A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The assessment process essay

The Assessment Process Assessment is an on-going procedure that happens within all client contracts to assist derive and understand the strengths and demands of the client and the whole household. When utilizing appraisal it is to garner the needed information that will fit the client with suited services. In the planning procedure.the strength-based attack is β†’

Recruitment process essay

It is critically important that the organisation follows a well-defined recruitment process to ensure only right kind of people be taken onboard in the company. A general recruitment process normally involves identifying the current vacancies, preparation of detailed job description inrespectof the vacancies identified, specification of the requirements of the prospective incumbents, β†’


Along the trail are a few quits highlighting earth mining and dinosaur, mammal, birds, creepy crawly and invertebrate tracks and follow, and a few dividers loaded with plant impressions from the tree-lined delta-natures turf. There are footprints at Triceratops Trail that vary from those at Dinosaur Ridge. Large portions of these tracks, when uncovered, were β†’

Physics in light- intensity

You will continue investigating intensity changes, but now you will note the change of intensity as light strikes a surface through increasing angles of incidence. As Figure 1 indicates, the angle of incidence is the angle at which light strikes a surface. You will complete an investigation that does exactly this: determine β†’

The basic planning process

The second Step is alternativegoalsand plans is based on the situational analysis and the information that was examined during that process. The third step is the goal and plan evaluation, this it the step where the pros and cons are discussed and weighet against the other alternative goals discussed in step two. β†’

Sleeping and dreaming

The two common sleep theories that attempt to address the purpose of sleep and sleep habits: recuperation and circadian. Recuperation theory works off the principle that sleep restores the body to a state of and sleep renovates energy levels.

Is using antimatter as fuel for rockets feasible

Thus, determination of feasibility of antimatter as fuel for rockets employ data from companies that manufacture rockets fuel such as GKS and Cohham. If given the permission, I will be glad to start my research on the feasibility of using antimatter as fuel for rockets. Reference Bignami, G.F., & Sommariva, A..

Young’s double slit experiment

The change of the interference pattern was recorded.4. The filament of the lamp was seen by a student standing a certain distance away through the same double slits with a piece of blue filter placed in front of the lamp. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands β†’

Ba main transformation process

It was prepares for a coursework assignment as part of a Operations Management ModuleAcademicjournals and books from the area of operations management were used to illustrate the main points in the report to give evidence and back up the information provided. Key findings of this report show how quality impacts on the development of the β†’

Natural gas & geothermal energy

The Rankine Cycle depicts a heat pump, which is used in the generation of energy when a working fluid is supplied to the system. Natural gas Natural gas depicts a fossil fuel, which formation occurs because of the pressure and intense heat of the buried gases, plants and animals. However, natural gas represents nonrenewable β†’

Sculpting earth’s surface

There exist a large number of landforms that are found within karst landscapes which include sinkholes, cockpit karst, karst valleys, tower karst and mogotes. The initial stage in the development of a Karst landscape arises when acidic water begins to tear apart the top of the bedrock at its bedding planes. The weak carbonic acid β†’

Organizational behavior (work-related stress)

As identified by The Health and Safety Executive using Palmer Et Al and Cary Cooper's developments of the working models of work-related stress, there are six significant likely sources of stress or stressors at a work place in general. These are: work demands, work relationships, a person's control over work, β†’

The appropriateness and applicability of behaviorism to human relations

The theoretical conceptualities of behaviorism cover the prime angle of behavioral perspective in aim of explaining the motives of action, rationale of attitude, and prime associates of human dimensions. The concepts of behaviorism envelopes the diverse and dynamic character of human behavior that aims to discover possible patterns and links that β†’

A the right-duty concept. this implies that

The understanding behind dead men not being persons in theeyes of law can be simplified by stating that the personality of a human being commencesat the time of birth and ceases to exist at the time of death. Hence, it can be said thataccording to Will Theory, all the rights of a dead person like, β†’

Hexagonal high electrical resistivity, excellent dielectric losses,

R-typehexagonal ferrites have hexagonal structure and represented as RR* where R is Rblock and R* has the phase shift of 1800 11. The need of using tetravalent element is to maintain theoverall neutrality of the sample. Maria et al synthesizedstrontium-barium X-type hexagonal ferrites with composition SrBaCu2? xNixNdyFe28? yO46(x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.

Behaviour of the organisation determines the success or failure essay sample

A behaviour that usually goes hand in hand with the predetermined goals and missions of an organization determines the success of an organization. Luthans and Youssef add that it requires good management to be in a position to shape up the individual and group behaviours that affect organization for it not to β†’

Deviant behavior and consequences

The deviant behaviors of teachers can have serious consequences. These consequences can impact the welfare of others in the school setting that had nothing to do with the educator's deviant behavior. But when teachers behave negatively, it destroys all trust and belief in the person. The following β†’

Theory of behavior dynamics

The theory argues that there is a direct connection between the challenge and complexity of tasks and the ability of people to perform." Goal-setting research has shown repeatedly that people who try to attain specific and challenging goalsperform better on tasks than people who try for specific but moderate or easy goals, vague goals β†’

Does pinocchio promote or critique educational art essay

For many of us the narrative will be merely in our head and imaginativeness, nevertheless it is helpful, when reading a kids ' s narrative, to hold in head the practical jobs faced by the manufacturers or the characters seeking to construe the narrative. Surely the secret plan of Pinocchio is exciting and full of β†’

Innovation climate

Due to increased competitiveness of products in the global market, high innovative climate produces productivity, which are highly marketable than products for a climate that does not support innovation. I will rather work in company B due to the following reasons. This is because they attract highly and skilled workers from diverse areas who may β†’

Expectancy theory

In the study of organizational behavior, expectancy theory is a motivation theory first proposed by Victor Vroom of the Yale School of Management." This theory emphasizes the needs for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are those rewards deserved and wanted by the recipients." [2] Victor H.

Behavioral assignment argumentative essay

In terms of the earnings surprise this means that when the actual earnings miss analysts' projections, he negative returns on stocks in the following days are much more pronounced due to investors unwilling to hold the stock and selling with larger volumes. In the opposite case of a positive surprise, investors' utility function β†’

Positive behaviour essay sample

1 Explain how the policies and procedures of the work setting contribute to the support of children's positive behaviour. In my setting the policy for positive behaviour states that good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure a smooth and safe environment for everyone. Be positive, constructive and fair to all children, β†’

Free case study on sociology: theories application paper

Introduction - Brief Description of case chosen Overview of perspectives - Conflict theory - Social constructionist perspective - Social behavioral perspective Application of perspective to case study - Strengths and limitations Conclusion - Benefits of theoretical perspective to social work practice Introduction Brief Description of case chosen A β†’

Human behavior and the social environment essay sample

Due to exposure to stimulus in the environment, changes occur that have an impact on the brain as well as determine specific behavior in response to the specific stimulus. This process is called memory and it describes the action of the brain in interpreting and transforming various data received to be stored in the β†’

A moral environmentalist approach argumentative essay examples

The first tenement New York was a house of evil and their owners were not shocked by the idea of housing a promiscuous crowd. In order to prevent the greed of resources that shaped evil and immoral activity, housing reforms were supposed to be implemented for the working masses. The crane uses the Maggie character β†’

Can behavior be passed down genetically?

Examples include the use of the SSRI drug which alters the reuptake of serotonin in the synapses and consequently our mood, or the loss of important cognitive functions due to brain damage. The influence of cognitive, social and cultural factors on behavior cannot be denied, and even though there may be a genetic predisposition for β†’

Introductory to organisational behaviour principles

Robbins and Judge defined that ' OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organisation's effectiveness.' While, Nahavandi and Malekzadeh points out that ' OB is the study of β†’

Nature and nature psy 240 essay

Post 300 word response explaining the concepts behind the Pro and Pro nuture perspectives Consider the following questions: a.) Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to experience? b.) Why is it appropriate to seperate the contributions of genetics and β†’

The physical movement observed

Throughout the observation, the child W spent a great amount of time watching the other children play, and learned through his peers what not to do. For example, when another child fell off the top off table, the child W immediately got down and was never observed standing on top of a table again. They β†’

Environmental psychology essay

Physical environment affects people in various ways, for example I need sunlight to live, it regulate my internal environment in the body, it helps me produce vitamin D in my skin and too much of it can burn my skin, or even result to development of skin cancer, bad air quality can cause respiratory β†’

The special challenges of neurological based behavior essay sample

It is a severe developmental disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the rest of the world. Still there is a long way to go in case of treatments for bipolar disorder. With the present day advancement in medical sciences and genetics, in future it would be possible that such β†’

Nature vs. nurture critical essay

Despite sophisticated research procedure, there is still no definite answer to the nature-nurture question. My stand is more related on the environment and experience's contribution to a child's development, as what the role of nurture was discussed and especially apparent in Piaget's book the Moral Judgment of the Child , where he asserted that β†’

β€œfire and ice”

Summary The speaker considers the age-old question of whether the world will end in fire or in ice. The real triumph of " Fire and Ice, " however, is in its form.

The poem “eve’s apology in defense of women”: in defense of women?

The first appearance of anti-feminism in the poem is shown in the 15th/16th sentence, " Let not us women glory in men's fall, Who had power given to overrule us all." On the one hand Lanyer is trying to shield Eve's deeds by arguing that it was men who were " given power to overrule β†’

The stolen child

The poem is about a group of faeries that lure a child away from his home " to the waters and the wild". The faeries call the child away to " the waters and the wild" in the chorus.

Political poetry by margaret atwood

Though speculative, a reading like this is supported by the poem's representation of a cowboy who violently protects his own interests in an imagined landscape filled with heroes and villains. Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant by those who β†’

Anglo-saxon religious poetry

He is supposed to have sung about creation of the world, the origin of man, his reign, of exodus, the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ, the ascension of Christ into heaven, the advent of the Holy Ghost and the teaching of the apostles. He also sang of future judgement, the β†’

Analysis of philip larkin essay sample

Throughout the poem there is a sense of regularity Larkin uses the regularity of the poem to assure the reader that although the lambs have been born at winter what the lambs have to endure is temporary despite their lack of awareness to conditions which will come. This is supported through the regular iambic β†’

Basking shark essay sample

Instead, he forst describes the shark as a ' roomsized monster', and that gives the impression to the reader that the poet is afraid of the shark, and looks at the shark as a creature that is not to be messed with, as it is definitely not friendly. However, while he fears the shark, he β†’

The door” by miroslav holub essay sample

The poet uses repetition of the phrase " go and open the door" as the opening line of each stanza to create a emphatic tone that implores the reader to take a chance, to leave their comfort zone and take on the outside world. The italic word " maybe" shows the uncertainty and unpredictability β†’

Pablo neruda

In this essay, I am going to analyze " The Soldier's Love" in The Captain's Verses from Plabo's perspective and the view of Maltide's memoir My Life with PABLO NERUDA. The poem addressed the changes of Maltide's life and Pablo encouraged her to take the challenges with their faith of love.

Examples of compare and contrast essay

The poem " Summer Night" uses different wording to imply the loneliness." I walk through this ancient village, / alone, like a ghost.". In this quote from the poem, the word that intends a lonely feeling is " alone". The poem " Summer Night uses simile in the quote " I walk β†’

What is the true inspiration behind β€œbarbie doll”?

The theme of this poem is so detrimental and the fact that it's being written so wonderfully by a woman makes all the difference. The reader has to acknowledge the fact that the common stereotype for a poet for literally hundreds of years was a male who was generally well educated; yet when such a β†’

Dryden on satire essay sample

The third chapter of Job is one of the first instances of this poem in holy Scripture; unless we will take it higher, from the latter end of the second where his wife advises him to curse his Maker. This original, I confess, is not much to the honor of satire; but here it β†’

Managed care cba

Health Affairs, 24 , 1554. Tufts Health Care Institute: Brief History of Managed Care http://www.tmci.org/downloads/BriefHist.pdf What is managed care? Managed care is a system of delivering healthcare in such a way that the costs of the service, quality and the utilization of the service is provided and handled by one healthcare organization, and β†’

Dimensions healthcare systemsname research paper examples

The mandate is to ensure that the nurses are organized and planned in such a way that they co-ordinate with physicians, surgeons and the entire staff in delivering quality and safe procedures in surgery. This therefore calls for optimal control, planning, staffing and coordination of the staff to ensure that the positive results are recorded. β†’

Clostridium difficile (c.diff)

Armed with knowledge about the infection, transmission, environmental factors, alternative treatments, prevention and ways to control C.diff healthcare workers can better be prepared to help fight the spread of this deadly infection.A C. Healthcare staff, housekeeping, dietary, and maintenance should be informed on the transmission and precautions of C.diff.

Homeless and access to healthcare term paper examples

The Los Angeles Christian Health Center is another non-profit founded by the Los Angeles Mission that offers " comprehensive medical, dental and mental healthcare" services to the homeless populations of Skid Row and Boyle Heights areas of Los Angeles. Nurses and the Affordable Health Care Act: A Call to Lead.

Health care workers needlestick injuries health and social care essay

Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that over 1400 wellness attention worker infection to Hepatitis B occurred due to needlestick hurts In 1993. To minimise the hazard of occupational exposure to the bloodborne pathogens through transdermal hurts, the US federal statute law has been acted with the beginning of OSHA Bloodboren Pathogens criterion in β†’

The rate of caesarean section

It can be a fiscal load for society and the national wellness system. World- broad high rates of cesarean bringings are a affair of concern to international public wellness due to its effects on maternal and child wellness and the associated socio-economic effects on society. Literature reappraisal shows, high rates of cesarean delivers among all β†’

Morbidity, mortality and associated factors in patients with emergency laparotomy

In Tikur Anbessa hospital, acute appendicitis 122 , Intestinal obstruction 62 and PPUD 21 were the three commonest cause of acute abdomen.[23, 34]In our study appendicitis and PPUD the leading and third cause of emergency laparatomy respectively, which is similar to the study done in Tikur Anbessa. This difference is due β†’

Organ transplants and the health care system essay sample

The donation of organs, manifested or accepted by the family of the deceased, is a positive gesture because of the nobility and dignity of its motives. There are certain conditions that regulated transplants between two living individuals. On the part of the donor, it must be established that the organ is strictly not β†’

Inequalities in healthcare older person health and social care essay

The fastest population addition has been in the figure of people aged 85-years and over ; by 2034 the figure of people in this class is expected to be 5 % of the entire population. The addition in measure of life is frequently non accompanied by additions in health-related quality of life. Particular attempts to β†’

Healthcare access

Moreover, the older population of the country is expected to continue growing especially between 2010 and 2030. These play a vital role in health promotion because the body and mind needs fuel to function.

Good example of qualitative and quantitative research techniques essay

Approach of research technique determines the importance of the information got and the relevance towards achieving the stated objectives of the research. The outcome of the research is highly dependable on the methods and techniques used in all the stages of research.

National health care association essay

On the basis of the entire data set and the three Job satisfaction variables, what aspect of the job is most satisfying for the nurses? The purpose of the newspaper's study was to evaluate the performance of the judges.

Example of shortage of nurses essay

The primary problem is that universities and nursing colleges are struggling to increase levels of enrollment in order to meet the growing demand for health care. Seemingly, the shortage of nurses pays for opportunity though there are consequences to; Nurses are now forced to work longer than expected. For instance, hospitals currently do not have β†’

Diversity in faith and the health care provider

The importance of nurses to seek spiritual awareness is growing as the population becomes more diverse andhealthcare facilities increase their efforts to create healing environments and meet the needs of every patient's body, mind and spirit. Diversity in Faith and the Health Care Provider. The purpose of this paper is to compare the philosophy of β†’

Transitioning from closed to open systems research paper examples

An open system is much better than a closed system, as "[a]n organization depends on its supporting environments for continued inputs to ensure its sustainability and processes these inputs through the recurring and patterned activities and interactions of individuals to yield outputs" (Meyer & O'Brien-Pallas 2010, p. Our staff only has so many specifications, β†’

Syphilis and health care essay sample

In 1943 the antibiotic penicillin was shown to be highly effective against syphilis, and it is still the preferred treatment for the disease. Effective therapy and intensive public-health measures reduced the number of cases reported in the United States from 106, 000 in 1947 to 25, 500 in 1975, but the number rose again β†’

Robotics in healthcare: personalizing care and boosting

In the near future, say technologists and doctors, robots will help us a great deal In bringing down the northbound costs of healthcare and Improving operational efficiency and quality of care. Robotics for Healthcare caters mainly six representative areas like Smart medical capsules, Robotized surgery, Intelligent prosthetics, Robotized motor coordination analysis and therapy, β†’

Our five senses

As to when decreased it is harder to focus on the objects. Once the object passes the pupil it enters the lens, which can properly focus on the rear of the eye. Bipolar cells get information from the rods and cones and send the information to the ganglion cells, which collect the β†’

Legal aspects of healthcare

Under the classification of a felony some jurisdictions also classify felonies into degrees or grades of seriousness for example class 1-6 felony and aggravated felony. When a healthcare professional is charged with a crime there careers could potentially be over. TheFoodand Drug Administration does have the authority to disbar physicians who are β†’

Blue cross essay

Nationwide, more than 96% of hospitals and 91% of professional providers contract with Blue Cross company more than any other insurer. Blue Cross offers a variety of insurance products to all segments of the population, including large employer groups, small business and individuals. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies enroll in β†’

Medical credentialing reports example

In my state, the department of health is responsible for providing the public with the necessary information on practitioners' qualification. The data presented to the public comes directly from the state database, upgraded on a daily basis and is validated through a certification by the department of health. In my state, a physician and surgeon β†’

Example of article review on hospital staffing crisis

The study of nursing knowledge is important and needs to be addressed because the knowledge determines the outcome in different patient cases in a healthcare. The social aspect that contributes to the hypothesis is the opposite of the empirical data sought in the research but helps in the evidentiary part.

Poor children health care issue in rwandan

To achieve a better and lasting solutions about these issues the citizens must first be aware of the dangers of these strong diseases and attend the programs established by the government to make an end to it all. Poor parents with children between the age of 3-6 years, their children commonly have malnutrition problems due β†’

Example of healthcare organizational behavior and design essay

The programming approach is often relevant in situations of high certainty in the organization. According to Bourdieu, the programming approaches often deal with the certainty areas while the feedback nuances are more personal and uncertain in response.

Job performance of health center staff in brgy. apas, cebu city essay sample

Over the past years, the provision of primary health care in the Philippines has been an important service into the lives of every Filipinos, much especially in Cebu City wherein it is considered as the 2nd highly urbanized city in the country, and the manner of the health care team serve their patients. Promotions and β†’

Science and values in health care provision essay sample

In addition, the employment of surveys that would serve as tools in assessing the current standards of the nursing programs may help in the identification of problems and issues that hinder the progress of the nursing profession in the country. RESPONSE TO STUDENT #2: Obesity is generally considered as a multidimensional health problem β†’

Example of the role of technology systems in healthcare organizations research paper

With the rapid advancement in technology, organizations have to adapt to this change to prevent their businesses from becoming obsolete. The healthcare organizations are at par with advancing technologies in the field of ICT. There has been a major change in the healthcare organizations in the length of stay in hospitals.

4 reasons you should host a philanthropic event

It's a cause that is near and dear to my heart. DentalPost's " Give Back a Smile and Go Jump in the Lake Party" is my small impact I have to make a difference.

A study that shouldn’t even be an issue: employees’ personal hygiene

In the past hygiene was not practiced among all the communities because of the varying methods of sanitation in the different areas. For this reason, the paper addresses the types, importance, and reasons for personal hygiene amongst the employees. Personal hygiene is considered as the fundamental cleanliness of the body in general.

Essay on nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist

Similarities and differences between the Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner There are many similarities in the roles of CNSs and NPs. Qualitative distinctions and similarities in the practice of clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners.

Description of the object: importance of care in nursing

Nurses spend four years of their lives to be educated to care by giving attention and concern, supportive communication and acts of being present to regards to a patient, in order to meet the requirements outlined by the province in order to obtain their nursing license. The years of education are required, so when nurses β†’

U.s. health care system essay sample

In this paper I am going to describe the general policy making viewpoints that exist today on each of the following healthcare issue like access to healthcare, the cost of healthcare, and the quality of healthcare a patient receive from the provider. The world we know today has come long way since the 1900's in β†’

Technology and healthcare/services

People have there own opinion what prison is in that may be the case but people need to no that prison would always be apart of the criminal justice system. This paper will explain the climate of our agency, focusing on the organizational behavior factors that have the most significant influence, such as Leardership in β†’

American healthcare system essay sample

CMS adjusts DRG payments annually to reflect changes in hospital costs and changes in technology. This fee is paid to the hospital based on the patient's symptoms, age, sex, discharge status, and the presence of complications, but does not account for length of stay or how many hospital services are actually used.Over time, the β†’

Example of digital documentation of wound care outcomes for reimbursement report

Digital documentation and assessments of wounds has been proposed as the solution to the cited problems. Impact of Digital documentation of Wounds on Health Care, Nursing Care, Consumers, and Health care Providers Digital imaging of wounds can be used as an assessment tool. They help to standardize care, in the monitoring of the progress β†’

Universal health care

The paper aims at looking at some of the general aspects on the universal health care, the percentage population of Americans without this cover, government commitment and the cause for hiking prices of premiums and reduced coverage to employees. Beside that, the paper aims at describing the β†’

Assignment on a comprehensive assessment on a patient

Both the patient and the hospital's true identities will be protected for the purposes of anonymity, in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council's Code for Nurses and Midwives and the Data Protection Act 1998, and the patient will be referred to as Alice for the purposes of this assignment. It was during β†’

Research proposal on political advocacy

S Congresswoman, 6th District of Tennessee RE: Support for the Affordable Health Care Act It is with great appreciation for your work as a Congresswoman that I decide to write this note to you with the regard to the above mentioned issue. Rather, it gives the patients and the doctors a chance to β†’

A proposal to purchase echocardiography machine

Dear Sir, I would like to offer the proposal of purchasing an echocardiography machine, which in my suggestion is an urgent need for our hospital because of its large cardiac department. I would like to put forward my proposal in front of the β†’

Anatomy of a setup

They assist in the implementation of various options, including psychoanalytic, somatic, behavioral, humanistic and psychopharmaceutical treatments of mental illness. Psychiatric technicians are the front line in mental health care, implementing he treatment plans developed by psychiatrists or other mental health professionals.(Labor Market Info, Psychiatric Technicains In California, 2010) Psychiatric Technicians have many responsibilities, β†’


The author will explore the assessment, challenges and role of the community nurse in order to gain a better understanding of Community Health Nursing. Health promotion is vital in order to achieve optimal health and the Community Health nurse must have a good knowledge of all resources available.

Principal methods for healthcare research

Thus the process of measurement is crucial to the paradigm and this affords the connection between ' empirical' observations i.e did X effect Y andmathematics, through the expression of quantitative relationships As measurement is crucial to the quantitative paradigm, the choice of Randomised Comparison Study is entirely appropriate for the Jacobi investigation, as it β†’

Outline and evaluate biological therapies as treatments of depression

As a result to this there are more neurotransmitters left in the synapse making the transmission of the next impulse easier. The treatment of depression has three phases which it is to go through, the first being acute in which the treatment of current symptoms takes place. Therefore anti-depressant medication is less β†’

Legal aspects of health care argumentative essay

A health care provider is held liable for a negligent act according to Tiwari and Baldwa if " the damage is so obvious that there is no need for any proof of negligence like operating on the wrong part of the body of the patient or undertaking a wrong process of operating ".

Symptoms of dementia: when to know your mature loved one requires a senior

But how do you know, just, if a senior loved one is simply having some benign" senior moment" and when it can be officially regarded as the manifestation of a genuine dementia? Dementia can be associated with significant character changes, and the sufferer can display severe mood swings or aggressive behavior-it is normal to observe β†’

Applying biophilic design in healthcare centers to help patients during their healing process

As hospital experts and specialized doctors continue to seek ways to improve the quality and recovery process of a patient, it is also important that the experts should keep a look out on their surroundings and environments to ensure a comfortable living are provided to the patients throughout their treatment or healing environment that might β†’

Physical activity interventions in elderly population

As well as, preventing the development and progression of most chronic conditions. However, 30% of the world's population fails to reach the levels of physical activity to meet the health benefits. The cause of Physical activity behavior is essential to be understood in order for development and improvement in Physical health interventions.