Essay, 5 pages (1200 words)

Free critical thinking about the instructors name

Voice of the Customer

General information
1. Sex
– Man
– Woman
2. How old are you?
– ranges younger18
– 18-24
– 25-33
– 34-44
– 45-54
– 55-65
– older 66
3. How often do you dine in at LaRosa?
– Rarely
– Once in a month
– One time in 2 weeks
– Every week
– Few times a week
4. At what time do you eat at LaRosa more often/make a delivery order?
Rationale: These characteristic helps give a “ portrait” of main the consumer, as well as to define “ pick hour” and less popular hours.

Quality satisfaction

5. How are you satisfied overall with LaRosa’s service?

Scale: 5 Very satisfied-1 Very dissatisfied

Rationale: Through the estimation of the consumers’ overall satisfaction, we evaluate the current market position and prospects for the future growth.

CTQ: tasty and fresh food, good and fast service, pleasant atmosphere

All these CTQs are composing the overall feeling after the place. If you like everything, you’re wondering to come back to this place again and again. That means – more regular guests.
6. What is you purpose of visiting?
– Breakfast
– Lunch
– Dinner
– Family dinner with kids
– Home delivery
– Carryout
– Other (if this is the case, which is the other purpose?)
Rationale: The answer shows in which cases they more likely will choose LaRosa to spend the time. Competitive advantages can be built on the most popular activity, developing various “ offers”.

CTQ: business lunch menu, number of needed workers during the day.

Good business lunch offers will attract more people with the desire to dine in exactly at LaRosa. At “ peak hour” for good services more workers are needed.
7. What is your the most common order? What is your favorite dish in LaRosa’s menu?

The indicator: is the dishes stated by the customers.

Rationale: Basing on the answers, it’s possible to reveal the most popular dishes at LaRosa. That helps to increase the range of suggested dishes in accordance with tastes of the consumers.

CTQ: possibility to make detailed forecast, plan costs in case of widening the menu.

The forecast give an opportunity to plan the future budget, and consider opportunities for growth. That’s comfortable for the customer, because if she/he likes the place it would be closer. New choices are as well good for the customers. For instance, to add to the menu a new dish every 3 months.
8. How do you like the range of choice of the dishes in LaRosa?

Scale: 5 Very like – 1 Don’t like at all

Rationale: The main activity of LaRosa is food, so it’s important to know if the range of suggested dishes is enough wide.

CTQ: New ingredients needed-costs, time needed for cooking the dish.

Costs and time of service influence prices, and, consequently, consumer satisfaction.
9. How do you find the atmosphere in LaRosa? (design, cleanliness, caring staff-scale)

Scale: 5 Very comfortable and clear – 1 Very uncomfortable and untidily

Rationale: Different people come to LaRosa with different purposes. However, all of them want to feel comfortable and calm as much as possible. So it’s highly relevant to stay with positive emotions after the visit to the place.

CTQ: electricity needed for lighting, maintenance costs

The consumer satisfaction is based on the mood which the place creates.
10. How do you think the price corresponds to the quality of food?

Scale: 5 Very fresh and tasty – 1 Unserviceable and insipid

Rationale: This question displays the willingness of the consumer to pay money for such service. It can indicate if the service is on the level with the price category. The opinion shows the best if people really like the place.

CTQ: gross margin, goodwill

The guest is happy, when he has a place, where she/he would go for a lunch or dinner with great pleasure. It’s good way to develop the brand loyalty.
11. Do you have any suggestions for improvement? (open question)


Rationale: Most of people faced the situation, when some service is missing or something is done in a wrong way. That’s good way to find out the recommendations how it’s possible to make the consumer happier.

CTQ: Additional costs and amortization, New sales-market

More equipment is needed to provide best services, which then will be represented in the customer satisfaction. Having such a competitive advantage, there is potential for the growth.
12. How likely you will recommend your friends to dine in at LaRosa? (scale) If not, why?

Scale: 5 Very likely – 1 Very unlikely

Rationale: “ Word of mouth” is one of the best ways to capture the market, and, strangely enough, people find the previous experience of the other people the most reliable. That’s why feedbacks are always so popular. The person more often shares the both positive and negative experience with her/his friends, which influence her/his condition.

CTQ: Training & Motivation police for staff, advertising through “ word of mouth”

When a customer experience was positive, the person would like to come back. It means the customer satisfaction.
The software IBM SPSS is a good tool for the further analysis of the customer portrait, as well as preferences of people regarding the gender, age, status, and even the time of the visits. It’s possible to make a cluster analysis, and take into account recommendations of the customer. In a sense of etalon I would oriented on the customer preferences. It’s possible to assume that in different regions tastes can be different. So if to take the answers on question#3 from each region separately and compare with statistics of each item separately actually sold, the most famous dishes will be defined. In this way, improvements of service will be made.
The concept should be based on understanding that people should take a rest during the having a meal. Good food, fast delivery or nice, calm atmosphere will make feel even very upset person much happier.
The Voice of Customer shows the preferences of the customers and the most part of things, which are needed to be improved. In scale of a large chain of pizzerias, it can bring an increase even in market share. It’s hard to make an exact portrait of the customer, since LaRosa has a big market share, more likely. Even the location of the restaurant plays more significant role in determination the customer. However, they all have something common: they dine in at LaRosa.
The concept reflects to provide the best service, which can be offered, in the industry. It satisfies not only physical needs, but also improves moral condition.
So the concept is basing on “ universality” of the pizzerias, that they are able to bring positive experience of having a meal at LaRosa to every customer, who has decided to be a guest of the place.
Nonetheless, there is limitation of such a model that the customers will give recommendations about what they know, and, in this way, there is place to exceed the customer expectation through the implementation unknown techniques, as innovations.

The key factor is to make every customer happier after the visit to LaRosa.

For La’Rosa vision it can sound as: “ Don’t be hungry, be happy! People come to have pleasure during the dinner”.
People always feel much happier, after having tasty and nourishing dinner.


” Managing Customer Expectations.” Lehigh University. Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions (VI CS) Association, n. d. Web. 8 Apr 2014. .
” Sample Survey Questions, Answers and Tips.” Constant Contact. N. p., n. d. Web. 8 Apr 2014. .
Reynolds-Keefer, Laura, and Robert Johnson. ” Is a picture is worth a thousand words? Creating effective questionnaires with pictures .” Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation. 16. 8 (2011). Web. 8 Apr. 2014. .

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Free critical thinking about the instructors name'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Free critical thinking about the instructors name." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-critical-thinking-about-the-instructors-name/.

1. AssignBuster. "Free critical thinking about the instructors name." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-critical-thinking-about-the-instructors-name/.


AssignBuster. "Free critical thinking about the instructors name." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/free-critical-thinking-about-the-instructors-name/.

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"Free critical thinking about the instructors name." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/free-critical-thinking-about-the-instructors-name/.

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