Essay, 1 pages (250 words)

Final outline

Development of Clinical Psychology I. Introduction a. Development of Clinical Psychology b. Evolving theories c. Thesis d. Behavioral and Psychoanalytic Approaches
II. Early Psychology Clinics
a. Lightner Witmer
i. First psychology journal
ii. Creation of term “ clinical psychology”
b. Similar clinics established
III. Changes in field
a. More assessment skills
i. Significant in WWI
b. Army Alpha and Army Beta
c. Assessment fundamental in clinical psychology
IV. American Association of Clinical Psychology
a. Primary Function
b. Importance during WWII
c. Success in U. S. Veteran Association
d. Creation of Division 12
V. Psychoanalysis
a. Theory behind psychoanalysis
b. Distinguishable symptoms
i. Inability to relate with others
ii. Low self-esteem
iii. Disturbed personal traits
c. Used as treatment
d. Behaviorism
VI. Conclusion
a. Clinical psychology as a subdivision
b. Origins traced to Witmer
c. Establishment of Division 12
The study of psychology has been transformative since the late eighteenth century. Scientific experiments were originally used in order to determine more theory behind the field. Clinical psychology, a subdivision of psychology, became a controversial area with some theorists praising it while others criticized it heavily. The history of clinical psychology has contributed greatly to society in many historical events including WWI and WII along with transforming the way people theorize about the topic. This establishment looked more in depth the comparisons of behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches. Ultimately, the field of psychology, specifically clinical psychology, has shown that human nature is more complicated than what it originally appears.
1. http://helpingpsychology. com/a-short-history-of-clinical-psychology
2. http://www. laurafazakas. com/pdf/psych_260b_chap-02_history_of_clinical_2007-2008. pdf
3. http://www. apa. org/divisions/div12/aboutcp. html
4. http://www. wiley. com/bw/journal. asp? ref= 0969-5893
5. http://psychology. about. com/b/2011/06/16/what-is-clinical-psychology. htm

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AssignBuster. "Final outline." January 2, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/final-outline/.

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