A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

We choose whether wellness is affordable or not

The main goal of this pursuit is to be in good health and feel " well." However, despite the seemingly good intentions of the movement, questions have arisen regarding the affordability and accessibility of what is generally perceived to be wellness. Fortunately, the methods are countless, and the cost is flexible, making wellness not a β†’

How to gain weight eating healthy food

I found it very inconvenient to eat a lot of food all day every day, because I am not a big eater. Knowing that I can eat a normal amount of food and still can weight makes me think that I can finally reach my goal weight. I was not eating the β†’

We risk of developing type 2 diabetes than

Thehuge amount of refined sugar found in sugary drinks makes them veryharmful for our health, especially for children who are developing and growing. In addition, buying sugary drinks is a very easy method since theyare cheap and sold everywhere, making it easy for childrento purchase them and drink them on a daily basis. Furthermore, sugary β†’

University of sharjah

Using the help of ARENA software and many useful articles related to the topic we reached to the conclusion that the AMS that the farm was using was not the optimum , and many other types are more suitable related to the large herd on the farm. Problems to be solved and objectives of the β†’

Chad – food security crisis

Chad is located in central northern Africa. ~87% of Chad's population is living below the global poverty line, with a population of 14 million; about 12 million are in severe poverty. The population relies heavily on agriculture and livestock for sustenance and income, however due to the arid land in the majority of the country β†’

Nutrition from infancy through adulthood essay

This advancement in agriculture and abundance in food led to cooking which made more tasty and edible. The human body is composed of certain chemical compounds, such as water, proteins, fatty acid and carbohydrates. A healthy and balanced diet for adult is composed of rich and starchy food and vegetables, moderate amount of meat and β†’

Criminalization of the homeless community

This research paper will discuss what homeless means, various ways in which individuals become homeless, trends, laws that effect the homeless , and do decriminalization of the homeless community help or hinder the situation. To be homeless means a person is considered homeless who " lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence; and...has a β†’


Rumores of an aristocrat conspiracy against the reforms of the National Assembly/Royal Troops sent to Paris * Lower and middle class * A new political/social/economic system * Their terrible economic conditions * The Storming of the Bastille * A royal armory and prison * The National Guard and the β†’

Gft. world lit.-4

Cover to cover, " The novel actually begins and ends with a description of the nobility's abuses of the poor.". This behavior is only a result of the government's oppression, " While a great part of the novel is spent detailing the violence surrounding the storming of the Bastille and the beginnings of the Reign β†’

Asus marketing strategy

At the bottom, who are the proposed consumers of the old-style Eee? " Travelers".Hm. The epitome of precise, mature, fancy-touch types are " Insurance Sales"; the lowest of that class are " Home Agent".

Essay on french revolution

Going by the original goals set out in 1789, the French revolution was a failure by 1815. The genesis of the French Revolution was a myriad of challenges facing the French citizens. By that time, France had three categories of people: the privileged class consisting of the clergy and the nobility; the middle class consisting β†’

French revolution essay.

The French Revolution was of great importance in history. It was also the first significant revolution in history to advance the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity and all humanistic ideas of the French and Europeans.

French revolution

Afterword : PRE REVOLUTION FRANCE THE BACKGROUND France in the 18th Century: * 26, 000, 000 people, about 21, 000, 000 lived by farming * Over of the land was for peasants but it still was not enough to support them * Lack of technology for agriculture * Many were unable to farm themselves and β†’

French revolution

A little bit more than two hundred years later, we now know that it was a necessary event. The French revolution was a necessary event, because there was widespread hunger that needed to be changed, they got rid of a king and queen that was disloyal to their country, and the Declaration β†’

French revolution success or failure ap european history:

Amid a fiscal crisis, the peasants of France were increasingly angered by the incompetency of King Louis XVI and the continued indifference of the aristocracy. The Reign of Terror occurred between: September 1793 to July 1794." The Terror", which was orchestrated by Robespierre and his followers, was seemingly a way to provide for the security β†’

The enlightenment and the role of women in society

The Enlightenment and the Role of Women in Society The Age of Enlightenment was a large cultural movement of educated individuals around the 17th and 18th centuries. The first of the two, being Petition of Women of the Third Estate to the King, was written by a group of working women who addressed the β†’

Social world essay on discount retail mall/stores

The interesting thing about the mall is that we can see number of people and it feels so crowded and all the stores are very busy selling their products. Whatever the reason for those people being at the store is the store serves to society can be seen in a bigger picture.

My hobby essay essay sample

In the 17th century, the term was used in a pejorative sense due to the childish origins of the term. Referring to the origin of the word; engaging in one's hobby equated to the horse outfit from the term's formulation and was considered a puerile overindulgence that would yield no benefit.[3] In the 21st century, β†’

Custom screen print: the best t-shirts

With sales and price breaks you can low price custom shirts within 2 weeks on normal delivery and in 1 week with rush delivery and if you have left it till the very last minute then you can opt for our super rush delivery and have a T-shirt with a unique style in 3 days. β†’

Stylish and sturdy women backpacks online

They are perfect for women on the journey and getting things done in life. Haversacks are of great utility, they are designed to keep the fashion and style with effectiveness.

The notion of post purchase dissonance

The stages of the consumer buyer process are: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. Post purchase behavior " is the final stage of the consumer decision process where the customer assesses whether s/he is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase. In a consumer behavior situation, " the consumer would β†’

My attitude to reading books

My parents read to my sister and me very early on and that led to a lifelong love of reading. Instead, they informed me that they had been actively reading to me since literally the day I was born and that they read to my sister while I was in the womb, just inches away.

The story of my reading life

Slowly the joy of reading became a rare activity and the only books I read were ones required. Back in elementary school I would not have classified myself as a nerd but looking back I spent a majority of my time reading. I am happy I read a lot as a child because I think β†’

Summary of characters’ journey in the hobbit

Once the Great Goblin had seen this he sentenced the dwarves to death when suddenly the lights went off and the sword Glamdring appeared and went through the chest of the Great Goblin striking the killing blow. He then leaves and returns to Gandalf and the dwarves.

ο»Ώ11 things i wish i knew about woodworking when i first started essay sample

Read woodworking magazines and ask questions of others interested in this hobby or those who have made woodworking their trade. Along with talking to people in your community, take advantage of the internet. Enjoy Woodworking Do not get so caught up in wanting to be the best and create the most perfect β†’

The role of input and interaction in sla

Input has a determining function in language acquisition, but only within constraints imposed by the learner's internal mechanisms.social interactionist Verbal interaction is crucial for language learning as it helps to make the ' facts' of the L2 salient to the learner.comprehensible input - Input is a major causative factor in L2 acquisition - β†’

The natural approach

THE NATURAL APPROACH Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition " Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill"." Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language natural communication - in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the β†’

Related foreign studies

In part, ACTFL's definition of proficiency is derived from mandates issued by the US government, declaring that a limited English proficient student is one who comes from a non-English background and " who has sufficient difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language and whose difficulties may deny such an individual the opportunity to β†’

Freedom of expression

The study focuses on the relevance of adding a foreign language to the school curriculum. The students: This study will be beneficial to the students as they are the subject of the study.

Language acquisition and critical period

Question Two Chomsky's critical period hypothesis refers to the explanation behind language acquisition and linguistics over the aspect of acquiring language and its biological link to age. In the process, it came to the social worker's knowledge that the 13-year-old girl had spent most if not all of her life confined in a room and β†’

Critical period and language acquisition

Critical Period and Language Acquisition Part of the reason why Genie's case fascinated psychologists and linguists so deeply was that it presented a unique opportunity to study a hotly contested debate about language development. If she could, it would suggest that the critical period hypothesis of language development was wrong.

Teaching listening as an english language

As 'to expertise the productive skills like speaking and writing' has become the standard of the knowledge of second language, listening and reading have been turned to be the secondary ones. In a learner-centered approach, it is deducted that listening provides the learners with the following features of the target language: &bullHow the language is β†’

Box man

She develops the examples with description vividly portraying the Box Man and the two women.Ascher uses division or analysis to take apart the elements of her three character's lives, and she relies on comparison and contrast to show the differences between the Box Man the other two While using many β†’

Genie’s language progress

Genie's Language Progress Despite scoring at the level of a one-year-old upon her initial assessment, Genie quickly began adding new words to her vocabulary. At this point, her progress leveled off and her acquisition of new language halted.

Whether the discipline of accounting can be classified as a science accounting essay

William claude dukenfields of scientific discipline are normally classified along two major lines: A A A - Natural scientific disciplines: The survey of the natural universe, and A A A - Social scientific disciplines: The systematic survey of human behavior and society. In modern times, the term scientific discipline is frequently treated as synonymous β†’

~table of contents~

Critic of the " Critical Period Hypothesis" point out that in this example and others like, the child is hardly growing up in a nurturing environment, and that the lack of language acquisition in later life may be due to the results of a generally abusive environment rather than being specifically due to a lack β†’

Code switching: – definition:

The use of element from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by languages A or B.* INTRA-SENTENTIAL: * The succession of fragments in language A and B in a sentence, which is overall not identifiable as belonging to either A, or B and do come again.'That's all right then, and β†’

A process of children language acquisition

In this time, they make a sound which can be heard as language. Actually, when they make a sound which can be heard as language, they are just training their vocalization.

Language development in children

In order for children to excel in language development, it is critical to expose children during infancy to promote the learning of their native language. Deaf children learn language by sign language, and move through the same stages as a child that can hear, and therefore, it is critical to expose deaf children to sign β†’

Folk goes along with sematic and phonetic reduction.

Folk Etymology inLanguage Jessica BhatiaSan Diego StateUniversity Folk Etymology Miller acknowledges the roleof folk etymology in development of languages in various parts of the world. The author establishes the relationship between folk etymology and the wordforming process. To expoundon how folk etymology results in change in language and sound, he firstrecognizes the β†’

The younger dryas essay sample

The Younger Dryas was an extremely rapid climate change that occurred during the last deglaciation of the North Atlantic region, Greenland, the West Coast of Canada, and also in the Southern Hemisphere. As it goes from saline to non-saline, the amount of heat it transports changes. Further documentation of the occurrence of β†’

Passive design strategies achieving effective response to local climate

With edifices being the highest energy consumers and inactive design schemes of major benefit in decrease of energy demand for chilling and warming, the research will bring out the effectivity of the major inactive chilling and heat turning away schemes in supplying thermic comfort and how the pick of these is a effect of the β†’

Climate in groups

Emotional IntelligenceContemporary Assignment: understanding Emotional Climate In Groups I think that being able to recognize the emotional climate when In a group Is very Important and key to how you will respond as an individual. Com/blob/how-do-mementos-almanac-group-and- Individualistically climate in groups By savage Contemporary Assignment: Understanding Emotional Climate in Groups I think that β†’

Free fungi lab report essay example

Hypothesis: The experiment was done to analyze the making and growth of fungi. Materials: Following materials were used: - Plastic bags - Cross-section of bread - Microscope - Glass Slides - Forceps - Marker Duration: The experiment can take from three to seven days depending on the climate and conditions. First Method β†’

“why bother” by michael pollan essay sample

In essence, Michael Pollen's article " Why Bother" was written to enlighten the public about our looming environmental issues and encourage people to do start bothering about the planet they live by reducing carbon emissions.ste their time with environmental issues such as the one Pollan is discussing because they believe it is not their job β†’

Example of wine variety and my wine grape is barbera research paper

Presently it is one of the most widely planted grape and accounts for over 50% of the annual DOC red wine production and 35% of the vineyard area. Apart from Italy, Barbera grapes are not much grown in other parts of Europe. The wine that is made from these Barbera grapes are generally dry, full-bodied β†’

What factors affect britains climate?

The main influence on Britain's climate which are important are latitude , altitude , distance from the sea, ocean currents and the prevailing winds. Latitude: Latitude is the position north or south of the equator measured from 0 to 90. As you can see on the diagram Egypt is more nearer to the equator than β†’

The great global warming swindle essay sample

The honesty of climate research has been compromised by financial, ideological and political interests." Scientists assert that scientists seeking a research subsidy award have a much more likely chance of successfully obtaining funding, if the subsidy is linked to global warming research, because global warming is now one of the best funded areas of science".

The assigned extra boss secretary of the

Divulgence by promoters of continuous tasks The promoter might reveal all task subtle elements as required under the Act, rules and controls made thereunder including the status of the undertaking and the degree of fulfillment. The promoter should reveal the measure of the loft in view of cover territory regardless of whether prior sold on β†’

Personal hygiene

Cuts and spots Cover cuts, scratches and spots with a waterproof plaster to prevent the spreading of bacteria to food and to protect the wound or spot. This must be done by looking at every stage in the handling of food in the business and deciding at which point there could be a risk to β†’

Food safety argumentative essay

Of the two approaches of enhancing food safety, the one that implies a stronger enforcement program by the localhealthdepartment would be much more effective than simply making it mandatory for the restaurant employees to conduct training sessions for learning the techniques for food safety. The reason why β†’

Part 1 food safety management

Try to use machinery to minimise hand touching on food contact surfaces Salmonella- avoidance of cross- contantamination such as on cooking, cooling and transporting the chicken korma, thorough cleaning and disinfection of the utensils and chopping boards before or after cooking. Effective pest management in the store and strict control of time and temperature.

June foodand essay

In part many candidates attributed the indention to a lack of all the nutrients in the body instead of severe deprivation Of the essential nutrients. The majority of the candidates were able to answer this part of the question correctly.

Analysis of tesco

2 Operations The operation within the Tesco organisation is in fact all the different products arriving to the store and placed in-store. Although Tesco has plenty of strengths and opportunities in UK, they are now focusing even more on areas outside the food retail industry.


The Partnership for Food Safety Education's Fight BAC! campaign, created and endorsed by the US Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services, and 10 food industry organizations in 1997, was developed to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness in the home by educating Americans about safe food-handling practices. The purpose of this study β†’

Name of the restaurant!

Name of the restaurant! the name I have chosen for my restaurant is Zhaf' fav is because I wanted to gather all the nice and most favorable food I ever eaten to this menu, and zhaf's stands for my very name which is Zharif and Fav stands for favorite which is the favorite food β†’

Food law, food safety & risk management

Furthermore, although the food was baked in a bakery in the neighbouring food authority, Elsewhere it will still be appropriate for the enforcement officer in Somewhere Local Authority to investigate this case because this is where the food was actually eaten. Since Mrs Its Disgusting found glass in a scone she purchased from the bakery β†’

Essay best way to prepare a meal

In order to start preparing for your perfect meal you would need to locate a recipe and all the ingredients needed. In addition, when preparing your meal do not forget to have the proper cookware and ingredients.

Food when food handlers do not practice proper

Thesafety of food handler is determined by several factors starting from thequality of the raw material, to food handling and storage practices. Moreover, according to The World Health Organization , several factors associated with food borne illness such as poorfood safety knowledge, poor personal hygiene, cross-contamination as well timeand temperature abuse during storage and preparation β†’

Free financial statements analysis report sample

The FY 2012 increase, as indicated in the report (In Jaguar Land Rover PLC Director's Report and Financial Statements Year Ended 31 March 2012.page 7) is a combination of cost-efficiency improvement measures and an increase in raw materials cost. The increase in employee cost in FY 2012 is explained by the fact that the company β†’

Marketing case study examples

The organization is running successfully with the top most brandings. IKEA concept of success The IKEA stores expanding in early 1980s in 20 countries, the founder Ingvar realized to protect the IKEA concept on the basis of the company's seen growth. THz notion starts with the idea of the giving the varieties of the β†’

Coca cola pr crisis in belgium

But firstly I will start by talking a little bit about the Coca-Cola Company. Company Profile The Coca-Cola Company is the global leader in the soft-drink industry, with world headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia. The European market provides 26% of the company's US$18B in revenues. Coca-Cola owns a 49% β†’

Free strategy and location: importance in international business essay example

This should also include the length of time required to complete the evaluation and market study. Examine the Economic Base This is a very important aspect of international business expansion as the company has to make a clear study on the economic activities present in the target country, employment rates and characteristic of the β†’

Total working capital cycle = 30+30+25-15= 70 days essay examples

However, the company had to move its products to its distributors thus incurring the same cost in year 8 as it did in year 7. GAE increased from year 6 to 7 but due to the belt-tightening controls undertaken by the company, the GAE for year 8 were the almost the same sets of numbers β†’

Ebay vs amazon

Multi-sided platforms minimize transaction costs between the two groups, buyer and seller, and in general benefits both parties. Rochet and Tirol describe multi-sided platforms as ' enabling interactions between different groups of customers and try to get the multiple sides on board.' In the case of EBay an Amazon, their β†’

Essay on samsung company

These plans help keep in track the way to achieving the main aim of the business activity. Like any other company, Samsung Company, which is an electronics company based in Korea, has its own future plans which are executed one after the other for it to keep in pace with the fast changing technology. This β†’

The economics of running a genomics company

While Genset has the intellectual capability to research the genes, they are not capable of developing drugs to interact with the genes they have mapped. To be successful in genomics, a firm must have the capital to acquire the necessary equipment and personnel to quickly map and patent genes. Given the finite amount of genes β†’

Accounting journal of advanced accounting theory essay

The article in the Business Week suggests that the change in accounting policy now requires the firms to show the lease as assets or as liabilities in the balance sheet. Due to this criticism, the Board has proposed changes in the current way of reporting and requires the company's to report their lease transactions β†’

Apple iphone over an android argumentative essay examples

In fact, it has become the major player in the marketplace of video playing. Battery life is another feature that drives individuals from using Android to Apple iPhone. It is very easy to attack Android software because many Smartphone makers have access to it. In conclusion, the Apple iPhone is one of the Smartphone that β†’

Case study on zappos: business ethics and social responsibility

Social responsibility reflects a voluntary decision of Zappos to implement the relevant internal and external social programs, which contribute to the development of society as well as the company itself. According to Boone and Kurtz , Zappos invested $40 million in the infrastructure of downtown Las Vegas as well as brought 2, 000 employees β†’

Peer review essay samples

The author is also keen to provide the applications of the technology and voices environmental impacts that emanate from the use of the technology. However, the author does not provide a concluding paragraph to summarize the article and maybe offer a general recommendation concerning the technology being discussed. Summary of the Paper - The problem β†’

Individual poem – 1915, roger mcdonald

The key themes McDonald focuses on are death, longing forfamilyback home, the apprehension of being on death's door and the overall misery that life in the trenches brought to all who served in them. Death is an obvious theme in 1915 as the entire scene is set for an all-out charge ' over the top' β†’

Get a mac campaign report example

The all-19 advertisements featured " Mac" (a part that was played by the actor Jusin Long) and the personal computer played by his partner. In this advertisement campaign, the actors personified the computer products, additionally, the actors had some similarity to the founding fathers, i.e.the PC resembled plump β†’

Hbr apple case

Figure I: A look on the competitor's side Apple's Net Sales by Product Category, 2002-2009 Figure II: Product wise distribution - Apple Present: Apple has managed to increase its revenues from $5 billion to $65 billion by 2010 and revenues are predicted to reach $100 billion in the coming years. By 2010, 60% β†’

Example of essay on reducing microsoft monopoly power is against societys interest

Microsoft evinces commitment to superior products through its re-investment in product development, -the numerous versions of the Windows and Microsoft Office support Microsoft's commitment to superior products. If efforts to reduce monopoly power succeed, Microsoft will make less money hence unable to re-invest in product development. Efforts to have Microsoft β†’

Sample case study on micro-environmental factors affecting target

The focus of paying less was critical especially in a time of recession, and this meant target was ready to compete with Walmart for that customer who prefers low prices over the value and quality. Marketing should focus on impressing the customers and convincing them that target is the destination of quality products with low β†’

Free research paper on leading and managing people

Question 1 A good leader must be able to meet the needs of their subordinates in order to ensure that they are motivated to perform well in their jobs, which can lead to an increased productivity or bottom line for the company. With employees who are highly motivated, the leader should have no β†’

Hewlett packard case #2

They also spent time analyzing HP's future product plans and how they aligned with that of Kittyhawk's. They looked into businesses where their innovative and disruptive product may have a greater demand and be better able to quickly incorporate their product, such as the mobile and gaming markets. Instead of focusing on β†’

Free essay on coevolutionary gaming strategy and group decision making

Coevolution is defined as " the change in the genetic composition of one species in response to a genetic change in another". The use of coevolutionary gaming theory supports continues change for the company's strategies, which are appropriate since the environment by which the company operates continuously changes as well. It would be β†’

Financial statement analysis essay

All three ratios portray that in three years the company is profitable in comparison to the market ratios. It means that there is a tendency for the company to gear up a little bit more. An increase in 2009 can be due to the increase in liabilities and β†’

The toyota camry hybrid and the camry sedan essay samples

This paper will compare and contrast the difference between Toyota Camry hybrid and Camry sedan cars by using its latest released models as an example. The Toyota Camry Hybrid of 2014 consists of a spacious cabin and a refined power-train. In contrast, the Toyota Camry Sedan model comes with better efficiency, performance, comfort and style β†’

Business plan on troubleshooting report on a restaurants food and operations

Respect and courtesy is observed by nearly all the restaurant's staff, from the usher at the main entrance, to waiters, up to the cashier. When a guest/customer approaches the main entrance, an usher welcomes the guest and politely shows him/her where to sit. The order is recorded on waiter's notebook, and the waiter confirms with β†’

Fraud and the auditors responsibility term paper examples

The three elements that encourage the practice of fraud per the fraud triangle are Incentive/Pressure, Opportunity and Rationalization/Attitude. As per the SAS-99, the auditors are required to perform many functions such as to collect information that supports to identify the attempted fraud / risk of fraud; to examine the risk of fraud after an evaluation β†’

Example of place essay

More than 35 percent of the population own cars in Halifax Nova Scotia and most people have busy schedules making it difficult to take their cars for maintenance in the towns because some of the population live in rural areas. Considering the large number of people who own cars and those who might require car β†’

Coca cola and innocent: an innocent partnership?

A market segment whew re the organization is lacking presence and weight is the healthy segment and the image of " Innocence" is absent from the corporation brand. The Innocent company Brand image Is strong, co marred to competitor In salary market segments, due to the name strength which Implies In m y β†’

Term paper on best buy

Best Buy is rising in terms of income and quantity of stores. Technology In the circumstance of Best Buy, knowledge is a main factor in expressions of produces. Suppliers it is clear that the Suppliers are a significant part of Best Buy because they depend on upon them to deliver the most competitive value.

ο»Ώtotal quality management in the xerox corporation essay sample

Total Quality Management in the Xerox Corporation Total Quality Management is a term used to define quality programs corporations use to help increase the profit share and the customer relations of the corporation. In the following paragraphs Xeroxs strategies for TQM, the Baldrige Award, and the effects of TQM on β†’

Free report on raising of capital

One of the benefits of equity financing is that it does not damage the credit rating of a company, and company has no financial obligations against new shareholders. In the case of Best Effort underwriting, an investment bank is obliged to sell the securities at the best possible price, however the amount of raised capital β†’

Example of going against the grain: writers taking risks essay

" Tattoos No Longer a Kiss Of Death in the Workplace" When it comes to writers that take risk in the work that they write, Rachel Hennessy has proven that she is not afraid of taking a risk to do her job the way she feels is the best. Her choosing to take a risk β†’

Example of the making of mass destruction:inside job and the great recession in focus movie review

In the process, Ferguson tackles the ethical dilemmas that plagued and continue to plague the powerful United States financial sector, raising questions about the morality and uprightness of the leaders of the industry. In Inside Job, Charles Ferguson spends much of the film explaining how the financial crisis was formed. The final part provides a β†’

Example of report on peer review community

Founded by Tim and Nina Zagat, the review site has been providing customers with the much needed information regarding the pricing, location and quality of services and products among other information for hotels and restaurants all over the major cities all over the world. Zagat though also susceptible to some misguiding information considering that it β†’

Overview of microsoft financial reporting strategy

The determination by Microsoft that the standards did not ' materially affect the company' may rely on the following 2 reasons. First, when the company may have diagnosed their product's technological feasibility, it might have been late in the developing process to make the software costs on account of capitalization too small to have any β†’

Business consulting essay sample

Computers on home networks are usually part of a workgroup and possibly a homegroup, and computers on workplace networks are usually part of a domain. In a workgroup: All computers are peers; no computer has control over another computer. There can be thousands of computers in a domain. The computers can be on β†’

U.s. vs microsoft

The DOJ alleged that Microsoft was guilty of abusing the monopoly power of the operating system by integrating a web browser. The plaintiff attempted to show and prove the browser was a separate product and should not be packaged with the operating system.