A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Case analysis: apple computers

The one major drawback of this practice was that it limited inter-operability with other hardware and software systems. Still, its ability to invent " cool" technology and making it easy and fun to use, was a major competitive advantage that made Apple highly successful in the 1980s. 2) Can β†’

Amazon case study essay sample

It is now time for Amazon to utilize more of a market penetration approach by utilizing its websites to inform would-be customers of the many products and services they offer. Although the recommended posture is grow and build, Amazon may find this challenging as their current financial condition might make it difficult for them β†’

Essay on ip2 marketing

Without a clear marketing strategy, the efforts to get the approval of many customers is likely to fail because an effective marketing strategy determines the sufficiency and quality of products provided by the business to meet customer demands. For the company to implement a marketing segment successfully, it must employ marketing research techniques to identify β†’

Management information system: essay examples

We use it to prepare the detailed specification of what a client requires, to design the software and develop it and also for testing it several times. An Interview 4 Interviewer: How does management use the IT system to support their activities? Interviewee: We basically use Internet to connect to each other. We are β†’

Free spain’s telefonica case study sample

This essay will discuss the current state of affairs of Telefonica and what it should do to continue to grow in the wireless market. About Telefonica One of the leading operators in the telecommunication market, Telefonica, a Spanish organization, has its presence in about 24 countries in the world. β†’

Marketing mix of mcdonalds

Product Strategies McDonald's marketing strategies should be looked at historically in order to see the larger picture of the firm's success. There have been so many strategies since the inception of the firm that it is difficult to account for them all, the two most memorable are the development of the " Golden Arches" and β†’

Analysis of the strategy and business performance of starbucks coffee uk

This report will analysis the strategy and business performance in the retailfoodsector, the company I will be analyzing is Starbucks Coffee UK, using the PESTEL. It is important to analyse how environmental influences are effecting an organization in the present and in the future. The PESTEL analysis is used as it sufficiently can be β†’

Free term paper on group field sales management

The representatives provide market information in their areas, which assists the sales manager in allocating products and staff to various stores. How much time does the salesperson spend traveling versus time in front of the prospect? Every store in different parts of the country has a team of sales people who market and distribute products β†’

ο»Ώwal-mart case study analysis essay sample

Low price offerings: WalMart's main strategy is to provide low cost offerings to their customers and so it is their core competencies. Culture: WalMart's value, thriftiness, hard work, innovation, continuous improvement makes the whole culture of organisation and because of their culture they can formulate and apply strategies. Value chain analysis β†’

Shuzworld suitable method for production of sneakers essay examples

They want us to analyze the situation and help them know how best to make use of the control charts to improve the quality in the Shuzworld production line. Control charts are charts used to evaluate whether the manufacturing process is under control. The graphs contain the upper and lower limit and the measurements from β†’

Report on facelift

2 General objectives of the study The goal of this research is to point at the factors that lead to poor sales of facelift products. 1.2. 1 Other Objectives of the study - Find out the perception of the customers on the company. - Find out the expectations of customers and their preferences. - Find out β†’

Essay on contract

After understanding of the general duties of both the employer and employee it discusses the case of Clarissa and the scenarios she is involved in. Much as Clarissa is dismissed from work she is entitled to lieu of notice for which she will be paid for six months. Duties of employee Duty of Loyalty β†’

Free plant location and design case study sample

Decisions made while the shift will determine the profitability and the efficiency of the company in entire. Considering the products that Able. Product plant layout In this layout, the products dictate the design of the plant.

Free research paper on titanic to insure or not to insure

Even now, the theory about the sinking of the famous liner is still unresolved due to the status of the wreck and the million questions popping about the incident. To begin this paper, it is proper to understand the conception of the Titanic and why it became the largest and expensive cruise liner in existence. β†’

Stewardship and sustainability tropical rain forests essay

It is important that we understand how natural and human systems interact with each other if we are to make conscious and responsible decisions that incorporate all aspects of the environment and human society.. Deforestation is resource management at its worst because it compromises the future of the ecosystem. The primary rainforest of the Amazon β†’

Good example of thesis proposal on women in leadership positions in private organizations

In fact, in European Union the business environment shows that only one in six women are members of boards in the top publicly quoted European companies, while only 4% of them are part of board chairpersons (" Gender Balance in Decision-Making Positions", 2014). Research Question As the feminist discourse becomes more consistent and effective β†’

Alpha corporation

These methods used by Alpha are considerate " Quantitative Forecast Methods", leaving for de Decisions makers, the forecast that comes for " Qualitative Forecast Methods".* Scheduling: Alpha Corporation bases its scheduling process in the system i2SCM system output. One of the basic tasks of i2SCM is to streamlines the supply chain in order to keep β†’

Good example of lubna olayan what makes a role model case study

He is survived by a son and three daughters and they are a part of the board of directors of Olayan Financial Company which is the holding body for Olayan Group's business enterprise spreading across the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. The Olayan Group is a significant global investor and has diversified business operations across β†’

Good case study on target is not mini-walmart

With low prices and an increased assortment of fresh food and produce through PFresh, Target was able to attract guests to shop for fresh produce and this helped promote their items in their store as customers walk past their departments. Target has maintained its strategy of being a medium-sized company with emphasis on specific activities β†’

Relationship between education and crime essay

This value may be considered as an outlier and it is highly likely that this is the salary of the owner of the company. - If we delete an outlier and form new boundaries for our classes, the new histogram will be as follows: We may claim that the abovementioned histogram β†’

Chipotle swot analysis

Chipotle is one of the first chains of fast casual dining establishments. The company's restaurants serve a menu of burritos, tacos, burrito bowls , salads, and extra dishes such as salsas, guacamole, cheese and lettuce. Chipotle has a majority of its food outlets in the US and just a handful in Europe and Canada.

Ikea in brazil

In recent years, Brazil has become one of the major powers of economic growth, thanks to reforms to stabilize the economy through the promotion of investment, boost and oil industry consolidation in the world with its exports. Lula's government brought the institutional stability and currently Brazil Dilma Rousseff, the new president, elected in October 2010, β†’

Essay on employment practices at walmart

Ceausu, 2006, asserted that the reluctance of employees to join the labour union is as a result of the company's anti-union strategies such as managerial scrutiny and anticipatory closure of branches that decide to form unions. The company's accessibility policy for every worker is adequate for them to air their grievances vertically up the management β†’

Morgan stanley article review

Moore in his article " Morgan Stanley to Award More Bonuses Up Front," reports of the intention of the Morgan Stanly giving more bonuses upfront a clear indication of the growing profitability of the company. The author begins with a summary of the price chart showing the evident increase for the recent past.

Free essay on ad analysis

However, after the increase entry of women taking part in sporting activities, the company seems to balance between attracting both men and women. In its advert Nike plus, the main color used in the ad is pink, purple and blue. The motto behind the campaign is joining the men verses women challenge at the nikeplus.com.the β†’

American cinema essay

Arguably, both Mainstream and Independent cinema in the United States have had a profound effect on the nation's entire cinema and film industry since the beginning of the 20th century. A number of factors that have led to progression of mainstream and independent cinemas in America can be accrued to the dominant trends in β†’

Food webs research paper

Sea Bird in this picture is a primary consumer while, fishes are the secondary one. - Secondary customers are the one who will be given the products and services of the company after it was given to the primary consumers. From the picture, it is clearly found that there is only one Bass and β†’

Frigoglass company report examples

Arguably, Frigoglass is one of the leaders in international Ice-Cold Merchandisers in the global market, as well as the largest bottle glass producers in the western region of Africa. Its customers include coca-cola, local juice and water, companies, energy drinks, as well as beer companies. Frigoglass business model is β†’

Example of the operating and commercial performance of singapore airlines report

Consequently, the company's assets were split in the forms of the Malaysian Airline System and the Singapore Airlines or SIA in 1972. Instead, the travel agencies buy them. The analysis of the operating and commercial performance of the Singapore Airlines would be based on the standard and the dynamics of Airline Business Models.

Comparison of nike and puma

Nike Nike Inc.'s business objective is to bring innovative products that speak of quality to athletes everywhere while maximizing value for its shareholders, according to the company's filing with the U.S. For this year, Nike is one of the advertisers for the Beijing Olympics, an event that β†’

My dream job essay sample

When I graduate, I can become eligible to take the American Registry Examination for Radiologic Technology in Radiography. I have a clear vision this is what I want to be and work in a profession where I can help people. They relocated the manufacturing company to Pensacola, Florida and I am laid off.

Case study on accounting project

Effective and timely decisions are for the sake of an organization, and no organization can drag them within the context of prosperity without having effective decision making skills and activity. Organizations are termed as a workplace in which people enhance the productivity of different individuals. These issues and problems stick with each of the organization β†’

Solvency ii and a firm’s financial performance report

These standard statistical calculations explain the differences of groups being examined and possible overlap between the observations. The conclusion of this paper is that the identification and evaluation of risks and therefore the need for insurance and other financial safety nets is driven by various factors. However, the biggest global insurance markets still are primarily β†’

Good example of optimal business model for the third wine of chateau margaux essay

Since, the company does not follow any solid marketing strategy for their product, it is essential to formulate a comprehensive customer care program in order to make their word of mouth spread from their mouths. Barriers Even though the dually focused (on new and old customers; and on American as well as European customers) β†’

Pisco problem solving model essays examples

After finding out that there are some problems with this contract, which does not profit the company that much, he is faced with the dilemma of whether to write another report to the company's board about his new findings or remain silent on the issue. The first dilemma in this case is the fact that, β†’

Free role of financial management in a firm essay example

Financial management is comprised of the tactical and strategic goals set and are associated to the financial resources of the business. Money and the Key Aspects of Financial Management.

Analysis on supply and demand gap in transport to and from airport using uber

In the first scenario that is from city to airport in morning hours, the cab drivers are mostly in the city due to more number of customers in the city. Whereas in the second scenario that is from airport to city in the evening hours, the cab drivers would be waiting for the arrival of β†’

Business ethics critical thinking sample

The article talks about that one of the largest food companies in Britain is asking its suppliers to make annual cash payments to the company or risking losing their contract. Managers are hired to do things that are in the best interest of the company, but on certain occasions they have to deal with β†’

Good essay about first project

For instance, the three projects that our group worked on were done using the tools that we learned in class as well as our own innovative minds but it would never have been something that we could be proud of if we did not allocate the work to every member β†’

Good research paper on the effect of oil exploration and drilling in nigeria

It highlights the proposed methodology and provides a provisional questionnaire for the formed for the purpose of data collection and analysis. 1 Introduction The topic chosen for this research is ' The Effect of Oil Exploration and Drilling in the Niger Delta '. Hence, the outlook of the community would be to first β†’

Financial appraisal report

Once the financial risks facing RTE in this transaction are determined then appropriate strategies can be determined and implemented depending on the objectives of RTE and the relationship with the supplier. This section discusses the rationale behind the filing requirements, the role and the contents of the Trustees' Annual Report. A charity's trustees have to β†’

Amazon in e-commerce

Its engineering and quality principals make sure that all the various standard compliances are met and justified for improving the system behavior for its customers. Customers have now moved from the brick and mortars model, a traditional model for purchase of products, to the click and mortars model for ease of access, anytime anywhere access, β†’

Company mission and vision

To make the discussion much better understood, the following breakdown of the mission and vision of the organization will be shown herein. MISSION As a selling agent of second hand automobiles, the 1995 Auto Sales aim to serve the clients with the best deals available in the industry. β†’

The success of adidas’ olympic games brand strategy

As the official sponsor of the Olympics in China, adidas is able to communicate to the Asian market the company's corporate values of " a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle." According to the company, the Olympic Games campaign with the rallying cry " Together in 2008, Impossible is Nothing" is " β†’

The acquisition of snapple by quaker oats

By the time Quacker aquired Snapple the RTD tea industry was maturing and the competition was rising because of the new independent brands that entered the market. Quacker believed that with its financial resources and experience, it could expand the Snapple brand and through the acquisition establish itself as a leading beverage β†’

Nine keys to innovation essay sample

0 to the current demand for more sophisticated social innovation management strategies. In the article Nine Keys to Innovation Management 2. 0 Spigit authors pursue two main objectives: they want to draw readers' attention to the underutilized potential of social innovation in the majority of contemporary organization as well as to promote Spigit's Innovation Management β†’

Arbitration assignment argumentative essays examples

The Company keeps the decision about terminating Kent on the basis of the following four arguments. Argument 1: Off-Duty Conduct Grievance " A" was filed on the grounds that Kent's behaviour should be discounted, as he was off duty during the time of the incident, and should therefore not be held accountable for his β†’

Business case: mcdonald’s

The tangible assets include the human resources, capital and information while the tangible resources are the recognition and the goodwill of an organization in the market. The past behavior and activities influence an organization's history greatly. The strategies are the decisions about how the organizational resources will be configured to meet the β†’

Case study analysis: hennes & mauritz

It assesses the following: effectiveness of the firm's leadership, basis of firm's competitive advantage & potential challenges to the strategy, and future growth strategies that the firm might pursue to maintain competitive advantage. Effectiveness of H&M's Leadership According to Johnson et al., , leadership involves the ability to cope with change by influencing β†’

Good database design and normalization critical thinking example

Downsides to the Approach Used to Store and Manage NSJI's Data There are several downsides to the approach used to store and manage NSJI's data. Another problem that the company may face due to the use of flat files is task-data dependency.

Interpersonal communication case study

A failure in any of the determinant factors shows up in the nature of the interpersonal relationships and communication, with detrimental implications to the performance of any enterprise or even individual. The unproductive engagement resulted from a lack of an entrenched organizational culture, or a culture that fails to emphasize teamwork, communication, interpersonal relationships and β†’

Free case study on general electric co

Most of the projects initiated by the CEO of the company, Jack Welch did not live to the expectations. The growth is thus bound to surpass the previous initiatives as the business now has a better focus on its goals and objectives The success The CEO Jack Welch introduced proper communication of goals β†’

Business ethics of google in china

The choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to re-examine itself as a company and forced the international community to reconsider the implications of censorship. Google's choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to reexamine itself as a company β†’

Management ford motor company analysis case study examples

What kind of diversification strategy did Ford pursue and what was the problem with the strategy? The diversification strategy that Ford Motors pursued for the company is to appoint a new leader outside the vehicle manufacturing industry. The only problem the strategy is that the choice leader lacks the necessary skills when it comes to β†’

Free leadership today report example

Introduction The purpose of this document is to analyze the influence of the leadership on the organizational behavior, development and future perspectives of the BMW Group. This became a key to success of BMW Japan in building on its core competence people. Finally, leadership is the ability to communicate, delegate and motivate the β†’

Toyota’s nonmarket forces

Recommendations will be outlined with an aim of helping the company get out of the nonmarketingenvironmentquagmire permanently. Toyota became the subject of controversy in the media and the United States Government at the end of the year 2009 for numerous deaths and injuries associated with accidents emanating from the unintended and unrestrained acceleration of vehicles. β†’

Business plan on psychological factors

Factors influencing behaviour Customers' behaviour revolves around the selection, purchase and usage of the product offered to the market for the satisfaction of their wants and needs. Consumers with higher incomes and saving are likely to purchase more of the product while those with low earnings and savings will β†’

Reasons for abb’s strategies and vision regarding integrity case studies example

According to the Nordic Council of Ministers, " Integrity top priority at ABB" (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2010), and all the companies under ABB's umbrella have a strong culture of integrity, which boosts long-term existence, and sustainability of the companies. The strong emphasis of ABB on integrity can be traced to the Nordic heritage of β†’

Research statement research paper example

In addition those involved in the managed performance and level of supervision as the initial step in the procedures of auditing is the evaluation of human resource effectiveness and areas of function. Overview Benchmarking of activities related to human resource so as to ensure improvement is continuous. The focus β†’

Free essay on voluntary export restraint agreement quota

Voluntary export and import restraint agreement quota Voluntary export restraint agreement quota is both beneficial and disadvantageous to the involved countries. Stable economies attract development and therefore greatly contribute in moderation of international export quota market completion. Encouraging domestic production improves and increases the local manufacturers' enthusiasm and because export quota gives them β†’

Good research paper on system evaluation paper

The purpose of this information system is to aid in the tracking and management of the cars in the company. Thus, the information system is able to retrieve the car users at any time, their status and the type of vehicle they are driving. The company uses Volvo cars and all the information relating to β†’

Hampton machine tool company

The loan was used to buy back the stock of a group of dissident shareholders. Based on the available data, the bank should grant both the extension of $1, 000, 000 loan until December 31, 1979, and the additional $350, 000 loan that Hampton wants to borrow, payable on January 31, 1980, both at 1.

How do enterprising skills help the company meet their objectives

For example making sure they reach the set amount of profit for their company. Tescos are also well known for taking risks, some of the risks tesco have been well known for taking would be moving into new product areas. Tescos also have a good ability to innovate, by having this skill tesco's are able β†’

Lincoln electric as an organisation

However, to be successful with its Greenfield site, Lincoln must adapt its Incentive Plan to meet India's labour market institutions. Lincoln has to be agile as an organisation to meet the demands of the foreignenvironmentand adapt its corporatecultureto the local market.investing in a major facility there? Lincoln brand is valued β†’

Free case study about the university of michigan leadership model

In the job-centered behavior, the manager is concerned more with the needs of the job as opposed to the employee-centered behavior where the manager is concerned more about the needs of the job. This paper seeks to identify how UMLM has been used in the case of Apple Inc. One of the organizations that have β†’

How china’s slowdown will affect the u.s. essay

Although the slowdown is not enough to bring the U.S.to recession, it will still have an effect in the U.S.economy, and for that matter, the global economy too. An increase in the U.S.exports to China has resulted in a lowering of the unemployment rate of the U.S.

Report on ethical issue

The best example is one of the top car making company, Toyota and their safety standards. One of the most important aspects of being a car making company is safety concerns for both the consumers and employees; and how issues are handled should a safety concern arise. What is the β†’

Dr pepper snapple group 2011: fighting to prosper in a highly competitive market essay

Build and enhance leading brands We use an on-going method of market and client analysis to spot key brands that we have a tendency to have the best potential for profitable sales growth. Typically, pay of CEOs and different governments is about to be competitive with different executive salaries within the market and β†’

Good example of classical and operant conditioning essay

The two significant theories in the learning process are classical and operant. Elements of classical and operant conditioning In operant conditioning, a reinforcing stimulus follows a voluntary response. Reinforcement can be negative in the form of punishment; this reduces the probability of response. In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus precedes and triggers an unconditioned β†’

Free employment relations case study example

As discussed in the Wal-Mart's case study, some of the key features are addressed below in relation to the case study. Global competition is evident in the case study as Wal-Mart compares its health benefits with that of its competitors; Home Depot, Macy's and PepsiCo, claiming its health plans are better. They are trying β†’

Multi-national corporations

Therefore this report has been written to alert the readers of the various possible issues which a multi-national corporation could face and the list of challenges with the various strategies innovative minds bring forward to control situations and prosper. A Multi-national Corporation is a corporation whose assets and facilities are found to be situated in β†’


The moment he joined Xerox he had developed an objective to climb the ladder of organisation and reach up to the high level staff within few years of time. With this he made a strong groundwork in the area of parts and supply.

21/22 essay example

And people, who are overweight, who do not pay attention to their health, in the future will have many problems and are risky to have social phobia. I am what I eat, and I want to be an organic apple, natural and healthy, not a fake one, full of pesticides. Essay 22: Emerald Ash Borer β†’

Strategy case study example

For example, Nokia Company, the world's leading cell phone producer based in Finland, has greatly lost its shares following its inability to settle in markets especially the United States of America. The company's failure is attributed to a number of conscious strategic decisions made by the company that did not β†’

Demand and supply essay examples

Secondly, Walmart pursues a cost-leadership strategy, according to the description of generic strategies by Porter, therefore the demand for its products is related only to its price, with no differentiating factors distorting the price quantity demanded/supplied relationship. The example of Walmart gives a number of possibilities to explore economic theories. The β†’

Tyco international company culture and ethics

In Tyco's case, the CEO, Kozlowki was the second-highest-paid CEO, but his lack of conservativeness, his aggressive business style and his extravagant way of living, did raise some red flags and indicated that Kozlowski was acting unethically by manipulating the company's financials and using the company'smoneyunethically. Within the business ethics and business and society literatures β†’

Free essay on computer evolution 1960-1970

The computer has had a great impact on the way we communicate, work, and live. Advances in Personal Computers The personal computer is a general-purpose system that is small, self contained and designed to provide the capabilities of a minicomputer in a package of reduced size. The microprocessor, invented by Ted Hoff, was a β†’

Human resource management: collaboration or contest with labour unions essay sample

The economic crisis is ongoing for the labour class, students, and hospital and civil service workers.in 2013. The first part of this paper describes some of the human resource and industrial relation theories and implications of negative versus positive relationships between unions and management. The location of the company, , the types of policies β†’

International marketing case study starbucks going fast

Uncontrollable elements effecting Starbucks are competitive structures, domestic and international, varying levels oftechnologyand cultural differences. Starbucks encountered revised incomes with the economic downturns of recent and it quickly realized that its gourmet product was among the first to be cut out of tightening budgets. The biggest obstacles for Starbucks to improve business β†’

Competitive and non-competitive markets critical thinkings examples

In this mode of classification we consider two forms of market, the buyer's market and the seller's market. In the seller's market, the degree of competition depends on the number of sellers present in the market where there are a large number of buyers. In this market form also the β†’

Sample essay on structure, change and stress

According to Dauber, Fink, & Yolles , " Structures are the manifestation of strategic orientations and regulate information flows, decision making, and patterns of behavior". The general scheme of the company's organizational structure is essential for determining the status of the organization towards its economic, legal, administrative and management β†’

Sec 10-k: costco wholesale corporation reports examples

Costco continues to be a household brand and the significant performance has been substantiated by then organization's 10-SEC. In an overall analysis of Costco's financial health status and financial position, the organization has significantly improved from its performance in 2013. Short-Term Investment Reflected in Costco's Balance sheet is a moderate increase in short-term investment β†’

Research investigating the challenges and opportunities of ben trounce candy

The company, established in 1980, has gone through decades of development to become one of the leaders in the business of coconut candy. Investigating and evaluating how price of coconut in Ben Tree province at the present effect to the Dong A Company as well as Ben Tree Coconut Candy..

Ikea case analysis; hill ; jones

IKEA had a number of threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses to consider. The three threats IKEA faced were: 1) competition, 2) changing government laws and regulations, and 3) economic and social changes. The opportunities for IKEA were:

Intangible assets recognition and measurement research paper

Other financial reporting achievements of this standard relate to the usefulness of the intangible assets driven by their residual values over time as well as retiring and disposing of these assets by concerned entities. Describe how recognition and measurement criteria have been applied in the accounting treatment of research and development expenditure in NZIAS 38 β†’

Free essay on the products manufactured by gap inc

The main items here are training gears for the women hence are the main customers. The company should concentrate producing unique products especially in Europe and the United States where its market is diminishing due to low demand on the products. Effect of forces on complexity, dynamism and richness of β†’

Wendy’s brand

This would be followed by the objectives that the company had set and the current business strategies that the company is doing. Through advertisements the company is able to educate its customers in the company's products.

Example of managing human resources in different culture research paper

The major functions of Human Resource Management are: - Job Design and job analysis - Employee recruitment - Training and development - Performance appraisal - Health and safety of workers - Compensation management - Employee's motivation - Management of labor relations All three stages are important for Coca-Cola while managing Human Resources in China. Being β†’

Essay on bims review

To understand or find reasoning for this turnover rate the management personnel has decided on creating an instrument that could get the opinions, thoughts, and reasoning for the climate of the company in regards to the employees. BMIS Human Resources Manage r at DMC, Debbie Horner, developed an employee survey as a tool to find β†’

Kit kat

First is the outer layer which is red in colour and the second is the inner silver layer which is made of foil to protect the chocolate from bacteria and fungus. While Kit Kat on the other face, does its promotion by inducing a price which is lower to its competitors.

Louis vuitton – japan

Goal: To reinvent and regain the cachet, Louis Vuitton needs to increase and attain the largest market share in five years. Louis Vuitton offers a wide range of luxury brands and was a trend setter in Japan. Solution: In order to revive the company, and to increase the overall market share in Japan, Louis Vuitton β†’