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Extra credit

Extra Credit In global context, terrorism does not have a law definition that is legally binding. The basic definition ofterrorism only entails the violent behaviors that are aimed at generating fear; and are conducted due to several reasons including religious, ideological and political reasons. The violent behaviors are targeted without adequate regard for the safety of the non-combatants like the civilians, neutral armed forces, and humanitarian personnel. The terrorism term is politically ands also emotionally charged; hence a precise and specific definition cannot be formulated. Specific definition cannot be formulated due to several issues concerning terrorism; for instance, violence, victim exclusion, threat, forces, and also fears. The concept of terrorism is in some cases controversial, due to the application by state authorities to delegitimize political opponents. A good example entails the reference of former ANC leader, Nelson Mandela as a terrorist. Terrorism has been practices by a wide range of political organizations to enhance their activities. Examples include the right and left wing political bodies, ruling governments, revolutionaries and nationalist groups.
The National Counter Terrorism centre (NCTC) entails the federal agency responsible for the counterterrorism efforts domestically and also internationally. The organization entails a counterterrorism team with representative from; the Department of Defense, the Criminal Investigation Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The federal has the powers of developing a database of both citizens and non-citizens, who have suspicious behaviors related to terrorism. The agency is responsible for analyzing the database for intelligence purposes, and also for discussion with the countries that enhance the war on terror. However, the activities of the agency have been negative criticized in certain aspects. The mass surveillance proposal has been considered an infringement to the right of privacy by several critics.
The goals of the agency entail generating terrorism information for analysis by the anti-terrorism community. The information includes, terrorist list, global terrorist incidents, and support for international and domestic terrorist response, assess terrorism situation, and provide reports on terrorism to the relevant stakeholders. The FBI illustrates that one of its primary roles entails protecting the citizens of America from terrorism, locally and internationally. The FBI team collaborates effectively with both local and international anti-terrorist community. The organization has superior approaches and capabilities required in effectively neutralizing the operations and cells of terrorists in United States and also globally. Another major role of the agency entails the weakening or elimination of the extremist networks locally and also internationally through proper collaboration with the global anti-terrorism players. FBI ensures adequate investigation of the sources of resources and financial for terrorists and terrorists organizations; and work towards cutting of the resource supplies, to weaken the activities of the terrorists. Terrorists sympathizers are also studies and their sources of financing investigated and stopped is terrorism support is illustrated.
In conclusion, this audio gives a true picture of the struggles of US in the fight of terrorism in the society. The United States is effective in collaborating with international partners in eliminating terrorism globally. The players are located in several countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. In Africa, America has participated in anti-terrorism activities in countries like Somalia. In Europe, the country has partnered with United Kingdom and France in investigating terrorist activities.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Extra credit'. 13 January.


AssignBuster. (2022, January 13). Extra credit. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/extra-credit-book-report-samples/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Extra credit." January 13, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/extra-credit-book-report-samples/.

1. AssignBuster. "Extra credit." January 13, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/extra-credit-book-report-samples/.


AssignBuster. "Extra credit." January 13, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/extra-credit-book-report-samples/.

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"Extra credit." AssignBuster, 13 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/extra-credit-book-report-samples/.

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