Quality Sociology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Research paper on gender, employment, age, ethnicity and educational factors influencing robbers in the state of massachusetts

Educational Background RESEARCH QUESTIONS What gender is more often arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What ethnicity is arrested for robbery in Massachusetts? What age category is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What occupational status is arrested for robbery in the state of Massachusetts? What educational background is β†’

Agriculture women entrepreneurs: problems and delights

The fundamental point of the paper is to investigate the states of ladies specialists in the farming division in order to improve the capability of the Indian rural part. Agriculture is the main contributor to national income and it is the primary source of savings and capital formation which influences the economic growth of any β†’

Equality and diversity

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment.- The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk - Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save β†’

Good example of essay on current issues in public health

The 2014 epidemic is the biggest in history, affecting many countries in West Africa with more than 4, 900 people having succumbed to it. The aim of this writer is to show some positive progress of this epidemic with the infections rates slowing down by day in Liberia, one of the highly

The causes of arab spring

Together, these factors contributed to a decade of global unrest which escalated and became known as the Arab Spring in what is now recognised as the worst decade of unrest in the modern history of the Middle East. A Decade of Uncertainty The Arab Spring, grew out of a decade of uncertainty characterised by β†’

Essay on so, what do we have: we dont know, what is more expensive cl 600 or z8

That's why the absolute inequality for both cases could be written in the following way: x-130645> 10000 It is the same like 130645-x> 10000 Because the absolute value is a positive value, it is like the difference between 2 numbers, it does not matter which one is higher. Hence, the sum of β†’

Analysis on gender discrimination

Gwen Carleton from the Capital Times reports part of the problem is that many of the deans and administrators making hiring decisions continue to believe women are unqualified or uninterested in faculty positions. How are we doing as a nation? Vote to keep politicians in office that favor equality for men and women in all β†’

Study guide for hrm320 midterm:

DO write the answer in your own words, applying it to the question. DO include the link to the website in your answer.

Principles of literary criticism

Rosales Still I Rise by Maya Angelou: A Poem Overcoming Prejudice " Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is a courageous and inspiring poem written about the emerging prominence of African Americans published on the year 1978. It may include the belief that a human of one sex is intrinsically superior to the other.Maya Angelou, β†’

The three things i would change in the society if it is possible

There are different issues winning in our general public, however on the off chance that it was conceivable to change three things I would pick abuse of web based life, medicate misuse, and how misery is dismissed in our general public. Over the previous decade internet based life has turned out to be progressively mainstream β†’

Gender equality

The points of Pharr and Kessler-Harris are valued to question if women will ever escape the indecency of this injustice. Kessler-Harris and Pharr prove that this discrimination towards women in the workplace is only the beginning of many inequalities occurring inside the social category of women.

Caged bird analysis

The opening of the racism theme is on the line 13, Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, it represent that the society was strictly divided in racial groups and also shows that the religion is a quite an important factor in the live of our main character, Maya. The way Momma was mentioned right in the beginning β†’

Black like me by john howard griffin: an analysis

On the other hand, when I arrived to the United States, the only form of this unfair treatment I received was from African American's. This leaves me to better understand my responsibility as an American citizen in order that I might treat people fairly; and in the words of Dr.

“white privilidge” by paula s. rothenberg essay sample

Do you agree with him? When Harlon Dalton suggests that most white people do not give racial recognition to their backgrounds he means that most white people do not see themselves as raced. By not seeing race when they look at themselves leaves whites with the inability to see that race is part of β†’

Higher learning essay

This is showed at the end of the movie with the exchange between Malik and Kristen when they were staring at the memorial for the dead. In the beginning of the story Kristen and Malik are sharing an elevator going up to their rooms.

Immigration: racism and greece

The first section of this essay is about theimmigrationto Greece, and it explores the reasons of the increasing immigration to Greece, the second explores the attitudes of Greeks towards immigration, whereas the next section highlights theracismand xenophobia in Greece's society. Section four is about the ethnocentric school curriculum in this country, whereas, β†’

Good race and ethnicity in literature research paper example

Nadine Gordimer's " Country Lovers" and Patricia Smith's " What it's like to be a Black Girl" illustrate both concepts, such that they are different types of literature but an analysis of these two focuses on human nature in relation to the influence of a specific period of history, specifically during the decades that racism β†’

Sample research paper on race bias, facial recognition and recall: the effects of race on memory

Using empirical evidences obtained from the current research's implementation, the researchers were able to verify that the respondents' ability to memorize, recall, and recognize faces were still significantly affected by the presence of own race bias; in this case however, the additional independent variable which was the school affiliation β†’

Psychological development: racism, affirmative action and health care research paper

Racism in America has been one of the most sensitive factors since it can be the source of a range of other negative aspects. America is one of the most diverse countries in the world due to the high number of immigrants recorded as from the 17th through the 20th centuries. This implies that affirmative β†’

Literature review: the new jim crow essay sample

Alexander makes a very compelling and radical argument that the mass incarceration of minorities is the rebirth of Jim Crow segregation laws; ultimately relegating most people of color to the status of second-class citizens. Alexander suggests that the remedy to the problem of racial injustice and mass incarceration is not one of a β†’

Racism against native americans analytical essay

He uses a number of racial and cultural abuses that are used in a derogatory way to refer to people of other cultures, races, sexual orientation and religious affiliations to make the point that the use of Indian words to name sports teams is derogatory to the Indians. However, the point that Churchill is trying β†’

Black lives matter: an anger against constant oppression

This became the inspiration for the movement for these three women, and many others in the world." Black Lives Matter" is a movement in which African-Americans and other racial groups come together out of anger in order to fight the constant oppression and destruction of the general African-American race. Of course, it's not just African-Americans β†’

Colored me – neale hurston

When she was a little girl she was not aware that she was black. It was by the time she was sent to school that she realized the fact.

Women, culture, and society

Because of the definition I formed of Lorde's statement and the definition given above of multiracial feminism it leads me to believe that Lorde's statement may be incorrect that is to say if she indeed is saying that the tools of racism cannot be used to destroy it then what exactly can? In order to β†’

Unconscious racism in psychology

It will be followed by criticisms of the concept of unconscious prejudice and the evidences presented in opposition. Devine's investigation and many other similar researches that are presented as an evidence for the existence of unconscious prejudice in a common man are all based on assessing racial attitudes after participants are given bias clues.

Racism: a comparison and contrast of two literary works

The determination of the elderly woman contrasts with the character Thebedi from the previous story in that the unnamed woman does not give in to the white people's dominating views, as she presses on to the white church. The thought of having a biracial child was degrading and unthinkable to Paulus.

White privilege: unpacking the invisible

I have chosen those conditions that I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographic location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined. As far as I can tell, my African American coworkers, friends, and acquaintances with whom I β†’

Racism issue and solutions research paper

I have always wanted to explore the subject of racism because it affects many people in every corner of the world. Racism in My Community and Life I have encountered several acts of racism in my community. People should become keepers of their friends, neighbors, and workmates to deal with racism. Creative Ideas to β†’

Skin deep response

Dane states directly to the other teens in the group, " no way I can step back and change that," meaning his grandparents that were involved in the Confederacy. Because Dane was raised in a mainly racist family and dominantly white neighborhood he was brought up to think he was better than β†’


In 1889, Andrew Carnegie volunteered to offer a library to the town of Braddock About one hundred years ago, the town of Braddock was vibrant, and the people were very active. This is why the church is symbolic, and it is being used as a venue of interaction for all people.

Good research paper on the psychology of racisim

In the first half of the 19th century the main stronghold of racist theories were the United States, as the result of intensification of the struggle between slaveholders and abolitionists advocates of the black people emancipation. It is the tendency of people to perceive and evaluate the phenomena of life through the prism of traditions β†’

Free reading chapter2 from allan johnsons book privilege, power, and difference essay sample

Allan defines privilege, he also gives the two types of it, and he highlights its flip side which is oppression while examining the paradox of the said privilege. In the 2nd chapter the author explains how having differences in itself is not a bad thing, the trouble comes in how β†’

Racial discrimination? well, what exactly does it mean?

Racial discrimination has existed for eons now and while we would like to believe that it has reduced or is non-existent in the society we live in today, the fact of the matter is that it still exists and can be felt in different facets of the society even today. We, Indians, faced cruel and β†’

Electronics engineering report examples

Notice that the polarities are reversed in Figures 1b and 2c compared to Figure 2a. The DC current gain is equal to DC Current Gain = IC/IB when IC = output current, and IB = input current. So the DC current gain is the ratio between the two currents which exist β†’

The new jim crow: is colorblindness this generation

It is important to note that The New Jim Crow does not seek to be a full analysis of the ways in which the criminal justice system affects people of color who are not black or how the system affects women of color. Alexander does acknowledge that the criminal justice system affects β†’

Good example of racism research paper

The most famous of intuitional forms of racism occurred in the southern states of the USA and apartheid in South Africa. However, the further researches proved that there is no essential difference in the size of a skull between human races, and therefore the IQ in not linked with the size of the skull. Many β†’

Racism, colonialism and the emergence of third world essay

According to Strong the superior race is the Anglo-Saxon, a race formed by the interbreeding of the Americans and the English people. However, different scholars have different views concerning how the superiority of the specific groups is achieved. Moreover, the wars also led to impoverishment of the countries. Racism and colonialism usually have traumatic consequences β†’

Db 3 critical thinkings examples

The study has established a barrier that is created by the discrimination and stereotyping that has been hardwired into the thinking of people, due to the circumstances evident in their lives. The lesson in Elliot's study will forever have a positive impact on the diversified workforce of today. The lesson β†’

Review on rosewood

The father keeps trying to teach the little boy how to hate and how to mistreat black people, as we see In the part where he teaches his son to tie a hangman's knot and when he forbids the kid to play with his little friend, who Is black. If theracismshown In the β†’

Good example of essay on short stories- there are 8 topics to choose from what ever you want to pick

However, instead of dwelling on the exploitation and discrimination endured by the blacks or accentuating how unjust and inhumane whites are, this composition aims to refute the notion that social groups on the " oppressed" end of the spectrum, or the blacks for this matter, are always the underdogs. In the one hand and as β†’

Free anthropology essay sample

Never again? It is a deep wound of the heart of humanity." Most people see genocide as a crime of vast scale this term loses the sense of the individual human tragedy that takes place countless times as something that would never happen here". The movie " Indian School: Stories of Survival" depicts the β†’

Nationality differentiation and its effect

Most people will not directly discriminate other races, but that does not mean it does not happen everyday. Many will argue that their race is superior over another, or that the actions of a few individuals of a certain race determines how that race of people are, therefore making them unequal. I do not think β†’

Racism and stereotypes in invisible man

Another use of imagery in the book is in chapter 11 when the invisible man wakes up in the hospital and notices how he is sitting in a white chair with white overalls. In the book, the invisible man goes through a series of events that affect the tone of the story and also the β†’

Today’s segregation and self segregatingΒ Β 

We all know the history of segregation the reason for segregation in place was to ensure the black Americans to lived apart from white Americans. The World & I Diversity in America states " the fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original β†’

Racism and its part in the play othello

How Othello is treated, Desdemona's love to Othello, and how the play might have went if he faced the courts instead of suicide, all relate to the race of the hero, Othello. One main factor in racism is how the racists will refer to the victim, or mainly, how he is treated. He is the β†’

Creative writing on readings

In the case of the United States, the very words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence emphasize the equality due to every person in the United States. 2. It is important to learn about other cultures, and the importance of diversity.

Ted video jose antonio abreu essay samples

This essay analyzes the rhetorical techniques that Antonio employs in order to make his point and convince his audience in the value of his beliefs. He begins by personalizing everything he is about to say by speaking of his desire since his childhood to become a musician." Ever since I β†’

Good example of essay on engl 107 006

The story tells of how people stereotype and make assumptions about others, something that explains the forms of discrimination seen in it. The writer shows a lot more discrimination and stereotyping in this story and there are a few examples that show that. The young guy is from a poor neighborhood and he was concerned β†’


OLYMPE As a nation, South Africa possesses economic and social strengths that can help it develop a successful IT industry within the country. Ranked by the World Bank as an " upper middle-income country", South Africa is the largest economy in Africa and it remains rich with promise.

Poverty in liberia

In actuality, there are only two classes in Liberia: the very rich and the very poor, with the majority classified as the latter. A reporter from the African Development Bank Group estimated that only 4. Not Enough Money 76% of Liberians are now living below the poverty line and 52% β†’

Sample research paper on birth rate india per 1000 in 2013 was 20.22/1,000

It is also required to use sophisticated economic models on the first part of the assignment. Analysis and Findings Assignment-1/Part-1 It is required in this part of the assignment is to analyze the trends and development indicators of some of the major economies of the world. In this part, it is required to β†’

Conflicts in measuring income disparity in hong kong argumentative essay

Conflicts in measuring income disparity in Hong Kong In terms of comparison between the west and east, parallels are often drawn between the two cities of New York and Hong Kong. The city had been popularly described as " World's greatest experiment in laissez-fare capitalism" by Milton Friedman. In

Social injustice essay example

The most probable reason for the perception of the existence of a caste system in America is the incessantly widening gap between the rich and the poor. Shrinking Middle Class Lareau and Conley define a class as a group of people who earn relatively the same amount of money, through the same means hand β†’

Example of essay on native americans in xx century

Such an atmosphere of discrimination and alienation of some people were further aggravated by the poor quality and access of healthcare and education infrastructure, and by the prevalence of severe poverty and mushrooming of anti-social elements, drug abuse, and criminal activities. Due to the impact of these factors, the worst affected people were the tribal β†’

Lisa humble

The term " underclass" refers to a group of people that, in some people's opinions are at the lowest position of the class hierarchy. Murray argues that in the USA there is a black " underclass" that consists of criminals, single mothers and young men who do not wish to work.

Child poverty and inequality

The pervasive nature of child abuse and the lack of progress in creating awareness of issues of child abuse demand for urgent action to address this issue. The proposed dissertation Seeks to examine the extent to which poverty in Africa has masked awareness of issues of child abuse in Africa. As such, the research objectives β†’

Public health research proposal example

They include visible, structural abnormalities as well as inherited disease". Statement of research The purpose of this study is to identify the elements and features of birth defects, and find solutions to this problem of health and physical deformities in future. Significance and background of the study In β†’

Palestine versus israel research paper

When, following Jewish immigration, the Palestinian land was split up into Palestine and Israel, the Palestinians were forced to give up parts of the country that were rightfully theirs. The only method of solving the conflict is for the Israelis to give back the land that they do not own, β†’

Agricultural mechanizasion as a solution to food insecurity in africa

Agricultural mechanization implies the use of various power sources and improved farm tools and equipment, with a view to reduce drudgery of the human beings and draught animals, enhance the cropping intensity, precision and timeliness of efficiency of utilization of various crop inputs and reduce the losses at different stages of crop production. Different researchers β†’

Materialism as a providing theme in stuff is not salvation and dumpster diving novels

The difference in the essays is that the authors come from different economic situations. In both essays, both authors write about how many people disregard things that are still valuable, supporting the point that individuals do not appreciate things that can still be usable. Both statements from the authors, support that people put more importance β†’

Example of ann moody biography book review

The memories of the atrocities suffered by Blacks in America over the last 200 years going right back to the founding fathers of America. The African Americans, " the south" live in a state of perpetual fear of the whites like they had done for the past 200 years.

Life chances essay examples

In a caste system, there are minimal life chances because of the rigid nature of the caste system characterized with inequality and stratification. Low-class family children always study hard for competitive positions such as scholarship in order to accomplish their goals and improve the living standards of their families.

Power-hungry downward spiral in citizen kane and there will be blood

His drastically contrasting character is critical to how we view the emperor throughout the story. The first act of Caligula begins with his senators arguing about his whereabouts and what it is that has caused him to disappear on his subjects. By being the first to contribute this kind of information, Scipio immediately confirms his β†’

Poverty and health essay

Children are considered to be the future of every country and ensuring their good health is the collective responsibility of parents, general public and the government. Cause Analysis: According to me, the factors that give rise to poverty and ill health include the following: - Lack of basic amenities - Gender inequality - Lack of cleanliness β†’

Trade and poverty in china

Accordingly, China must seriously examine the impact of its social policy restructuring efforts in order to minimize the effects of trade liberalization and the privatization of social services on the poor. Works Cited: Adornino, Giovanni and Wilcox, Russel G." China: Between Social Stability and Market Integration." China & World Economy 14. Fujita, Masahisa and Hu, β†’

International bank of bob essay

Yet after all these expenses, life remained standard. Bob's act of changing the lives of poor Americans and citizens from the rest of the world poses a significant challenge and a call for individuals to question the use of the resources they possess. This act of changing the lives of disillusioned and desperate individuals in β†’

How do we define inequality in american the society essay example

Inequality is an issue of concern in the American society since the emergence of the slave trade many centuries ago." Unlike poverty, which concentrates on the situation of those at the bottom of society, inequality shows how resources are distributed across the whole society" (Inequality: What is it?, 2014, p.1). Within the American society, β†’

Aspects of social class creative writing

The paper will focuses on social class, poverty and social mobility especially the African Americans society. Poverty Debatably, poverty is one of the greatest problems in the world, especially the third world countries. However natural occurrence such has hurricane Katrina has made Americans to discuss about the issue of poverty,. In United States the β†’

How does dickens present the poor and poverty in a christmas carol?

Fred shows he is better off without all the money that Mr Scrooge has, he has his wife, his family his friends even though he is going through poverty and Dickens is showing this by making Fred go round to his uncles work and invite him to his Christmas dinner and is ignored by Mr β†’

Example of research paper on stratification and prejudice: race and poverty

In this paper, the scandal regarding Florida's race-based education goals, the sexual harassment of a public official towards female military rape victims and the treatment of permit-less protests in the wake of Occupy Wall Street will be explored, noting the prevalence of gender, racial and class stratification and discrimination in β†’

The issue of poverty & sound environmental management

Since the environment provides food and other resources that can be used to feed the hungry some which are the millions of children which die daily due to inadequate access to these resources, poor people also depend mostly on the environment as a means of livelihood and degradation of such environment will affect them the β†’

Opinion on subsidies in malaysia

With the opening of markets, and the entry of foreign companies - this will mean that he Malaysian government money may have to be given to these foreign companies as 'subsidies ' to maintain the low prices that people in Malaysia pays. Why pay the foreign companies? Put it another way, getting subsidy β†’

Example of argumentive essay. argumentative essay

Beauty and ugliness are used by the author to show the difference between the first glance and the keen look. The beauty of use of beauty and ugliness are used to show the difference between the rich and poor.

Crime, poverty and social protest

Machine breaking may have been criminal as defined by the law and may have been further encouraged by economic difficulties, nevertheless, it seems indisputable that instances of machine breaking and the wider movements that can be identified fall within the category of social protest and were to some extent linked with poverty or the threat β†’

Poverty and regional inequality in ghana

The flood of development rhetoric on poverty, the primacy accorded by lenders and donors to the Millennium Development Goals, of which the reduction of extreme poverty is the first and usually considered the most important, and the frequency with which reducing, alleviating or eliminating poverty is seen as a prime goal and measure of β†’

Sample research paper on comparison of nigeria and norway

After 1945 Norway gave up the policy of neutrality and in 1949 it joined NATO. The history of Nigeria is even longer than the Norwegian one. One of the members of it is Norway, giving one of the highest sums in 4.

Importance and impact of poverty on outcomes

Some impacts and outcomes for children and young people are: Communities in poverty may not have local amenities such as play schools, mother and toddler groups and usually have higher risk of gangs and anti-social behaviour within their neighborhood, which may reduce their play in a safe outdoorenvironment. Poor diet due to low β†’

Essay on racism and white privilege in the school system

Racial impartialities exist in the way learners interact on racial lines and this fact is evidence that this affects the teaching and learning process. It is a proven fact that students of color who come from low income families do not get an equal opportunity in accessing the education that β†’

Changing the face of poverty essay sample

The Quote " Constructively changing the ways the poor are presented in every aspect of life is one progressive intervention that can challenge everyone to look at the face of poverty and not turn away". What does George mean by the " emotional overload" of this image?

Liting wang

The Africa News Service published the article " There Is Need to ReviewOur Education System" on April 1, 2009 by Rhoda Kalema, a well-known author and titleholder of 'Uganda's Forum for Women in Democracy as a transformative leader 1996.' The article looks at some pressing issues that the education system of Uganda currently faces. There β†’

Good hoop dreams essay example

The storyline for this film is so theatrical and captivating to the point of appearing to be crafted from fiction. The fate of the two boys begins with their encounter with Earl Smith, a renowned talent scout for several white high school that often recruits impressionable grammar school children. In regard to the social problems β†’

Homeless children in america

Single women with children represent the fastest growing group of homeless, accounting for about 40% of the people that are becoming homeless today. Social work is doing a great deal of work to try to address the issue of homeless children.

Slums: india mumbai slum essay sample

According to the United Nations, the percentage of urban dwellers living in slums decreased from 47 percent to 37 percent in the developing world between 1990 and 2005.[1] However, due to rising population, and the rise especially in urban populations, the number of slum dwellers is rising. This tourism niche is operating in almost all β†’


In USA 1 in 5 children lives in poverty.[6] In terms of percentage of regional populations, sub-Saharan Africa at 47% had the highest incidence rate of absolute poverty in 2008. 2 per day is in a different state of poverty than someone living on $0.

Poverty in pakistan

Furthermore, the incidence of poverty in Pakistan is discussed through a case study where we discussed the various characteristics of poverty groups in Pakistan based on ethnicity of minorities and indigenous population, gender and rural-urban levels of poverty. 04 | 305 | 11 | Total | | 5451 | 1372 | Using the variable of β†’

Example of sociology of social change term paper

The political stability is usually jeopardized due to opinions on war and ideology which contributes to more problems for the poor people in society. Mismanagement and bad governance In the poor societies, the leadership structures are not well defined and the rule of law is not followed to the later. The natural resources in β†’

Essay on the great depression

This single, big blow in the economy, which was the root cause of this tragic economic event, was actually the decline of the primary supplies of the people brought about by the war, thus later result to severe and complicated poverty in the country. An immeasurable and countless reasons had brought out this unsightly incident β†’

Economic reforms gdp growth and poverty alleviation

Objective of study The group is focused on studying the impacts of Economic reforms on Poverty and has identified the following objectives for the study ' Finding & Analyzing the correlation between economic reforms & Poverty alleviation.' Interpreting the correlation.' Studying to what extent the economic reforms have proved to be beneficial when it comes β†’

Essay on no english at home

It does, however, also point out a correlation with not speaking English at home and poverty, as well as the isolation many who do not speak English often feel. For example, it is pointed out that many people who do not speak English at home are less proficient in English than others.

A case study on oral reading fluency thesis

Those establishments interacted in perverse ways with a series of other shocks that hit Africa, shocks like the slave trade in the early modern period and the colonialism in the 19th century. The contemporary segment corresponds to the advanced part of the economy, and it is associated with urban life, use of the advanced technology β†’

Mega city – dhaka essay sample

For the millions of rural poor, the population of the city, Dhaka is increasing rapidly due to rural-urban migration. This is due to the rapid increase of the rapidly growing rate of rural-urban migration population.

Wealth redistribution in america critical thinking examples

Therefore, there should be a redistribution of some of the wealth from the top one-fifth to the lowest one-fifth in America. One important aspect the wealth redistribution is that it ensures there is a sense of fairness, and it is good for both the rich and the poor. Income inequality is unfavorable to social justice, β†’

Research paper on religion and compassion

He believes that the human sufferings in the world civilization are caused by the political and economic inequalities that are as a result of individuals and groups of redemptory and prophetic religions based on the universal brotherhood. As a result, the split has extremely widened in a sense that the values of the world have β†’

Social divisions: social exclusion and social inclusion

For social workers to be able engage and help people who are socially excluded such as homeless people, they have to have an understanding that homelessness is a ' multiple exclusion'. In conclusion the role of a social worker is increasingly significant when working with people who are socially excluded, due to multiple factors such β†’

Rhetorical analysis essay example

In her essay, Still Hungry in America, the author explores the food challenges among Americans. The article examines the importance of the existing food programs and the most effective means of strengthening the existing food policies. The knowledge of the food situation in American and significance of the existing food programs β†’

Seeing and making culture: representing the poor essay sample

In " Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor," bell hooks argues that the poor are portrayed as lacking integrity and dignity, and is convinced that TV shows and films send out a message that people cannot feel good about themselves if they are poor. She postulates that the low self-esteem of the less β†’