A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Human inequality and rousseau’s social contract solution

The opposition of interests created by the developments of public esteem and property necessarily led to various social ills and cruelties and reduced self-reliance further, as the rich would need the services of the poor, and the poor the help of the rich. Rousseau's " Social Contract" tried to address the problem of human bondage →

Invisible kings

The Prince of Wales, Hal, clearly shows the positive impact of politics on one's private life; when the lazy and immature Hal is thrown into war, he rises to the occasion and proves himself honorable. His friend, Sir John Falstaff, however, fails to understand the larger significance of the war and instead of fighting valiantly, →

Swimming competitions – an overview

The Olympics have developed so much now that there is a total of 34 swimming races, 17 of which are for men and 17 for women. It has been confirmed by the International Olympic committee that there is an unchanged swimming programme for the 2012 Olympics and will follow the competition schedule of that at →

Mental and physical apects of golf

A day of golf, swinging a golf club, walking the golf course, riding around on the golf carts, drinking alcoholic beverages, and playing a round of golf. Playing the game of golf requires a person to be able to use their body, mind, and muscles in a coordinated way to help with succeeding in the →

Symbolic interactionism and interpersonal communication: the connection between symbols in everyday message exchange and formation of the self

Symbolic Interactionism Theory aims to make sense of the complexity of interpretation and the impact it has on who we believe we are, as well as convey the importance of the meanings we construct, assign, and exchange through verbal and non-verbal cues, subsequently using words and gestures to bring into existence a tangible understanding of →

Cost effective strategies for meeting nutritional requirements

A common factor that has been mentioned in most of the studies was the perceived price and convenience of healthy foods compared to unhealthy foods. In spite of this knowledge, they find it hard to go according to the recommendations of eating healthy and, often, they consume foods that they perceive to be unhealthy.

How adherence of pressure ulcer prevention guidelines can be improved

However various patients oriented studies shows that the measures that were taken for the improvement of life is not in accordance with the evidence based guidelines of pressure ulcer prevention and use of various studies shows that very low standard pressure ulcer preventive measure which does not have any impact on the improvement of condition →

Developing autonomy in learning

In this paper I am going to reflect on a wonderful experience of evaluating undergraduate students during double jump exam as a faculty, strategies to facilitate students' anxiety during exam, and reflect on the purpose of double jump exam. I explained him the exam criteria and timings to complete the history taking and system assessment →

A study on gillette in china marketing essay

This is a case study of the marketing plan of Gillette's shavers in China. In a nutshell, the aforementioned factors present us with an opportunity to take a closer look into the China market to study its business environment and explore the many hidden opportunities waiting to be discovered.

History and overview of mass customization

Let's have some quick view for the evolution of the different business paradigms over the time: In above diagram, we can see that in the 19th -20th century many manufacture are inventing their business with the method of craft production, mass production and engineer-to-order technology by producing end product in profit and speed. In order →

Qualitites for authentic leadership

On choosing the following readings because four of them helped to meet a current workplace challenge and understanding of cultural and diversity leadership and to have a vision for future leadership skill. Therefore, The Spirit of Maori Leadership organised around the identification of three key questions, which inquiries into the attributes of good leadership, the →

The european witch hunts

As the people of Europe calmed down and acclimated to the changes, the number of witch hunts also went back down. Villagers believed that the witches were old women who were spiteful and jealous of those who were still young and therefore capable of bearing child and doing heavy work, which led to further shunning →

Burger kings diverse culture of employees commerce essay

In burger king employees does their work as a group and in every shifts there is shift manager in store to look after all the staff. Training period teach more everyone in burger king Senior always shared their knowledge with the junior worker.it gives lots of experience to the new worker.

Gender roles in hollywood films

One can perhaps understand the influence of popular mainstream cultural forms and the difficulties in isolating gender as the determining factor in social relations in film if I refer to the controversial woman centred film Waiting to Exhale. Congruous to this analysis, many contemporary theorists argue that gender is not the sole determinant in representations →

Relationship between building, dwelling and notion of ‘home’

The entire body is at the centre of our experience, therefore ' the feeling of buildings and our sense of dwelling within them are...fundamental to our architectural experience'.[3] Our haptic experience of the world and the experience of dwelling are inevitably connected; ' The interplay between the world of our bodies and the world of →

Motives for america’s invasion of iraq

Bush's regime told the international community that there was urgent need to invade Iraq in order to oust Saddam Hussein's despotic leadership from power and thus pave way for the entrenchment of democracy in Iraq which is a prerequisite to international peace and security especially in this era of terrorism. Analysts were therefore left unconvinced →

The basic elements of speech

Rate * When speaking to others, rate of speech is crucial to maintaining audience attention. Practiced breathing can improve rate of speech, and ultimately improve overall delivery.* Verbal pitch, how high or low your voice is presented, is an important tool for gaining audience interest.

Tess of the d’urbervilles

When Tess arrives at the Talbothays she meets Angel she instantly falls in love with him but soon realises the girls are friendly and Mr Crick is a good employer but on top of that she cannot marry Angel. But as soon as Angel leaves Tess realises that Angel is the only one that actually →

The gizduino manual

Before the Ordains DID program can communicate with the Giddying module, the user must first set the number of the COM port assigned to the USB cable. To do this, go to and click the option 'Tools' found at the menu bar Just below the top bar of the program window.


According to an S&P 500 report, Garmin's top anagement believes that its marine, automotive, recreational, and aviation product lines will continue to drive their sales and revenue in the future. As GPS technology improves each year, providing new and improved products, consumers are going to be demanding hese products.

Nephron technology for lube oil

The TBN of a used oil can aid the user in determining how much reserve additive the oil has left to neutralize acids. The advantage to the multi-weight is that when starting the engine, the multi-viscosity oil, allows the engine to spin over more easily.

Social role theory

In this study the dependent variable was the acceptance of female's playing sports and recognizing their individual differences. This study is helpful and can be used in the future to examine whether participant gender influences perceptions of athletes who participate in gender non traditional sports.

Advertising and recipe remix

Talking about the new campaign and more importantly the need for it, Profile Advertising CEO Jiten Dhawan said, " Having worked in nurturing the brand for almost 14 years, we felt it was time for Haldiram's to realise the essential fact that, as a company it has been perceived largely as a brand addressing the →

Biotechnology 12797

While we must be open to novel approaches and new ideas, paying student-athletes to play is not supportable within the context of Big Ten intercollegiate athletics - now or in the future. In my view, revenues derived from intercollegiate athletics are the sole property of the institution and should be expended in support of the →

In are given by an injection, however,

The role of a vaccine is to bring thatamount from an injection into our bodies for " good health", and used to createhealthy, active immunity for the body's resistance. Last but notleast, leading up to vaccine-preventable diseases have not disappeared and manycases of patients are still available in different countries in the world.

To the first people to develop a base

As aggression has such a vast amount of meaning, it is often questioned by psychologists what exactly causes people to experience these feelings, especially the debate of whether our scale of aggression is something that people are born with or is something that is manipulated and grown by the environment that different communities of people →

Medical transcription case study

At the time of initial evaluation, a small caliber chest tube was inserted in the anterior auxiliary line, which improved the patient's respiratory distress but did not completely resolve the pneumonia. Chest x-ray today showed a worsening of the right lower lobe located pneumonia, and n examination today he is not only leaking air through →

Cartoon physics analysis

The child is the hero if there is no one else to save the day, but if they are equipped with the awareness that bad aftermath is possible then their entire outlook will change. They should not have their bubble popped with the truth that Santa is not real or it's impossible to fly.

The carlos marcello family

The acquisition of buildings in Rossier City marked the beginning of organized crime for what was to become the family of Carlos Marcello. This was never a hindrance to the realization of Carlos' dream which he invested in a family.


Even before and during our game, I could not stop reminding Hunter about the loss he was about to take. I relaxed knowing that I had the win in the bag, but the lead had dropped to eight points before I knew it.

It’s always sunny

These alternative energies, like solar and wind, are making rapid advancements in efficiency and effectiveness and many call for them to replace fossil fuels in the near future. Even with the immense growth of solar energy, it still barely makes a contribution in the overall energy mix in the U.S." Indeed, when you factor in →

Overconsumption in the modern world assignment

Also, possible strategies Comment [FoB6]: Towards the end of the introduction, the main points of what the essay will discuss are pointed out, making it clear to the reader what the oints are going to be discussed.in which to reduce this growing epidemic in the future will be outlined and explored. However, it could be →

Ethnocentrism and stereotypes assignment

In many ways we are like the blind men in the fable written by the Persian poet Gal.l al-Din R; mi, The Blind Men and the Elephant." A beast of mystery appeared in the land of the blind. As Americans we seem to be limited by our own perspectives of given cultures and groups of →

Business ethics vs business responsibility assignment

Trucker's paper goes on to state that whatever the approach to ethics in the future, it will have to incorporate the Confucian key concepts that have endured for so long. He went on to state that in the case of a businessman, " social responsibilities" might cause a person to make choices that are not →

Microbiology exam assignment

For some bacteria, the size of the zone of inhibition has not been correlated with therapeutic outcome." Kirby-Bauer Test for Bacterial Resistance to Particular Antibiotics." Kirby-Bauer Test for Bacterial Resistance to Particular Antibiotics.N.p, n.d.Web. This can help so antibiotics will target Just the bacteria and not the entire." Plasmid." Plasmid.N.p, n.d.Web.

Stereotypes: black women vs. white women in the media assignment

With the advancement of technology such as advertisement, there has always been a stereotypical view of how women are portrayed in the media. Nonetheless she deserved this outstanding award but has is it come to a point that Black women must lose their dignity and self respect to be acknowledged for their hard work in →

Is describing noonan’s point of view for the anti-abortion assignment

Notion of viability is that fetus is depended on its other in order to live, and if this dependence is taken through abortion, then it is actually a right of life taken from a living human being. In this argument Anon is implying that if there is an absences of experiences during fetus stage of →

John locke short paper assignment

The right to accelerations implies the right to the means of slipstream's n and since God gave us all the Earth we have a claim to an equal portion of it. The body of a person is undoubtedly that person's property and so whatever labor is perform med is the property of the laborer.

Social marketing assignment

Again, the target audience needs to believe they have the ability to follow the message recommendations, and that the behavioral strategy specified in the fear appeal can eliminate or at least reduce the threat. Framing the Fear Appeal What kind of threat is most motivating one that emphasizes the benefits of a certain safety or →

Orange volunteers assignment

Another ceasefire was declared on December 31, 2001 in an effort to distance the organization from the narcotics and extortion activities of loyalist groups such as the UDA, 2005). Members of the OV are still considered active, engaging in the intimidation and assault of Catholics in Northern Ireland.


A proponent of the feminist IR theory would review Keohane's views in several ways. First, by focusing on the traditional roles of women, a critique would hold that feminist IR approaches should eliminate women participations in politics as diplomats since they are manly issues.

Importance of hand washing essay sample

The intention of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of the art of reflection and the purpose of reflective practice within midwifery. Realising my role of care to Kerry and acting in accordance to the NMC I had a duty to be open and honest.

Effects of modern gadgets essay sample

Many studies and articles had been conducted and printed upon the effect of technologies upon the effects of Electronic Gadgets to students studying habit. Among the effects of that is stated in this useful article are laziness, decreasing of the communication skills, false information and so much more.

The warrior hero essay sample

Achilles, referred to as the dominant hero in the Iliad, is the strongest and most fearless Greek warrior against the Trojans in the Trojan War. A Roman warrior must do his duty and do it well for the sake of loyalty to his homeland and to his destiny not for honor and glory and a →

Types of my favorite movies

The movies are significant in criticizing and projecting the issues happening in the current world. The portrayal of risk-taking in traffic: A content analysis of popular action movies.

Ronald reagans

Defense and foreign policy by Ronald Reagan After America was over with an expensive Vietnam War of 1975, the country was in need of overhaul of the economy, military buildup and needed to improve public morale. In 1980, the country was in need of a leader who was to reform the economy.

The coast guard academy and what you will get as a cadet

This has meant that I will take care of the important factors within my stay at the Coast Guard Academy which will pave the way for my success in the times to come. This will be the basis of my success at the Coast Guard Academy in the days to come.

The cold war

First Last 19 April 2008 The Iron Curtain Less than a year after the end of second world war, Churchill gave his famous " Iron Curtain" speech while on a visit to the US. The US being the biggest power in the world, and English speaking, was a natural ally that he wanted to woo.

The wechsler intelligence scale for children

Wechsler developed the WISC-III from the WISC-R which had been the most popular and widely researched children's intelligence test to date. The WISC-III has high internal consistency for all three IQ scores and the four factors, ranging from.

Tests for business law

Dot is most likely to recover a.nothing.b.on a theory of an express contract.c.on a theory of an implied-in-fact contract.d.on a theory of a quasi contract. Olga's right to disaffirm the contract a.does not change the fact that Phil is bound by the contract.b.does not yet exist because Olga is still a minor.c.gives Phil, an adult, →

Intent letter for admission to phd

My personal experience of the people who have been victim to exploitation by the vested interests, both in the developed and under-developed nations, has greatly contributed to my expanding interests in the international laws. My short term and medium term aims and objectives are to gain experience in the field of international law and human →

Law and euthanasia

It is worth noting that there are different categories of euthanasia and they include voluntary Euthanasia, non- voluntary Euthanasia, and involuntary Euthanasia. Euthanasia and the right to die: a comparative view.

Evaluating client profile 1 using a jungian or adlerian approach

Transference is the process whereby an attachment is formed between analyst and analysand such that the analysand is able to project onto the therapist, the person in their own history that they need the therapist to be. Once a solid background was established, the goals of therapy would be to find those area of her →

Herman miller and local produce

Thus Miller is creating some designs which are very specific to that marketplace and in other to achieve this; they will have to hire a few local people to guide the company towards achieving a perfect local design/produce that suits the need of the local market. This is what walker refers to as " a →

Mahatma gandhi and nelson mandela

Mandela also led the anti-apartheid movement that separated the blacks against the Europeans in the country. The other difference is that Gandhi was assassinated while Mandela died in the hospital after a long illness.

Montaignes description of barbarism

He defends the non-Europeans of the ' new world' and further proclaims that it is his own society that is corrupt and barbaric in its ideals. In his essay he depicts both the cannibals and Europeans as barbaric people who eventually share similar traits.

I’va attached the file

Instead of the total wealth in the nation being distributed equitably in the United States, the wealth is owned by just a very small portion of the population while the majority of the population in the nation does not have enough economic resources. First is the wealth inequality which refers to the fact that most →

History of the third world

In the ruling matters of the developing countries also the third world countries are inclined to spend its nations income in war and ammunition because of which could not progress in the way of they are to be and for all this the reason are the western countries which support and help the rival nations →

The iraq war in 2003

The war waged by the United s of America, with the aid of its allied countries, namely the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland caused positive impacts to the Iraqi citizens and to the global security and was therefore, worth it. The 2003 Iraq war was an exaggerated action for an unproven claim that Iraq owns →

Antelope canyon

Next is Debbie's Hide a Way, a hotel with one of the nicest flower patios in the area, can accommodate up to eight guests in their family and romantic hotels. Complete with 82 rooms and a business center with internet connectivity, the suite is idea for business vacations, family outings, as well as romantic dates.

Global competitive dynamics

United states 60, 991 From the table above it is very evident that the United States overly performs better than any other country in the world in the the manufacturing sector like aerospace, beverages and chemicals. Conclusion Therefore, from the illustration of the United States and performance in aerospace manufacturing, it is evident that the →

What are my virtues

The most common obstacle is expedience of an option or a way out which is not consistent with the values of keeping my word that I strive to practice. For example, it is extremely difficult to keep a promise I made to my parents that I will wake up by 4 a.m.because of an errand →

Lean six sigma process

Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma is a combined managerial concept of Six Sigma and Lean which was designed to improve qualityand minimize if not eliminate waste. The precursor of Lean Six Sigma was the Six Sigma which was first developed by Motorola in the 1980s.

Advancement and equity for women in business world

This will enable firms to take advantage of the increasing capacity of talents in women. This reveals that women have the ability to increase profits and advance the performance of organizations from an exclusive perspective of leadership style.

Corporate governance models

SHAREHOLDER VALUE MODEL & STAKEHOLDER MODEL Below is a comparison of the two models of corporate governance: Shareholder value and Stakeholder.[Source: Governance Models] The shareholder value is designed in such a way that the only the shareholders and executives will earn high returns on the stocks they have invested. As the time passed and new →

Mcdonalds no longer the great american meal

The lack of product innovation that did not help with marketing efforts, the company's franchisees sales were also affected as they could not keep up with competitor offerings and the establishment of the Consortium hurt the dynamics of the franchise model. The first is to improve the food and service quality as it is the →


This wireless fidelity has progressed in the world now and has made things easier for computer users which previously were impossible By first viewing the Wireless fidelity the user comes to the conclusion that the device can be very useful in connecting computers or mobiles to a Ethernet connection without the use of wires. The →

An inevitable mix of life and death in frosts poems

The symbols of darkness and light are relevant in the poem as they show the two sides of life as seen by the poet. In the poem Design, this mix is represented by the description of three living thing: the spider, the flower and the moth.

Motive to get a bachelor of science degree in healthcare radiation technology

I have discovered that career of radiation protection technician for nuclear power plants does not provide me with a sense of purpose and gratification I believe I would receive by knowing, at the end of the day, I had made a difference in someone's life. As I mentioned, I enjoy learning and expect to accomplish →

Five advertisements

The major companies that are involved or seek this form of advertisement are innovating companies who are ever forced to show the customer the evolution the company's product. Institution Advertising This form of advertisement usually tries to develop a good will as opposed to selling any of the company's specific products.

The decay of white men and women slaveholders

For instance, the Heart of Darkness written by Joseph Conrad was celebrated as a liberating expose of the twentieth century between the cultures of the empire and the civilising process that it had had on the cultures of the colonised. But in the depictions of the native, primitive people of the Congo, who lay beyond →

Analysis of the bread of salt story

It is apparent in the story that the tiresome duty of his is becoming a burden to him already, to which his only compensations are the daily revival of his childish curiosity and marvel as regards to the creation of the ubiquitous breakfast table item and a good look at the ocean, in which somewhere →

Riddles – college essay

There are a lot of benefits and advantages which the riddles will have on people of all age groups, It Is fun- the first and the foremost thing about the riddles is that they are very much fun. It is also a fun way of learning than the normal lectures which can prevent the students →

Thet110 intimate apparel

Van Burenone of Esthers customersPlayed by Rachel Grandiziolonely, husband never arounddrinks brandysouthern accentkisses EstherGeorge ArmstrongMarries EstherPlayed by Philip Kershawpaid someone to write his lettersmakes excuses about being unemployedgambles her life savings awayfalls for hookerMaymeEsthers best friend and prostitutePlayed by Agyeiwaa Asantepiano player " Give Me A Man" drinks gincynicalMr. MarksEsther's awkward love interest and garment →


Anapest /Anapestic A poetic foot consisting of two unaccented and one accented syllables, as in: In the SKYAnaphoraThe purposeful repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a series of clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or versesAntagonistIn narrative, the character who provides the major impediment or obstacle to the main character's desireAsideA theatrical convention whereby →

Eng 201

False True or False: The key to writing a strong research paper is making the information your own. False True or False: Telltale sign of passive voice is that it usually requires a form of the verb to be.

The book of negroes analysis essay

This novel ultimately allows us to understand the fife of Amanita, and how the damaging journey as a slave lead to her " loss of identity". Therefore, Amanita allows us to understand the hardships that her and the rest of the slaves endured throughout this period of time.

Cell-phone network technologies: 3g essay

Cell Phone Generations Advantage of 3G network over 1G and 2G In this world of latest technology, every new generation comes up with something new, different, and unique than the older generation. ADVANTAGES OF 3G: * The third generation is characterized by convergence of data and voice with the wireless Internet.

Every australian or overseas visitors in australia

The Change for SuccessWhile the formatting take place physically within the stores yet McLeod have introduced the new management styles to Coles. With the various varieties of products and brands, it is important for Coles to have a sophisticated system to support its supply chain and logistic system.

The gift of joy essay

The Gift of Joy As your pastor I felt the need as Christmas 2001 shifts into high gear to talk about, to remind you, to remind me, to remind us, of what the true meaning of Christmas really is. The second reason I want to talk about joy, as we begin this series, is because →

Fuman agric agricultural products fruit juice manufacturer

The company determines the price and usually offers the average between the seasonal and off-seasonal price. The company reserves the right to discard poor quality products and the average annual prices are paid to farmers for their produce.

Fight to live,live to fight

The sacrifices each of the featured fighters had to do in their journey as muay thai fighters can not be compared to that of what we do at our muay thai PE classes. Only when we taste failure can we learn to appreciate the glory of success.

The art of public speaking

This can help you to know what to convey to the audience. This help you to focus your mind on the topic but not thinking about what or how will the audience judge you.

Bass pro shops hooks cabela’s in $5.5 billion deal

Reuters reported on Sunday that a consortium of Bass Pro Shops, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s private equity arm and Capital One Financial Corp.was in the lead to buy the company. Springfield, Missouri-based Bass Pro Shops has long been in the running to acquire Cabela's.J.P.

1984 by george orwell essay

" George Orwellonce offered this definition of heroism: ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do notrespecthuman decency, even with the knowledge that they cannot possibly succeed." In George Orwell's novel, 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith is described in words of being the ordinary, everyday man to the dystopian society that →

Steryotypes of teenagers

How are reader's going to have a balanced view of the situation, when this is how you set the article up? I can understand why he is thinking like this because he did not have a very happy ending of the encounter with the teens but common who needs all of the aggression?

Karl marx and old major

Karl Marx believed that the policies of the government should be controlled by the lowest working class rather than the upper middle class." The first step on the path to the workers' revolution is the elevation of the proletariat to the position of ruling class." As the animals was the labor community of the farm →

Dbq protestant reformation

The Protestant Reformation had political and social impacts in Europe by promoting the idea of religious freedom, increasing the power of monarchs, and spreading of the idea ofequality. One of the effects of the Protestant Reformation was the promotion of religious freedom.

Sumo wrestling

The objective of a sumo bout, however, is not to injure the Opponent, but to simply eject the other man from the arena, or cause some part of the body other than his feet - or even a fingertip - to touch the floor. The heavier the wrestler, the lower his center of gravity, and →

What aspects of your life would you most like to keep and why

The first and most important of aspect of my life which every person needs to have, for a secure and happy way of life isfamily; and our ability to rely upon our family to always love and care for us. I use the internet in all aspects of my life and it comes to use →

Young people in malta education essay

The gallery besides offered sculpture workshops which begin with a circuit of the shows which introduce the participants to the gallery 's aggregation and so travel on to the geographic expedition of unfamiliar stuffs and work on new techniques. For Tate Britain the purpose was to convey more immature people into the galleries, for the →

Samoan culture

In Samoa these tattoos are given to the chief of the family and he is the one who is fully tattooed. In Samoa, eating is a large part of the traditional culture.