Quality Physics Essay Examples for Your Learning

Apparent weight: person on scale in elevator

When a person stands on a scale, the reading (the number of pounds or newtons) on the scale is actually the Normal Force that the scale exerts back towards the person to support the person's weight.(Note that the person and the scale are stationary relative to each other, in other words they are always in →

Why are coastal and mountainous regions often much more windy than other locations at similar latitudes

This results in movement of the wind from the mainland to the sea regions due to the pressure difference that has been created by the alternate heating of the main land and sea. This explains why mountainous regions are windy as compared to other regions. Mountainous regions are characterized by relief rainfall while the coastal regions →

Marta gebregziabher

E-Stilbene is a hydrocarbon with a double bond and with phenyl groups attached to each side of the double bond in a such a way that the configuration is in the trans formation. The melting point should be a combination of two melting points for the meso product and the d/l product.

Effects of nursing rounds on patients’ call light use

The independent variables are scheduled one-hour or two-hour rounds as they affect the dependent variables of number and frequency of patient use of call button, patient satisfaction and the safety of patients. The research functions under the hypothesis that scheduled rounds by nursing staff, involving the performance of certain mundane tasks related →


Based on such a perspective, this paper addresses the aspect that despite the fact that fracking indeed causes earthquakes, it does so to limited extent as compared to other causes such as reservoir-filling. Fracking, which is also the hydraulic fracturing process used to access oil and gas from rock and shale has caused a significant →

The breathing process

The diaphragm is a large dome shaped muscle that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and attaches to the ribs at the sides and the sternum in the front of the body. When the brain tells the diaphragm to move, it flattens out, enlarging the thorax of the body, the ribs, and the →

Atomic theory

But the core concepts of the theory (that chemical reactions can be explained by the union and separation of atoms, and that these atoms have characteristic properties) are foundations of modern physical science.4. By studying the magnitude of deflections of cathode rays in different strengths of electric and magnetic fields, Thompson determined the mass-to-charge ratio →

Investigation of morphological, optical properties of multi-layer coatings for solar energy

For Solar Energy Multi-Coatings applications we investigated the influence of surface roughness with the number of layer on the optical and structural properties, hence, improved transmittance, reduced reflectance, and increased band gaps for single-, double-, and triple- coatings of semiconductors, more over the decrease in crystallite size and change in lattice parameter →

Preservation of biodiversity

Preservation of Biodiversity Preservation of biodiversity should be secondary to the well-being of people. All countries should not be held to the same standards in the preservation of endangered habitats and species because different countries have different levels of economic strength, and socioeconomic and political issues.

John dalton and atomic theory outline and sources

Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory.D. This is the general path to his discoveries.

Planetarium summary

Although the weather outside was rather cold, the temperatures in the planetarium demonstrated something different. The guide was categorical to mention the planetarium as among the biggest in the world. It was amazing to realize how the sky is rich in objects that cannot be seen easily. I was able to learn that the experts →

Demographic transition

Phase I is mostly seen in pre-industrialized countries. Most developing countries are in the Phase II of the transition. In the second phase, the state of equilibrium in the population is lost and death rate is exceeded by birth rate thereby leading to a " population explosion".

Pros and cons of nuclear power in usa

Regulations The Regulations for Nuclear Energy Power Plants are many and cumbersome due to the massive risks of afailureof a nuclear reactor. This greatly increases the costs of generating nuclear power. The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure →

Nanotechnology applications

It is safely being called the technology of future. Subject to the detailed level investigation of elements, the Nano technology finds its applications in the different disciplines such as electronic industry, biological experimentations and nuclear physics and sub atomic particles exploration. The use of Nano technology is so dynamically broad that it even finds its →

Child observation critical analysis

His mother took him immediately to the corner of the room containing the toys and books, then lowered him to the floor. Dan picked out asciencebook that appeared to be geared towards children a few years older than he. I answered that I was just writing something for school and that he →

Electrical and electronic principles – lab report example

The charge Q in a circuit is dependent on the amount of voltage present and in turn this influences the current measured on the circuit. The phase angles of both current and the voltage in this circuit have equal but opposite magnitude.

Technological tanks had big armoured plates to protect

The drawback was that it was really heavy and in the muddy landscape of the battlefield the tanks got stuck pretty often. The conditions inside the tank were also pretty bad. There were many versions created by the germans but two of the most used were: The Kleinflammenwerfer which was designed for single man use →

Astronomy homework assignment

Hence, perhaps at one point, there were star clusters at one place and galaxies closer to each other. Question 2 The brilliant, Greek mathematician and astronomer, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had an easier way of using geometry in determining the size of the earth. He assumed that the sun was miles away, perhaps compared to →

Wall switches and light fixtures in a building

54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The light fixtures of the place usually etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient lighting for the place. Outdoor lighting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables.


Compressing the air by squeezing the bottle was accompanied by an increase in the temperature of air inside the bottle. 2. The cloud forms when the pressure acting on the saturated air lowered and the temperature decreased. 7.

Moving charge create a magnetic field – lab report example

The magnetic field created in turn exerts a force on the moving electric charges which is given by: Since the electric current consists of moving charges, the magnetic field can also exert a force on a current and for a straight wire with length L carrying current I, the magnitude of the force that is →

Econometric analysis – math problem example

Taking the first, with the French data as example, it can be said that economic theory holds that consumption should be directly proportion to income while it should be inversely so to interest and unemployment rates. It is, of course, incumbent upon theorists to interpret why there is variance, if evident after analysis, and this →

Urgent need for renewable energy

These resources are classified as non-renewable resources. In this report we will discuss different types of resources which can be used as a replacement for producing sustainable energy and also the effects on theenvironmentby burning the carbon based resources. Renewable Energy Renewable energy is energy →

Refrigerators: reservoirs and sinks, external forces

The diagram only needs contain the most basic components of a refrigerator or heat pump. The above figure shows a simple cross section of the refrigerator. Part 3 Relate Part 1 to Part 2: talk about the diagram and explain which part fulfils which function in the machine and where the energy is needed, where →

Examining collaborative and individual writing processes

The collaborative writing process is similar to the individual writing process as many of the same rules apply. In this paper we, as a learning team, will illustrate some examples of how to use the tools of individual writing in the collaborative process. Writing as a group facilitates a more thorough and accurate end result →

Clear light of day

Their struggles with autonomy and independence are echoed in the backdrop of the newly-partitioned nation Plot summary The book is split into four sections covering the Das family from the children's perspective in this order: adulthood, adolescence, childhood, and the time perspective returns to adulthood. The book centers on the Das family, →

Lighting the way to the future

65 Quads of feedstock energy. Yes it is worth the trouble because when that energy is saved, operations cost put in supplying the lighting energy go down. It will end up having no effect in energy consumption and conservation efforts. Works Cited Boston Business." The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE".

Experiment 12

1: q rxn = -qsurrounding - Heat of capacity of the calorimeter: " Cp" must be calculated at the beginning of every calorimeter experiment in Joules/ C Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter: The calorimeter constant is easily found by adding a fixed amount of hot water to a known amount of cold water and the →

Current, voltage and power

Current is usually thought of as moving in the direction of positive charge, so from the positive power supply to the negative. However, since in metals it is electrons that carry electric charge, the actually flow is opposite to the way in which we think of it.* Current it the amount of Charge, Q that →

Detection of backlash phenomena in induction motor

The main problem are vibrations from motor as a result of high ripple torque in the motor. The motor is a kind of an AC machine in which alternating current is supplied to the stator directly and to the rotor by induction from the stator. In a poly phase motor, the three phase windings are →

Materials science

Material Science: Ballistic Glass Affiliation Ballistic Glass Material science has prospered towards the provision of ideal solutions towards the addressing of the challenges in the contemporary world. The development of bullet proof glass remains considered as an achievement of material science in the hope of offering a solution to the concern of safety in its →

Research and discussion: politics and the environment

This process involves the use of biological methods to handle oil spillage in water. It is less harmful to the environment as compared to partial combustion of spilt oil.

An alarming portrait of the nuclear power in the world

Since the end of World War II, nuclear arms have kept the world's population in a state of constant concern that " something" could happen, whether by design or accident. As tensions continue to build throughout the Middle East, particularly between India and Pakistan, and more recently the nuclear potential of North Korea and China, →

Ocean power 2

The ocean winds, ocean currents, and salinity gradients of the ocean water help in developing the three power technologies. Ocean power involves technologies that are advanced in the consumption of the energy from the sea by crashing the waves during the movement of the tides. The most obvious type of ocean energy is the power →

Performance fibers for energy harvesting

Energy harvesting is the technique of capturing and accumulating by-product energy as the energy becomes accessible, keeping the energy for some time and treating it into a form that can be utilized later for example working a microprocessor with in its points of confinement. The improved qualities of fibrous materials emerge from the mixture →

Nature valuable resources

The purpose of this essay is to happen out the causes behind the publicity of these energy beginnings, their restriction and impact on single footing to happen out why and how the recreation towards these energy beginnings can be expensive and to propose the better manner to conserve energy for future. Causes behind the publicity →

Negotiation process

Application to a business or personal situation For a business or personal relationship to thrive, more often than not one has to avoid bargains and instead employ good negotiation skills. Some times back as an investments consultant I had the lee way to charge my clients initial fees between 2% and 4. →

Forces friction

Here is one we learned in class: The up thrust of the water and the weight of the boat , help the it float. That's because the force of kinetic friction is pushing in the opposite direction of the motion of the box, trying to bring it to a stop.

Eye laser surgery

Eye Laser Surgery Laser eye surgery is a process conducted by surgeons on the surface of a human eye with the aim of reshaping the surface mainly using the excimer laser. At the start of the surgery, eye drops are used on your eyes to minimize the discomfort you are likely to experience →

Light and its characteristics – lab report example

As the sub-field of physics, optics essentially focuses on the entire study of light and its characteristics. The correlation between the angle of reflection and the angle of incidence is largely determined by the focal length and the object distance.

The assessment process essay

The Assessment Process Assessment is an on-going procedure that happens within all client contracts to assist derive and understand the strengths and demands of the client and the whole household. When utilizing appraisal it is to garner the needed information that will fit the client with suited services. In the planning procedure.the strength-based attack is →

Recruitment process essay

It is critically important that the organisation follows a well-defined recruitment process to ensure only right kind of people be taken onboard in the company. A general recruitment process normally involves identifying the current vacancies, preparation of detailed job description inrespectof the vacancies identified, specification of the requirements of the prospective incumbents, →


Along the trail are a few quits highlighting earth mining and dinosaur, mammal, birds, creepy crawly and invertebrate tracks and follow, and a few dividers loaded with plant impressions from the tree-lined delta-natures turf. There are footprints at Triceratops Trail that vary from those at Dinosaur Ridge. Large portions of these tracks, when uncovered, were →

Physics in light- intensity

You will continue investigating intensity changes, but now you will note the change of intensity as light strikes a surface through increasing angles of incidence. As Figure 1 indicates, the angle of incidence is the angle at which light strikes a surface. You will complete an investigation that does exactly this: determine →

Writing a process essay: make it successful and effective

When writing a process essay, students must ensure to provide only correct process details. This article provides outstanding tips for writing a process essay.

The basic planning process

The second Step is alternativegoalsand plans is based on the situational analysis and the information that was examined during that process. The third step is the goal and plan evaluation, this it the step where the pros and cons are discussed and weighet against the other alternative goals discussed in step two. →

Sleeping and dreaming

The two common sleep theories that attempt to address the purpose of sleep and sleep habits: recuperation and circadian. Recuperation theory works off the principle that sleep restores the body to a state of and sleep renovates energy levels.

Is using antimatter as fuel for rockets feasible

Thus, determination of feasibility of antimatter as fuel for rockets employ data from companies that manufacture rockets fuel such as GKS and Cohham. If given the permission, I will be glad to start my research on the feasibility of using antimatter as fuel for rockets. Reference Bignami, G.F., & Sommariva, A..

Young’s double slit experiment

The change of the interference pattern was recorded.4. The filament of the lamp was seen by a student standing a certain distance away through the same double slits with a piece of blue filter placed in front of the lamp. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands →

Ba main transformation process

It was prepares for a coursework assignment as part of a Operations Management ModuleAcademicjournals and books from the area of operations management were used to illustrate the main points in the report to give evidence and back up the information provided. Key findings of this report show how quality impacts on the development of the →

Natural gas & geothermal energy

The Rankine Cycle depicts a heat pump, which is used in the generation of energy when a working fluid is supplied to the system. Natural gas Natural gas depicts a fossil fuel, which formation occurs because of the pressure and intense heat of the buried gases, plants and animals. However, natural gas represents nonrenewable →

Sculpting earth’s surface

There exist a large number of landforms that are found within karst landscapes which include sinkholes, cockpit karst, karst valleys, tower karst and mogotes. The initial stage in the development of a Karst landscape arises when acidic water begins to tear apart the top of the bedrock at its bedding planes. The weak carbonic acid →


For a reversible isentropic process, there is no transfer of heat energy and therefore the process is also adiabatic. For a reversible isentropic process, there is no transfer of heat energy and therefore the process is also adiabatic.

Phy 155 assignment

The usage of the product remained limited to personal computers although many units were manufactured and heavily used in the company offices and several universities. The increased usage and increased population is expected to increase the pressure on internet connections necessitating upgrades within short periods. References Nielsen, J..

Macro-scale modeling

Shi et al [124] have employed the macro-scale approach to predict the impact damage of composite laminates in the form of intra- and inter-laminar cracking under low velocity impact. Feng et.al [126] examined the structural response and the failure mechanisms of the composite laminates subjected to low-velocity impact using the macro-scale technique in combination with →

The effect of temperature in energy loss in a basketball

When the energy-driven ball hits the floor, the physical forces that are in play flatten and deform the shape of the ball which compresses the molecules that make up tha ball. How bouncy a ball is depends on the fraction of the energy which is lost in collision between the ball and the floor.

Solenoids – physics coursework

The strength and direction of a magnetic field is represented by magnetic field lines. The magnetic field for a coil of wire is shown below.

Moment and equilibrium – lab report example

05 + RA = 20 + 15 + 10 19. 95 CaseIII 0 = P1 X 1 + P2X2 + W + L/2 Rc + L 0 = 20 x 0.

Project 2: moon journal

The position at this time changes relative to the stars in the sky having in mind that there are 360 degrees in a complete circle. Taking the 360 degrees and dividing them with the number of days the moon can approximately go round the earth, I came up with 13. The moon according to my →

Section ii newtonian mechanics

Newton s Second Law The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body, and the momentum change takes place in the direction of the net force. Linear momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and velocity ie p = →

Main types of welding – gas metal arc welding, tungsten inert gas, arc welding, gas or oxy-acetylene welding, and cutting gas metal arc welding

They include; - Gas Metal Arc Welding , - Tungsten Inert Gas , - Arc Welding , and - Gas or Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting, - Gas Metal Arc Welding. Also referred to as, " MIG welding", GMAW is the most commonly used type of welding. The welding wire is positioned at the extreme end of →

Epc plant equipment maintenance process

Of total Man-hours Mean work-order execution time Maintenance cost and cost ratio 0 Total maintenance cost per month / Total equipment book value 0 Differentiated values for man-hours and spare-parts 0 Divided in separated categories of equipment (rotary, fixed, facilities, etc.) Measured monthly Level 1 cross-functional map of the current process

Floor care, cleaning and maintenance

Spread the solution and cover the whole area. Soften the old film to make stripping easier to accomplish. Spread the solution on the floor with a mop and let it be absorbed - for 10-12 minutes. Scrub the area thoroughly from the farthest to the nearest. Use a floor machine with an abrasive pad or →

Description of the lathe operation

Description of the Lathe used The parts of the lathe machines are: The Bed is a mounting and aligning surface for the other machine components. Viewed from the operating position in front of the machine, the headstock is mounted on the left end of the bed and the tailcoats on the right.

Cambridge as level weathering process

The daily cycle of heating and cooling sets up stresses in the rock that cause it to disintegrate. Occurs mostly in deserts where there is the greatest diurnal temperature range. Exfoliation Under warm conditions rock surfaces heat up and expand more than the main mass of the internal body of →

Physics134 week7

NERC analyzes causes of power disturbances to help avoid future disruptions. Long distance power transmission Long distance power transmission is sent on high voltage wires because power is roughly the product of current and voltage. High voltage wires are used because high current leads to the loss of power due to the wire resistance.

Tutorial 1

Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through this glass window and the temperature of its inner surface for a day during which the room is maintained at 24 0C while the temperature of the outdoors is -5 0C. Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through this double-pane window and the temperature of its →

Stability, controllability and maneuverability

Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuverability since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an →