A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The vampire(tm) by jack prelutsky poem

First of all, the most intriguing thing was how the writer had formed such a vast and intenseenvironmentwithin the space of merely a few words: as soon I started reading this poem, I had no problem whatsoever settling into its mood and setting; the other factor which came to my interest was how quickly I →

What influences the celebrity culture in our society

It is a fact that there is a higher privilege given to celebrities when it comes to crime and punishment and they are given special treatment that no average citizen would receive. Justice is supposed to turn a blind eye in the eyes of judgement in the law and become a fair and equal opportunity →

Chapters 4-6 of the great gatsby

The relationship between Gatsby and Nick changed a lot over these chapters. It is apparent that Nick lost somerespectfor Gatsby, once he began finding out some key details about his life and where he actually came from. Gatsby tells Daisy about how he always dreamt about having her love, and being together. Unfortunately for Gatsby, →

A dystopian society in harrison bergeron story

Vonnegut writes about a dystopian society in the future and although the events in the story are serious, it can be found humorous when comparing the story to reality. It can be described as using humor and irony to expose and criticize." In Harrison Bergeron the theme of this satire is that attempts to achieve →


The necessity of brotherhood is also represented in going to school's like the Carolina Institute and going through a plebe year are one of the most challenging things you could do alone, in The Lords Of Discipline a breakable bond is created by four boy's being brought together during the cruelty of the plebe system.

The old man and the sea by earnest hemmingway, alternate ending

He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fishes agony and the fish came over to his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff, and started to pass the boat, →

Stylistic devices in the stone angel novel

The Hagar in the bible was to conceive a son with the husband of her owner, Sarah, who, herself, was unable to conceive. The Hagar in The Stone Angel is very similar to the Hagar in the bible.

The picture of dorian gray vocabulary list

All the candour of youth was there, as well as all youth's passionate purity." Sovereignty : Rightful status, independence, or prerogative." It has its divine right of sovereignty." Hedonism : Doctrine that pleasure orhappinessis the highest good. " A new Hedonism - that is what our century wants." →

A family influence in franz kafka’s the metamorphosis

This is exemplified by the results of the change in socioeconomic class of Gregor Samsa himself, before the metamorphosis, and his family's afterwards, the burden that Gregor had pose, and the altering of Gregor and Grete's relationship throughout the story. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism and →

Heart of darkness narrative essay

He is saying that the novel shows Africa and its people as animals and the complete opposite of the white man in Europe. However this is truly not the case, the Europeans end up becoming the animals not the African people. This seems as if Conrad is trying to make the reader →

Joseph andrews characters

His adventures in journeying from the Booby household in London back to the countryside, where he plans to marry Fanny, provide the main plot of the novel.Mr. He notices and cultivates Joseph's intelligence and moral earnestness from early on, and he supports Joseph's determination to marry Fanny. His journey back to the →

Against war essays example

The setting of the book, Greek island of Cephalonia, a previously un-adulterated island, primes the book on exposing the atrocities war and tragedy are capable of on the human condition. The fact that he is indeed a soldier, actively involved in the conflict and leading the Italian troops, paints the image of a man fighting →

Analysis of the main character in “the most dangerous game”

For example, when he fell in the ocean and had a tough battle with the water " He struggle up to the surface and tried to cry out...him gag and strangle". Rainsford barely have enough energy to swim to the Ship-Trap Island. He also has to play the it." The Game".

Analyze the great expectations essay

If you read on you will hear my elaboration of all of these problems. The benefactor, who is indirectly raising Pip to be a man with nobility and prosperity, is found out, of being the convict, a man of scorn and hate, Pip is so disappointed, he is disgraced, he hates the convict. Pip starts →

Human’s character in the mayor of casterbridge

This is also addressed in Jonah Lehrer's article which discusses self-control, a major factor in a person's reaction. Of all the characters, the Mayor, Michael Henchard, has the shortest temper and the least amount of evident self-control. It is really up to the person, and their amount of self-control.

A female point in the wife of bath’s prology

As the Wife of Bath tells her prologue, it is aimed to grab the attention of the clerks by explaining how she, though she may not be completely literate, is able to use her feminine qualities and men's weaknesses to gain dominance in marriage. Being literate may seem to have the upper hand in the →

Reading reflection literature review

The writer uses literature to make connections and contributions to the daily life of the reader. A history of literary criticism and theory: From Plato to the present.

Eating apples at night: a korean superstition

Eating Apples at Night: a Korean Superstition " An apple a day keeps thedoctoraway." This adage is taught to most western children as a way of verbalizing that apples are very healthy to eat. It's believed in Korea that eating an apple at night is actually unhealthy. Eating apples at night →

Scrooge’s change in ‘a christmas carol’

Bob Cratchit and his family all gather round and make a toast to scrooge, even though they know he is disrespectful and " the ogre of the family", they still thank Scrooge. The guests of Scrooge's nephew, Fred, also toast to Scrooge despite his cruelty. Scrooge vows to change and help people →

Free the prophets book paper book review sample

The love, the weddings, the happiness, lives of babies and grownups, sorrows in the lives, and at the same time the very bitter fact of life, immortality, these all aspects are addressed in the book by the character " Al-Mustafa," The Prophet. The book shows that a man is not in one state of mind →

Literature review on what is the point of literature

The endless creativity and imagination that literature facilitates has led to exchange of ideas that has led to advancement of humanity. The more literature advances, the more people are able to examine and make sense of mysterious issues such as religion, deities, the afterlife, and other related issues. As such, Literature gives people a platform →

Eugene onegin comparison

Because he was an artist in the romanticism era, Tchaikovsky adds his own inspiration to the novel when changing it to an opera, creating many noticeable distinctions between the two. Compared to the novel in verse, the operatic version of Eugene Onegin has various deviations due to Tchaikovsky's romanticism and character bias, →

Rhonda griffin

Rhonda Griffin Due: February 6, 2013 CIS110 Notebook computer Kindle Fire HD From my experience the Kindle Fire HD Android tablet, and views, the Kindle Fire HD is said to be the most advanced in the world. I find that the kindle fire is the computer that you can easily read a PDF files.

Directive 10-289 as a main element in atlas shrugged

The Quote " In the name of the general welfare, to protect the safety of people, to achieve full equality and full stability, it was decreed for the duration of the national emergency -" is the introduction of legislation called directive 10- 289.in the passage from the novel Atlas Shrugged where the main government →

Show the importance of four women to jane eyre’s development

She was prone to giving Jane treats and creating songs about her, such as; " Poor Miss Jane is to be pitied". On the night that Jane was locked in the Red Room having her " species fit", it was Bessie who was at her side, making sure that the young girl was alright and →

Interior monologue in ulysses

It Is through Jockey's element of realism, he overall structure and the multiple modes of writing of his novel that suggests Ulysses is a significant conspicuous piece of modernist literature in its own right. In Ulysses Joyce discards the traditionalist convention of maintaining a narrative throughout the entirety of his novel by persistently →

Good book review on time for action

He tries to explain how the education system resulted in this state and also argues how learners have turned out to be complacent with their schooling. In chapter three, he offers practitioners with thoughts on how to utilize teaching approaches that raise commitment and permit students to study life skills for instance solving of problems, →

Exposing the modern american dream through fitzgerald’s novel “the last tycoon”

As the novel was written in an era where the American people were still suffering from the consequences of the Depression, Fitzgerald aimed at showing Hollywood's life and illnesses, and to shed light on such images as the new lifestyle and money making and -to raise questions about the modern American Dream through one of →

Inferno canto x

Dante and Cavalcante know each because Guido, the son of Cavalcante is good friends with Dante and he married Beatrice. Cavalcante then asks why his son is not with him. I find the start slow and as the story goes on it becomes fast paced because of the way Farinata was introduced to Dante by →

The issue of conformity in “outliers: the story of success” by malcolm gladwell

People think if the follow what others have done the same success will come to them. Also, a huge contributor to conformity in our world is social media. Conformity on social media can cause a lack of creativity, which is when people start to just do what everyone else is doing because that is the →

Good example of essay on themes

This led to a complete destruction of life and civilization by a variety of internal factors stemming from increasing populations, deteriorating housing conditions, and poor town planning towards the end of the empire.Here, the author lays a convincing argument to back his theme, starting from the Rise of Rome to its decay and disintegration with →

Hermeneutic gaps in young goodman brown

Gaps can both be temporary and resolved at some point of the story or permanent and remain unsolved even after the end. Permanent gaps exist both in the story and in the text, for the information is never given and readers must take a dynamic participation to " reconstruct" and make the →

How setting plays a significant role in the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

In The Yellow Wallpaper, the setting is vital to the story because the themes of gender and isolation/entrapment would not be able to be fully developed without taking place in its specific environment in the late 19th century. One of the major themes in The Yellow Wallpaper is gender and the control men had over →

Prospero in “the tempest” by william shakespear

D Gooder, " The first is Prospero 's ambition to marry his daughter to the right sort of person; the second is his desire to be revenged upon his enemies". On the island Prospero and Miranda live among of his now servant Caliban, the son of a witch that was on the island before they →

Diary of a wimpy kid the getaway 

Manny is Greg's younger brother, and Frank and Susan Heffley's youngest son, and he just wants to play in the sand, and collect jellyfish, crabs, and snails. Susan Heffley is the mother of Rodrick, Greg, and Manny, and the wife of Frank Heffley, she is stuck wanting to be the cool mom, wanting her family →

A good man is hard to find: irony

The grandmother was constantly talking about the good in people, but was she a good woman? The first bit of irony the story throws at the reader is on the first page when the grandmother is talking about how she does not want to go to Florida because that's where the Misfit is headed. I →

All quiet on the western front – essay 9

The author, Eric Remarque, depicts this notion of a lost generation. He brings this idea to attention throughout the book in conversations between soldiers and through the thoughts of the main character, Paul Baumer. Through his naivete he still believed his lies to be true. In the book this is shown to be true of →

Life of pi existentialist examination

Another way that Life of Pi is not existentialist is when he is on the boat, and commits acts of human instinctual survival. They all seem to counteract the belief in god, so in the atheistic sense, Life of Pi is not existentialist at all. He became a bit absorbed with himself, →

The cast of amontillado vs the tell tale heart by edgar alan poe

He knew that he had to be careful with Fortunato's power, and he had to take advantage of his sky high vanity of knowing a lot of wines. On the other hand, in the Tell Tale Heart the Narrator had trouble defining why exactly he wanted to kill the old man. The →

Allegory of the cave v pleasantville

After David and Jennifer are introduced to the peaceful, harmonious town of Pleasantville, however, the flawless, isolated, but ignorant community is turned upside down and ruined. Pleasantville exists in a delicate balance of perfect order, but when new things are introduced to throw off the balance, everything naturally turns to chaos and disorder.

Comparison of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde and the tragedy of dr. faustus

The two works enhance each other as they depict toxic addictions to power and knowledge, the value of internal struggle, and the battle between the creator and the created. Dr. The juxtaposition between the two works, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Dr Faustus, allows the reader to understand the conflicts that can occur within →

Depiction of victorian era in turn of the screw

Inequalities in the Victorian Era To understand the uncles and the governess's motivations in Henry James' Novella, The Turn of the Screw, the reader must recognize the social, class, and gender inequalities between men and women during the Victorian era. During the time the Victorian era, women and men were not equal, but →

Macbeth essay example

However, his inability to see past the witches' equivocations even as he utilizes the practice himself ultimately leads to his downfall. Sometimes, equivocations in Macbeth are meant kindly, as when Ross tries to spare Macduff's feelings by telling him that his wife and son are " well". Similarly, they tell Macbeth that he cannot be →

Why “the great gatsby” is my favorite book? essay sample

Gatz enlists in the military and upon the end of his service is befriended by a wealthy benefactor who employs him " in a vague personal capacity". It is in this essence that Gatsby stood out from the others in the story and met a tragic fate at the hands of the careless, shallow, rich →

Reflective/ compare and contrast on books i’ve given essay examples

These books include " The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, the Economy, and the Role of Government" by Nick Hanauer and Eric Liu, " The MBA Oath: Setting a Higher Standard for Business Leaders" by Peter Escher and Max Anderson, and " Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on →

Example of essay on single-case research design

Single-case research design refers to the type of research design used in used in sociology, human behavior, education and psychology in which the subject of research serves as his/her own control. Therefore, in such a case, it can be easier to ascertain the utility and functionality of the chosen methods used by the counselor →

Good thesis on use of open source software in commercial and government environments

Such experiences are with regard to: Quality of open-source software, their reliability, cost of software provision, and the time taken for the organizations to acquire the software. Determine the motivations behind the choice of the government and commercial institutions to use the open-source software. LITERATURE REVIEW The use Open-Source Software in Commercial →

Negative effects of domestic violence on children argumentative essay examples

It is for that rationale that this paper will be endeavoring at elucidating and expounding on the negative effects that domestic violence has on children. The squabble that not all children who are exposed to domestic violence can experience the many negative effects that are associated with the vice cannot hold water at all. The →

Good example of essay on significant life event

Further, the memory of the event will be discussed as to whether it is accurate or not. A significant life event that occurred in my life before reaching adulthood was the publishing of my first book named " Moments of Life". I, my parents and some literature directors worked hard towards the publishing of my →

How will earning a collage degree change my life essay examples

In the world today, college degree is one of the most demanded things, especially in the field of professionalism. The demand for college degree outweighs the supply in the professional arena. In developed nations college degree is in a position to change the life of an individual.

Essay on family and consumer service human resilience

During our therapeutic interaction I first allowed her to realize that I cared about her future and could be relied on for confidentiality. At this point she began to tell her truth of how at 18 years old she felt about herself and life generally. When she was through I asked her to listen to →

The practical solution essay sample

In lieu of other assessment factors, the creator's estimate of the long-term value of the information may be a good indication of the value that will be placed on it by people within the same discipline or area of research in the future. As standards groups and vendors move to incorporate XML and →

Free adolescent psychology essay sample

A large number of the high school graduates in the United States have been reported to drop out of college and fail to exhibit the required academic and practical life skills and hence something has to be done to equip students with best skills to fit the 21st century. There should be professional training →

Essay on erich fromms disobedience as a psychological and moral problem

On the contrary, he proudly says: " I would rather be chained to this rock than be the obedient servant of the gods".. The suggestion that governments are misleading in their creation of rules is wrong. Even if Fromm alleges that obedience is a display of agreement to rules that abuse rights of individuals, he →

Essay on be the change you want to see in the world

My efforts to change my previous nature will help me to develop a positive attitude of the changes that I want to bring in the world. When I change, the people around me will also be influenced and transform therefore the world will become a better place to live in.

History of economic thought essays examples

Although many conventional histories are in the agreement that economics may not be as far along as is science, but they notice the search for a more formal and simpler structural model and present the history of economics accordingly. Perspectives from the Father of EconomicsAdam Smith is widely credited for being the one who created →

Artificial intelligence report

It involves the application of the concept of Pattern recognition in designing a machine that can emulate the various action of human being. The development of these man-like machines was based on the emulation of the working of human brain.

Development as a dynamic system

A Dynamic System Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action: By Esther Thelen and Linda Smith. A dynamic systems approach to the development of cognition and action.

Research learning journal. research paper

Overall, module 2 has increased my knowledge in understanding research and its components that enhance development of theories that apply to behavioral trends in different societies. In regard to the subject, I learnt the different research instruments applicable in different scenarios in coming up with conclusions. What stood out in the →

Essay on how global communication technology has led to worrying trends of westernization

It is the social process in which the customs and practices of the so called western civilization becomes the order of the day in a different culture. It is the process of absorbing one cultural group into another and assimilating it in away that they, to some extend show your culture and practices in them. →

Self assessment essay sample

In the portfolio a detailed goal sheet, fortnightly interview with teacher and group discussion with peers, monthly presentation on the past learning's and scorecards will be used. Goal sheet is an effective way on which student can measure their performance against the goal they have established. Goal sheet is an effective way to measure the →

Geopolitics of a region is determined by its resources essay sample

Therefore, there are countries rich in valuable mineral, magnificent physical features and human resources in term of innovative ability and knowledge.Most super power countries in the world have attained that status as result of their ability to utilize their resources into viable international business ventures. As you will later learn in this paper, oil, gold, →

What is courage essays example

Courage is something you need to develop in yourself; it is a skill, and you do not get it easily. Only courageous people will be able to overcome the oppression of fear of the unknown and stand for what is it right.

Developing learning and development activities

The principles of adult learning include getting the learners involved in the planning and evaluation of the training and making sure they understand the reason for learning something. I feel these principles were reflected In my training session by communicating with them prior to the session to gage their knowledge; this meant they →

Book: dead aid by dambisa moyo book review example

She contends that involving African elected leaders in deciding how the aid will be spent is a key strategy for appropriate use of that aid. Question six Moyo seems to be an admirer of china and devout an entire chapter of the book to discuss the benefits of the Chinese investments. According to her, →

Betrayal in hamlet

From the beginning of the play to the end, Hamlet experiences a development of character through the betrayals of Gertrude, Aphelia, Reactants and Glistering. When the play opens, Hamlet's relationship with his mother was very close. These incestuous actions by Hamlet's mother, the most important woman in his life, added the distrust of →

Good example of what contributes to successful leadership essay

" Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it" David Starr Jordan Nowadays organization's success is becoming more and more dependent on the effective leadership, that is an essential part of its efficient development, but it is often quite difficult to define the →

John-smith-interview term paper samples

He is currently a Senior Software Developer with the organization. John, is working with the Software team as a senior developer, he provides inputs for the initial design and analysis during start phase of all Java Projects. As his primary responsibility, John works with the development team for realizing the →

Moral development: overview

4 to 5years- Is becoming aware of right and wrong; usually has desire to do right; may blame others for own wrongdoing. Wants to do what he/she believes is right and avoid what is wrong.

Free essay on preparing novice history teachers to meet students’ literacy needs

Suggestions are also made on how students can unleash their full potential with literacy on the content area. Summary According to the article by Nokes , literacy content area is slowly diminishing in the current education systems especially in high schools. This would have helped me to acquire skills that would prepare me →

Developing yourself

Skilled influencer To develop the knowledge of the business and build up skills to sell products and services to new clients and deliver excellent service to existing clients. Driven to deliver To use drive and determination to deliver constant and correct information to achieve results to satisfy. Ensuring to use the correct procedures →

Action research literature review sample

Last, it reminds me a teacher the purpose of being a teacher." There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fills you with so much quail shot that you cannot move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies." The →

The formation and development of the fujian tulou

First, this paper introduces the basic information of Tulou: clip of Tulou visual aspect, the architectural image of Tulou, and grounds behind the signifier. The purpose of policies is to recognize the protection and renovation of Tulou by developing the cultural touristry industry.

Example of essay on self assessment

Whereas when I read for information and a similar situation arises I do try to first decode the meaning of challenging words but then I do try to check it through a dictionary to make sure I am accurate otherwise I will be collecting wrong information. When I read my main objective is to understand →

Cmrj 201 midterm question 1 essay samples

One of the most critical components of planned change an administrator must be aware of is the problem to be addressed by the change. The other component is the goals and objectives of the change.

Example of welfare essay

But, if a comparison is made between the developing and the developed countries, then it can be realized that the the real income and the real GDP growth of the developed countries is more as compared to the developing countries, so people living in the developed countries are enjoying more welfare as compared to people →

Example of research proposal on patient falls in inpatient settings

Patient falls in inpatient settings This paper will focus on the following components of the study, data collection and measurement, expected outcomes of the study, implementation of change, and evaluation of the impact of the change. Data collection and measurement Data will be collected via a semi structured interview. The findings of →

Reflections to journal articles article review example

The three articles selected for review are related to language and literacy development of bilingual or multilingual children. The article titled ' Linguistics in Language Education' by Rajesh Kumar and Reva Yunus evaluates the contribution of the study of language in formal linguistics to language education. According to Kumar and Yunus, such a view of →

Romantic exaggeration: symbolism of nature in german realism

Throughout the course of the narrative, perceptions of nature such as the overgrown field, stones, the river, the weather, and the stars are described in detail; drawing the reader to notice connections and greater symbolisms that are pertinent to Keller's critique on 19th century society. The natural events are omnipresent and the uncertainty of nature →

Macbeth act 2 summary

Macbeth again takes time to examine the pros and cons of going through with the plot and begins to see illusions, starting with a dagger floating in the air in front of him. I have thee not Macbeth is trying to grasp the dagger's handle, but there's nothing there.

Analysis of whether hamlet truly loved ophelia

The audience can see that Hamlet really did love Ophelia when he told her, " I did love you". In this scene, Hamlet confesses that he loved her, but then goes on to say that he never loved her. Although many could argue that Hamlet never loved Ophelia, he was just trying to throw the →

Romeo & juliet

Romeo is the son of the Lord Montague, he is the patriarch of the house of Montague and Juliet is the daughter of Lord Capulet, he is the patriarch of the house of Capulet. The two teenagers meet at the Capulet's party, where Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio was not meant to be. Romeo first caught →

Romeo and juliet tragic hero essay

To be a tragic hero they must be from a high estate, have a tragic flaw, and the tragic flaw is the cause of their downfall. A tragic hero must be from a high estate or well- knownfamily. Juliet let her tragic flaw of being too loyal to Romeo and seeing that →

Macbeth: the mind of a murderer

Through the course of the play, Macbeth goes from a noble warrior to a paranoid murderer- and this paranoia is what drives him to kill. After his first kill, however, Macbeth realizes that he is not cut out for doing such things, and begins the downhill drop to paranoia.

The effect of magic in macbeth and midsummers night dream

In both plays, Midsummer Night's dream and Macbeth, Shakespeare uses magic powers such as witches and fairies to control the plot of the play. In Macbeth, the witches first appear at the opening of the first scene suggesting that they will play a significant role in the play. The next time they →

Similar themes in the movie “king lear” and “about schmidt” essay

It is clear that both the film directors have used these themes in order to develop the plot of the respective movies and, at the same time, be in a position of expressing the ethical teachings to the respective viewers. The theme of power is directly explored in the film About Schmidt when the main →

A book report on animal farm

The other characters of the story are as follows: Minimus, The poet pig who writes verse about Napoleon and also composes the patriotic song " Animal Farm, Animal Farm" to replace the former idealistic hymn " Beasts of England, " which Old Major passes on to the others.Mr. They then renamed the farm to " →

Voltaire and rabelais

Candide does not know and changes the subject bringing up the fact that he's hungry. The orator declares that Candide does not deserve to at because of his lack of affirmation toward believing in the Anti-Christ. He goes on to explain to Dante that some people choose to love the wrong thing or →

The short stories of haruki murakami english literature essay

Foodis shown to fall in people ceremonially and who you portion your nutrient with reveals penetrations about the civilization in which you live. Through the action of the texts and first individual narratives the supporter is established as different to the civilization. He chooses to populate outside the modus operandi of the civilization and this →

Spring 2013 family history english literature essay

She was in charge of the kids because she was the oldest and the most successful among her two other siblings who were in England trying to " find themselves". At a younger age than my mother, I was also living in the main city of the country and attended school.

Gilgamesh, persepolis and hamlet: exam paper

Both Ophelia and Marjane experience bouts of deep depression. In what ways are the conditions that contribute to their respective depressions similar and how do they differ? Might the Ghost and his reaction to Yorik's skull represent manifestations of Hamlet's unconscious? 8.

Revenge tragedy: hamlet

For a play to be considered a revenge tragedy, revenge has to be a prevalent theme throughout. The theme of revenge starts off very early in the play, when Hamlet speaks with the ghost of his deceased father. When the ghost tells Hamlet how Claudius murdered him, Hamlet is infuriated and →

Prompt #4

When talking about Beowulf and Sir Gawain, it is evident that Beowulf is the all around superior hero. When it comes to the dynamics and honor of the heroes, Beowulf blows Sir Gawain out of the water.