question of whether they feel settled', both of which are ' judged at the end of the autumn term in Year 7'. β†’

Ob characteristic model and internal motivation

Job characteristics model helps the employee on enriched their jobs by using the five core job characteristics that include skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback, followed by three critical psychological states, which are meaningful work, responsibility work, and knowledge about the performance. The purpose of the essay is to explain the main β†’

A pestel analysis of malaysia economics essay

The politics of Malaysia takes place in the framework of a federal constitutional monarchy, in which the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is head of state and the Prime Minister of Malaysia is the head of government. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature, though the executive maintains a certain level of influence in β†’

The background of glaxosmithkline

Since that time the group has passed through many phases, but the turning point came during the merger of Glaxo Welcome and SmithKline Beecham in 2000, it had also seen a merger of Glaxo and Welcome in 1995. The objective of the company as described by its Annual Report 2009 is to become the undisputable β†’

The hewlett packard economic analysis business essay

Price elasticity of a product is calculated as " the percent change in the quantity demanded of a good divided by the percent change in the price for that good". A result greater than one means that the product is elastic and that demand is highly sensitive to changes in price.

Security scorecard organisation analysis

Security Scorecard one of the major objective is to protect the system from web threads. Network Security Network Security is the security of the system hardware and software's from illegal access, malwares and any kind of access without the knowledge of the owner.

Why do we have pets

It's a very interesting question....actually having pets can be wonderful, rewarding experience.they teach you a lot of things >> they make you loyal and the teach you about friendship we can see that most of the people who have pets their relationship with their pets showed them how two people should be friends, it's the β†’

The impact of shrm on performance business essay

The metaphor of a tapestry is hence used to show the manner in which its significance is constructed from the interweaving and common influences of premises deducing from the basic perceptual, epistemic, philosophical and ideological places. The function of Human Resources, hence, becomes one of identifying and deriving senior direction committedness to a set of β†’