A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Does youtube favor a certain type of content?

YouTube has an algorithm that is put into place to give the content creators money, or blocking the creator from making the money because they do not have enough staff or enough time to give the content creators money for the content they created. A lot of gaming channels post daily because they have the β†’

Botled water case assignment

The Managing Director of Better Life Corporation seems convinced that there is a great opportunity was in the area of marketing branded bottled water, given the prevailing market conditions. Market research would enable to understand for the real demand and supply position of packaged drinking water in the market.

Tourism marketing assignment

Tourism has transformed itself into a successful industry, and today is one of the largest economic sectors in the world, representing " 3-5% of GDP, jobs and investment in industrialised states and up to 30% in developing states, representing a socioeconomic lifeline for the poorest states as it is a top export". As Carter and β†’

Outstanding individual essay

If I could only famous as the football player, if I could only be as patient as the teacher, as knowledgeable about the human body as the nurse what a better person or richer person I would be today, but beyond all these rich, fames and humble people I look to my mom who had β†’

Carrefour – swot essay sample

Carrefour In Contex Leading global grocery/GM retailers in terms of number of stores, 2002: 1. Opportunities 2.1.

The gold rush

They think of men bent over streams, panning for gold and men digging into mountainsides hoping to hit the ' mother lode.' Most people, though, do not think about the people who were in place before gold was found or the effects the gold rush might have had on the development into today's society. The β†’

Blue ridge spain

If I were Dryden or Sondergran, Blue Ridge Spain would be priceless to me, but if I did choose dissolution the dollar amount would be the fair market value in Spain at the current market prices. If I were Costas, I would not form a dissolution plan for Blue Ridge Spain.

Traditional grading system vs pass and fail system

The grading system shows a precise performance of every student telling him/her their position in the class. A pass/ fail system is considered many times better because it has the potential to keep mental peace and thus focus on the necessities of education process as a whole instead of just the end result.

Discussion 3 6087

The amount of resources and time allocated to the disabled persons needs may have some significance to the caregiver especially the lifestyle and mental health. The care given to a person with a disability has a mental health effect on the caregiver.

Critically analyse essay

Vincent has also involved in organizing which involves identification & grouping the activate to be performed and deciding then among the staff and creating authority and responsibility among then Vineet has Implemented organizing which contribute to the efficiency of his supermarket. Vincent, the Manager of a large supermarket, was taking a management course in the β†’

“my god experience”

And those incidents changed my life and my views in life; I have opened my heart and mind to God. Because of those incidents a lot in my personality changed as well my views in life, I have become more responsible of my action I am aware of the problems of our family and most β†’

Outing policies essay

Outings policyWhen taking the children on outings, we always check that all the health and safety requirements are met for the children and staff needs. If the child becomes ill on the premises, a member of staff will contact the parents and the child will be under supervision until the child can be collected.

Strategy in conquest of mexico essay

With this alliance, Cort s exploited the Tlaxcallans dire military situation at the hands of the Aztecs, and strategically, the alliance with the Tlaxcallan Confederacy proved to be a decisive factor on Cort s' behalf in the ensuing battle with the Aztecs. 14Although he certainly did not reveal these objectives to Montezuma, Cort s came β†’

Sports event in school

There is an each team in every section and so if there are six sections in Grade-9, there will be six teams and a tournament is held until there are two teams to pay the final match. So team sports are essential to health, happiness, progress and unity.

Aptitude test: overview

The questions in these objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be printed in bilingual i.e, English & Hindi. There will be negative marks for the wrong answers in the Objective tests.

The worst birthday ever

My eyes opened and I immediately thought of the cake, the presents, the attention, the birthday wishes, themoney, and thefood. I had to go to the bathroom so bad; I thought I was going to explode.

Chapter critique essay

I would have encouraged Stan to make the connection of his memories of his parents being all filled withanxietyand yelling, and ask if those memories reflect anything in his current relationship with them. If I were Stan would have been very interested in the connections between my early memories and my present life.

White as snow: internal and external beauty

The Grimm Brothers' tale of Snow White and The Seven Dwarves uses the duality of hatred and good to deliver the idea that being a person of good morals and mind triumphs over being a person of hatred and the desire to hurt the lives of others. Comparing the " fair-ness" of the princess and β†’

Deviations in psychology and diagnostic statistical manual

The socially excepted behavior is important within a group as it outlines the behavior that is expected in this group but a deviation from what is expected in this group can cause other members of the group to feel uncomfortable, when referring to the previous example if someone was to behave in that manner in β†’

The relationship between police, the courts and corrections

The nature of the courts and the job they perform in the process of enforcing justice into society makes the courts an authority to regulate the work of police officers and correctional officers. The police needs the courts to process and take care of the suspects once they are taken into custody, the same way β†’

Sociological and psychological theories of crime

An example of this would be, in the Netherlands they are legally allowed to have sex at the age of 12, but in England they are only legally allowed to have sex when they are 16. Is where the surrounding of a person include the people they will be hanging around with, might effect if β†’

Inclusive play

As the EYFS states in childcare settings equality, diversity and inclusion are key influences on the treatment of every child as individual to the same extent through breaking down barriers of maximum participation, play and learning including children with SEN and disabilities. Practitioners need to know the changing needs and interests of children as a β†’


Acquired mutations result from environmental factors such as the sun's ultraviolet radiation or occur due to an error as the DNA copies itself during the process of cell division. The alteration of a protein that plays a crucial function in the body can disrupt the normal development or cause a medical condition.

Nam case study

For example, at the first plan, if Aberdeen delivered the buses from Prague to Rotterdam, It could be longer than the distance from Prague to Hamburg. In addition, the cost per flatcar to Rotterdam was higher than to Hamburg.

Swot analysis and organizational development in the nigerian public service

Using secondary data and a purely descriptive approach, the paper examines the concept of public service and organizational development and prescriptively presents SWOT as one such tool that can enhance the performance of public service agencies. In view of the expected benefits of SWOT analysis, we recommend that public service organizations should take advantage of β†’

College booster

Affirmative action happens all the time in the U.S.and it is just wrong. Even if you do go to a minority school it does not mean that you do not have the chance to become smart.

Marketing plan of a waste management company assignment

In order to increase the value of waste, we will consult on different options of managing waste taking into consideration risk and cost/benefits and the present legislation of residues treatment and disposal? Recycling: The residues which can be recycled to fertilizers will be evaluated by our experienced technicians and then will be sent to our β†’

Argumentative: sex education in school. assignment

Just like the article states, sex education is using in American schools, and this is in favor of my argument on how greatly support this upward movement my reason is we are just falling way behind! Am teen mother, I am a statistic, one of the person that adds on to the lack of sex β†’

Hermitage and the french art classicism essay sample

The Hermitage Masterpieces is an 18-part-video that audiovisually ' tours' the viewer into the 353 galleries of the famous museum providing insights and views into the Western Art from its early prehistoric forms to the modern types. Video # 116 illustrates the French and Classical Style of the 17 th and 18 th Centuries and β†’

Group assignment – badminton essay sample

Badminton Scotland is the national governing body for the sport of badminton and provides a very systematic, progressive business plan and player development pathway. We believe this is vital for a country with the population size of Scotland as the more people Scotland can keep in the badminton development system, the more talented athletes are β†’

Article review for benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees

Article Review for " Benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees" The explains the significance of the provision of childcare in the workplace and its effects on the employees' performance. However, there is a definite need for a summary review of the literature to provide a current context for the research which examines β†’

Worker rights/worker obligations

It debunks the theory of affirmative action as reverse discrimination, and upholds the theory of affirmative action as compensatory justice. It was this extension Affirmative Action 4 of the protection of affirmative action on women as a group that sparked the widespread controversy.

Effectiveness of international efforts to ease problem of global hunger

However, the solution is not as simple as increasing food production for the poor segments of society because its root cause, being unequal food distribution in the world, suggests that the political and socioeconomic ties among countries are main factors in this problem. Since export of food will give producers higher profits, the large amounts β†’

De beers environmental impacts

For diamond companies like De Beers is recently engaging with the community and finding ways to reduce the amount of negative impacts on the environment such as energy use and emissions, waste and recycling, use of water and impact on biodiversity. Almost all of the countries, mineral rights are possessed by the state and the β†’

Application of six sigma in supply chain management

It demonstrates by reference to the literature that most published applications of Six Sigma in supply chains are related to the application of traditional internal Six Sigma methodologies to the internal processes of a supplier to the " Six Sigma Organisation". It is concluded that Six Sigma does have something novel to offer organisations over β†’

On la indolencia de los filipinos essay

It is vital to improve the quality of education in such a way that we would instil in our minds that we too have inherent qualities of our own that we are capable of using and exploring towards our advancement instead of aspiring to be satisfied from mere imitating and following what others have that β†’

Dividend policy at linear technology

Keeping the cash in the firm in the form of retained earnings will lead to capital gains for investors upon sale of the stock. Returning the cash would thus make the most sense in the absence of any prospective projects as it reduces the tax burden of the company, and is especially favorable in view β†’

Liane norman – literary criticism

In Norman's analysis, " Bartleby and the Reader", she gives importance on the relationship of the text, Bartleby the Scrivener, and the readers itself of the text. It is as if, the text cannot exist without the role that the reader played in the creation of the text when in fact, Bartleby the Scrivener can β†’

Gift giving in thailand

Here are some tips of what foreigners should do and avoid when they give or receive gift from Thai people whether the gift is exchanged at the meeting or give when invited to Thai people home. But if you are invited to open the gift you received in front of the giver, do not rip β†’

Why gsm tech is more preferred than cdma tech in yemen

The first company lunched in Yemen introduced the GSM technology which was the only choice for Yemenis people to grant, but in 2005 another company has been launched by the government introduced the CDMA technology which provides a better service for the clients with privileges to overcome the GSM technology. Significance of the Study This β†’

Online instruction in a continuing professional education setting education essay

The 2nd stage of the survey examined the potency for online acquisition success correlated to gender, race, age of the scholar, figure of old ages of constabulary service, figure of old ages of formal instruction, and old exposure to online acquisition. The stage two survey rendered similar consequences of deficiency of significance between online larning β†’

History: french revolution: social and economic causes assignment

Nobles 2nd estate -Nobles of the Estate -Nobles of the Sword -Nobles of the Robe I)Nobles of the Estate -Lived on their country Estates -Insisted Peasants pay heavy Feudal Dues -Taxes -Service / labor -Share of crops ii)Nobles of the Sword Owned land but most lived in luxury at Palace of Versailles originally wealthy but β†’

Overview of the primary health care system in hong kong

In the following paragraph, a brief overview of the current Hong Kong health care system will be discussed, followed by the discussion of one of the major roles of the whole system in Hong Kong, Primary Health Care, by looking at the working principles of the system and the services provided to the public. Overview β†’

Auckland transport management structure analysis

In red seas, industry limits are characterized and acknowledged and the aggressive standards of the diversion are known Sorts of Innovation Incremental development Incremental advancement tries to enhance the frameworks that as of now exist, improving them, speedier less expensive. Disruptive development A troublesome advancement is an advancement that makes another market and esteem organize β†’

Shades of green

It is in the face of disasters like these that individuals with ecologically-concerned environmental sympathies have, over the latter half of the twentieth century, frequently admonished the potential for unchecked economic expansion to create planetary devastation. One of the difficulties of that line of thinking is that it is difficult to determine the lines that β†’

Psychology ch 7 test

learningprocess of acquiring new and relatively enduring info or behaviorsconditioningprocess of learning associations that takes two main forms; classical and operant ONPSYCHOLOGY CH 7 TEST SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Nowstimulusanyeventor situation that evokes a responcecognitive learningacquisition of mental info by observing events, watching others, or through languagepavlovwho did the first experimental studies of associative β†’

Under enforceable, but they are not subject

Rules made under the authority of Government may be otherwise enforceable, but they are not subject to the coercion of Section 271. The word ' Government' in this connection means the Central and State Governments of India, rules made by any other State are not enforceable under Section 271.

Euthanasia studies – a lack of respect for life (narrative essay)

Yet, people have such a lack of respect for life that it is common for people to think of Euthanasia as an easy answer in the developed world. They were actually creating a study to support Euthanasia, which is why the researchers were visibly upset when they found people that said they would not give β†’

Grading: you get what deserve

And then you have the teachers who say that the grading system is simply based upon a students test scores, homework, and participation. And also that grades do not reflect what you have learned, put into the class and your education.

Preschool for all

By analyzing the benefits of preschool education, the ways in which these benefits can be achieved, and the overall structure of Obama's Early Initiative plan, it is clear that all children should have the opportunity to go to a proper preschool. 94 in order to counteract the cost of a preschool for all children.

Database mgnt assignment

Identify the various data sources in the file you examined in Problem 5. If you start with an EMPLOYEE file, the Job charge per hour does not belong in that file The project hours, which are the hours worked by the employee for that project.8.

Thisexplains the vast water pollution assignment

The animals in the ocean are dieing everyday in the ocean because of the bad pollution we have right now. This poll shows you that we should take care of our waters and think about what pollution is going to do to us in the long run.

What is the meaning of science? essay

The scientific method is a logical and rational order of steps by which scientists come to conclusions about the world and the phenomena around them. What difficulties have social scientists encountered in applying the scientific method to the study of social phenomena?

Land of refuge essay sample

Assess the validity of this statement in view of the experience of the Irish in the 19th century urban northeast. Because of the high rate of immigrants, looking for refuge from the problems of their homeland, the population of the United States shot up by about six million.

Managing a database administrator team

Providing training to the database administrators and retaining them effectively are two of the major responsibilities of a manager. If I would be the manager of a team of database administrators, I would provide at least two-week training to all newly employed administrators in order to improve their skills and abilities.

Organizational culture questions

The organization that I work for believes in having a leadership empowerment committee every Tuesday of the week to make sure that all the employees are on the same page. I take this as the basis of documenting the organizational culture because it gives me a chance to comprehend the real meaning of my organization β†’

A literary analysis of the whistle by benjamin franklin

The broader theme that the author has presented in the work is indeed the lesson that has been learned from the story. In the whole story, Benjamin uses the concept of the whistle to emphasize the theme he intends to present.

Living in sin

The speaker is referencing the " record" of the innocence of nature vs.humanity.#1 " History": The title history means documented evidence through an individual's eyes, the history that was experienced and explained by that individual and its relevance to the times." His-story" is told from His point of view." Her-story is told from her point β†’

Medical technologies

Medical Technologies Computed tomography scanner, the magnetic resonance imaging scanner and kidney dialysis machinesis one of the latest technologies that have dominated the health sector in the world. Also, the operator or the clinician is in a position to choose which sections to operate like the brain or even any other part of the body.

Comparing to western penetration in essay

Japan and China had many contrasting responses to western penetration in the nineteenth century, including economic interaction economically China suffered and Japan prospered, Japanese agricultural productivity increased while China's did not, and China only accepted a small amount of goods while Japan accepted a wide range of goods- and political interaction China went to war β†’

Marketing strategy of carlsberg

Also, the fact that Baltika, Carlsberg and Tuborg are among the six biggest brands in Europe emphasizes the strength of the Group's brand portfolio. The purpose of keeping the same taglines over the years is that these taglines make Carlsberg well known around the world and become imprinted in the mind of the consumer, decreasing β†’

Soft engineering works in harmony with the natural

Moreover, another method of soft engineering with works in sync with the natural environment Is beach stabilization. However, beach stabilization is a efficient way of protecting the coast and Is also very cheap, unlike many hard engineering schemes,

Information security management

However, one of the consequences of IT growth is the birth of a new breed of crime that is found in the internet. The objectives of this report are the following: i.to define what is information security; ii.to identify the legal and ethical issues in information security management of eBay; and, iii.to know how eBay β†’

Report on financial statement fraud scheme case study

As our company is in process of conducting investigation to detect anyfinancial statementfraud or abuse, I have come across the case where expenses were recorded in the financial statement under the period it was disbursed to vendor and actual services occurred in next or other financial year period. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Editorial: the long-lasting quest for nuclear interactions: the past, the present and the future

Editorial on the Research Topic The long-lasting quest for nuclear interactions: the past, the present and the future As it was stated when this Research Topic was launched, despite many years of intense research, our understanding of the force that holds the atomic nuclei together is still far from complete, and numerous crucial questions are β†’

Sociological imagination essay

Social imagination acknowledges the existence of interaction between individual or group of individuals and social forces. SOCIAL LOCATION The concept social imagination assigns two attributes: an individual or group of individuals and social forces.

Characteristics of monopoly: case study

There are following main characteristics of monopoly A single firm selling all output in a market: The essence of a monopoly is a market controlled by a single seller. Restrictions on entry into and exit out of the industry: A monopoly is generally assured of being the ONLY firm in a market because of assorted β†’

Why was europe on the brink of change at the turn of the 20th century

At the turn of the century the nations of Europe were divided in the ways that they were run on two contrasting types of political systems you had the democracies and the monarchies. Partly to do with the Industrial society that was happening in the cities bring it to the forefront and also giving people β†’

Factors that impact crushing and screening plant in practice

Now in the actual production process, the production of mineral processing to meet the need to improve the efficiency of Crushing And Screening Plant guarantee ore into the mill pass premise. Second, improve the efficiency of Crushing And Screening Plant, crushing and equipment can not be separated, the structure also affects the efficiency of the β†’

A critique of american education

Many Americans believe that the goal of education is to teach America's youth a variety of critical thinking skills that will ideally enable them to achieve success and become contributing members of society. To evaluate what students gather from their learning experience, America's educational system employs the use of a multiplicity of assessments, ranging from β†’

Communication and conflict resolution assignment

Communication on the other hand needs to take place for any relationship to be nurtured " Communication is the lifeblood of every relationship". Engaging in two-way communication indicates that the sender is receptive to feedback and willing to provide a response.

Land pollution assignment

There are various types of pollution like water pollution, air pollution, land pollution. Need any Ad related to land pollution essay in English elution Of The Land www.Alee.

The beach during the day and at night essay sample

To give a start to the thorough description of the beach, there are three main hours of visiting a beach: in the morning for jogging, in the evening for the sunset, and in the full moon night. With the sun starting to drop from the horizon and bidding us goodbye for the day, the sunset β†’

Jake barnes as a hemingway hero

The second is a need to find meaning in life, only to find that the mental understanding of the meaning of life is different than what one actually lives day to day. Jake Barnes fits the criteria of a Hemingway hero.

Analysis of finding hope and reality in obamas speech at selma by gwen ifil

Nia-Malika views that part of the speech as a way by which the president is making a call that people need to be cowards but focus on the past and not just the events of Ferguson to justify the existence of racial discrimination. The president acknowledged the fact that the voting rights Act was one β†’

How to improve sensory memory

How to Improve Sensory Memory Introduction This paper is concerned with exploring and describing the sensory stage of human memoryand presenting strategies that make able the retention of the same and successful transfer of information into long term memory. Successful transfer of material into long term memory In order for successful transfer of knowledge and β†’


Corporations that have many products have to utilized the law of supply and demand to make independent analysis of each of the products offered by the company in order to make production plans for each of the products and subsequently determine a price to sell each item. To increase the market share of a product β†’

Global enterprise and innovation

Sony Corporation is one of the global leaders in the manufacturing and design of electronics products in the world. In order to turn their business around and achieve national growth the company needed to change.

Human development

In the paper, the author tackles the height of emotional ignorance that the society instills in boys. The article uses the example of Luke in demonstrating the unwillingness of boys to deal with their emotional sides.

What characteristics of asd

Ally has problems in comprehending her behavior as well as the behavior of the other children she is playing with. She helps her introduce herself to other children and guides her in the course of the play.

Salem witch trials – bill of rights

" I plead the fifth!" this along with the courtesies included in the Bill of Rights gave the citizens of a newly founded country liberties that were not granted to them before. A prime example of these injustices is the Salem Witch Trials as described by Arthur Miller in The Crucible.

Gone in 60 seconds essay

The movie I will be discussing is a remake of the 1974 of the same name and was directed by Henry Helical. The remake does not have the exact same plot, because in the original movie the protagonist and his crew stole the cars only for cold hard cash.

Auteur theory essay

His first solo directed piece was The Majors and the Minor as though he was not doing enough he also moved onto producing the films that he directed to insure his artistic independence of the movie. It is said and thought to be contained by visual style of a film that the auteur leaves their β†’

Health and safetyexample essay

If one were to peruse the newspapers over the past year one would observe some of the aforementioned headlines in the local newspapers in Trinidad & Tobago, which indicate that OSH is in the air and it is imperative that companies get on the compliance bandwagon or face the consequences as outlined in the law. β†’

Weston meehan

One of the most basic and fundamental questions of the human mind is the question, " does God exist? " The one thing every human has in common is having a worldview. The two theories of the creation of the Earth are basically the same but the Evolutionists believe it happened for no reason.

Salt and ice minnesotas battle

Sodium Chloride, the salt that is applied to roads, is the most common practice to reduce ice on roads in Minnesota and around snowy parts of the United States. Salt has been the most effective means of deicing roads because it lowers the freezing point of water, there for melting the snow, and it is β†’

National football league draft busts

The NFL Draft consists of 7 rounds of all the rounds the first round is the most hyped and anticipated and understandably so as some of the best college players are drafted in this round. 3 overall pick in the 1999 draft, Smith never grasped the complexities of the NFL game and failed to show β†’

Malcolm x’s legendary speech: “the ballot or the bullet”

This was an influential moment in time for this speech to occur, because Malcolm wanted the Black people of America to know that they had a voice and the power to make equality a reality if they banded together to make a political change in the nations system of government....his target was not to enrage β†’

Analysing the emerging democracy of south africa politics essay

There were many laws that were put in place to keep the people of the country segregated at all times; the only exclusion to that was if a black African was working for a white one. Something that is special with the democratic characteristics of South Africa is the fact that the minority of the β†’

Sainsburys team and leadership behaviour

The store manger Clive called all the supervisors down to the check outs department and said we need to get all the customers out of store and so the check out manager Kristina done a tannoy on the speaker telling all the customers to leave the store due to the power cut. The staff got β†’