A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Facts about romeo & juliet

The type of dramatic purpose best fitting for Romeo & Juliet is the link of characters, conflict and irony. There is emphasis on the connection the main characters have with each other, but due to the conflict of the feuding families the story ends in irony and the death of the lead characters. Romeo is β†’

The significance of suicide in hamlet

Although Hamlet did not commit suicide, in the end the path that he took inevitably led to his suicidal intentions and his eventual downfall. The contemplation of suicide threatens Hamlet and various characters in the play leading to the demise of the characters and the kingdom of Denmark. For it seems that β†’

Novel response: brave new world essay

Authored by Aldous Huxley in 1932, Brave New World is a must-read fascinating chef-d'oeuvre that features the manager of hatchery who wittingly introduces several boys in a research with a sole agenda of tampering with the bright future of the boys in the name of tailor-made programs. Huxley utilizes a lot of creativity in β†’

True love in king lear

The reader will understand that by comparing the words she said when her father asked her to profess her love to him and she answered simply " I love you because you are my father" with her sisters' long speeches of love. Also the reader will realize the true love is not said but it β†’

Macbeth character analysis

This means that he stands with his sword covered in blood which shows he has killed a lot of people and valour's minion means bravery's favourite. The captain also says how merciless Macbeth is as he kills the traitor Macdonwald, "...which never shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, till he unseamed β†’

Sir gawain: the ideal knight

Sir Gawain in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight exemplifies the ideal knight. As Sir Gawain travels from the castle to the Green Chapel, the man accompanying him gives a speech about the dangers of the Knight.

The first few lines of beowulf

But the theme of fate is so strong that it is obvious that it was a solid force in the lives of the people of this time. Beginning in the first few lines of Beowulf, the narrator alludes to the incidents of misfortune that are to come for our epic hero. Although we as readers β†’

Analysis of how shakespeare presents guilt in the play β€˜macbeth’

It is arguably the most prominent theme in the play of ' Macbeth', due to the way it seizes hold of the protagonists, and leeches from their innocence. The use of repetition of the word " mind" suggests that guilt has taken root in him and is poisoning him from the inside out. In addition, β†’

Qualities of good leader

In the novel " Animal Farm", the author George Orwell shows the consequences when a leader (Napoleon and his assistant Squealer) has absolute power and only cares for himself, and how many of his followers (the rest of the animals on the farm) suffered under his control. At the beginning of the story, Napoleon and β†’

Importance of minor characters in shakespear

Besides the two main characters, there are a number of secondary characters, of unusual importance both to the action and to the themes of the play. Many of the themes of the play, including decay and corruption, revenge, and appearance vs. eality, are outlined through the description and progression of the secondary β†’

Fahrenheit 451 and brave new world

In future world of Bradbury there are ironic reversals of roles for people and things that one would have once taken comfort in, such as the role of the fireman, or the nature of a dog. Aldous Huxley also uses a similar concept, a society that is out of control, in his book Brave New β†’

The single persona of ophelia and gertrude

Aphelia can see that Hamlet's madness has generated a break between her father's wishes and Hamlet's, and, distressed by the apparent severed bonds, pleads for help, " Heavenly powers, restore him! ". Gertrude, in the midst of a barrage of verbal accusations, strives to conserve the filial bond; she refers to Hamlet as β†’

This dead butcher and his fiend-like queen – macbeth

To achieve her ambition, she eliminates herself of any kindness that may stand in the method. However, by the end of the play, she lacks energy to suppress her conscience and kills herself. Woman Macbeth is most likely the most convincing, and enthusiastic, of all the characters in the play. This is an evil, inhumane β†’

Romeo and juliet different versions

The oldness of the TV could signify that it is the modernization of and old story. This signifies the hatred between the two families but also the eternal love between Romeo and Juliet which they are trying to break. As the explanation of the story commences the TV becomes larger, the camera zooms in on β†’

Folly of the fool

As Lear falls to his death, he has a glimmer of hope. Although the Fool serves many functions in King Lear, his main role is that of a moral instructor to his king.

Animal motif on macbeth

Before delving into these scenes, it is important to note the role of horses previously: recently, Duncan's fine, well-bred horses turned wild and ate each other. In scene i, Macbeth urges Banquo to his horse: " Hie you to horse" and in scene iii, the murderers that Macbeth hired become β†’

Wuthering heights as part of literary canon

For this reason, the canon appears to be a contradictory, arbitrary category for which varying contexts of reception and production ultimately make the merit and meaning of each entirely subject to the individual, and should not be categorised according to the ' ruling ideology'. Emily Bront 's Wuthering Heights is within the number of works β†’

Is victory worth the sacrifice english literature essay

This statement is confirmed by the poet, as the laurel is an allusion to victory and by creating a comparison between the laurel and the rose, the poet wants to state that victory will fade as quickly as the rose withered. Sometimes, the cost is too enormous to handle, and it could take away one's β†’

Hamlet and his tragic flaw

This flaw or weakness in Hamlet leads him into a world of chaotic surroundings and madness. Hamlet's flaw and his mad personality led to the death of several people, including his mother and the King of Denmark! The flaw was presented to him by a ghost. The ghost of Hamlet's father told Hamlet that he β†’

Hero and beowulf

When Beowulf went to the land of the Danes to kill Grendel, he did it not because he wanted money, but because he wanted to help out the Geats. The fact that Beowulf is able to kill Grendel and his mother easily reconfirms to the reader that he is a true hero.

Factors responsible for romeo and juliet’s death

The first factor that is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is the family feud. The Capulet's and the Montague's would have never allowed Romeo and Juliet to be wed this became the forbidden love. The third factor that is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is true β†’

Hero and noble birth

Beowulf is an epic hero because he is born of noble birth, fights for what is right, and portrays superhuman abilities. In the epic poem Beowulf, it states that he is born of noble birth.

Female passions.

Jane's female passion is expressed in her idealism, independence, straight forwardness and honesty while Bertha's passion is expressed in a manipulative and seductive way. Jane wants to fall in love and marry for love not money unlike Bertha who is the total opposite.

Romeo and juliet act 3 scene 1

He is very similar to Romeo in the sense that throughout the play he tries to avoid conflict. Benvolio proclaims that " the Citizens are up", he is in fear for Romeo and is warning him to leave.

Morality, meet brave new world

Brave New World follows a futuristic society, the World State, where citizens are mass-produced and conditioned to suit the ways of the government and the society as a whole. With the concept of socialist morality in mind, the World State's power is absolute and citizens follow societal codes and morals whether they like it or β†’

Wuthering heights by emily brontΓ« analysis

At the same time, however, she acknowledged the dark vision of life in the book, which she attributed to Emily's reclusive habits. This focus on Bront 's aloofness, combined with the mystical aspects of her poetry and the supernatural overtones of Wuthering Heights, fostered an image of the writer as a reclusive β†’

Colonial discourse is key within the novel english literature essay

Colonial Discourse is the way in which the hegemony of imperial rule is conveyed within the text as a set of values, representations and beliefs that reinforce the ideology. None more so than in the case of Flory, in one breathe an honourable English gentleman enjoying the riches his new cultures has to offer and β†’

Macbeth motif

In " Macbeth", Shakespeare utilizes blood as a motif to illustrate the increasing guilt Macbeth and Lady Macbeth suffer as a result of their violent and manipulative actions. Even before Macbeth commits any crimes, he hallucinates due to the enormous amount of stress he is under. In her sleep, the Lady is β†’

Freudian theory to scrutinize shakespeare’s hamlet

Hamlet and his mom's relationship is in like manner showed up as more erotic than the " acceptable" mother-tyke relationship because of Hamlet's lingo and private relationship with his mom, and moreover his opposition toward Claudius for his mom's recognition. The essential driver of Hamlet's torments is the remarriage of his mom to Claudius and β†’

Lord of the flies short argumentative essay

Since there are no adults with them on the island, the boys are forced to create their own civil society which slowly falls apart throughout the novel. In the novel Golding states that the boys are becoming uncivilized when they talk about the beast and what it is, the murder of Piggy, β†’

Story summary of brave new world

Mustapha Mond, one of the ten World Controllers, introduces himself to the boys and begins to explain the history of the World State. Bernard, Lenina, John, and Linda fly to the World State, where the Director is waiting to exile Bernard in front of his Alpha coworkers, but before he can, Bernard turns the tables β†’

The destructors by graham greene english literature essay

The two sources for this essay are " The Destructors" by Graham Greene and " Tsotsi" by Athol Fugard." The Destructors" tells the story of a gang of kids in postwar England, who aim to tear down an old man's house. In the changing social structure of this small community, the balance of power is β†’

Romeo and juliet was written by shakespeare english literature essay

Thus implying to the audience that it is Shakespeare but a ' modern version that's appealing to all audiences.'[6]Furthermore, Tori E Gibbs supports the view that Romeo And Juliet is a postmodern adaptation, but his argue differs as he states that it is through the religious imagery and setting throughout the modern adaptation that makes β†’

Critical essay of shakespeare english literature essay

This imagery and metaphorical use in the quote allows the audience to understand the emotions of the protagonist King Lear. The prominent themes which are universally explored in the play King Lear, are the ideas of justice and the connected themes of betrayal, greed and madness.

This adventure historical fiction novel english literature essay

Daniel grasped his fear and had to scrape the farthest corners of his brain to remember the correct salutation of what was once his people," Peace be with you," Daniel said with as much openness as he could muster. After he had mended the hilt, Daniel went to see his grandmother and his sister who β†’

Lady macbeth and lady macduff

In the case of Lady Macbeth we know her from the start of the play while in the case of Lady Macduff we are introduced to her with no prior knowledge only in Act 4 scene 2. The audience already knows through Macbeths words- the castle of Macduff I will surprise.., give to the edge β†’

Love in play “romeo and juliet”

Shakespeare demonstrates how Juliet is willing to sacrifice a place in her prestigious family for the love of Romeo. It is clear that the selfishness and immaturity of Romeo and Juliet played a part in their deaths.

Relationships in hamlet

The first time that Hamlet insults Claudius when someone else is around is when Claudius was supposed to help Hamlet cheer up." A little more than kin, and less than kind" is what Hamlet said and at that point in time was very insulting. Hamlet's relationships with the Claudius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern β†’

Character study of william shakespeares hamlet english literature essay

Because of this, he is willing to give the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia to heighten his ain state of affairs. Ophelia has no pick by to follow and as a consequence destroys her relationship with Hamlet. The Queens relationship with Ophelia is similar to the Kings relationship with Ophelia.

Role of women in twelfth night and hamlet by shakespeare research paper

Interestingly, despite this show of dissatisfaction with societal roles, they do not lose their feminine touch and towards the end of the plays, most come to accept their true identity and place in society. The purpose of this study is to compare specific women characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Hamlet and to explore their β†’

Macbeth notes act 2

Macbeth Notes for II New Characters We Met: Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's control freak wife who taunts him into killing Duncan Fleance, Banquo's son Porter, Drunkard used as comic relief Macduff, nobleman of Scotland who thinks Macbeth is guilty of Duncan's murder Donalbain, Duncan's youngest son who many think is guilty of Duncan's murder Old β†’

Analysis of act i scene iii from hamlet

This above all, to thine own self be true" These famous lines of Shakespeare's Hamlet are one of the most quoted lines of all Shakespeare's work. These lines are important to the character development of Polonius.

Macbeth: the witches’ responsibility for macbeth’s actions

Macbeth: The Witches' Responsibility for Macbeth's Actions The three witches that are introduced at the beginning of the play are responsible for the introduction of the ideas that caused Duncan's death and Macbeth's destruction but not for Macbeth's actions themselves. Macbeth's ambition is deep within him and because of this, both the witches and β†’

Lady macbeth

She seems to be the crutch for Macbeth while he is suffering the hallucinations of his disturbed mind. When Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost at the banquet, it is his wife; Lady Macbeth who soothes her husband and takes control. She scolds Macbeth as though he is a disobedient and thankless child, 'you have displaced the β†’

An analysis of repeated allusions in shakespeare’s hamlet

He wanted them to infer that Claudius is not as great as he seems. For Hamlet and the trifling of his favor, " Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood, A violent in the youth of primary nature, Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting, The perfume and suppliance of a minute. No more".This β†’

Genre analysis of the canterbury tales: the reeve and the miller

While the Miller's tale seems to follow the more traditional, " good humored" nature of the fabliaux, the Reeve creates a raunchy tale with a darker, more sardonic twist at the end. Not only does the Reeve's tale reflect the tale of the Miller, it houses dark humor aimed specifically towards the Miller himself. The β†’


Medication Errors s Medication Errors The last few decades have witnessed increasing cases of medication errors in the health care system. These strategies are designed to reduce the increasing cases of medication errors and the impact of such errors on patients' health. To be certain that the correct drug in the right dosage and route β†’

Providing feedback to the community-based care transitions program

Providing Feedback to the Community-based Care Transitions Program It is definitely a problem when patients end up coming back for readmission, due to the same problem that they were there for the first time, in this case, heart problems. The Community-based Care Transitions Program , which is under Section 3026 of β†’

Abuse in nursing homes – essay

Types of abuse are neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and many more. This means most cases of abuse are not reported and the abuser continues the acts.

Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge

In recent years, the information and knowledge in healthcare delivery have been growing at an unprecedented pace. My current work environment supports the use of informatics tools to generate and adopt the new and constantly changing nursing knowledge. One way that informatics allows nurses to provide more patient care is by decreasing the amount of β†’

Decreasing rates of neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient

Decreasing Rates of Neutropenia in the Chemotherapy Patient EDUCATIONAL Decreasing Rates of Neutropenia in the Chemotherapy Patient Neutropenia is a disease characterized by a low neutrophil count, which can be caused in a variety of ways. The suggested outcome is that there will be a decrease in the number of neutropenia cases and the β†’

Central serous retinopathy a disease overview case study examples

The mechanism of this condition is leakage of serous fluid from a portion of the choroid (the layer of the eye just outside the retina) called the choriocapillaris (a network of small blood vessels located in that portion of the choroid that is responsible for providing nutrition to β†’

Gravess disease

There are also a number of hormones involved: the first one is androgen that is responsible for growth of hair below the abdomen and on thighs, but at higher concentration cause growth in other body parts such as the face in this case. Alterations of these hormones are mostly caused by adrenal insufficiency or high β†’

Ethics, moral dilemmas, and the law in philadelphia, pennsylvania 2013

It should be noted that, regardless of the current condition of the patient, the nurse still has no right to concede with the patient's wish to attempt to take his life. Instead, the nurse should advice the patient that whatever their condition, it is just temporary and their status will change after some time. Moral β†’

Electrons the manner that waves can have positive

The value of the sq.of the wave perform is proportional to the likelihood offinding negatron density at a given purpose in Associate in Nursing orbital. Note that the sign of sq.ofthe wave perform is usually positive, as a result of the sq.of even a negative worth isstill positive. A node is anyplace in Associate in β†’

The concept of chronic pain nursing essay

The absence of links between the experience of chronic pain and the detectable or visible pathology or even the objective evidence of pain and intensity often causes many drawbacks in the chronic pain management.. Pain and the ethics of pain management.


The remedy was successful and my recovery was successful, arsenicum album, has always been one of the best homeopathic remedies for fevers, digestive problems such as food poisoning, allergies, and other related ailments. The use of arsenicum album goes back in history with initial use being on animals, but gradually gained a lot of popularity β†’

My personal interpretation and experience essay sample

The moment of coming together presents them with the opportunity to decide how to be in the moment and in the relationship as whereas what to do with and during the moment". The background and major concepts of Watson's theory include " The formation of a humanistic- altruistic system of values, the installation of β†’

Dq 2 & dq 3

This is an effective strategy of enhancing performance in the department rather than maintaining the status quo. The workers in this particular unit need to be motivated so that they can improve their performance. However, in as far as the philosophy of androgynous is concerned, it can be noted that upon being appointed to the β†’

Pathophysiology of sickel cell disease

Sickle Cell Anemia of the of the Sickle Cell Anemia Introduction I chose to research on sickle cell anemia because my sister has the disease. This testing is very important to prevent fatal complications that are common in children with sickle cell disease is in the first years of life (Explore Sickle Cell Anemia, 2012). β†’

Theory as framework for education

Like most useful theories, the theory is based on the assumption that the standard and basis of nursing subsist in caring science as the basis of the nursing profession. Caring for the vulnerable: Perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research.

Nursing, mods, and the effects of shock essay

As such, knowing the proper nursing diagnoses and surrounding protocols is essential to positive patient outcomes. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome or multiple organ failure, is not a single condition, which a patient suddenly acquires, but rather a continuum that insinuates a deteriorating condition. The primary goal of care, is then maintaining perfusion, the second is β†’

Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate degree level versus baccalaureate degree level

On the example of modern researches and studies and practical evidence, it is claimed that nurse with BSN degree is more open-minded and professional than nurses with AND a degree. In spite of different options of making a choice of a degree for nurses, it is claimed that the nurses remain the least educated persons β†’

Evidencebased practice

The open-ended questions are useful where the researcher is not aware of the expected responses and are a characteristic of the qualitative research. Reliability is the concern seeking to address the issue of stability and consistency. High levels of reliability reduce measurement errors and in the case actual effects of an intervention get identified.

The roles of health care professionals nursing essay

Katya is strongly orientated to her religion and failing to attend the mosque can stimulates a sense of guilt and discontent from not being able to attend the formal rituals which she has been practicing for years.. The aim of this program is to reduce the rate of mortality and death occurring due to cervical β†’

The history of nursing and the educational preparation of nurses

This research paper will explore nursing history, the educational preparation of nurses, the scope and practice of differentiated practice competencies, the collaborative learning community and the presentation of the nursing conceptual models. The nursing educational venues are the Bachelor of Arts in the science of nursing, the Associates degree in Nursing and the diploma in β†’

Critical reflection of the use of therapeutic groups essay sample

Feelings/thoughts Prior to attending the group I had met some of the patients in the communal area of the center and my first impressions of the patients where how disabled they were by the negative symptoms of their conditions. Feelings/thoughts I found it difficult to engage some of the patients and β†’

Effective leadership and management in nursing

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Nursing is considered as adivine profession, and nurses are envisaged as the angels of compassion. Healthcare has, throughout the years, emerged as an industry, and since nursing is an important aspect of this industry, effective management and leadership are constitutive to this vocation. β†’

Discuss how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach

Application of Evidence Based Practices Application of Evidence Based Practices Evidence based practice in nursing is a systematized approach to clinical-centered problems based on the incorporation of the best available evidence from clinical proficiency with an objective of providing the best services to a patient. Evidence based practice is applied in the Oncology β†’


Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual Violence Loleta Kellum Alcorn NU 505 Dr Young January22, 2013 Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual Violence Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual ViolencJournal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2008 May: β†’

Discuss healthcare systems organizational structure, financing, mission, vision, philosophy, and values

The overall value system of a healthcare system therefore directly flows from the broader objectives set for the society as a whole and how the overall healthcare system is linked with other sectors of the economy to support and bolster the overall good of the society.It is therefore clearly established that the overall goals, mission β†’

I need a topic

Incidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses 2. Relationship between symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses and the cause of their disorders 4.


The same factors affect how patients present the interview and how they respond to the patients. Interpretation of what qualifies as health or illness varies across cultures. For instance, minority groups in American society have less degree of trust in the health system, which in turn affects how much information they give to nurses. Very β†’

Unit 6 discussin

The underlined motivations need to be kept close which will measure the real issue that is being addressed. In a group study, I will choose the Cohort research study. It is because the study compares a group that is already infected and the one which is not.

Nursing recruitment and retention

The nursing shortage crisis is caused by nurse burnout, an aging Registered Nurse population, not enough nurses graduating due to a shortage of nurse faculty, and an increase of patients as " baby boomers" retire, grow older, and experience age-related illnesses. There are many challenges involved with the β†’

A study on how informatics affect the clinical nursing practice

It facilitates the integration of data, information and knowledge to support patients, nurses and other providers in their decision making in all roles and settings. This support is accomplished through the use of information structures, information processes and information technology. It is anticipated that majority of nurses who will β†’

Role of nursing informatics today

I was still at the top of my class. Come college years and I have been left by time. Three: that I should acknowledge that Facebook and Twitter sites are not just for the fun that they market themselves to be, they can be educational too.

Guillain-barr syndrome

However, sometimes it may take long to conduct a prospective or retrospective study, as the prevalence of the condition is quite low; hence problems in sampling up a population. In his research, acute pharyngeal-cervical-brachial type of GBS, masquerading brainstem stroke in a child, Syed seeks to analyze the symptoms of a child who β†’

The iom: the future of nursing

The IOM: The Future of Nursing Full Partner Being a full partner of a healthcare services means that you have right and responsibility in deciding what you need for your health through long-term support services and in planning how these services will be given to you. All nurses must be considered leaders in the implementation β†’


Adrenal hormone is responsible for the stimulation actions for elimination of potassium from the body; however, coffee, sugar, alcohol and diuretics can contribute to low levels of potassium. Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia Hyperkalemia is the increased serum levels of potassium in excess of 5mg/100 ml. Potassium is critical for the functionality of the heart, muscles β†’

Professional affiliations

The American Nurses Association is a professional organization that advance and protect the interest of nursing. In addition, what makes the ANA unique, and the profession organization of choice is the way they strive in advancing the nursing profession by fostering very high standards of nursing practice.

Discussion question 13

I need to develop inquiry skills, courage and vitality, as well as engage in activities that will enhance my aptitude to use literature and theory in order to guide practice, improve my writing skills and have a competitive ability to not only design research, but to also disseminate scholarly documents or materials. There are various β†’

Half the sky review

Kristoff and Sheryl WuDUNN is a book that talks about the Oppression of the female gender in the developing world and the need to fight against the evil that has been meted against women. The book advocates for the right of the women as the authors urges their esteemed readers to join the crusade against β†’

Theories of aging

There are various theories to explain as to how aging can affect the patterns of a person's life and how these can be used to diminish the myths people have about aging is dwelled in detail below. At times aged people are being awake most of the night or tend to sleep less than youngsters β†’

Evidence base practice

Evidence Based Nursing College Evidence Based Nursing Evidence based nursing is an approach whose main goal is to improve the health of patients as well as provide care in a cost effective manner to improve the outcome of both the patient and the healthcare systems. As a GI nurse, I work in a very busy β†’

Professional development of nursing professionals essay sample

Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Education, Leadership and Practice Nursing has become one of the fastest rising professions, not only in the United States but, in the world. With The Affordable Care Act of 2010coming accessible to the public, nursing will be called in to utilize their skills to be in β†’

The center for healthcare quality and reform and accountable care organizations

Health care reforms The Center for Health Care Quality goes for enhancing the quality of health care and decreasing incongruities are discriminating issues for health change. At the point when an ACO succeeds both in conveying astounding care and spending health care dollars all the more carefully, it will partake in β†’

The advent of telemedicine essay examples

In some way, it helps in interacting and identifying the probable medical need of the patient. In some extent, this addresses the issue of privacy for the patients. Psychiatric treatment is beneficial for any patients, and it must be properly provided by the state, as well.

Professional attributes necessary for midwives nursing essay

The profession of Midwifery is the ability to regulate itself and the development of a code of ethics is one way of being able to do this. Effective communication is essential between the midwife and the woman and her family members and the care and information being given by the midwife should be always be β†’

Ethical steps in decision making

The goal of the ethical decision making process is to enable the nurse make a choice between various options and ensure that they uphold ethical standards where there are no clearly set guidelines on how to act, with regards to the situation confronting the nurse at the given moment. As a psychiatric nurse, I work β†’

Case study example

This model is widely used in nursing practice and in our case study, we will use Roys model in the following ways in the planning of Eddies care:- According to Callister Roys model of adaptation, the nursing process is a problem solving approach for data gathering, identifying needs of a person to adapt to the β†’

Report on mental health

However, in most cases, the problem is not even ending the life of a patient, but the effect it has on the person who does it. As a psychiatrist, he is required to enhance the life of his patients and not the other way round.

Nursing model

In the article titled Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives, published on the American Journal of Nursing Science, the authors reaffirm that the signs and symptoms of any given condition mirror a deeper disturbance within the patients biopsychosocial balance. Volume 22, Number 3, 2014, pp.

Nursing research

Nursing and Research Process Nursing and Research Process Nursing and research process are important aspects of nursing and determine the nursing outcomes. A nursing process that ensures maintenance or improvement of health of patients is deemed to be efficient. The above discussion proves that both research process and nursing process are essential in nursing.

Pain and alternative therapies

For example, asking about breakthrough pain, or if the patient experiences mild or severe pain based on a scale of 0-10 and characterized with impulsive onset or a neuropathic pain. A nurse can also ask about the medications and their effect on the patient to gauge the severity. Methods of pain control Mastectomy patients β†’

Week 5 assignment 2 : professional development plan

Completion of Assessment Tools My Vision and Interests Personal VALUES Influencing FACTORS Responsibilities Caring Listening to needs Commitment Integrity Accountability Collaboration Respect Personal Experience Family Member Friends Peers Mentors Work-Related OPTIONS to Consider PLANNED Accomplishments Attend educational forums β†’