Proposal Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)

Example of problem statement research proposal


Moving from country to country is an issue that requires profound concern. In order to ensure that immigration is effectively controlled, authorities in a country should focus on proper scrutiny of documents of people aspiring to visit the countries. This is important in that it helps the managements of the country to know the foreigners visiting a country . Within the United States, there is need to tighten security especially currently due to increased insecurity that is manifested by terrorist attacks as evident in many places. This study focuses on addressing the public policy regarding immigration as it is in the context and perspective of United States. The reasons for developing effective public policy regarding immigration in United States form the major reason for this study.

Background of the study

Several authors have produced reports addressing immigration based on studies carried out to address immigration issues in the United States. Reliable and credible information obtained from previous studies indicate that immigration needs thorough and effective control in order to ensure that there is order and security in the United States . However, there are various issues not addressed in the previous studies, which need immediate concern. Despite the extensive research carried out previously, there are still matters that need closer attention. As such, this study seeks to expand on the upcoming issues that affect immigration as an aspect of public policy in United States.

The United States is a considerably populous country. A good number of the citizens and people in the country are not born citizens. As such, it is necessary to keep a good track of the people in order to ensure that the government can budget and carry out its management activities effectively. Security is an aspect that equally compels the authorities in the United States to develop competent policy that controls immigration so only the eligible persons visit the country . Therefore, security and population control have become issues that need to proper attention in this country.

Research questions

What current measures exist regarding control of immigration?
Who are the eligible persons allowable in the United States?
What technological systems best suit control of immigration into the United States?
What improvements are necessary in ensuring effective control of immigration policies in the US?
Are the current measures of controlling immigration effective and efficient?
What new rules and technological systems require implementation in order to control immigration effectively and appropriately as desirable?
– Identifying ways of reducing increased immigration in the country
– Explaining ways in which control of immigration influences security concerns in the country
This study focuses on ensuring effective control of immigration. This will be important in providing a good platform for controlling population increase in the country. Documents issued to foreigners to control immigration require authentication. Therefore, there is need to identify the measures necessary in ensuring that the documents used are authentic. Controlling immigration also aims at monitoring security by preventing unauthorized persons from visiting the country. Therefore, the major objective of the research revolves around identifying measures necessary for controlling population and insecurity in the country.

Articles and Data sets

This study will use two data sets. There will be use of categorical data analysis as a data set whereby data analysis will base on specific category under which specific data falls in order to achieve the objective of the study. The researcher will categorize data depending on the source of data, the details of data and reliability of data. Time series data set will involve determination of the time of occurrence of data and information obtained. This will in turn enable the researcher to make a well accurate analysis.
The following articles/datasets (listed below the references) will enable the researcher to get a clear understanding of current immigration policies. The researcher will use the articles to find out areas that need improvement in order to make immigration matters easy and convenient. They will enable the researcher to have a fair platform on which to start and base the research.


The research will involve collection of data and information from various sources. Government officials, policy developers, and members of public will respond to questions posed to provide data and information for analysis. Previous studies addressing immigration will form sources of data in this study. Documents used in the immigration department will give statistical information, which will enable establishment of the effectiveness of the systems used in controlling information.

Data collection

Interviews and surveys will feature in this study as the data collection techniques. Literature review will involve consulting statistical information recorded in the documents in the department of immigration. It will also involve obtaining information from previous studies and comparing it with the findings in this study . In order to analyze data and information obtained, the appropriate analysis tools and techniques. The analysis tools and techniques chosen will depend on the amount and type of data and information obtained. This will enable the researcher to carry out the analysis process effectively and efficiently.


This study is subject to limitation in various ways. The amount of funds available to carry out the study may not be sufficient to cater for all expenses and costs incurable. Accessibility of data may be difficult, as some of the target data sources may not provide adequate and accurate information. This may hinder production of a competent, credible, and reliable report.


Data and information obtained will form the platform for choice of the analytical tools and techniques. The findings obtained will form the base from where to draw conclusions and recommendations necessary in the research report. The recommendations made will require immediate implementation by the immigration department for implementation. This will enable the department to carry out its functions effectively. The government will be able to control population increase emanating from increased immigration into the country. Still, it will be able to use immigration policies and regulations based on this study to address security matters in the country.

Work cited

Cristina, Rodriguez. ” Constraint through Delegation: The Case of Executive Control over Immigration Policy.” Duke Law Journal, 59(8) (2010): pp 3-35.
Irving, Jackson. Pamela. ” Globalization and the Secularization of Immigration Policy: Competing Influences on Immigrant Integration Policy in Germany, France, Britain and the United States.” Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 4, (2006): pp 2-32.
Joshua, Hall. et al. ” U. S. Immigration Policy in the 21st Century: A Market-Based Approach.” The Cato Journal, 32(1) (2012): pp 4-38.
Ronald, Brownstein. ” Green Light, Red Light: Is the Push to Liberalize Immigration Policy a Casualty of the Surprise Terrorist Attacks on September 11?” The American Prospect, 12(20) (2001): pp 4-41.
Articles and datasets that will be used
Duttagupta, Ishani. “ UK’s confused immigration policy: Britain puts India on high-risk list after laying out red carpet” 2013. Retrieved from, http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2013-07-07/news/40408012_1_immigration-policy-uk-government-british-indian. (Accessed 1 October 2013).
Goswami, Umi. “ US immigration policy may focus on skills & education, not family.” 2007. http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2007-05-19/news-by-industry/28401488_1_immigration-system-immigration-policy-american-immigration. (Accessed 1 October 2013).
PTI. “ South Asians call for humane reform of US immigration system.” 2013. Retrieved from, http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2013-02-02/news/36703802_1_immigration-reform-immigration-system-visa-backlogs. (Accessed 1 October 2013).
Duttagupta, Ishani. “ US immigration reforms: Indians want Obama to cut long wait for green cards” 2012. Retrieved from, http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2012-11-18/news/35171972_1_immigration-reforms-illegal-immigrants-immigration-policy. (Accessed 1 October 2013).

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Example of problem statement research proposal." September 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-problem-statement-research-proposal/.

1. AssignBuster. "Example of problem statement research proposal." September 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-problem-statement-research-proposal/.


AssignBuster. "Example of problem statement research proposal." September 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-problem-statement-research-proposal/.

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"Example of problem statement research proposal." AssignBuster, 11 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/example-of-problem-statement-research-proposal/.

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