A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Experience as a writer

My experience as a writer as another individual in society and being student in school writing is a part of life. I have a hard time staying on one topic. I love to learn more about it and have better experiences as a writer.

Reasons for devotion to hindu goddesses

She is, however, a popular deity to worship in Tantrism, and is revered as the highest deity, above Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Millions regard her as Mother, and aspire to overcome the fear of death through confrontation. The first time the name Kali appears in texts is in Mundaka Upanisad, however, not →

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles

If, on the other hand, they are aware of moral theories and social policies that affect their own societies and the wider world, then they will be likely to make rather different and more sophisticated judgements,. The idea of ethics in business focuses on the moral or ethical actions of individuals. The economic responsibilities of →

Shc 23 – introduction to equality

The term ' Discrimination' means the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit eg racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.. 3 Equality and inclusion are the →

Physical activity is important for children develop

He emphasizes that sport is an important learningenvironmentfor children." Sport can affect a child's development of self-esteem and self-worth," explains Roberts." It Is also wlthln sport that peer status and peer acceptance Is established and developed." One way children gain acceptance by their peers is to be good at activities valued by other children, says →

Lactose intolerance

An inability to digest lactose and foods containing it is called lactose intolerance (milk intolerance, lactase deficiency or dairy product intolerance). Lactose is the main sugar of Milk and milk products. This disease is caused due to the abnormal functioning of digestive system. Due to the deficiency of the enzyme lactase, lactose remains indigestable →

The velveteen rabbit by margery williams: moral lesson

It's a story about unconditional love and real beauty" beauty that comes from the inside. The rabbit is teased first by the more modern and " high tech" toys in the boys room because he has no cranks or springs or other mechanical parts. The old, shabby skin horse and then the Old shabby →

A multi agency team of practitioners

The Multi Agency Team approach has many benefits such as there is better support for the parents and easier to meet every child and families individual needs and to address them more appropriately and children seeing professionals around then working together as a team. Communicationbetween different services and confidentiality is crucial when →

A brothers murder

In order for Staples to achieve success he felt like he needed to leave home. Staples did not want his past to affect who he was trying to become. I understand why he wanted to block out his past.

Auditor’s legal liability to third parties

What elements must be established by Musk to support a cause of action based on negligence? Since state law applicable to this action follows the Ultramarine decision, which sets the standard for auditor negligent liability by a third party according to priority, in which a contract or specific agreement exists between the two →

Importance of understanding other cultures

The idea of having after school programs to aid ELL's and their families in learning English is terrific. This will extend the learning time outside of the classroom for those who would be interested in participating, as well as, offering childcare during after school hours. Activity Three: Homemade Dictionary In this activity you →

Apple’s iphone – not “made in america”

It is inevitable since globalization is established and the companies use the skills, labor, talent and knowledge as a part of globalization of human capital. How does this case illustrate the threats and opportunities facing global companies in developing their strategies? But this is business and as an executive he →

Ielts vs toefl

The second difference between the TOEFL-IBT and the IELTS exams is in the writing section. The biggest difference is in the way that students write. For example, in the TOEFL-IBT, many students get confused while they are listening to the lectures.

Discounting & augmentation principle

Such that when we are asked to comment on how we were able to ace the exam, we might attribute it to our personal efforts and abilities or to mere luck. The principles of discounting and augmentation refer to the manner in which we use attribution. In this example, we discount personal →

Concerted cultivation vs natural growth

Siblings of the children approached with the natural growth technique have a stronger bond because they are often together and not separated by schedules, which exist in the middle classfamilyand fall under the concerted cultivation. Unlike children who go through concerted cultivation, natural growth children cannot practice their use of reasoning. Parents →

What is my today’s motto

Even though you are convincing yourself that you are good enough, it just does not seem to work. No one's perfect, not even the people who tell you that you are not.

No easy task

Youth problems range from poor school achievement to youth pregnancy, crime, and drug addictions. Many experts have noted that one of the major causes that contribute to youth having problems is the lack of strongfamilyvalue and substantial home-life. The variables we discussed are family structures, income level, media influences, and educational levels. It is important →

Narrative essay – jinny, winny, tinny and ninny

The four genies have a simple mind, so they do not think about the devil will lie to them, so they follow the devil to find the treasure and it take about 2 days to reach there. Few hours later, they reach the place, the devil is so exciting about the treasure that he have →

Nietzsche’s morality: false principles and premises

In this section, Nietzsche argues that the motives of morality stand in opposition to the principles of morality. A second example of a virtue that positively affects the individual and comes at the expense of society is the virtue of reflection.

Prufrock in progress

Videnov explains this by describing Prufrock's quest, " a quest for belonging, the examination of which could yield the message of the poem and the ultimately optimistic idea of love, as the title suggests, lurking behind the apparently tragic finale,". This statement establishes the irony in the desire to fulfill a journey →

Greatest lesson

In that story one of the characters said once to their child, " Imagine for a minute what kind of society it is in which people can spend on a toy what it would cost to feed afamilyof six or seven".poor people are also one the part of our society. That statement shows →

The precepts of ptah hotep

It states: " Be not of an irritable temper as regards that which happens at your side; grumble not over your own affairs." I believethis precept is beneficial because it focuses on being positive and not on being negative, and it showsrespectto yourself and to others. Precept number 19 tells us not to →

Morals vs. ethics

The reason for the same lies in the fact that environment has a huge role in the lives of the people and hence following the activities and processes in a very moral and ethical fashion would indeed be the best case scenario. More than anything else, it is the fight of morality and ethics that →

Contemporary moral problems and issues philosophy essay

And the second argument for psychological egoism is the so-called unselfish actions always produce a sense of self-satisfaction in the agent, and since this sense of satisfaction is a pleasant state of consciousness, rather than to bring about any good for others. 4. It's a will to the denial of life, a principle of dissolution →

Unskilled labor

1] which states that " customer satisfaction is the combination of both technical features and human behavioral aspects." It does not only depend on the quality of [product or] service but also on the behavior or attitude of the person giving the [product or] service [Ibid.]. The market is ever changing so are the minds →

Samurai dbq

In order for a man to die honorably, it was important that he was not reckless in his actions. The Japanese warriors believed in a high level of think nag and because of this, it was important that they strategies their actions." a real man 'is cautious in the face of difficulties, and deliberates before →

Rap and moral character

Their failure to see and condemn the message of the lyrics would itself be a moral failing. Other genres are not as unrelenting and uniform in their vision of the world.

Morals in the rime of the ancient mariner: appreciation of life

When the Moon is first seen, the Albatross is still alive and the Mariner remarks, " Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white / Glimmered the white moon-shine". When Life-in-Death is introduced, the reason is revealed and the central theme progresses. Although Life-in-Death and the Moon do not interact directly, their subtle partnership is depicted →

What is organisation culture

One has been done for you. It is difficult to derive a simple meaning of culture and many texts on the subject open their discussions with a range of definitions (Linstead, Fulop, & Lilley, 2009 and Taylor, 2004). For example: Culture refers to " a complex set of values, beliefs, assumptions, and →

My bestfriend

I can live without computer and TV but I cannot live without " friend" the person who is sharing my mood with me whenever I am happy or sad and I found " her" my really best friend who has nice appearance , good personality and I am very happy that I can be friend →

Home is where the heart is

Kids have grown accustomed to feeling like they do not belong anywhere; I was once one of those kids. I remember the bone-chilling feeling of seeing the black almost hearse-like car coming to take me away from the only place I was familiar with. I felt a warm drop of water hit my head." OK →

Huck’s moral dilemma – huckleberry finn by mark twain essay sample

In the beginning. Jim is depicted as a stereotyped and naive slave.and Huck and Jims relationship.at times.slackly resembles a master-slave relationship ; though Huck is non genuinely Jims maestro. he tries to move in a superior mode toward Jim.probably because society has taught him to move this manner. Though Huck still on occasion tries to →

Effect and impact of mergers on employee morale

These merger and acquisition activities shown a rapid change of banking culture but the employees are those who suffer from these M/A stages even mostly lost their jobs due to commitment with new management. The mainly purpose to conduct this study on merger and acquisition of banks and its effect on employee job satisfaction because →

Guy gode: rereading america

According to Kimmel, the Guy Code is the collection of attitudes, values, and traits that together composes what is means to be a man. In my opinion, I would have to say that this is also my understanding of what is means to be a man. I think of them as not →

Eco criticism on gender and sexuality

The complete life of man was expressed through the poems of Wordsworth like, " Tintern Abby", where he describes nature as his shield of protection:" The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, the guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul of all my moral being. The poems of Robert Frost are connected to →

Moral universalism vs ethnocentrism commerce essay

This report is a critical assessment of ethical and moral challenges face by multinational companies in their overseas business operations. Moral Universalism Vs Ethnocentrism It is very difficult to defined a similar set of rules of morality and ethics for each and every country of the world because every country, every religion, every community →

Reading response: lines of life landon

In lines 101 and 102 Landon uses imagery to depict the scene of a " pale youth by his dim lamp, himself a dying flame". The language Landon uses is very effective in creating a vision for the reader. This emphasis of mortality also strengthens my resolve to agree with the text →

Unit 48 p3

P3 Produce an Action plan for self- development and achievement of own personalgoalsShort-term goals Goals| How I will achieve these goals? | How long I think this will take to achieve? | Pass AS Level PE.| Do a large amount of revision and get the course work handed in by the end of term.| →


His life stories have had a vastly large impact on me, he made me realize that life is not always aboutmoney, although with it life would be a lot easier, but all you really need is people and things you love and your set. What I really enjoyed bout having him in →

Life span perspective

Life Span Development " The science of human development seeks to understand how and why people all kinds of people, everywhere change or remain the same over time, ". The three domains of human development are: biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development.

Charles on fire

Charles on fire, by James Merrill, describes a conversation about the trade off between the maintaining of appearances and the pursuing of spirituality, which the discussion happened among three friends. One of them, the bearded man, says, " Without your Intellectual and spiritual values, man, you are sunk." The beard implies that this man is →

The morality of phil in groundhog day

One situation in which the opinions of these philosophers could be used to evaluate the morality of a person is in the movie Groundhog Day, specifically looking at the actions of the character Phil. This shows that he is resisting the temptation to act unjustly without consequences, and thus his character is more just in →

Ownership essay

Whenever we listen to a good song the brain tells the body that it likes it so we get that little tune tuck in our head. Whenever get test back that I did not do well on, I get that sinking feeling and I get sad. Love, our actions, and our thoughts are →

Reflection essay on ruby moon

Audio effects would be highly effective in bringing these themes to life on stage. As many groups in class presentations demonstrated, Ruby Moon is a play in which the use of audio effects such as voiceovers, music, and sound effects is a part of the stage directions, and is utilised →

What is it like to be blind?

I could experience how hard it must be for blind people to perform their daily routines without meaningful help of a sighted guide. Besides, it became clear to me that it takes more time and efforts of the blind to perform simple actions and operations, like turning on the oven or looking →

Funny in farsi

Whilst she has changed her name some Americans that had been traveling in Iran had been taken captive and held for a period of time and while the news was going over the story people started to talk about the issue. By having the American name she heard things that the people really →

The crazy horse electric baseball game

Willie decides that night that he is going to run away. He goes to the bank, and tells the teller that he is going to buy a VCR, then he goes to the bus depot. He helps him up, then takes him to a restaurant where he agrees to let Willie stay the night, and →

What skills are needed to make an effective team member

Different elements of these are outlined in the following paragraphs. In our event unit 18 I kept an upright body posture to help me communicate my message in a confident way, for example I avoided crossing my arms in a defensive position when speaking to people, when listening to someone else, I would smile, frown, →


These issues include physical abuse and psychological abuse by her late husband whom the wife killed. The husband used to beat her and this resulted into psychological abuse for the wife which caused used the wife to feel pain as a result of being mistreated. Provide a rationale for your response The best →

The collection of stories deals with the everyday lives of indians abroad

In this story of cultural shock, the opening sentences which describes a bitter quarrel between Mrs. Das and her husband over who would take their daughter, Tina, to the bathroom, convey to the reader that not only does she have constrained marriage but also that her children are an obligation to her. →

I would like to be remembered

I worry about family and friends the most because they are my number one poorly In fife. My motto Is family and friends before anything and anyone. I worry about family and friends the most because they are my number one priority in life.

Positive thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

Advertising and marketing systems in the world

It reassures you as to where your money is going, and tries to dissipate any doubts you might have about the charity - these are the fears of older customers, proof once again that this ad is trying for a more mature audience. The NCDL needs only a relatively small amount of money for it's →

The development of morality

According to the article entitled " Moral Development and Moral Education: An Overview," renowned psychologists Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg concluded from their studies that children build their morals from the interactions that they participate in with others. This indicates that the interactions with adults are especially meaningful and holds a greater amount of influence →

The decline of moral education from the 1950s to today

However, if state schools try to take over thisresponsibilityand then train and educate them in a way to serve the governmentalgoals, though it might ruin their morals is a deteriorating condition in our education. States and school are not focusing on the moral behavior and attitudes. There are different leadership models and their qualities depend →

How many miles to babylon?

She has been taught only the proper etiquette of the wealthy at the experience of wealthy needs. The mother is jealous of Alec's father and their relationship. Moore as a Father figure He has more of a relationship with Alec then the mother, shown by his scepticism about Jerry and Alec's friendship.

Disobedience as a psychological and moral problem

Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist, and the man credited with liberating India from British rule led a campaign of non-violent, civil disobedience that made the continued stay in the country by the British colonizers politically and morally untenable. Imprisoned by the British for fomenting unrest, Gandhi confronted the colonizers' force of arms with →

Values and morals through native american myths and tales

Right off the bat, we see in the first story " The Earth on Turtle's Back" the animals in the story see the women and instantly try to care for and make sure the women is safe, " We must do something to help her" this shows somewhat of a base for the love the →

A simple exchange of niceties

When it is not, she feels as if it is hers entirely and gets annoyed when other people come and sit next to her. So the day that someone does sit next to her, and not only that, but also talks to her about their problems, she again lets the bench decide err →

How to survive the 1st week of college

To survive the first week of you college, all you need to do is have proper hygiene, quickly accommodate yourself with new friends, including peers and teachers, and lastly you should adapt yourself to your newenvironment. Basically, you should always make new friends during your first week of college because in the longer run you →

Whenever was to moralise man and society and

It is my moral duty to help the poor, the needy, and the sick, because as a moral agent of society I must try to create conditions which may contribute to the social good. If it does, the citizens have a moral right to revolt against the authority of the State.

Locker searches

By searching the lockers, they make sure all the students are in safe environment around the school. Diane Cooper, the president of the East Orange Board ofEducationsays " Students have to feel that they are protected from unauthorized or unprovoked harassment." It is the schoolsresponsibilityto keep the school safe and clean, and →

How will earning a degree change my life

People often say that college is not worth the time andmoney, but getting a degree and brining the skills you gained to the real world will be very beneficial to you. Some people go to college for the title for being a college student for others it's a way to leave home →

Positivism fuller morality

Hart argues that there ought to be a set of primary and secondary rules, which derive their authority and ' sanctity' from the Rule of Recognition., Hart believes a system consisting entirely of the kind of liberty restrictions found in the criminal law is, at best, a rudimentary or primitive legal system. Austin's theory, as →

Discussion board, jamie & carolyn

Transparency should not only be on their finances but should also be on the way they govern their organization and the people they hire to provide the services. Response to Carolyn Posting It is the dream of every human being to have a better life. However, as Smith →

Inventory and alliance supermarkets

Alliance Analysis The CIO for Alliance Supermarkets desires to make better use of the volume of data retrieved with each sale via the Point of Sale software that documents the sale of each product as it is bar coded. There are three key issues which the CIO wishes to address: →

Paul’s case: a study in temperament

Cather equates Paul's incongruity in society and corresponding weaknesses to the life cycle of the red carnations that he adores. The author marks Paul's attitude in the face of authority through his use of the bright, red carnations in a dull, grayenvironment. Like the flower's struggle to survive in the hostile winter, Paul's idiosyncratic nature →

Morality towards animals kantian vs utilitarian

Although the Utilitarian position on the issue of moral concerns for non-human animals is far from perfect, it represents a more justifiable position than the Kantians. It's not surprising that many of the people who argue are the very same people who are most interested in justifying and continuing practices towards non-human animals that cause →

Animals lack a moral status philosophy essay

To test for the safety of a shampoo, for example, rats are subject to experiments in which shampoo is placed in the rats' eyes to test for irritation in the retina. Singer's argument of the marginal cases states that in order for humans to be the exclusive holder of a moral status, there would have →

A review on factors influencing the prescribing patterns in paediatrics

Drug therapy is considered to be a major component of paediatric management in the health care setting like hospital2, 3. Prescription auditing is a type of vigilance activity, which is beneficial in a clinical practice in terms of reducing the burden of disease because of medication errors. Examples of irrational use of irrational use of →

Analysis of moral personhood philosophy essay

In fact, the more advances in the scientific understanding of the human animal, the more we struggle to ascertain the true moral " specialness" of humanity and moral personhood. Similarly, the notion of autonomy is dealt with insofar as it seems an essential component of an entity's acting for moral reasons and being →

Understand the role of the nurse

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to explore the professional responsibilities of the nurse and their role in safeguarding vulnerable patients, all of which are based around a fictitious scenario. Overall this assignment will explore and discuss many of the NMC guidelines about the above topics. It will give you →

Analysis of personal experience of teaching

UK 2012) Continual Personal and Professional Development " maintaining improving and broadening relevant knowledge and skills in your subject specialist and your teaching and training, so that it has a positive impact on practice and the learner development." Whilst preparing this assignment my Primary research was collated by using both personalobservationand informal discussions →

Brokeback mountain

Brokeback Mountain is a film that may be highly criticized for its content, yet exhibits a reality that people tend to deny. It is known to many that society dictates that love should be between man and woman, and not through the same gender. The film showed how much a couple's love →

Living with roommate

Weinblatt, 2010).ii) Roommate may make you feel uncomfortable when their partners or friends come over at night time or whenever you are busy or stay in room.iii) Some roommate may cause your secret to be revealed to their friends or other people.* Without Roommate i) You can have your own quite →

Human morality in the lottery by shirley jackson

In the short story The Lottery Shirley Jackson uses imagery, irony, and symbolism in order to assert that human morality is heavily dependent on the desires and expectations of the individual and ultimately the society in which the individual is a part of. Jackson starts the narrative as any narrative should be started, by introducing →

Sarah’s scenario

This is likely to give her a uncomfortable feeling because she knows she does not need to go. And that is because she knows it will cause conflict with her parents. Sarah displays conformity by giving in to her friends' beliefs because she went to the party anyway when she should not have.

Rag pickers in india

The rights of the Rag Pickers as part of the broad rights discourse have assumed significance in contemporary times. The research revolves round these questions. Some of the key objectives of the research are 1) to study and understand the socio-economic condition of the rag pickers, Second is To know the impact →

Madame bovary and the religious significance

Emma marries Charles because at the time she thinks he is her way out of small town life and the way to became like a character in one of her novels. This vision she dreamt of stayed with her and she recalled it as such a beautiful thing Russell's writings express that religion is based →

Case study: business morals and ethics

Whether Management decision to ignore the negative impact of the product to the customers" healthsince there has no enforcement of rule and regulation by authority? Whether ethical for the management to instruct Amine not to revealing the facts even though they fully aware of the negative impact of the products?

The shadow side of greatness

He is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century and a household name even among people who, like myself, consider themselves to be complete novices in the art world. I recently went to a Picasso exhibition. Any discussion of the most well-known artists in history would have to include his name. Falling →

Nt brief

12 | | | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | | | Pass | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Merit | | | | | | | | | | | | | →

Crime and pun: moral evasion in lolita

So says Humbert Humbert at the start of Lolita in his account to the " Ladies and gentlemen of the jury". That I, and everyone else who reads the book, call Dolores Haze by the name " Lolita" demonstrates the efficacy of Humbert's fancy prose style under the spell of his aesthetic mastery, we, the →

Ethical and moral standards philosophy essay

And in its turn, ethical and moral behavior of a person can be defined as a way of interaction with a society which is the least disturbing, or better, pleasing to the other members of a society. Societies function much more effectively, efficiently, and responsibly when politicians and elected officials are expected to →

Slade plating hbs case

HR Management The Slade Plating Department Roberto Strillacci Group D How would you describe the cultureof the Sarto group? The Sarto group seems to have a healthy and friendly atmosphere among its members, shown by their attitudes with one another ? e.g.week-end together, shared →

Moral and ethical role of government

To succeed in this endeavor, the paper will discuss different aspects of morality and ethics. Role of Government One of the central purposes of the government is to enforce the law. This is true in light of the task of enforcing laws. In order to get a better understanding of the role of the →

In penal colony discussion on narration

This event, where the officer dies, is called a " murder" as the original purpose of the machine, to execute over twelve hours is not realized. The explorer is impressed by the officer's devotion to the machine but the lack of action makes the narrator untrustworthy.

Building aspirations

A few things happened between that moment almost 20 years ago, when I decided I wanted to be an architect, and today. Despite me thinking from an early age that I knew what I was going to do as a career when I grew up, I had several occasions of self-doubt where I →

Sstill seperate still unequal

During the 100th anniversary celebration of the NAACP the president declares: " We have got to say to our children, yes, if you are African American, the odds of growing up amid crime and gangs are higher. Yes, if you live in a poor neighborhood, you will face challenges that somebody in →

Moral/social/political philosophy comparison paper assignment

Moral, social, and political are three fields of philosophy that contain its own set of principles that determine the ways in which one thinks and acts; however, each field is dependent upon the other. Moral and Social Philosophy Ethics, or otherwise known as moral philosophy focuses on the study of moral and value judgments and →

Boys vs. girls critical analysis

Theobservationwas that girls can do it while boys cannot. The reason that this happened is because girls tend to have more body weight in the lower half of their bodies than boys do so they can balance better. All of these examples and the experiment stated above just means that girls and →


The most Important action that a time advocate must do Is to make Influences. The most important action that a time advocate must do is to make influences.

Viktor frankl critique essay

Alfred Adler's theory was more to Frankl's liking, though, and that year he published an article - " Psychotherapy and Weltanschauung" - in Adler's International Journal of Individual Psychology. The next year, Frankl used the term logotherapy in a public lecture for the first time, and began to refine his particular brand of Viennese psychology. →

Summary of “‘indians’: textualism, morality, and the problem of history” essay sample essay

Morality.and the Problem of History" written by Jane Tompkins. an English professor at Duke University.the writer criticized the history authors and described the issue of jobs that are frequently created by different positions from the history on the subject. When Tompkins decided to make a research about the relationship between Indians and the European colonists.one →