A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Distribution strategy

It is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.It has a diverse product profile which includes following products.(Meiji Dairies Corporation n.d.) Milk and beverages Yogurt Ice-cream FoodProducts Childcare andhealthfood products Nutritional performance food →

Resource planning

The overall units required at the end of the fourth period are 25000. The overall cost to produce 25000 units at the end of the fourth period is $319000.According the answer above, the best strategy to use is the chase strategy.

The competitive strategy of burberry essay sample

Critique the competitive strategy of Burberry using cited theories, concepts and techniques discussed on the course and supporting sources of evidence. Part 1 For the purpose of this assignment I will be critiquing the competitive strategy of Burberry, a luxury British fashion brand. The shows establish and reinforce the fashion credibility →

Research paper on national electronic disease surveillance system

Making sure that these strategies are supported is a big hurdle because a lot of times they may not have the adequate funds or the information. If they do not have adequate strategies than the whole system could be skewed. These strategies as mentioned before are key in running the local →

The impact of internet and new technologies on business

Those that cannot end up as just another memory of the past and their workers are left trying to find other jobs. The artisans and rural workers impacted in the 18th century did not find the industrial rise all too dandy. This petition is known as the Lees Woolen Worker's Petition and it was published →

Example of research paper on organization profile sustaining change

In addition, it analyses the impact that the policy has created on the army changes and policies. Identify the resistance encountered during the change process and analyze the response to this resistance President Obama came up with the change campaign towards the military that was led by the DADT policy. In the above discussion, →

Strategic counterterrorism plan essay example

Speaking of general transitional and less global objectives, the 2011 strategy acknowledges the vital necessity of decreasing vulnerabilities and upgrading the existing system of defense and terrorism prevention, deterring terrorists from acquiring and letting the weaponry of mass destruction proliferate, obliterating the so-called " safe-havens" of Al-Qaeda, disrupting links between the mentioned organization and its →

Vision, mission and values of the kraft heinz (cerebos)

A strategy forces senior manages to decide on a directional path the company should take arguing that committing the company to one path versus another pushes managers to decide about whether the company's present strategic course will drive growth and profitability or whether changes to the company's strategy and long-term direction are needed. This report →

Free research paper on differentiated instruction

Watson defines the differentiated instruction in education as the strategy through which the needs of different students are addressed within the same classroom. Objectives and Differentiation of Instruction The aim is to make sure that the academic needs of all the students are catered for and the individual talents and endowments of →

Swot for tip top up bread, a aussie bread brand essay

And the product itself is also good enough to make a profit, it can match it core competencies with the market opportunity, the trend of having health product. And the Omega 3 added bread, got no smell and the fishy aftertaste when comparing to the traditional fish oil capsules, which is also rich in Omega →

Free literature review on care of people with heart failure

The paper also describes how models of care and treatment settings are integrated and coordinated to ensure a continuous provision of quality care for the patient and what governments and health services can do to improve the delivery of service to these patients besides recommending measures that can further better →

Counter-terrorism book review samples

This usually occurs after an act of terrorism has already occurred and the military pursues the terrorists in their territory. When military response to terrorism takes place, the aim is to destroy the infrastructure of the terrorist group as well as eliminate its leaders. All these strategies have their advantages and disadvantages.

Essay on ell classrooms instructional strategies

Those teachers who are effective find ways in making concepts to be effective, familiar and understandable by finding a language that all students can be acquainted easily The following issues will be considered in order for ELL students to improve their language proficiently and also to enable them score higher grades in other →

Pescriptive versus emergent

When described with historical perspective since it arrived in the mid 1960s, strategic or prescriptive planning has been embraced as a way of " outflanking competitors with big plays that yield long term rent from a sustainable advantage". Although it faltered in the 1980s and 1990s mainly due →

Essay on instructional strategies for ell classrooms

The education system of the United States has been influenced for a long time by the demographic trends, connected with the substantial increase in the number of ELL students, who study in the American educational institutions. ELL students are the fastest growing segment of the overall school-age population in the United States, which significantly contributed →

Child marriage essay

The common demand for young brides creates a reason for these families to wed the girl child to circumvent high er payments for the older girls. The girl s in a patriarchal set up are believed to be somebody's possessions as well as a burden.these philosophy lead parents to let their girl child marry. The →

Software and specialized prerequisites that directed its

Programming testing can give a free view of the item toenable the business to perceive and grasp the risk of programming use. Testing isan interminable system and it exhibits the occasion of errors not thenon-appearance.

To awareness and education in general.in this

Around the world, the youth are at the center of the HIV epidemic, half of all HIV-infected people are aged 15 to 24 years. According to the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region have the second highest prevalence of HIV with an estimated 1. In this study, →

Physical threats essay example

It is evident that all the physical threats are observable through the eyes or proper knowledge of the computer system. The threats have direct damage to the computer or the system, and the effects of each of them are only rectifiable through proper use of a unique physical threat intervention strategy. It is possible to →

Postulation more atomic weapons it additionally was somewhat

Destinations: The goal of this paper is to talk about the importance of this sort of choice of these two states and furthermore on the syndication of the five noteworthy states who were permitted to keep the atomic power. The result that Pakistan and India did not sign the NPT and needed to think about →

Dynamic strategy on biotechnology: a case study for merck biopharma

In-depth interview method, focus groups, literature analysis and other methods are carried out; and within the research process there is the collection of correlation data, and secondary analysis inspection is to be carried out on the strategic document. Results: We developed a commonality, the ready conformity to mutual support viewpoint, to construct a " dynamic", →

Research paper on strategic planning and accreditation

In order to incorporate these and other factors into strategic planning for leaders in higher education, a number of steps must be taken. In order to develop a strategic plan for a college or university based on Senator Alexander's characteristics, an institutional self-assessment must be made to ensure that the →

Free essay about the four domains in english language development

From this assignment, one will be in a position to understand when and where some of the learning strategies can be applied and the effectiveness of any of the domains on a strategy. Instructional strategies used to help English language development An English teacher charged with the responsibility of teaching learners in this language →

Jeffrey mcmurray’s “colleges are watching troubled students”

The monitoring team is employing various approaches like confining the number and identity of individuals that mental students can associate with, offering counseling sessions, according spatial restrictions to the affected learners, temporary and permanent discontinuation of the students within the educational facilities. The influx reflects a level of inefficacy in the treatment and handling approaches. →

How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their essay sample

This paper will explore how community health nurses can apply the following strategies for cultural competence to their practice: cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural re-patterning, and cultural brokering. Cultural accommodation entails supporting and facilitating the use cultural practices that have been shown not to be harmful (College of Nurses of →

During then alerted teammates on shore. because

With the raid on Dieppe poorly planned it also comes with reasons and evidence that support its failure. One key factor that ruined the Canadians plan from the beginning was that the Germans already knew about the future breach. One of the key factors that ultimately that ruined the plans of the Canadians is that →

A review of fonterra group’s strategy and business model

Fonterra's Strategies Fonterra's business model is a farmer-owned co-operative, widely spread around the vertically integrated New Zealand Dairy Industry. At Fonterra, the goal is to build a business that pays the farmer shareholders the maximum sustainable price for their milk and that maximises profits from the capital invested in the Co-operative (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010). →

Economic development strategies in the middle east essay sample

The location, types of economic activities, political stability, and the state of the security are among the most essential factors that influence the development of the region. The following paper provides an analysis of the best strategy that suits Egypt and Morocco in terms of boosting their economic development and growth. →

Individual planning in open and typed agent systems

This are under national development category. The Subsidiarity Principle The subsidiarity is a local requirement, but it cannot be addressed on its own, hence it needs to be escalated to higher for decision to achieve at greater benefit. For example, if Scotland wants to reduce the carbon emission within its own state, then it →

Second many other subjects of the syllabi

It is alsoenjoying a place of compulsory subject among many other subjects of the syllabiin the institutions of the country. Many efforts have been made to give ithighly acceptable and due place in the society of Pakistan according to the newmodern challenges of the world. There is alot of confusion in the definition of definitive →

The brilliant healing facilities with the low

The Internet of Medical Things is fundamentally changing the delivery of healthcare by information exchange and unifying communications in unparalleled ways, and delivering the right information and resources at the right time to the point of care. Cost efficiency, reliability, and safety are the desired goals achieved with Internet of Things →

Example of case study on what conditions supply chain strategies of ports

What Conditions Supply Chain Strategies of Ports? Concept Jacobs and Hall argue that the strategic supply chain preferences of a port authority become accustomed to the territorial, institutional structure wherein the main actors in a port operate. Shippers perceive the supreme value of rivaling as part of an incorporated supply chain →

Saddle point approximation research papers example

The name saddle point derives from its being the minimum of the row that is also the maximum of the column in a payoff matrix, which correspond to the shape of a saddle. In this case, the payoff is called the value of the game since in the perfect information games, the players' choices of →

Analysis of competition and happiness by theodore isaac rubin: how competition reveals the ugliest in people

In my opinion, Rubin is correct when he argues that competition prevents happiness and satisfaction because competition creates never-ending stress and anxiety, because it focuses attention on what others are doing instead of self-development, and because it discourages cooperation. First, competition leads to stress and anxiety because it is a constant process that is never →

Why is strategy important to business?

Through the strategy process the overall direction of the company is set including opportunities and threats in the outside world and the internal strengths and weaknesses of the business. Organizations should focus on strategic management such that all levels of the management and the entire hierarchy of the company should be involved in both planning →

Samuel carbaugh essay

The story of Samuel Carbaugh is poignant in a sense that he had made sacrifices for his family and country but somehow he was not given what was due. Yet all he did was perform his duties as a soldier, brother and son to his mother and father. Seeing these, the letters of Samuel showcase →

Truman doctrine essay

As a result Greek was granted three hundred US million dollars while Turkey got one hundred million dollars.All this time the US government was in the belief that the Soviet Union was assisting the Greek rebels with both aids that is military and financial because of their war persistence but this was not the case. →

Strategic management in a global context essay sample

To evaluate this statement this essay will go into details concerning the topics of present and future external environment, review of analytical tools, role of analytical toolkit in a dynamic environment and also the benefits and problems arising from dynamic change, showing that coping with the dynamic of the business environment is a challenge but →

A brief history of counseling essay sample

Not only are the school environment and family affected, but society as well in the form of unemployment, teenaged parents, drug addiction and crime. This study focuses on the use of Student Success Teams which are used by counselors in collaboration with school administration, educators, the student, the parents and community members →

Abu ghraib and insaniyat essay

The reason for these terms in the context of torture is that the two cultures of the Americas and the Eastern countries like Iraq are in different stages of bashariya and insaniyat. This is exactly what went on within the gates of Abu Ghraib. Although authorities from the prison claim the torture was in order →

Free foreword essay sample

There is a need to connect the education sector to fasten the flow of information whose quality is high." The requirement for the learners to achieve high in innovative education makes ICT incorporation into the education sector eminent". Executive summary This document sets to establish the importance of ICT in UEM and to lay →

Good article review about nursing

CDC Trends and Analysis The health of Americans requires improvement in various areas and Healthy People 2020 focuses on improving the Health of Americans by: - Identifying and prioritizing health improvement opportunities through research and evaluation - Bringing together all relevant stakeholders including communities for a collaborative effort - Empowering people for informed decision →

The factors needed to create perfect business opportunity

The most significant opportunity for companies for starting international business is to corporate with foreign partners as well as the overlook of the emerging economies as these days, many emerging countries are dominating business headlines. In addition to it, many other resources like The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service and Export Development Canada provide help to →

Corporate & global strategy

This is a test of strategic analysis of the company as to how they can be better performed the business that they have selected. Take for instance the SWOT analysis that was conducted by JET Blue Airline Company in order for them to survive in their business. Not to mention the biggest →

Germany history essay

There were many times when the French could have stepped in and stopped Germany, but they chose to show appeasement until Germany became too powerful for them to control. World War Two took place because Germany had a strong leader, built their army up, and France and England did not step in to stop Germany →

Crafting strategy for organizations

He compares the art of strategy making to pottery, and managers to potters sitting at a wheel molding the clay and letting the shape of the object evolve in their hands. It is also important to synthesize the past, present, and future experiences of an organization to find the most effective strategy for an organization.

Adapting the learning environment for children with disabilities research paper sample

The research found that different disabilities and the degrees of those disabilities require correspondingly different types of adaptations to the learning environment in terms of modifications to classroom layout, lighting and furnishings, to classroom tools, equipment and play items, and in some instances even modifications to the building itself. From that starting point, the article →

Business level strategy automobile industry

Business-Level Strategy: Automobile Industry According to the text, business-level strategy is the plan of action that the strategic managers adopt to use a company's resources and distinctive competence to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals in a market or industry. Differential business-level strategy is used for companies in the business industry →

Jack daniel market entry strategy

Market Entry Strategy for Jack Daniels to Germany Products Being Exported Consumer: Jack Daniels Old #7 Whiskey Industrial: Jack Daniels signature Whiskey Barrels International Business Policy 490 By: Market Entry Strategy for Jack Daniels to Germany Brown-Foreman Company The Brown-Forman company who is the owner of the Jack Daniels brand →

Good essay on primary and secondary cancer prevention strategies

The aim of this intervention is to counter the effects of cancer cells through examining the root cause of the disease that enhances the colorectal cancer. Thus, it is crucial for Korean Americans to be well-educated on the risks of not preventing the growth of cancer cells.

My dream to become an entrepreneur

In my opinion, the United States of America is incomparable, when it's about business education and economic point of view. As a business fanatic, I actively participated in my college and school's BEE club (business, economics, and entrepreneurship). Social service plays an integral part in my life as it has changed the way of how →

To open not only inside the country but

Therefore, with the help of the senior high school, by the use of theeducational knowledge and awareness, Philippines' economic status will increaseyear by year. The role ofsenior high school in globalization is growth and because of their knowledge interms of economy, which is the very important in every country becauseresources are part of every growths →

Facilitation technique research paper examples

The second step is to modify the process according to the needs of the group. First is to identify a facilitator, a group of about five to nine individuals, and identify the issue being discussed.

Critical appreciation of the poem ‘ode to the west wind‘ essay sample

Have for most of us, and he found the same kind of intense significance in their manifestations of beauty that we find in the beauty of human belongs or of great works of art. The nature of this significance, he could not explain; but he could express it with enormous power in his art, →

Essay on the scorchd fly which once hath scaped the flame

The complex attitude of the speaker in For That He Looked Not upon Her using his form, diction and imagery to evoke the audience to question his enchantress. The title of the work For That He Looked Not upon Her gives a lot of suggestion about the meaning of the →


The poem " Horse" is a narration f the life of a horse with a connection to the life of Mexicans into the hands of Americans. The buyer of the horse did not describe in the poem but it represents the Americans because of the green money that was paid to the seller.

The complex character of satan and his motivation

Milton's theology is different in that it forces the reader to think more critically about the character of Satan, and how he fits in with the story of the fortunate fall. Man is one of God's original and prized creations, but is also much weaker than any of the fallen angels. Satan is unique in →

‘homegoing’ and ‘the odyssey’: hope towards coming back

In contrast, Odysseus's position as an Ithacan king affords his status and family a stability that prompts his unyielding belief in their continued immutability. Throughout the majority of his life, the institution of slavery prevented H from experiencing the kinds of family ties and pride in a community that define a true home. For Odysseus, →

Analysis pope’s eloisa to abelard essay sample

Following The Rape of the Lock, Popes efforts were directed toward a mode of composition with which he is not usually identified: the elegiac verses Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady and the romantic psychodrama, Eloisa to Abelard. Here the couplet is used not only ironically to counterpose discordant images, as →

The rise and fall of trajan

There was once a time that if a digital designer wanted to illustrate a story that was comparably epic to that of Homer's " Iliad and the Odyssey", to tell a tale of historic grandeur that feels as if it were translated from ancient Roman literature itself. Since then, it went from a typeface →

The hollow men by: elliot essay examples

I believe that the " twinkle of a fading star," as Eliot mentions in line 44, that exists in that world is a symbol of the dreams and hopes from within because of which life truly becomes worth living. Eliot makes use of significant outright imagery, such as the desert, in order to express the →

Book of ephesians – part 2 of 4 – syntax research paper

Vertical Diagram for the book Ephesians Chapter 2 1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work →

Free poetry analysis literature essay sample

The images of gold and silk allude to royalty and the reader immediately realizes that her love is priceless. The structure of the poem is similar to that of a hymn that focuses on love. The use of similes in stanza one reinforces the idea that the love the speaker is feeling marks the start →

Women in literature: oedipus the king and the odyssey essay

Two major works of literature, ' Oedipus the king' and ' The Odyssey', provide some of the best examples of how the role of female characters is portrayed in different ways and how these women influence the fate of heroes. The purpose of this paper is to review the portrayal of women and feminine influence →

Example of essay on i wandered lonely as a cloud

Presentation and Analysis of two poems ' I wandered lonely as a cloud' by William Wordsworth and ' Sailing' by the writer of this essay Reflections on the nature, tradition and reception of poetry as formed upon the readings of William Wordsworth's ' Preface to the Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads' and T.S. The →

Example of essay on poetry analysis

Lawrence although very often expresses his life experiences in his writings." Self Pity" is a very short poem but beyond the line Lawrence is telling a story. In " Self Pity" Lawrence is creating an image of a wild thing feeling sorry for itself. Lawrence stimulates the reader's thinking process." If never saw a wild →

Sparing nothing: the representation of food in the odyssey

Although food is positively associated with the Greek tradition of hospitality, Homer uses it in a negative sense in The Odyssey to represent the gluttony, lack of self-control, and lack of civility found in various characters. Upon docking their ship on the island of the Lotus-eaters, Odysseus' men engage in a gluttonous feast of lotus →

Literature review on dantes inferno

The Inferno is considered to be the most important part of the poem because it provides the description of hell. They are the main hero of the poem and his guide in the hell.

Death in the poem an irish airman foresees his death

However, the background is different: one is dying and the other's already dead. In the poem The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, Jarrell said, " When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose". Death is an extremely major issue of one's live. On the contrary, he wanted to terminate →

Emily dickinson’s success is counted sweetest

Emily Dickinson's " Success is Counted Sweetest" has been penned in iambic trimeter with the exception of the first two lines of the second stanza. The act of victory in such a stance of winning a battle is limited to the act of taking away a flag.

Similarities and differences in william wordsworth’s poetry

In addition to establishing the poem's verisimilitude, the imagery of a cabin surrounded by bean stalks begins to convey the sense of peace and tranquility which Yeats attributes to nature. Here, Yeats explicitly associates peace with the auditory image of a cricket's chirping so as to deepen the connection in the reader's mind between peacefulness →

Stylistic devices in my papa’s waltz

By employing the use of intoxicating tone, varying diction and metaphors, Roethke alludes to his violent relationship with his father. In " My Papa's Waltz", Roethke's tone is obscure; he speaks utilizing a type of style similar to that of a lullaby, every other line ends in a rhyme." The whiskey on your breath... Nevertheless, →

“mutability” by percy shelley essay sample

Victor has the dream of bringing life into a creature. The thirst for power has poisoned and destroy everything he cherishes in life when he has lost his loved ones and his will to live.

Analysis of job’s and odysseus essay

The strong character traits of the main characters Odyssey and Job in the epic The Odyssey and The Story of Job help develop their plots from the beginning to the rise of conflict and their resolutions. In his pursuit of litigation, he wants God to intervene on his behalf. In both, the Greek Gods →

The role of women in homer’s iliad

The women are seen as nothing but trophies for the dauntless works of men, but the roles that they depict play a crucial role in the development of the plot and storyline. In the Iliad, women are written with little thought put into the character, and they are thrown into the story merely for the →

Portrayal of women in the odyssey essay sample

One of the women in the story, Penelope, was portrayed as very wise but because of her gender she was expected to obey many of the men. In contrast to the other two women, Melantho was very malicious and was treated similarly to the men in the end of the book. To begin, Penelope →

Hector and achilles as a powerful and energetic iliad character

The flames of glory, appealing to force and a desire for immortality, fuel the heroes Hector and Achilles of Homer's The Iliad. The two warriors, fused into one persona, epitomize the " Homeric hero" at the center of the epic The Iliad. Foremost a fighter, the Homeric hero embodies the beauty of force, which, according →

“a martian sends a postcard home” by craig raine essay sample

The Martian in the poem does this because he has a conceptual viewpoint. The first time we see a metaphor is in the first line, " Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings".I interpreted this as somebody must have pointed at a book and called it a Claxton, or just referred to it as →

Romanticism literature review examples

Like their European counterparts, the English Romantics reacted at first favorably to the French Revolution and saw their own cultural and literary program as revolutionary. William Wordsworth is the poet most closely associated with the Romantic Movement, and his lyrics ' Lyrical Ballads' published jointly with Coleridge in 1798, articulates some of the →

Suicide note -janice mirkikitani essay sample

The speaker in Suicide Note uses much symbolism to try to express the extent of her sorrow; additionally, she articulates her own feelings of inadequacy while at the same time delicately portraying the futility of the entire situation. The very first simile in the poem, ? ink smeared like birdprints in snow.? →

Commentary on hawk roosting and the author to her book essay sample

This brings out the subject of the poem that the hawk is an idealistic [W2]and arrogant creature, suggesting that is Hughes is trying to challenges our perspective of being a human. As humans, many of us believe that we are the supreme beings in the entire world, that this world was created by God solely →

Poetry journal response literature review examples

The emotion of resignation is felt throughout; like dust, rust, and formal work that is " Consecutive and slow," the poem appears to depict " crumbling" as something that happens so slowly and methodically that it cannot be avoided. The last two lines, " Fail in an instant, no man did/ Slipping is Crash's law" →

Icarus as depicted by three artists essay examples

This is Icarus and he is almost as difficult to find within the painting as Waldo in a " Where's Waldo" book. Though Icarus is the only identifiable figure depicted in the painting, he is not given a place of visual prominence or attached importance. None of the men in the painting seem to notice →

Poetry analysis literature review

The paper will also highlight the themes addressed in the poems, use of symbolism, and the message of the poem. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is an autobiography of Maya Angelou that he uses to explore various themes of racism, rape, literacy and identity. Maya uses his autobiography to →

Odyssey and immortality

The idea of immortality has existed through the ages, from the ancient Egyptian's views on the afterlife and rebirth, all the way through to the Common Era with the Christian belief of eternal existence within heaven or hell. The video documentary, The Odyssey, explains the legend of The Odyssey as written by Homer regarding →

Good essay on robert frosts home burial and its place in literary movements

The lack of clear lines and rhythm keeps the reader off balance, which befits the unsettling and confrontational nature of the poem. At its heart, the poem is about the couple, and how they behave and interact with each other given certain contexts a very human and modernist outlook. The man, instead of being sad →

Main ideas of lady lazarus poem

The mysterious " it" she is referring to is not truly uncovered to the reader until later in the poem but as it continues it becomes obvious that the speaker is discussing her attempted suicide. In keeping with the rest of the poem, she is determined to be in control to fall when she wants →

Harriet beecher stowe essay

Her father was Lyman Beechen, born in 1775, who was determined to have a powerful role in the shaping of the new republic. In 1856, Stows published her second anti-slavery novel, " Drew, A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp," and then went on with a third, " The Minister's Wooing." Harriet Beechen Stows was →

Comparing and contrasting odysseus and percy jackson essay sample

Comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey, an Epic Poem taking place in ancient Greek culture, and Percy Jackson, the main character in the novel The Lightning Thief, likenesses and differences within their character traits are easily able to be recognized. Odysseus and Percy shared the characteristics of loyalty →

Short description: your fire and ice

In Fire and Ice Robert Frost uses the elements of fire and ice very symbolically. While he could be speaking literally of the destruction of the world by fire or ice, I believe he using the two elements to describe the two types of people in this world.

Road not taken robert frost

Therefore the uncertainty is the obsticle of hardship of his journey. Furthermore in the movie, The Wizard of Oz we distinguish Dorothy and Toto embarking on their journey. In relation to ' The Road Not Taken' and ' The Wizard of Oz' both texts, illustrate solitude, hardship, beyond the unknown and the uncertainty of choice. →

Discovery his blatant division from nature for

The hellish setting of the " Meatworks" is vicariously exemplified in thesynaesthesia of " the hot, fertilizer-thick, sticky stench of blood," denouncingthe industrial indifference to scruple shown in the degenerated standards, facilitating the confronting discovery of humanity's culpability. Graycriticizes the consumerism of the late 20th century as he delineatesthe extent of Australia's flourishing consumerism and →