Quality Social Science Essay Examples for Your Learning

Throw away all fears except the fear of god

I actually hated myself for this, but I just could not help myself being what I am, a silly fool perhaps to others, but for me, I am just doing my best to live up to God's expectations. In a span of twenty years, I helped my sister pay her debts, I rescued my brother, →

Lifeboat ethics by garrett hardin

The article " Lifeboat Ethics: the case against helping the poor" written by Garrett Hardin emphasizes the need for sharing the earth's resources equally between all the countries of the world as a concentration of these resources in one part of the world or among a particular class of people would only lead to dangerous →

Social contract ethics

Social Contract Ethics School The concept of social contract requires wide exploration and analysis of its aspects, because as far as the theory concerns society in general there are a lot of things and contradictions to think about. In general, the main ethical problem is how to cohabitate with others treating them equally, that's why →

The death penalty in america

In this book, Adam Hugo presents a candid discussion on the controversies surrounding the death penalty in the USA. Print. Here, the authors present an argument about the issue of the death penalty in the country.

The rhode island government appointments project

Analysis of the Rhode Island Government Appointments Project In a bid to enhance the female participation in politics, The Rhode Island Government Appointments Project has called for anyone who shares the same ideology to join in. Primarily, the ideas behind the program act to gauge the role of the Rhode Island Government in →

Political science paper proposal

The main point of the argument is on the establishment of whether the two scholars have a similar point of reasoning or differ in their understanding of various political ideologies and their roles in shaping the standards of living among different social classes. Bartels' book aimed at illustrating the increased income inequality that was witnessed →

The illiad book 1

The Iliad Book The primary concern of the or poet relates to construction of the theme that forms the universal and fundamental method of communicating the writer's intent or knowledge. Agamemnon as the leader of the army valued Chryseis and aimed at using her to amuse his army after the victory while Achilles took Briseis.

The issues of childhood obesity

While there are many things that need resources in order to fix, childhood obesity is probably one of the most serious as it accounts for so many other health problems. Childhood obesity is when a child has a body weigh that is well above average, and into the unhealthy range. It is problematic because extremely →

Political culture

First of all, the citizens of this country are strongly convinced that any processes that happen in the society should be performed according to the applicable legislation; in other words, the rule of law is one of the most significant elements of it. In addition to that, people believe that they are responsible for electing →

Valued item

Cars provide us with the facility to cover the distance of several miles in just a few minutes. Education and work happen to be the prime factors that necessitate the possession of a car.

Describe plato”s theory of human nature. in what ways does his conception succeed, and in what ways does it fail given your analysis, what is the relationship between plato”s theory of human nature and his theory of politics is this an adequate for

In the dialogue in the Republic, Socrates refutes the definitions of justices by the interlocutors. Strong and courageous people in a society who usually become soldiers are those ruled by the spirited part of the soul while appetitive part of the soul controls producers or weak in a society. Plato succeeded in his description of →

Homelessness as term

Moreover, it is commonly accepted that a home is not a home in the absence of a family residing therein. This is the basis of the difference between a residence and a home.

Administrative decision making & the constitution at work

However, no matter the number of evolving administrative theories, it is the same skill that is required universally; in the industry; government as well as home management. The policy/administration dichotomy was a leadership theory that was popular during the early years of public administration mostly due to business principles used in managing the government. Today, →

Defining rule utilitarianism

Defining Rule utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism is a kind of utilitarianism which defines if an action should be considered to be ethical or not based on the idea of rule that the majority of the people has been following. The first example might be considered to be an objection to act utilitarianism since according to it →

Phone calls made home by undergraduate students

Because a significant main effect for the class was demonstrated, a post hoc test testing the differences between levels of this factor is necessary. A Bonferroni post-hoc test was chosen and is included in the appendix of this document.

Public speaking and presentations

Though I have a friendly audience, my classmates, I always am focused on the tutor and get scared out of my brains. I was pretty sure of the topic with plenty of interesting information on hand, but I was a lot nervous again due to my fear of the audience.

Demography transition theory and its implications

Due to the economic conditions and fewer health facilities there is major drop in the population rate. Russian President Vladimir Putin has implemented certain policies in the form of incentives for the couples who have a second child. The family planning methods are widely used and it makes the process of fertility denial much easy. →

Current issues

Therefore, it is evident that there are a couple of issues that the governor and lawmakers be pushing for in the current year, which form our current issues in Minnesota. References The States and Localities: The Top 10 Legislative Issues to Watch in 2014. The Top ten Legislative Issues to Watch in 2014.

Ethnic conflict

For my paper, the question of interest was, " What are the causes of ethnic conflict?" It stemmed from the position that there are multiple factors that cause this problem, which in themselves are context-specific and multi-dimensional in nature. What this means is that there is a tendency on my part to focus on this →

Mills argument on the freedom and equality of women

Mill's argument on the freedom and equality of women in civil society Introduction John Stuart Mill raises his concerns regarding the social and legal inequalities that women encounter in a patriarchal society. As such, it is important to give women freedom to express their genuine interests. Freedom and equality of women in civil society →


The review of the Palestine history shows that the current crisis arise due to the Al-Aqsa intifada known to introduce the recurring Palestinian prototype of economic despair, fratricide, miscalculation, religious radicalism and self-destruction. At he end of World War I, Britain and France prejudiced the League of Nations in giving them the quasi-colonial. The state →

Policy of mandatory marriage

A Policy Dictating Mandatory Marriage It is important for the government to formulate a new policy, which will require couples to take mandatory marriage classes before they officially get married in order to minimize the ever-rising cases of divorce and all the negativity and pain that are associated with it. Why this topic →

Personal reflection

There is much reason that explain the perpetual social problem among coffee farmers. One of the main problem is the existent of middlemen in the coffee market. In addition, the coffee market is controlled by a few multinational companies that dictate the prices of coffee.

Realist theories of ir

Realist Theories of International Relations The realist theory of international relation raises concerns on the nature of all politics. The political realist refutes the " legalistic moralistic approach" to international politics and cannot subordinate standards of other schools of thought to those of politics.

What are the consequences of a state break-up in the arabian gulf from usa prospuctive

Consequences of a break-up in the Arabian Gulf Arabian Gulf or simply Arabia is located in the Southwestern region of Asia and comprises of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Yemen. Hence the Gulf countries and the United States of America both need to avoid state-breakup in the Arabian Gulf due to →

Levels of chaos and good-evil

The paper shows a quadrant graph construction. The quadrant graph contains coordinates that show different levels of chaos and order, good and evil Explanation: The minimal level of chaos order that can be expected from the graph is obtained in the coordinates. The moderate levels of chaos the order that can be expected from →

The curse of the fashionista

The " Curse of the Fashionista" will rob you of your identity and will steal the personality that makes you uniquely appealing. We express our shock when a model publicly dies on the runaway from the culmination of years of anorexia. This is not the place for cavalier experimentation by people with unrealistic goals and →

The security of personal information

For example in the US, the government is seeking to limit or at least monitor the propagation or access of pornography on the Internet. The difficulty with censorship on the internet is that there is no way of knowing who is accessing the data.

Ethics and the criminal justice profession

That puts him in a position of staying within the law when he is off duty. My answer has to be yes. The off duty policeman should be held to a higher standard than the public and because he knows that when he becomes a police officer, it is fair.

Social loafing and building an ethical small group

Working in a group is viewed as a way of facilitating accomplishment of a task through pooling the talents and skills of the people in that group. Ethical group interactions can be promoted in many ways e.g.critical thinking, defensive versus supportive communication, resisting group think, etc. Communication is very important to the members' of the →

Breaking through the glass ceiling

Stay current and be informed at all times by reading books and newspapers relevant to your requirements. Take an initiative: Be willing to take charge and never wait to be told what to do. Figure out what it takes to rise to the top and make it happen. Seek sponsors and mentors: Mentors should always →


Abortion Abortion is the deliberate act ending of human pregnancy before delivery can take place. Reasons Women Choose Abortion, 2014.Web.

Effects of smoking

This is the effect of smoking which leads to the lingering smell of a smoker. Many smokers are not even aware of the effect of smoking and their smell.

Harold shipman – the doctor who turned a serial killer who, by injection of heroin, took the life of 215 patients who trusted him

In this essay, I will discuss the crimes he committed and the evidence that was used by the prosecution that led to his conviction. Doctor Shipman began his budding career as a medical doctor at the age of 25. When the investigations commenced, it was discovered that upon the death of a patient, he would →

Securitarization of africa

However, the major criticism of the securitization approach to Africa is that the African threat has not merited such emergency actions. Thus, securitization of Africa might be both undesirable and inadequate to address the social economic problem of Africa that is characterized by underdevelopment, since the approach is merely based on the perceived relationship between →

Bean pole families

We tend to have a pyramid-shaped family structure, unlike the Bean Pole Families. Bean Pole Family structure is largely recognized as one of the biggest concerns specifically for Western societies given the fact that there is a considerable number of families in which the young generation either never gets married, or the marriages are unsuccessful. →

Letter of intent

Therefore, I intend to pursue this course with the intention of being empowered to promote the dignity of humankind. I pursued a degree in criminology and justice studies, which exposed me to the various crimes committed against humanity. I intend to serve the public in the best way possible, and ensure that the public gets →

Participation and elections

The voters are registered and are expected to turn out on the polling day to elect the officials of their respective choice. Rich persons turn out as compared to the poor and illiterate.

Pets rights in hawaii

How is the progress of other states in towards the rights of animals? Purpose of the research The purpose of the research is to find out the level of the abuse of pets in Hawaii. In the research, the article will help to gather information about the rights of animals that have been achieved →

Ethics in contemporary organizations

An ethical leader enhances the reputation of the company and this increases the effectiveness of the organization. An ethical organization attracts customers and this helps in the boosting of the sales and profits of the company. Ethical employees adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization and ensure that they offer quality services to →

Removing courageous conversations from center schools race and gender course is outrageous by greenberg

The main facet considered is the training of individuals from different backgrounds and enhancing their competency. There is a haggle on the ability of a particular group to break from the bonds of their racial notions. Individuals are yet to gauge the effect of eliminating the curricula from schools and their effects on society.

Texting while driving

Texting while driving is a very dire practice since the driver has to compromise on his and others' safety on road. One of the biggest consequences is crashes and accidents. Since texting while driving takes away the driver's concentration from the road, he is not able to watch, which results in accidents (Janda, Berry & →

Human nature versus social roles and need for self-observation

Conflict Resolved: Human Nature versus the Social Mores of Men and Women Despite the massive changes that have occurred over the past 20 years in the relationships between men and women, Tannen's argument is still timely and relevant because is touches something deeper than roles people play. Tannen tells us that we have →

The word democracy means different things to different people

In an autocratic government, the leaders make all the decisions independently while in a democracy the leaders seek input in the decision making process. The distinguishing characteristics of a democracy include citizen's contribution in decision-making, decisions made reflect the beliefs of the majority, limitation of the government's power and respect of individual rights. The main →

Political science

Rational Choice Model College: Rational Choice Model The rational choice theory explains an individual's social and economic behaviour in decision making. This means that one opts to use the rational choice model to gain from it while others will not leap an equal benefit.

Border on our backs by roberto rodriguez and the se habla entitlement by star parker

The essay " the Border on our Backs" and the " Se Habla Entitlement" are both addressing the issue of illegal migration. Despite addressing the American citizen, Parker's credibility, and logic, he can still show others that immigrations follow immigration laws (Nadell, Langan, and Comodromos, 2011). On the other hand, Rodriguez only concentrates on attracting →

Framing: people for the ethical treatment of animals

The idea that relies on framing depends on the interpretation of the frame such as raising an arm and waving the hand; in a physical frame, it may appear that the person is just raising a hand or stretching perhaps, while in a social frame it means waving goodbye. The term is largely used in →


Putin, being the president of Russia, may be blinded by his class and opt for war. According to Mingst and Ivan, Russia's power is a result of its control over the neighboring states. The main agenda of attacking Ukraine was to show Russia's superiority.

Coming home

Sandra's mother Deborah has contact with Jeremy, but Sandra understands that her mother's parenting skills are lacking, so she sets limits and has requested that Deborah take parenting classes herself, if she is to take Jeremy for any length of time or away from Sandra's house. She is working on becoming a better grandmother and →

The different factors of social control: the social actions of the individual in society

Despite the fact that my friends are considered as one of the influential factors in my life, my family proves to be the first and most influential of the factors for the fact that they are the people whom I shared the most susceptible times of my life. Despite the fact that my friends are →


Marshall Berman describes modernity as " a mode of vital experience experience of space and time, of the self and others, of life's possibilities and perils that is shared by men and women all over the world today". It is to be both revolutionary and conservative: alive to new possibilities for experience and adventure, frightened →

Reading respond

This refutes the anti-federalists' claims that federation would lead to the emergence of a dictatorial regime and strip Americans of their individual rights. Thus, it would result into a strong and much powerful nationalgovernment. In conclusion, I am strongly in support of the federalists.

Sexual harassment cases are becoming more complex

Why? The president of Caritas Christi Health Care should be accorded with the appropriate legal sanction based on the company's progressive discipline policies, if and when found that the allegations were indeed confirmed. 2. As such, based on company policies or codes of discipline and ethical behavior, organizations should clearly and explicitly stipulate instances that →

The subject is international relations : un simulation . focus on germany only

One of the most admired and praised convention and meeting in the world is the United Nation's convention where different dignitaries ranging from the head of nations, delegations meet. ARKOSI, ODIPOS, and GAPSI: Experiences with Three Simulation Games in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Personal development

I believe my mom and dad have done the best to give me the best in life. I believe that my family is the best in the world.

Wilderness the great debate

The paper " Wilderness the Great Debate" is a wonderful example of an assignment on social science. Is the west gonna be reduced to just photos and film to show young people how it used to be or are there going to be places where they can go and see the way it was used →