A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in india

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in ancient China Families in ancient China expected their daughters to do labor for the family and provide for the family. Families in ancient China expected their women to take measures to enhance their beauty and prestige and most of the women thus voluntarily engaged in β†’

Gourmet review about great wall chinese food (experts review)

Gourmet review about Great wall Chinese food The Great Wall Chinese Food Restaurant specializesin Chinese cuisines and has its branches in several locations in the US. Its food has been modified to include healthy menu which encourages people to be healthy while enjoying great food at the same time. I liked the food provided in β†’

Second home

The author is specifically privy to the fact that tone can be used to express the mood of the essay to the reader and convey the message in its intended form. Specifically, the author's diction, her sentence structure, the choice of words, imagery, and figurative language are important aspects of the use of tone. One β†’

Kill ’em crush ’em eat ’em raw

Eat Em Raw Other Similarities between War and Football Other similarities between war and football that McMurtry did not include in his essay are: first the two bring two groups of people together, who will do anything to defeat the other. On the other hand, after each event, war and football, there is suffering of β†’


The CLI found in the L3 of the candidates in the high 2nd language proficiency group has features of the Cross Linguistic Influence found in the L3 of the candidates in the high 2nd language proficiency has characteristics of the CLI found in the L3 of the candidates in the high second β†’

Shame of the nation annotation

As the story begins, a lead character who is also the persona in the story introduces the readers to a series of brutality and inhuman murders targeted at a single group within the American population. Right from the first page, the narrator of the story, which is consequently told in the first person narration, introduces β†’

Hamlet and oedipus drama

The conflict and its resolution make the thematic content of the play and setting in the background alludes to the physical aspects of human life which become a context of the tragedy faced by the central character. In both the tragedies, the initial blindness of heroes to reality and truth of their existence ends when β†’

Wiiliam grimes dough a la mode

High Cost of Corporate Cheating William Grime's article " Dough a la mode" helps acquaint the reader with the varying levels of response that the author has received over the years with regards to the fact that his job is to sample different varieties of very expensive foods the world over. Even though the author β†’


My response The point of view that the uses is that of the first person, that is in the perspective of Katniss. The story begins with Katniss seeking Prim's warmth only to find that she is absent since she had a bad dream because " this is the day of the reaping".

English 1010

The matter is that I have noticed that there are several categories of those who work out there. In addition to this, there are newbies who observe others, listen carefully to their instructors , and ask a lot of questions.


s Asian in the United s Immigration has always been a controversial issue in the United States, but according to Lisa Lowe, it is important to develop a sound understanding of the subject to help gain insight into the stratified economic and political dynamics of the contemporary American society. Despite the rising number of immigrants, β†’

Developing an argument

With the statement expressed by the author, there is that sense of pride enveloping the English culture and other forms of the arts. Are not there any other art forms that can be dominated by other culture besides English ? England is not the only culture that flourishes in the field of the arts, β†’

What differentiates academic writing from other types of writing

Other forms of writing either emphasize on providing one side of the knowledge or offer a deep critical analysis while academic writing informs, educates and persuades all at the same time. Other forms of writing might not explore the hidden meaning and present the information as it is.

Do violent video games cause behaviour problems

People say that they are an excellent form of entertainment, can be enjoyed from the comfort of home and are a perfect way to kill time. However, the recent slew of video games which have been launched, like Counterstrike, Black Ops etc.are extremely violent in their make and nature. Also, the game makers at large β†’

Simple 1 page journal entry on kate chopin

Chopin revealed that women of that time had less freedom and they used to fulfill their desires using unconventional means. A Respectable Woman In this story, Chopin revealed that women of the late 19th century although had sexual desires but they used to keep their desires hidden because of the respect and esteem they β†’


He established Provident hospital, which was also the first hospital to have interracial medial staff and train nurses from different races. Tribute to Daniel Hale Williams I vividly remember the day I met Daniel Hale Williams, the physician who performed the first open-heart surgery in the United States. You never pursued but compassion for β†’


7 Ways to Boost Leadership EQ According to Casey Mulqueen, senior leaders of organizations appear dismissive to the importance of Emotional Intelligence. The Future is Uncertain: Plan on it! In this feature, Frank Kalman discusses the benefits of planning ahead despite the uncertainties typical to the future.

Should women be allowed in combat

To start with, the skeletal system of the women is less dense and is more prone to fracture (Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2011). The fear to be in the front-line of combat might drive women to get impregnated so as to avoid being in it, β†’

I dont know

To be specific, from driving a car, I learned to be the part of the mainstream society and it changed my attitude towards the U. I consider my education in the U.S.as a unique opportunity to be self-reliant.

Screening report

of the English of the Concerned 27 September All that Heaven Allows by Douglas Sirk The 1955 melodrama, All that Heaven Allows directed by Douglas Sirk and worked on by the celebrated cinematographer, Russell Metty is typically an apt example of really ingenious and creative cinematography. The one cinematographic aspect that is pervasive in All β†’

Student performance objectives

In this text, I will discuss three of these objectives and how I managed to attain them. Interpret and Critique Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Firstly, the third objective of this course expected learners, the end to be in a position to interpret and critique deductive and inductive reasoning. Contrarily, inductive is that which starts β†’

What is your experience with writing, both in english and in your first language

Effective and precise communication in writing is affected by various factors that include the mastery of the components of the language and the articulation of both the tenses and the vocabulary. With that, there is a laxity in the perfecting the first language and making it useful for official communication.

Sport clothing

Use of technology in sports involves application of knowledge in using specialized equipment and tools and making use of the available improved technologies to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently. The Role Of Technology In Sports.Web.

Prayer in public schools

However, Schools will greatly benefit from prayer because it will not be a hindrance in achieving academic excellence; instead prayer is believed to be one of the tools in reaching academic excellence. The United States was established on freedom, and one of the freedoms was the freedom of worship or religion. Whereas, the Union of β†’

Grammar and composition pet peeve

Complete the statement below. " I want to __________ an audience of _____________". I want to inform my audience of my pet peeve, so that they will not do it and I also want them to understand why this pet peeve is important to me. Thesis Statement: Write your thesis statement. If you suddenly interrupt me β†’

Food customs in saudi arabia and differences in the u.s

Food Customs in Saudi Arabia and Differences in the U. The paper seeks to analyze food customs in Saudi Arabia and differences in the United States. Saudi food customs are unique in nature.

Work, energy, and power

It is because the displacement of the book from the top of the desk to the floor and the force that is applied to the book is parallel with one another. State the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in two ways? It is because the gain in speed of a machine is the result β†’

Regenerative battery for human electric hybrid bicycle engineering essay

In the study, an on-board " energy director " was mounted on an electric bike to track the energy degree in the battery and efficaciously split tonss between the battery and the engine. The key to the solution is the bicycling power and entire power of the needed power should be changeless and sufficient extra β†’

Situation analysis for heineken beer company

A beer produced in Europe can be consumed in America at its freshness. Beer brewing industry is the second oldest industry in the world and the third largest in contribution to the world's economic growth. Heineken Beer Company is the 5th largest brewing company in the world and the official sponsor of the European Champions β†’

Montreal protocol: mitigating ozone depletion through science and global unity essay

This has been made possible because of the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty that sought to address the issue of the depleting ozone layer. The success of the Montreal Protocol in addressing an environmental issue is apparent in many ways including it being widely proposed for imitation in approaching other international environmental problems and the β†’

Safety regulations in the petroleum industry

Some of these safety standards are explained in the following paragraphs. The regulations governing occupational health and safety are industry specific those that apply to the petroleum industry are based on the fact that petroleum is flammable, inhalation of petroleum vapor is dangerous and harmful to health and for those who drill, exposure to natural β†’

The positions of the two parties have not

The GOP, like its opposition, has responded toideological, demographic and social changes by hardening some of its positionsand adopting entirely new planks, all part of an effort to create a coalitioncapable of winning national elections. In the Republicans' case, that meantadapting and appealing to a new base in the South from the 1970s forward, β†’

Executive summary on bee farming business

Type of Business Nature The nature of the business is bee farming. Apitherapy is the use of bee products for treatinghealthdisorders.

Examining consequences of the exxon valdez oil spill essay

The Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe had caused every bit many as half a million birds died, killed a 1000 of Marine mammals and devastation of one million millions of fish and herring eggs, and besides devastated the ecosystem in the oil ' s way. In the other manus, to analyze the indispensable betterment alterations β†’

The benefits of implementing 3d technology for e-commerce

Be it scenic or white background shots, 3D modelling for ecommerce business outwardly represents your mechandise in the most ideal way possible. Test new furniture designs before producing them and changes can be effortlessly managed The Internet has retired old methods for testing new designs, and 3D modelling for ecommerce has helped this trend β†’

Transportation economics essay

In a model wherein the main consideration is the demand of shippers depending on the rate of transportation, then we would have a graph wherein the vertical axis would have the label of price, and the horizontal axis having the label of output. This model of transportation economics is a qualitative model of the demand β†’

Pinnacle manufacturing case

The following are furnished as background information: A summary of key information from the audit of the acquisition and payment cycle and accounts payable in the prior year, which was extracted from the previous audit firm's audit files A flowchart description of the accounting system and internal controls for the acquisition and payment β†’

Internship on hotel industry

No 11BBA0071, a Bonafide student of the VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, hereby declare that the Internship Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of the VIT University, is my original work. Price: As Shveroys is a three star hotel price of the rooms are β†’

Squash buchi

It also contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column. Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, which is essential for the building of bone mass, and magnesium is indispensible to thehealthof joints and bones. What is the direct material cost of the developed products? Hypothesis

Gender identity paper

The zygote contains 23 pairs of chromosomes; half from the producer of the sperm and half from the producer of the egg. The cells of females only have the X chromosome, the cells of males have X and Y chromosomes; this means the male is responsible for the sex of the zygote.

Research paper on ethics of behavioral analysis

Auton is the report that collects data and information from the parents of autistic children and the entire autism-ABA industry due to the unethical dissent. To defy the ethics of the autism and ABA community will necessitate the position that autistics should be regarded as human beings with human rights.

Privatized military industry

It is a potential because the mere presence of a PMC can deter aggressors from considering the use of force a viable course of action. Neither does there have to be an actual or potential military role; a PMC's involvement may as well be directed towards enhancing the recipient's military and security capabilities" http://www.privatemilitary.org/forumsandblogs.html Private β†’

Food safety and implementation of haccp biology essay

2 Food safety is an built-in portion of nutrient security and is defined as protecting the nutrient supply from microbic, chemical and physical jeopardies that may happen during all phases of nutrient production, including turning, reaping, processing, transporting, retailing, distributing, fixing, hive awaying and ingestion, in order to forestall foodborne unwellnesss. The bulk of Mauritians β†’

Two restaurants

FoodThat Tastes Wonderful Is it Olive Garden's friendly and hospitable service or is it the appetizing and blazing not entrees ll Foranio's that reminds me of the Italian heritage? Also, Olive Garden and ll Fornaio's both have appetizers that are around the same price for the same generous helping.

Zara, fast fashion

Zara's core competencies can be divided into four areas: process development, distribution, marketing and integrated business structure. Zara's unique process development allowed Zara to produce in a shorter cycle time and more quickly response to the customer's needs than other competitors. Zara's product development staff, at the meanwhile, researched the market through β†’

Airport systems essay

Daily tasks and responsibilities of the reside operations managers are to direct and coordinate reside / terminal side operation manage daily and long term performance of subordinate staff and service contractors, participate in the development and training of supervisory staff, liaise operational issues with tenant airlines and government agencies, prepare operation statistical reports on daily β†’

Example of investigation into methods of dispute resolution in jct 2011 thesis

In the investigation process and results it occurs that at the start of the research the goal was to find the best method of dispute resolution, but after a wide investigation and study about this topic the conclusion reached was that there is not a best method to achieve construction resolution but there is the β†’

A bit of the challenges in the e-commerce industry that araw is solving

According to ask about, most of the back and dealing with a record industry is depended upon to move to the blockchain and along these lines allocation rate of blockchain over all endeavors will increase in the coming years. ARAW compose has especially been made to change the micropayments business while keeping an eye on β†’

Good example of essay on obamas deal

This documentary takes up the swearing in of the president during the March 21 vote that seals the final health care legislation. One can appreciate the political maneuvering that ensures the entire process prior to the bills passage. This documentary tells of ethical, political, and moral choices to ensure the β†’

Standards of living in the early 20th century essay

When the germ theory came about and said that germs and diseases transfer from one person to another, people became more body conscious. With the mass production of goods people were able to afford full bathrooms and flush toilets which made it easier to stay clean.6. Most of the time these reservations were terrible pieces β†’

Toyota cars recall essay

Supply and Demand TheoryThe theory of supply and demand basically points out that in a liberalized competitive market; the quantity supplied by the producers will interact with the quantity demanded by the consumers to determine the price of that particular commodity as shown in the figure below. From the interaction of the three β†’

Food health & nutrition dissertation topics

1 To what extent is legislation around food and nutrition designed to serve the interests of large corporationsA comparison of recent policies in the UK and USA. 2.2. 2 Is an integrated global policy on food health and nutrition more possible now than in the twentieth centuryA review of the literature. 2.2.

United airlines swot analysis

Northwest Airlines It has recently merged with the Delta Airlines to form one of the largest airlines in the world. Its greatest strength is in the fact that it is largest airlines in US which transports largest numbers of passengers to various domestic destinations.


I Possible Competitors Significant economies of scale No or low economies of scale Cost disadvantages from other aspects No other potential cost disadvantages Strong product differentiation Weak product differentiation Huge capital requirements Minimal capital requirements Significant switching costs Minimal switching costs Controlled access to distribution channels Open access to distribution channels Government policy protection No β†’

Green public procurement within the irish construction industry construction essay

4 Benefits originating from the usage of Green Public Procurement Due to the big market power of the buying power of European public governments, GPP can do an of import part to cut downing environmental impacts and to altering unsustainable production and ingestion forms. The European Commission has co-funded a research undertaking, β†’

Project: fast food automated ordering system

He will have the option of paying the bill by cash, debit card or a credit card. The user will slide his card and the system will check for the validity of the card and the payment will be made. 4: The system verifies the card and charges the amount of the β†’

Arguments foreign aid

A lot of people arguing about foreign aid to the developing countries, and most of them are disagrees with the help that gotten by foreign country. There are a lot of developing countries that not accept the aid from foreign countries, because the reason above.

Junk modelling for children-child development

Aims for parents: To encourage their children to use small/large equipment and use language such as, STRONG, FIRM, GENTLE, HEAVY, STRETCH, REACH, FLOPPY Weeks 8 Creativity Aims for children: To show curiosity and interest in finding objects to put in their treasure box. Weeks 9 Preparing for celebration Aims for children: To be confident β†’

Qn1 essay

Multi-disciplinary approach to leadership, for instance, enhances the satisfaction of all of the leader's subordinates, their areas of specialization notwithstanding. Qn5 I have leant that systems thinking and integrity are important to the success of a public health leader Qn 6 How can integrity leaders maintain integrity in public health? Discussion 3 β†’

Research design research paper example

She explores the societal structure in California. She investigates the history and the discrepancies that contributed to the development and emergence of the prison industry. In her strategy, the author gives an introduction to political economy in California. The framework of the qualitative research that has been used by the author gives the evaluative approach β†’

Research paper on nursing leadership

One of the main leadership styles that are crucial in the nursing profession is the servant leadership style, which will be discussed in this paper. Nursing Leadership Definition According to Daniels , leadership involves a process where individuals are motivated and guided for the purposes of achieving certain goals. Nursing leadership entails the β†’

Example of essay on building a human identity

In this paper, I would present a situation in which I had to go to another community after living in my community for 17 years. I have always learnt about the cultures of other communities in class, but never got the opportunity to interact with them. The organizers decided to reschedule the event to another β†’

Free report on emigration

The final section will discuss the causes and solution to the issue of Emigration. Part I Heading: Meaning - Emigration is leaving one nation or region for settling in another.. http://immigration.about.com/bio/Jennifer-McFadyen-43604.htm Heading: Historical Evidence - Migration has always been a constant feature of the human history. - Religious fundamentalism, increased β†’

Sample essay on what role does religion play in appaih’s theory

Religious unity, such as that wielded by the Muslim global community known as the Ummah is an example of the use of the commonality of religion to propagate disunity and to turn against the west. The role of religion in showing this is achieved by indicating how people are reacting to incursions of the modernized β†’

War and state-building process research paper example

The average historian might have been as impatient with history as to ignore the positive impact of war on economic development and effective governance, but the positive impacts of war have been a topic of debate in most developed countries in the recent past. Explaining the connection between war, economic development and effective governance will β†’

Naacp during the progressive era 1895-1915 research paper example

The formation of the NAACP was huge landmark in the fight to give the black Americans their rights. The fight for the freedom of the black Americans was not easy. The period between 1890 and 1920 was very significant to the history of the black people because significant landmarks in giving the American β†’

Example of essay on raising your child

Through the social learning theory, the parents can be able to help their children to learn new concepts by letting them imitate and observe their actions and behaviors. One of the most applicable principles of social learning theory is the Vygotsky's social culture theory. This theory helped me to raise β†’

Example of essay on innovation systems and the global innovation divide

The innovative index of the city state is quite high that reflects that people are passionate for socializing and these social relations are good that are fostering better economic relations and ultimately innovative, novel and revolutionary ideas are emerging that is increasing the worth of state and standard of living of people living in the β†’

Gujarat development

Gujarat Governance for Growth and Development A preview of the book* Growth There is a remarkable lack of objectivity in discussing Gujarat and governance, growth and development there. There has been a discernible pick-up in Gujarat's growth performance since the 10th Plan , the five-year Plans being natural periods for breaking up the β†’

Sample essay on feminism and psychology

They disagree with the categorization of some diagnoses such as sexual and mental disorders which they consider to be demeaning of the status of women. According to Landrine and Russo , the number of feministic ideologies in the medical profession has been on the rise in over the years.

Good example of groupwork theory and practice essay

The primary target of the group is to accomplish the task at hand in the located time without delay and achieved the expected desire of the outcome of the tasks the group has. The first and major problem in John's group is discomfort in the group. John has been doing all the work in the β†’

Free essay about employee training

Training gives the employees an opportunity to prepare for the jobs which require handling of modern technology and to get familiar with the tools and strategies of the company. Training is necessary for the development of skills while education is related to knowledge.

Journal #2 essay examples

The chapter identified that there is no linear movement through various stages of adjustment of parents in response to a birth of a child with disability and that the adjustment process is continuous and individual. The communication patterns within a family may change as one of the reactions to the β†’

Economic development of the great barrier reef report

This report will be assessing whether current legislation is effective in assessing economic development impacts whilst maintaining the biodiversity and ecosystem function of the Great Barrier Reef. Overview of the Great Barrier Reef: its biophysical context and the history of management. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the largest and most biologically diverse ecosystems β†’

Personal statement on job title

I instantly took to the intensive study of philosophy, methodology, theory and practice that allowed me to develop analytical skills and contribute to treatment. I was also able to develop communication skills through deepened understanding of the mentality of patients and their functioning within society. Although I like my work, I realize that, often, face-to-face β†’

The social developmental value of theater arts

Within Applied Theatre, there are no set traditional theatrical methods but a preference towards innovative and interactive methods where actors often have the freedom to engage with the audience and where audiences shape thephilosophyas well as the content of the piece. As once said by Augusto Boal, a famous Applied Theatre practitioner who spearheaded a β†’

Example of research paper on birth problems and their long term implications

The impact of birth defects in the family creates a long-term challenge for the entire family as parents would have work hard in ensuring the child lives as normal as possible; while the child may find it hard to interact with others as their disability may hinder their physical, mental, and social functions. According to β†’

Why college education is important to me essay sample

However, I realize that if I have to make such bold steps in my life and have the confidence to do so, I definitely need to be very certain of whatever I do. In line with my dreams of being a mover in the world, I have to be well informed.this can give me the β†’

Stem cell – short essay

Another explanation of cognitive development IS ; the process by which individuals acquire a more sophisticated and complex knowledge of the world around them' These processes include attention the ability to focus, perception the individual interpretation, memory, thinking and problem solving. Constructivist or Cosmogonists believe development is the ' process by which individuals β†’

Life span development tenth edition research paper examples

However, he had a variation in the growth pattern, which was evidenced by the ability of the he feeling insecure when he compared with his peers. He associates early adulthood with the time of attainment of peak physical development. At mid-life, he was among the implementers and enforcers of cultural practices in society.

Termination process essay sample

The dynamics of the process of termination, though, need not to be limited to an exploration of the termination of relationship. A counselor should also discuss the process with the client at the beginning of counseling and inform him that he will be expected to initiate termination.

Dilemmas of appraisal article review example

The paper also gives an analysis of the article while examining the main aim of the author in writing this article and the major aim of the research. The author conducted a research compiling the research data and literature from a study of women and appraisal in the university sector in order to understand the β†’

Example of essay on social progress

This is because the society is made of several components which are subject to change and progress; therefore, there is need for social progress in the society. According to Comte, sociology was an important fact in the society as it guides the people on how to live with each other in the society. Both Marx β†’

Culture-environment interaction essay samples

The environment one is born and grows has profound effects on the culture the person. In addition, the economic practices such as farming and industrial activities, such as mining leave great changes in the environment.

Problem domain by using orm research paper example

This is because most developers do not have confidence when using ORM. One of the problems that are associated with ORM is the learning curve for the developers. The ORM technologies that are in use today provide many features that help developers in the development and in normalization. Some of the most improved areas of β†’

Developing skills for business leadership

This research is mainly a qualitative study that explored different theories, and investigated several methods and techniques: diagrams, tables, and peer-reviewed studies that assisted the author to reach the important findings in the conclusion. It is identified that the team members' roles need to be re-assessed in addition to a critical need for β†’

Engineering essay examples

The field that I would like to pursue is that of electrical and electronic engineering. I will be able to know what is happening in the field and the future of electronic engineering.

Promoting and sharing pop culture values essay sample

Introduction - Pop Culture-General Impressions Thesis Statement Pop culture a snowball of shared emotions created by its receivers Body - A Closer Look to Pop Culture Formation Body - A Closer Look to Pop Culture Formation The integrated approach of pop culture Pop culture in " Twilight" an example β†’

The scope of computing and information technology developments education essay

The importance ofprofessionalism, honestness, unity, equity, due attention, and attending to item is emphasised throughout. Purposes of the Unit The purpose of this unit is to present pupils of the range and scope of calculating and information engineering developments and give them an apprehension of the basic rules, cognition, tools and techniques necessary for β†’

Essay on administrator training program

Adult Education Advance Placement Fee Reimbursement Arts and Music Block Grant Bilingual Teacher Training California Association of Student Councils California High School Exit Exam California School Age Families Education Center for Civic Education Certificated Staff Mentoring Charter School Categorical Block Grant County Office of β†’

Training ; development subway

The geocentric staffing policy requires that the firm seeks the best people for key jobs throughout the company regardless of nationality. In our case two approaches could be most effective to achieve maximum local responsiveness: the polycentric staffing approach and the geocentric staffing approach. These approaches will most likely most effective, because using the polycentric β†’

Free article review on discourse on colonialism

The discourse on colonialism is a text that probes us to look into the differences between colonization and civilization brought about by Europeans. I have particular interest on the benefits civilization intended to bring and their realization so far; the hope for culture, security for the people and effective governance gave way to brutality β†’

Developing an aaa strategy

The diagnostic Imaging Industry has been growing rapidly and has concentrated globally in the hands of three large firms, which together command an estimated 75% of revenues in the business worldwide: GEE, with 30%; Siemens Medical Solutions , with 25%; and Philips Medical Systems , with 20%. This high degree of β†’

Schizophrenia essay example

There is need for psychologists and clinicians to understand the personal psychological problems of individual patients, be able to identify signs and symptoms of abnormal psychology and provide accurate prompt management action. This is a psychotic disorder characterized by patterns of severe behavioral and cognitive symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. There is loss of β†’