Research Paper, 2 pages (450 words)

Free essay on design research

Research is a facet that utilizes the diverse tools and approaches depending on the point of research. Research is used to find answers to different situations by conceptualizing the different methodologies and principles. In this research both qualitative and quantitative methods of research are to be used. The subject of issues in contemporary society can be viewed from different demographics this includes age, gender and social status. There are surmounting research studies that tend to either agree or otherwise disagree on different positions adopted by other models. In this research, in order to collect data from the different demographics there is a utilization of different tools to be used to ensure a comprehensive coverage mechanisms and interpretation fundamental to the research.
There are different research methods that are adapted during research thus choosing the correct method is crucial to any research. The research it will include interviews and survey from the different demographics with an objective to find out some of the critical issues in the society that they deal with. From this research, the intended results include how people relate in the society, from school to the general work place and even the neighborhood. This will run hand in hand with the different researches and surveys that will be included in the research. The research tools that will be used include surveys and questionnaires. This methodology is to provide first hand feedback from the concerned parties.
The use of questionnaires in this research will be given to parties involved this will include work places and high school. The questionnaire will major on issues dealing with the leadership they experience and what they perceive as being a good leadership approach. Leaders are now setting up interviews online through skype or face to face to gather information. The data in this case will be taken through different correlation methods to find out the variables and non variables that form the basis of the research. In such instances, making it easier to integrate the data and come up with results that well relate to the research study.
In conclusion, with the use of the different leadership models, the correlation between positions adopted by Schultz leadership model and its relationship with the data collected will discussed in the study. A conclusion on the research will be drawn based on the information gathered this will include a summary of the findings from the research, suppositions, assumptions made and the implication of these assumptions to overall findings. Overall findings will then be used to incorporate high qualitative and quantitative results as produced from the questionnaires and surveys proved in the research.

Works cited

Creswell, John W. Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approach. SAGE, 2002.
laurel, Brenda. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives. MIT Press, 2003.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Free essay on design research'. 14 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Free essay on design research." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-design-research/.

1. AssignBuster. "Free essay on design research." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-design-research/.


AssignBuster. "Free essay on design research." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-design-research/.

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"Free essay on design research." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-essay-on-design-research/.

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