A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Rondalla’s struggle to past until present essay sample

Then, people formed groups according to their classification, melody they produce and to their taste of music; groups like rock band, orchestra and our own Rondalla. Rondalla is a legacy that we inherited from our great ancestors; it is an art that gives more life and color to our already rich culture, it is β†’

What makes a good meal essay

This includes all the processes for the preparation of food from selecting the ingredients, cooking, garnishing and serving the food giving considerations to the time and environment, wherein the meal is supposed to be served. After proper cleaning of the fillet, it is to be marinated.

Reaction of reading

However, the topics of the music of the Romantic era and the romantic concerto aroused my interest in understanding the history and transformation of romantic music. The book describes the transformation of romantic music and the factors that have accelerated the growth and spread of this music.

Good marshall bruce mather iii, eminem and slim shady research paper example

The objective of this essay is to analyze the influence of Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Slim Shady or Eminem to the issues of gender, race and class. The interpretation could change if the analyst could add irony and hyperbole in the evaluation of his songs. One critic can simply put allegations to Eminem if β†’

What is copyright, fair use, public domain

Fair use provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporating copyrighted material in a different work of another author and are evaluated according to four underlying factors; a) The purpose, nature and the intention of the use, b) The nature of the copyrighted work, c) The nature and the substantiality of the material used, and, β†’

Narrative example

He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic.

Throughout the music online) which provided both

Starting with the rubber and vinyl discs, continuing with the promotion of these recordings by the use of the radio, later with the cassette tapes, and lastly with the introduction of the CD's. Eventually, the digital distribution became the main way for providing music. The last big step was the introduction of streaming services, that β†’

Musicians who are known as heroic figures

Are there modern singers and performers who have followed the footsteps of the legends from the 1700s and 1800s such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Puccini? The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum | RockHall.com.N.p., n.d.Web.

Morton gould: musical influences and jazz elements in derivations for clarinet and band

Because of the friendship Goodman and Gould had outside of work, Gould's musical influences will also be explored with the analysis of jazz elements in the 1955 piece. Gould was an American composer known for his American roots in composition. Blues elements are evident in the moving notes, the " wrong" notes in the part β†’

Myguide: potential entrance to the kasakhstan market essay

As such, this paper aims to explore the Personal Navigation System market in Kasakhstan particularly the market entry barriers. Statement of the ProblemWhat are the market entry barriers for the Personal Navigation System in Kasakhstan? The bracket has a set of contacts that mate to contacts on the bottom of the nav-u, making it easy β†’

Teaching our younger generation to succeed essay

I believe the purpose of education should be to instill our children and young adults with the knowledge they need to succeed in life and the intelligence to strengthen and carry on the core values and ambition of our country. In John Taylor Gatto's " Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why," β†’

Ridley scott “alien” film scene analysis essay

At this point, quiet non-diegetic ominous comes in which again helps set a tense atmosphere, even though Dallas is not in the scene yet. When Dallas is eventually shown making his way into the shaft there is a shot of the hatch closing on him, representing that Dallas is cut off and alone in there β†’

How sex is incorporated into the media and how does it affect the viewers essay

Furthermore, sex is a huge part of the entertainment media. Whether on TV and movies, music and videos, or magazines and books, sex will make you stop what you are doing and look. For that reason teens nowadays are more curious because they see and hear a lot about sex especially in the television and β†’

The origin of hiphop and how music has changed

The headliners of this rivalry, and most famous of all hip hop controversies, was the controversy surrounding the Notorious B.I.G.and Tupac Shakur. The music that was supposed to end fighting amongst people was the epicenter of one of the biggest music rivalries of all time. There are many artists and producers who have helped hip-hop β†’

An analyses of when the saints go marching in

Regardless, the original lyrics contain many spiritual references, particularly to heaven and the coming of God's kingdom. In one of the verses, the author writes " Oh when the trumpet sounds its call, oh when the trumpet sounds its call, I want to be in that number, when the trumpet sounds its β†’

Justin bieber fans

However, it is important to understand that people choose to do something with a reason in mind. In this case, Justin Bieber has many followers probably because they are fascinated by his music, personality, or his fame. However, contrary to this school of thought, Justin Bieber's fans are the reason behind his success. It is β†’

Takes root essay sample

Describe the relationship between the rules rhythm section instruments must adhere to and the freedoms they have to play what they want in fulfilling their specific roles. Varying on the solo instruments, the other instruments support the solo. Describe how the roles of these three instruments change during the course of a song in β†’

Example of essay on japanese concert

The stage had already been set and a clamor of gripping sounds filled the stage as the audience settled. This was when the solo oboe struggled to maintain the continuity of the ensemble.

Inclusion than the male teachers. also, teachers who

However, only OneThousand, One Hundred and Ninety-four music educators participated. Based on results when it came to theeffectiveness of inclusion, most of the educators agreed that the studentsintegrated successfully, the students were not hard to work with and theexpectations for the music class were met and if they were to move to specialeducation classes, the β†’

Langston hughes – a literary genius

With the same idea, Arnold Rampersad, Langston Hughes biographer and cognizant dean of humanities at Stanford University, wrote in The Collected Works of Langston Hughes : " These volume of the work of Langston Hughes are to be published with the same goal that Hughes pursued throughout his lifetime: making his books available to the β†’

Rene sixty three participants from twenty seven

I also could not find the back story to why he wrote this song but again it probably has a very significant meaning.(https://www.youtube.com/watch? v= AAb86Jjxcgw) The last song I chose was a Jubilant Song this song is one of the music pieces that we sang last year. Jubilant Song was sang in SABT. I liked β†’

Mayank architect sept’ 2015 – present responsibilities handled:

GwaliorProject Architect Sept' 2015 Present Responsibilities Handled: Monitor design process from conceptual stagesto construction to ensure consistency in design and details. Assist project team in developing designdrawings, specifications and documents. 2nd Prizein Reinventing Gwalior, a design completion, had to give the proposal of aSchool of Music and Arts, by Municipal Corporation of Gwalior.

Using details and references from the material and answer 2 questions

This means that for them to be able to do the proper break-dance one has to have that feeling that they are coming from one place and that they are " keeping it real " For instance when one is performing in a jam(which is a place where people can come to dance and practice, β†’

Reasoning for the answers

Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: Reasoning for the Answers Question 1 The commentary writer talks about the creativity of the author of the extract in expressing her views and feelings about the duo band. Question 2 The commentary writer goes ahead to talk about the use of diction, description, imagery, colloquialism, sarcasm, contrast, and rhetoric β†’

Cultural similarities and differences of hip-hop in the u.s. and france

Accordingly, this paper contends that the fundamental similarity of Hip Hop culture in both countries lies in the representation and ways of expression of the minorities, regardless of the range of differences, which lies in the different ways in which the displaced minorities attempt to reconstruct themselves. California: ABC-CLIO, 2006.

The illustration essay

For example when the teachers giving a lecture and students get a text they obviously cant resist it so they check and get distracted from their lecture. Music is a another example of how students get distracted from their educational needs. That's why most of the time when teachers hear a cell phone they take β†’

Beethovens love life

It is believed that Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was dedicated to her. Over three or four years of teaching the piano to Josephine Brunsvik, Beethoven grew attached to her. However, Brunsvik's family put her under pressure to end the relationship for the simple fact that Beethoven was a commoner.

Class struggle and cultural change in the last samurai essay

In the course of these changes, the culture of the defeated dies out or is lost, to be replaced by the culture of the ones who prevailed. This theme is evident in The Last Samurai, Edward Zwick's tale of Japan's transformation from a largely feudal and agricultural economy into an emerging capitalist country at the β†’

Personal statement for uni in the uk

Adding to this, I have been able to follow the international news through digital media and reading political journals. I have had an opportunity to study with students from different societies and this has helped me to understand the cultures and tradition of the world. I have been able to contribute and share ideas on β†’

Quiz 3

Lastly, is constitution where the president announces the views of the bill on the constitutional aspects. Question 4 The notion of collective leadership is not compatible with the United States this is because competencies must apply to all the leaders in the government or in organizations. This means performance and accountability is the key β†’

Ethics in business

In terms of safety, I would argue that business is meeting its requirements and expectations of the clients. Today, advertising is not positive and socially desirable due to the gross deceptive techniques that are applied in it.

Letter to the editor about airport security

Some of these basic rights include the right to have water, shampoo, or even pasta sauce on flights. Jokes aside, the point of airport security is to provide security.Mr. If the items in the class of being taken away with the passenger still being allowed to board the plane are so dangerous, why are they β†’

International relation

Globalism according to the professors is the state of the world consisting of the network of independence that results from the constant flow of services, people, goods, culture, and ideas internationally. According to Keohane and Nye, globalization can lead to corporation among the separate individuals or organizations that are not in harmony with each other. β†’


The common goal in all these types of egoism is the fact that the motivation or morals are all on the point of view of the individual or individual's activities and not that of others. Egoism is mostly described also in terms of selfishness and hence an egoistic individual in the analysis and eyes of β†’

The resiliency of the adjutant general officer

According to , the resiliency of the Adjutant General Officer refers to a personnel's capacity to deal with difficulty and thrive after tests. In relation to family, a secure, helpful and caring family is vital to the life of the officer as it assists in dealing with tension.

Service contracting

The complex nature of the required service as well as the expertise of the service provider is a key consideration. The solicitation contains the criteria for selection of the contractor in addition to other instructions relating to the evaluation process.

Russia to start supplying iran with a sophisticated air defense missile system

Summary: The United States and Israel have criticized the decision by the Russian Government to lift the ban on S-300s, which will boost Iran's ability to shield themselves from air attacks. Development: After the United Nations imposed sanctions on Iran in 2010 concerning its nuclear programme, the distribution of S-300s was cancelled. The foreign minister β†’

The perception of homosexuality

People frequently argue that they are gays because they feel sexual attraction in the people of their gender. But people that say that they never felt sexual attraction in the people of their gender ever in their life lie.

Political socialisation (models and theories)

According to the theory, children appreciate the beliefs and ideas that are in accordance with the beliefs of their culture. The theories of development argue that individuals embrace various views according to their stage of development in life.

Theories of intelligence by bruce ballenger in the curious researcher

While he agreed with the theories, he felt that " there was a kind of intelligence that really counted and that I did not possess".Throughout the essay, Ballenger takes the reader from his early childhood to his current realization of his limitations and how this has helped him. 2. While Ballenger admits to ridiculing Upton, β†’

Ethics influences regulation in the u.s and abroad

The ethical debates are thus facilitative in the fact that the vision is followed to the core and the government regulations which are set about under such a process are appreciated by the people at large and the governmental circles within the country. All said and done, the role of ethics plays to the positive β†’

Merit & public goods

PUBLIC, MERIT AND PRIVATE GOODS Public goods, merit goods, and private goods Public goods are those good provided with no profit to the members of the society, the government, organization or even individuals are responsible for the provision of public goods. Private goods, on the other hand, are the goods owned by individuals, in that β†’

Leaked information in central intelligence agency

The press, therefore, has an important role in exercising of their rights for the wellbeing of its citizens and to help shape the governing mechanisms for the common good. It was within media right that Snowden, as a whistle blower, exposed the unconstitutional practices that the government agencies were using in contrary to the common β†’

Does television viewing influence behaviors among the youth

Cluster sampling is a collection of samples in groups that identify with a specific research area or location. Data analyzed revealed that young people emulate the language, dressing, and way of living viewed in several programs aired on the television. Although more than ninety percent of the questionnaires distributed were valid for analysis, it was β†’

Summary and response

Howard analyzed the contents of YouTube, Twitter, and blogs to compile the findings of a study entitled " The Project on Information Technology and Political Islam" that attribute the role of social media in agitating for revolution in Arab countries. In addition to Twitter and video protests, the instant Facebook messages and blogs inspired the β†’

Animals in the third reich

In 1932, a ban on vivisection was proposed and enacted in the following year. This was followed by the regulation of the slaughter of poikilotherms.

Causes of absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism may also occur if the classroom atmosphere is not reinforcing or is threatening to the child. If the student is nervous or anxious about the classroom, he or she may try to avoid coming to school. If the parents have discussed the problem with a nurse ordoctor, suggest that they follow the guidelines β†’

Education system india

Under the educational system Central Board Secondary Education is set up to maintain, the quality in Education and provide minimum qualification of the teaching staff and other necessary requirement for the school and conduct the Exams 10 and 12 standard. MIEPA in set up by the Government to look after the administration and β†’

Room arrangement

Running head: CLASSROOM ARRANGEMENT Classroom Arrangement and Rationale EDU 320/Classroom Management Classroom Arrangement and Rationale Classroom arrangement is the first step to a successful learning environment and the first step to successful classroom management. A good classroom arrangement will create a stability and flow to the classroom making learning into a wonderful experience.

“the achievement of desire” summary

As he got older, Rodriguez had become embarrassed with his parents education and broke away from his home life to focus on his school life, which was more important. At the end of Rodriguez's education, while writing his dissertation in England, he over hears a two Spanish scholars conversing.

Dead men’s path summary

The Government Education Officer was coming to inspect the school, and Obi wanted to make a good impression. To stop the villagers from using the road, Obi set up a big fence around the school.


In a recent article published in the journal Active Learning in HigherEducation Bantram and Bailey explored the responses of students to this very question at a university in the UK. Four predominant themes were noted (in relative order of importance): 1. Teaching Skills: Students felt that an effective teacher explained ideas β†’

The crisis in american education

Drug abuse is also getting to be a terrible problem in public schools as it affects the education of the student. There is a multitude of problems facing the public schools today including teen violence, drug abuse, and illiteracy and we need to find the tools necessary to rebuild a more positive learning environment.

Implication of research on teacher belief

These beliefs can be stronger than knowledge in determining how teachers will behave in the classroom, since these beliefs are rooted in ourculture; they start to form early in life, and they are resistant to change. Proposed research problem The beliefs of EFL teachers about the use of L1 in the teaching of English β†’

America’s education system dcq

Although some may argue that America is a nation that generates genius', there has been an increasing demise in the U.S.education system as exemplified in the unpopular truth of " The Banking of Education", in the stunningly, worrisome television show " Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader", and in the shocking stupidity of many β†’

β€œk-12 education in the philippines”

" K-12 Education in the Philippines" Education is the key to the success of our future. The K-12 education will definitely be more helpful to our country.

Cristal alvarado rodriguez

If student were able to eat during class then they would be able to concentrate on the objective they are learning instead of thinking about " what's for lunch? " One of the many reasons students should be able to eat in class is due to that us students do not have enough time to β†’

Education and the knowledge society at odds with the draconian mindset

Quotes by the following people indicate the diversity of thinking that relates to Knowledge: " The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of β†’

Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin behaviour and respect for others level 4

Thus creating a safe and respectful space in which all participants have the opportunity to benefit from their learning experience According to the Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills framework ground rules are: Agreed codes of behaviour between the teacher and the learner usually agreed at the beginning of the programme year β†’

Multicultural review

The lesson reviewed was " Sexism: From Identification to Activism, " a very proactive lesson that dug into the issue of sexism, and how the students lives where affected by the topic. Though, if adapted and expressed in a certain way the lesson plan would be multicultural and really take the issue of sexism β†’

Computer education

Student can self explore new methods and way to solve the problem in their curriculum by the use of computer education and internet. This is one of the exemplary work of the government for use of computer education in school.

Diversity in education

Diversity in the classroom is of great importance in the development of a young person's identity, learning and overall development into an independent individual but it also must be noted that problems such as racism, discrimination, learning disabilities in the classroom can be detrimental to the pupil." Teachers are faced with the task to respond β†’

Roles & responsibilities in lifelong learning

In this essay I will cover some of roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the relationships between teachers and the the various stakeholders in the LLS. A, An effective way of promoting consensus in ground rules and compliance is giving the learners the opportunity to devise the rulebook themselves.

Sonny’s blues

The exposition of the " Sonny's Blues" starts when the narrator introduces characters, scene, and situation of the story. The conflict keeps rising as Sonny and the narrator argue about Sonny's choice to be a jazz musician while Sonny has not finished his high schools degree yet

History and development of schools

In Europe during the Middle Ages and much of the Early Modern period, the main purpose of schools was to teach the Latin language. THRESHOLD OF EDUCATION IN INDIA In ancient India, schools were in the form of Gurukuls.

Importance of education

I was not entirely sure what I was getting myself into this summer when I chose to pack up my stuff and fly across the country to Illinois to work with students on the south side of Chicago. I had been substitute teaching for the past couple of months in Career and Technical classrooms β†’

Teacher in america

There are so many different learning styles that I have to accommodate for, different activities I have to come up with in order to spark the students' interests, and behaviors I never dreamed I would have to deal with. Starting off with the same expectations that my teachers had for me is not feasible where β†’

Benefits of a college graduate

She has been a great role model to me and she has motivated me to go to college, so I will be able to succeed in my career choice I asked Sandra why she decided to go to college? She told me that she decided to go to college because she wanted to better her β†’

International education in china

Even AEF's Chinese teachers need to be encouraged to use more English, in and out of the classroom. They need to create a much better incentive plan for AEF teachers, Chinese and foreign, in order to increase the number of students that want to attend.

Ptlls ass 1 level 4

The teacher s role is to pass the knowledge of the subject they are teaching to the students in a professional manner and without prejudice to any member of the class. You are in a profession that is seen in the public eye as a good profession to be a part of.

Role of a teacher in building character of a student


Can computers replace teachers in future

" Can computers replace teachers in the future"? " Giving a child a computer does not seem to turn him or her into a future Bill Gates indeed it does not accomplish anything in particular." In recent years the expansion of IT has made the idea of virtual classroom much more practical. Although, the β†’

Eth035v 03 04 assignment

How would you go about dealing with material in your multicultural school that is still containing stereotypes and omissions.- Often textbooks are biased in that they favour a particular point of view or perspective.- The teacher must evaluate curriculum to determine whether they meet the criteria for a multicultural society - determine what changes are β†’

An ideal school

An ideal school is situated in a peaceful site in the lap of nature full of beautiful sceneries. The teachers of an ideal school are well qualified.

Personal philosophy statement

Children under the age of eight have enormous potential for growth and achievement, and it is my sincere belief that they have the right to achieve their full potential. By providing children with access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being presented, educators create the β†’

Learning styles and preferred teaching styles of

Summary of overall mean of the different learning styles of student respondents | | Private | Public | Total | | Learning Styles | Mean | SD | Description | Mean | SD | Description | Mean | SD | Description | | Collaborative | 3. 66 | MA | | Participant | 3.

What it takes to become a coach

Required classes under the category of philosophy, principles, and organization of athletics in education are: Basic philosophy and principles as integral parts of physical education and general education; state, local, and nation regulations and policies related to athletics; legal considerations; functions and organizations of leagues and athletics association; personal standards for the responsibilities the coach β†’

The fun they had vs a beautiful mind

The topic that I chose to do my comparison essay is how the article " The Fun They Had" and the movie " The Beautiful mind" view school. It's not only because of school that makes the student not do well, it is the student himself/ herself to choose to learn or not.

A log in the river:

I told her my goals and some of the schools I was thinking about applying to. I also believe this is true because through strong mentors and dedicated teachers my outlook on education and success in class has changed for the better.

Running head: a good teacher will make the difference in any student

A teacher is a motivator to their students and they keep their students in a positive frame of mind"." One of the most important things that a teacher can do is be prepared for the students that come into their classroom. It is important for teacher to understand that most of the students will watch β†’

Culture and society

Interactionists are more concerned with the daily grind of the students and the transactions that occur between the students and the teachers or any other person that is involved with the student. Interactionists believe that communication between students and peers, teachers, family members, or any other person that comes in contact with the student on β†’

Name: khif muamar m. miranda

At the turn of the millennium, the equation to successful teaching also has the variables of classroom schedule, room assignment and even proper assignment of teachers. Most importantly, proper preparation and implementation of the class program should be given due concern for it can immensely affect learning.

Behaviour management

Behaviour management tip 2 Countdown A good technique for getting the attention of the whole class is to use a 'countdown' from 5 or 10 to allow students the time to finish their conversations and listen to the next instruction. Embellish your countdown with clear instructions so that students know what is expected β†’

Becoming a teacher the ultimate job for me

Yet there are certain intangibles that make teaching the ultimate profession for me. The simple fact that as ateacherI will have the opportunity to get in touch with and shape the mind of today's youth to allow them to see the wonderful opportunities for them in this β†’

Coach carter

In the streets and in the field school.2. Write a summary of the movie.

Eng 120- 053

Kimmel and Garibaldi present their view on gender problem in their articles " How the school shortchange boys" and " A war against boys". Garibaldi conducts that more girls earned high school diplomas than boys and he utilizes percentages to show this, but actual numbers of boys and girls will likely uneven, which could lead β†’

Legal and regulatory requirements of my role as a teacher

It is important to understand the needs of learners so that we can give them the best experience in the learningenvironment. If I have a student who uses a wheelchair, then I must ensure that access to the learning venue is suitable and that any portable ramps etc are available. Explain own β†’


History of education can be defined as the study of the past development of educational systems, theories and institutions within the general historical framework of political, social, economic, scientific, technological and cultural change.REASONS WHY STUDENTS' TEACHRERS' STUDY HISTORY OF EDUCATION First of all, studying history of education helps teachers to be in improving quality of β†’

Teaching: a noblest profesion

In this study, we will learn about the teachers, and the nature, history, the art, essentials, strategies, cycle and imperatives of teaching. Teacher The teacher is a person who provideseducationfor pupils and students. Planning effective learning and teaching experiences are one of the skills the teacher has to β†’

How come i overcome my challenge

500 words Explain how you grew One of the most challenging experiences I have ever had was the first time I was a volunteer teacher. I began to think of excuses, but then I realized that if I gave up, there would be nobody in charge of these students.

Multimedia & education

As education and multimedia within the ages of two to sixteen is of great importance, the education of the older age group should also be considered vital for those willing to expand their skills and acquire the relevant knowledge. That number has grown progressively and there are courses available today to suit the majority of β†’

Evaluation after curricular reform in schools

The paper reports a study of English-language teaching conducted in Delhi State of India that sought to examine the assumption that a change in an evaluation pattern can trigger curricular reform. Did concomitant changes take place in the teaching and testing of English at the upper-primary stage when the Central Board of β†’