A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

I chose hospice

Ethical issues in cancer management affiliation As a health care professional who is working in the hospice department, I usually face new influences of legal and ethical issues in my practice. The broad ethical dilemma that I face is the ability to predict and accurately define the patient prognosis and to what extent the hospice →

Policy making

In this regard, this paper concentrates on the US healthcare arrangement and other developed countries. Compare and contrast the United States healthcare system with Canada's healthcare system Provision of healthcare services remains critical for citizens' wellbeing. Conversely, privately run healthcare systems in the US substantially injure the effective delivery of services for citizens. According →

Analize different leadership traits and styles in today’s health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership

Analyze different leadership traits and styles in todays health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership Nursing [Date] Analyze different leadership traits and styles in todays health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership Leadership is a key factor in the successful running of any organization. This paper →

Ethical dillema

In the culture that she belongs to, it is believed that the males in the family have the right to take all the decisions regarding the family members. Moreover, the patient can succumb to the pressure from the males in the family and decide to say that her health is improving even if she does →

The nursing from india

My Future Plans and Aspirations As I remember my childhood I feel nostalgic about the moments I would always like to cherish. The time I was kid, I had my own choices and preferences about anything I came across without restraint imposed by elders in the family or the peer group I lived in.

What are the nurse practitioner core competencies

All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by GOsC and it is against the law for anyone to call themselves an osteopath unless they are registered with GOsC. Like most of medical curricula osteopathic programmes are mapped against learning objectives in view of testing student's knowledge, skills and attitude. It is fundamentally designed to drive →

Effects of long working hours on nurse performance

Effects of Long Working Hours on Nurse Performance Chamberlain College of Nursing Number: Term and Year: Effects of Long Working Hours on Nurse Performance Nurses face various ethical issues that hinder their efficiency in the provision of medical care to their patients throughout the entire world. The management of the organizations providing medical care should →

How would scholarship funds help you

A scholarship fund will help ease the anxiety of not being able to finish my nursing studies because of lack of money. Scholarship will remove the burden of finances in my studies and will enable me to focus in school. Being able to take care of the patients' well will also be good to my →

Free organ transplantation issues article review sample

Kutner reviews the development of organ-transplant technology and then discusses key issues surrounding organ transplantation and the lack of a regulatory system to better manage critical components. One obvious weakness is the age of this article; a follow-up profile of current organ transplantation issues and regulations would be an invaluable resource. Works Cited →

Nursing mania patients

Because the disorder has to do with a person's perception of reality and the behaviors exhibited as a result of this, the article relates well to the issues examined within the Psychiatric Nursing arena. The ideas of reason and madness are closely tied to the manic disorder, and the article gives a distinctly nursing perspective →

Course project

Demographic variables are attributes of the subjects that are calculated during the learning and used to depict the illustration. It is important to understand the ideal demographic variables in a research program because most of them are similar.

Breach of contract and informed consent

This discussion explores the legal scope of Harvey's case and notes that Harvey should not win a lawsuit in the case. Harvey should not win the lawsuit because the facts of the case do not identify breach of informed consent and breach of contract under the patient's condition. Harvey later recovered and sued. The issue →

Ethical dilema

Schiavo's parents sentiments are also shared by Arabjanov who argues that death should only take place after a natural calamity takes place, and that human life should be respected. For the case of Dax Cowart, he wishes to die as opposed to going through painful experiences in the hospitals. Dax's case brings a →

The relationship between structural empowerment and psychological empowerment nursing essay

In the national health system, one of the government's policies is especially important in determining success, independence and continuity of health development that is promoting empowerment and community participation in health An Integrated Health Center is one form of community based health resource that are managed and organized by, for and with →

Jehovah’s witnesses and refusal of blood products. describe an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you

Such discretion is all the more necessary in a country like the United States, where there is such diversity of race, religion and cultural background. In this regard, it is a prerequisite for healthcare professionals to take into account the cultural restrictions and religious doctrines of individual patients before deciding on a course of treatment.

Specificity and sensitivity

However, Tappen further noted that these tests are dependent on the limiting value above or below which the test indicates positives results. According to Lovallo et al , sensitivity of a given clinical test refers to the ability of a test to accurately classify those patients with disease while specificity refers to →


Issues and questions pertaining to the service learning site/experience: The walk was quite a success; however, the experience from it is what is vital. Reflection of the experience as it relates to the values of the professional nurse A number of nurses participated in the event.

Childhood immunizations

In particular, the contribution and impact of nurses has been increasingly realized in immunization-related practices. The nursing fraternity has increasingly created awareness and supported childhood immunizations over the years. This has subsequently made childhood immunizations a traceable and effectively and efficiently managed health issue. In conclusion, the role played by the nursing fraternity in addressing →

Discourse communities

An example of this would be comparing the discourse communities of anursingmajor and aneducationmajor. According to the Sacramento State Course Catalog, " Nursing is a caring discipline with a foundation of nursingscienceguided by the application of moral and ethical principles of care andresponsibility" and " The professional educator brings together subject matter →

Performance standards and appraisals

Performance standards and appraisals Performance standards and appraisals Performance appraisals and standards are used in healthcare facilities or organizations as the basis for disciplining or termination of employees. This paper also describes the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system through outlining strengths and areas of improvement, and also explains how I might incorporate positive discipline →

Occupational health nursing

This exposure renewed my interest in this field and since then I have never looked back. In the realm of nursing, I have contributed significantly to the development of health in acute settings. Putting this challenge aside, nursing is something that I loved and had plans to study this same course to the end. Due →

Respons post

There appears to be a connection between obesity and Type 2 diabetes specifically, and since Type 2 diabetes seems to be on the rise, I think it is fair to link the high fat and high sugar diets of Americans to the rise of this disease for the most part. I think that what you →

Open system theory in nursing

Application of Open System Theory in Nursing of the The open system is a theory that seeks to explain the dynamics involved in the running of an organization. The system in the case study is the hospital and the subsystems are the various departments.

View hartford institute video:

The diagnosis of delirium is basically clinical and is founded on cautious bedside observations of major signs, but its recognition is the first step. An implication for nursing practice Nurses and other health providers find it difficult to assess delirium in older adults who have dementia and in hospitalized ageing adults because of overlapping →

Assignment medicare/medical

He had greatly appreciated the genuine care and psychological support extended by the nurses and doctors. Answer 2 Medicare includes emergency hospitalization, nursing care, inpatient care in hospital, including critical access hospital, hospice care and medical prescription at the time of hospitalization. The healthcare had covered all types of medical prescription, emergencies, dental care →

The history of lung comets nursing essay

Biochemical parameters were determined at the beginning of each month, according to the protocol of our dialysis center. Lung comets The echocardiographic examinations were performed with patients in the near-to-supine or supine positions. The mean arterial pressure and the lung comets score were also significantly lower than at the start of dialysis (p

Major depression disorder

There are several treatment methods that can be used separately or in the combination according to the severity and cause of depression. Together with clinical specialists and psychologists, advance practice nurses can also play a vital role in the assessment and treatment of this disorder.

Public health report

Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter al Affiliation Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter Introduction Prior to Senate Bill 2, the search of a location for homeless shelter was a daunting task. With Senate Bill 2, location identification is easier as is in →

707 discussion 2

In addition, tethered PHR also offers patients' access to medical information and can therefore promote self-care for better quality of health. PHR influence health information exchange though provision of data bank on a patient's information, from a patient's records. An electronic health record, however, is a maintained database by healthcare facility that uses electronic systems →

Identify an area/problem in your own clinical setting/practice of interest to you

The problem identified and to be discussed is the hygienic negligence of health workers and how that affects the patients in the clinic. The research question that is seeking to be answered from this question is " How does the hygienic negligence of health workers in a clinic affect the patients?" This research question is →

Nurses’ uncertainty article review examples

The study is " Recognizing and Responding to Uncertainty: A Ground Theory of Nurses' Uncertainty" (Carnley, Doran, Tourangeau, Kushniruk, and Nagle, 2012). The study was conducted to develop a substantive theory to help understand nurses' experience and respond to uncertainty in practice. The aim was to explain how nurses seek information when uncertain and →

Mobile health research paper sample

It is important for mobile phone health care applications to be safe and trust worthy. Mobile devices are applicable in different ways in provision of health care. Such amalgamated capabilities have been utilized for urgent health services and for disease surveillance, services mapping and health facilities and other data collection related to health care. Mobile →

Osha violations for a hospital

Awareness on acceptable safety and health standards is achieved through training and educating employees and the managers of the work organization, on provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. However, in the United States of America, it has been proved that some organizations or facilities do not satisfactorily comply with the health and safety →

Ethical case study: jose

In respect to the principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice, nurses should remind the physician that the overuse of antibiotic may result to the development of antiobiotic-resistance. It means that the nurse should not disclose the name of the patient to the legal experts.

End of life care

End of life care The main goals of end life care are to promote the quality of life and to relieve suffering among the dying patients. This is because of failure to promote the significance of home based care among the family members of the dying patients. Most patients do not die in their homes →

Advanced nursing role

Advanced nursing role due: Differences of Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives I agree that Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives are connected in the management of nursing care of clients. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans. Nurse Managers versus →

Why i want to be a nurse

One of those big dreams that I have, has always been to become a nurse. I believe being a nurse is more of a calling than a profession. I believe that not everyone can be a nurse, because it takes a special kind of person to work day in and day out →

The changing demographics of nursing

But still it has been noted that the age of the nursing workforce has increased over the last quarter of a century, and fewer younger people are entering the nursing profession. In fact, at the time of the survey by the Bureau ofHealthProfessions in 1997, baby boomers (those born between 1947 and 1962) were the →

Quality of care for diabetic patients in a large urban public hospital

They concluded that diabetes clinic provided the highest quality care while clinic staffed by internal medicine residents provided the intermediate and the other clinic staffed by faculty physicians provided the least amount of care (Suwattee, Lynch and Pendergrass 566). Validity: As it was mentioned by the authors, the research was mainly based on documented reports →

Symbolization in sonny’s blues short story

In Sonny's Blues, there are many symbolizations used which can be identified, some of them are the name of the speaker's daughter Grace, scotch and milk, and the term ' cup of trembling'. It can be assumed that the writer's thought and beliefs have really influenced the symbolizations found in Sonny's Blues.

Similarities in new and old southern literature

It is through the use of themes and motifs specific to literature of the American South that Swamplandia! gets its confirmation as a modern interpretation of the genre. Lastly, character's names and the naming of certain items is a motif of the Southern genre that enhances a character's presence and personality, and shows the importance →

Celebrity culture in mean girls

This complexity progress when viewers realize the girls are all interlinked, all on the phone with each other on separate lines; Karen gets a call from Regina, puts her on hold, and proceeds to talk to Gretchen and says, " It's Regina, she wants to hang out tonight but she told me not to tell →

Film analysis meet the parents

Pam replies almost instantly with a sort of dissatisfaction in her face stating that triage, is a unit of the E.R.where all the top nurses work, Dina looks at him with discontent and Jack, cuts the awkward silence and comments about how there are not too many males nurses in Greg's working field and that →

Popular film – blaxploitation an analysis of shaft essay sample

He refuses to give in to the expectations of a largely racist white society that he be a criminal and that he bow to the will of authority. While Jackson is always in charge and full of attitude to burn, he seems to lack the ' sex machine' attitude, which was abundant in the original." →

Movie review: jaws essay sample

Determined to stab the shark underwater while the ship Orca is dead in the midst of the sea, Hooper eventually manages to escape into the seabed from the violent attack of the shark. Another way in which the element of classical violence can be reflected from the movie is the scene wherein Martin Brody →

The idea of challenging society’s perception of personal identity in spirited away

When looking at these cases you can clearly see that there are more benefits than drawbacks in challenging values within a society as evident in the cases of the renaissances peoples challenging of social norms, the popular movie, Spirited Away's challenging of personal identity, and Martin Luther's challenging of the Catholic Church during the protestant →

12 angry men

At the beginning Rose uses the alienation of juror 8 to depict certainty to be an easier state of mind but as the story progresses the readers are shown negative changes in attitude for the jurors that are certain therefore showing doubt is an easier state of mind in the long run. →

Edward scissorhands theme analysis

In Edward Scissorhands the main focus of the film is the character Edward himself. However, since Edward is different and mistaken as harmful he is shunned out of the town after trying to save Kim's little brother off the street.

Stand by me: a literary analysis introduction

On the journey to find the body of this dead boy, our heroes discover themselves first and foremost. Each boy, in his own way, has to face his fears, but not alone; they all have each other to lean on. And, in the end, they stand by each other and do not back down.

The mount everest disaster of 1996 as it happened opinion essay

Although the book has many themes that unfold as the story continues, the theme of mutual trust and care remains dominant across this entire tragic book. The essay aims at summarizing the book in which the writer makes a personal opinion of the accounts as they are narrated in the book and criticizes the book →

Symbols in cast away essay sample

This demonstrates a very good example of survival instinct: that he will do all that he is capable of in order to survive. He loses faith in himself some time after arriving on the island, so he decides to commit suicide by hanging himself over a cliff. It becomes his closest and only companion; →

Reviewing sherlock holmes’s thoughts and goals

The character Sherlock Holmes uses the unique process of " the science of deduction" which, when paired with his antisocial, borderline-sociopathic personality, makes for a literary icon that stands the test of time. In the very first chapter of Sign of Four (Arthur Conan Doyle's second novel to feature Sherlock Holmes), the titular protagonist articulates →

How the narrative of the movies mission impossible 2 and run lola run are similar

Each story begins with Lola replacing the receive of the phone after hearing Mannis plea for help, this symbolises the start of the twenty minute countdown she has before the money must be delivered to Mannis boss, thus the entire film plays with the narrative structure of cause/effect chain that is clearly identified as Lola →

Ticket to…tadcaster

The textual topic I chose was documentary; I made a documentary about a local band called the tickets which was made to target people who are interested in MODmusicand the MOD scene, I feel this as been achieved because I have shown my documentary to people who fit this criteria and they commended it →

Global hybrid electric vehicle market

Covered In this Report This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Hybrid Electric Vehicle market for the period 2014-2018. To calculate market size, the report considers the unit shipments of the following types of hybrid electric vehicles in the market: Hybrid Electric Cars Hybrid Electric Trucks Other →

The truman show essay

The world Truman was born into would not have been the way it was without the help of Christof, the show's producer. Christof controlled everything in Truman's life from the weather to who Truman was going to spend his life with.

Lost in the city

What transpires in between are snapshots of Lydia's times with her mother intermingled with recollections of past times with the man beside whom she was sleeping, juxtaposed to the person with whom she lost her virginity, a man that Lydia recalls, "....for the thirty days during the month of her birthday...sent her the reddest roses →

Key learnings from the movie remember the titans

General Review / Analysis of the Movie " Remember the Titans" : I think that this is an excellent movie. Not only is it an excellent movie in the obvious plot, but also in the underlying message which slowly manifests throughout the movie. The movie shows the importance of accepting change because it shows the →

Moral theories in the film casablanca

Along with the connection of the moral theories something that was very relevant throughout the movie was the characters of the film speaking about consequences and how consequences affect things throughout the film. Rick is living in Casablanca and learning to live and do things for himself. Later in the movie the viewer learns of →

An intoxicating history of the environmental movements in america

Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Isabel Allende, Van Jones and Meryl Streep fill the gaps in the stories since the foundation of the Sierra Club to the war against the whaling of Greenpeace and the Kyoto Protocol. Wilson, A FIERCE GREEN FIRE tells the story of the greatest movement of the 20th century and is one →

Coming of age in novel secret life of bees

The bees are also a motif in the title because in the beehive Lily has this big secret that she continues to keep from everyone and this is where the title The Secret Life of Bees has most likely came from.4. Ray would not have been able to treat Lily the way he had and →

Com 156 week 5 assignment – revision practice

I think that, first of all, I would have to say he tends to use a lot of commas in the in the second paragraph. At the same time, you have to make sure that you get the right facts and resources to put into your paper so that way it's not mislead of how →

Johny violante p.2

The past years before this one, (well during Christmas, as you can already presume) I felt the Magic that it had to offer, you know like from the days leading up to the grand day, you feel this Anxiousness, because you know that your going to get what you have wanted the whole year, But →

Cinema history: the seventh seal

A passage from the Book of Revelation is recited, " And when the Lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour,". Antonius and Jons lie on a beach of pebbles. The land is framed proportional to the sky, juxtaposing the kingdoms of heaven and earth.

Personification in the road not taken

" The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost the speaker stands in the woods, took into account a fork in the road. The author uses Personification, Alliteration, and Imagery to create a picture in the readers mind, to show the difficulty of his decision to " take the road less traveled by" and to →

Citizen kane

The depth of Kane's loneliness and isolation concludes in a vignette that will continue to impress generations of audiences. His great wealth causes Kane to have no motives to bring himself to social standards. He sees no reason to move past his disdain and sense of the world revolving around him, and →

Example of jennifers body movie review movie review

She kills young men and eats them to stay young and beautiful. Musical Style The musical styles present in the film were demonic, metal and rock. The Jennifer's Body film could be considered as a thriller type of movie because of these musical styles.

Essay summary of an inspector calls

Birling sacked her for many reasons like being the leader of the protest. He refuses to believe that Eva/Daisy had a valid point and just fired her without a thought of the consequences. In this play the weakest character is Eva/Daisy as she is in a weak position and all of the other characters used →

The hard to reach loch ness monster’s myth

The author is explaining how the tiny thought that we may find something looking for a monster kick starts our brain and tempts us to look for the mythical monster. Undoubtedly the possibility of finding a creature is slight, but the chance still exists.

Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disorders characterized biology essay

The present study was planned to study the biomarkers of oxidative stress, such as protein carbonyl group, nitric oxide in the form of total nitrite and malondialdehyde as an index of lipid peroxidation in type 2 DM patients and normal individuals. In diabetes, there is generation of ROS and →

Present concern of microbial infections biology essay

Scott et al found E.coli to persist in regions of the kitchen including the sink, the u-tube, the draining board and the dishcloth. 1.4. The dry T-towel squares were used in the following cell retrieval methods to extract the cells from the surface of the T-towel. 3.4.

Cerebral palsy: symptoms, study the issue

A large portion of those affected get cerebral palsy during or after birth following any sort of event that could possibly damage the child's brain, impeding their ability to control the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain in charge of muscle function. Today there is a great deal of medical structure helping children with →

Vertebrates and invertebrates worksheet essay sample

PART 1: Compare vertebrates and invertebrates. Directions: In the graphic below, compare vertebrates and invertebrates by: Create a list of 5 characteristics that make vertebrate and invertebrates different Create a list of 5 characteristics that make vertebrate and invertebrates similar differences similarities The notochord in vertabrates became a →

Bacterial concentration and diversity

Repetitive samplings of the planktonic components were done to determine if all aliquots had the like bacterial contents within the same bioreactor. Consistency was seen during this repetitive sampling process but changes were seen in the specific composition of the resulting communities that initiated from one supply of cecal assortment. The triplicate →

What is gene manipulation biology essay

The Human Genome project was created in 1997 to sequence the human genome.gives researchers and scientists the ability to read the complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. An example of a clone, is dolly the sheep. Uses today: PCR and Gel Electrophoresis: PCR allows one to detect and identify trace amounts →

Pesticides are chemical or biological substances biology essay

Chronic toxicity is the ability of a substance to cause adverse health effects as a result of long-term exposure to the substance. The hazard in using a pesticide is related to the likelihood of exposure to harmful amounts of the pesticide.

Clinical immunology

These intellectual and practical considerations have created a pathway to establishment of new discipline called clinical immunology. DISEASES OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The diseases which cause malfunctioning of the immune system fall into two subtypes which are the autoimmune diseases and the immunodeficiency diseases. To study these diseases a branch of immunology called clinical →

Has human curiosity had an overall positive or negative effect on the planet?

According to dictionaries I read, Curiosity is a strong desire to or learn something. They say curiosity kills a person but for me being ignorant can kill you or you can kill someone. It's helpful since if you will be in some situation that allows you to demonstrate the things that you learn through to →

Biology questions

The main function of the insoluble fiber is to enhance collection of water in order to increase the stool bulkiness along the colon and also to ease the process of bowel movement thus reducing cases of colon diseases. Though lipid are insoluble in water, fat are very important in life. Therefore, an obese person consuming →

Adam and eve – biological meiosis

She produces a certain number of egg cells through the process of meiosis. Meiosis then produces another set of egg cells for the next cycle. When Adam's sperm cell and Eve's egg cell meet, a process known as fertilization occurs.

Relations to human experience analysis

From this, readers could take the message of how important it is in life to focus on yourself even in the midst of madness. In this context, that is how he relates his story to other readers; he also uses his experiences to teach others knowledge that many lack about how damaging being caught in →

The effectiveness of speech therapy in aphasia treatment

Patients with a higher level of education improved more in both tests, and out of the 10 types of aphasia the patients that improved the most were those suffering from transcortical sensory aphasia, while and those with global had the poorest outcome. At the six month follow up, where 99 of the patients could be →

Prep 15

Genetics GENETICS Whereas Genetic drift is the change in the rate of a gene variant in a population caused byrandom sampling of organisms, natural selection is the concept used to denote the phenomenon where natural events determines the reproducing species. In this case, variations in these isolated populations will be more as a result of →

The effect on the cargo molecules

The paper therefore looks into the nature of the effect on each of the cargo proteins and gives an analysis of the effect on the proteins which are apparently of the same class. . The hypothesis in this case is the fact that the compatible protein carriers were less affected by the mutations. The essential and →

Marketing authorisation application maa biology essay

A multicenter clinical trial was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of GSK573719/GW642444 with GSK573719 and with tiotropium over 169 days in subjects with COPD. In Germany at 3 centres a multi-centre clinical study was conducted to assess the safety and tolerability of an efficacious dose of QAT370 or matched placebo compared to open-label →

Stem cell research by carnegie university

A human embryo is a human being. Even when it is still just one cell it is a unique and individual human being with its own set of unique genes. Every human being is a unique person and human life should be respected.

Society methods of sustainability

Using wind and human labor, the British were able to build ships and a powerful Ana to traverse the Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to its location agriculture, trade, and expansion to exist. The importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was →

Muscle injuries essay sample

Elevating the strained muscle and putting ice on the injury helps to slow or stop the swelling that can result from a strained muscle. There can be pain, swelling and distortion of the muscle with this injury.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and nosocomial infections

By mapping the mutated genes, the authors found the locations of the mutations in different domains. They deduced that the mutations exhibiting resistance to Argyrin A in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are found on opposite sides of the domain, despite the fact that most mutations involving fusidic acid and Argyrin A are located on →

Lab report osmosis

The purpose of the study was to calculate the rate of osmosis in artificial cells containing different concentrations of sucrose and water. Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to assess the rate of change with osmosis for different concentrations of sucrose in artificial cells. Since the human body is composed →

Interdependence: cellular respiration and pic

CO2 + 12H2O + solar energy - > C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2 [pic]Cellular respiration is the process by which autotrophs and heterotrophs convert the chemical bond energy of glucose into the usable bond energy of ATP. Parasitism - one individual benefits and the other is harmed ex: a leech sucking the blood of its →