A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Essay on gillette company

King Camp Gillette is the founder of the original Gillette Corporation, as the producer of safety razor in 1895 (Berry, Sood, Mittal & Passanah, 9). Marketing Strategies One of the common strategies that Gillette uses in marketing its products is through advertising in sport events and over the internet. β†’

Starbucks choice & evaluation essay sample

MarketBroaden the Product LineExpand into China and Eastern Europe Shareholder ValueP879 RevenuesP899 ProfitabilityP899 Investment RequiredN-8-6-8 Degree of RiskN-5-5-9 Culture Change NeededN-2-7-6 Competitive AdvantageP8610 TOTAL131314 Starbucks Strategic Choices, Ranked Should Starbucks focus on and choose only one strategic growth initiative? Starbucks business scorecard is shown in Exhibit β†’

Apple and samsung case

Rather, the ancient rarity of fabricate would be the whole auto all things considered, and the whole telephone for Samsung's situation. That conveys us to another issue: what precisely Apple licensed. One factor in the four-factor test is what's really guaranteed in the patent, and Apple and Samsung tussled over the issue.

Mcdonald’s strategic management globalization strategy

Example 1 Localization strategy of McDonald's McDonald is using localization strategy in term of choose to localize the language that they use to sell the items especially burger and tries to localize thefooditself, localization is absolutely necessary to attract customers across nations. International strategy In the India market McDonald's accepted the international strategy over β†’

An argument for and against allowing children on facebook

36 , 30-32. In this article the author argues the importance of teaching children at a young age, about technology and the Internet, but also argues that the problems related to permitting school going children to communicate over the internet. The Facebook Paths to Happiness: Effects of the Number of Facebook Friends and Self-Presentation on β†’

The advantages of a small company

From the days when European settlers first founded our nation, entrepreneurs recognized an opportunity and strove to fill the needs of their clientele, even if it was only in exchange for a commodity likefood. Today, in an economy filled with big box retailers like Wal-Mart, communications giants like AT&T and food and beverage conglomerates like β†’

Essay on cvp analysis

Manufacturing margin was gotten from subtracting part of the variable costs ; only those that are related to manufacturing from the total sales revenue while the contribution margin encompasses total variable costs both in manufacturing, variable selling expenses including promotion costs and commissions from the total revenue. As a percentage of sales the manufacturing margin β†’

Ethics in production/distriubtion of iphone term paper examples

Applied across the business environment, business ethics govern the behavior of the employees, the employers and even the consumers. Business ethics can also be defined as how a business behaves and adheres to its day-to-day activities in the world. One of the factors which affect the business ethics is the desire or the need of β†’

Foreign currency risk research paper example

XYZ Company may encounter risk in terms of the translation of the subsidiary's assets if it change through the dominated foreign currency to domestic currency in the financial statements Operating Exposure It refers to the effects of foreign currency fluctuations on the company's future cash flows and its β†’

Brief history of insurance companies in bangladesh

By virtue of this order, save and except postal life insurance and foreign life insurance companies, all 49 insurance companies and organizations transacting insurance business in the country were placed in the public sector under five corporations. After 1973, general insurance business became the sole responsibility of the Sadharan Bima Corporation and the Life insurance β†’

Best case study examples

In order to ensure that we provide the necessary information, we promise that we will stick to what is required of us to provide. First, we would like to refer to the specific scenarios in the case. It is not in any way our plan to reveal the secrets of our stakeholders and we wish β†’

Example of critical thinking on economic questions

The lower the supply the higher the price of organs and therefore, the patients from lower income families would not get enough money to buy the organs. Question 2 Before the World War II USSR were socialists where everything including trade and their market was controlled by the government. β†’

Example of essay on budgeting basics and beyond (employee perspective)

So, given the chance to create and submit my own budget proposals for a particular building or property that I am managing, for example, I would use the same budgeting format that the upper budgeting management has used when they released the budgeting forms indicating how large a percentage of β†’

Report on internship in merchandising department

With offices in Hong Kong and Vietnam, the company provides a variety of services such as Prototyping, Logistics & Shipping and Quality Control. Work Responsibilities The department that I am assigned to is the Merchandising department. During the first week of internship, I have received training from my senior colleagues on how to write β†’

Strategic analysis

Rabia Hassan Assignment # 1 Section: K Topic: Strategic Alliance Tata and Starbucks Group Members: * Khubaib Yaqub * Rana Zeeshan * Momna Ahmad * Iqra Pervaiz * Aimen Naqvi * Iqra Tariq * Huma Akram TATA Coffee and STARBUCKS Indian Coffee Industry: India is the fifth largest producer of coffee in the world, producing β†’

Essay on five guys ltd case study

The direct approach is used here with very little advertising strategy other than word of mouth which seems to be very successful for the company as it has managed to increase its business substantially nothwitstanding some bad publicity on the quality of the company's fries. The emphasis on direct marketing is consistent throughout the company's β†’

What you need to know when starting up a company in dubai’s real estate space

When you are researching the potential of starting a new venture, it is important to consider both the strengths and the challenges of starting a Dubai real estate company. These large deals are great for easing pressure on the cash flow of the business, and also for inspiring other members of the team. RegulationUnlike any β†’

The most useful features of ms word

The second one I would think it would be the fact that he would be able to do a spell check and grammar check would be another plus. A software program that I find very use to have on the computer operating system is " CCleaner." This program makes it so your computer runs smooth β†’

Example of essay on malcolm gladwell the tipping point

Airwalking was able to make those small movements and that's one of the things that made time rise to the top. This is just one of his many examples how people a behavior of a particular group or population could be so unpredictable. It was believed that individuals in general would rather go for a β†’

Googles hiring process essay example

Below is a discussion on how Google goes about the process. Google's Hiring Process The hiring process is aimed at making sure that the best hands are gathered to handle a particular task in an organization. One of the companies with such a process is Google. According to Google their hiring process β†’

Good example of essay on buffalo wild wings: situational analysis

Actually, Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants are known for their relaxing atmosphere, excellent reputation, where people come with great pleasure spending their free time with their families and friends. BWW restaurants work to satisfy their customers and their attitude to the clients is reflected in their mission (Buffalo Wild Wings Marketing Plan, n.d).: " WOW people β†’

General electric under jack welch case study sample

For the purpose of this analysis, it is important to mention that the leadership qualities and vision of Welch as a CEO, where influenced by his personal background; he comes from a working class family and goes through all the stages of professional development within the company. Q1: Corporate Social β†’

Apple computer product research paper example

In other terms, mathematical concept plays a major role in facilitating the financial reporting for the company. The balance and the income statement of the company borrows the ideas or concept of mathematics. For instance, according to the balance of Apple Inc.the accounting equation for the assets, liabilities and equity used a mathematical expression that β†’

Good example of political science essay

To cause any change the current laws need to be overhauled, but first the penalties need to be, upgraded to have weight. Workers have first to band together to make a call that will be, heard distinctly in the congress. Personally, I would propose the " Right to Work law" because; it is more sensitive β†’

Global branding

Pro's and con's Advantages of global branding It is difficult to deny that global branding is connected with numerous advantages: - economy of scale in production and distribution." The globalization strategy still seems the most desirable strategy to follow, since it entails the highly desired financial advantages that corporations seek as β†’

Contracts and private issues course work

Involved members must understand thoroughly the terms and the conditions of the agreement before signing the contract. Considerations refer to the legal inducement of the contractor the essence of the contract. The ability or capacity of the persons involved in a contract to comprehend meaningfully the said, and interpret it successfully is referred to as β†’

Good essay about johnnie walker: market analysis

Through incorporating some of the strategies recommended in the preceding analysis, Johnnie Walker can be able to achieve the set objectives and create a more competitive brand in the global market. High-level strategic alternatives Alternative 1# the Cost leadership strategy falls under the generative strategy used as a competitive strategies falling under the product-market β†’

Investigation of increasing the strength of the iphone 11

The focus of this investigation will be on increasing the strength of the glass used in the iPhone 11 to increase the strength of the entire outer shell of the phone. Background The glass currently used for phone screens is actually a synthetic glass-ceramic. Hence, the glass-ceramics combine both the strength of the glass β†’

Brand market expansion brand kenzo

These are stated below: To identify the most suitable market expansion strategy for Keno To identify the suitable market, where Keno will get maximum exposure To plan the promotional strategies of Keno so as to develop the brand further in a new market Research Questions The research questions have been developed in line with the β†’

Free essay about residual income model

Hence, the equation for finding the intrinsic value of the stock is : Vo= Bo+[ / Bo] In the equation above, while Bo, is the book value of the company, [ / ], represents additional value expected because of the ability of the company to generate additional returns in excess of its cost β†’

Relationship between csr and financial performance of an organization

Often times, both categories of measures have been combined and indices like ' Tobin's Q' which is the ratio of the market value of a company's assets (measured by valuing its outstanding stock and debt) to the replacement cost of the company's assets and the MVA which is a calculation that shows the β†’

Apple inc. critique essay

The company's hardware products include the Macintosh line of personal computers, the iPod line of portable media players, the iPad line of tablets, and the iPhone line of mobile phones. Of the companies that Apple has acquired, 37 were based in the US.

Harvey norman

The aim of this report is to show an overview of Harvey Norman's business based on the 2011 Annual Report of Harvey Norman. This revenue is consisting of the franchise fee and interest of franchise loans. However, due to the downturn of the whole economicenvironment, the franchisees themselves are struggling to keep β†’

Free article review on starbucks and danone are joining forces to sell yogurt

Starbucks and Danone to Join Forces" article, written by Stephanie Strom and published at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/24/business/starbucks-and-danone-joining-forces-to-sell-yogurt.html? ref= global & _r= 1&on July 23rd, 2013 discusses about an organizational strategy for increasing two companies' visibility, market share and profits and this is the reason why I chose it, for elaborating on an organizational behavior concept. This business β†’

What is the most important problem facing amazon.com?

The company is facing a problem in sustaining good relation because of the issues relevant to their online system and operation system which affects trust and reliance of the shareholders to the company. As mentioned, the company is facing a problem in maintaining good relations with their shareholders. In order to solve β†’

Pesticide waste tank explosion at bayer cropscience report examples

This is because the new system called for adjustments, things to check, clarifies and the complexity of the system caused a challenge. On the day of the incident at 5. The temperature rise is because of the pre-heated feed and not cold due to decompositions from the methomyl. The control board operator saw the increased β†’

Good essay about db 4

MANAGEMENT Management Owing to the spelling error and irregular picture on the boxes detected by Fred, the product engineer, it is important that immediate measures are taken to correct the irregularities. The errors detected on the boxes can cause detrimental consequences and as a result, it is not important to look at β†’

Example of accepting the job essay

I have to evaluate the entire offer including the benefits and the job requirements in terms of my responsibilities and the expectations. Throughout the negotiation process, I would be respectful and courteous.

Coca cola and coco frio essay sample

However, he founds that the people of this island is losing their own culture by adapting another one. The poem begins when the boy apparently first introduce to a different culture, to a different country, Puerto Rico. A great support is given to the claim that states how Puerto Ricans are loosing their own β†’

Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of hamel & prahalad’s (1990) concept

Core competencies could be seen as a benefit to businesses because it brings in a lot of involvement between the management and the workers. An example of this is Casio who is widely known for its calculators decided to enter the handheld television market and also the watches market. Competences that engage a business in β†’

Effectiveness of a brand

Their distinctive brand management has been used to differentiate their products to the point where buyer awareness and corollary car sales have continue to increase annually in many parts of the world. Increased demand for the products of Audi, BMW, and Mercedes may be directly linked to the marketing thrust of the β†’

Report on pricing strategies and marketing channels

Establishing the total costs right from procurement of raw materials to the supply of the products to the point of sale including a fair return for the efforts put and risk taken determine the least price that a product and service can be offered to the buyers. Demand also is crucial as it helps to β†’

Free morgan stanley company research paper example

The planning methods ought to be both quantitative and qualitative to help balance the reason for the establishment of the company which is to make profits and at the same time provide quality services to the clients. Being in the business industry, their main motive is to make profits and some of their customers are β†’

Report on costco wholesale

The current consumer debts as well as the increase in taxes negatively affect the buying patterns of the Costco customers, thus decreasing the overall revenue. Rising prices for commodities also pose a threat for the business of Costco Corporation. The pressure of the higher cost may force the company to raise β†’

Good example of weaknesses of the organizations product life cycle essay

One of the main weakness that would be deduced from the organization's product life cycle is the fact that their products are not given an opportunity to shift from one life cycle to the next. Positively, there would be an impact on the quality of the products that the company is producing.

Volkswagen of america: managing it

The head of each business unit was a member of ExecutiveLeadershipTeam that helped develop and rank the proposals for the projects. Senior business and IT members in the IT steering committee guided and approved project selection and prioritization process. The process of how to fund IT projects has to include the means β†’

Free research paper on fukushima daiichi nuclear plant

As a consequence, this paper seeks to examine the environmental sustainability measures and principles engaged by the company with a view to averting a similar occurrence and indeed promote environmental protection. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant is owned by the Tokyo Electric Company. In this way, energy is released from the splitting of the β†’

Business ethics case study on sunbeam corporation

Then finally it touches on the development and implementation of real strategies including the balancing of finances that improves company's production. Introduction The sunbeam company is a well known company that deals with designing manufacturing, and marketing of consumer products used for cooking, Healthcare, and personal care. The β†’

Example of research paper on timken company; new country market

The list of potential market countries is created at this stage and based on such characteristics like economic growth, infrastructure levels, demand for bearings and steel and legal framework. - Preliminary screening The second stage is the preliminary screening. Evaluation of the country's risk factors is done and such β†’

Political factors in apple company report sample

This many have a negative effect on the profitability levels of Apple Company as it may not be able to meet the high demand for its products in the different parts of the world. Some of the countries in which Apple Company sells its products may not be friendly to the United States; therefore, they β†’

Case 2-9 phar mor essay sample

There had to have been a separate board of directors that should have had the capability of finding the fraud themselves instead of letting one man hid it from them. The code of ethics for a corporation is outlined in the corporate governance and should have been followed.

ο»Ώtesco & oxfam essay sample

Oxfam The two companies I have chosen is Oxfam and Tesco; Tesco's is one of the biggest companies in the world and is known very well through out the whole of England. The charity I have chosen is Oxfam and the reason I chose this is because it is a β†’

Apple & microsoft essay sample

For both the companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the issuance of the securities to ensure that the firms disclose to the investor how a particular security works before purchase. Therefore, the Securities and Exchange Commission is a powerful regulator for all the companies that issue their securities in the US. Reference β†’

Free order# 211314716 essay example

The only way people can move forward is by constantly striving and this helps me set higher goals that I can reach. Secondly, I want to have my own Supply Chain Company and to make it public in China because my parents are self-employed and I wish to follow in their footsteps. I know that β†’

Brand name

This idea can be related to Civilian g's idea that people usually buy things that they know about because they feel safe and comfortable with, and they think those products are good. According to Westbound , it has been discovered that more than half of the consumers who participated in the latest β†’

The company ; delighted customers

91% of them think that the duty consciousness of the staff is not excellent rather it is only good and very good. In the case of the politeness only 4% of the customers agree that they are treated excellently by the security. 85% of the customers feel that the attitude of the β†’

How an integrated marketing approach can help generate greater brand impact

With the new-age, digitally empowered consumers no longer averse to rejecting anything that they deem is not very useful to them, marketers are gradually realising the need to connect with their consumers on a more evolved level in order to generate greater brand impact. Enter integrated marketing, a marketing strategy which focuses on developing a β†’

Assignment essay

Both the two documents have the same details of the client expect the charge fee of the commission." X" had forwarded the document with incorrect charges to the client." X" was trying to keep a portion of his charge along with the company's charges which was unethical and not known to the company β†’

Brand management sample

Despite these challenges, it is still feasible to produce a successful virtual team by using these three criteria developed by Hackman: " productive output (quality, quantity and timeliness); personal growth and well-being; and viability (ability of the members to work together as a team in the future". By doing such, it is not impossible not β†’

Wal-mart’s employees management

The main reason of using child labor is that Wal-Mart enable to take advantage of low wage structure of working children that live in poor countries in some parts of the world. Even in cases where such labor is illegal, Wal-Mart and other companies are able to employ these underage workers.

Free pestel analysis research paper example

Indeed, the impact of this environmental crisis needs a quick response because the company is facing losses and damages especially the commitment to the restoration of the Gulf of Mexico and restructuring of the management of Bp company. 2= Technological. The factor is important due to globalization hence ranked second. The Bp company has been β†’

Free research paper on lowes company report

The company also has a new corporate campus that was built next to Charlotte while the headquarters of the Subsidiary company is in Toronto Ontario. The inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing net sales over inventory and it leads to the number of times. For Lowe's company the inventory turnover ratio for 2012 was β†’

Starbucks coffee in malaysia essay sample

As a store manager, below are some tools using in Starbucks which its internal and external environmental analysis been evaluated thru: * PESTLE analysis * Value Chain analysis * SWOT analysis In order to compete with other competitors, have proposed several marketing strategies to the Managing Director, in which Starbucks may β†’

Case study on foreign direct investment of adidas

Increased FDI activities have enabled Adidas to extend its sponsorship agreements with sports federations and clubs. Speaking of Horizontal versus vertical Foreign Direct Investment to Adidas, the international presence of Adidas and its subsidiaries influences the profitability level for the company. Increased role of Foreign Direct Investment by Adidas in Germany has improved β†’

W.a.1 essay

Some of the most basic examples of these recent changes are related to the integration of new communication systems between drivers and the center, allocation system that allows drivers to pick up order more efficiently and respond to customer demands in a timely manner and, of course tracking solutions for company vehicles. In my profession, β†’

Discipline essay samples

The business need to know the contrast of the computer software contrasts in the organization and its computer hardware that is the physical parts of computers. In the case of such system, software needed by the organization should clearly-defined instructions and procedure that upon execution, instructs system hardware to carry out the tasks it is β†’

Interview with a leader essays examples

The objective of this interview is to understand his role as a leader in the company and learn with his experience for our future. When I receive his confirmation, we scheduled skype interview and I prepared for it in advance, to be able to lead the conversation and answer all β†’

Triangle shirtwaist factory fire essay

As a matter of fact the fire at the triangle factory became an important event which led to changes in the policies formed by American government on safety of fire. The fire claimed the lives of 146 people who did not die in vain. The inferno occurred in the Eight, Nine and the Tenth floor β†’

Example of report on retail marketing- individual assignment

Introduction The size of retail market has grown over the years with the increase in the number of products and rise in demand in the mass market. The sector growth in previous decades had been due to the value provided to customers and the increased employment opportunities in the sector with the growth β†’

Example of intrinsic motivation research paper

The difference between the two is derived from the origin of the motivation. The source of motivation is from within and not from a third party. Extrinsic motivation This is a form of motivation that has little or no relation to the task an individual has to perform.

Production and procurement management in aviation article review example

The company also has to install a printer in the warehouse that ensures that all particulars that are required to be printed in the receipt appear. Recent developments have seen the company adopt a new printer that is up-to-date, and that helps the company in the daily operations..

Bunnings it infrastructure transformation (bunnings australia) report sample

The team leaders will be the ambassador of the new technology program in their respective departments. The new technology is indeed new to Bunnings Warehouse and as such, the program will require in-depth practical approach to enhancing the skills. The eminence of products and services Bunnings offers will have a new dimension directed to the β†’

Example of raydon: a business overview report

However, all these individuals work with the Military Subject Matter Experts to engage with the many different facets of the types of training that Raydon provides so even the customer service experts and the IT professionals at the company have a working knowledge of the products and training systems that are produced by the company. β†’

Free book review on the missing campus climate debate

In addition to that, a member of an environmental group called Environmental Protection Agency comments that the group is not aware of any effects linked with the tacos corn. A member of the environmental group confirmed that the tacos corn sold in the supermarkets were tested before they found their way to the market. It β†’

The new, the bold, and the retro business plans example

Target Market The target market for the New, the bold, and the Retro clothing and apparels boutique would be individuals who are in their teenage and adolescent years. Considering this, the people that we will target are those who are in their teens up to early 30s, both male and female.

Good example of the companies for this assignment are composed of report

- The project company, AstraZeneca PLC - Two selected competitors, GlaxoSmithKline and Aeolus Pharmaceuticals - The FTSE100 Index (of which both AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline are constituents) We collected the stock prices for the period 2013/10/01 2014/03/21 from Yahoo Finance. The strong volatility of returns can be attributed to the fact that β†’

Washington state university report

In order to asses my competency and technical knowhow, I have attached a copy of my resume and a comprehensive portfolio detailing the reasons why I am applying for your company. I believe that my mixture of resourcefulness, knowledge of the world, and experience with engineering as an undergraduate student of Bachelor of Science in β†’

Marketing communication essay examples

One of the biggest weaknesses the Nestle Company is facing at the United Kingdom is that Milo is not produced locally. Thus, this makes the price of the Milo high since it has to cover the cost of importation.

Leadership moment essay examples

Henry fold was forced to set in place a drastic measure to settle all the difference with his workers. In all his activities he showed a high degree and power of assembling essential elements together for his manufacturing project. He coordinated his worker for better productivity and within 20 years of operations his company earned β†’

Good case study on name

All these factors were meant to work for the organization in both the internal and external environmental in order to create a sustainable growth that can help achieve all the intended goals and objectives. The nature of the internal environment involves all the factors that have both the direct and indirect influence on the operation β†’

Strategic issues and problems case study samples

However, in her challenge on hiring another person to help her manage the business and the administration, she has complications, which have received similar response from friends and colleagues as the establishment of the company. The disadvantage is that the person would require much money for salary, which the company might not afford to pay. β†’

Top priorities for developing human resource in the company essay

The HR and the company's management teams sit down at the beginning of the financial year to evaluate the functions of the HR department in the company which are then adopted as the drivers of HR department to meet the goals and objectives of the whole organizations. HR department ensure that its goals are aligned β†’

Starbucks’ mission: aligned with its strategies

Mission Statement From the Starbucks website we find that the Starbucks' mission statement is, " Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow". With this mission statement they have determined who they are and what they intend to do. Breaking it β†’

Commercial law essay examples

Some of these considerations involve incorporation of a business under the company law. Company law.

An ethical decision making model creative writing

In the event any of these can be answered ' no,' the decision is not put forward for implementation. However, this ethical model merely seeks to make sure that no ethical, legal or moral rules are broken as a result of the passing of this decision. This decision making model is meant to be easy β†’

Good example of essay on economics

The structural unemployment occur when there is a mismatch of the skills, the skills possessed by workers do not match the skills required for the job, which paves the way to the lack of demand for people having particular set of the skills. Moreover, the employees will be able to learn new skills because of β†’

Free term paper on cct 110

This includes the description strategy, compare and contract strategy, division strategy, argumentation, process analysis and the exemplification strategy. The content in each case provides a basis for this analysis, the first case is the McDonald campaign that backfired, this article narrates how a campaign by this company resulted into negative feedbacks and the company had β†’

Essay on legal and ethical issues in information technology

Data theft, irresponsible access to sensitive information, and breach of confidentiality are only some of the issues businesses address in the current age of electronics. Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology The Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and electronics Engineers β†’

Good dissertation proposal about oil spills

The Nigerian government is trying to curb these problems by the use of acts and regulations such as the mineral oil safety regulations of 1963. The oil in navigable waters acts of 1968, which prohibits the release of petroleum containing oil in the inland water and also territorial waters.

Example of case study on netflix company

Retaining and growing subscribers was considered critical especially to the revenue and the marketing goals. Some of the tactics that the company is applying in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives include: implementing Porter's approach. The approach was used in order to set the company apart from its competitors and to build a big β†’

Social performance of organizations essay sample

Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of Apple, and identify two key factors in the organization's external environment that can affect its success. Apple is using different business strategy that all employees and management work together in the creation of their products and services while Apples main on customer β†’

Stock prices business plan samples

The beta of a stock is the measure of the stock's volatility in comparison to the market. 28 Nov.2014. . In the table above, stocks for General Electric and BAC have a beta of greater than one this implies the share prices of these companies tend to move with the market.

Example of swot essay

The first strength of the company is their aim to the large scale expansion program. Most restaurants are similar to Sandwich Blitz; this makes it difficult for them to stand out in the intense competition.

Overview of nike campaign with colin kaepernick

" Nike, Inc.is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services". Nike launched a campaign with Colin Kaepernick (Civil rights activist and ex-NFL player) a controversial figure in the U.S. To be able to leverage the power of sport β†’