A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Romantic poets & the poetic problem of representing london

As Michael Ferber comments, ' The Romantics looked everywhere to the guilds of the Middle Ages, to the cities of Ancient Greece, to the tribes of ' noble savages' in America of Tahiti, to the clans of Scotland, even to the mysterious Gypsies for models uncorrupted by capitalism and cash.' Yet for poets like Wordsworth →

Eavan boland and the poetry of human experience

Boland often uses a personal experience to reflect on an issue of universal importance, as she does in ' The War Horse' and ' Child of Our Time'.' In ' This Moment' she manages to give such personal moment's universal significance and depict such events in an honest way. She succeeds in presenting these ordinary →

The quarrel between philosophy and poetry in symposium

Symposium was used by Plato to give his students a sense of the different structures and techniques that speeches can exhibit. WWWWWWWWdfdhile each character is trying to adhere to the constitution of a eulogy (except for Socrates, who abandons this method when it is his turn to give a speech) we find that with every →

”canterbury” by marufa sultana essay sample

It is the Host who devised the scheme of the tales, proposing that each tell two tales on the way to Canterbury, and he frequently mediates arguments between pilgrims and suggests who will tell the next story. The Knight: A noble fighter who served in the Crusades, he travels with his son, the Squire. →

‘memory and writing’ in the poetry of thomas hardy and edward thomas

Here, Hardy's painful awareness of the progression of time characterises his poems with remorse, shaping a strangeness in his writing whereby the ' shifting shadows' of the imagination are more connected to reality than the points from which they stem. In the first stanza of Edward Thomas' Adlestrop the poet establishes a relationship between recollection →

Robert frost a poetic nature english literature essay

He moved to San Francisco in the gold rush to try his luck and " score big," but it was only the beginning of many problems. He was always involved in politics and teaching, and he strove to stay in these positions as long as he was able to.

An essay on the symbolism of w.b. yeats’ poetry

Instead symbols become reverberating images that provide a contemplation and rearrangement of material things, where one must complete the meaning by filling in the gaps with different interpretations.' The symbolists aimed for a poetry of suggestion rather than direct statement, evoking subjective moods through the use of private symbols, while avoiding the description of external →

The paradox of conflict and beauty in yeats’ poetry

Through his poetry, Yeats explores the contradictory existence and nature of beauty within this world as both a catalyst and consequence of conflict. This enforces the contradictory nature of beauty, that man can never accomplish it because of the destruction in the world, but also because of man's imperfect, mortal nature. Through his poetry, Yeats →

Leadership analysis: dead poet’s society assignment

Keating's words and actions lead the students to feel a personal connection to him and a sense of trust." Trust is the natural reciprocation of concern, respect, understanding and fairness." Leadership involves building a team identity and gives the group attainable goals and at the same time the leader holds them to high expectations. The →

Biography of poet maxine kumin

Maxine is by no means a person who could be called a hypocrite, in life or in a literary sense. 2014, www.lambdaliterary.org/features/rem/02/10/in-the-garden-of-life-a-tribute-to-maxine-kumin/. Dictionary, Webster's N., and Editors O.

Poetry comparison – blessing & hurricane

The poem is written mostly in free verse there is no rhyme scheme; stanzas vary in length, as do the lines, though the first line in the poem is a perfect parameter. In the first stanza of the poem it is written in 3rd person, but most of the other parts of the poem are →

How have modern poets such as charles causley been inspired by the ballad essay

It tells the story of Jesus Christ, from the Annunciation to the Resurrection, but it gives a modern twist to it. Causley uses colloquial speech through out the poem such as, " The old man's past it, the neighbours said. Another vivid scene starts with " Nobody seemed very hungry." This is vivid because of →

Dual consciousness in hughes’ poetry

The acknowledgement of the existence of a degree of freedom is significant in that it portrays the ability of blacks to express themselves, much as the author is doing in this poem. Contrary to the prevalent theory that America is the land of equality, the speaker recognizes a number of shortfalls of this proclaimed freedom →

John milton’s paradise lost as an epic poetry

Johnson has put it, " By the general consent of critics, the first praise of genius is due to the writer of an epic poem, as it requires an assemblage of all the powers which are singly sufficient for other compositions... Epic poetry undertakes to teach the most important truths by the →

An intellectual insight to discovery in gray’s poetry anthology ‘coast road’ and kate chopin’s short narrative

The implementation of rhetorical devices grasps the challenging insight of the composer as his views and beliefs are altered dramatically through his experiences that unmasks his repugnance as an emotional response. The oppression of the character, Louise, in ' The story of an Hour' is so extreme that death seems to be positive. This contrast →

Explore the portrayal of war in the poetry of wilfred owen

Additionally Owen use's his shocking depiction of the cruel reality of war, as a form of retaliation towards the establishment that continued to send the youth of our national to certain death under the false notion that 'it is sweet and proper to die for your country.' Although, immensely popular, the hard-hitting reality poetry of →

Emerson calls for the emergence of an american poetics

Introduction When Ralph Waldo Emerson initiates expressing demand for a genuine American poet, in the publication of ' The Poet', he appeals to the emergence of one who, in every inch of delightful spontaneity, could arrive at new philosophical grounds that stir the heart of familiarity and home with succulently vivid nationalistic themes. Similarly, Bryant →

good will hunting movie paper essay sample

In this specific scene of the movie, the foster home, the physical abuse by the foster dad, the removal of his own biological parents, and emotional neglect while growing up proved to be very detrimental to Will's views on reality, accurately portraying this psychological concept. In addition to the other concepts, depression is also →

The basic definition of intelligence course work

A positive characteristic of a person is incomplete without the mention of his or her intelligence. Intelligence is a person's general intellectual ability. We can say that each and every one of these scientists contributed to today's understanding of the term intelligence. Slide Seven But how does one measure →

Good example of humanoid robots and future applications essay

Although the implications for technology and ethics are huge if researchers were to create a humanoid robot that could conceivably pass as human, robotics as a whole seems to be trending in that direction purely for the scientific advancement of the field. - Public Public domain robots are humanoid robots that are designed to perform →

Example of case study on behavioral genetics

This gene is located in the brain cells and is associated with the functioning of the memory. This gene is the central criterion for defining the level of intelligence in animals. Possible implications of the project on humanity Scientists in the behavioral genetics field claim that genetics is the basis of various human behavior; →

The university of cincinnati center for business analytics essay sample

Use Goal Seek to find the number of nonmember registrants that will make the event break even The Center for Business Analytics is considering a refund policy for no-shows. The Center pays the caterer for breakfast and lunch based on the number of registrants.

The bay of pigs: a leadership failure essay examples

The blame is heaped upon pretty much anyone who had anything to do with it, particularly the revolutionary leaders, the CIA, President Kennedy, etc. The truth is that the investigations into the matter found that failure of leadership to make decisions and the inability to believe information that conflicted with preconceived notions. Kirkpatrick, found insufficient →

Free essay on strengths and weaknesses of iq tests

With the IQ scores, the parents and teachers are able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a child. The IQ tests help in educating children considering the natural talents and capabilities of the child (Morrison, Smith & Dow-Ehrensberger, 1995). Weaknesses of IQ Testing. The main problem with IQ tests is the definition of intelligence.

Can examinations define a student’s intelligence?

I think that examinations are just a way of demonstrating the works of a student and what he/she could understand in the given set of course and what the teacher could convey to the best of her capabilities. It is often noticed that grades show progress of a student and that is true because they →

Psychometric investigations of inventiveness

This model was planned to help suit models and speculations of imagination that focused on ability as a fundamental segment and the chronicled change of an innovative area as the most astounding characteristic of innovativeness. They included straightforward trial of disparate reasoning and other critical thinking aptitudes, which were scored on: Fluency The aggregate number →

The mossad: history and activities essay

It was established on December 13, 1949 upon recommendation of Raven Shiloah, an adviser of Ben Gurion, as a coordination agency, which purpose was to coordinate the activities of military intelligence, of the security services of Israel and of the Political Department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. One of the differences between the Mossad intelligence →

Comparing a dolls house to the gospel according to mark essay samples

In many ways, both of these characters find unhappiness in their social situations. Henrik Ibsen's play is titled A Doll's House for good reason; Nora, as a character, is treated less like a person and more like a plaything for Torvald, a symbol of his status in high society. In this way, Espinosa's intelligence is →

The aging brain essay

In line with these cognitive changes are are physical changes, which take place inside the brain such as the shrinking of the brain size while brain cells in some areas get lost or turn out to be faulty. As a result, some of these physical changes include brain →

Investigating racial differences in intelligence: the minnesota case article review

The assessment uses education level to test the intelligence in the various groups of adopted children. This result shows a correlation between the parents and their adopted children in the selective placement by the agencies. This therapy has the potential of solving this problem it entails a learning process of the patients behavior and feelings. →

Free the case for gritty, growing students essay sample

To help address answer why students should be gritty and adopt a growth mindset, a deeper understanding is required to answer questions of intelligence, talent and independent effort. The ideas about learning, intelligence and talent are challenged by prominent psychologists and education scholars Angela Lee Duckworth, Assistant Professor of Psychology →

National security agency essay examples

The NSA, according to the Office of the US Director of National Intelligence is also supported by the National Security Agency Act of 1959, which amends the memorandum that created the NSA, to add further clauses on how the Director of the NSA would be selected and the connection of the NSA to →

Comparing numeracy theorists

One theorist that is linked to this development is Jean Piaget, in his research he discovered that children's thoughts develop through taking in information. Bruner believed that children in stages, these stages are as follows: * Enactive age 0-1 learning through doing physical movements * Iconic - age 1-7 developing mental images * Symbolic age →

Essay on the difference between emotional and general intelligence

On the contrary, emotional intelligence can be learned and developed during one's life and refers to the way people behave in society, understand their motives and emotions, view themselves and relate to those around them. It is believed, that you need high IQ level to succeed in school or any other academic institutions, though you →

Example of applied ethics critical thinking

This is despite repeated assurances from parents who coach students to consider personality and intelligence as important attributes rather than physical attractiveness. One of the most important sources discussing the influence of physical attractiveness being a hiring factor is the peer-reviewed article which tries to determine the extent in which physical attractiveness is considered to →

Sociology global application critical thinking examples

The country's education system is the largest in the world enrolling more than 20 million people in higher education (China Education Centre Limited, n.pag).. 23 Jul.2012. The New York Times." Business and Economy in China".

The seven commandments in animal farm essay sample

The pigs are definitely the most intelligent of the animals, and they use this intelligence to manipulate and take advantage of the other animals on the farm by changing the rules and commandments to suit themselves, no matter the cost and discomfort of the other animals. The fact that Muriel believes the ' animals had →

The fbi and cia in the intelligence framework critical thinkings example

With the help of the FBI and the facilitation of critical information, the CIA aims to maintain the protection of the constituents of the United States. The FBI, known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is an intelligence-driven, threat-based national security organization that defends the United States from vital fear →

Critical analysis of leadership essay sample

I believe that this creates motivation and confidence in the team and people will generally want to work with, listen to and follow someone who is sure of themselves. I was working in a team delivering a project and the main team member who had solely managed most of the process was unable to come →

Example of essay on united states intelligence entities

This paper will examine the constituent members of the IC and would be keen to identify where each unit or entity belongs to among the military, federal and homeland security departments. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is the nerve center of the Intelligence Community. The agencies include the following, the Central Intelligence →

The downfall of intelligence

As a result, people's minds have adapted so much to the point where they think it is a hassle to go to the library to find a book. On the other hand, accessibility is not all that is withering down people's brains. This is similar to life; it is not going to slow down and →

Free essay on mohammed ben musa al-khwarizmi contribution’s to mathematics

Latin renditions of his mathematics, on the Indian numerals, introduced the decimal position number system to the western world in the 12th century. If familiarizing the realm to the Arabic numeral structure is the only achievement that al-Khwarizmi would have fashioned in his life, this would unmoving be satisfactory to grade him as an exceptional →

Collaborative learning community (clc)

Collaborative Learning Community * It is a philosophy as well as a place; it is a way of being as well as a working model. Learning, based on conceptual understanding and the ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts, is a primary goal within a collaborative learning community.* It →

Competitive intelligence gathering and ethics in entrepreneurship essay sample

How do the actions that Nate is considering taking to learn about his competitors measure up to the code? It should be pointed out that the Code of Ethics applies to Competitive Intelligence Professionals; Nate is not a professional in this field so it really is not applicable. Explain. Gathering information on competitors →

What should you feed your mind?

Your mind is packed with so much power that if it could reach its real potential, you will not believe what you could achieve. Mind is the powerhouse of your entire body and nourishing it with right things would give you success. So what should you feed your mind?

Example of flowers for algernon movie review

Charlie is 32 years old who has an IQ of 68. In the movie, Charlie who is the main character and the main narrator is the subject of the movie through his mental retardation and the urge to improve his mental status. This also shows that he does not have safety skills.a symptom Psych Central →

The invention of writing

The intent of the article is to paint a realistic picture of how different ancient cultures and people groups contributed to the development of writing as it is done in the modern day. For instance the writer explains that the Cuneiform writing of the Sumerians was not used to represent their linguistic sounds but to →

According to the article and answer the question

As per the article, scientists define culture as the commonality of behaviors " from bedtime rituals to eating habits to sexual practices" adopted by a group that reflects " patterns of behavior, learned from being around others in a group". 2. These behaviors are significant to show the existence of culture in animals, and specifically →

The four forces of evolution & speciation

The ones focused on are; Species, Population, the four forces of evolution, the variation within and between populations, isolating mechanisms and speciation. Microevolution: This describes the significant changes that occur in a species over time, to give it traits or groups of traits classifying it differently from its original species, for example, as a sub-species, →

Anth week 5

Anthropology: Origin of Homos This paper aims to jot down the imperative points of the chapter Early Homo and the Origins of Culture from the book: Anthropology: The Human Challenge by Haviland et al. The origin of Homos as maintained by the archeologists has been trivial and had been explained differently. The classification of the →

Geert hofstede vs. fons trompenaars essay sample

The culturalists qualify culture as " the way of thinking, feeling and acting of a human group, which was acquired and transmitted by symbols and which represents its specific identity".Geert Hofstede explains the origins of the differences in behaviours, which can tend to problems. Collectivism In individualistic cultures, people place the community after →

Motivations of war

Apply one of the theories presented in " The Origins of War: Biological and Anthropological Theories" to the war. Investigate the general experiences and factors that shape human experiences during the time of the war and recovery from the perspective of at least one culture involved in that war. There were numerous stated motivations →

Hominin discussion : the evidence for early human evolution

After comparing Homo erectus with Dmanisi, and Homo erectus with the WT 15000, this paper reveals that the paper Homo erectus and WT 15000 share numerous characteristics and this makes WT 15000 the direct ancestor to Homo erectus. Within the same time the fossils of Homo erectus were found in East Africa, the fossils of →


The film depicts the current cultural phenomenon in Hollywood and around the world as we will see when comparing and contrasting the two films. Discussion The antagonists in both the " Blade Runner" and " Shaun of the Dead" depict human-like characteristic in their physical form but are still monsters. There is a fear →

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the →

What is field theory?1

THE PASSING CRISIS IN WESTERN SOCIOLOGY Surveying the state of Western sociology at the dawn of the new millennium, what is most striking and perhaps troubling is the absence of theoretical crisis: even the most sour doomsayer cannot in good conscience point to any signs that there is a deep theoretical rupture or confusion in →

Advantages and disadvantages of a multi-racial society

A multi-racial society is also a multi-linguist society so people living in such societies benefit from the richness of languages and are thus able to speak different languages , there is also a wide variety of traditions, customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. In addition a multi-racial society teaches people →

Lab report example

These occipital condyles are projections from the bottom of the skull that attach the skull to the atlas and axis of the cervical vertebrae. This means that the brain is posterior to the eyes and thus a trait of primitive hominids.


In a review the author examines the tactics used by people in the sugar plantation to stay alive in the society ravaged by poor working condition, malnutrition, sickness and high deaths. Main body In this book Hughes investigates reasons behind high mortality in children and factors contributing to the high mortality. The frequency with →

Example of behavioral sciences essay

The philosophical justification of experiment is that, this research method makes the variable research method essential because the steps of experiment research are based on the results of the variable research. Experiment research method utilizes the data and variables produced by variable research. Cultural anthropology research methods Anthropology is the study of human being →

Short answer only

Focusing on the said ' harmful intent', contemporary scientists, sociologists, and politicians continue to monitor and study how to prevent racism among groups in the context of more controversial issues on " race and intelligence, race and health and race and crime". 3. Retrieved from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_is_America_called_the_melting_pot Multiculturalism..

Medical anthropology

By narrating his personal story, just as he so often narrates the problems of Haiti, Paul Farmer, a physician, anthropologist, and the author of ' Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor', displayed a corresponding between medical anthropology with that of the stories of his personal past. →

Communication technologies that will change our lives by graham t. t. molitor and technology and social change: the effects on family and community, by dr. j. a. english-lueck

Effect of Technology on Family Molitor and English Lueck offer slightly different views on the effect of technology on family. In addition, distance has no effect on the cost and time required to be in touch with the ones who live far away. While Molitor provides a picture that is optimistic, English-Lueck →

Sorsogon state college

Peoples connect if their conversation have been properly discussed and come with the same decision.* How does an employee cope with changes in the work place Employee cope with the changes in the work place by accepting the fact that change is under way and they must bear in mind that every changes does not →

Compare nacirema and voodoo

Like the authors of " Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" and " Voodoo in Haiti", they hold quite different attitudes and views to these exotic cultures. He thinks that " the magical beliefs and practices of Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to →

Do you agree or disagree: “it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics”

Personally, I think that it is more important for every student to take part in history and literature class since these subjects will educate students about the past of history and give them rich sources of culture values. In conclusion, I think history and literature would be put in the curriculum in university since it →

Afghan woman prisoner

Afghan were too proud of ruining their reputation, saving face was the only thing they can do to maintain their name in the village and so sending her to prison was their way of saving face. In my point of view, it is wrong to imprison young women for crime that were against their culture →

About me essay 8

Principle of Accounting is one of my favourite subjects and this is the main reason I refused to study in Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu which offered me Science stream. After SPM, I decided to further study in Accounting course and I am really hope that I can get my high education in overseas.

Mat540: statistics concepts for research paper

Yet at the same time, it is clear that the occurrence of childhood obesity places those afflicted at increased risk ofhealthproblems now and in the future. Overweight and poor nutrition of children in the United States are becoming issues of increasing concern for public health. But schools do not seem to be →

Elementary analysis

Assuming the represents the partial figure of and represents the partial summation of , so From the hypothesis that for all values of n, we know for all values of n 2b) Supposing that converges, meaning from the definition that as. Therefore, because the equation is a convergence p-series, it definitely converges by →


Pending litigations about an entity are for example not reflected in financial statements and therefore do not affect financial ratios. Ratios also assume linear relationship between variables and this mislead stakeholders because most variables are not linearly related. Investors could use liquidity ratios to make decisions, on whether to invest in a company or not, →

Alphabet of lines

Alphabet of Lines The " Alphabet of Lines" refers to the different styles of lines used in drafting to show different features about an object that is drawn. Dimension lines are dark, heavy lines. They show the length, width, and height of the features of an object.

Corellation between math, logic and truth

In other words, the soundness of a truth should not be based on an absolute dichotomy, but rather as a spectrum of validity where locality and scope are cornerstones of validity. Let us however, allow this essay to begin the discussion by assuming that such absolute distinctions are plausible. What must be considered →

Dynamical systems with applications using matlab

The involved Math Works in MATLAB creates an opportunity to understand the simulation language, which is vital in the process of prototype testing in scientific research. Such occurs since MATLAB aids in the processing of generating effective plots and utilization of numerical codes, which research users in different locations find useful in their research work.

My learning experiences in math

She taught me to understand math the way I understand my easiest subject. She taught me to understand math how complicated life is.

Mathematics and trial rate

We found that the trial rate for " actual definitely would buy" for pizza will be 80% of the definitely would buy rate of the BASEL research. The demand for the pizza is the multiplication of marketing adjusted trial rate and the target households, which is 1.


Below figure shows a line as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. c.a region Yes, the graphs of two linear inequalities can be drawn with a region as the intersection. Below figure shows a region as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. d.no intersection Yes, the graphs →

Contraception research paper example

The adoption of the use of the reproductive medicine is influenced by the extent of the influence of the evangelicals have on their followers. According to Schenker , healthcare practitioners need to be aware of the attitudes of the evangelicals and understand them if they are to promote the use of reproductive medicine. According →

Abortion should not be permitted

There are many reasons why they prefer abortion such as having a fear of raising the child, rape, or not having enoughmoneyto support their life and the baby. Some important reasons of why abortion should not be permitted have to do with human morality, religious and values of conscience. Nevertheless, in what →

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the termination of pregnancy

Where abortion is permitted, women are allowed to obtain it as long as they could convince doctors that they have certain conditions and that abortion is the best option for their physical and mental health. However, abortion should not be permittedsince it is a form of murder, which degrades the value of human life. Advocates →

Against abortion

Abortion's should be illegal throughout the world because it is cruelty and mean for killing an unborn child it is unnecessary for an adult to do such a cruel thing. An abortion is a issue affecting our society. Abortion's is also a threat to the mother's life and their health.

Christian and muslims attitudes to abortion and euthanasia

When you look closely at abortion and euthanasia they have many similarities, they are both the ending of someone's life, they both cause a tremendous amount of pain, to the families of the person, in the case of abortion to the mother and the anti-abortion groups who say that they can feel the pain of →

Legalizing abortion

Abortion helps in controlling the population of a country. I concede that abortion can lead to a decrease in population which may endanger the economy of a country.

Sexual immorality

It is not just to the women that have had them but the parents, boyfriends, husbands and people that influenced them to have an abortion because it was convenient at the time. God tells us that he knits each of us together in our mother wombs and he knows us even before our parents do →

Good example of main body research paper

Presentation and Analysis of the social phenomenon of Teenage Abortion Analysis of both its reasons and effects as witnessed based on research findings - Emphasis on the impacts of teenage abortion on teenagers in terms of its psychological and emotional effects Reflections drawn upon the research findings and presented effects Introduction The →

Teenage pregnancy in philippines

The problem mounts because the barkada has a more profound influence than parents do and they exert pressure and expect the adolescent to conform to the rest of them. In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by the University of the Philippines Population Institute and →

Abortion: woman’s right or murder?

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother's womb. There are two sides to the abortion topic, the Pro-Life which is those who are against abortion altogether and the Pro- Choice or those who believe that it is the women's →

Abortion: it’s your choice

According to Bioethicist Andrew Varga, " It is also said that a pregnancy caused by rape or incest is the result of a grave injustice and that the victim should not be obliged to carry the fetus to viability. Having a child with a deformity is a lot of work that some people just are →

Abortion: why it should be a matter of choice essay examples

A child cannot raise a baby, and the process of adoption in many cases fails, because as soon as baby is born, the maternal instinct appears and it is difficult to complete the process of abortion. If the pregnancy is unintended or is a product of a vicious crime, then it should be allowed to →

Save a girl

Aborting a foetus because it is female is a major social problem in India and has cultural connections with the dowry system that is ingrained in Indianculture, despite the fact that it has been prohibited by law since 1961. The dowry system is thought to put great financial burden on the bride's family.

Sample essay on theoretical orientation

Hence, the theoretical orientation of this paper is person-centred and developed under the base of the psychological process and how the psychological processes are controlled by the situations or the environment. Generally, the paper examines and describes the personal theory of counsels and its significance in the field of guiding and counselling as far as →

Messages to african-americans in dunbar’s works

Instead, it was his works written in negro dialect that elevated him to the high level of commercial success and wide publication. During those times, most of the reading public were whites who were amused by the exploitive and stereotypical representations of the language and lifestyle of African Americans. The popular preference for the dialect →

Mahatma gandhi as a modern political thinker

He was an ardent supporter of the cause of the lowest, the oppressed and the suppressed. This is the voice of the world conscience and this is an echo of the voice of Mahatma Gandhi.