A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The fall of umuofia in “things fall apart” by chinua achebe

Smith used many strategies to try to gain influence in the Umuofian clan and to replace the natives religious views with their own. As one of the first missionaries in Umuofia, Mr. Brown in the way he is successful converting the Umuofians and gaining influence in the clan. When Mr.

The awakening quotes and analysis

Your responses to those quotes go on the right side. The first sign of the bubbling conflict is that her husband does not treat her as a true individual. As she strives for independence, she begins questioning her current situation's set up. Quotes, passages, or sentences go on the left side with a page number. #4 β†’

Analyze africa’s actions and reacions during european scramble for africa dbq

Given these new conditions of the relationship the Africans decided it was in their best interest to take up arms against the Europeans and try to rid themselves of the harmful White Man. In the beginning of the European- African relationship we see much evidence of civil exchanges, though the Africans seem β†’

Kite runner essay

A man with a vision." In the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Assef is characterized as a cruel sociopath; his character is created through Hosseini's use of figurative language and connotative diction. His obsession to be the leader is unusual and he is out of control as a child.

A paradigm shift on surface technology

Coating Modern surface technology has been of great importance in the improvement of the surface properties of cathode materials in order to improve their electrochemical performance. Surface technology has been of great importance to cell-biological studies, it has helped in the design of cell culture substrates for tissue engineering.

Free harlequin enterprises case study sample

Donna Hayes, the leader of MIRA team and vice president of direct marketing was vested with the responsibility of launching a new line of single-title women's fiction novel. In order to benchmark in subsequent issues regarding single title novels, the management saw it desirable to appoint a taskforce that would investigate the causes of β†’

Review of the novel one night @ call centre by chetan bhagat

His second novel ' One Night @ Call Centre', is based on a contemporary scenario at the call centres that have mushroomed all over the subcontinent. The plot of the novel unfurls on a wintry night, when the author is travelling from Kanpur to Delhi and shares the near-empty compartment with a beautiful young girl. β†’

The host book review sample

Thus, the main idea of the novel is actually triumph of humanity and love. The whole novel is a struggle between an alien soul and a human soul. From that very moment we realize that Wanda is no longer simply the soul, she is a human being, as she is able to have her own β†’

Themes, motifs & symbols

The Ambivalence of Mastery Crusoe's success in mastering his situation, overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment shows the condition of mastery in a positive light, at least at the beginning of the novel. This moral and religious dimension of the tale is indicated in the Preface, which states that Crusoe's story is being published β†’

Free how is guanyin (avalokiteshvara) reflected in the journey to the west research paper example

Evidently, the idea of what comprises of a perfect being emanated from Theravada Buddhism and extended to the chaste land sect of Mahayana Buddhist in the first century of common era. Remarkably, an ideal trinity, the Bodhisattva of wisdom, the Buddha himself, as well as, Bodhisattva of compassion has also been established in the Mahayana β†’

Things fall apart: the community in umuofia

The tribal community has a responsibility to ensure that all are following the laws of the set forth or the entire village will be punished. The villagers respected the title and with the exception of the medicine man the importance of a man's title position was not significant to relationships within the novel.

Public outcry or just a romance

However, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe is a great novel that relies on sentimentality to give an insight to the life and treatment of slaves, and to force readers to feel that slavery must be wrong rather than solely thinking it. Stowe's incorporation of sentimentality in Uncle Tom's Cabin, allows the reader to β†’

The scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne

The Scarlet letter creates a harsh picture of the Puritans, a religious group that controlled a English settlement in Massachusetts in the late seventeenth-century. Protagonist: The protagonist in The Scarlet Letter is Hester Prynne. It's the letter on Hester's chest that she must wear for the remainder of her life, due to the sin of β†’

Preferences of words in the novel

By using positive words in describing Australia, Silver Sister takes side with the place and reflects the ideology of the novel. I cannot help comparing her burial with that of my Papa's, and I often wonder how I got the strength and the guts to bury Papa in the back of our ancestral home.The words β†’

The cone gatherers

The theme is initially introduced by Calum and is emphasised through the goodness in him, and throughout his symbolic links to Christ. Throughout the novel the theme continue as Duror begins to realise that he can relate to Calum and see himself in him.

The different styles of writing

The Different Styles of Writing Maturation is the main idea behind the work of Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God with the main character, Janie, experiencing her coming of age as she goes through criticizing judgment almost every single day. Hurston's idea for personification is to give the reader a better β†’

Symbolism in “heart of darkness”

Throughout Heart of Darkness, How these figurative elements are executed, lures the reader and envelopes them in a novella that reveals the truth of colonialism and the influence it has on the whites and minorities, making this work worthy of study in a literature course. Conrad uses symbolism in an attempt to reveal the truth β†’

Psychological analysis of boo radley – to kill a mockingbird essay sample

In the beginning of the novel, he's portrayed as a frightening monster, locked up in his house to protect the citizens of Maycomb, Alabama. But he was shot down by his community because he was a little different from the other people in society. If my theory that he's mentally disabled is true, he β†’

Similarities in morrisons’ and jacobs’ novels

The effects of not only women but mothers of slave history in America is unveiled for readers to concieve slave mothers' and women delineations in both narrations. Equally, the female authors, delineate characters' internal struggles prompting readers to obtain a closer glimpse of the components of slavery. Both authors are interested in not just the β†’

The rebellion by edna in the awakening by kate chopin

The story of Edna Pontellier is the one which is problematic, as one follows the character from the beginning of the story to the end. From the novel, it can be said that awakens Edna as well as her sensuality, is mainly the art of speaking out as well as her being able to make β†’

”the generals die in bed” by charles harrison essay sample

The novel is very interesting as the author used his own war experience to dramatize the condition in which this poor working class was reduced to, in the words of the author, " a dead farmer". The novel was full of actions, and it portrayed the miseries of those young men in the trenches β†’

Franks grief book review examples

This novel shows how Frank deals with death and grief that made him have difficulty connecting with other people. The first example that shows how hard was for Frank to connect with other people because of his son's death, who died a few years back from Reye's syndrome, is the β†’

The known world essay sample

As in any examination of a prewar civilization, it resounds with a shocking foreboding. The Known World intertwines the lives of freed and enslaved blacks, whites and Indians, and lets us in a deeper understanding of the continuing multidimensional world created by the institution of slavery. The story is basically centered on slavery. β†’

The role of men and women in Β‘things fall apart’

Right in the first chapter we are introduced the protagonists of the novel, Okonkwo, who is given a name of a great warrior and the one who once brought the honor to his village. While reading the novel our concentration gets focused on the relationships of Okonkwo with his wives and children, especially the way β†’

Good example of argumentative essay on the farming of bones, edwidge danticat

Additionally, in the aftermath of the massacre in her novel, many Haitians are left crippled, families are broken and no one pays attention to eyewitness accounts, it seems like the damage cannot be undone. Uniquely, to give a complex account to the events prior to and after the massacre, Danticat positioned a female character, Amabelle, β†’

Toni morrison’s contribution to american literature

Not only that, but never has there been a time in American history when race was not a troublesome matter, from the initial clash between the early settlers who achieved the " conquest of paradise" and the native population, through every aspect of affirmative action, to present frictions with and around immigrants and the border β†’

Character roles in the kite runner

Hassan is betrayed by his best friend when Amir watches him get raped but does nothing to stop it, and lastly Hassan is killed as a young adult, leaving his only son as an orphan. Amir's character is used to fill the role of the main protagonist throughout the story, and in β†’

A synopsis of the movie the help

Because her character is the affable guide, her participation in Skeeter's book leaves her at the mercy of Hilly. At the end of the novel, though she's saddened to be dismissed from the Leefolt household , her spirit is not broken.

Change in away michael gow

Subsequently, the tone of colour in the surrounding circle is fading into the footprint, as the colours become more bold as you move inwards, which grabs the audience's attention to the footprint, and alluding to the assumption/imagery that the World walks for Change. This concept of change is evident through the three texts of, the β†’

Lord of the flies and things fall apart comparison essay sample

In Things Fall Apart, the missionaries come in and take control of the people using religion and resulting in Okonkwo's death. In Lord of the Flies, jack takes control of the boys on Ralph's tribe using hunting. The missionaries in Things Fall Apart come into Mbanta to spread and promote the religion of Christianity.

The metamorphosis of gregor samsa: a blessing in disguise

But as uncomfortable as his new body is, it provided him with the perfect excuse to stay in bed and avoid the " grueling job" he's picked. For even as Gregor decided to stay in the job to be able to pay off his parents' debt, he detested it with its " torture of traveling, β†’

To kill a mockingbird summary essay sample

Tom is seen as being worthless and guilty by the white folks of the town, however Tom Robinson is not the image of blacks that the whites have created, instead he is loving, kind and compassionate towards others, this is an example to show societys failure to see past a characters appearance. Another family who β†’

A prayer for owen meany by john irving

The book manages to keep the reader's attention focused on the story because of the clear writing style that Irving employs. The way that John Irving narrates this story however is the main reason that it is a very good book. The method by β†’

Tom jones as a picaresque novel essay sample

Generally speaking, the picaresque novel as derived from the Spanish word for ' rogue', picaro, is concerned with the life story of a clever and musing adventures who proceeds by tricks and roguery through a series of adventures. The picaresque fiction which had its origin in Greek and Latin word literature as in the β†’

“a horse and two goats” by r.k narayan essay sample

The author has contributed immensely to the development of literature by the dint of his irony and humour.'A Horse and Two Goats' reflects the conversation between Muni and a red-faced American depicting the differences in their thoughts, owing to the problematized situation as both have their different languages hardly understood by the other. With gentle β†’

Wakefield’s manipulation

Wakefield's case was filled with ethical violations from the methods of vaccinating children and scientific misrepresented when publishing the cause of Autism. This experiment exhibited holes and assumptions found in the methods and sample size Wakefield used to prove that vaccines led to autism. To begin, having prior knowledge of the selected sample of children, β†’

Report on anna fitzgerald

The story that happens within the two weeks gives a flashback from the points of views of the main characters in the novel who are Anna the sister to Kate, Sarah Kate's mother, Brian who is Kate's father, Jesse who is Kate's brother, Campbell serving as Ann's attorney and Julia β†’

The long road to freedom

Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn share a number of parallels in terms of character and setting, namely between Edna Pontellier and Huck and Jim, and the significance of the sea and river to the aforementioned characters. Edna's acts of rebellion are comparably more subtle and limited, as her β†’

Breaking the silence

As seen in both Beloved and The Woman Warrior, the power of language always prevails; whether through writing, telling stories, or simply allowing memories to present themselves, language always finds a way to break through the silence. Therefore, language and expression are the necessary antidotes to silence, for a life of silence is confusing and β†’

Invisibility of the invisible man

Ignoring that man sitting on the sidewalk and acting as if we had not seen him is the same as pretending that he did not exist." Invisibility" is what the main character/narrator of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man called it when others would not recognize or acknowledge him as a person. Each person who sees him β†’

Free research paper on mama day

This brings out the idea that Gloria Naylor uses the idea of supernatural as an important theme within her novel. Theme of Change It is evident from Naylor's novel Mama Day that there are radical changes that happen in the lives of the characters presented. Naylor describes the experiences of the mama day's ancestors β†’

The little prince

I felt that it was a story of growth, for both the narrator and the Little Prince. In the case of ethnicity, class, and faith, I do not believe that the text is addressed to those matters.

Mrs bennet’s character in ‘pride and prejudice’

Mrs Bennet is already planning for one of her daughters to marry Mr Bingley, even though she has never met him and does not know anything about him apart from the he is ' a single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year.' She says, ' What a fine thing for our β†’

Importance of remembering the past in beloved novel

In order to overcome the trauma of slavery requires remembering the atrocities faced by slaves rather than forgetting them. Toni Morrison's novel Beloved extends the examination of history throughout the 1970s by highlighting the traumas of slavery and emphasizing to modern America the need to acknowledge and accept the past despite how atrocious it was β†’

”the fall”by albert camus essay sample

The story also revolved around the judge-penitent's quest to understand the processes of his life as well as his ascent or descent from everyday life to the role of judge-penitent. In the story, Clamence tells us that he used to lead an essentially perfect life in Paris as a highly successful and β†’

Invisible man character analysis

Wells character Griffin in The Invisible man is a private person who displays his arrogance and selfishness throughout his speech, actions, and interaction with others. Wells character Griffin in The Invisible man is a private person who displays his arrogance and selfishness throughout his speech, actions, and interaction with others

The analysis of the film “noir”

The main theme in film noir is the ultimate urban ' down-town' setting that reflects the sombre and violent mood of the film itself; if it were filmed in a rural area with the sun out, it would ruin the tone. Using locations such as warehouses and dingy apartments can reflect a characters status, position β†’

The hobbit report examples

This wisdom is necessary for Bilbo to become a hero who is successful. The other themes that clearly come out are the themes of solitude and nostalgia. This brings the events in the novel to a conclusion that is successful. Conclusion " The Hobbit" or " There and Back Again" is essentially an epitome of β†’

Fahrenheit 451 essay

It shows symbolism on almost every page in the book due to the fact that most of the scenarios in the book relate to our society today. The symbol also relates to the title of the book which simply is the temperature itself showing that this book is about burning books and is confirmed with β†’

Animal farm

In the case of Animal farm, the same exact mistake happens: to name a few changes from novel to movie before I get into the main topic, many of the characters have either a different role or completely inexistent; also many of the events do not correspond to the ones in the original novel making β†’

The two halves of racism in heart of darkness: was marlow a racist?

But despite his racist views, Marlow does not participate in the attempt to dominate, exploit or mistreat the natives in the manner of the European Imperialists, and therefore does not fit the second component of the racist definition. With examples of Marlow's views of the " savages", and of the Imperialists, it can be shown β†’

Free essay on thomas more’s utopia: medieval humanism

This is one of the late middle ages' pieces of literature whose popularity remains high to date, especially in the field of political philosophy. This is due to the fact that by analyzing the societal organization from a social, political and even economical perspective, the novel has been of much β†’

Novel analysis essay sample

With the help of this novel, the reader can see the picture of the rap's atmosphere, the rules and laws of the prisoners. This is a description of a single day of a mere person from morning till evening, who is in a camp; and that is enough to include the whole ten years of β†’

Fear in things fall apart by chinua achebe

Okonkwo knew his friend was right. When he, Ikemefuna and other leaders of the tribe went to the woods to carry out the task, Okonkwo did not want the other men to think that he was weak so he cut down his own son. Okonkwo's actions were also motivated by the fear β†’

Structuralism and the wars essay sample

This novel is about a young man whose name is Robert Ross and is on his way to war because he feels guilty about the death of his sister. When Robert sees Taffler with the Swede, Goliath, he is both shocked and enticed. The war forces things to be exposed and it is a β†’

Private peaceful practice essay essay sample

Also it is shown that Charlie was expected to look after Tommo at war, just like he was when he was a kid. This caused Tommo to see that he needed to change his life and become a true man, especially when Charlie died.

Analysis of the main themes in the handmaid’s tale by margaret atwood

Or they are just romanticized books where the world went wrong but hey lets base this around romance. In the previous world of dystopian futures in books you have 1984 which is told from the perspective of a man, but in The Handmaids Tale is told from a women; excluding the ending where a professor β†’

The uncanny and the oedipus complex critical thinking

The uncanny leaves the individual enraptured in an object or person due to the inherent disorientation the uncanny effect has on them. The Oedipus complex is one of Freud's more famous theories one wherein the patient carries a subconscious desire to love one's mother and kill one's father, seeing them as a rival for the β†’

Good criminal law essay example

This is the way conservative politicians like to outline the issue. Implication Primarily, regarding the halfway houses, in year 2010, Christie, who was the governor of the state and has close private ties to the Education Centers in the community, described the operations of the company as representing the excellence of the human spirit. β†’

Bullying research paper sample

One of the most obvious and best ways to end bullying in schools is for the parent to change the manner in which they offer parenting to their children at home. In case the behavior is intolerable, it is important that the parent involve the school to resolve the situation. The best and effective way β†’

Death assistance in society essay

By allowing legalization of assisted death, it would be very difficult regulate the process, and would create a great deal of legal nightmares. So is there a legal right to die? Laws would also have to be in place to decide who has the right to decide it the person qualifies for assisted death.

The police – inspectors of order and welfare

Community policing allows for an officer to go the extra mile and dig deeper to find the root of a problem and not just make arrests. It is important for police to be proactive in the community.

Free article review about the history of the pre-sentence investigation report

Arguably one of the most important documents in the entirety of the criminal justice system, the Presentencing Investigation Report remains a vital source of information that guides judges who have to pass sentences. As a legal term, PSI report is a purposeful investigation into the history of a convict before a sentence β†’

Criminal justice system

This paper will explain the components of the criminal justice system, the criminal justice process, definition of crime and the relationship crime has to law, and the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system. In summation, the criminal justice system is made up three major components police, courts, and corrections.

Free research paper on computer forensics specialists/ computer investigations

The various stages used in this process portray the logic steps and primary considerations that are important in investigating crimes related to cyber as well as the apprehension of the criminals. They describe the objectives of the data followed by the exploitation tactics that will be applied, the methods of attack that will be used β†’

Essay on a separation

This was confirmed when the court of law rejected Samin's application and instead granted her a permanent separation. In this movie, Asghar Farhadi makes a good use of the basic and fundamental elements of a movie including sound and lighting. The lighting here is very important because it is what left an indelible impression on β†’

Trifles literature review example

This is reflected in the attitude of the County Attorney and Hale who seem to be more interested in the fire to warm them or what they are going to eat instead of the poor woman's plight. Wright, it's cold, am not it?" And she said, " Is it?" and went on kind of pleating β†’

Arlenys zoquier

It is there for knowledge and for people who dont necessarily feel the need to know about the law and how important it is to understand its meaning. For example, an organized crime is carefully thought out and in the end something is supposed to happen, there is a goal that they must accomplish in β†’

My cousin vinny essay examples

During the movie, I observed the dissimilarities and likenesses between the way the movie depicts the lawless individual fairness method and the actual lawless individual fairness system. The movie is set in Alabama. Critiquing the critics: A brief response to critics of restorative justice.

Law research paper examples

The Miller Test is composed on the following questions: 1).whether the average person who will apply cotemporary community standard will find that the work when taken in its entirety appeals to the indecent interest; 2).whether the work describes a sexual conduct that is patently offensive and violates a particular statute; and 3).when the work when β†’

Good essay on prison rape enforcement act memo

In Congress' analysis rape is and should never be considered punishment for a crime. In order to accomplish its goals, PREA mandated the establishment of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission. As the official in charge of the administration of the jail, however, the sheriff does have a duty to comply with the standards of β†’

How does the australian criminal justice system respond to domestic violence essays example

Since the recent history of domestic violence provides a clear illustration of the social construction of the field of violence, it will serve as a tool to demonstrate the problematic nature of the system of criminal laws when applied to crimes of violence. Since the purpose of this paper is not to engage the reader β†’

The judiciary system part ii research paper example

Part I: a) Parts of the Constitution of the United States most relevant to the ethical standards of professionals in the judiciary In the united states Constitution, Section I, Article III , It states how Judicial power extends to every case, in Law and Equity occurring under the Constitution, United States Laws and Treaties β†’

Example of judicial process article review

In addition to the article addressing the issue of transfer of juveniles to the adult criminal justice system, the author examines some of other aspects of the juvenile court system. First, the article examines the procedural due process and the contemporary juvenile court. Many of the respondents noted that juvenile court hearings were usually conducted β†’

Behavior theory essay examples

In matters of crime, it can be said that the root cause of a person to commit crime is the person being in a position not to control the self. The theory that was postulated in the 1950s by the likes of Gabriel Tarde and Albert Bandura is used in criminology to know why certain β†’

Example of nursing ethics essay

They have to make a decision of who will remain on top of the building and who will go down the burning ward and save the remaining victims. According to the theory of consequentialism, which aims at maximizing the greater good for the largest number of people ; Margaret the Registered Nurse, had

Narrative essay – why i will never speed again

While I was driving home, I was all alone in my car and there was not another car to be seen on the open highway and I wanted so bad to see how fast my car would go. I knew then that all I could do now was to be as respectful as I could β†’

Politics and judicial election essay sample

How judges use power to get media attention. Most Texan judges have adopted a strategy called creative to sentencing to win the attention of the citizens of a state. In most cases, creative sentences are weird and; therefore, it will attract attention of the media and the public domain, and since the judiciary

Essay on crime and the criminal justice system

In order to fully comprehend the criminal justice system, it is important to understand what crime is, the different aspects of crime and how crime relates to the criminal justice system. What Is Crime? Crime can be defined as an injustice or offence against society declared by the law and punishable by society, depending on β†’

Women and criminal justice critical thinking samples

More importantly, however, public policy continues to ignore the special status of women offenders despite the fact, as the show illustrates, of major differences in the types of crimes in which women commit crimes and the frequency in which they commit them. Even though the traditional portrayal of women in the criminal

Aggression essay

The second method of reducing this form of aggression would be to take a break or distraction to suppress the aggressive responses from people. The second method of reducing this form of aggression would be by rehabilitation of direct aggression traits in people.

Good brief a case case study example

4TH 1551 Facts: According to the case, the mentioned facts were the ones roaming around the illegal deal that has taken place on the internet using the website named as Fast-Trades.com. Colt has used free subscription by using this website in 1999 and the period was 2 months long to manipulate the price β†’

Free case study on criminal law

The nature of the crime was homicide and the victim of the crime was a teenager by the names Ashley Nicole Smith. The investigating steps and techniques that were used by the investigators have also been analyzed. The case: The crime scene investigation in the case was conducted professionally.

Example of birmingham city utah v stuart et al 547 u s 2006 case study

Supreme Court of the United States ISSUE: Whether police authorities may lawfully enter a private property without a warrant if they have a valid cause or reason to believe that the occupants are seriously harmed or imminently threatened by any sort of injury. SUBSTANTATIVE FACTS: After receiving a call regarding a loud party β†’

Free history of indigenous people case study sample

Rights of hunting, trapping and fishing in the ancestral lands of the people are some of the aborigines' right the people uphold. The signing of the treaties allowed the indigenous people to trade in a variety of goods in exchange for resources such as land. When we refer to treaties, they have to be based β†’

Example of the effects of child sexual abuse inmichigan criminal justice research paper

Finally, the conclusion of this study will present the new laws that will prevent sexual abuses cases and the role of the government to revise and review policies reduce the incidence of child sexual cases, and to provide the ample treatment for victims of child abuse. Keywords: child abuse, federal β†’

Example of ethical code of conduct and standards essay

When those involved do not meet the standards of the code of conduct put forward, the organization is doomed to have problems in its running and this would mean that there would be failure of archiving the desired goals. The ethical code of conduct would come into play in criminal β†’

Sample essay on plea bargaining

In the absence of plea-bargaining, there will be an eruption of cases and this result to over taxation of the citizens and disruption to the legal system. Prosecutorial Resources, Plea Bargaining, and the Decision to Go to Trial.

Left realism.

Actually most victims of crime are poor! [pic] [pic] The explanation of crime Lea and Young believe that street crime is rooted in social conditions and is closely linked to Relative deprivation. Left Realists like Matthews believe that crime can only be understood in terms of the relationship between the four elements of the square β†’

Types of victimization critical thinking examples

The second recommendation is the formation of a separate agency within the juvenile justice system that will support juvenile victims. How the Justice System Responds to Juvenile Victims: A Comprehensive Model.