A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Strategic management of downsizing

The strategic decision to downsize implies some ethical issues: first, the managers' obligation for the best interest of the company and secondly, making sure not to violate the rights of the employees. But at its core, downsizing is an ethical issue, and the good manager is concerned not just with protecting the company's financial and →

Teaching theories and assessment

It is essential that students work are continually assessed to not only give students motivational feedback, but it is a measure of comprehension and how much the student has understood and is also a reflection on your teaching practise. His is a victim of low self-esteem and often adheres to peer pressure to " play →

Construction health and safety overview construction essay

The paper presents the major threats that appear in the construction workplace, what steps might be made to improve H&S in the workplace and what systems, in outline, might be implemented. What is more, two more questions should be discussed, such as, effective communication as a stakeholders in the group and the changes of the →

The force field analysis organizational model business essay

The major weakness of this model is that it relies heavily on the process of change, and it does not identify the manner of changing the strengths and the weaknesses identified. Skills refers to the ability of an individual to carry out his or her functions, staff refers to the people working within the organization, →

Knowledge dilemma and strategies for knowledge management

Individuals usually hoard knowledge when they feel that sharing that knowledge would eventually result in a decrease of their power or status within the corporation because of the very fact that they have shared their distinctive wisdom with the rest of the workforce. This sharing and exchange of information amongst the workforce encompasses an important →

Assignment: systems engineering management

The project manager choose to take the risk to save money, but in this case he should consider an importance of a structural failure. The structure manager could report to a superior, and create a whole new problem of trust and relationship.

Analysis of ics

The reasons behind the application of the Incident Command System are to provide an interconnection of organizations to provide a better response approach to problems. In this situation, analysis and recommendations of the author has proven competent enough to a response system that should be perfectly implemented.

Speech analysis

The talent, the skills that each student carries, need not be wasted rather polished in a way so as to bring up something productive for the enhancement of the nation/world. Therefore, what is important is not only to have the ideas rather to have a powerful skill to make people understand and interpret your ideas →

Tourism planning at el kabayo

The tour site is a replica of a town of the " old west". And also one of the attractions of El Kabayo is their mix of quality horses to ride on.

Participant-observation assignment

I looked around the room: mirrors completely covered the three other walls of the room, farthest from the door, the instructor that day, was in front with her back acing everyone and facing the mirror in front of her, pumping her fists and energetically exclaiming Instructions to the class. Even though I went by myself, →

Discussion assignment

Point is, that we all do this a lot and it's human nature. So its important that people be educated on the FEE and the two types of attribution so that We can just be nice to each other.


Goodwill (accounting Making comparison between International and UK Accounting Standard Goodwill is the difference between what a company pays for an acquisition and the book value of the net assets of the acquired company. Under the second method, the Goodwill was considered as a permanent asset, which would not reduce in value with the passing →

Goal statement

I trust that with my educational and work qualifications, the University of Texas will look into my application favorably. Thank you and I hope to be part of your prestigious school in the near future.

Juvenile justice

The quality of delinquency of preventive programs in the school system have been heavily correlated with the outright success of the program all together. Without a reinforcement outside of the school it is likely that the prevention techniques and processes used at the child's school will not be complete.

Should race and culture matter for children in foster care placed with adoptive families

Running head: Transracial Adoption Awareness of race and culture in transracially adopted children Transracial adoption brings with it a number of issues related to the effect of racial and cultural identity on the children and on their overall physical and intellectual development. Studies have also shown that it results in a better psychological adjustment of →

Essay 1

The form of the Aeneid is similar to that of Odyssey in that both are tales of heroes who set out searching for glory according to the will of the gods. His father spells out his future for him; that of greatness where he is to found the Roman Empire and in doing so ensure →

Medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability

The stress of her diagnosis and anxiety about future changes are likely to have a psychological impact on Tracey. Vocational: Tracey will meet with a vocational counselor and her boss to talk about the effects of multiple sclerosis on job performance.

Women in gothic literature essay

However, a common theme in gothic novels is for this feeble female to feel sympathy for the villain, for example, Elizabeth in Frankesntein, Lucy in Dracula and Ophelia in Hamlet, sadly, this usually results in the innocent females tragic death such as Ophelia's untimely suicide, which, similarly is seen in another of Shakespeare's women, Lady →

The crucible – revenge

Arthur Miller demonstrates this in his tragic play The Crucible, by showing the reader that although giving in to feelings of vengeance is easy to do, choosing the path of forgiveness often leads to better results in the long run. Rather than accepting this and that she was in the wrong for being with a →

Ordnance survey essay

Therefore, next we are going to speak about the unique resources that Ordnance Survey possesses, followed by the competences needed for it and finally we will speak about the strategies that competitors can develop in order to undermine these unique resources. Which is more important is that Ordnance Survey is trying hard to innovate according →

5 keys to building your ecommerce site

If you are running an ecommerce site now, you probably know the many challenges that that entails, including building the site to where you want it to be. It's a great platform for your ecommerce site because it helps you understand the intent of the searcher.

Chapter 1: project summary

Sources of Raw Materials: The sources of raw materials and pieces of equipment to be used in the running of the business abound in and around the locations of the proposed business establishments such as but not limited to the following: a.1. However, inside the campus of the San Sebastian College - Recoletos Manila, the →

Claude monet

Monet's father was in the grocery business and he expected Monet to follow in his footsteps and carry out the family business. Monet is a household name that lives on in the hearts and minds of the artistic individuals and the lovers of art and its creators everywhere.

Evaluation paper on people with disabilities

The staffs meet with the families to tell what experience they have with people with disabilities and see if the family would like to have that particular staff care for the individual. Along with the doctors the team effort that DSI provides ensures the client gets into the community and has life skills needed to →

The amber spyglass chapter 3 scavengers

It was harder for bears to kill in the water: when the land was covered in ice and the great sea-mammals had to come up to breathe, the bears had the advantage of camouflage and their prey was out of its element. He noticed the change in the taste of the water and the temperature →

Seminal plasma activity to improve implantation in in vitro fertilization—how can it be used in daily practice?

However, this raises the question of which approach would most reasonably be expected to yield the highest effect with the lowest cost and burden for the couple, the IVF laboratory, and the physician. In conclusion, the application of undiluted SP seems to be more effective and safer than intercourse at the time of follicle aspiration.

Hook, line, and sinker: the one that got away in the chosen

Not only can Danny with his future decided for him and Reuven, who is able to choose his own path, be taken as the novel's hooked and free fish respectively, but the quote itself also parallels one of the story's morals. Menninger's hooked fish is, ultimately, represented by Danny, and his free fish by Reuven; →

Development of heat resistant chocolate

During this the temperature of the chocolate will be varied to get the right crystalline form of the fat. This occurs due to the migration of the liquid fat through the shell to the surface and crystallizing.

Marketing plan of new nutritional supplement

Also this marketing plan consist of the key positioning areas of the product in the market place, marketing mix of the new milk powder and the projected financials for the product. Also the products marketed by the company are of high quality the brand name of the company is in the minds of the consumers →

The human digestive system

The system consists of the primary organs; the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, the rectum, and the anus, as well as the secondary organs; the liver, the salivary glands, the gallbladder and the pancreas. The mouth is responsible for the immediate intake of food, and is partially responsible for →


Disney is considered to be one of the pioneers in the entertainment industry, and for almost one century, the company have managed to grow successfully and to respond tremendously well to global changes such as the rapid technological evolution and the constant variations in customer trends. The fact that Disney have been in the market →


We use them to communicate, to eat, to travel, to be healthy and so on. Another reason for the impact of modern technology on creating a similar world is that it makes possible for cultures to communicate with each other.


In dealing with employees and the overall wellbeing of the company, job evaluation helps to structuralize the salary for employees. After job evaluation, the employer often determines which employees will serve certain employers and, therefore, the employer can be a source of gender bias in relation to competency.

Introduction the jurisdiction and offence, there is

According to Smith, the police are not supposed to educate an individual that he/she has the right to their own privacy and it is expected that people should know this. According to Burns, there are cases where the venue of the case is changed and this dictates that jurors who are going to listen to →

The or combination of triangles, this design is

The first trusses were made of wood and used for building homes and roofs. Two types of trusses arethe Howe and Warren trusses, Warren trusses are more efficient than Howe trussesin carrying a load considering the weight of material used in the constructionof the truss.

Southwest flew only boeing 737 jets

The focus of that Tuesday meeting was set aside and the attention focused on what to make of the developments and howSouthwest Airlinesmight respond to the changes. Reconsideration's all of these facts about Southwest Airlines and the airline industry in general I came to an answer about how Southwest should respond to the changes of →

Munchausen symdrome: the lying disorder

Munchausen Syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which the patient repeatedly lies about having medical illnesses in order to seek the attention of others. Munchausen By Proxy and Munchausen Syndrome are both very difficult to diagnose because of the level of dishonesty that is involved.

Logos at unilever – assignment

Buy Your Papers About The Logos At Unilever From The Best And Professional Writers Since there are a number of products produced at Unilever with each belonging to a certain category, there are enough logos to fit each of them. The logos help in marketing as a means of attracting customers who feel that they →

Key principles of relationship marketing assignment

The other key principle of relationship marketing is the company need to build trust with their customers. The company needs to be careful when they trying to provide any information for their customer and most of the time the information must accurate.

Applying labeling theories to capturing the friedmans

Capturing the Friedmans is an exemplary film that highlights the perspectives of the labeling theories, presenting conflicting and multiple accounts on two characters Jesse and Arnold, whom the media, criminal justice system, and community label as criminals and deviants. From this viewpoint therefore, deviance is not based on the quality of the action committed by →

Ratio analysis memo essay sample

What do the liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios reveal about the financial position of the company? What does the collected data reveal about the performance and position of the company?

Person centred values essay sample

Person-centred thinking is described by the UK Department of Health as " the foundation for person centred planning"[1] The British Institute of Learning Disabilities advocates Person centred thinking suggesting that such tools " can be really helpful in assisting the process of getting to know a person really well".[2] A major piece of research into →

Strategic human resource planning

Charmagne's consideration of Strategic Human Resource Planning " The range of activities and themes encompassed by SHRM is complex and goes beyond the responsibilities of personnel or HR managers into all aspects of managing people and focuses on management decisions and behaviors used, consciously or unconsciously, to control, influence and motivate those who work for →

Cyber war

The recent development in technology has led to the development of cyber war. The Myth of Cyber war.


The narrator notices the pain on the face of Neckerchief and asks him about the cause of the pain. The climax of the story is the narrator's discovery of the underlying cause of pain to Neckerchief.

Pest and swot analysis

Opportunities As Monton has worked and made good contacts in the mobile phone sector, there is window of opportunity for the company to extend and focus towards the relationship previously built with the purpose of renewing the and bringing in business. Threats With the ending of the Celtic Tiger the economy slowed down and so →

Importance of global financial stability

The balance of payments of the united States is prepared by the Bureau of economic analysis and the U.S. The Bureau of economic analysis uses a method in order to prepare the balance of payments of the U.S.

Pg purchasing and supply chain management commerce

To advance an apprehension of the direction of people within administrations by presenting cardinal factors impacting on the construction and civilization of administrations every bit good as the behavior and attitudes of groups and persons. Contains utile studies and links to HR related subjects.www.dti.gov.uk The web site of the Department of Trade & A; Industry.

Family relationships in “the moths” and “saving sourdi” essay

In " The Moths", the narrator realizes that she does not satisfy her family's expectations, but she is not willing to relent to the pressure they put on her to conform. Another struggle is how Nea sees her big sister as sort of a father figure, and in that way her conflicts loosely relate to →

The legislative branch

The Legislative Branch The legislative branch is the most powerful branch in government. The legislative branch, also called the congress, consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

case study assignment

The company should create a new written policy confirming that company product is for the direct use of employees only. This will encourage employees to speak up and become involved in the meeting so that it is not a one-way lecture type of discussion.

Paper about purposes of study guide note

Cambridge Themes and Key Questions Addressed: Theme 1: Government and the People 1754-2000 Key Question 1: How did Americans develop the U.S. Key Question 1: How far did the economic, social, and political status of Native Americans change from 1754 to 2000?

Politics essay: margaret thatcher’s domestic reforms

It is no coincidence that Andrew Grice, the political editor of the Independent, wrote an article in the aftermath of the 2010 budget entitled " Has Osborne just completed the Thatcherite Revolution?"[1] The parallels between 1979 and 2010 are irresistible: A dismal economic inheritance from a Labour Party perceived by the Conservatives to be running →

Parts of a fiber optic connector engineering essay

1: LC & ST Fiber Optical Connectors Fiber to fiber interconnection can consist of a splice, a permanent connection or a connector, which differs from the splice in its ability to be disconnected & reconnected. C: Documents and SettingsuserDesktopFC connector.jpgDesign: The fiber end is embedded in a 2.

On the effect of chess training on scholastic achievement

Gobet and Campitelli reviewed that research and reached the following conclusions: the educational effects of optional scholastic chess training remain undetermined; compulsory scholastic chess instruction may engender motivational problems among students; and chess instruction may be beneficial among novices, but is less important among intermediate and advanced players for whom the amount of practice and →

Rogers’ approach

These are:* The client and helper must be in psychological contact * The client must be in a state of incongruence * The helper must be congruent or integrated in the relationship * The helper must feel unconditional positive regard for the client * The helper must experience empathy for the client * The client →

The external factors of singapore marketing essay

This report proposes the external factors of Singapore and the industry attractiveness of hair and scalp care products in the country. With the company, Makarizo, looking to expand into Singapore from Italy, research and analysis of the country had been done using the PEST analysis and the Porter's 5 forces.

Nikita khrushchevs fall from power history essay

The scope of this essay is set from 1959 to 1964, the year which Khrushchev was removed from his positions in the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers. The impact of the crisis, cumulated with the already present opposition to Khrushchev's reforms, resulted in the political elite losing faith in Khrushchev's ability to run →

Legal drugs and toxic substances

45 In addition to these substances, other depressant calls the function on the central nervous system is to decrease the speed with which information travels from the brain to the body. As the pharmacokinetics of caffeine has a way of absorbing the first degree and a way of removing the first degree.

Electricity generation and electrical power engineering essay

The negative charge of an electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons. Electricity is a controllable and convenient form of energy used in the applications of heat, light and power

A separate peace: the descent into adulthood

Thus, the theme that one's loss of innocence is inevitable and devastating becomes clear through the seasonal shift from summer to winter and the effects of war. The seasonal shift from winter to summer represents the boys' fall into maturity, proving the theme that the loss of innocence is painful and unavoidable.

Welland group

By achieving the e-Government targets for Electronic Service Delivery with the help of Software AG, the Welland Partnership will be able to address this key concern and improve the take-up of local markets. In order to enhance the information available to the public, stay on course for the 2005 ESD requirements and pull the sites →

Macro-evolution assignment

On the contrary, the Bible in Genesis 1: 1 states, " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The dynamics of the earth and its position are highly questioned as well. The thickness of the earth's crust and the depth of the oceans appear to be carefully designed.

Labor relations project

The collective bargaining ends in a collective agreement or contract, in which the employees are represented as the members of a union or a labor organization. Thus it is recommend for the LPNs of Happy Trail LLC to become members of a union or to conclude a collective bargaining agreement.

Drugs and crime

Self-acknowledgment acts as a cause of motivation for the individual trying to overcome the problem. Over a period, the individual will be able to deal with the urge systematically until they overcome the craving completely.

Text of chapter 7 has been downloaded and attached -resources: ch. 7 of society compose an apa formatted 200- to 300-word response to the following:

According to Merton, the strain between our culture's emphasis on success and the lack of the means of some to attain it may encourage some people especially the poor to do drugs and to steal." Virtually every society in the world tries to control the behaviour of women more than of men". Out-of-wedlock births on →


In other words, in our patriarchal society, people often visualize the proximity of a male and female as a sign of sexuality. To conclude, gender stratification is still exists in our society and the society is not completely free from patriarchy.

Current event business articles relative to managerial accounting

The managerial accounting problem stated in the article is the reduced profit and shrinking market share due to its declining ratings. To increase the value of its declining stocks and revive its share price, Viacom is also borrowing to buy back stock and increase the dividend.

Love in la by dagoberto gilb essay

Love in L.A".is a story that is set on the streets of Los Angeles in the heat of traffic. Lie, deception, and fantasy are a few of the main themes portrayed in " Love in L.A"..

Podiatrist essay

In this module, I have had the opportunity to learn about other professions in order to collaborate and recognise the importance of other professions and their contributions. The good thing about this experience is that I was able to know more about other professions and how we would work together as healthcare professionals in future.

Impact patent process on indian pharma industry

Followed by that, this paper provides an penetration into the alterations that have occurred in the patent jurisprudence and surveies the impact of switching from procedure to merchandise patent on Indian Pharma markets. These alterations lead to a definite impact on Indian Pharma industry and defined the way of growing for the Indian Pharma companies →

Reflection paper – “moms.com”

For the negotiation I created a worksheet, with the multiple combinations to calculate the net value of the options. Effective questioning is a crucial part to the information exchange process, and allows a negotiator to efficiently gather the data he/she needs to maximize the deal.

Marketing & sales persuasive essay

The Group's principal strategy is to develop the ELLE brand both in the wholesale and retail sectors, and to acquire clothing rights for other brands. ELLE is flexible and adaptable to the demands of the market.

Research methodology

Research Methodology SBMA7006 Module Code and Title ASSESSMENT Critical Review of 4000 words 70% One presentation 30% Assignment 1 Critical Review Identify a research paper from an academic journal on a topic of interest to you. Use essay or report format Guide length 4000 words Assignment 1 - Marking Criteria Selection of an appropriate research →

Exploring business purpose

The main sorting of businesses is into the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors: I should choose two different organisations covering these sectors and for each one: a) Describe the main activities.b) Explain which sector it is in and why. Why BMW is a secondary business and also why it is known as manufacturing because they →

Problem solution skills – 200 words essay

The task that was assigned was ' what would you do if you were on a boat and the boat started to sink'. Once the situation has been identified, you demonstrate those ideas and aim to do them so that you can fix the problem that you are facing.

Trinidad education

This goes to show that the first level of education in Trinidad is in fact not free. Despite government efforts to better the education levels of the country there is still a lot to be done in order to meet the goal that class does not determine one's level or education.

Pepita the life in the novel

That one character seems to be the one who although they perished, they should have made it to the end of the novel. She was able to even change the heart of the Marquesa, who loved her daughter so much that she drove her away.

Travel life

My travel experience During the first time I stepped on the plain I was so exited about it, but when the plane started to fly I cried because I was still 3 years old I was with my dad and my mom I had so much fun traveling then I told my dad can we →

Rhetorical analysis of benjamin franklin assignment

The Declaration of Independence is well known as the document that declared the need Of separation of the colonies from the King of England. The American Identity influenced political papers including the Declaration of Independence and poor Richards Almanac by reflecting peoples and the writers feelings at the Social issues were arising around the time →

Autophagy in cancer therapy

Furthermore, obatoclax has been implicated in triggering ACD and the conclusion that it is in fact ACD contributing to obatoclax-induced cell death was drawn on findings showing that genetic silencing of essential autophagy genes such as BECN1, ATG5, or ATG7 inhibits obatoclax-mediated cell death. However, no genetic evidence has been provided in this study to →

Strengths and weaknesses in terms of democratization sociology essay

As a result of these pre-determined ethnic and national identities, distinct identities are formed as counter groups such as " others" and " us", whereas " others" are the evil and " us" is the good. Liberal view argue that nationalism can be intolerant in nature only if the nation is described on the basis →

Hazrat muhammad as an administrator religion essay

The Muslim Profession of faith, the Shahadah, illustrates the Muslim conception of the role of Muhammad " There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His Messenger". Watt and Lewis argue that viewing Muhammad as a self-seeking impostor makes it impossible to understand the development of Islam.

Group work in a consultancy project nursing essay

The main purpose of the project is to satisfy the client's need which involves the definition of the project, designing the way to be lead, delivering the project an a correct way and developing a better process. At the beginning of the project, brainstorming was held in the team regarding the objective of the project →

Operations and strategies of bell canada enterprises

Bell continues to be an ever growing company that continues to lead the way in the field of communications in Canada by continuing to expand its products and services. With the sales of cell phone services being the biggest part of this segment of the company through the operations of Bell Mobility and Virgin Mobile →

Analysis of knowledge based economies

DEFINITION AND THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY " The weakness or even complete absence, of definition, is actually pervasive in the literature...this is one of the many imprecisions that make the notion of " knowledge economy" so rhetorical rather than analytically useful"[1] 1. In fact, knowledge is considered to be the basic form of capital, →

Decision making strategies in investment

The following step for making the decision of joining the team, besides the motivation itself was finding a problem that the idea could solve in any way, and imaging a bunch of viable and unviable clarifications for the problem, but including the great idea in here. After creating the model and defining the hypothesis, establishing →

Modern family

When a person needs guidance and substance in their life the easiest place to turn to should be, without a doubt, ones' family. The problem with that is not that we seek success for ourselves.

An individual’s thoughts on group thinking

Too Soon to Quit In 2011, Don Firke, head of the Latin School of Chicago, issued a statement that after the end of the season, the Latin Hockey program would be cut from Latin Athletics. I had all the lyrics in the textbox, evidence of the sleepless nights I had put into the process.