Research Paper, 5 pages (1200 words)

Example of longest lasting nail polish research paper


The paper talks about the longest lasting nail polish. Clearly, most ladies want their nails to look good. Therefore, they look for the best quality nail polish that will last long, considering their daily house chores and activities. Most ladies believe that the most expensive nail polish as are the longest lasting nail polishes. However, this has been wrong. As a matter of facts, most expensive nail polishes such as Chanel chip off very fast as compared to cheap nail polishes such as China Glazer. Studies have proved that China Glazer is the longest lasting nail polish. It lasts more than seven days and it is also fries fast. Moreover, China Glazer nail polish is hard; hence it prevents the nails from breaking. It may not be packaged in very attractive bottles, like Chanel, but it has a variety of very colorful and attractive colors.
Arguably, women have always been very keen on the way they look. They always love to look their best. Anything small that makes them to not look so good stresses them more than anything else. More specifically, women are always concerned about how their nails look. With the washing and the house chores that they carry out every day, they still want to keep their nail polish on and intact for longer. There are many types of nails polishes that are produced by different companies from all over the world. The nail polishes also vary in their price depending on their quality and quantity. However, it does not always mean that the most expensive nail polish is the best quality nail polish. This paper is going to research on the longest lasting nail polish.
The most well-known nail polishes are the designer nail polishes. They are known by their gist names. Most of such designer nail polishes are named after very famous celebrities while others are known for being used by famous musician and celebrities. Most people believe that the most expensive nail polishes are the longest lasting nail polishes. However, that is just a notion is has been proved wrong many times. The truth is that there are many expensive things that are not good quality, but there are many other cheap products which are very long lasting. Some of the well-known nail polishes include Essie, Revlon, Opi, Chanel and China Glaze. The mentioned nail polishes are famous for their quality and durability. Nonetheless, their durability is not always the same (Sherrow, 2001).
For instance, during the research on the longest lasting nail polishes, Chanel, which is one of the most expensive nail polishes costing between $50 and $60 and China Glaze nail polish that cost between $5 and $6 were put to test. One lady applied Chanel, while another lady applied China Glazer nail polish on the same day. Both the ladies had the same daily activities and did everything in a similar way and at the same time. Many people who believe that the most expensive products are the durable products expected Chanel to last longer that the China Glazer nail polish. However, it was not the case (Robbins, and Holland, 2009). The Chanel nail polish was seen to chip up very fast. On the other hand, China Glazer, which among the cheapest nail polishes was seen to last long. Furthermore, the nail polish retained its shiny nature for a longer time. It actually lasted for more than a week. It only started to peel when the nails started to grow, and the growing parts provided chipping beginnings.
According to the research carried out, China Glaze turned out to be the best and long lasting nail polish. The packaging of the China Glaze nail polish may not be as good and attractive as some of the other nail polishes, but it has the best quality nail polishes. China Glaze has its nail polish in different colors, which are attractive and eye. Additionally, the nail polish is usually thick such that one only has to make a one layer application. The nail polish can go up to two weeks if well maintained. It does not chip off fast making it the best option for many ladies who spend a lot of time doing house chores. The nail polish also takes a long time before it could lose its shiny appearance (Hanson, 2009). Many ladies out there love for their nails to look new every day. Therefore, they prefer China Glaze nail polish, which makes them look elegant for longer.
Most ladies also prefer to use a nail polish that dries up fast. It is usually tiresome to apply nail polish and then wait for hours for it to dry up. In the case of the China Glaze nail polish, one does not have to wait hours for it to dry up. Some ladies do not have the patience to wait. They end up mashing the nail polish before it can dry up. Busy ladies feel like its wastage of their precious time. In fact, it may take up to two hours for some nail polishes to completely dry; hence interferes with people schedules (Robbins, and Holland, 2009). On the other hand, it only takes a very short time for the china Glaze nail polish to dry, which many ladies do not have a problem with.
The other good thing about the China Glaze nail polish is the fact that it has harder than either of the above mentioned nail polishes. This particular quality of the China Glaze nail polish protects the nails from not only breaking, but it also makes the nail polish not to chip for a very long time. China Glaze has proved to the best and longest lasting nail polish that most women prefer. Many beauty shops and cosmetics stock China Glaze nail polishes because of their demand in the market. Many ladies buy them at large because of their durability. Moreover, the China Glaze nail polishes are very affordable to the middle class family. This makes it the best option for many people across the world (Robbins, and Holland, 2009).
In conclusion, it is clear that there are a number of nail polishes in the world. The nail polishes vary in terms of quality, price and designers. Some nail polishes are well known while many other nail polishes have not been heard off in some parts of the worlds. In most cases, the well-known nail polishes are mainly the designer nail polishes, and they are very expensive. Such nail polishes include Chanel and Revlon. Some people believe that the most expensive nail polishes. The longest lasting nail polish is China Glazer. It is a cheap nail polish but very durable and hard. The packaging of the China Glaze nail polish may not be as good and attractive as some of the other nail polishes such as Chanel and Essie. However, they a variety of good looking colors that are very eye catching.


Hanson, L. (2009). Eco-beautiful: The ultimate guide to natural beauty and wellness. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale.
Milady’s standard preparing for the practical exam: Nail technology. (2004). Clifton Park, NY: Thompson/Delmar.
Robbins, M. W., & Holland, J. (2009). Whole green catalog: 1, 000 best things for you and theearth. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale.
Sherrow, V. (2001). For appearance’ sake: The historical encyclopedia of good looks, beauty, and grooming. Phoenix, Ariz: Greenwood.

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"Example of longest lasting nail polish research paper." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/example-of-longest-lasting-nail-polish-research-paper/.

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