Essay, 4 pages (800 words)

Free essay on dhl questionnaire

I. Are you a member of DHL logistics management?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If no, would you like to become one?
c. Why would you like to become one? (Tick one)
i. To improve performance

ii. For better leadership
iii. Personal Fulfillment
iv. Cannot Tell

II. Are you aware of the products, which are provided by DHL?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, which are these products? If no, why do you think you are not familiar with these products?

III. Are you involved in handling of DHL products at any process?
a. Yes
( Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, what is your job responsibility with regard to handling these products?

IV. Do you think that DHL products are suitable for the market segment?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. Kindly provide an explanation for your answer above

V. How would you rate the performance of DHL logistics management?
a. Poor
Very high
Cannot Rate
(Tick appropriately)

VI. Do you think that there is a need of improvement in how DHL logistics management handles its product?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. Kindly provide an explanation for your answer above

VII. Does DHL logistics management use the current levels of technology in running its affairs?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, why? If no, why?

VIII. What are the key challenges, if any, which are experienced in the logistics management of DHL products? What do you think should be done in order to address these challenges effectively?

IX. What is the key role of DHL logistics management with reference to DHL products?

X. Who are the main stakeholders of DHL logistics management?


1) What is your role in the process of DHL logistics management? (tick one)
a. Management team
Process facilitator
Process technician

2) What is the attitude of DHL logistics management towards its process? (tick one)
a. Very negative

Very Positive

b. Kindly provide reasons for the choice made above

3) What level of technology is used in the process of DHL logistics management? (tick one)
a. No use of technology

Old technology

New technology
Cannot tell

4) Do you think that the process of DHL logistics management will change due to the current changes in levels of technology?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. What are the reasons for the choice you have made above?

5) How is the process of DHL logistics management? (tick one)
a. Extremely poor


Very Good Excellent

6) Do you have anything good that you like from the process of DHL logistics management?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. Kindly provide an explanation for your choice above

7) How is the management of DHL logistics process carried?

8) How would you compare the process of DHL logistics management with other processes in the company? Provide an explanation for such a comparison.

9) Are there challenges, which are faced in the process of DHL logistics management?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, which are these challenges? If no, do you think that there are threats in the processes of DHL logistics management?

10) Do you think that the process of DHL logistics management needs to be improved?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. Kindly provide reasons for your choice above


1. Are you a member of the service delivery in DHL logistics management?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)

2. Are you familiar with services, which are provided by DHL logistics management?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, what are these services?

3. Are there services, which you think they are performed better or poorly in comparison to others?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, which are these services that are performed better or poorly?

4. How would you rate the service provision of DHL logistics management? (tick one)
a. Extremely unacceptable


Very Acceptable

5. How are you satisfied with services, which DHL logistics management provides? (tick one)
a. Not satisfied
Very Satisfied
I cannot tell

6. Does DHL logistics management use any form of technology in delivery of its services?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. If yes, what is the level of this technology and how is this technology used in DHL logistics management?

7. How are the services of DHL logistics management carried out?

8. Does DHL logistics management have a room for improving on quality of its services?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
b. Kindly provide reasons for the choice made above

9. Whom do you think has the responsibility of improving service delivery at DHL logistics management? Provide reasons behind your answer

10. Are there any challenges, which are experienced by DHL logistics management in the delivery of its services?
a. Yes
(Tick appropriately)
i. If yes, which are these challenges?
ii. What do you think should be the most effective means of addressing these challenges?

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Free essay on dhl questionnaire." June 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-dhl-questionnaire/.

1. AssignBuster. "Free essay on dhl questionnaire." June 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-dhl-questionnaire/.


AssignBuster. "Free essay on dhl questionnaire." June 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-dhl-questionnaire/.

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"Free essay on dhl questionnaire." AssignBuster, 20 June 2022, assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-dhl-questionnaire/.

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