A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Pop art

The relationship between pop art and comic does not portray a lot of difficulties in the approach that the audience try to relate the primary concern in cartooning and comics. The slang language that Clyde uses to approach Josie is awe-inspiring and uses his musical attributes to approach Josie. Self-referentiality is the situation where a →

Compare and contrast michelangelo’s david with bernini’s version

David's expression is cool and enigmatic, which distances the viewer and encourages contemplation of his beauty rather than empathy with the story of David and Goliath. Bernini's David, on the other hand, is leaning to one side, in a bent position. This is an open form sculpture which interacts with the space around it in →

Damien hirst art work essay

As I got closer I saw that the " glass" was in the shape of butterflies and it brought more attention to me. We are lucky to have his work on display in the Cleveland Museum of Art. He continues to make art today that stands out and is just as beautiful and interesting as →

Free essay about eastern and southern africa

Traditional African artists are skilled professionals not only in Africa but also all over the globe. Although in history, most of the artifacts that created by African artists were said to be unsigned, the authors names were not anonymous but were often known and recognized by the creator of the artifact and most members of →

Art history essay argumentative essay samples

But the connections between Greece and Italy throughout the vases are similar in culture and religion. Therefore, collected vases were stored in their tombs to tell future generations about the myths. Second of all, Greece and Italy, roles of using vases are sometimes similar or different.

What is art – discussion

In this short essay I will consider whether some objects are art from my standpoint of view and try to briefly explain why I think so. Toaster might be a work of art if it is a part of a certain context that sends a special message to an auditorium according to the conception of →

Claude oscar monet impression sunrise

That is why he tried to represent natural mist, rising sunlight, and darkened colors of objects with a means of first of all intensive feeling: extremly red color of the sun was hidden in a ghostic mist of escaping night, modeled by loose brushstrokes. Being influenced - in terms of their colours - by John →

Customizing the body and constructing gender

Customizing the Body and Constructing Gender Body Modification in Four Different Ways using the Terms of an" Artistic Gaze", " Medical Gaze", " Legal Gaze", and " Cultural Gaze" Introduction Body modification is the act of voluntary altering the normal human body conformation and appearance for aesthetic, medical, or non-medical purpose. The patient or →

X-men: first class

Magneto and his men use their powers to cause destruction while Professor X and his team fight for good. Generally, the movie centers on the characteristics and the extraordinary abilities of mutants, who come about as a result of the mutation of their DNA. The movie is engaging and captures the attention of the viewer →

Does art defy definition? essay

For thousands of years, humans have used symbols to tell a story or describe a struggle. Art is the use of these symbols, symbols that represent us in some distinct way. And until we appreciate art, we cannot begin to understand it.

Lysistrata by aristophanes

Warfare has certainly changed singAristophanes penned Lysistrata but the futility of war, the debasement of civilized human beings into savages and the inability of war to really change anything in the human condition are still relevant. The enemy, cause and motivation of the war is irrelevant.

Film studies

To do this, a filmmaker is required to carve up the action into discrete shots and re-assemble them coherently to hold the audience's visual interest. The simplest transition is the cut. The director trims each shot down to the wanted length, and attaches the strips of film together with a piece of tape.

Printmaking: an artistic medium blending the old and the new

Taylor became famous as an illustrator, creating lithographs that were used to illustrate the works of Langston Hughes, the most famous African American author of his generation. Taylor considered himself a surrealist, creating compositions that blended the natural with the synthetic in order to create improbably dreamscapes. Following in a tradition of →

The movie terms of endearment

The movie Terms of Endearment shows that there are terms and conditions to get close to the people you love, but we must try hard for that. In the last scene of the film, Flap goes to Tommy who is standing by a garage door.

Cataleya from the film columbiana

By this act, she portrayed a hero's characteristic of undergoing trials and tests to test her courage, the knowledge, and the capacity to survive. To Cataleya, her parents, who meant everything to her, were brutally murdered and this was the basis of her revenge mission. A hero, according to Campbell performs a courageous →

James nachtwey

Accessed on 29Th Otcober 2012 from Time: 1999 Image Title: Man's Imprint Size: 525 353 Figure 3: The picture reveals the utter reality of a new weapon of " mass extermination" - Famine experienced by South Sudans citizens and other people residing in wore torn states. Unity 8. These images →

The value of traditional form of art

People use this practice as a way of showing how successful they are in their life, which lends them a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. An important question that surfaces and is related to the article are, " can we predict the lifestyle of an individual based on the pictures he/she uploads on his/her social →

The baroque period

These strategies were deployed by the catholic popes and priests who aimed at restoring the glory of the Catholic Church, which had been lost in the sixteenth century. The use of light and drama facilitated the mission of the Catholic Church because these factors helped to inculcate spiritual emotions in individuals. These factors also helped →

The philosophy of andy warhol

The Philosophy of Andy Warhol In 1975 , Warhol published a book titled " The philosophy of Andy Warhol". One of the classic examples of Warhol's commercialized art is the Marilyn Dyptich. Marilyn Dyptich is a silkscreen painting created by Andy Warhol in 1962 that represents popular culture at that time.

Analysis of the film that thing you do directed by tom hanks

The title of the film resulted in a musical hit with the band " That thing you do". The film was released in October fourth 1996 in the United States of America and has a runtime of 108 minutes Major stars in the film, " That Thing You Do" include; Jimmy Mattingly →

Scholarly and journalism of vivienne westwood

Vivienne Westwood claims being vegetarian can cure the disabled: People in wheelchairs have recovered from this diet.[online] Retrieved from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/vivienne-westwood-claims-being-vegetarian-can-cure-the-disabled-people-in-wheelchairs-have-recovered-from-this-diet-9207273.html [Accessed: 24 Mar 2014]. The article titled (Vivienne Westwood claims being vegetarian can cure the disabled: People in wheelchairs have recovered from this diet) has been authored by Jenn Selby and in this article the →

I people, specifically black people, should strive

I will explicate Hughes's interpretation of the Negroartist's background and identity to elucidate his analysis of how the racialmountain stands in the way of true Negro art. The firstinterpretation Hughes holds regarding the Negro artists is this notion that thesocioeconomic status of the black family plays a significant role in thevarying views towards the →

As history – unit 1 essay

How far was the fear of the spread of Communism responsible for the increasing involvement in the affairs of south-east Asia in the years 1950-64? 4. It meant that black people were happy to serve white people and entirely satisfied with their role in a segregated society In the north Blacks were subject to de →


Armstrong is very clear in drawing a distinction of Arbus photography from those of the modern ones. Arbus has successfully constructed a definitive position on photography; she helps in drawing a thick line between the camera and the body. There appears to be a relationship between the three components of photography, the camera, the photographer, →

Art university help art students progre essay

From the Google, I know that cubism is a style of art in which objects are represented as if they could be seen from several different positions at the same time using many lines and geometric shapes. Arched some art work he did in the early years, that is just like what we do in →

Sample essay on late 18th and 19th centuries

Use either The Third of May or The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons and state something about light, paint application and the subject matter. Romanticism involves imagination and emotion as more valuable than reason. Describe the brush marks and the emotion of this work. This particular painting is from the Norwegian painter →

Across entrepreneurs and venture capitalists whose risk-loving

In doing so, it is necessary to look at the power of market driven mechanisms that have been carried out by the Private Sector. The Internet, Silicon Valley, Bio-Technology, and even Shale gas findings are a result of innovation led growth, propelled by the private sector, which has organised investments in such a manner that →

Black test car by masumura yasuzo

Black Test Car by Masumura Yasuzo In " Black Test Car", I suppose that the most essential image which speaks of the film's conflict would be one that exhibits a situation of Onoda in a shot that conceals his face or where it is most of his back that delivers a dark front →

Oral mythes and heroes essay

This eccentricity is a way of letting of steam, a way to keep cool that why there is no rebellion, it's contribute to order and so it has a great impact on social life. Being British is belonging to a melting culture

Development of ink painting in korea in twentieth century

Basically black ink is used for wash painting. Development in twentieth century: Born at the start of the twentieth century, Korea's modern painting early progress occurred all through chaotic era noticeable by Japanese colonial rule , the changeover to self-governance and the Korean War. The period was regarded as ideological clash and the illogical →

The picture of edouard manet the monet family in their garden at argenteuil

The aim of this paper is to analyze the work of Edouard Manet " The Monet family in their garden at Argenteuil" and reveal the peculiarities which are appropriate for this time period. As the Art of the Renaissance period, Impressionism is based on the characteristics and skills of the perception of perspective. The painting →

How close, hosseini, and robeson have affected the world research paper example

Considered by many to be one of the most important American artists, he perfected the photorealism style of art to a degree far beyond his contemporaries - and no one since has even come close to his highly-polished works. As a key contributor to the Harlem Renaissance during the 1920s, →

Zhang xin

The unique decorative style of Xin is the use of color with flowing lines and mysterious heavenly forms in the decorative paintings. Xin uses these techniques to capture the essence of the traditional culture of China in his paintings. This is a wonderful work of art by Xin.

Summary of the film “motorcycle diaries”

Summary of the Film Motorcycle Diaries The film details a story of such a big mile trip by a motorcycle, truck, raft and footto Peru from Argentina that was undertaken back in 1952 by Alberto Granado a chemist who was 29 years of age and his close friend Guevara de la Sema, a medical student. →

The last supper painting by leonardo da vinci

The painting depicts the supper on the evening before Jesus was betrayed by one of disciples where Jesus is seen eating at the table with all of his 12 disciples. Like most of Da Vinci's artwork the interpretation of the painting lies with the viewer which is the reason behind the several controversies and interpretations →

Kirkland museum of fine and decorative art

After the conclusion of this tour, all of the paintings that went on tour were returned to the Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art in March of the year 2000. One of Kirkland's pieces of art, The Expanding Universe, is on show from November 11, 2011, through April 1, 2012. The exhibition is a →

The art of frida kahlo

Kahlo was victim to a tragic accident early in her life which sentenced her to a life of pain and suffering. Kahlo pays particular attention to the element of both her femininity and her physical pain in this piece.

Aunt ethel is not stingy, she is simply frugal

Whether in the home, the kitchen, or the closet Aunt Ethel is always saving money. Aunt Ethel may appear to be a cheapskate, but she is simply being practical with her time, her energy, and her money. At her golden age, she realizes the value of saving time by utilizing it wisely.

One page commentary on a poem by pablo neruda

Although seeking to define the key themes and subject matter of poetry is always a somewhat subjective task, it is the belief of this student that the poem in question represents a type of common and broad based acceptance of humanity and the means whereby each and every individual approaches knowledge and education through a →

Looking at movies: by richard barsam & dan monahan, ny: w. w. norton & company 2009. 3rd edition

Since then movie and film, industry has grown thanks to technological advances and government incentives. At the dawn of 1960s, movie industry saw major innovations like invention of projectors to project movies to appeal to big audience. In the movie Kleingeld, background music and color together with setting help to show the theme of poverty →

A streetcar named desire

Therefore, some of other cinematic changes made on the film were censorship approvals that led to the film becoming a failure and subject to artistic mockery. There were other changes made due to objections, for instance in 1993, there was a restoration of this film after changes were made on the original version in Legion →

Analysis of picture by clyfford still

Color shades in this artwork dominate the left side of the portrait where the illumination seems to emanate and in the sky. This is evident from the main object's piece protruding piece from the right and casts shadow just beneath it in relation to both the man and machine like forms found in the background. →

Itec discu.1

A main issue in the management of an organization is the necessity to constantly develop programs in accord with the changing of the times and the dynamics of the business. CEO David Abney takes on the challenge of finding a way to cut down cost on its e-commerce shipment and IT is surely a main →

Business intelligence

Business intelligence Memo Business intelligence memo Human Resource Department FROM: Martin Sommer, Managing Director. Subject Re: The emergence of digital business strategy I want to bring to your attention that in this article, the authors highlight how the emergence of digital business strategy has transformed businesses in the world. The author observes →

The natural film vs novel essay sample

In the novel and the movie, the Natural, many differences in the plot, the characters, and the theme give both a very different mood and overall meaning. Roy's relationship with Iris, the incident when Roy gets poisoned, and the ending all effectively display the differences that have such an important bearing on the →

An analysis of to kill a mockingbird

The events of the novel are presented through the eyes of a young, innocent narrator who plays a big role in the theme of growing up and her untainted approach amongst a racist society. The event's that occur in the novel such as the racist attitudes of the town and the unjust ruling of the →

Things fall apart: egwugwu mask

The Egwugwu were seen as wise and ultimately the most respectable members of the clan. They would review a case of the people and agree on a ruling they felt was " just". Even though there were some people who did not agree with the decisions of the Egwugwu, they never dared →

Technique of indirect characterization in “the great gatsby”

Gatsby, the true representative of all the greatness, richness, and beautifulness of the period, plays the main role in the novel by being the most mysterious and fabulous person. There is another situation when Nick finds out some negative characteristics of Jordan, such as carelessness, the unsuccessful time period of Gatsby's life becomes being known →

Scout’s journey to womenhood

Scout was no longer oblivious to the effects of being Atticus Finch's daughter, a girl whose father was on the negative end of a unfair court case. Slowly, throughout To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout learn to contain her explosive temper, realize the racism in society, and learned to become lady like.

The use of alienation in the metamorphosis essay sample

Even before the metamorphosis occurs, Kafka shows Gregor's feeling of being distanced from his family when he reflects on his life as a traveling salesman. Kafka brings about a sense of Gregor's imprisonment from the outside world when Gregor comes to realization that he is no longer capable of carrying out his normal human →

Soiled conscience in “great expectations”

However, Pip's coming of age occurs when he realizes the futility of substituting superficial scouring for the inner cleansing he finds by the novel's conclusion. Pip's experience with the convict in the marshes leaves a stain on his conscience that stays with him into his adulthood. As he grows older, the guilt of disobeying his →

Bread givers essay examples

The plight and the nurture of dreams are both expressed through the lives and characters of the daughters of Reb Smolinsky, the Russian immigrant. The contradiction and resolution is the central premise of the novel. Reb Moisheh Smolinsky is a name which stands for the unworldly man devoting all his →

Life of pi critical essay

He then tells a much more brutal, realistic story where the animals are now metaphor for humans. The reader is then left to decide which story is the " true" story, and in the process, understand Martel's message about the need for us to address difficult truths through the medium of storytelling, →

Things fall apart and the spirit world

The people of Umuofia call upon representatives of the spirit world as a means of hospitality. The people of Umuofia depend on representatives of the spirit world to help them with their problems specifically help with punishments.

Kushal timala

The idea of escapism can be found in The Man who lived Underground where Fred Daniels creates his own world under the city, in The Awakening where Edna fantasizes about Robert and the ocean and in The Metamorphosis where Gregor imagines himself to be a pest. So, as to escape from the police he goes →

Things fall apart is going to be

He is also the best wrestler of his nine villages because he defeated Amalinze, the greatest wrestler who was unbeaten for seven years. The white men of Great Britain would try to take over Okonkwo and the village of Umuofia with imperialism and colonialism. The poem was describing the native people and what duties the →

Pride and prejudice

Joe Wright makes us see the hardship their love endures throughout the movie with camera angles changing and music setting the type of mood, such as the very first time they dance and everything is tensed up until the rest of the people in the room seem to disappear and it is only →

Kafka’s metamorphosis

Austrian writer Franz Kafka is one of the greatest writers in the history of German literature in the 20th century, the originator of western modernist literature, the representative figure of expressionist literature and one of the founders of postmodern literature.U.S.playwright W H Auden said before: " As far as the relationship between →

Tim o brien’s the things they carried

The Things They Carried told a story of how the war changed a person, in this case, it was Tim O'Brien. It showed the struggle he, and many soldiers in any war went through to be able to overcome the grief and the struggle to deal with death. For example, in The The Things Carried →

Free research paper on feminism in mary shelleys frankenstein

Frankenstein's monster learns as well, but out in the barbarous wilderness Shelley makes the monster the creation of a man to prove to society that even if women's role is reproduction and childrearing, it is a role that men cannot grasp. Even as she does so, she mocks the world with the death →

The scarlet letter and the crucible – comparison of proctor and dimmesdale essay sample

Also, the societies in which John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale lived in have a fair amount of topics that can be compared and contrasted together to further backup the fact that these men, despite their differences, were very similar. Of the similarities between Proctor and Dimmesdale throughout the book the reader is told that →

Stormy relations and developments in novel ‘my antonia’

As of today, Bohemia is part of Austria, but in the novel, the Bohemians and the Russians Peter and Pavel are treated almost like outcasts. The Russians and Bohemians do odd jobs, have the most difficulty learning the English language, but Cather wants the audience to understand that they are equally important to the story →

Back to the dreamtime

In chapter 5 also, they have hang out at the railway tracks. They discuss about planning to go Alice Spring and Bradley planning to follow together and they agree with that because Bratley and his father usually go to explore. He as brother feel responsible to take care and help their brother.

Things fall apart chinua achebe

A community and or individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal's by the society. When the white missionaries come to the village of Ambulant they eventually build a hospital and a school, and welcome everyone to ]Olin In their beliefs bringing the Isolated and →

Things fall apart essay

The social class system today, in comparison to Ibo culture, is arranged differently, but the principles remain the same. In the Ibo culture, nature is such a valuable asset, it is considered to be a gift sent by the gods.

English 102

The usage of the first-person point of view immediately presents the narrator to be a round character, due to the intimate opportunities the style of writing provides for fiction writing. Since he is a round character, the reader has a stronger connection with him, and ultimately will reap the moral of the story the author →

Pentadic analysis of anthem by ayn rand

A key characteristic that governs the ideology of Anthem is Collectivism, a political and economic theory that states the worth of an individual is within the group, emphasizing that the individual himself carries no value. The protagonist of the novel, Equality 7-2521, is regarded as a fragment of the group whose sole purpose is to →

Literary analysis: the wars essay sample

When Robert is first introduced in the story, he is reminded of a former girlfriend of his upon waiting at the train station. In this instance, Heather wants Robert to show his loyalty to her by fighting another man. When Robert does not agree to, it shows that he is the opposite of a woman's →

Biddy’s role in great expectations

She does, however, serve as a constant reminder to Pip of what he is leaving behind and, as she is more of a peer of Pips because of her intellect and age, she allows Pip an opportunity to articulate his thoughts more candidly and thoroughly at key points in the story. Dickens uses Biddy to →

Good research paper about bodega dreams

Furthermore, Bodega Dreams was declared " Best Book" and " Notable book" by the Nation's leading newspapers, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. Bodega Dream by Ernesto Quinonez, as a novel in 2004, was proclaimed the " New immigrant Classic" and " a stark evocation of life in the projects of El →

“the 1959” by thulani davis essay sample

The linguistic code of turn-of-the century minstrel shows becomes the code of the town when the school integration issue is raised. The story of Willie Tarrant and her community serves as a testament to the power of the community that band together.

The pickup by nadine gordimer essay sample

In this essay, I will try to provide a detailed commentary on the opening of the second part of the story and the role that it plays in the novel. What Gordimer also refers to in this passage is that Abdu is going to start dominating his relationship with Julie which is again- contrasted with →

Invisible monsters by chuck palahniuk essay sample

Not only does she crumble inside, but her life also collapses around her. Occasion: The occasion is that the speaker, Shannon Mcfarland is an incredibly beautiful supermodel: posing in her life as she is being photographed, admired, and trying to cope with the loss of her brother and the dysfunction of her life at →

Free essay about mao ii

This paper gives a critical analysis of the power of the crowds as the major theme of this novel. The Theme of the Power of the Masses In his life as the protagonist, Bill faces a dilemma of struggle between himself and the rest of the society. They managed to pull him out of →

Money and marriage in pride and prejudice

Bingley arrives into their neighborhood and begins to show affection to the oldest Bennet sister named Jane, the motions of drama are set. However, despite Mr. Collins is the next bachelor met, and is going to inherit the estate after Mr.

Chinua achebe’s novel things fall apart

Oknowko, the protagonist in " Things Fall Apart", is the representation of the African Ibo society and throughout the novel he begins to unravel just as the society. In " Things Fall Apart" different aspects of the African Ibo society began to fall apart such as the religious beliefs, the government, and the economic system.

Comparative study for tess of d’urbervilles and jude of the obscure

The aspects are, the changing of the ideas for the Social Class, women being dominated by the men, love, the existence of injustice and the naturalistic nature. In Hardy's book, Jude is portrayed as the dreamer. Jude is dark and not sympathetic account for the insuperable obstructions of the existence of human that show the →

Things fall apart answers

Beriberi refusal to participate in the killing of Shameful in light of Ginkgo's action showed that he was wise and had a different temperament from Awoken. The sixteen year old boy who had been killed was the son of Queued. Awoken was exiled in order to cleanse the land he had polluted by →

Crime and violence in parable of the sower

The lens in which we view humans in Parable of the Sower is plagued by violence and crime due to the depletion of natural resources which creates conflict and competition bringing back the true human nature of selfishness and competition. Butler shows that the inherent evil and selfishness of humans when under pressure through motifs →

Gender based discrimination in the novel things fall apart

Therefore masculanity is associated with agression and violence. And that situation leads to discrimination and conflict between the two genders. But unfortunately, the gender-based discrimination happens everywhere, even in the western , industrialized nations that are thought to be closest to an ideal modern egalitarian treatment for women. Although western women have →

Dramatic symmetry in great expectations

Magwitch is proud of " the gentleman what I made!" and enthralled with the idea of Pip's transformation. It's this secrecy that gives Herbert the confidence to act on his dreams of pursuing a partnership and ultimately become a successful man. Dickens' use of dramatic symmetry makes characters, events, and circumstances more poignant.

Things fall apart: chapters 15-25

Obierika tell Okonkwo about the events in their village and says he is going to keep harvesting and selling yams off of Okonkwo's farm and give him the cowries from it, and that is why he carries the bags of them. Chapter 16 The chapter takes place another two years after the last, a →

Gardens in pride and prejudice essay

Collins also talks about every single detail in the garden without giving the ladies a chance to share their views on the same. He boasts about how he knows the number and the location of each and every tree in the garden. Additionally, Collins is a proud and boastful man; he likes to show off →

Example of charles dickens literature review

The satires and rhythms, vividness in details, use of figurative languages and his prolific linguistic creativity are some of the hallmark features of his writing which combined with his experience of harsh reality in the very early phase of his life has created a genre of its own famed as Dickensian style. Born as the →

Jung’s psychology in fifth business by robertson davies

By combining the characters in the book and the ideas of Carl Jung, Davies was able to create, arguably his best piece of literature. Many of the characters in the novel are based around the concepts of Jung.

The unique relationship and the second world war

He then expresses his knowledge of Churchill's campaign to get America involved in the war. Kimball explains that each leader of the alliance goal was to protect their national interest and hold on to their power until they did not have a choice. He notes that the idea of self-determination was discussed →

Religion and isolation in the stranger and chronicle of a death foretold essay sample

In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the main character is an avid follower of his religion; and such, he is a member of the community and has many relationships with other members of the community. In The Stranger, the main character Meursault is very distanced from religion. At the very beginning of the novel, →

The story of okonkwo: a fine balance of hope and tragedy

Protaganist Okonkwo, appears to uphold the ways of his ancestors, and to represent the elite of his culture. To the Igbo oral tradition, the power of the story becomes the very medium through which culture is transmitted- just as palm oil is needed for the sustenance of an Igbo person.

Chopin’s sea: maternal or mystical?

The following evidence is more suggestive of the female embodiment of the water." The sun was low in the west and the breeze was soft and warm". The softness and embracing nature of this sea offers a far more maternal disposition to Chopin's sea.

“to kill a mockingbird” – novel of contrasts essay sample

In order t build the snowman they required " five baskets of earth and two baskets of snow.."., by building a snowman with a foundation of earth, this clearly illustrates how the black people of Maycomb keep the town supported, and the white people the " snow" are just there for the appearance, to make →

Lord of the flies

Lord of the Flies can be interpreted as a political, psychological, and religious allegory. Lord of the Flies can be exposed as a political allegory to the Second World War, as well as a psychological allegory to Sigmund Freud's theory of the id, superego, and ego, and furthermore the novel is a →

Atticus finch character sketch essay

Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb, the representative of Alabama in the State Legislator and the father of Scout and Jeremy Finch. He is a defender of justice and he fights for it even if he is sure that he will be beaten at end." Atticus' wise and understanding attitude is because he is quite →