A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Example of research paper on women in the sciences and engineering

It will be fascinating to observe the progress of women in the STEM field, how it came to their status in the field, and how can they move forward so that the STEM field will not remain " a man's profession," but a field where women can make significant contributions (Women of Profession in the →

Campus environment and policies

This would lessen their load and other matters regarding issues with the students since there is a program that would help in the performance of the students and their choices while inside the university. Academic advising program could help a lot in discovering the potential of students while camaraderie is built between the staffs and →

Admission essay on pharmacy school

I want to reiterate that I gained a lot of experience and therefore I passionately developed my love for medicine. Having left for Hong Kong for a I was again privileged to work in one of the giant pharmaceutical companies for over a year an experience which spiced and at the →


Strategies For College Writing: Sentences, Paragraphs, Essays Second Edition Jeanette Harris, Texas Christian University Ann Moseley, Texas A&M-Commerce Appropriate Courses Designed for courses in Developmental Writing and Basic Writing. Summary Strategies for College Writing offers full coverage of the basics of writing essays, paragraphs, and sentences with a →

Causes of high school dropout rates in the united states research paper sample

Prewriting Effects of high school dropout rates in the United States to the society and the high-risk groups within the community The intended audience for the paper is school management board members, parents and other policy makers within the public school systems. Moreover, their active participation in guiding the teenagers has the →

The problem of teen pregnancy research paper examples

Furthermore, because of the lack of knowledge about contraceptives due to an ignorance of that particular section of education, STD rates for teenagers were also on the rise. This is not to say that abstinence is not a worthwhile method of sex education; students do need to be informed that abstaining from sex is the →

7 lies all students tell themselves – yes, even you!

This term I will be more responsible with my money Managing your finances as a student can be stressful prioritise your studies and not your nights out and you will not only be surprised of themoneyyou save, but how much more productive you are with your revision after all, it's hard to study when →

Example of graduate school essay

Every day when I went to work, I felt happy to see the difference that I was making in the lives of patients. Later on, I came to realize that I needed to upgrade my education in order to make the most of my ability to help patients improve their health.

Free essay on process analysis – how to study for an exam?

The process of studying for exam is not as simple as it seems hence the question of " How to study for exam" has been discussed in this essay. Process and Analysis There may be a variety of processes suggested by many experts, however the following simple steps can be considered as the most →

Example of engaging class motivation in second language learning essay

Those programs normally apply to university-level students, leaving secondary school students out. A student that is encouraged is definitely a motivated student that participates in class activities and tasks and wants to further develop their skills related to the target language. The performance and motivation of a child with ADHD are affected by " his →

A study of how sat scores affects every student’s career path

Moreover, a critique of the results and the limitations that characterize the study in the chosen article is given in the paper. The relationship between high school scores, the SAT, and careers that students pursue is a critical matter that is well covered in the article. High School and SAT Scores For this particular →

Solution to global poverty argumentative essay example

The efforts of global institutions like the WHO and UNICEF has helped to alleviate the intensity of this menace but it is quite clear that there is more that needs to be done. So, as citizens of the most powerful and prosperous nations in the entire world, what role do →

Has the raise in the tuition-fees rule affected student’s degree choices?

Research does, however, suggest that both the availability of assistance and changes in tuition fees are having a direct impact on the willingness of individuals to participate in higher education, yet the precise impact of the new UK reforms in 2010 still remain relatively unexplored. ResearchPhilosophy, Strategy and Methodology The purpose of this research →

Study abroad research paper examples

The competition in the professional world as well as production is increasing all over the globe, with employers raising the standards for employment to include the consideration of the credibility of the institutions of learning. However, the costs of education and living in the international environments pose a challenge to the learners.

Grading system a boon or a bane

Grading System A Boon Or A Bane With the implementation of CCE or the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation , Many Changes were brought in the Educattion System suddenly! Good Morning/Afternoon Judges, The Host and all the people around here listening to me, My Name is ____________ and I will be debating on the topic- →

The positive influence of implementation of school uniform

School can be tough on kids and teens as it is, without taking away one of the few areas where they can exert some control and express themselves. Now, I used to be reluctant to oppose school uniforms. In fact, the most effective use of a sports jersey is to simply allow people to tell →

Comparing and contrasting snapping beans and behind grandmas house essay examples

From the various lines used in the poem, it is evident that the daughter is new in college and does go through the challenges that are gone through by new students. The poet uses irony to portray the hypocrisy of the characters. In Snapping Beans, the narrator tells the story of a speaker and her →

Free career research in special education teacher essay sample

The message is that disability is not inability, and one can live a healthy and comfortable life within the society despite the physical and mental challenges. My interests is to in this field is to focus on this minor group people with little bit of abnormalities and enable the disabled to coexist and integrate with →

Free essay about causes and effects of cheating

If the concerned authorities do not take measurable steps towards the checking and stopping of plagiarism and cheating, then our future generation will be in a state of complete ignorance. In a study conducted by the American Association of Colleges and Pharmacy, " data support the study model prediction that →

Student information system

3 Proposed System The system we are about to make is a web based system dealing with the Student Information System. 4 Advantage of the Proposed System As the system is a computerized system, it will reduce the effort to record the student's progress report on the files.

Essay on academic integrity paper

This was a probable cause of alarm that prompted my instructor to spring into action. The first action that my instructor took was to approach me and inform me of the concern that he had. In addition, I provided the answer sheet that my instructor used to substantiate the claim that I was cheating during →

Example of sexual health and youth policy youth policy regarding sexual health essay

It goes hand in hand with physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health in characterizing whether a person is indeed healthy or not, as opposed to the traditional definition of being healthy or health which suggest that health is synonymous to the absence of any disease, impairment, or pathology. The World Health Organization →

Birthstone summary research paper

Discuss how aquamarine forms and explain the chemical composition Aquamarine gemstones are members of the prominent beryl group of minerals. The dimension of the crystal is proportionate to the cooling rate.

Teaching evolution in public schools argumentative essay

These days, evolutionary naturalism is the most common perspective of origins taught in the West, and over the course of the last fifty years, evolutionists have been adamantly opposed to the teaching of different theories in public schools. There are various important arguments for teaching evolution rather than creationism in public schools. If creationism is →

Good the vark questionnaire: how do i learn best essay example

Writing and reading go hand in hand and they are commonly seen as a thing of the past, VARK is a platform that enables students to incorporate auditory learning and acquire the latest information in a much convincing way. Learning Style A person is said to be multi-modal if he or she loves the →

Students life

In the same context, many students feel that excelling in sports is a higher priority than school. Others may resort to cheating to make up for their lack of academicmotivationor live up to the standards set up by older siblings or parents. Make sure you maintain good sleeping and eating habits and, from →

A study of some grammatical errors made by arab learners of english research proposal sample

The reasons are far other than issues associated to the fact that the students are non-native English speakers and that is why this research study focuses on thorough investigation of the patterns of Arabic students' grammatical errors in their writing. Aim of research The aim of this research study is to identify patterns of →

The impact of operant conditioning on modifying students behavior

Thus instructors role is not only confined to provide needed information but also include how they deal with unaccepted behavior. My dissertation investigates secondary students' undesired behavior in the American division as it attempts to apply Skinner's theory of operant conditioning to modify such behavior.. Hence feelings of burnout and tiredness which instructors' undergo lead →

Personal statement on applying for doctoral degree of early childhood education

Throughout my professional career, I have also worked as Assistant Manager to the school principal. My rationale for applying to the desired program is to pursue an earlier research on the Impact of a World Festival on Children's Awareness of Other Cultures and to meet my current professional →

Causes of students sleeping in class hours

In this kind of search, we prepare some questions about this. What are the contributions of social media to the laziness of the students? Bored, not interested in class, not interested to the subject and sleepy because you are lazy and all you want to do is to use computer time to time.

Impact of maslow’s hierarchy of needs on students

Then things got more difficult and complicated when after few weeks of observing college rearrange the learner groups that mean i have to deal with a whole new group of learners. Literature Review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was developed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper ' A Theory of HumanMotivation' also known as →

Disabilities: autism and students kimberly

Multiple disabilities as defined by IDEA are simultaneous impairments which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in a special education program solely for one of the impairments. Examples are but not limited to: ID and blindness or ID and a physical impairment. Later like in high school, students →

Higher education and income literature review

The following examines the literature available on the subject to gain an understanding of the pervading wisdom of academic professionals on the correlation between education and income. INCOME INEQUALITY IN WORLD NATIONS In order to see if education and income are correlated, it is necessary to look at the →

Example of argumentative essay on spoon-feed is good for basic education

In high school and the elementary levels of education, the scope of education is limited to the extent that the teacher can determine that which should be expected in the final examinations. This way, the school with a spoon-feeding approach becomes more reputable in society than the one that employs many detailed approaches. Another advantage →

Free data report example

For both regions, peak transit hours appear to be between 6 am and 9 am, as people move from their homes to work the bulk of this traffic could be reduced with a more efficient public transit system, targeted towards professionals. Background The University of Toronto region was chosen →

Technology and young people essay examples

The new forms of technology have impacted our life in various ways, positively and negatively. Technology has enabled young people to get connected to their peers and the world in a way that they share information every minute of the day. However, they all affect the culture and society in life in that they only →

A study on the students parking facilities at uitm shah alam

To identify the preferences of the students park at the restricted area.2. Do you agree that most of the Mass Comm students disobey rules made by UiTM that are restricted to park at the staff parking lots?

A beautiful mind essays example

His remarkable advancements in the " game theory" and marriage with his beautiful student Alicia face challenge of his ailment of schizophrenia which perturbs his life. It becomes clear to the audience that the protagonist fulfils the DSM-IV criteria for the disease. The treatment was helpful for him and he finally succeeded in having some →

Good why college athletes should not be paid argumentative essay example

It would be hard to cater for the expenses of these athletes and may force college athletes to meet them. It is only fair for amateurs to remain dedicated to the college without complaining. The National College Athletics Association defends the policy of not paying college athletes.

High class students most likely to be successful

As for American society, harmonizing to Warner societal category is categorized into five groups such as upper category, upper in-between category, lower in-between category, upper lower category and lower category. Deriving entree to such dearly-won larning stuffs, in add-on, is a beginning of motive for affluent pupils ; nevertheless, it is unfortunate for →

Free enc 1101 essay example

The education system needs to embrace the latest smartphone technology and integrate with it to create a more dynamic and relevant learning environment. In the following few pages, I will discuss how cell phones can be integrated with the present education system to make it more relevant and interactive. A →

Why do the students cheat on the exams?

W we successful expert and the other case in which the student is Just trying to get the degree and is not into learning the major and getting a good expert , however shocking , but this case is very frequent in Iran universities. By dropping the second group out of analyze circle , we →

Essay on readiness to practice can readiness be measured

Readiness to practice Can readiness be measured? Objectives: To measure the readiness of BSc Nursing final year students on their readiness to enter into practice. Study Design: The study will adopt a qualitative design to measure the readiness of students to enter and practice in the nursing field. Current Stage of Study: The research has →

Example of evaluation of a speech essay

She also used rhymes at the beginning of her speech, which, I think, was a good way to capture the attention of the audience as she sounded like she was rapping with a soft voice. Overall, the speaker did a great job in her speech delivery as she was able to cover the basics of →

Discussing core academic courses research paper samples

Children who are solely exposed to only the strict rule of language, the absolute answers of mathematics, and the hard, cold facts of science, will create overtly formal, overtly logical, and emotionally cold individuals who lack the feeling behind how words can be used to change the world, art change perspectives, and that there is →

Avoiding taxes research paper examples

In this paper, these two means of reducing tax liability are analyzed as well as suggestions on various available alternatives of reducing tax liability. Effects of Renouncing Citizenship on Tax Liability Renouncing U.S.citizenship has the effect of reducing one's tax liability. Acquiring dual citizenship is therefore one of the means that can be applied →

Student council essay

I want to look back in my life and be happy of what I have and non repent that I did not have the bravery to seek different things.that I did not attempt and purpose higher.So. I need to get down doing things go on.and I need to gain that I may non be able →

Grades encourage students to learn

GRADES ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO LEARN There are many ways to encourage students in school such as prizes, and compliments. In conclusion , grades encourage students to study.

Good movie review about movie report on fist of fury

In the Fist of Fury, Wei used the killing of the teacher as the main reason that triggered Chen to seek justice. The heroic action of Bruce Lee when he brought down the villains is a fight against oppression. Chen was able to get back at the villains and avenged the death of his →

Free essay on when cheating is ok

The burden of high grades is put on Students in a way that they have to cheat to defend. According to a study done by the university of Missouri, 36 percent of students responded that cheating is ok in certain cases. Incompetent teachers are also a reason for cheating in school and colleges.

Undocumented students

These students find it easier to leave school and enter the working world. They are knowledgeable of the fact that, even with a college degree, they most likely will not find employment after graduation. The DREAM Act would offer a pathway to citizenship for many college students and members of the military.

Grant proposal: texas-based special education spanish literacy program essay examples

The idea to offer this type of teaching in a more formal environment with the ability to admit ten students at a time was conceived by the teachers as the Texas-based Special Education Spanish Literacy Program. Need The Texas-based Special Education Spanish Literacy Program would service 100 Special Education students annually. By preparing these →

Research paper on chinas problem with graduate unemployment

Yet regardless of al the impressive growth there are not enough for employment opportunities, and various solutions being offered as a way to help the gap. Problem: The expansion policy of the college enrollment rate brought about too many graduate, which caused to the involution of quality of education in college. →

Information for students about how to write argument essays

This article will be helpful for students who have decided to choose an argument essay as their task. Tips for an argument essay writing Topic for argument essay must be interesting and contain two opposite opinions which will be discussed further. Having considered two sides of the topic students should care about gathering evidence →

Situated cognition term paper examples

The knowledge in situated learning is seen as the actions of an individual or a group, actions and knowledge are inseparable in this theory while on the other hand knowledge is exhibited by the behavioural change of an individual and the organization structure that the learner assumes in cognitive learning. Situated learning and cognition in →

Example of humanities – aristotle research paper

Despite his exemplary performance at the institution, Aristotle did not Plato's position as the academy's director as many would have thought. After the death of Plato, Hermias, a great friend to Plato who was also king of Assos and Atarneus in Mysia invited Aristotle to serve in the court. With the permission of Alexander, Aristotle →

Example of analyzing a work based on the what and how work has taught you essay

By the time they decide to put such a work on paper or music, it has to pass through internal analysis of their hearts and the souls. It is rather unfortunate that literature teachers and students do not recognize the deeper inspiration that is in a work of art and mainly use it to improve →

First day in a new school essay sample

I am not sure whether he believed me, but I stuck to that same story when, inevitably, I was asked the same question on a few more occasions on that and subsequent days in the first week there. I was greatly relieved that it did not cause me any disciplinary problem. Later in →

Leadership in education research paper

With a focus on leadership in the educational system, this analysis will examine the role of Principal in the school and produce evidence as to whether or not the traditional model is sufficient in order to meet the needs of the modern era. In the end, this study will have →

Family literacy services essay samples

On the other hand, adult education refers to instructions and support services to persons who are of 16 years and above and are not enrolled or are supposed to be enrolled to a postsecondary school. Summary of the services provided by " Illinois Adult Education and Family Literacy Program" According to →

Course work on external internal and construct validity

Threats to external validity include inferences that are wrongly inferred from sample data to these outside forces, often due to " the characteristics of individuals selected for the sample, the uniqueness of the setting, and the timing of the experiment". Internal validity, unlike external validity, involves the factors within an →

Research paper on managing school as an adult learner

Below is a discussion of three of the greatest challenges that the people face. The greatest challenge that these people face is the pressure to find a balance between family and education. The concern should be on the quality of the time spent with the family rather than the quantity of time.

Evaluating all forms of working students

The facts speak for themselves, and the thought that students who work should be given the same amount of work as a student who only has to go to school is Ludacris. Student Athletes1 When it comes to student athletes it is a similar but different situation. As the workload is the same for →

Usc admission essay samples

More than that, Man has been able to constantly evolve and invent new applications for these rules, and even decipher new ones, unfolding new knowledge. Following this same fascination, I have entered some extracurricular activities that would feed my hunger for knowledge about the world's and Man's inventions' parts. One →

Critique and analysis of andragogy essay samples

However, the difference between an adult in a classroom versus a child is that an adult is not transient in the same way a child is transient. The adult who needs to learn the contents of a biology textbook is different from the young adult who is learning the fundamentals of biology.

Report on florida assessment for instruction in reading (fair ap3)

Lange uses the techniques of focus, proportion and relation to teach the viewer in interpreting the photographs, for the viewer to decipher the unspoken story of the people being photograph and not the author's own thoughts. Given the description of the author's intentions, the interpretation then depends on how the viewer sees the images based →

Free academic supsension latter of appeal essay sample

I had a difficulty in adjusting to the different systems from one school to another but I however, take the responsibility for all my actions that led to the suspension. At the same time, I was recovering from the death of my aunty who was like a mother to me.

Students guide

6 To find out more about aims and objectives check out www.tt100.biz/hda Business ownership B There are a number of different types of business ownership: Sole Traders - are owned and controlled by one person who is responsible for providing all the capital and running of the business with unlimited liability. This means that if →

Good how many students who are involved in extracurricular activities report to have research paper example

Conclusively, the study shows that indeed extracurricular activities influence academic performance, subsequently; this effect depends on students' involvement in various activities. - Problem - Purpose The main purpose of this study is to find out if these extracurricular activities in which students in Junior High School students participate have really →

Random of kidness essay samples

The vacuum cleaner was in the middle of the living room floor and dirty clothes piled up in the corner of her room. I was watching television in the evening when I suddenly heard a scream of a woman outside, and I ran out of my room to see what was happening.

The influence of study habits on students’ academic achievement

Very frequently the find out about habits and practices developed and used in high college. Study Habits will enhance or increase your college performance simply through using some techniques. Types of study habits Study Habits are the methods that you find out about the habits that you have fashioned for the duration of your →

The major causes of students dropping out

There are four major causes of students dropping out of school: The child him/herself Thefamilysituation The community they live in The schoolenvironment In order to prevent students from dropping out of school, we must attack the causes listed above. Parents fail to impress upon their children the importance of remaining →

Familiarizing students with basics of the science branches

The pupil requires some counsel to work responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. . The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. .

Plagiarism in colleges essay

The purpose of this article is for academia to have an honest conversation of the causes, and possible solutions, to help students understand what and how to address the problem of plagiarism in the University system. In the article " Winning Hearts and Minds in War on Plagiarism," journalist Scott Jaschik emphasizes the problem of →

Research paper on the transgender law

Society's negative perceptions and treatment of transgender people, drove Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender activists and allies to campaign for bathroom safety and policy reforms that will protect them from hate crimes and violence and which would make them feel being accepted for who they are. Their efforts and continuous fight for equality →

Influence of pornography among college students

Pornography is commonly known as the explicit display of sexual activity that intends to activate erotic or sexual arousal that is widely presented in the United States. Since what we see and hear is what we learn, in the case of pornography we have this possibility to repeat those actions.

Usefulness of site study for teaching hsie essay

First, the sites give learners an environment to come and experience of what they are studying. Teaching Studies of Society and Environment in the Primary School.

Pros & cons of test control

Today, I side with the millions of lost voices suppressed by the educational curriculum with a goal to persuade/bring light to the truth of standardized tests and for all to become creative and healthy students once again. Examinations, tests, and projects may be steps for success for teachers, but that is not the case for →

“nutrition policy in schools” argumentative essays examples

Officials: The government official establishes the policies in the school and provides incentives to the school canteen to ensure healthy and accessible food to children and family. The USDA is the Agricultural Department of USA. A minimum of one glass of milk a day contributes to the good performance in the school and day activities →

Humanities essay example

It subsequently helped in the development of humanities in those science students, and people understood the nature of humans. The study and understanding of humanities have been held to be the most important subjects that any student can be offered in school. For that reason, people are encouraged to learn and understand humanities to enable →

Sample essay on the different uses of calculus in medicine

With the onset of the 21st century, the advances in mathematical insights forming definitions and theorems underpin the variety of uses of calculus in medicine. This means in research, diagnosing, treating, and determining prognostic outcomes requires the use of calculus mathematical formulas.

The importance of reading essay sample

The increasing usage of technology and the decrease of reading is hurting the development of children in not only the category of reading itself, but also writing and social skills. When we live in a time where technology is directly effecting the education of students in an adverse manner, there should be greater emphasis put →

Free research paper on studying abroad: a literature review

Towards the conclusion of this study, the result of studying abroad will be discussed in detail as well as the factors that may influence the outcome including the participant characteristics, program characteristics and the personal experiences of the students in the host culture. Keywords: benefits, study program, global, multicultural skills, →

Reflective essay on students with disabilities

Catherine also shared a bit about her life and how she has been successful despite having a disability. Molly and Catherine are sisters who spent theirchildhoodgrowing up together. Everything Nola did for Catherine was to benefit her in anyway and help keep her leading as normal of a life as possible.

An evaluation of “grappling with the medicated self: the case of adhd college students”

This essay explores the different angles of perceived self that the students experience while juggling the role of a student with their medication for the ADHD diagnosis, which provides each individual with an altered version of themselves. The essay " Grappling with the Medicated Self: The Case of ADHD College Students" amplifies how the social →

Persuasive essay: should students work part-time research paper examples

1 March 2013 . Dundes, L.and J.Marx." Balancing Work and Academics in College: Why do Students Working 10-19 Hours Per Week Excel?" Journal of College Student Retention : Vol. 1 March 2013 . UC San Diego." Benefits of Student Employment".2013.students.ucsd.edu.

Good example of essay on comparison between the graduate and working girl

The film tells the story of Tess McGill who is a secretary in the Wall Street Investment Bank and a graduate of Business. Tess works in the mergers and acquisitions department. The paper provides a comparison between the " the Graduate" and " Working Girl". In " the Graduate", →

Free essay on design research

In this research, in order to collect data from the different demographics there is a utilization of different tools to be used to ensure a comprehensive coverage mechanisms and interpretation fundamental to the research. There are different research methods that are adapted during research thus choosing the correct method is →

Course application purpose personal statement examples

UNF is one of the best universities to offer this course, and once I go through I can be able to be considered one of the best professionals in this area of study. I would be happy to receive a place this university because it will act as one of the steps for me to →

Argumentative essay on school

The library has plenty of resources to help with studies, the classrooms are designed with the students in mind, and everything is centrally located, so it is easy to get from one building to the next. The teachers, while helpful, are often not willing to participate in clarification of their assignments, and the classes often →

New york university admission essay

The last, however, is New York, because that's where I want to spend the rest of my days I love that city, and firmly believe I have a lot to offer it. NYU's campus and opportunities also flatter my more adventurous side. With the help of NYU, I believe I will be able to take →

Student involvement

The involvement of students also include becoming a part of the community and sports within the school. Students take role in the community and sports, but also have to maintain a certain grade.