Quality Sociology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Illegal immigration

The first major immigration since our journey over to this country was the immigration of African Americans through the slave trade; 500, 000 were brought over until up to the time of the American Revolution. Americans show pride in the country and language while it lasts, because at the rate of illegal immigration, Americans will →

Immigration senior project

And they hope that this immigration reform can be done in 2013 that's will be the priority in 2013. Conclusion In conclusion yes should be an immigration reform because those immigrants that came for a better life have the right to seek a better life. Citizens' people should agree with this immigration →

Good a letter of a jewish immigrant from ukraine to the united states essay example

I did not believe they will force us to leave our homes and go to America, but the pogrom was so huge and devastating that there was no other choice. But we know that our migration was the only choice to survive were not we asked to leave?!

Reflection essay on immigration

Our current president wants to build a wall to keep Immigrants out of the US.he does not want immigration to be apart of the US because he believes that they would take our jobs and he believes that most of the people who come to the united states from mexico are all of the felons →

Sample essay on united states of america: 1848-1914

This led to the election of many blacks in office in 1871. The period between 1850 and 1900 was marked by several developments in the United States of America. The major one was the large movement of the immigrants to the United States.

Research paper on 19th century – kaiser von wilhelm and immigration to america

The royal setting enabled Wilhelm to interact and relate effectively with princes and monarchs across the region; a situation, which enabled Wilhelm understand the ruling system. Wilhelm 11 and Germans Immigration to America Immigration of Germans to America existed before the neo-colonial period. Under the rule of Wilhelm 11, the relationship between Germany and →

Book review on “who is irish”

This is evident in her struggle to instill her way of upbringing in the little innocent child of mixed cultures. The immigrant woman disapproves of her son-in-law for the reason that he as well as his brothers is unemployed despite their American origin by birth and ethnicity. Irrespective of her earlier strained relations with the →

Good 33. has post 9/11 immigration policy made us safer essay example

The phrase: " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" was given an interpretation by the Supreme Court in the case United v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898. 2 Later in 1921 with →

Example of essay on assembly bill 60: drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants in california

The California Assembly Bill 60 is an assembly bill in the California Assembly that will make it easier for immigrants within California who are undocumented or in California illegally to obtain California driver's licenses. Supporters of the law claim that the law will allow undocumented and illegal immigrants to drive more safely →

Free discursive analysis essay. report example

The theory of Lacanian Discursive Analysis has been applied to the paper in order to identify the symbolic and the imaginary unconscious reflected in the language spoken. In the first section of the paper I introduce Lacanian phenomenon the unconscious through the imaginary and the symbolic in the language. The →

Immigrants deserve a chance!

One of the reasons the economy is benefited by immigration is because immigrants start businesses which create jobs that are needed in the U.S. S -born citizens and they believed all immigrants live in the U.

Sarah brownson

Ellis Island Interviews by Peter Morton Coan does a great job describing the history of Ellis Island and the personal encounters of a fraction of immigrants who passed through in their journey to start a new life. In the beginning of Ellis Island Interviews, Coan gives a detailed history of Ellis Island from the time →

Latinos in america research paper examples

In deed the term Hispanic was coined in the 1970s to add a new race to the existing two, and effectively lamped all people with a shared origin. Delgado in providing what he considers a good definition of the term, states that the term is used in reference →

Immigration in the united states from mexico research papers example

The length of the border between Mexico and the United States is about 2000 miles and the number of crosses of the border is the biggest in the world. These expenses include border security, content of the different services that are engaged in verification of the identity and the past of Mexican immigrants, the payment →

The state essay sample

The constitution of a country stipulates the scope of power of the government. In drawing up a constitution, cultural practices of the society are put into consideration so that the laws and regulation are within the society's expectation and culture. The concept of a nation and its sovereignty determines the →

Example of essay on chicano studies

This was a somewhat relief to the Chicanos in that they would not have to be questioned on the streets of their immigration status. Consequences of breaking the laws of the Arizona SB 1070 A person who is arrested for being suspected of being an illegal immigrant cannot be let free before confirmation that →

Cited work essay example

The American Dream is a myth that still echoes in the ears in all of those people who have " Red Passports" and see the USA as their second chance to succeed in life and ensure the future for their children. The immigrants, legal and illegal, still believe in the →

Example of essay on federalism and immigration

Governor Jan Brewer stated, " As a border state bearing the brunt of our nation's broken immigration system a crisis exacerbated by the president's reckless immigration policies and refusal to enforce the law - our state and our citizens have had enough". The first plaintiff of the lawsuit is the attorney general →

Immigration reform in regards to public policy and the political process essay sample

This research looks at the history of immigration policy, critically looks at the provisions in the various Acts and makes recommendations to improve the existing policy framework. Literature Review Francisco assesses the effect of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The 1994 California's Preposition 187 barred →

Free almost all aliens book review sample

The first approach he uses is the approach of assimilationist whereby be converges the notion of immigration groups into some median in the American culture. The themes discussed in relation to this approach consider these immigrants to be part of the privileged and educated community only.

An unjustifiable act deliberate cruelty in a streetcar named desire essay

Tied to Stanley by her pregnancy, Stella has come to grips with the circumstances of her altered lifestyle but Blanche is utterly incapable of doing likewise. Stanley's rape of Blanche is the cynically cruel and unjustifiable act of an exploitative personality.

Close encounters with u.s. immigration essay sample

Khan described the U.S.border officials' checking of people coming in the United States. The author observed that the U.S.border officials have strongly suspects people with brown skin; primarily because these officials believe that brown-skinned people would act negatively in the United States. In addition, inspectors from the Customs are tasked to check the travelers' →

Argument essay: immigration essay sample

This promotes both a higher level and a wider range of goods and services produced, stimulating both the economy and job growth". The article written Varno et.al concludes that " Immigrants bring new skills and experience to our workforce. It's a challenge to organize and implement, but through immigration, taking in the stranger, we →

Example of identity and migration essay

Housing, social welfare, social assurances, rights and liberties, the openness of the new location of receiving and welcoming strangers, the diversity of the new location, are other significant factors that can influence the personality of individuals who are migrating and implicitly determine the effects of migration upon their identity change. As such, families migrating in →

Example of research paper on comparison and contrast between the iguana tree and real life immigrant stories

In exploring the emotions of the characters, the author exposed the inexorable working of the justice systems in the United States of America. The two characters get a break in the form of Americans who want to assist them with their legal matters and also offer meaningful employment. Although differences exist in the real life →

Example of research paper on should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants?

This is the issue of education where it is not clear as to whether states should be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants. This Act holds that the children who came into the country illegally before they attained the age of 16, and have lived in the US for at least 5 years, →

Bracero program

The Bracero Program The Bracero Program was a temporary contract labor program initiated in 1942 by the United States and Mexico. Along with opposition from Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the United States determined that the program was no longer vital to the American's; it discontinued the program in 1964.

Irish laborers in the united states

Following the Revolutionary War, countless immigrants made their way to the United States in hopes of having the freedoms and opportunities of the American people. The Irish were amongst these immigrants, having fled their homeland in the 1800s to seek refuge. Poor, starving, and desperate were the Irish as they boarded the packed cargo ships, →

The problem of illegal immigration in the united states research paper examples

Yet, it can be determined that the most fundamental crises facing the nation today is the influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico into the U.S., taking jobs and using-up resources meant for its own citizens. He continues that the current situation is not fair to those companies and immigrants who are trying →

Comparison the u.s. and netherlands` social policies

The study of social policy began in highly developed countries and is used to understand how healthcare policies influence the health and wellbeing of the population. In the past, the field of study on social policy has focused on advanced welfare states. This brief aims to compare and contrast the liberal and social democratic models →

New immigrants vs. old immigrants

The New immigrants and Old immigrants differed greatly in their behavior and qualities which was also pertained to the America they found between 1880 and 1940. It is also important to mention that the New immigrants were reluctant to blend in and they were very ethnic in their ways.

Political and economic development essay

Naturally enough the plantation class did not want their slaves to be freed so there was an intense debate on this score with the result that there was consistent conflict between the North and the South on these issues with the eventual result of the Civil War but one must →

‘be good, little migrants’ by uyen loewald essay sample

The author uses simple and repetitive structure and accessible language to reinforce the poems meaning. This poem relates to justice as there is nothing fair about the way Australia behaved towards the Asian migrants when they first migrated to Australia. In the poem ' Be good, little migrants' unfortunately this does not happen so →

Migrants in society: features of assimilation

Although the cultural difference and the language barrier are difficult to overcome, the ardent desire for the sense of belonging to their new home motivates the newcomers to become a part of the nation. Immigrants flatly give up everything they had in their birth land and immigrated to a wealthier country mostly to have a →

How a limited english proficiency affects the lives of immigrants research paper example

The particular centrality of the fiscal, societal and educative development related to with the skills of the United States immigrant often evades these people This reported information and remarkable change of the language skills in the states immigrant's ranges from the United States associated with an origin. S Immigrants , one's language capability →

Essay on critique

Obviously, people with immigrant backgrounds, especially coming from Hispanic countries, are the ones that can better understand the story, including its occasional insertion of typical words or phrases in Spanish. Besides the anxiety that lies under a first date when one is a teenager, the complexity of human thought, the hardships of immigrant life and →

The dream act research paper examples

This bill is intended to address this mischief and gives a clear and favourable verdict on the case of the students. Alternative proposals to address the issues The problem of undocumented students from the reading of the bill would be addressed mainly through two ways. In addition, in implementing these provisions, fidelity to the →

Irish immigration essay

Towards the end of 1845 the potato crops caught a fungus which destroyed the crops in the ground and also in the storage bins. They stayed in the cities and most of them ended up living in the slums with some Chinese and African Americans.

Immigration in america synthesis

Synthesis With all the foreigners crossing the borders of the United States, America is considered to be a nation of immigrants. Hence, illegal immigrants bring a threat to the United States on the aspect of job opportunities for American citizens.

Good the bitter debate on immigration in the united states essay example

The United States is a country founded on the blood, sweat, and tears of the immigrants who came here from all over the world. Supporters of immigration hold to the spirit of liberty and the culturally, racially, and ideologically mixed origins of all Americans and believe that that is the mission of the USA (Newman →

History of latino immigration to the united states research paper sample

The majority of the Hispanic is composed of Mexicans Americans most of whom were incorporated in the USA after the Mexican war of 1848. The history of their immigration to the United States is different depending on the cradle of the community. Mexican Latinos Mexicans make up the biggest chunk of the Hispanic population →

Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples

The teaching techniques and the students' performance should be evaluated after five years. - The scholars should conduct an extensive survey on the alternative teachers training and recommend whether it is worth to be implemented in schools or not. Issue #22 Issue: - the issue is whether undocumented immigrants are entitled to public education. They →

Sample essay on ethmicity and immigration

To that end, literature is the best way to explore immigration, because of the author's ability to distill the complex and sophisticated experiences of immigrants into a highly understandable, easy to follow narrative that nonetheless speaks the truth about the immigrant experience. Immigrant literature provides a unique way to talk about the prevailing theme of →

The immigration crisis in modern world

Our nation is been created and built by immigrants and visitors that followed our idea of freedom, democracy and justice for all, and wanted to stay and continue our founding father's legacy. Immigration is really serious and we have to both protect ourselves as citizens, but not forget about the human need and our humanism →

Middle eastern american research paper

They have largely contributed to the growth of the American society and as well as the economy of the nation due to their entrepreneurial traits. After the enacting of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East countries was witnessed.

Wwii and immigration

Furthermore, in 1907, adding to the isolationist stance of the U.S., the city of San Francisco attempted to remove Japanese students from white schools and put them in segregated schools with Chinese students. The Japanese government was infuriated by with this comparison to the Chinese; this led to the establishment of the →

Example of research paper on laws/regulations that apply with regards to employment of aliens

Evidently, there are certain protocols that must be adhered to by business seeking to hire immigrants as part of their workforce. The laws and regulations that apply in cases of where a business employs illegal immigrants are clearly spelt out in the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that was instigated in the year 1965. In →

The immigration of indians in the 19th century

These Africans and those from the African lineage became slaves on the plantations where they were not seen as humans and were treated as animals or property. After the freedom of the enslaved population in the 1830's, the planters were faced with irregularity of labour on the estates. As a result of →

Migration: definition, past & current situation, its effect on different aspects of human life

The financial tsunami and the outbreak of Ebola have affected economies and killed a lot of people in the world as there were a high number of death, and which we still see the effect it has left afterward. A good example is the slavery of black people in America in the 1750s and the →

Book review on what is the author’s purpose in writing the book

The book examines the migration patterns witnessed in the United States of America right from 1492 to the present. The book analyzes the migration patterns and the various policies that have shaped migration in the United States of America..

With rising numbers of immigrants in the united states, the 2013 immigration act essay example

This is attributed to the laxity of border patrols in the south of the nation. - Thesis Illegal Immigration is a serious problem in the United States and has been described as a melting pot of many races and cultures to form a society. Additionally, the paper will analyze the Border Security, Economic opportunity and →

Solving america’s immigration problem through integration

If there is to be any solution to America's immigration problem it is necessary to address the fears associated with immigration and the threat they pose to integration. It is imperative to recognize that economical, social and cultural integration of this section of our population are crucial to the future well being of the American →

Analysis of articles concerning syrian refugees in italy

Light is shined on how migrants entering Italy are dealt with in Doornbos and Moussa's article, " Italy Opens the Door to Diasaster". The authors imply disapproval of how Italy loosely deals with the incoming refugees through the accounts of refugees themselves. Doornbos and Moussa interview refugees who are grateful for how welcome Italy is →

Racial and ethnic identity in their relations to conflict and frustrations essay examples

In the case of Ramon he is at conflict with himself when he wonders whether to wait for the police officer or just disappear since he would be arrested as an illegal immigrant and as having driven without a driving license. The officer knew he could not arrest Ramon as an illegal immigrant since he →

Lebanese americans

Lambert to assimilate with UScultureand people, what differences she has found between two cultures and how different cultural norms influence her living in the new for her country on the daily basis. Immigrants in America A lot of people from different countries come to the United States in →

Pre-dp inquiry skills

This exemplifies the fact that the US is running on empty, and without a boost of reform in the US immigration laws the US will no longer be one of the world's vital economic powers. Immigration promotes growth, and diversity of culture in the US.

Survey sample and results essay example

IF they do not commit any crimes for a period of 5 years after the I.D.is given, they will then be granted U.S.citizenship. - Would you vote for this new law? - Yes - No Respondent # 19 Survey the blank questions and two multiple choice questions. IF they do not commit any crimes →

conclusion report for immigration research question essay sample

The purpose of this social science research was to indicate and answer the imposing research question of " What are the factors and motivations an individual considers when choosing a country to move to?" After conducting a questionnaire and using other reliable sources to collect primary and secondary data, I can confirm that →

Immigration reform essay examples

Abstract Immigration reform refers to the current political debate in the United States involving the ongoing political debates regarding to changes in the current immigration policy of the nation. They argue that they maintain that illegal immigrants are criminals, and economic and social burdens to tax-paying, law-abiding citizens. In the recent weeks, the →

Immigrant born children deserve rights

The amendment states, " All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. Children born in America deserve the right to stay in their homes with opportunities for their families to be come naturalized citizens.

Irish immigrants and their struggles

The Irish were brave, courageous, and hardworking and made it possible for all Irish to live happy and free lives in America. The Irish immigrated to the United States starting in 1820, more came after 1820 due to the potato famine which started in 1845, rotting of the potato crops caused thousands of deaths due →

Dominican republic research paper

In the 1980s, immigration to the United States from the Dominican Republic rose to unprecedented levels. Of the 169, 147 Dominican-born persons resident in the United States at the time of the 1980 census, only 6.

Example of my accomplishment essay

This involves the learning of the English language, aligning oneself to the American customs and culture whilst adhering to the old religion and food. One who is in need of studying English in the USA colleges is required to make an application for a student visa. When the application has been accepted, the student can →

Example of research paper on italians migration to australia

Introduction The Italians movement to Australia can be dated back in the late 19th century and 20th century, a period in the history of the world that was characterized with enlightenment, liberalism, industrial revolution, and the fascinating and challenging experience of the world exploration. However with the outstanding achievement and settlement, they faced →

Free essay on analytical response

In order to have position in American society these families were forced to assimilate and accept all of the rules of the country they arrived in, and first of all, in order to be accepted they had to learn the language. For a lot of reasons the seriousness of the situation becomes very visible with →

Good essay about networking the text

These articles present the current situation of the immigration laws and policies of the American immigration system and how they can be altered for the betterment of the country and its people. The current immigration system is very complex which, in a way, forces people to disobey the law and prevents the immigrants from completing →

Free components of the bill literature review example

This essay will discuss the major components of the Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, how it is viewed by the Americans, the status of the bill and its limitations and opportunities. The four major components of the bill include border security, immigrant visas, interior enforcement, and reforms to non-immigrant visa program. However, it never succeeded →

Illegal immigration in america (persuasive essay)

Illegal immigrationin America Immigrating to America is a benefit and good because it allows people to seek a new job, new life and have access to a brighter future for example, the pilgrims on the Mayflower. But illegal immigrants have a good and bad effect to the economy and the country.

Illegal immigration essay essay

During a visit to Ellis Island last summer I learned that during the early 1900's we encouraged in-migration because it was a clip when our country's district had grown and we needed more people to assist with the continued development of our state. Today.nevertheless.we find that in-migration is non seen as a positive for our →

Research paper on hispanics

The Mexican War led to the immigration of the first Spanish-speaking group of people in America. The increase in population of the Hispanics has led to a heated debate about their identity within the American Population. As discussed above, the Hispanics are comprised of several groups of people with diverse historical backgrounds.

President obama and immigration reform essay samples

Illegal Immigration and the Obama Administration Introduction The current influx of illegal immigration at the United States and Mexico border affects every aspect of American life. Political analysts have suggested that President Obama will utilize his last two years in office addressing illegal immigration and the issue →

Case study on the people and the climate

Unfavorable climatic conditions were instrumental in spurring migration of persons out of the area as shown by widespread failure of the main crops cotton as a result of prolonged drought and flooding from the year 1934-1936. Indeed, the cotton crop failure in those years impacted greatly on the rural population of the eastern Oklahoma since →

Dream act essay example

There is also a view that it will encourage illegal immigration to the country, increasing the rate of illegal activities in the country. In this essay, I will bring out the view how this Act will be of benefit to America's Economy and people as a whole. The 2009 version of the dream act has →

Legal alien poem essay sample

It is a straightforward poem about how life is for a person with the same race/ethnicity as others and at the same time, different from others. The poem " Legal Alien" is about a woman of Mexican parents, who is born and raised in America. P at Mora uses " handy token" because she →

Organic farming in canadian culture

It produces the bacteria and fungi that breakdown organic matter to create humus. These activities of organic vegetable production and compost production are an integral part of Canadian Culture and living style. Development of these skills help a neuromere in the settlement and integration process in the Canadian atmosphere.

Example of anchor babies and the 14th amendment research paper

Steve King , one of the most vocal dogmatists on the issue of immigration, has placed on the House floor that would seek to define these " categories of individuals [who are] born in the United States and citizens of the United States at birth". In the argument of the Supreme Court, those that →

Sample essay on should immigrants americanize their children why or why not and does americanization

And the first thing they have to do, in order to blend in is to learn the language of the country; otherwise their existence in the new country will be impossible. The problem of assimilation and adaptation becomes acuter, when it concerns children. However, it is also important to remember, that these children have to →

Sample essay on tv: so you were helping the test monitor she didnt ask for your help, did

My English was already good enough to write papers. 2) TV: If your English was already at a proficient level to write many English papers, why did you need to enroll in an ESL class? AA: I needed to make my English better, to continue to improve so that I →

Example of gangs in garden city – review critical thinking

According to Sarah Garland's research and thesis, the deterioration of the suburbs and the increase in crime is a result of underfunded schools, immigration raids, and excessive incarceration policies. By 2006, the crime rate dropped from 758 for every 100, 000 people to 474 for the same number. Garland also determines that media overexposure of →

The right conclusion from that is the fact that hurting peoples feelings is bad argumentative essay sample

Some schools of thought, Luke Muehlhauser for instance, maintain that objectification refers to the act of treating others as a means to an end, without being keen on their goals feelings and preferences. With objectification, not only is vivid the fact that the overall change of culture will not solely →

Good essay on white bread and national security

This confirms the long struggle of the Americas in changing of what people eat. The history of the bread ties with all the issues highlighted above of nativism, class, gender and race. The changing in the nature of the bread reflects the change of social norms.

Diversity worksheet

Ethnicity is based on the person's origin, therefore in this group we would categorize people according to where their ancestors are from. I believe people label and group other people because they are uninformed to the facts of the other's culture, religion, race, etc.grouping they are categorizing people in.

Changes in immigration at canada on 20th century

Immigrationhas had a strong effect on Canada's historical development, from countryside in the early part of the 20th century to the building of Canada's largest cities. By 2006, the most numbered of immigrants coming to Canada originated in Asia, most especially in China and India.

Sample essay on the grand torino and self-concept

Within the movie, there is conflict between a gang of young Hmong adults and the immigrants that have moved in next to the main character; slowly, the main character begins to win the trust of the Hmong community for chasing off the gangs, even after one of their own tried to →

Example of reaction paper 2 essay

Society is a group of people who reside in a particular region and share common beliefs and norms. Culture is the values, the people of a particular society share.

Sample article review on the effectiveness of immigration policies

Despite the regulations that have been put in place in order to regulate the immigration in the United States, there have been numerous setbacks that have led to the questioning of the effectiveness of the immigration policies. This among one of the major factors that have contributed to the ineffectiveness of the immigration that have →

Essay on civil liberties and individual rights

The country has become multi-cultural with a wide variety of beliefs and concepts of individual rights held among the citizens. The most influential branch of government which describes and protects civil liberties is the Supreme Court. For example, on August 1 WXYZ.com ABC Action news reported angry citizens and Detroit leaders gathering to voice their →

The worker next door

The first paragraph of this essay is a rhetorical question that asks how different life would be if illegal immigrants were not in the country doing low-class, low-skilled, and low-wage jobs that most Americans would not do. This question is a good way to start the essay, making the reader think a little, and get →

Article review on envy up, scorn down: how comparison divides us by susan t. fiske

We should be cautious enough to patiently study, analyze and understand the intensions and the ability of people to influence our lives in whatever way. In addition, I would like to agree with this writer for suggesting that the only surest way to mitigate envy and scorn is through empathy and recognition. Many people, especially →

Clinton and connerly’s speeches on affirmative action essay sample

On July 19, 1995, in his speech on affirmative action at the National Archives, Clinton explained how men were created equal, and that they are entitled by their creator, and by United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, to certain rights such as, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He pointed to the →

Report on the project investigation regarding art and human rights

This is highly challenging for me because I have to do a lot of research about child abuse in Kampala and even though I get the information that I need about child abuse, I still have to carry out a lot of research about creating an effective magazine which would be worth people's time to →

Ethical and legal dilemmas of surrogacy

Is it moral or immoral to enter into an agreement with a woman to birth a child formoney? What are the legal rights of the woman conceiving or of the couple? Discussed below is the history of surrogacy, the ethical and legal dilemmas that surround surrogacy, alternative solutions to surrogacy, and the potential effects and →

Should doug hann be expelled- argument essay

So it's not like this is something Hann just did, it's something he is known to do especially while being drunk, so he's trying to hide behind the 1st amendment : Freedom of Speech Now do not quote me on this but Freedom of Speech means freedom to speak freely where you do not have →

Difference between hobbes and locke and relationship to the emergence of rights

Thus it can be seen that in contrast to Hobbes belief that the state of " war" was a natural part of the state of nature, Locke stated that the two were not the same. Instead the relationship between government and the people is to be viewed as that of a fiduciary, whereby the governments →

Gay rights

Despite the hard-won gains that now allow many in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community (often abbreviated as GLBT or LGBT) including those serving as elected officials, in high-profile business roles, and in the military to be open about their sexuality, they are still denied what gay rights advocates contend is one of the →

The pros and cons of the women’s suffrage movement

The law in the Wyoming Territory, the first state to allow women to vote, reads: Female Suffrage Chapter 31 An Act to Grant to the Women of Wyoming Territory the Right of Suffrage, and to Hold Office Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wyoming: →