A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Ans-1) considered as major elements for any agricultural companies essay

Bruce Babcock stated in his book which published in the year 2012 that Corn is expected to increase by 28% in the upcoming year of 2013 as compared to the entire year's production of the last year, while the growth pertains to soya bean remains on the level of 8% in 2013. In the year β†’

Stereotypes through simple living

But would it be wrong to say that hip hop may have an effect on the way people look at African American men in our society. While watching an episode of the Tyra Banks show rerun an episode about stereotypes happened to be on where Tyra did an experiment where she put β†’

Understanding marketing strategic planning processes (marketing idea product plan)

Off 2 Gran Grans will provide assistance services, such as house cleaning and errand running for medications and groceries, with a supplementary service for visitation , consisting of concierge service and interpersonal relationship development. Off 2 Gran Grans will provide psychological adjustment for its target consumers and also fill a tangible need that need β†’

Mango juice marketting

Is potentially one of the largest consumer market in the world the soft drinks market is the one among the various markets in India. Survey: It refers to the questionnaire administered to the subject who is identified from the population with the help of probability or non-probability sampling. Questionnaire: It refers to β†’

Fashion marketing spanish group inditex

The prices are also kept same in all the shops retailing in different countries. Place - headquarter of Bershka is in Arteixo, Spain and time to time Bershka is spreading itself globally. Bershka's websites are also available on the internet, to do the online transactions of buying and selling. Promotion - Bershka spends approximately up β†’

Motivation essay admission essay sample

I am a sociable, friendly, and hard working person who is always ready to make things work through all means. Considering my curiosity towards sales and marketing at large, it emerges indispensable to proceed with my education in order to equip myself with adequate skills and knowledge. I have a β†’

Cover and thank you letter

Despite my lack of hands-on experience in a work environment, I have developed technical skills and the ability to present details to a large environment required in the business environment. In order to attain the objective of working in a challenging and interesting environment, I am requesting for consideration in the aforementioned position in your β†’

How alex fuhrman has filed a case against frederick, hibbs, and uvex corporation

Hibbs Web Case Analysis Summary This case portrays a conflict between Alex Fuhrman who was the director of accounting and finance, West coast division manager Fredrick Fontaine, Christoper Hibbs who is in Fredrick's department and new in the organisation. Alex was made the administrative head of the cancer research and treatment department. β†’

Video analysis 4

The company sustained with its activities within telecommunication sector directing to development of a transport, and hand portable phones that served as the foundation for what the company reaps, even at the current time. At the commencement of 1990s, the company digressed from its dealings with other services and concentrated on telecommunications. The mission that β†’

Using perceptual maps in marketing

On the other hand, positioning strategy is a specific marketing strategy that helps an organization to position or place its products in a perceptual map according to the characteristics of products and behavior of target customers. The implemented perceptual map in above study will help the organization to develop strategy and prepare operation budget according β†’

Interview questions

The principal is required to think of a polite way to correct employees. Nursing supervisor Duties of a nurse supervisor are faced with many challenges. In case there is a lot of work to do, how do you manage it?

Report on nescafe company competitors

Order#212018201 Marketing Nescafe Competitors Outline - who are the competitors: - - - in order to know who are the competitors of Nescafe the group members have to follow the Competetor Analysis Concept in Marketing. In this concept the company has to idencity its competitors http://www.academia.edu/7222341/Sample_Marketing_Plan Pg 26 As β†’

Business marketing management capstone written project

To introduce or reinforce critical topics students will need to succeed in the classroom and in the future.4. To provide a venue for professional based private events, helping offset operation costs of the Learning Center The primary objectives of the Learning Center are: 1. Each of the three school districts strongly recommend and β†’

Marketing case study

In case the sales are observed to be lower than the anticipated increase then, survey will be assessed to determine the areas responsible for the poor performance. Online survey for both customers and sellers Since customers' feedback is essential, there will be a continuation of the administration of the online surveys to maintain the β†’

Health care marketing

The two forms of marketing are direct to consumer advertising of medicines to treat a disease or illness, and direct advertisements reaching more diverse populace of health care consumers requiring medication. Through the practice of print advertisements, television announcements, radio commercials, the far-reaching side effect of health care marketing is fast β†’

Marketing case

This second read-through is critical because a solid grasp of the business situation will help you better identify the primary problem and help you assess the viability of any proposed solutions.3. The third reading is to help you determine the primary problem and the goal of the firm. Many times, cases will not β†’

Analysis of nike’s “dream crazier” advertisement

The ad promotes that idea of committed, passionate people reaching heights thought to be unobtainable and of people initiating or even being the change they want to see in the world. The purpose of the video is to encourage viewers to believe in themselves. Everything is earned". The intended effect of the video was to β†’

Market segmentation, targeting & positioning essay sample

Positioning helps organizations to create a perception of the products in the minds of target audience. Steps in market segmentation, targeting and positioning: The steps of market segmentation, targeting and positioning is as follows: Now we will discuss about market segmentation, targeting and positioning broadly- Market segmentation: A marketing term referring to the β†’

Intro to marketing tesc assignment

A new entrant Into the national chain retail department store Industry will have difficulty entering this market as competition at every point on the retail spectrum is fierce. If a new retailer enters at the low end of the retail chain spectrum, it will have to go head-to-head with Wall-Mart, however if the β†’

The impact of advertisement on children behavior marketing essay

Advertisement to children is a widely discussed topic due to children inability to understand the purpose or intent of advertisement and unintended effects of advertisement to the children. There is need to conduct research to spot the impacts of advertisement on children and to monitor the regulatory bodies. Background Information Advertisement is one of β†’

Overseas market

Little Sheep uses the traditional method, but in Little Lamb, waiters use a controlling wireless equipment system to help customer order their food, and the information will be directly passed to the kitchen. They were impressed by the quality and the taste of food, and they saw that Chinese hot pot will introduce a new β†’

Global consumer product

Since this was not pre-planned and the company is in a hurry to introduce their new product to the market, the recruitment and selection process was carried out within a very period of time. There were several major mistakes in theadvertisementthey repaper in order to publish on the newspaper. In the first week β†’

Group marketing plan

Students and those who would like to follow the event, will be required to purchase Hop Valley Brewing company products as their tickets to the event. This event will play a significant role in promoting the company's products. Organising for a games day will be another viable program to implement the marketing strategy of the β†’

Dells marketing case, dillema

Question 3: According to Nations Product-Market expansion grid which strategy is applicable for Dell computer's offerings? Explain the strategy in your own words in the context of the case. By going for product development strategy, Dell would be issuing new, developed and modified versions of its products. By doing so, Dell β†’

Cover letter prompt

The group members learned from the group and also helped other members of the group also to learn. The group members worked until each member of the team understood and completed the task thus creating an atmosphere of the achievement. The collaborative learning created situations where the student were required to discuss various perspectives and β†’

Product evaluation on bluetooth

The aim of the current discourse is to provide a product evaluation of Bluetooth through identifying its uses, benefits, costs, and other relevant concerns that users must be aware of. Bluetooth is deemed to be designed for the purpose of providing a cheap and secure tool to connect and exchange various information between the abovementioned β†’

Describe one way that you, as an esl teacher, might support a mainstream teacher who has english language learners in their classroom

This method would determine whether the ESL student would learn effectively with individualized focus or effectively within the group to maximize learning comprehension. I would also develop a co-teaching evaluation template that would provide a checklist to ensure that individual learning occurs with a focus on ESL learners. These findings would be shared with the β†’

Chinese students learning strategies in efl and in esl

This strategy helps the learners to understand meanings and expressions in English as they are used in Australia. Metacognitive strategy is the second method that the Chinese students use to learn ESL in Australia. For example, they structure their learning in topics, and this helps them to understand ESL in steps. Thirdly, the Chinese students β†’

Discussion 7

She analyzed from head to toe, the three women who were present at the conference and she came to the conclusion that women always try to be " marked". Marked is the term which is used in the essay to highlight the fact that women always try to make their presence felt and they try β†’

Communication – team leardership

This article is a worthwhile read because it focuses on current trends in team leadership and looks forward to what the future will look like in this area. It is not beneficial to an organization to simply give a task to the team and then provide no direction.

Practice analysis with whistlers mother

The woman is wearing a longdress in which shows that the painter did not want to expose the leg or to include the painting of the legs. The painter used different colors in order to differentiate between the background and the image of a woman.


The competition is getting stiffer that the qualities and information being asked from the donor also escalates. The ideal quality of a man which many women prefers is embodied by Donor 1913 who do not only possess the qualities of good looks, high education and being nice, but is also charming and funny to the β†’

The propaganda of commodities

English February 28, Topic: The Propaganda of Commodities The main idea of the article, " The Propaganda of Commodities," by Christopher Lasch: Propaganda is one of the important weapons used by the modern advertising world, for its relentless war in the consumer market to get a firm foothold for a particular product or for β†’

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Summary The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set during the 1840's in the town of St. Jim reveals that Huck's father is dead and he does not have to be scared anymore.

Human is by dick

Human Is From the reading ' Human Is' by Dick, I get to understand more of the essence of being human. From the reading, I get to understand how kindness is a fundamental part of human life.

The obedience to authority

Obedience to authority results in evil in the stories " The Lottery" and " The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas," because of appearance of convention, cowardice, and ordinariness of violence. Convention and law are common sources of authority, which many people can follow mindlessly, however evil their outcomes may be. In " The Ones β†’

What do you see as maryland s biggest transportation issue and how would you solve it

Maryland Transportation Issues Maryland officials charged with the responsibility of rectifying the transportation crisis in the state continue to struggle with the vast challenges. This discussion focuses on the inadequate public transport facilities that link rural areas to urban areas within the state, and congestion on the highways. Statistics from the U.

Small groups

I even act as a mediator between the group members and the members of the organization that are situated in the top most level of the organization. The group members have considerable amount of influence on my behavior, their awareness and experience power have made me and the group dependant on them. I am easy β†’

Dominant characteristics of the best inaugural speech

An effective inaugural speech must be brief but concise and is capable of captivating the attention of the audience by starting with a powerful opening statement that makes them want to hear more. The message of the speech is not well structured and does not focus on a unified theme.


Panelists: FOR thesis - Anas Altikriti and Mustafa Ceric, AGAINST - Feisal Abdul Rauf and Ramzi E. Mustafa Ceric said war against terrorism imply a war against Islam, because terrorists proclaimed they were acting on behalf of Muslims.

Analysis of silkos style

The tone of the first paragraph of the piece is informative as the writer is informing the reader as to how simple is Silko's way of writing and the next is persuasive as the writing is trying to persuade the reader of his point " Textual rhetorical analysis employs rhetorical terminology". The piece invokes the β†’

Evaluating source material

The authors have also supported their point using a citation that recognizes the authors who argued that for the development of mutual relationship between the society and businesses. Question 3 What I would Ask the Authors I would like to ask the authors to identify the model of business ethics that they promised to β†’


The took the readers on the exciting journey that explain the existence of habits and how they change. Additionally, some visit the neuroscientist to explore how their habits work and how the habits reside in their brains.

Using humor to survive tragedy

The not so serious characters are the ones who benefit in the end; and it is because of their frivolous behavior all through the play. Algernon is the symbol of un-earnestness, and Jack is his ward in jocularity and deceit. Marriage is of utmost significance in The Importance of Being Earnest.

The royal tenenbaums -movie

inserts his/her The Royal Tenenbaums -movie In the last few months, I heard my friends talk about their experience of watching The Royal Tenenbaums, which so to say, was not very encouraging. The movie showcases one of the best in the art genre with perfection abound in everything ranging from dialogue delivery to the sets β†’

Call to action

Obesity Obesity Review of The Surgeon General's Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation The initiative, dubbed ' Exercise Medicine Initiative' was spearheaded by US surgeon General Regina Benjamin incorporating both US Department of Health and Human Services and American College of Sports Medicine and Medicare. It is inspired by the need to reduce overweight β†’

Personal response

It carries motifs such as prosperity and symbols namely; wings and the spider woman. The story does examine human response towards the weak, the dependant an excreta in moments of cruelty and harshness and callousness in the entire story. For example, upon Elisenda and Pelvo's child recovering from ailment the parents resort to unkindly send β†’

Mass production for ordinary consumers (thesis- i believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk

This may look like as evolution of consumerism as it saves money and guarantees stability of quality but I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk. Most obviously mass production of food was reasonable and necessary at the times of industrialization when many people β†’

Description of the cagw commercial

Which I think the organization did it in purpose to point out the the seriousness of the issues the professor is talking about. In these regards, the positioning of the commercial in the context of a college lecture functions to further play on the emotions of a segment of the population that already feels alienated β†’

Reading portfolio – summary

Summary The article " Emiratis Happiest in Private Sector" ed by a staff of Gulf Business on 5 November discusses a research conducted by the Abu Dhabi University and the Wollongong University. The universities jointly measured the commitment level between the female and male national workforce and also explored factors affecting the managers' and workers' β†’

Steve jobs

He is perhaps one of the many people who are not actually experts in human nature when it comes to education and research but he is very well-informed about them, observing their needs as well as their wants and using the information in his innovations. Still, his ability to look for the people needed for β†’

Preliminary research: formulating ideas for the rhetorical analysis assignment

The feature in the scene that captured and drew my attention was the type of food that the chefs were preparing. The used rhetoric question was " Do you know how to prepare this type of food?" The chefs were using the rhetorical question to capture the attention of the audience by asking them if β†’

Pr 10 krikorian & danticat

An enemy of the state is any individual or party that feels like the United States has not respected their doctrines or principles through the implementation of any of its policies and thus acts negatively upon the citizens, or government officials. Safety through immigration control debates the United States of America is a country that β†’

Preparing for old age

Henry says he also had to make a lot of sacrifices himself for him to help the family in their problem. If he needs to work at this time when he is already old and weak, he says he thinks he would rather die because he knows it is difficult based from what he witnessed β†’

Role of strong woman

In this regard, this essay will discuss the role of strong women in the family based on short story " Shiloh", by Bobbie Ann Mason. To start with, strong women in the society present certain characteristics that are universal among them. In such cases, strong women are supposed to guide their husbands for the benefit β†’

The history of the double negative english language essay

The problem is that it's been hi-jacked twice, firstly by the " gay" community although I am not sure whether they hi-jacked it or whether some liberal dude gave it to them because it was a nice cosy label and, secondly, by today's youth who use it in an entirely inappropriate, derogatory manner. Far better β†’

Quotes about education

The minor act of stealing from a freight car without education can be improvised into obtaining a legal hold on the entire railroad with education in addition to acquiring a stronghold in foreign policy. The author was a lawyer and a politician by profession and therefore was in a better position to understand the significance β†’

Angel response

As time progress we find Gurov confusion and his selected chauvinism being replaced with mature understanding and a deeper view of not only Anna but also, all the women he slept with previously. " In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them β†’


In order to modify this table, I would revise the presentation by adding colors to the titles, provide exact unit of measure (i.e.in dollars or numbers of people enrolled, or the amount of money spent/received) and finally I would provide the information that is to be communicated in its right kind by an appropriate main β†’

Behavior of students

Classroom management is important because the behavior of students affects the learning of everyone in the class. Students are often restless. Sleeping in class is a student behavior that is disruptive to the learning in the class.

The lottery

People dont remember much about the " lottery" except that it happens every year on June 27, it has to be done or their crops will fail that year, and that everyone in the village must participate. I cant help but wonder about how primitive these townspeople were during the 1940s to think that sacrificing β†’

The idea of justice

The Idea of Justice One of the central concerns of the modern day judicial system is the nature of justice. One of the predominant aspects of justice in Plato's Apology and selections from Epicurus is the nature of the medium of expression.

English composition

Instead, the objective of arguments should be to make clear the issues and weigh the pros and cons of the considerations presented by the participants. Moreover, they also get the chance to improve their verbal communication and develop new strategies in articulating their arguments and counterarguments. The statements above describe an ideal scholarly argument but β†’

Seamus heaney mid-term break

It is a poem that he wrote in the firstperson perspective, making him the speaker in the poem.that speaks of how he learned of and dealt wit the death of his 4 year old brother while he was away at school. The poem depicts the unexpected coming of age for a boy, who now has β†’

Review questions 9

An offer lapses when the time for acceptance expires; if the offer is withdrawn prior the receipt; or subsequently a reasonable time in the circumstances (typically the bigger the value of the contract, the lengthier the life of the offer Acceptance Just what is offered can be accepted. It is regardless of who β†’

Answer three question

In " Legacy" a pregnant lady gets attracted and falls in love with a hunchback and " when they went to sleep, she spooned the man right from behind, her ballooned belly found way and fitted into the created spaces by the hunch in his back". Answer 2 The theme on " Drunken Mimi" β†’

Summary/recommendation of “a long way gone memoirs of a boy soldier”

Summary/recommendation of " a long way gone memoirs of a boy soldier" 15 April Summary/Recommendation: " A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier" ed by Ishmael Beah is not just a book which a reader casually goes through page by page and then forgets after putting it somewhere on the book shelf. β†’

My story – why i need to study

The photographs were of me and my parents in which I was very young, but I realized so were they. My parents loved me and it was because of this, that they did not want me to struggle like them to make ends meet.

The challenges that induce unfavorable conditions

The paper will analyze ways in which challenges can make people grow. How challenges help people grow Challenges can have either positive or negative impacts on a person and the results depend on the person's attitude towards the challenge. While they had not yet thought about such developments, the challenge of New York's vulnerability β†’

The secret

Rose cooked food, did the laundry, cleaned and washed the house, ironed the clothes, and spent time with the children. Bane happily agreed to it as he knew the baby was not his.

Adjustment issues of international students enrolled in american colleges and universities: a review of the literature

Summary Outline Introduction Abrahao Andre de Araujo's conducted a research of literature regarding factors that predict adjustment issues and stress issues of foreign students. Body Paragraph 1 Level of English fluency and social support are predictors of adjustment issues and stress issues of foreign students. Paragraph 2 Time period stayed in US β†’

A time that you communicated well

This made the two of us approach communication from a view of wanting to exchange ideas and reach a mutual understanding. I made listening activity important in our conversation as I received information about the university he was representing. It was a sign that I was listening and had an interest in his contribution to β†’

Response and analysis

Totalitarian regimes are obsessed with the idea of possible revolution and overthrow that is why the Capitol aims to ensure its power by reminding people their place and their worth: " Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch this is the Capitol's way of reminding us how totally β†’

Writing prompt: comparison/contrast paper

When he wrote this letter, he used rhetoric in order to appeal to the interests of the people so that they could also share his vision and views towards the negative impacts of racialism on the formerly oppressed races such as African Americans in the greater part of the USA. Racial segregation in these two β†’

Choose one

According to the ethical principle of common good, parents should allow their children to attain both spiritual and human flourishing by encouraging the development of innate talents. Parents and teachers should allow children to develop the innate talents.

Movie review example

Berlin in Germany becomes the setting of the film and the growing National Socialist Party is also of prime importance in the movie. Brain and Sally are the two main characters and Max also plays an important part in the movie, the plot of the movie is really interesting and it becomes even more interesting β†’


The aspect of essay writing that proved to be a challenge was getting started of what to write in the opening sentence and then the opening paragraph. How did these comments on your work affect your thinking and writing of your essay? I believe this question relates to the other question of having a feeling β†’

Imitation a story

The purpose of this article is to identify the unique writing styles in a news script and to imitate these writing styles to develop an interesting script. The main objective of writing a script is to be clear, concise and accurate. First, the headline is expected to give a summary of the story and catches β†’

Aristotle rhetoric

In the view of Aristotle, the personal character presents a notion of credibility or otherwise to the public. The different genres of rhetoric include; Forensic rhetoric which is mainly aimed at persuading an audience that a particular action which was taken in the past was just. This is a rhetoric concept that even the politicians β†’

How does new technology affect education

However, this takes the effort of well trained tutors in the mode of implementing technology as per the children or student's capability, which Casey outline in this book. Print. Pitler relays information on various forms on how technology integration can be of beneficial in maximizing the rate of student learning and engagement.

Clime letter

However, my pizza was delivered very late and was lacking a few of the other food items that I did place with my order. Enclosed is a copy of my receipt for the transaction in question. I am looking forward to your response and resolution of this situation.

Academic report on video game addiction social responsibility

The article goes on to present the argument that there should be a certain amount of social responsibility involved in keeping video game addiction at bay through government regulation, particularly when it comes to overly violent games. The article would be helpful for a research paper on the topic of video game addiction and social β†’

Media coverage of war

Running head: Media Coverage of War Media Coverage of War Insert Insert Grade Insert 14 June Media Coverage of War The proposed study will cover the subject ' Media Coverage of War' which will illuminate on the role and nature of media coverage that prevailed throughout the Iraq war. The study will evaluate the universal β†’

A good (or bad) parent

A good parent is defined as one who shows understanding for the needs of their children, supports them to boost their confidence and at the same time teaches the importance of ethics and values to the child. Young minds need to be directed on the right track and it is the work of a good β†’

Not a sunny day

Furthermore, should she allow things to fall apart, she may no longer be interested in working and interacting with groups of people in the future. Interpersonal relationship becomes a vital aspect in this situation that Veronica is in. Working out each other's differences would be easy if they talk to each other and set each β†’

Response # 2

However, I decided to give the paper a chance and wait until I had read the whole paper before passing final judgment, Unfortunately, this sample paper from Jane Doe only went from bad to worse and, as far as I am concerned, deserves to get the student an F. The title was wrong for the β†’

Sensory perception

The question of authenticity of the information arises when the senses experience conflict during the gathering and processing of data, which most likely will lead to misinterpretation of the information. There is no doubt that sensory information will always often be subjected to interpretation of the individual, and these personal interpretations will most β†’

Edgar allan poe’s story and death theme

In the story, ' The Masque of the Red Death,' a disease known to the people as the Red Death makes entry into a nation where it kills the residents fast gruesomely, despite the fact that the disease spreads fast. The narrator is Montresor. In the story ' The Masque of the Red Death,' death β†’

Is a new walmart a good thing for a community

A number of positive attributes make the company suitable for the community, as the company is identified to be offering products and services at economical rates. The company also engages in Corporate Social Responsibility on a regular basis.. Despite such advantages to the community, Walmart is engaged in a number of problems such as exploitation β†’

Global issues

Global Issues The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas The issue of pursuing happiness in the presence of cruelty, pain, and evil is impossible in the contemporary society's culture. It is apparent that the city's culture upholds the challenges faced by the disadvantaged and unfortunate children as necessary to the creation of happiness, a practice β†’

A response paper

Although the author's realization of the need to redesign the high school education system is correct, the rationale provided by him i.e.physical maturity is necessarily linked with mental maturity is baseless. Children in the present age are smarter than those in the past. But being equipped with technical skills does not mean that they are β†’

Trifles dead bird

From the play, we gather that there is a group of characters gathered at the Wright's with an aim of gathering a piece of evidence that is supposed to help with the verdict of Mrs Wright. The belief that women are undermined is presented first when the groups of characters are in the kitchen. The β†’


Her peace activism had roots in politics and art from the way back in the time when she was growing up and hence her work cannot simply be reduced to just activism because she also explored the politics development and philosophy and incorporated them in her peace attempts and activities. She was brought up in β†’


The statement justifies that social class in the United States is one of the major determinants of the quality of education. The education system has helped to progress the social inequality in America where the rich get richer, and the poor continue passing on poverty across the generations. " In the middle-class school, work is getting β†’

Chocolate equals love

Right as I gulp the bite, it lends a sweet mesmerizing taste somewhere near the root of my tongue. My senses feel a difference in tastes right from the point of taking the bite, through chewing it till I gulp it.