A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Different cultures, ethnocentrism and culture shock in my big fat greek wedding

Collectivistim is the one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals, they are very vertical where a lot of power and respect is given to elders. She faces the →

Slasher films in the pakistani cinema

Zinda Laash strongly caters to the " Male Gaze" throughout the hundred minutes of its run time; from the introduction to the climax and the conclusion. Throughout the course, the audience experiences a range of dance numbers by either one or many women. The attack demonstrates sensuality in the facial expressions of →

Gabriella cowperthwaite’s use of pathos, ethos, and logos in blackfish

This to me was the most memorable thing from the film, and also got the most emotion out of me. It gives the viewer, a set and stone reason to not put their money into SeaWorld, rather than just knowing SeaWorld is bad, but not knowing how they are bad, and what goes into the →


In the movie, Mimic, the setting is dark and gloomy, which is perfect for a science fiction, horror film. The movie takes place deep in the subway and beneath underground of New York City.

Pr to my left foot

Because of my mothers persistence in finding help for me, driving me in from Cochrane to Calgary every morning and back, I was able to overcome my depression, control my demons, I am not in the constant terror that was holding me back from living a normal life anymore. My Mother is →

Good movie review on do the right thing

- Ethical business practices that take into account the needs of the major stakeholders. - Conclusion - Cultural differences and racial tensions. - Peaceful coexistence and doing the right thing'. - The right thing to everyone Introduction The film reviewed, Do the Right Thing. The effect of the action is the tensions that resulted into the →

2 movies which are pan’s labyrinth and the lives of others

In the Lives of Others, the movie is not a fantasy and the characters are real life people who live in a socialist society. In The Lives of Others there are no children featured while in Pan's Labyrinth, the main character is a young girl and a baby Ofelia's stepbrother.

Deviance & control in a feature film `boyz n the hood`

Although his premarital sexual relationship and having a child before marriage is a type of deviation he does not conform to the deviations that his brother does. At the end of the movie when Ricky is dead and Doughboy is talking to Tre he says that he has no one, no brother →

How technical aspects convey meaning in m night shyamalan’s ‘unbreakable’

The close up on his face brings us closer to the action and takes the viewer in. This is a common theme in the film which is used many times to give the viewer involvement and make it more real so they can relate to the character's emotions even though there are fantasy elements to →

Tennessee williams’ play “a streetcar named desire” thesis

Blanche DuBois' illusions and her unrelenting quest to escape the reality as espoused by Stanley leads her to insanity. Williams uses this opportunity to show that fantasy cannot overcome the reality irrespective of how one tries. Williams' view towards the ideas of illusion and reality works to highlight the fact that reality will always overcome →

Research on media preferences film studies essay

The audiences of a movie are taken on a journey where they can lose themselves and their ain jobs in the characters on screen. In this sense, genres are societal instead than textual restraints, leting viewing audiences to modify their generic models and take part in the building of intending instead than merely " absorbing →

Documentary film: tapped

By exploring water bottle production and its adverse effect on local communities, this film informs the viewer of the many implications that the bottled water industry has on the surroundingenvironment. Throughout the documentary, the filmmakers used the large water baron, Nestle to demonstrate the social injustice and environmental concerns of corporations commodifying water supplies.

The fleischer brothers were the only real opposition in the market

For example, in " The Tortoise and the Hare" , the whole film was guided around the music and was in-sync with the character's actions. The 3d effects of the background were very sophisticated for the 1930's and gave Disney the upper-hand in the competition between them and the Fleischer's.

The history of zombies

Analyzing the progression of zombie culture and its impact on movies reveals the complete transformation of the monster. 24 May 2012.." The Evolution of Zombies on Film - Chicagotribune.com".

The prestige characters

The person inside all of us that wants to know everything about everything, because we cannot stand to be in the darkness. This is the man that Angier envies the most.

Film critique: encoding and decoding

According to the cultural studies model, the cultural artifact Storm Warning Is the text, Its producer Is Jamie Blanks, and the readers are all the people that have seen the film since its release. They decoded that the villainy is into the film.

Movie: film and book

In my opinion the movie was Just plain awful, I did not think it went well with the book. In this case, I liked more the book then the movie.

The glass ceiling

Women are found at the top of middle management and are being denied of higher positions in the corporate ladder and are getting paid less than men for similar type of work. Both articles address the question whether is the glass ceiling the reason why women are not getting advancement in their careers or it →

At the beach(another)

The sand was a mine field of corals, with a collection of many different multicolored sea shells; however at the same time, the sand was a bed of blankets. I walked up to the edge of the beach again and dunked my toe into the water.

A movie analysis of market imaginary; a study of cologne market, an alternative global economy

The film " Market Imaginary" primarily focuses on the manner in which the Colobane Market serves an alternative global economy that embodies the interconnectedness of cultures and elaborates on the movements of goods and the urbanity of the market. The first section of " Market Imaginary" focuses on the social and commercial aspects of →

English literature, the secret life of sir walter mitty-james thurber

It is difficult to live always in the world of reality and also it will be impracticable to fly always from the world of reality and resort always there in fantasy. AsRobert Frostsaid in his eminent poem " Birches" one should be a swinger of the Birches therefore keep balance between reality →

Movie and sports stars deserve the money they get?

However, these stars definitely deserve the money which they receive because of three reasons: they make a lot of money for their employers, they have to face a great deal of pressure and their careers are really specialized. In conclusion, it is reasonable for movie and sports stars to get paid a lot of money.

Crisis in movies: self medicated

What were the differing perceptions of the crisis? (the client, family, community, friends, legal perspectives) The client, Andrew, did not believe there was a crisis because he did not view his behavior as problematic. His mother felt quite differently and was highly concerned with both his drug and alcohol use and →

Film analysis essay on crash (2004)

The movie's story is being told in a mostly chronological way, except that it puts one scene to the very beginning of the film and then cuts back to the day prior, indicated by the visual text " yesterday". In this first sequence, detectives Graham Waters and his partner Ria have been →

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the movie ma vie en rose

The protagonist of the movie is a seven year old boy, Ludovic who believes that he is a girl and behaves like one. Thefamilymembers of Ludovic and the neighbors are the secondary characters in the movie. The pain and anguish faced by Ludovic's parents is very well depicted in the →

Giberson’s glass studio

We find the company to be in positive financial standing, but with large areas of weakness that will require further investigation and action by management. We will present the following recommendations: Reset Pricing Structure Use of Part-Time Labor Time ManagementPlan

Romeo and juliet analysis film and play versions

This builds tension as Mercutio was one of the main characters of the scene, he did a lot and now he has been killed by Tybalt, the audience know something is going to happen. I have also found that in Baz Luhrmann's interpretation of the play that he used many techniques such as pathetic fallacy →

War on drugs in the house i live in

The film " The House I Live In" reveal the " War on Drugs", and its extensive imputation portray a disturbing image of the present-day, drug-damaged America. The purpose of this essay is to prove how time and time again that required minimal sentences are purposely intended to aim at minorities, mostly African Americans, as →

Charlie chaplin’s life overview

CONCLUSION THE IMPACT HE MADE TO THE WORLD AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIETY AND THE ART Charlie Chaplin was a man who dimpled millions of cheeks in the early 1900's. He was not afraid to clearly show what he believed in. His excellent sense of narration and subordinating the story makes him a →

Life and the notable achievements of august wilson

Originally living in a ghetto on Bedford Avenue Daisy Wilson then remarried and relocated to a predominantly white neighborhood where they encountered discrimination, countless threats, and bricks thrown though their window and they had to move. August, whose mother insisted he go to Central Catholic High School, was the only black person in the student →

Free essay about what is the basic or essential quality of this topic

When someone behaves in a selfish or uncomfortable way, or a character makes a mistake, the effect of that event on the film's overall themes and points are ignored in favor of looking down upon the film and its character for making a ' stupid decision.' How does conventional thought or practice keep people from →

I am sam (movie)

It's an hourly rate." To a large extent, I think this tactic had benefited Sam as he had an excellent lawyer, which gave him a better chance to have some rights to Lucy. Rita knows Sam's chances are slim for getting full custody of Lucy but in the end, with all characters →

The use of editing in “bowling for columbine” essay sample

By means of the numerous little editing " tweaks" mentioned above, Michael Moore is able to use " Bowling for Columbine" as propaganda against the NRA and make Charlton Heston the antagonist villain. A crosscut is a cut where the camera jumps from one scene to another and makes it seem like they are →

Spiderman by sam raimi

The colours of Peter's costume reflect the fact that he is shrouded in mystery, a fact which Aunt May comments on in a later scene, but the costumes reflect the normality to both the characters, despite recent extraordinary events. The lighting is portrayed as a natural source, coming from a large window to the left →

Stanley kowalski: villain or family man?

So perhaps, he is not wholly the villain that we could assume him to be. From the instance that we meet Stanley, it is apparent that he is a dominant force the " richly feathered male bird" and he is able to use this authority to cause Blanche extensive pain. The audience is reminded of →

Money is the root of all evil.

Many of us grew up hearing that money is the root of all evil, but that is not really what scripture teaches us. From this point of view, money is not the evil; it is just a source of our survival.

Analysis of the most classic movie gone with the wind

The movie Gone with the Wind succeeded for three reasons: the strength Scarlet O'Hara had was needed for women during the Great Depression, the movie showed people the race relations between African Americans and white people, and the movie provided hope for the people during the asses. A lot of women who lived in the →

Critical summary.

In the gradation we find out why Bergman preferred the profession of a director to the profession of a writer. The interviewer used them to emphasize the uniqueness of Bergman and of the contribution that he had made in the world- movie development.

A wonderful place to visit

Not a cloud in the sky, the light blue illuminates the sun in the most perfect way, reflecting it off the water to bring together the best of both worlds. I go to Tigertail Beach in Marco Island, Florida at the end of every June, and it is the most satisfying week of my life, →

The to be ‘successful’. i will also

Using the primary evidence I have collected, I will analyse and evaluate the most successful form of treatment for major depression and compare it to other treatments found to be ' successful'. The grieving process is natural and distinctive to each person and may perhaps share some of the same features of depression.

The life of walter mitty (alternate ending)

The life of Walter Mitty By Gregory Jones 9/17/12 Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last." Walter! " his wife yelled " what are you doing cannot you see I am ready to leave! " Ok Mitty replied they got into the car and Mitty turned on the radio. The Football game had →

Wall street

In this case we are looking at a group of people, in the movie Gordon Gekko and eventually Bud Fox, which have wealth, power, and social prestige to use it to their advantage to gain more wealth and power at the expense of others. Gekko has the power and social standing to →

Lincoln, the movie

At the beginning of the movie we see Lincoln talking to two African Americans who served in the war, and they went on to say that they loved his speech and one of them even quoted the end of his speech. Lincoln thinks that the amendment is the cure for the war.

Genre and subgenre: a film

The film fits into the Horror genre because of the suspense with the monster/creature that lives in the black lagoon. The creature is killing people, no gore is really shown but the implantation of killing is there. The film fits into the Sci-Fi genre because the Creature from the Black Lagoon is a mythical creature.

Madame curie and a beautiful mind: a comparison

The former is a biographical film about the Polish-French physicist, Marie Curie who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize inScienceand also the first to have won two in the same field; while the latter is also about the life of John Forbes Nash, a Nobel Laureate Mathematician. These two films that tackle →

The blind side critical analysis

Bush, " America is the land of the second chance- and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life." Argument/Introduce Topic The Blind Side is an extraordinary true story that reflects upon inspiring life lessons. Credibility Statement I have →

Overdressed by elizabeth l. cline: an overview of fast fashion

Since the growth of fast fashion in the 1920's the negative effects have only become more and more apparent. One of the biggest concerns that fast fashion brings with it is the labor conditions for international and domestic workers. Because quality in shoes is easier to notice than the quality in a shirt, I have →

Comparing social and ethnic tensions in a streetcar named desire and blues for mister charlie

The tension between past and present finds expression in the conflict between Stanley and Blanche, representatives of, respectively, the booming industrial North and the fading bucolic South. Thus the tension between Stanley and Blanche mirrors the tension between the old and new America, the recently immigrated and long-established, the North and the South.

Effect of vampires on society

The ways that vampires were made may seem odd to you and I but they were things that in the early days of the middle ages were considered wrong or different from the norms. Today'ssciencehelps explains most of the things that were thought to be considered the marking of a vampire to →

The justification of evil heroes in movies based on shawshank redemption

Sometimes heroes through evil actions help to grow a better society and to change a system that is not fair with the weakest and unprotected people. Heroes are the ones that question authority of a corrupted system, they do actions that for the society are considered evil, for example not following the rules in that →

Love in la

Mariana, who was the other main character in " Love in L.A." short story, was the driver of the Toyota. The story shows us the life's eternity life's eternity life's eternity, the selfishness of people, and the naive of girls.

Final film critique paper: hangover part iii

Since the Hangover III does not get released until May 23, 2013 I will base my paper on the movie clip, I my critique I will attempt to explain the uses of sound cinematography used in the clip that I have viewed, and how well the actors play there parts in the clip.

Movies at theaters preferred than at home

Nowadays, for instance, while it is very unlikely that a movie theater would use words such as " fully air-conditioned" in its advertising which gives the audience a pleasure in watching movie at theater. Going to the movies is not merely for enjoying the film, but also for taking pleasure in the facilities beyond just →

Example of short on sundays: time and sound in wildcat essay

The shots of the bridesmaid are interspersed briefly with the action sequences of the film. Throughout the soundtrack, the viewer is left to wonder if the entirety of the film will be silent, while continuing to focus on action scenes and individual stills - namely, the young bride-to-be and the black rodeo star.

Pet peeves essays – free sample

While other people may consider these pet peeves as minor annoyances, my pet peeves are enough to spoil my day. My first pet peeve is when people talk so loud inside the movie theaters. Sometimes I have this dream that someday, movie theaters will just put up a signage that says, " No talking while →

10 things i hate about you

During the poem Kat surrenders to Patrick by crying in front of the class and admitting that "...mostly I hate the way I do not hate you.."., shows, through the use of a paradox, that Kat wants to hate Patrick but cannot. Another issue that is raised is about the stereotypical role of women in →

William wallace from braveheart, a tough hero

Filmmakers will never forget the echoes of Freedom, the strong voice of William Wallace, in the hearts of all humanity; the skies of Scotland appear before us, a wonderful movie that touches the heart, However, this time it is not based on beautiful scenes or gorgeous actors, but on the basis of the pursuit of →

“the hobbit” by j. r. r. tolkien essay sample

The book is about the age-old struggle between good and evil, and in the end, the virtuous character wins, and is rewarded with a good life. It seems like he invested quite a lot of time in the details of this book, and that is why it is such a good book.

The use of the veil symbol in persepolis by rising above the veil:

In this essay, the different ways in which the veil is mentioned and represented throughout the book will be discussed. Persepolis begins with a chapter titled " The Veil", in which the government implements policy that forces women and girls to wear the veil. It shows that the veil might attempt to oppress one but →

Bell rock lighthouse: signal and guide to fishermen and travelers

They went to the sea, with a steady ship floating not so far away from the rock, they went with the ships to the rock and started digging for the base of the lighthouse. The going back and forth routine has been a disadvantage to Stevenson as he were already behind time working with the →

The outsiders – heros

Ponyboy Curtis is the main character in ' The Outsiders.' A brilliant personality trait that Ponyboy has is loyalty which makes him a hero both in the physical deeds he does and also his attitude towards social division. Ponyboy is a hero for saving the children and sticking by his friends.

Saving private ryan essay

It is best known for the fact as it breaks many traditional conventions of the war film genre such as the graphic portrayal of wounds such as the man in the first battle scene with his guts hanging out of his stomach. The use of desaturated colour is used to great effect as it →

Music in film essays example

The music is the only thing that the viewers hear because the director or the creative person of the film wants the viewer to unify all that he is seeing at the moment with what he may be thinking of or feeling at the moment. Music is also helps the →

Symbolism in the glass menagerie

There are other less outstanding symbols such as the colourss of a rainbow, bluish roses, and the issue, and entryway to the flat. Laura 's glass menagerie is an of import symbol. All though it is really delicate, much like Laura herself, the glass radiances and glitters, amplifying many colourss of the rainbow in the →

The outsiders literature response

Hinton original copyright 1967 The protagonists in the book are the Greasers and the antagonists are the Socs. The main conflict in the story is when both Pony and Johnny are jumped at the park by the Socs.

Bless me, ultima, and whale rider: the concept of destiny

Koro sticks to tradition and believes Paikea cannot be the leader of the tribe simply because she is not a male. Koro does not accept Paikea's destiny because he believes a woman cannot be a leader of the tribe, thus he tries to change her destiny.

Literary elements movie analysis

Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? You will also analyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for " The Color →

Transcendentalism and “into the wild”

The transcendentalists valued self-reliance has a way of life that mirrored their sporadic lifestyles. The first sign of Chris McCandless's lifestyle, beliefs and values mirrored the transcendentalist philosophy, when upon graduating from college Chris changed his name."...he intended to invent an utterly new life for himself, one in which he would be free to wallow →

A brief history of turkish cinema

This was a 150 meter long documentary by Fuat Uzkinav, an army officer. The film " The Marriage of Master Himmet" was began in 1914 but took long to finish because the actors served in the war of the Dardanelles. His important works included the 1923 " Shirt of Fire" which was →

The life of a superstar

Although one can watch a movie at home or in a theatre, watching a movie at home is far better for food, comfort and price. That ease makes watching the movie at home a better experience than going to a theatre.

Research paper on an analytical on the film: cotton comes to harlem

To determine whether " Cotton Comes to Harlem" was meant to engage an audience through culture studies or for pure entertainment we must take a further look into the film's mise-en-scene and cinematography, and the intentions of the director and scriptwriters in order to make a valid hypothesis. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the →

Analyzing big lebowski; an introduction

This method is clearly portrayed through the characters in the movie, " The Big Lebowski". " The Big Lebowski," is about " The Dude" , a down-and-out, unemployed drifter who is still living in the haze of the '60s. After the crooks soil The Dude's carpet, The Dude arranges a meeting with the Big Lebowski.

Film studies movie review

The genre of a film is traditionally seen as being a form of classification; it refers to a number of factors that go some way to defining it: " type of presentation , relation to reality , level of style , kind of plot , nature →

Ridley scott’s film a blade runner: a detailed review

The owl looks diagonally offscreen, blinks, and spins her head to the right of the screen. The second shot is a long shot as Roy and J.F.enter Tyrell's chambers. Everything, from the couch to the candles, belongs to Tyrell and exists to serve him, just as Roy belongs to Tyrell and exists to serve. The →

The movie amistad argumentative essay

It was extremely sad to see but it showed me how lucky I am and the advantages we have as a society. It showed us exactly what they went through andI believeit is extremely accurate and is very effective in showing the way slaves were treated. This showed me that if that was the case →

James cameron’s avatar (2009)

At the beginning of the movie, Neytiri, who is the Na'vi tribe leader's daughter, introduces Jake to the rest of her people, explaining that she did not kill him due to a sign by their God Eywa. In summary, Jake is portrayed as superior to the indigenous people since he is easily able to outdo →

My essay

In the two poems, Traveling through the Dark and Woodchucks, the speakers have two different tones and resources of language in the relationship between the human and animals. In Traveling through the Dark, the speaker did not mean to kill the deer and feels the need to fix what has happened.

Looking for alibrandi: story of josie alibrandi’s experiences at school

Josie tells us the story of her struggles with her Italian-Australian identity and the highs and lows of teenage life. It's the story of a young girl who feels she does not belong. Josie's transformation from school girl to young adult is the result of major events in her personal and school →

Persepolis view on culture

Though she is born and raised for much of her life in Tehran, Marianne Satraps is as much of a product of Western culture as of Middle Eastern culture. The size of the layout is fairly big so you can see the Nine's logo and her full outfit.

Coach carter inspires his athletes essay sample

It is based on a true story, of an new head coach of Richmond High school, Ken carter just does not bring a basketball coach mentality but pushing the boundaries of the comfort zone of these athletes, that allows ken to change the culture of each individual on the game they enjoy. The film promotes →

Passion of the christ: an analysis

The leaders of the Pharisees take Jesus before Pontius Pilot to stand trial, which eventually results in His crucifixion." The Passion" is about Jesus' will to live to die for us. Before giving my own opinion of the film, I want to first state that I was raised in a family of extremely lax Catholic →

How to escape from a bad date

When the friend gets on the phone, explain to her what is going on, and instruct her to give you a call in ten minutes and then hang up on that friend. The best response to this would be to just say you are not really interested.

The movie super size me

Fast Food Nation The interview between Morgan Spurlock and Eric Schlosser discusses how fast food is processed and flavored, the unhealthy agricultural settings, obesity trends and how both the government and the people need to make a change for the better. What was interesting and supports the results from the Smoking Fry is that, →

Iron jawed angels toulmin

Alice and Lucy served as examples for the others through their passion and conviction. The rebellious spirit of the two younger activists is in stark contrast to the ore conservative older women. The woman's goal to earn their right to vote was a battle that challenged not only their inner capabilities but also →

The story snail

Do you know where it is? " " Once I saw that snail." The elf said to John." He told me a thousand stories. It looked up at John and poked out its little horns." I cannot give you a new story, " said the snail." There are many new stories to tell, that is →

Antonia snowden

I was not sure if she would make it or not. But most of all she said to me that whatever to her that my life will still go on and to live it to the fullest.

Andrea gismond

The two characters that stand out the most as being either the most passionate or reasonable are the servant, Dorine and the father of the house, Orgon. Orgon believes everything Tartuffe does is for the good of himself and his family, and in order for them to be free of sin they must accommodate all →

Good example of the tell-tales ghost creative writing

The cemetery introduction and title announces to the viewer that this is a ghost tale. The sound of the birds and nature in the background enhances the natural setting and makes it realistic.

Blade runner

It is with this creation of Empathy that the serious question is asked, " What makes us Human? " The Backdrop of a dystopia society the actual humans appear to be Lonely, Dirty, sad and unsympathetic. The Replicates of these people display the Human traits that we regard ourselves with; they show Empathy, →

Film analysis: casablanca

Many of the scenes were made effective by the camera use and the ways of cutting to a new shot. This happened in a scene in the bar when Rick was smoking a cigarette and the camera used the smoke to fade to a flashback.

Dear editor,

Having said that, it is evident that whoever chooses to try a dangerous sport puts himself in a great danger as a result of the difficulty he will come across. It is true that before anyone has the chance to do a dangerous sport must be absolutely informed of all the dangers he might encounter →

Division zombie essay

Never the less we will take a look at the American portrayal of the modern day zombie. We will do this by dividing the " zombie" into four different categories; the walkers, the runners, the crawlers, and the mutated zombies. The idea of somebody dying and being resurrected as a necrotic, dead →

V for vendetta

Even after he had the nerve to kick her out she was still loyal to V, this is the point where we start to believe it's a true loyalty instead than a game of manipulation and brainwashing as V's common games. When asked to testify against V, her loyalty was so pure and profound, that →