A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Data β€˜changes a brand from a promise to an outcome’

While customers will be able to use brands' data to make decisions about what to buy, brands will still be able to influence them. Related: In the case of Lyft, it will not just become someone's default ridesharing service because its drivers efficiently transport that person from Point A to Point B. What will set β†’

The history of coca cola

Coca-Cola, as an international brand with a history of 132 years, its brand image and marketing tactics were extremely successful and are the target of many marketing and business management personnel to study and research. From the origin of the brand to the development of Coca-Cola, each journey of the brand is a story that β†’

Risk and financial strategy ip5 creative writing examples

Another typical approach employed involves cushioning of the firm from likely effects of risks through the development of options and models that firms could resort to on the occurrence of risks. Risk and Financial Strategy IP5 Introduction Strategy formulation and implementation would ordinarily be faced with a number of impediments. Risk refers to β†’

Example of essay on smart objectives for nestle milo uk

9 percent in the United Kingdom and this signals the ability of Nestle to engage competitively in the economic world. Smart four, Acquiring a customer is not easy and retaining one is harder, nestle ensures that the customers are given priority; simply they are treated like the boss. The development of strategic platforms in the β†’

Zara in korea market

We asked performance of ZARA, UNIQLO and H&M about price, design, quality and functionality. People perceived ZARA has higher Price than UNIQLO and H&M. In terms of total score ZARA is lower than UNQLO , and H&M 6 We made β†’

Cash budget essay example

From the analysis of the budget, the cash balance for the three months is in deficit. The company is using cash from credit to finance the deficits of the month.

Free essay about yahoo business model in 2011

Thus, yahoo's level of performance in 2011 went down. Given that the yahoo business model in 2011 affected its stock market and also reduced its market share in the economy, yahoo had to find a new CEO who had a vision for the company. Today, the technology is dynamic and yahoo has to make a β†’

Coca cola auditing project

Receivables | | Name of Client: | | Period: | | | | Estimated audit hours: | | Audit procedures | | Sign and date by | | Working paper Ref.| | | | auditors | | | | 01. 31, 299 | | Adjustment for the cumulative effect on |? | |? |? β†’

Overview of remote power-exchange innovation

Something else point by point in the picture is the utilization of magnets to accurately adjust the iPhone to the charging loops, i.e.with the goal that loss of intensity is forestalled. Another picture demonstrates the utilization of curls on MacBooks. Contradicted to one curl on the show of the iPad's show, a MacBook could have β†’

Free case study on professors

Again, in the area of its operation, a cutthroat competition has emerged as even hotels hunt for customers. In the view of Porter's Five Forces Model, it is easy to evaluate whether the industry is attractive to prospective investors. First is the threat of competitors, and according to Porter, in β†’

Example of essay on health education organization

The organization aims itself in increasing the level of knowledge that is found in the members who are from different professions. The people who are studying the health education find this organization very useful in terms of finding places where they can gain knowledge and where they easily find case studies to conduct their studies β†’

Brl hardy : globalizing an australian wine company case study example

Although the situations before the merger was also important in making the merger successful however this part of the report discusses only about the important factors that contribute to the remarkable post merger success of the two companies. Focusing on creating more value: One of the major successful factors of the merger was the main β†’

Good example of preliminary questions essay

The generated regression result was saved. - The regression equation in step 7 was used to find the acceleration of the cart when a force of 0. 8571kg The measured mass = 0.

Research paper on corporate compliance plan

" Corporate Compliance Plan" Overview: In the world where companies are being extensively established, there comes a need to formulate a compliance plan which safeguards the company properties and company employees. To maintain the motto of the company i.e.increased and regular profits we must ensure that all the employees become aware of the patented rights β†’

Starbucks success research paper examples

However, the principal formula is based on the approach that relates to company's employees, financial resources, measured expansion, command of a premium brand, their vision and core competence, innovation and experimentation, promotional patience, and promoting ethics. Financial resources Being the globe's best retailer of coffee and products from the same, Starbucks has an enormous β†’

Event marketing – the lessons from red bull strategy

Where most brands are happy to tack on their logo to a handful of events in a year and call it a sponsorship strategy, Red Bull is literally ubiquitous. In many cases they are absolutely essential to the vitality of the sports they sponsor. It's unique, it's effective, and it has a lot to say β†’

Marketing essay example

The firm growth and establishment was based on the shopping interests where Frederick and his wife growing pricing and marketing analysis based on the two options led to the need to explore the preceding objectives in reference to the local farmers and distributors; develop a common ground where farmers and the distributors share information, to β†’

Issues in applied finance term paper

It is one of the leading company in travelling tools, and technologies in the world. It confines its market in Australia and New Zealand. The growing tourism industry in Australia has boosted the expansion of the webjet services in Australia and New Zealand.

Leadership in virgin group company history

The Virgin brand had meantime become, according to the company, one of the top 50 brands in the world by the late 1990s; a poll of British consumers at that time showed that 96 percent had heard of Virgin. Branson and his managers are performing strategic planning very well. To lead the entertainment industry increase β†’

Good essay on controlling and performance management

A business performance management has three main activities; the selection of the goals to be achieved, to have a merger of the information from the organization that will aid in the achievement of these goals, to have the managers in the organization set parameters with the information gathered to be β†’

Mobile phone and mi company essay sample

It can be seen that MI Company is growing their brand awareness and continuing to upgrade their hardware to compete in the phone market. Marketing support program The main marketing strategy of MI Company is the Internet. The main market of MI Company is China, and it has a good reputation in mainland β†’


The authoritative kind of leadership as used in the DHL has been responsible for some of the problems like making of decision for the organization. In this regard it is clear that there is a problem in making decision since they are made from the top and the managing director has to be consulted before β†’

Management of company operations essay examples

The level of inventory is vital since the opportunity cost of holding the inventory increases as the level of inventory increases. This makes recent firms establish the effective means of obtaining inventory in order to improve their performance as well as reducing the amount of money tied up because of holding inventory. Management of barcode β†’

Report on business ethics challenges affecting news corp

As unethical behaviors of the company continue to be uncovered, the company will have to deal with the consequences in the near future. The multiple allegations against the company have raised constant questions concerning the company's official ethical stance. It is argued that the News of the World tried to bribe a retired police officer β†’

Capstone assessment for round 1-4 (ferris company) report examples

According to the analysis the company had a good margin and it was getting good returns from the sales. Ferris Company had an emergency loan of $2, 504, 096. The stock price of the company could have been affected by debt, asset base, dividend policy, a number of the outstanding shares and its performance.

Business plan on operating pro forma

The overall outlook for the venture looks good in that there are a lot many customers within town, it is brimming with commerce and there is expectation of family and friends to start something new. Stored foods The storage foods category includes number of items and product for home food supplies. According to Price β†’

Bahamas electricity corporation

In the year 1994, there have been several issues in the Bahamas Electricity Corporation regarding the corruption of the employees. There are also issues regarding the fulfillment of the agreements that the corporation had promised to its union members. The solution that the company had thought of β†’

Good example of business plan on strength

The first of the brands is to be established in the city of New York and the revenue base is expected to be two million dollars every financial year. There will be free delivery of the products to the customers within a radius of 50 kilometers from the location of the enterprise.

Barangay information system proposal essay sample

How they will have a file maintenance system and will lessen the burden of works they usually do in keeping and updating the files and in generating reports they need to submit. Objective of the Study The general objective of the study is to develop an Information System for Barangay 17-Kalapati. Specially, it β†’

Valuation essay examples

They include: There is the assets accumulation technique. The discounted cash flow technique and method. There is also the market value method. The income evaluation method is also included. Depreciation Non-currency expenditure that diminishes the value of fixed and current assets in a company over a given period, due to factors like wear and β†’

Example of benefits and drawbacks of adaptation essay

The advantages of standardization are that the firm has the potential of combining the benefits of global scale efficiencies with the benefits of local advantages in the market. The actual choice of a strategy is a function of the conditions in the firm's internal and external conditions.

Example of term paper on finance

Generally, two measures of Liquidity Ratios are used by the analyst to adjudge the liquidity position of the company: - Current Ratio - Quick Ratio/Acid Test Ratio 1) Current Ratio: Calculated as ratio of Current Asset and Current liability, this liquidity ratio is considered to be true indicator of a firm's liquidity. Current Ratio: Current β†’

Netle company in india

Nestle, a name that echoes in the most remote places of India is one of the leading food and beverages companies all around the globe. Note that the rise of 215 crore of revenue in operations led to a whooping jump of roughly 131 crores in profit.

Free case study on creative solution of a business company

It is the dream of every company to maximize the profit by increasing the sales, decreasing the costs, and reducing the risks. The company may decide to introduce new products and enter new markets.

Work experience personal statement examples

In addition, I attained hands on experience in the planning, implementation and management of business-to-business marketing campaigns, geared at boosting the image of Al Otheim Markets as a viable business partner. With my close involvement in the market research and planned establishment of Al Otheim Markets e-commerce portal, I have gained valuable experience on the β†’

Individual who has inspired you: the unforgettable person essay sample

It is said that Steve Jobs had the uncanny ability to " distort reality" i.e.he could mold the situation in a way so that it may benefit his or his coworkers aim, or helped him in making people see things the way he wished them to be seen to fit his purpose. Steve Jobs had β†’

Fedex: ethical issues essay example

The company is known by many names such as FedEx Corporation, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade Networks, FedEx Supply Chain Solutions and FedEx Services. The financial performance of FedEx is summarized in Yahoo! The code of conduct for example, has been adopted by β†’

Example of exporting energy to eu research paper

The total invested amount in the export of Energy towards the EU is extremely high, and it will not be a wise decision of investment to source the finance from the own capital of the management. The possible factors that will be considering for the production are as follows Capital: Capital is an important β†’

Free research paper on neo-liberalism

It will also narrow down its perspective and assess the impact of deregulation and privatization both in the United States and Africa. Neo- liberalism is a type of philosophy that promotes economic principles and policies that encourage the provision of free markets, free trade areas as well as the deregulation and privatization of most of β†’

Overview of hr strategies essay sample

At the beginning, the 3 founders had a clear vision towards Cloud technology, and after the two founders left, the company gained growth and the market changed, while the company was still providing the Cloud technology. Lack of response to the market and competitor activities: In one case, the company introduced a product that was β†’

Leadership in organizations research paper examples

However, a general definition of the aspect in organizations is the ability to mobilize people within the organizations to accomplish the objectives of the organization. The approach tends to imply that leadership is as a result of the behavior of individuals in different settings.

Walmart and the flat earth: supply-chaining, insourcing, and an expanding 21st century

We are going to look at the practices they utilized in achieving such success, as well as the good and bad effects of such growth and global spread that they have achieved. Insourcing: In-House Brands Leading to Profit The phrase " the world is flat", as our text is titled, can allude to multiple β†’

Implementation case study examples

As stated above, the strategies to be implemented include the expansion of the company's organic and natural products and the leveraging of its organic and natural products to reflect the leading position of the company in consumer health. Ensuring adequate supply of the wide products range, maintaining the low prices, and continuing to satisfy β†’

Good essay about enterprise system

The implementation of enterprise systems brings an advantage to an organization because it not only makes the information available in real-time and without any mistake or duplication but also the tasks and activities can be performed in an efficient manner by an organization. How enterprise system works The enterprise β†’

Environmental and economic advantages of buying research papers example

This paper discusses the benefits of purchasing local and handmade items from small businesses. Environmental and Economic Advantages of Buying Local, Handmade Items There are a number of reasons to buy local and handmade items. Not only will you be contributing to their local community, you will be supporting the family business that is β†’

Swot analysis of adidas sample

Its website is also user friendly and promotes business. Large market share. Major sponsor for a number of global sporting events. Purchasing of Reebok. SWOT Analysis W High prices in some products. Online customer service not " helpful" or easy to find. High cost due to the small order quantity. Competition from Nike. β†’

Leadership, cultural and performance change at meatpack

In order to do this, Derek Bison will have to adopt a more hands-on approach rather than a hands-off approach towards his business. In order to prevent senior leaders from leaving the organization, thus hampering the growth and progress of the organization, Derek Bison, being the CEO and founder of MeatPack, should adopt a hands-on β†’

Hitting the wall: nike and international labor practices

Nike was pressed by the circumstances to think this way as their bottom line had truly started to suffer. Evidently, since 1980's the corporation had been plagued by a series of labor incidents and public relations nightmares but what has astounded me is " despite the criticism; they insisted that labor conditions in its contractors' β†’

Good essay about posners technological gap model

The innovative countries, therefore, benefit from international trade for a given period. Posner argues that the length of the technology gap is influenced by the nature and amount of economies of scale the innovation generates. A country enjoying economies of scale in the production can export to other countries and earn profit. The desire to β†’

Description of the business company’s structure

The business of oil and bunkering is challenging and stressful because of the high number of competitors and the uncertainty of the climate. Threats-Bigger companies have more power to influence the market and pricesThe company is very successful thanks to its management style internally, the achievements of the employees and they understand well the market β†’

Problem/issue statement case study

As such, it is my proposal for the right leadership structure to be implemented to enhance better performance of the company in all perspectives in your absence. In this case, I propose for the application of the congruence model. In this case, this structure will allow us, as the top management, to make overall decisions β†’

Wynn marketing strategies research paper examples

The company owns and operates several well built and maintained resorts that provide quality services to consumers. The Wynn Las Vegas resort targets vacationers. It has also been able to build a very strong brand name that has enabled consumers to proudly associate themselves with the company's products and services.

Business pricing strategies for starbucks

This meant price movements upwards or downwards but the benefit to customers is more important than the price shifts.(Seeking Alpha Earnings Call Transcript, 2009) In the succeeding years, Starbucks would likely continue dynamic pricing by considering economic and marketing aspects. Economic Aspects of the Pricing Strategy of Starbucks β†’

Colgate’s distateful toothpaste

This is an ethical issue because the logo was very popular in the Asian market for years which meant that it was very well accepted and non-offensive in the market. But as soon as the word of such action was heard of in the US it was regarded as offensive and unacceptable. The agreement of β†’

Branding essay

To remain permanently in the mind of the consumer brands must build a recognizable brand and offer their cultural role models to their customers. Thus it is necessary to include this cultural aspect to the marketing strategy of the brand. The success of the brand in the consumer's opinion is fundamentally dependent β†’

Big data in chemicals industry essay sample

Big Data allows the organizations to take appropriate decisions, and precisely access performance, as Big Data can provide concealed data that is beneficial for the company. One such sector is Chemical industry that has been focusing on consumer market so far, and now wants to shift to application market to β†’

Free essay on knowledge management

According to Wheatley , all organizations have self-organized communities of practice, which people spontaneously create to help them work more effectively. Key Issues of the Topic Some of the key issues in knowledge management, as identified by Firestone , involve the various conceptions or understandings of the approach to knowledge management; the β†’

Is wal-mart good or bad for the economy

Walmart has left a positive impact on America at the local, regional and national level that has helped America grow as a country within the economy, offering benefits to its employees and providing job aids for many americans. There are a lot of people who hate Wal-Mart. The study also concluded that β†’

Kfc presentation essay sample

KFC, known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. In the midst of the depression, Harland Sanders who was born just outside Henryville , opens his first restaurant in the small front room of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. The Sanders Court & β†’

Starbucks global issues

The purpose of this report is to center around a major organisation Starbucks Coffee Company and to carry out a depth investigation into its position in global market and issues related to it. The report will firstly present the research methods used to get the information and justify that. Methodology In order β†’

Good example of essay on cloud computing – homecare homebase

While HCHB is currently a leader in cloud services in the industry, there are viable competitors that compete for target audience and develop programming that continually streamline the operational requirements in an industry that must adjust to changing governmental regulations. HCHB is an application that is a little of ten years old with operations based β†’

Free essay on freshwater concerns in the drilling industry

Furthermore, unavailability of sufficient data that will keep track of the amount of freshwater being drawn from rivers and ponds is also becoming a concern for authorities and communities. This concern about the lack of data representing the amount of freshwater actually used in drilling industry stems from the worry that β†’

Louis vuitton malletier vs dooney & bourke inc

Since the design in the fashion industry rarely creates a new process, machine or manufactures, they have a separate statute specifically for them for new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture. Trade dress protection is addressed under the Lanham Act to defend the design and appearance of the product β†’

Essay on companys objectives and strategy

On the other hand, Google have hit the market by employing high quality service strategy, Google ensure that they have kwon everything in the world, and improve its search engines to ensure that its customers receive quality services. Key elements of Apple and Google strategy The key elements of apples strategy include vision, mission, β†’

Example of traditional personal management vs. human resource management essay

The role of HRM is wide and not limited to the recruitment of the employees and management of their records and wages. Personal management also used to take care of employees' interests and benefits without compromising with the success of the organization. During earlier times, the role of personnel management was limited to record keeping β†’

Ford motor company business plan

In fact, this can help to stimulate demand and increase prices as the supply goes down. This option can be assessed in terms of the savings that the company will accrue from the reduced cost of production since the remaining factories are deemed to be more efficient. One of this is β†’

Managing compensation research paper

It also has the potential to improve the relationship between the employer and the employee and to eliminate dissatisfaction from the employee's side. In the case of Hawk International Company, the professional and competent workers are the group of workforce that needs to be retained and motivated towards the goals of the company.

Bss company startup analysis case studies examples

The fact that the company needs the trust of its customers requires all checks taken to ensure that the employee is trustworthy. One of the most important background checks for BSS to conduct is the criminal and arrest record. The success of a good background check depends on the success of the company in getting β†’

How it is to be a manager at amazon warehouse

Ronald Reagan once said " surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and do not interfere as long as the policy you have decided upon is being carried out" and to this day plenty of managers work towards finding the best employee they can find, delegating out the tasks at hand β†’

Good essay on strategic planning

The vision, mission, and values of a company play a critical role in coming up with the strategic plan of the business. Therefore, the vision guides the actions that the firm ought to take and, consequently, the vision statements influences the actions that the company includes in the strategic plan.

Facebook vs. twitter: a comparative analysis

However, when it comes to Twitter and Facebook, people have a hard time finding differences between the two and ultimately feel the need to just use one or the other. Also, Twitter has gained a lot of popularity in the media.T.V.shows would use twitter to connect with the viewers, and celebrities use it to talk β†’

Free research paper on supply chain management

The research helps us in generating scope for future study that is how existing risk management processes can be improved. Thesis Statement: Proactive supply chain management: A risk management strategy. The research study focuses on analyzing various risks associated with the supply chain and also discusses how companies are adopting β†’

Political legal environment essays examples

It will discuss the short-term and the long-term strategic goals, and the location considerations for implementation. Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.] Introduction Environmental scanning can be defined as ' the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social and technological events and trends which influence a business, an β†’

Good toyota motor corporation critical thinking example

The safety issues arose because of the accelerator problems and the crash and death cases that are thought to be a result of this problem. There are many confessions on the side of Toyota Company that outlines the settlement between the Company and the Justice Department. Along with financial losses in the form of penalties β†’

Bus454-01 case study

Roberts' goal of reducing waste and increasing production in the company, he left most of the reprimanding and firing of tardy workers to his assistant. The company employed 70 workers to work in the production department comprising of the warehouse, planning, assembly, door-jams, packing, and shipping. As mentioned in the case, he was generally on β†’

Long pest analysis of asda superstores

For the LongPest grid for ASDA Plc, see separate sheet. Political - Local/National level The political element of the externalenvironmentremains the same for the local and national levels because the ASDA Superstores are only in Britain. The Wal-Mart name appeared on a UK store for the first in 2000, when the first ASDA Wal-Mart supercentre β†’

Allocating fixed costs case studies example

ABC incarcerates organizational cost for the different factors of production and other administrative expenses, and relates them to a defined activity structure. Activity Based Management is the regulation that controls the management of the various activities, in order to continuously improve the value received by the customers. Activity Based costing is β†’

Good preparing for a company-wide migration to windows 8 report example

The company has a corporate headquarters located in Texas and two other manufacturing branches located in Nebraska and Maryland. The company has 250 employees in Texas, 175 employees in Maryland and 25 employees in Nebraska. The suitability of upgrading to Windows 8 in Crescent Manufacturing is a factor of the β†’

Analysis of β€˜down by law’- independent film directed by jim jarmusch

Jarmusch manages to both uphold certain expectations of the independent film community, a community where he is regarded as a major proponent, whilst also adopting the more commercial elements of the traditional large Hollywood blockbuster film in order to subvert conventions and expectations and draw attention to the limitations of systematized cinema viewing. As Down β†’

Organisational strategic choice report

The strategy of keeping the limited product in the portfolio is to maintain the simplicity of the model and ease of processes for consumers. Considering the unique business model, the organization is chosen to assess the strategic position of a unique model in UK and to propose the strategic choices for the purpose of business β†’

The bhopal, india disaster essay example

The government was anxious about the industry in the anticipation of creation of jobs and improving the economy of the region. The immediate results of the opening of the plant were as per the expectations of the government and it provided employment at good wages to the unemployed to the locals residing near the plant.

Present value case study examples

A closer look at the share price performance of the Apple Inc.stock reveals that the company experienced a consistent improvement in share price from 2009 to 2012. This is a potential profit for my futures worth 600 dollars a share for the Apple Inc.stock.

Online shopping: disruptive innovation by amazon

The three most important features of innovation are Compatibility, Trialability and ObservabilityEarly Majority: Early Majority people gather a lot of information about the products based on that they weigh the pros and cons of the product and make decision on whether to purchase or sell the product. If the feedback provided by the consumer is β†’

Starbucks: just who is the starbucks customer essay sample

Considering the difference in the geographic location and the people in the different locations needs, and wants had to be considered. Starbucks customer service was valuable and they worked for a better look in the eyes of their customers.

Unilever company essay

This makes the company not to incur any extra costs in the process of acquiring the handhelds. This could make the company to operate under high losses. The use of the handhelds could also be a security threat to the company's executives.

Example of research paper on policies to mitigate advanced persistent threats

External exploitation can either be from an insider or from penetrations to the company's network connections outside. Threats from an insider have been one of the most destructive to companies. Since, APTs are caused by humans; the most effective way to mitigate the risks of APTs in a company is to be able to control β†’

Example of essay on the most striking bad news i have delivered in my life

You have managed to note down your honest feelings and beliefs about the functioning and management of the company and personally being a huge believer in the freedom of expression, I must commend you on that. Moving on to the real issue, I am of the opinion that as much as you are accurate in β†’

Strategic aims and objectives of tesco

Each Tesco store has its own individual Steering Wheel which targets specific areas in each section relating to the store, area and customers. This Steering Wheel strategy is an ingenious tool linking strategy to day-to-day work and helps each store achieve its objectives and meet the overall goals of Tesco.

Unbranding starbucks

Coffee is produced in over 50 countries worldwide providing a livelihood for over 25 million people, but 67% of the world's coffee growth is conducted in the United States. In the 1990's, with the coffee craze, came locally owned cafes and specialty stores that by 2005 made up 30% of the coffee retail market. With β†’

Debt and equity control

For the current fiscal statement for the fiscal year ended June 30 the auditors would treat the amount of $430, 000 as loan to debtors and subject the total net profit to $70, 000. Once the amount is realized on the end of the stipulated 60 days it would be accounted for in accordance to β†’

Free essay on peer review report

Minimizing waste The explanation of the profitability of the method that Toyota uses for production shows that the writer has not yet understood the concept of ' economies of scale'. On the contrary, economies of scale applies to the whole process i.e.from the acquisition of the raw materials to the realization of the final β†’

Cis 417 week 7 discussion 1 & 2 term paper examples

This is in a bid to make email investigations possible. Forced client merging is a major challenge facing users of the cloud and storage of web mail. It is notable that storage spaces in a cloud are merged, making it relatively difficult for a specific person to store data on a private platform within the β†’

Free case study on ethics in organizational behavior paper

In my opinion, I would rather receive zero additional pay for my work as long as I am doing my job right without having to resort to cheating the customers because I know that in the end, it will be the employees and not the ones who used to order the employees to cheat the β†’

The company wal-mart

As an overview, the company of Wal-Mart has recorded an earnings and revenue of $348, 650 million in the fiscal year of 2007. Even though Wal-Mart with its status and capability of earning a revenue can be considered the world's biggest company, what with a record sales of $285 billion in the previous fiscal year β†’