A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Example of movie review on sociological aspects of lord of the flies

The movie/story have famously been referred to as a display of the cruel and malicious nature of human being that is innate and likely to be released when societal rules and boundaries are removed. Evidence of the necessity of Functionalism is seen when the horrors and chaos of life occur among these group of boys β†’

Free creative writing on motivation based on movie stand and deliver (1988)

It is as a result of his motivation and determination to teach math at the school, he does not consider the history or the views of the critics to the idea. A motivated individual can change and shape their destiny as well as the decisions that they make. It also took the motivation of the β†’

Geography essays examples

However, socio-economic indicators, political maturity, condition of health and education sectors and general awareness of the masses are the factors most commonly used to make the distinction between developed and developing countries. The biggest difference between the developed and the developing world lies in the socio-economic sphere. Overall, in the sphere of economy the developed β†’

Three questions about the reading are essay example

Introduction and History of Open Source Software As a computer user, most people will be aware of paid software and open source or free software. Open source, as the name suggests, is any free software product that allows the user to use, modify and redistribute the software.

Example of child labor essay

Effects of Child Labor on Children and the Society Child Labor is considered as one of the most common and forms of human rights violation. Basically, the goal of the project is to educate the public about the harmful effects of child labor on children and the society as a whole. Many employers β†’

Climate change man-made argumentative essay sample

These gases are mostly directly released in the earth's atmosphere causing earth's climate to change in various ways." Various threatening climate changes will to occur due to various activities by humans". Arguments 1. Average earth's surface temperature is raising. a) The earth's surface and climate get warmer during the β†’

Free research paper on a brief overview of online colleges

These types of students appreciate the flexibility and convenience that online education provides in terms of managing their schedule and time as it allows them to complete their educational requirements without having to resign from work or leave their homes. In addition, it helps students to develop appreciation of other cultures through their interactions with β†’

Parkinson’s disease business plan examples

The rate of progression of the disease is proportional to the rate of drop in the level of dopamine. This factor supports the belief that a genetic link exists in the development of the disease. A decrease in the levels of estrogen poses a greater risk in the development of the disease.

Mathematics essay

We use probability to determine the likelihood or the chance of a person suffering from cancer that is caused by tobacco in developed countries since we can see from the chart the percentage of people who suffer from cancer that is caused by tobacco to be 16%, we are able to deduce that since probability β†’

Developmental psychology

Developmental psychology, also described as human development, is the scientific investigation of methodical psychological modifications that take place in humans in excess of the path of the average life span. Originally concerned with infants and young children, the field has extended to include adolescence, adult development, the aging, and the entire life span. This field β†’

Learning theories in practice essay

One of the styles that have been developed from Vygotsky's learning theory. The scaffolding technique provides the learner support before gradually decreasing it in order to let the learner execute the concept on their own. These goals are: to help Tim get the good grades as he used to and also change his perception that β†’

China in den’s years 1976-2011 essay example

This video document the most critical point in the history of china was the country was struggling through several challenges in the growth of the economy. The video presents the decisive issues which China faced in relation to its economic growth as well as the changes in the political structure of the country. This violent β†’

Personal development and study methods

I will have more time for my hobbies for example: If I am a good writer, morning time is the best time to write as my mind will be fresh and by seeing the beauty of nature, new and innovative ideas will come in mind. The way I will plan on about doing my work β†’

Surgical infection term paper examples

These key principles include: The process and the decision making part have to be transparent, consultations have to be made, dissemination and implementation have to be effective, review of the guidelines has to be done regularly. They also ensure that the guidelines have recommendations on how the public sector and partnerships that deal with health β†’

Sample essay on lev vygotskys theory

His view was that the development of mental functions was a factor of culture, through the tools of intellectual adaptation, which differed from one culture to another. In the theories of cognitive development, language has been found to be a contributing aspect of mental development. The Zone of Proximal Development lies between the actual development β†’

Example of essay on ease of day to day jobs

On the internet it includes graphics, audio and video files, web designs, web pages, articles, designs and of course the software. Why is IP thought to be a good thing? IP is thought to be a good thing because like tangible things, when someone robs an idea or a design, or a web page or β†’

Key to success exxonmobil essay sample

ExxonMobil was the largest non-government owned company in the integrated oil and gas industry where they contributed three percent of the world's oil and nearly two percent of the world's total energy. A big global distribution network helps increases the capacity and distribution efficiency of ExxonMobil's products to the market.

Development of the modern submarine

Advanced Chemistry January 30 2013 The Development of the Modern Submarine Since the invention of the submarine, all water travel and warfare have dramatically changed. It is rumored that Alexander the great walked under water in a bell like shaped device that acted as a submarine. In 1776 David Bushnell β†’

My strengths essay sample

It is easy for me to create a rapport that enables my colleagues to feel free to participate and contribute to the organization. I am a firm believer of learning by doing. I am often unable to develop my emotional intelligence as a result I am unaware of my sub-ordinates, their needs and working styles. β†’

History of psychology versus the nurture of gender essay

In this debate, the nurture of gender offers evidence for the influence of nurture in gender development, where it covers issues such as gender roles, gender identity and sexual orientation. One of the main reasons why the history of psychology is more interesting than the nurture of gender is its β†’

Wheelans four stages of group development essay examples

Nevertheless, my team survived through this stage by collaborating with each other and working as a team. I believe that having a team contract is essential because it not only states our goals and what we are trying to accomplish but it also brings us together by putting our differences aside and building a feeling β†’

Music listening critique essay

For the purpose of this essay, the first movement of this symphony is going to be analyzed to reveal some of the essential features of a symphony. The third movement of this concerto is the most outstanding.

How long-standing conflicts between groups are passed on from one eneration to another essay

Thus, the following generations in both groups grow up believing in and supporting the factors that caused the conflicts; this results in its progress through the groups' generations. The role of social interaction in long-standing conflicts, between groups, is evident through an analysis of the symbolic interactionism perspective. In various parts of the world, the β†’

Example of understanding how gangs grow and develop essay

The gangs parents hope to have their children are not kept off from gaining counter social learning as well as role modeling behaviors that raise the chances of the children being impacted by the gangs. This is due to the fact that the gang parents struggle to train and make their children devoted to their β†’

Good example of essay on sum

And, this is the reason, due to which, he will be learning the language, behaviors, and other forms of understanding from his parents, friends, relatives, and peers of his community. There will not be any major difference between a given child and rest all the people of his community.

Free essay on intervention strategy

The paper ' Learning Disabilities and Young Children: Identification and Intervention' focuses on the identification of learning disabilities in children at an early age (i.e.from birth through about four years of age) and using effective instructional programs to promote development. Its overall impact should be such that the progress is meaningful and long-lasting. The β†’

Report on effect that both macro and micro influences have on gender and sexual identities

A socially based research shows that the women have majorly dominated than men in the agricultural practices. Macro and micro influences try to concentrate on the view of gender inequality and the impact it has on the economic development. The cause of income inequality occurs in the differences in the individual productivity, attributable to gaps β†’

Developing countries

Those in developing countries often lack access to suitable health care, which affects the level of libeling they experience Environmental characteristics People in developed countries generally have access to a quality food supply however those in developing countries often lack food security Compared to developed countries, many people in developing countries lack access to adequate β†’

Research evaluation course work

This is a quantitative research while the former is a qualitative research. A business research can be preferred as a non-linear if the process does not follow a predefined manner. It employs the discovery, interpretation and development of new methods that would result in establishment of new knowledge, explanation or providing reason for a certain β†’

Sample essay on paper

The author of one of the greatest work, " Why does the World Exist" rejected the concept of God, and went in the seeking of scientific causes behind the existence of this world. Both of the cited works are the representatives of modern American philosophies. The practical and humanistic school of thought emerged in the β†’

Harry seidler and frank owen gehry essay

He was the first architecture to express the principles of the Bauhaus in Australia. Harry's work developed and he could be able to incorporate the use of several new designs in his work.

Data flow process

All products maintained on the Order Entry system are given a Catalogue Number and these are identical to the same names obtained by shoppers, wishing to place an order from the Argos catalogue on display. Each order processed for any customer is given an Order Number and the Order Number, together with the products and β†’

Half-price books: developing the future

The technology associated with the disaster recovery plan are involved, with the assistance and expertise of Quorum Half-Price Books possess the tools to recover their systems in a timely manner. The ability to store and restore this necessary to withstand system devastation and recover strong. Conclusion With the development of such a technologically β†’

Good example of argumentative essay on should players have to wait till they are 19 years old to play in the nba

Or Should They Be Able To Play Straight Out Of High School? According to NBA Media Ventures, LLC, " The National Basketball Association, the Women's National Basketball Association, and the NBA Development League" all makeup the global sports and business, known as the NBA. It is the same for Basketball programs, when players go β†’

Report on globalization

Taking into account the historical development of the global economy, the paper analyzes how different historical events have significantly shaped the impact globalization has had to the both the global and national economies. The economy of the world has continued to have disparities over the last century. Similarly, the impact of globalization to the participating β†’

Literature review on august wilson’s use of rhetoric devices

Towards the end of the play, Troy is not aware of the change that he could have the opportunity of playing football and getting an education in a university which posses to the reader the question of how the change happened without his attention. In most of the circumstances, Wilson used the rhetoric questions to β†’

Sweatshop essay sample

While the developed nations are making bigger arrangements such as the labor standards, people in the developing economies such as Ghana and Cambodia lack jobs and live in abject poverty. The major issue addressed in the article is an appeal to the United States to ensure that they promote manufacturing β†’

Diagnosis essay examples

The article tries to identify the diagnosis process of the disease, the mechanisms that cause the syndrome, consequences and signs and symptoms of the disease. The diagnosis also considers things like increase in defection caused by the rapid changes in the bowel movements, the change in the appearance of the β†’

Character development the boat by alistair macleod essay sample

After his uncle had accepted a new job he took his position on the boat and promised his father that we would continue to sail with him for as long as he lived, and when his father passed despite the desires of his mother he followed his dreams and pursued education and all of its β†’

Term paper on tragedy

For, we may look at the nature of tragedy and the kind of tragedy in " Oedipus the King", compare it to the kind of tragedy in " The Bacchae" and that in " Thyestes" and the kind of punishment the tragic characters are exposed to then make a judgment β†’

Characteristics of the life-span perspective research paper examples

In the cognitive aspect, skills such as problem-solving, memory, perception, language and learning abilities are given focus as they determine the extent to which a person changes as he or she develops, whereas, the psychosocial aspect is concerned with development of emotions, personality traits, communication skills and interaction an individual has with members of the β†’

Research paper on descriptive questions

The first stage of the interview process is to develop a rapport with the interviewee. Here the interviewer may ask a question that is not predetermined and thus for the sake of meaning results, the interviewee must feel at ease in order to sufficiently answer the questions. In order to develop meaningful rapport with the β†’

Writing development-reflection essay

One sentence in which I omitted two commas is: " no matter how much practice I have with writing[,] I still feel like I need morel,] or I need to try different techniques." I had looked over the need of the commas in the sentence because I had thought that the sentence was fine without β†’

Example of research paper on the historical influences of mexican architect luis barragan

His cultural and historical background as well as his creativity, as portrayed by the evolution of architectural works, bridged the gap between traditional and modern architecture in Mexico. Barragan's career in architecture began in 1926 when he teamed up with other architects in Mexico who were interested in the provincial architecture of the state of β†’

Sample critical thinking on nursing

The importance or significance of nursing theory in the profession of nursing Nursing theory is the phrase given to the body of knowledge that is used to describe or explicate the various aspects of the profession of nursing. Historical phases of theory development It is without doubt that the nursing theory went β†’

Free research paper on action plan for reducing racial disparity

in the Criminal Justice System and Application of Political Leadership Skills of Heifetz & Linsky in the Criminal Justice System and Application of Political Leadership Skills of Heifetz & Linsky In Leadership on the Line, Heifetz and Linsky discuss the role of politics in the ability of leaders to effectively β†’

Example of essay on stourhead the storyteller

The view of the lake with its clear waters and the reflection of the birds flying above it enthralls one to the core and makes one feel so lost in the magnificence of nature that the very existence of us humans as just another specie becomes truly insignificant, and one commences to realize the presence β†’

Example of term paper on ethics and morality: a discussion

While a business woman's concerns about ethics may revolve around honest business practices and openness in transactions, a housewife may be more concerned with other types of ethical considerations, like reducing her family's carbon footprint, for example. Ethics, then, can vary based on the context in which the individual is experiencing an ethical question. An β†’

Example of research paper on infancy

Infancy: Benefits of High Quality Child Care Introduction The article focuses on child care and the benefits derived from high quality child care practices in society. The care giver gives a report on the behavior of the child and their performance.

Example of coaching and mentoring report

Examples of models include; One-On-One mentoring, Resource-Based mentoring, Group mentoring and Training-Based mentoring. One-On-One Mentoring This is the most widely used mentoring model. It involves a mentor, the person doing the mentoring and a mentored, the person to whom the services of mentoring is offered.

Critical thinking on kohlberg’s moral development theory

According to the findings of Kohlberg's study , the Stage 1 and Stage 2 types of moral judgment were mostly exhibited by children who were aged 7 and 10 and that these declined after the age of 10. In the Conventional Level, the judgment of the rightness or wrongness of an action is based β†’

Example of essay on language contact and bilingualism

However, the most important reason for encouraging bilingualism in children is the relationship of cognition and proficiency between first and second language. The paper attempts to understand the process of attaining bilingualism, and the relationship of cognition and proficiency between the first and second language in a bilingual child. But, to discuss the β†’

Essay on oil crash

With the effects on the changes of prices of oil and how these changes affect prices of most commodities, it is evident that oil is the driving force of the world economy. Many people are employed in the oil industry. The United States continue to protect countries in the Middle East because of the benefits β†’

Developmental psychology essay

This may not have a direct effect on the physical appearance of that person as such a person may appear to be normal but the behavior may make people see him/her as immature. Emotional Development Children with ADHD do have problems with their emotional development and maturity. This obviously means that the intellectual development β†’

Parental attachment and the development of self-compassion

Having a secure sense of self-worth and trusting others to be supportive may have facilitated the development of self-compassion among adolescents in Neff and McGeehee's study. The development and validation of a scale to measure self-compassion.

Beyond the founders: new approaches to the political history of the early american book review

Book Review: Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic Paisley et al.'s book Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic charts the development of both the upper and lower class people who settled in America during its infancy. These β†’

Development during infancy and early childhood essay examples

Addressing the families, especially parents, as a critical factor to the growth and cognitive development of a child, in what way do they contribute to a child's cognitive development or a lack thereof? It is concluded that parents, as the first teachers, mainly influence their children's cognition by setting examples through direct interactions, β†’

Positive social change essay

Some people think that our society will not do anything about up-to-date problems before it is too late, and I think it is true and that is something I would like to change out of class. We would clarify to them what the social change is and how to make a positive social change.

Free urban growth research paper sample

In France, there is the rapid development of urban areas. The result of this can, therefore, be referred to as urban bias. Urban Bias and Rapid Urban Growth in Developing Countries The third world is the only place where urban bias is rampant.

Educational implications article review

Wavering concludes his article with the educational implications of Piaget's logic of meanings. In his article " Vygotsky and the Social Dynamics of Classroom," Peter Smagorinsky discusses Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky's theory of how learning is influenced by social dynamics. He concludes by stating that implications of culture on thinking. Although the theme of the β†’

Profits and shut down decision critical thinking examples

Following the American Psychological Association's Guidelines Why might a profitable motel shut down in the long run if the land on which it is located becomes extremely valuable due to surrounding economic development? It is not given in the question, but I assume that the owner of the motel rents the land on β†’

Careers essay example

But in any case, he must know the rules of a virtual graphical space. Degree and Education Requirements Usually it is a bachelor degree of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. Because of what is necessary either to convince of the need for a specific design solution, or agree with the amendments. Sources Lester, β†’

Case study: developing the leaders of tomorrow

NEWS develop succession management planning for the sake of developing the present manager In the organization through dally process, coaching, personality assessment and 360 - degree feedback and other tools to assess the leaders. NEWS focused on succession management In order to have capable leaders and managers to be ready to deploy those β†’

Purpose and goal of education essay

Philosophy of Education Introduction An educational philosophy is a statement of a teacher's guiding principles on the general issues and matters pertaining to education, i.e.how student learning and potential are most fully utilized and the teacher's role in the classroom, school, community, and society. I will also try my best to make β†’

Automotive technologies essay

Infineon rotor angle and speed sensors used for efficiency purposes are big sellers and the buyer is the automotive industry. In the past one VSS handled everything but now VSSs are made especially for the wheel, the speed of the transmission, or camshaft sensing. In the Honda Acura the electronic VSS is found on the β†’

Quantitative measure of poverty critical thinking examples

The income and consumption approach of measuring poverty mainly uses the structured family, society, and national samples in order to collect and analyze The poverty line marks an important element in the income and consumption approach as it helps to demarcate relative and absolute poverty. In this context, β†’

Example of essay on cultural competence in healthcare

These differences should make us appreciative of the diverse cultures in society rather than create divisions along racial lines. Section 2 Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare result from the sum of policies and procedures created and enforced and the behaviors engaged in by health practitioners. In contrast, appropriateness argues that the provider considers β†’

Essay on gender development

A good example is that of Rebecca in the book Child Development: Principles and Perspectives by Joan Littlefield Cook, children will tend to conform to what society expects of them and therefore as they grow up, year after year, they will want to fit in to the groups they relate within they society they live β†’

Critical thinking on

The coincidence of the Industrial Revolution in 1789 and the onset of succeeding conflicts in Europe such as the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon ushered in an era where war has fueled the pace of technological developments. The motivation to prepare against military conflicts and be ready in the face of war has β†’

Free essay on history of fire service

This essay proposes to discuss history of fire fighting services and analyses the mechanisms that were used by fire fighters in different phases of time. Fire fighting equipment and methods are used to turn off the fires and minimize the damages caused due to fire. Augustus developed rules and regulations β†’

The role and potential of urban social movements (a critical examination) essay examples

The Critical urban theory also helps in analyzing the role and potential of urban social movements in changing the politics of a nation. In addition, the action of urban movements to transfer the political power to the cultural and social level was fruitless as more powers emerged underpinning the actions of urban movement groups.

Make itself like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the

It's common for muscular diseases, like cardiomyopathy and myasthenia gravis, to have no symptoms when the disease first starts in the body until the disease worsens. If the walls thicken too much, the flow of blood is blocked and the heart can get leaky when the walls of the heart push on the heart valve.

Sample research paper on art and personality

The creation of art entails bringing the unconscious to the conscious and this change is what the world will see. Through their interaction with art, students will always get to understand and bring out their own distinctive ways of seeing and doing things. Upon creating pieces of art, students will have learnt on how consciousness β†’

Use of propolis complexed with beta-cyclodextrin in hospital textiles essay

Use of propolis complexed with beta-cyclodextrin in infirmary fabrics Introduction The demand for sterilisation of fabrics used in infirmaries is a immense job in the medical country. The fabrics used are by and large made of cotton, which can ensue in accretion of atoms, diminishing their effectivity in the protection against micro-organisms. β†’

Child development – piaget’s theories essay

The participant was asked " Does this one have more , does this one have more , or are these the same? " The participant's answer was recorded. The snake was then formed back into an identical ball. Answering for the conservation task, she said the snake was bigger, the pancake was bigger, β†’

Example of pregnancy essay

With that said, this paper will discuss the changes that a body goes through when pregnant and how it affects the entire system of a woman. Physiology of Normal Pregnancy Germinal stage Conception takes place when the female egg is inseminated by the sperm of the man. Even though every one β†’

Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development

However, according to Burnham et al the difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development is that the sequence refers to the normal or expected sequence in which children learn different skills. The sequence and rate of child development run through the areas of child development these are, physical, social, β†’

Report on visiting children shelter

Mental health education comprises of both care and treatment of the children with these mental health problems. Thus, for the health education program should be reviewed and improved in order to help the children and the health professionals. The director is doing a great job with the children and their mental development.

Good example of essay on lipizzaner stallions

To date, the stallions are celebrated as the oldest breed of horses across the Europe. The accolade is also offered on a global platform as riders on Lipizzaner backs tour the world to showcase the talent of the stallions. The origin of the breed During the Hapsburg reign in Europe, the classical riding culture β†’

Example of research paper on changing families

Examples of normative changes within any family include birth of children within the family, change in behavior among adolescents, older members of the family getting older and beginning their own lives, and retirement for all working individuals within the family. Majority of such changes and transformations can be used to characterize the changing families and β†’

Example of essay on aura in art history

Aura refers to the ability held by the distinctive, unique work, which under modernism is honored by the tactics of mass reproduction The history of man art can be traced way back in the early ages. The lasts way in which aura has been imitated by the third party, is in the β†’

Development, influence and impact

The Imitating of ecological actions In Dalton to the changes that occur such asdivorceIs an example of the final system called the Chronometers. Influence It is clear along with the usual role of educating; schools have a larger part to play in the progress of our children. However, not all children who come β†’

The child and the family essay samples

Let's find out the specifics of each of the styles and its impact on the child's identity. First of all, we will consider the Authoritarian style of parenting. Boys can become uncontrollable and aggressive and highly reactive to harming and punishing the environment in which they grow. The most efficient and favorable for the development β†’

Argumentative essay on thinking about change in popular music

Hip hop being a unique way of addressing change and reflection of the historic and prevailing truth, it has transformed cultures by creating a new way of living and a unique lifestyle which is shared from the Ghettoes of New York to the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, towers of Shanghai, Slums of Ghana and β†’

A assessing the feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water report example

It is for this reason that a water program be launched in arid and water scarce areas in Africa that seeks to develop a prospective management of water resources to safeguard water scarce regions in Liberia that are fragile. Ideally, the fundamental ideology for the allocation of water resources are; sustainable, effectiveness, and equity with β†’

Mgmt 428 movie reviews example

This concept of generational theft is based on the fact that opportunities for the youth are extremely important and the entitlement spending or the money spent by the government in retirement fund can be better utilized for the purpose of building job opportunities for the youth. It is also important to do so in order β†’

Master your android 7 app development skills

The latest count shows that mobile internet penetration already covered more than half of the world's population in 2015 and is projected to balloon to 63. This beginner course on Android promises to walk you through each step of the app development process and has been designed to accommodate learners who have not seen a β†’

Ethics of developing intelligent machines

An emerging robot is a machine with sensors, processors, and effectors able to perceive the environment, have situational awareness, make appropriate decisions, and act upon the environment Various sensors: active and passive optical and ladder vision, acrobats are becoming technically extremely sophisticated. An emerging robot Is a machine with sensors, processors, and effectors able to β†’

Leadership and performance development

A successful leader enhances morale, motivation and performance through a various mechanisms, this includes connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to certain projects Transformational leaders are positive role models for followers. In addition leaders are sensitive to and understand the strengths and weakness of followers, this understanding helps β†’

Arab spring term paper example

Arguably seen as the beginning of the Arab Spring, the Egyptian revolution both inspired other Middle Eastern nations to question their current condition under their governments and incited change throughout the Middle East for a chance to achieve total reform and development, as well as the realization of the importance β†’

Parent/ child relationship research paper example

Thus, it provides an overview of the parent/child relationship and what are the effects of conflicts in this relationship on the personality of the children in social settings. I choose to write about the topic of parent/child relationship because I believe that the bond between the parent and their children is one of the purest β†’

Adult learning article review

Education needs to change from a process of conditioning to empowerment while learning needs to change from a homogeneous commodity to a customized experience to the needs and individual characteristics. In other words, the conception of the adult education is a venture in informal learning.

Essay on eco-criticism

These have been some of the basic issues that have made eco-criticism among the most rapidly growing in the field of literary studies. Eco-criticism has been inspired by various ranges of ecological movements, which explore the means through which we establish, imagine and portray the existing relationships between self aware human beings and the environment β†’

Juvenile confinement facilities essay examples

This is important in helping to solve the mental illness of the youths in the detention centers. Schools are the next facilities that are found in the juvenile centers. The schools ensures that the young people receive education that can help the youths to develop economically when they get jobs after they have served their β†’