A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Billy wilder’s film double indemnity: using mise-en-scene

Each of the mise-en-scene elements, including costuming, settings, and lighting, add to the unsettling, mysterious, and dramatic tone of the film, and also lend themselves to the elements of film noir. The element of costuming is used most effectively to portray Phyllis as the classic femme fatale. This moment is both dramatic and unsettling, and β†’

Entourage: a modern portrait of issues of the hollywood dream

In fact, it plays on the interest and fantasies of the viewers to create a world that defies not only the borders of morality and gender, but more importantly the borders between social classes, as portrayed by the differences between the ' simple' world of some of the main characters and the Hollywood World of β†’

The development of characters in passages in the duchess of malfi

The first half represents the extremely resilient love between the Duchess and Antonio and the second half represents the hatred Ferdinand makes the Duchess subject to. This also suggests that Antonio, like Malfi the place are constantly on the edge of dysfunction. As this is tied in with the theme of secrecy throughout the play, β†’

History of malayalam cinema essay sample

May be this legacy of Kerala's visual culture lead the filmmakers of Kerala to take up cinema in a different way, rather than mere plain storytelling, than anywhere else in India, and the people of Kerala to appreciate them. The early era Cinemas before the first film The first cinema β†’

Lone survivor by marcus luttrell

At the beginning of the book, Marcus Luttrell describes hischildhoodand his training to prepare for the Navy SEALs with Billy Shelton. Luttrell was the only one of four men on the mission to survive after a violent clash with dozens of Taliban fighters.

Academic probation

When I was in high school I loved succeeding, but I never had to really work for it. It was instilled in me as a child that I would be the only one of my siblings to go to school.

Li po’s poem drinking alone by moonlight: a critique

Yet with the moon as a friend and the shadow as a slave." The moon is given the ability to refuse the man's request to drink. The man is hoping to eternally reunite with the moon and shadow.

Movie task

The stronger the brand loyalty is and awareness and association of the product and high perception of quality, the stronger the brand equity will be. Concept in the movie: Brand loyalty and brand equity was depicted in the movie with the reference of Taco Bell as the only survivingfast foodafter the different establishments battled it β†’

Fight club by chuck palahniuk

In Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk the main themes of the novel are the struggle of being a man in modern society and destroying the idea of inequality in society. The creation of Fight Club in the story is a way for men who are tired of living up to the expectations of becoming β†’

Romanticism in last of the mohicans

The most prevalent element of Romanticism in The Last of the Mohicans is the idea of emotion over intellect. The Last of the Mohicans remains a popular novel and movie, even in modern times, despite its publication in 1826.

Social values reflected in the film american beauty essay sample

This is clearly reinforced in the text, American Beauty, where the audience are presented with a respected and loving couple, ' The Jims.' Given the events of the time, Clinton's push for gay rights through government, public outcry over a gay bashing of a student and sitcom Will and Grace with gay lead being released, β†’

Alfonso cuaron’s film children of men: the god and bad impact of death

Although Theo was suffering through melancholia, the deaths of Julian, Jasper, and Janice caused his political transformation which created his concern for the safety of Kee and the baby and led Theo to protect them. The death of Jasper and Janice impacted him in a hard way but it helped him understand that his purpose β†’

Example of polar bears and the endangered species act critical thinking

Judge Emmet Sullivan's verdict upholding the threatened status and refusing to either strip the Polar bear of all protection or to enhance the protection already present represents a small win for the friends of this magnificent animal. There are some hunting lobbies who say that the Polar bear will become extinct anyway. We cannot say β†’

How does the film the truman show tell the audience

Christoff seems to know that Truman will listen to what he is told by the media, when he turns on the TV it is almost like he is listening to his god. In the 21st century there are less religious people in the world than century's, it might well be we do not need religion β†’

Hugo cabret movie vs. book

Instead of cutting some of the plot as adaptations usually do, the film actually added additional story lines. He adds the characters in the train station with the dachshunds that create a romantic vignette in the movie that was not in the book. In addition, the relationship between the Station Inspector and β†’

The biography and stunning career of charlie chaplin

Charlie had to learn to survive on his own at the age of ten because of the death of his father and the sudden illness of his mother made it necessary for Charlie and his brother to learn to survive on their own. Knowing that he inherited talents from his parents, Charlie decided that the β†’

Mad city: the power of the media

On the interview, Sam was going to explain the situation, saying that the shoot was an accident and that the only thing he wanted was his job back to support his family. Bracket was the first to introduce the story because he was at the place and moment of the situation.

Son of satan

The main character claimed that he had heard from Simpson, a contemporary who they apparently did not like, that he had been fucking a girl under the main character's house. He claims that the main character is not his son, but " son of Satan", after what he had done.

The great dictator: charlie chaplin’s characterization of adolf hitler

The film makes fun of the German conformity by changing the renowned statue " The Thinker" to be in the position of a Heil Hitler salute. Having Hynkel wait to be alone suggests to the audience that behind Hitler's intimidating and powerful image, he is a foolish, childish man.

Alejandro gonzales inarritu’s birdman: characters, cinematography, theme

All of the main characters provide a wide variety for the audience to relate to which is why the casting/acting is so successful. Obviously the cinematography is what truly made this film memorable, it is because it was filmed in " one shot". There was also the satisfaction of continuity not posing as a threat β†’

Alice walker’s the color purple: analysis

The reader can almost sense that this was written and was never expected to be read or seen by anyone else, it feels very personal and private to the young girl just between her and god. The language she uses is appropriate in the way that you can imagine this fourteen year old black girl β†’

Billy elliot essay sample

From this evidence in the film it is shown that Jacky wanted him to do something masculine, not feminine, though he also wants his son to do what he loves. Even though he is against the ballet idea, by the middle of the film the viewer realises that Jacky really just wants his son β†’

Analysis of directing in the final scene in ridley scott’s movie gladiator

It is in every way the same as the first and the second time we saw it throughout the movie, although instead of the sepia colours that was first used, now, very cold grey and blue colours are used. I believe that the floating body is a representation of the soldier's spirit.

Bruce beresford’s black robe: a movie about religious conversion

Alexander Bermeo February 25, 2013 WHO 2001 U01 Black Robe Although throughout the film it was evident that other Indian tribes, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, did not want to convert to Christianity because it went against their own beliefs, the Huron's were able to go against their belief and accept Christianity.

Free online course: film critique sheet #1 movie review example

Many uses of slow fades to lend a dreamlike quality to the transition of scenes, such as with the initial approach to Kane's home on the night of his death. 3. The characters of Kane and Susan are incredibly compelling, the film taking them through the story of the dissolution of a marriage. Subjective analysis: β†’

Scenes that show masculinity

Strength is seen as masculine and a lot of the men in the movie seem to be showing their strength in different forms. Obviously the movie shows the tight connection between being masculine and violence. When looking at violence, it is clearly seen that all the brutal fights gave a sense of being and purpose β†’

The codes and conventions of documentary film-making essay sample

This made films easier to make, and the subjects of documentary widened. In the 1950s television and video technology made documentaries even cheaper to make, and they became an important part of television scheduling. ' Documentary' has come to mean a single film or programme which concentrates on a single subject, and β†’

Relationship’s influences in kathryn stockett’s novel the help

Additionally in other parts of the book, we can see Aibileen constantly encouraging the quiet girl and always reminds her that she is smart, kind, and important. In fact, Aibileen can see the woman that Mae will become in the future." She is tall and straight.

Chicken run

In sharp contrast to this Ginger wears a hat and a scarf this creates a motherly image which we can associate with her warm and loving personality. An additional example of a presentational device is the lighting, which is used to enhance either the character or the setting of the film it can also be β†’

The cabin in the woods description

The Cabin in the Woods' also has ties to other genres such as comedy, this can be seen in scenes such as where they are all sitting around in the main room, playing truth or dare, and Jules is dared to kiss the wolfs head on the wall, also in the scene where Marty has β†’

Analysis of film directed by darren aronofsky “requiem for a dream”

At this point comes Darren Aronofsky with all his creative skill and ingenuity to prove to you why you can not be reckless about the story that Hubert Shelby Jr.has to show you. In the Brooklyn area of New York, Harry and his tyrant Tyron fail to fit into the laws and norms of a β†’

Reviewing michel gondry’s movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

This is definitely the case for Michel Gondry's film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which provides viewers with a unique perspective on the role of science in our lives, the mystery of our dreams, and the power of love. Joel is so upset by this that he decides to have the procedure himself and β†’

Literary of dead poets society

For others, the effect of conformity compels them towards individual strength and the discovery of one" s true self. Modern education is one of the largest " offenders" when it comes to conformity, and that point is illustrated repeatedly in the film Dead Poets Society. Keating became a mentor, as well as a teacher for β†’

Nazism theme in the antz movie

The first reason showing that General Mandible is using a fascism or nazism is that he does not care about every individual ant; he only cares about his colony. There are also many other places where General Mandible demonstrates a Nazism or a fascism type of government is that he imprisoned people when they did β†’

Saving private ryan directed by steven spielberg

In brief, the big white crosses in the graveyard emphasises that the director is being more realistic about huge loss of lives in war which makes the audience feel distressed and pitiful for soldiers that lost their lives for their countries. However, the movie is in contrast with older war films for example the wouldam β†’

Sometimes in life, it’s good to take risks and face your fears.

With these inspiring and pressing words, Jeff manages to oppress his fears and get ahead of his father, and he finally ignores the problem with the canyon beating him down. Jeff woke up in a Flint hotel with his father, and the first thing he remembers was his brother." Where's Mark?

Saving private ryan & a fortunate life speech

Both texts show the mental and physical hardship associated with war and the bonds and mateship shared between soldiers. Saving Private Ryan tells the story of 8 young soldiers who risk their own lives in order to save the life of one man. The opening scene being hailed as the most realistic β†’

Psycho vs. santa sangr: a comparative analysis

The simultaneous effort of these plot similarities and differences in the two movies therefore bring about a different ending to each story, attributable to the different reactions of Fenix and Norman Bates to their mother's control. The discussion of how the functions of mothers in Psycho and Santa Sangre are similar begins with the respective β†’

Ugliness essay

The answer to that question, if asked in the 1940's in Loraine, Ohio, would be " she is ugly because she is black," or even more appropriately, " she is ugly because she is not white." Toni Morrison's " The Bluest Eye" is not the typical black American's novel written in 1970. Ultimately, the only β†’

Does this photo prove the loch ness monster is real?

As reported in , this photograph was taken by Ian Bremner, 58, who was driving around the Highlands when he saw something bizarre doing the backstroke in Loch Ness. Bremner, who works at a distillery, told The Scotsman that he was out trying to capture images of red deer, but found a β†’

Should prisoners be treated as humans

With overcrowding, and barely enough of a budget to care for the health of the inmates, how can a prisoner's mental hygiene be taken care of? Most of these prisoners are forced to be confined in solitary confinement. It is unethical to treat a person with such excessive force. β†’

Cinema of attractions

History of the cinema of attractions The term of ' cinema of attractions' was introduced into the study of film by Tom Gunning and Andre Gaudreault in 1985, describing a filmmaking technique used for early films, until 1906, in which the main interest is in the spectacle and the audience's visual β†’

Horror in the maing

The horror franchise has truly become a joke, with only a couple of really good horror films having been churned out in the last decade, and constant remarking, gore fests, and sequels being churned out. You can tell it's a Joke thanks to Matthew Horn and James Cordon's Lesbian Vampire Killers , β†’

Action and romantic movies essay sample

All mean that an action flick needs a bigger budget, much bigger than what a typical romantic film would need. On the creative side of the issue an action flick highly relies on suspense and thrill whereas a romantic film seeks attraction in provoking feelings and sentiments in its audience. A film can be β†’

These 8 tech trends could be β€˜game changers’

You never know what's going to be the next big thing. CB Insights, a firm that analyzes tech trends, released a today exploring the up-and-coming industries that will create some of the most impactful innovations in the near future. The study highlighted the potential for medical breakthroughs, looking at companies that make synthetic biological β†’

Literary analysis battle royal by ralph ellison

This literary story focuses on the issue of the struggles of a boy to get a propereducationover the obstacles that the issue of discrimination posts on his path to reach his goal. Analysis of the Elements in the Story The story of " Battle Royal" is mainly centralized on the struggle of a particular β†’

Article analysis

Beef: The " King" of the Big Water Footprints Summary The article attempts to analyze a ment by Prince Charles of Wales about the water footprint in beef production, in the United States. Beef: The King of the Big Water Footprints.

Pneumococcal acute otitis media aom biology essay

Patients and methods48 We conducted a prospective epidemiological study between49 January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2011, at the Children's Hospital50 of Brasov, in the central part of Romania. 0 mg/ml, and three had158 a MIC of 4.

The discoveries of chemotherapeutic agents biology essay

Over 60% of the currently used anticancer agents are derived in one way or another from natural sources (Cragg et al., 2003; Balunas and Kinghorn, 2005; Cragg and David, 2005). The search for anti-cancer agents from plant sources started in the 1950s by discovery and development of the vinca alkaloids, vincristine, and the isolation of β†’

Microbiology lab report on escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus essay sample

The second agar used inhibited the growth of S.aureus but allowed the growth of E.coli. Staphylococcus species, however, are able to grow in these conditions and S.aureus was present in the Mannitol petri dish. The second change that occurred during this experiment was the change in color of the agar, which was β†’


In this article, researchers have highlighted the role of one area of the brain termed as orbitofrontal cortex, which according to the article " is responsible for decisions made on the spur of the moment, not on experiences or habits". Generally it is believed that a person learns through his experiences; however, in the article β†’

Prevention the spread of mycoplasma bovis in new zealand

The purpose of this research report is to pose the question: " Do you agree with the eradication process the New Zealand government is willing to make to help prevent the spread of Mycoplasma Bovis?" Biological Explanation of M. Bovis is very hard to treat as normal antibiotics are unable to detect it as the β†’

Membrane budding in cells

Membrane Budding in Cells Membrane budding in cells Budding is an asexual reproduction, in which new off springs form from the buds of organism. The nucleus in the cell's surrounding, is a double membrane with pores, which facilitates movement of materials in and out of the cell.

Sex determination and development

The development and determination of sex in mammals occurs precisely during the fertilization of the ovary by the sperm. DNA component also help in the determination of the inherited chromosomes which form part of the development and sex determination.

How would you vote:coral reef

According to the report, the majority of the damaged reefs were found in the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Southeast and East Asia, and the Caribbean/Atlantic. Yes, the United States should participate in the preservation effort of coral reefs. Oil drilling in the gulf has resulted in the damage to these reefs. Preservation of coral reefs β†’

The history of peptides as drugs biology essay

Functions of peptides are basically dependent on the functional groups of the various amino acids, the functions of proteins are dependent on the on the maintenance of a precise 3D structure Humans suffer from diseases as a result of abnormalities in the production of polypeptides, carbohydrates and nucleic acids which can in turn be β†’


A low protein diet in humans is usually advised to those with kidney and liver diseases and as a result, this negative effect of higher metal toxicity is important to understand. Metals act by binding to organic compounds subsequently altering their structure and possibly modifying their function. Metallothionein specifically works as a chelating agent and β†’


When Koch further developed Pasteur's germ theory, he was the first person to have identified the specific microbe that causes an individual disease. Robert Koch's breakthrough was important because his methods were adapted from other scientists, who discovered the bacteria that cause other diseases. Because of Koch's development, Pasteur was able to investigate vaccination and β†’

Unit 8 study guide

What percentage of blood is cells? What element is part of a red blood cell?

Geoecology-human impact on biomes

The Sahel is a narrow strip of land between the Sahara to the north and the Savanna and equatorial rain-forest to the South. Vegetation was lost due to the large numbers of animals grazing and trampling the land.

Example of argumentative essay on biocentrism

He argues that physics is the branch of science which helps in understanding the physical nature of the world while chemistry helps in the understanding of life. However, he seeks to prove that of all these, biology is at the center. Of course, there are various reasons as to why he β†’

The general and molecular genetics biology essay

Now in the F2, we can predict that 1/4th of the progeny will be A'A' and that 1/4th ofthese will also be B'B'; thus 1/16th of the progeny should be 6' tall! On your particular, make the following crosses and expect the genotype, the height of the F1and the variety of heights estimated in the β†’

Biology 12 notes

Once the bladder is full, the urine exits through the urethra Nephrons Each kidney contains about 1 000 000 nephrons They are the functional unit of a kidney Nephrons are differentiated into regions to perform a serioes of steps One end is the bowman's capsule which is a small folded structure that encircles β†’

Complex can only be seen on its own

One molecule joins their first carbon to thefourth of another, and because of this, they can only be seen in straightlines. Glucose structure Carbohydrates Consists of 4 protein molecules which are two?-helices and two ?- helices. A dipeptide bond occurs when two amino acidsbond together, but more than two then become polymerization, and a polypeptideis β†’

Evolution in biology

In biology, a population is a group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area. In theory, the members of a population have inherited the same number and kinds of genes. Natural selection is not the only process that can adjust the relative numbers of different alleles in a gene pool.

Combined effect of fineness modulus biology essay

Results indicated that the combined effect of fineness modulus and grading zone were clear on the passing ability and little effect of grading zone on flow ability and viscosity of fresh SCC properties. The guiding principle behind self compacting concrete is that the sedimentation velocity of a particle is inversely proportional to the viscosity of β†’

Sugar transporters as potential drug targets for malarial control biology essay

The other type of sodium dependent glucose transporter is SGLT2; this is found in the membranes of the convoluted tubules in the kidneys. The distribution of this particular transporter is primarily in the liver, but is also found in the beta cells of the pancreas, the kidney tubules and the small intestine.

My fascination with biological studies

To that end I have become a member of the Royal Society of Biology as well as subscribing to Nature Briefing, the online arm of the journal Nature. I am also participating in the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award; volunteering for this has improved my confidence as well as taught me how to integrate and β†’

Intracellular lifestyle for human pathogenic bacteria biology essay

Where bacteria locate their self either inside or outside of the host or the interaction of the bacteria with other bacteria has to be considered as this is one factor that suggests why they ' colonise' in specific regions within the human. Another mechanism of action by bacteria to trigger disease is the ability to β†’

Target prediction

Answer = The accession number for " mmu-mir-223" is MI0000703. Question 1.b Overlooking the record provided as your answer to Question 1.a, what " Gene Family" does " mmu-mir-223" belong to? Answer = " mmu-mir-223" belongs to MIPF0000067; mir-223 gene family. Question 1.c What gene does " mmu-mir-223" fall within? Answer β†’

The drug binding proteins in the plasma biology essay

2 Binding Concept Assuming that the kinetics of association and dissociation of the drug-protein complex is rapid, equilibrium between the unbound drug , the drug-protein complex and the protein is quickly reached.[4, 12] The association and dissociation of drug-protein complexes can be illustrated using the β†’

Cell membrane transport

Place a funnel at the end of the tubing and then pour the glucose-starch solution into the dialysis tubing from cup two. Then get all of the air out of the tubing and then tie that end securely. The third experiment table is to determine the results for tonicity and diffusion.

Hcmv pathogenesis and modulation of the immune system by hcmv

After primary infection of different cell types for example epithelial cells of the liver, lungs, kidney, salivary glands, large intestine, placenta endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, neuronal cells and myeloid cells , HCMV stays latent in CD34+ myeloid progenitors, from which reactivation and replication can occure. Despite the fact that a healthy immune β†’

What is biology

Biology al Affiliation) Biology Prior to entering a biology I had a literal understanding of the term biology. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/tech/why-synthetic-biology-is-the-field-of-the-future/ Norwegian University of Science and Technology..

Biological races in humans

Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives. Question 2 The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others. Development is anthropology's evil twin because β†’

The role od extinction in evolution

This is surprising in view of the special importance Darwin attached to extinction, and because the number of species extinctions in the history of life is almost the same as the number of originations; present-day biodiversity is the result of a trivial surplus of originations, cumulated over millions of years. The sudden disappearances of the β†’

Behavioral traits are transmitted from parents biology essay

Physical Basis of HereditySoon after Mendel's work was rediscovered, scientists realized that the patterns of inheritance he had described paralleled the action of chromosomes in dividing cells, and they proposed that the Mendelian units of inheritance, the genes, are carried by the chromosomes. The great majority of the cells produced by the division of the β†’

Diffusion and osmosis

It moves from the higher to the lower concentration because of the concentration gradient which is the difference in concentration levels between two adjacent regions. Osmosis is simply a type of diffusion in which water moves from high concentration to that of the lower water concentration.

Biology – patterns in nature

1Outline the Historical development of the cell theory, in particular, the contributions of Robert Hooke and Robert Brown. First to introduce the concept of a nucleated cell as unit of structure in plants.1.2.

The flowers

" The Flowers" by Alice Walker Summary: " The Flowers" 1973 is written by Alice Walker who is an Afro-American author." The Flowers" is a short story about a girl named Myop. The remains of a hanged man reveals in the soil. She lays down her flowers and the summer was over.

Gene expression is regulated biology essay

However, the regulation of gene expression has also been observed to act at the level of RNA, through changes in translational efficiency as well as changes in the stability of mRNA.One such category of elements that act at the level of RNA and regulate the process of gene expression is represented by AU-rich elements. The β†’

Dihybrid cross and chi square

The values were recorded in the table below. The Chi-square test is used to compare the observed and the expected data and analyze the extent to which they differ using the probability of p= 0.1. Results The observed and expected values are tabulated. Transposons do not comply with Mendel's principles. Conclusion This experiment β†’

Autosomal dominant single gene disorder biology essay

The high levels of cholesterol within the blood is caused by a lack of an Low density Lipoprotein receptor which ultimately remove lipoproteins from the blood and the lack of the Low density Lipoprotein receptor means cholesterol is not sufficiently removed from the blood. In this mis-sense mutation, there was a substitution of an amino β†’

Sources of co2 emissions – lab report example

Sources of CO2 Emissions Purpose The purpose of the lab is to analyze the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Introduction The increase in the use of fossil fuel resources, deforestation and massive industrialization increased the concentration of greenhouse in the atmosphere. Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome The concentration of CO2 in the β†’

Electrophoresis: the main technique for molecular separation – lab report example

The gels are neutral, hydrophilic, three-dimensional networks of long hydrocarbons crosslinked by methylene groups. The separation of molecules within a gel is determined by the relative size of the pores formed within the gel. The pore size of a gel is determined by two factors, the total amount of acrylamide present and the β†’

A study on low back pain anthropology essay

As a consequence of this comparatively recent development in the spinal column, modern worlds regularly experience lower back strivings, which can be labeled as " a cicatrix of human development." In modern worlds, the vertebral column environments and protects the spinal cord as it descends from the brain-stem at the hiatuss magnum to the lower β†’

Restriction enzymes are type of nucleases biology essay

A " unit" of restriction enzyme is usually defined as the amount of enzyme needed to digest 1 g of DNA under standard buffering conditions and temperature. Methylation of DNA: Methylation of adenine or cytidine residues within the recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme may affect the digestion of DNA.

Research paper on person #1

They have a ' sex power' and duty to provide necessary resources to the opposite gender and young ones. Matters of security alongside marking of territories are part and parcel of men's responsibility. Women on their biological body structure are totally difference from that of men since their anatomy composition is quite the opposite to β†’

Antibiotic resistant bactria – lab report example

To achieve the objectives, the article focuses on research done by experts on the issues and possibilities of mending any loopholes in the research so as to eliminate cases of drug resistance. RESISTANCE TO ANTIBIOTICS Available data in the heath sector shows that some of the diseases that medical practitioners used to cure with β†’

The effect of transformation of pglo in bacteria

The second case is the effect on bacteria when the gene for pGLO is introduced with LB, ampacillin, and sugar arabinose. The third case is the effect on bacteria when no gene for pGLO is introduced, but LB and ampacillin is still introduced, The fourth case is the effect on bacteria when β†’

The anatomy of human digestive system

The human digestive system beginsfrom the mouth, passed through the esophagus, stomach, and the intestinesup to the anus for elimination. The Human Digestive System Food travels from the mouth, passing the esophagus and into the stomach.


Birth and Death of Stars in the Solar System The solar system comprises of the sun and other objects that revolve around the sun. This then resulted to the formation of the sun and planets that make up the solar system.