Essay, 5 pages (1200 words)

Free critical thinking on security in israel

The US has for long been the leading super power, a lot of financial resources in the US budget are used in the security sector and. There are many security threats that the world is exposed to, and the US is in the frontline of ensuring that the world is safer. However, there have been mixed reactions from different sources concerning how the US carries out its security operations. It has launched attacks in other nations such as Iraq; the reason given for these attacks is that the US is protecting its people from external threats. Many nations are against the methods that the US uses. With the arms race competition taking another level, the US feels that nations that are advancing in terms of weapon development are a threat to global security. Such a claim is selfish and self-centered since the US is also involved in the development of new weapons. The Middle East region has for long been under attack by the United States. The region, which is mostly occupied by Muslims has for long been the focus of the US. There are many theories that explained why the US has for long had interests in the region with the natural resources being the key reason.
The relationship between the US and Israel has dates back to the early years when there was rivalry between the Jewish and Christians. The US has been involved in many military operations in the IUS that are aimed towards fostering peace and security in the Middle East, the relationship between US and Israel is viewed by many as a move towards achieving that goal. The two nations have worked together towards economic development. The crisis in the Middle East is brought about by the natural resources found in the region; nations in the region believe that the US has its own interests on the resources. Attacking the nations that are close to Israel is the first indicator that the security situation in Israel is threatened by the US. The fact that the US is a security threat to other nations in the regions means that is also a threat to Israel.
The US claimed that the attacks towards Iraq were in aim of protecting Israeli Iraq was to launch a revenge attack; it would attack the close associates of the US. Since Israel is in the Middle East, it can easily be a good place for Iraq to carry out its attacks. Many nations have suffered terror attacks due to supporting US policies such as the anti-terrorism policies. One of the issues that divide the relationship between US and Israel is mainly due to the security crisis in the Middle East. Some nations such as Iraq believe that some of the attacks might be religious, many nations in the Middle East are mainly Islamic, and these are a threat to Israel. It is in the risk of suffering religious wars with other neighboring nations. Israel has won the support of the US on the fight against the Hamas, Islam Jihadist and other terror threats groups in Gaza. It has won the support of the US in protecting its Jewish culture; this however has got its own negative challenges. Starting a war based on religious stands can be a threat to any nation in the long run. During the Iraq attacks, many people in Iraq believed that the war was carried out by the Israeli and US soldiers. The US soldiers were being referred as the Jews, this shows that there war was also based on religion. Iraq accused Israel of having plans to divide the nation on religious basis. It is clear that Iraq considers Israel to be a threat to its security and will make all efforts to protect it. The claims by the former president of the US George Bush that each nation has its own decisions, and it is either with them or with the terrorists, makes the situation more complicated. Each nation has a right to protect its interests, and its people and going against the policies set by the US does not mean that a nation is in support of terrorism.
There is a lot of mistrust between the two nations. The US intelligence service believes the Israel is carrying out spying activities on the US. This means that US can attack Israel any time claiming that is protecting its interests. The relationship between the two nations is not based on mutual trust and anything can happen when the US feels threatened.
The current crisis facing the US and Syria is also creating tension in Israel. This is due to the nuclear weapons that Syria is accused of producing. If Israel supports the US because they are close allies, it will be entangled between a crisis that it should not be involved in. The arms race will; always be a security concern for the US. Launching attacks on Syria will affect the security situation in other nations in the Middle East. Instability in the region due to the actions taken by the US government affects the security situation in Israel.
Many may view the relationship between the two nations to be successive in terms of enhancing global security, but currently differences have come up. One of the notable disagreements was the Iranian situation, the US and Israel failed to come up with a common solution to the nuclear weapons being produced by Iran. US enjoy physical security in terms of its location and its neighbors. Incase Iran was to launch the nuclear attack, Israel would be the target, this would be brought about by the fact that it is the only nation in the Middle East with close association with the US.
The US has for long continues to fund Israel in its effort to fight terror and other security attacks. This is quite ironical since US is going through a tough financial crisis. The money can be used for improving the standards of living for the American citizens. Israel is under the control of the US and has felt that it has an obligation to fulfill their wishes and work together with them. The unity however puts Israel under security threats. There is need for Israel to review the ties that it has with the United States. This would put them in a better position of handling security issues. The war between the US and the Middle East is more of a religious war, and Israel is being used since it is a Jewish country. When US attack Israel’s neighbors, it has attacked Israel and threatened the security in the region. The US is actually a bigger threat to the security in Israel.
In order to foster good relationship between the US and countries in the Middle East, there is need to encourage social integration among the people. Culture and religion seem to be the greatest barrier among the citizens in the two regions, having interaction programs between the citizens will foster better relationship. Accepting their cultural differences will be able to bring about social growth and promote better relationship. Democracy should be encouraged within the two regions; these would create an opportunity for the American Citizens and those in the Middle East to solve their differences peacefully.

Work Cited

Freedman, Robert Owen. Israel and the United States: six decades of US-Israeli relations. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2012.

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"Free critical thinking on security in israel." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-critical-thinking-on-security-in-israel/.

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