A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Corporate social responsibility practices of china sinopec commerce essay

Mcwilliams and Siegel argue that the CSR are measures taken by those business corporations for the benefits of the whole community, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law and some social pressures. In 1970s Milton Friedman argued that the only social responsibility of an enterprise is to increase profits β†’

Coronary heart disease in london

In contract, in Royal dock, 61% of population was white and only 7% was Asian Source: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 Coronary Heart Disease is the major cause of death in the South Asian population in the UK and the death rates of South Asian population due to CHD is higher than the indigenous white β†’

Education in america

Students in many schools across the country, are limited in their elective classes and become bored in classes that they are uninterested in and yet forced to take. Another factor that the education system does not recognize, is the fact that all students are different and need a personal and custom education plan.

Our town reaction paper assignment

And in my perspective, although the text nd direction brilliantly reinvented the beauty of Wilder's real concept in the context of Los Banos, the performance failed to fully embody its richness as a result of artistic mismatch on the actors' side. That was the insight adhered to when analyzing the possible basis of the disconnecting β†’

Ethics case study assignment

The physician in this case should have discussed the health status of the child with the mother, made a " good" moral Judgment, and told the mother the incident must be reported to CAPS; the case could have been presented to the mother in a non-accusatory manner. The nurse or physician in the case study β†’

Drum kit costing system essay sample

The prices of the equipment will have been saved into the system, but it will always be possible to change the prices of the equipment if and when necessary. I will use the lookup function to search the prices list for the cost that matches the user choices made and transfer it to the price β†’

Financial management

This is due to the credit extended in the first month of the operations. Other than April, the company has been in a cash deficit in June which was primarily because of investment in plant and income tax payment which totaled to $150, 000.

Money is the key to happiness

Money is The Key to Happiness and Section # of Money is The Key to Happiness As Shakespeare said and I quote, " the world is a stage where we all have different roles to play". Some also argue that money is not the actual aspect of bringing happiness to one's life.

Why i want to attend virginia state university

My intention to take the Accounting program is because I would like to manage the family business and help in the administration of finances. It is my belief that I will be considered for a slot to attend the institution.

Hinduism and buddhism

First Sur Number 10 September Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism share some similarities, which include the following; Both Hinduism and Buddhism stress the role of karma and the deceptive fauna of the world in maintaining men bound to this world and the progression of childbirths and fatalities. Both of these religions consider and β†’

The griffin and the minor canon essay

Later that day Charlie Sheen appears from the woods and the Minor Canon is very surprised to see him, he comes closer and confronts the Minor Canon, he says, " Hello Minor Canon, I have been watching you for some time now, as I can see from your experiences with the Griffin, you are very β†’

Janet jackson essay

The tensions within the family certainly increased on account of Michael Jackson's emergence as a solo artist and a superstar beginning in the early 1970s. With the guidance of her brother Michael, she released her debut album Janet Jackson, in 1982.

Gillette case study essay

Their distribution to 500, 000 retail outlets in the US and the strong relationships of their sales team with chain retailers and wholesale distributors made them well-positioned to enter the emerging market of blank cassettes. Therefore, of the 86 million blank cassettes predicted for sales in 1971, Gillette's BEV would be 6.

Costco case essay

In order for Costo to continue to be in the business of wholesale and warehouse club, they need to have a strategy and sustainable competitive advantage. The advantage of this is that rather than the company maintaining a huge working or operating capital, they could invest the capital in another area to grow the company.

The merits of theories of secularisation with regard to religion essay

The essay begins by outlining the involvement of religious institutions in the organisation and day-to-day running of society, to the extent to which religious organisations are able to exert influence and control over the running of the society in which they exist. With the growth of political democracy in the 20th century, the role of β†’

Public distribution system in india

It was the compulsions at the time of World War II that forced the then British Government to introduce the first structured public distribution of cereals in India through the rationing system sale of a fixed quantity of ration to entitled families in pecified cities/towns. The creation of the Food Corporation of India and the β†’

Good road safety guidelines

The majority of driver training is used only to prepare a candidate for the driving test and therefore the standard of the driving test will determine the extent and quality of driver training. The need for an effective driver testing and training system is overdue in the Asian and Pacific region for the following reasons: β†’

Rewards systems in india

These components will be designed, developed and maintained on the basis of reward strategies and policies which will be created within the context of the organizations between strategies, culture and environment: they will be expected to fulfill the following broad aims; 1. Increased Commitment: Enhance the commitment of employees to the organization that will a) β†’

Evaluate the asset, debt, and equity structure of lucent technologies

The increase in inventory volume makes a significant impression over the growth and the future of the company. Lucent Technologies is not heavily dependent on equity financing which has made a positive impression on the stock prices and also there is a hint that in the years to come the management of the company might β†’

E commerce and business start up

E-Commerce offers the entrepreneur the opportunity to be very creative and innovative; its importance is indicated in the continually increasing amount of both business to business and business to costumer e-commerce sales. Factors that facilitated the growth of e-commerce are wide spread use of PC's, the adoption of intranet in companies, the acceptance of internet β†’

Eragon by christopher paolini

Eragon is chosen to be the focus of the study because he is the main character of the story. In summer 2002, the stepson of author Carl Hiaasen found Eragon in a bookstore and loved it, and Hiaasen brought it to the attention of his publisher, Alfred A.

Commercial contracts under nigerian legislation

A voidable contract is that which is valid in the first place but may be ended at the instance of one of the parties to it. An agent is not a trustee of the goods in his care not being the legal owner.

Romanian citizens migration for work social work essay

The causes that led to the apparition of this problem are mainly economical, but the desire to leave the country is determined not only by small incomes, but also by the lack of trust in the educational system and the political class. Therefore, the poverty, the lack of jobs, the low wedges, the high unemployment, β†’

Macrophages in inflammation and its resolution

The remaining seven manuscripts outline the role of macrophages during inflammation and its resolution in different tissues, including the lung, cardiovascular and adipose tissues, injured skeletal muscle and neuronal tissues, and synovial and oral cavities. Of the review articles that discuss the regulation of macrophage differentiation and function by discrete events, two cover the interaction β†’

Metformin during pregnancy: effects on offspring development and metabolic function

Here, we review both the evidence supporting the use of metformin during pregnancy along with studies in humans and animal models regarding the long-term effects of metformin in the offspring. However, metformin has a high percentage of ineffectiveness in the management of glycemia in GDM patients and 46% of women in metformin group needed to β†’

Inherent nature of violence to the society

It is notable that for all the instances of violence in In Our Time, only one comes to mind that does not fall under the category of war, sports, or good, old-fashioned fist fighting the Indian father's suicide in Indian Camp. Hemingway's detached narration, in addition to his focus on culturally sanctioned violence, emphasizes the β†’

Contrasting the roles of women in restoration and early 18th century dramas

By examining the love relationships between Amanda and Loveless in Vanbrugh's The Relapse and Millamant and Mirabel in Congreve's The Way of the World, it becomes transparent that Millamant is more of a feminist heroine than Amanda. From the inception of The Way of the World to the very end, Mirabel's love and affection for β†’

Analysing low participation as a threat to democracy politics essay

The contribution of basic citizen involvement including ' set checks and balances in the governance of our societies that help protect our welfare, a right to be engaged in decisions that affect us and the collective experience of attempting to solve problems with our fellow citizens' are far too valuable to be undermined or detracted β†’

International expansion plans of hardees in india marketing essay

While in the Weakness's case, there is no relation of the prevailing political situation with any of the weaknesses of Hardee's. While in weakness's section the compliance laws have a negative impact on all the weaknesses of Hardee's because the laws in India will surely object its questionable advertisements, high calorie content and its high β†’

Marketing mix of pepsico business essay

Pepsi Co is one of the leading consumer product companies of the world that has the expanded business all over the world. It is the larger manufacturer of cold cereal and different popular bran of Quaker is famous in all over the world.

Evaluating organisation values and structure

Organization culture can be defined as a functional element of a business that comprise of organizational values, experiences and beliefs and the cultural norms of the organization. The main protectors of organizational cultures are the employees within the organization and the stakeholders outside the organization.

Chapter 6

Network NeutralityConcept that ISPs must allow computers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the contentFalseISPs want net neutrality because it allows them to charge different prices to individuals based on internet usageTrue Computers do not work in isolation, data exchange provides advantages, data exchange can take place over β†’

Web programming midterm

Cascading Style Sheet rules are comprised of: Selectors and DeclarationsUse the ________ tag to configure a generic area on a web page that is embedded within a paragraph or other block display element. Educational BackgroundWhat is the purpose of the: content pseudo-element? to generate content that is added to the web page documentWhat is the β†’

Piramal solution was not an easy task. sarvajal

Sarvajal is at the cuttingedge of creating technologies and business practices in safe drinking watersector that are intended to make a simple market-based model which is feasiblein both rural and urban conditions. Howit all began and the technology used: 97 million people living in India lack access tosafe drinking water and are at the risk β†’

Smart textiles

These represent the relationship and wonders that exist when technology is given a chance in the textile and fashion industry. He goes further to explain how to works: Wear the helmet, select the apology you want to make from a set of pre-defined phrases and then turn the dial to select the intensity of the β†’


In Libya there is a large amount of people that want to see a change in who is in power. The United Nations are not helping to end the revolution but it is helping to protect the innocent people that are getting caught up in the middle of it.

Multicultural counseling psychotherapy assignment

She had limited time to talk with family and friends, which made her, feel alone, have anxiety, and doubt her capabilities of making in the new environment. She stated that the people in her culture love to dress up and go out and dance, the people in Hawaii were more laid back.

Global warming, a false ideology assignment

This fact alone should be enough to thwart the idea that man-made carbon dioxide is contributing to global warming. There is an abundance of scientific research establishing strengthened arguments against the idea of Global Warming, in fact so much so that over thirty one thousand scientists have signed a petition denouncing the ideology of man- β†’

Leonardo pisano blgollo essay sample

Fibonacci was taught mathematics in Bugia and travelled widely with his father and recognised the enormous advantages of the mathematical systems used in the countries they visited. Fibonacci was taught mathematics in Bugia and travelled widely with his father, recognising the enormous advantages of the mathematical systems used in the countries they visited.

Legal memorandum

Summary of Arguments Claim 3: The Labelling Regulation The Labelling Regulation is inconsistent with TBT Art 2. The Labelling Regulation is inconsistent with TBT Art 2.


Euthanasia The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical discussion on the topic of euthanasia. For the purpose of this paper euthanasia will refer to any activity that is enacted to enable a more rapid ending of a life that relieves pain and suffering of a patient.

On late 19th century american literature

Jewett further used an intimate connection between the narrator and the protagonist by using third person, omniscient narrative that adopts the attitude and the idiomatic phrases and syntax of the characters. Chopin also uses the imagery of shadows and solemnity to parallel the characters and thematic issues such as describing Armand's real identity that is β†’

Journal on ch4

The Effectiveness of Inquiry-based Instruction In the past, I never had the practical knowledge of inquiry-based instruction. In also have the conviction that inquiry-based instruction technique can contribute significantly to the effectiveness of my teaching.

3 steps to overcoming just about every objection in sales essay

In most cases the answer will be rooted in one issue: The failure to overcome your prospect's objections. If you deliver your pitch without giving the other person a chance to respond to you, you are cheating yourself out of an opportunity to answer objections early on in the process.

What is permissible during the war

Finally, saving time is a reason that any action is permissible in the war when the US was deciding whether to drop the atom bombs on Japan, they calculated how many lives would be taken, as well as the resources and time it takes to launch an invasion into Japan. In conclusion, any action is β†’

How to write a dissertation: abstract

Your abstract might also offer help to the reader, to allow him or her to decide whether to read the full paper. A typical abstract might be 200 words long, but this is likely to vary depending upon your department and the length and purpose of your essay or paper A statement of the problem β†’

Editorial: doubled haploidy in model and recalcitrant species

The Editorial on the Research Topic Doubled Haploidy in Model and Recalcitrant Species Doubled haploid technology is a powerful tool in plant breeding to reduce the time and costs needed to produce pure lines, the cornerstone of hybrid seed production. This is the case of onion for gynogenesis, and of barley and rapeseed for microspore β†’

Parasites of native and invasive rodents in chile: ecological and human health needs

Thus, the aim of this study was to review and quantitatively explore the literature on macroparasites of rodents from the perspectives of public health and ecology. To determine this, we assessed the associations between the mean abundance and prevalence of a parasite species in the source host populations, and those in the recipient host populations.

Gettysburg address at the solder’s

A couple of months after the battle, Lincoln was invited to the opening of the National Cemetery and was asked to give a speech. This speech increased the morale of all the people and soldiers in the union and helped to win the war.

Caring for parents in old age philosophy essay

Others might not have a good or close relationship with their parents, so if they were to be asked to take care of them they might reject the request. He believes that we should take care of our parents because they have done a lot for him and thanks to them he is here.

Psoriasis types, causes and treatments

One of the basic structures of the skin is the epidermis. The cells travel to the surface of the skin where they die and are flatten out to become part of the outer layer.

Social structure of pompeii and herculaneum

Freeborn men and women were classified as the high-class residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum, both politically and socially.[4]Freeborn people lived on altering their lives to satisfy and impress the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum.[5]It was important to publicly show that they were elite and important and in doing so freeborn men and women dressed with β†’

Gis basics: spatial data structure and module

The essence behind such elaborate explanations is to allow for entry and application of various data types and information into computer applications and programs that allow the utilization of the same in the form of useful information. A data item that falls under descriptive data is one of the most basic elements in the organization β†’

The role of edwards college peshawar modern education education essay

It seems to be true when we see the performance of the people of the frontier in the field of education. The college was started within the building of school and was named after Sir Herbert Edwardes in recognition to his services rendered for the promotion of education in the frontier province and also because β†’

Howard gardners theory of human intelligence education essay

Some of the ideas children came up with when building the homes were unexpected such as making sure the home was waterproof and the creative thinking they used to do this, for example; " we need to build underground or in a sheltered spot" and they also suggested, making sure that the roof was covered β†’

Socio-economic development proposal for south africa

ACTION: Increase the benefit to the country of our mineral resources by; Giving clear certainty over property rights Any kind of discussion on mining, or any mining related beneficiation including that of the manufacturing of jewelry in south Africa brings irrefutably to the open the legacy of the dispossession of land.gems are discovered by people β†’

Fast food industry challenges and opportunities

Franchisees claimed that Burger King failed to understand and adapt to the needs and requirements of the franchisees' target audience who demanded a varied product to suit the culture and trends of the particular country and location. The Mission and Vision of the company must be clear from top to bottom, otherwise it may result β†’

How technology has shaped society

The absence of face-to-face communication can take a toll on the development of youth and their perception of reality. One in 1 1 children are addicted to technology." Not only is technology harmful in social situations but also from a safety standpoint." In May of 2011, the World Health Organization classified cell phones, and other β†’

This assignment aims to examine medical

This assignment aims to examine medical and social models within specific learning difficulties while discussing post-structuralism, critical realism and materialism, examining recent changes in policing attitudes of vulnerable individuals with SpLDs in both reporting to the police and how they are then treated by the Criminal Justice system. The social model points that disability is β†’

Mississippi burning

I feel Mississippi Burning is a great movie displaying the hateful ways of the south in the sixety's. When they question the Sheriff, Roy Stukey, he trivializes the case, proclaiming that the three workers were probably in Chicago, laughing at all the fuss they made.

The impact that grief has on actions

At the last stage of grieving which is acceptance, the person who is going through this process, begins to understand what happened to them, finally realize that it is in the past, and that they cannot do anything about it. It is better to do something that may help overcome one's feelings instead of keeping β†’

The man who was almost a man free essay examples

The story is about a 17 year old negro boy who wants to buy a gun to prove to his family that he is not a boy anymore and instead a man. Using racial/cultural criticism, a reader can analyze Richard Wright's " The Man Who Was Almost a Man" by using the aspects of grammar, β†’

Homosexuality: nature versus nurture assignment

The structure of the anterior hypothalamus, an area of the brain that governs sexual behavior, differs in male homosexuals and heterosexuals; compared with heterosexual men or women, gay men have a larger anterior commissure, which is a bundle of neurons connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain". With the rise of same-sex parenting β†’

Composition of concurrent forces assignment

The equilibrate force is the force that establishes equilibrium while the resultant is the addition of the given forces and is also the opposite of the equilibrate. In the experiment, the addition of the two forces was the resultant.

Impact of media technology on learning behavior assignment

It is the consistent application of positive or negative consequences to reinforce the occurrence of a desirable behavior and/or to reduce the occurrence of an undesirable behavior. The first major contribution of behavior modification was Edward Thorniness development of the law of effect, in 1911, which states behaviors that generate a positive effect on the β†’

Contract law essay plan essay sample

Main Body Argument for the point that there is a contract that has been bound: Bill has posted a reply saying that he had ' confirmed' and ' accepted the offer. According to the ' Postal Rule' as soon as Bill posted his reply there was an effective acceptance.

A psychological look inside the movie β€˜good will hunting’ essay sample

Lambed Uses his university standing and professional name to allow a proposition to be offered to Hunting that Lambed believes to be mutually beneficial: Hunting is freed from jail time under the stipulations that he works with Lambed academically and sees a therapist for counseling purposes, simultaneously. Two major occurrences happen, one is that in β†’

Document analysis on american imperialism

Yet, the article goes on to say that the Anglo Saxon people are the ones that brought upon and allowed the majority of these changes and that Christianity was their cause for doing so. According to Strong, it must be up to the English and American people to bring Christianity to the rest of the β†’

Existential therapy

Another technique is Modification of Attitudes and it is done through directly sharing opinions, arguing and offering positive suggestions for the client. This is what the video showed it is about commitments and choices.

The effect of computer games essay

The effect of computer games to the academic peformance of the students of Lyceum International Maritime Academy.1. What are the effects of these computer games to the academic performance of the students? 3.

The catcher in the rye and the cement garden

When compared to the psychologically revealing account of Salinger's " artless" colloquial narrator, Holden Caulfield, the detached, non-committal narrative of The Cement Garden could well be a flaw in McEwan's technique as it potentially detracts from the realism of Jack's ambiguous character and often seems to alienate the reader. Indeed, The Catcher in the Rye β†’

The green table kurt jooss

The first scene shows the diplomats called The Gentlemen in Black, the second scene The Farewells which show the divide between the loved ones and the soldiers that go off to the war. The third scene is The Battle in which the battle begins and the character Death is taking each of the soldiers one β†’

The price of dignity

In Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, Rukmani and Nathan do face a threat to dignity, but Puli and Rukmani, even though her dignity is at risk as well, save themselves. Puli is a major reason that Rukmani and Nathan do not have to resort to begging in the city or doing other acts β†’

Foreign direct investment on brazilian economy

Opening the domestic market to foreign competitors will not only increase competition between the direct rivals of the MNCs, but also enhance competition at the level of local suppliers which will lead to the development of related and supporting industries. The subsidiaries of MNCs shift from the stand-alone model of operation towards a model of β†’

The case against active stabilization policy

Although these economists may admit that monetary and fiscal policy can stabilize the economy in theory, they doubt whether it can do so in practice. By the time the change in fiscal policy is passed and ready to implement, the condition of the economy may well have changed.

Factors affecting the poor academic performances of college educatio studetns

The research consists of an investigation of students' behavior, attitudes, and home environment as it relates to misbehavior in school and the need for discipline. So that the study may be understood within the context of the existing work in the field, this chapter of the proposal presents a review of the research on school β†’

The characteristic beliefs of sufism

In relation to taking Islam back to the simplest form Sufis posses few belongings, also the practice asceticism, such as rejection from physical pleasures, and the actually seek pain and discomfort. The Shaykh guides the Sufis, as it is difficult to do.

Case study 9163

One of the main problems that the company faces is its inability to change the management structure in the midst of growth. The company has grown in leaps and bounds through the years and the tightly knit management committee can no longer sustain the power it once held.

Optical distortion, inc – harvard business case

1) What characteristics of the ODI contacts are likely to make it appealing/unappealing to chicken farmers Characteristics of the product: new contact lenses for nonhuman application depth perception reduced to about 12 visual acuity greatly reduced hydrophilic polymer: no irritation problem slightly larger than the eye opening to keep it in place red tint alters β†’

Research based on the literature review

Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder Eating of large quantity of food in a short span of time is one of the indicators of binge eating disorder. These include the causes, signs and consequences of binge eating disorder.


It is hard to just leave your phone at your house and go on a walk for a hour or 2 but that is what is needed. But that is actually a bad thing because the more you type and reply the more your writing skills decline.

High school: traumatic or overdramatic?

However, the goal by the end of one's senior year is to know what they plan to do next, whether that be to go to college, get a job, or become a beach hobo. They seem to take on the mindset of, " You do not have a choice but to be here, so be β†’

Psychology and the bipolar disorder essay sample

There are examples of families where a single gene plays a major role in determining the susceptibility of a person in inheriting the disease, but the majority of bipolar disorder involves the interaction of multiple genes or more complex genetic mechanisms. One cannot deny that a dynamic interplay of ' nature and nurture' is essential β†’

Personal life essay sample

I took the offer without hesitating and was very excited to experience lobster fishing first hand on the Jerry Rig II, which was the name of lobsterman Jerry's boat. Jerry rowed out to his boat that was secured on a mooring, and I was in charge of dragging the barrels of bait down to the β†’

Sam 400 unit 5

Among the groups I am a member, the Green Community Club is my favorite and the one that I am most involved in. The Green Community Club group has scored highly in relation to the characteristics of an effective group as indicated by Manning and Curtis.

Unit 4 scenario

In order to solve the parking issue, one of the banks in the area recommended a solution. Through this solution, the parking problems in South Port can be reduced to a great extent.

Free will and the circumstances

Man is the master of his own free will and therefore is superior to other individuals who are not as lucky. On the other hand, a man of free will can be proud because he is a man of word and sticks to his promises even at the cost of fate.


The global financial crisis The global financial crisis and the debt problem of Europe are the worst economic challenges ever to face the world since the recession of 1929-30. The global financial crisis was triggered in the United States when investors lost confidence in the worth of mortgages.

Communication and relational dynamics

The unsatisfying thing I find out of this relationship is that my coworker likes to be in charge and dominating at all times. In the face of tension and confusion, I have learnt how to go to one side by denying the other.

Egyptian cultural values and beliefs

Women take care of their homes and should not engage in adultery besides they have the right to education, employment and right to own property. Some of the Egyptian elements that I may like to emulate and advocate in my family or community encompasses how women tend to be responsible in taking care of their β†’

My dreams is an iconic it professional

All the years of my work, I was analyzing the strength in my inner- person to explore the possibilities of information technology with an addicted passion to find a support mechanism to ensure Information Security. With all my humble submission, I seek your approval for my candidature as a research fellow in the course of β†’

Ice – lab report example

We then repeated the whole experiment three times using the same medicine bottles and noted the time taken for ice pieces to melt in each trial as follows Ice pieces in bottle number 1 2 3 4 Surface area of the ice piece in cm3 60 50 40 30 Average time in minutes 10 15 β†’

Organizational culturepsychology

Restaurants fall in the hospitality industry whereby communication is very central to the performance of the organization. Organizational culture may also encompass the ideals that the organization upholds, the ideology that staff in a given organization ascribe to, the mission and vision of a given organization, the technology used in a given organization, the artifacts, β†’

Sm prime holdings essay

One ground for this is the complexness of the environment they belong to and the demand to constantly respond to this elaborateness. Consumers are the beginning of net income of the company and that is why they are researching in great item to larn the purchasing behaviour of their consumers in order to track consumer β†’

Democracy and industrialization

According to the text, World Civilizations, the American Revolution was the foundation for which democracy was truly established in the United States, because it called for an end to " the power of sovereign central government over the colonies". In conclusion, democracy and industrialization were both key factors in the development of western and non-western β†’