Essay, 3 pages (800 words)

Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict


This research report articulates various aspects of creating high-performing and self-directed teams. It is pertinent to note that within the organization there are manager who have successfully established such teams. On the other hand, there are those that finding it difficult to establish high performing and self directed teams. Following the comprehensive discussion that arose regarding this aspect in the manager meeting this report outlines the characteristics identified as the core indicators of an effective team. Moreover, the report articulates multiple building elements of a team and the areas that managers would be encouraged to improve on. Moreover, the difficulties that managers face when establishing self directed and high performing teams are articulated. Recommendations to be adopted by managers enhance the effectiveness of their teams is also articulated. Moreover, a designed plan is provided to enable the struggling managers to enhance the performance of their teams, improve their negotiation as well as conflict resolution skills.

Difficulties Faced By Managers

Managers face multiple challenges in their efforts to establish self directed and high performing teams. It is pertinent to understand the aspect of self-directing and high performing teams at this stage. This can be described as a team that members take the initiative to act at different levels of functionality of an organization. Moreover, the members are able to formulate their goals and indentify the resources that they need to achieve these goals. The difficulties can be categorized into different categories. The first category are discouraging environmental conditions that inhibit establishment of the desired teams. These conditions include historical, educational, as well as social backgrounds of the team members. Another category is the internal characteristics of the organization. These include the flexibility of the organizational policies as well as the area that the functional group is handling. The other category of challenges is the type of relationships that exists within the team members. Tense relationship where communication is not open was identified as one of the core challenges for building the desired teams.

Successful characteristics of establishing self-directed and high-performing teams

There are many identifiers of well-organized self-directed and high performing teams. The managers crawly articulated the characteristics within the different teams. The managers or the team leaders practiced servant leadership within their teams. This is where the team leader provides support as a coach and mentor to the members. There is also a clear readiness to serve the members at whatever cost and meet their interests. Another characteristic of the high performing teams was the ability and commitment of the members to support each other in their activities and duties. A distinctive team spirit was also eminent in the desired teams. The challenges faced by the teams were embraced with a team spirit and the effect of a success or a failure was to all the members. Another characteristics identified was the result orientation of the teams. All the members were committed towards delivering on time and the right quality of the various deliverables within the organization. Moreover, the flexibility of the team allowed them to adapt to any unexpected changes. The high level of responsiveness within the performing teams of the organization is an inherent characteristic for self-direction. It is pertinent to note that once all the members of the team understand their vision and mission everyone embarks on solution development regardless of the existence of a supervisor. The manager or the team leader encouraged open communication within the team and all the objectives were comprehensively communicated. The team leaders of the desired teams developed synergistic relationships across the team and personal development was encouraged. It is also pertinent to note that the approach towards the decision-making and problem solving processes was proactive allowing creativity.

Recommendation for success

All the team leaders or managers should adopt an active listening role within their teams and encourage open communication. This will be instrumental in understanding the point of view of the different team members. Moreover, the manager should be encouraged to adopt servant leadership as the core style towards leading their teams. A high-level mutual support ant commitment is required to build effective teams. The team spirit should be encouraged at all levels of decision making where a participative process is put into consideration. The team leaders should allow a certain level of flexibility in processes within the team. This allows the creativity of different members when developing strategies and action plans of meeting the set objectives. The team leaders should be encouraged to invest in the personal development of the team members and support them in their different areas of interest (Barner, & Barner, 2012).
Plan To Enhance The Skills Of The Struggling Managers


Barner, R., & Barner, C. P. (2012). Building better teams: 70 tools and techniques for strengthening performance within and across teams. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.
Raines, S. (2013). Conflict management for managers resolving workplace, client, and policy disputes. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-building-teams-and-resolving-conflict/.

1. AssignBuster. "Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-building-teams-and-resolving-conflict/.


AssignBuster. "Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-building-teams-and-resolving-conflict/.

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"Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-building-teams-and-resolving-conflict/.

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