Complete Essay Samples on Science

Response paper on media and the rhetoric of body perfection by deborah harris-moore

While Harris-Moore presents many facets of the rhetoric of body, the one that I found the most interesting and opinionated was that of the medical field. The analysis of Jordan's argument presupposes that it is the plastic surgeons have a hegemony over agents and that they have the power to determine and add to the →

Review of six modern plagues

Further study of the brain of the infected animal revealed a sponge like appearance of the brain. The AIDS virus, human immunodeficiency virus was first found on the blood of a person from Congo who is a part of malaria research; the year was 1959, and this is currently the earliest documented case of HIV-1 →

An in vitro based investigation biology essay

Although a correlation between the in vitro cytotoxicity of D-amino acids and the amount of H2O2 produced was absent, there was a good agreement between the ability of D-amino acids to trigger apoptosis and to provoke toxicity. In mammals, D-amino acid oxidase and D-aspartate oxidase catalyze the oxidative deamination of D-amino acids into the corresponding →

The history about operations biology essay

SOperations Research In this paper, we discuss the application of linear programming to solve the situation of handling the beams in cancer operation. 5x2 - x5 + x6 = 6x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 >= 0The initial solution for phase 2 is the final solution of phase 1:- x1= 6; x3 = 0.

“you’d camouflage abilities. scientists and researchers have

There is also a lot of research and background knowledge that is very much needed and important for the scientific world to know. This is because divers have to be aware of the types of animals they may encounter and know their tactics so they can be safe.

Blood diseases sickle cell anaemia biology essay

The alternative names for sickle cell anemia are sickle cell disease or sickle cell disorder, haemoglobin SS disease and HbS disease. First of all, sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive genetic blood disease which the sickle cell gene will pass from generation to generation.

The origin of species

The work presents detailed scientific evidence he had accumulated both on the Voyage of the Beagle in the 1830s and since his return, painstakingly laying out his theory and refuting the doctrine of " Created kinds" underlying the theories of Creation biology which were then widely accepted. The publication of the anonymous Vestiges of the →

Post menopausal syndrome

Menopause is associated with a reduction of estrogen levels in the women's body and several of the changes are related to the lowering of this vital hormone. In addition to changes in the vagina the uterus and the cervical opening also becomes smaller and the endometrial lining reduced.

What is a cultural anthropology

The article concludes by saying what corporations think of the value that anthropologists add to the companies and that the role will continue to grow. In conclusion, I now realize all the studies and broad range of topics that are discussed by cultural anthropologists.

The routes of producing ethanol from sugar beet

The more volatile liquid is in the vapor phase and is collected at the cold end as the distillate. The distillate is condensed, and part of it is recycled into the chamber as reflux.

Rapid-cycling populations of brassica

In addition to this, brassicas possess massive economic value as sources of animal fodder, industrial and edible oil, condiment mustard, and green manure. It has already been established that there is a lot of variation in the attributes that distinguish intraspecific taxa.

The minimum dna methylation level requirement biology essay

Also, by comparing these DNA methylation pattern with some primary normal tissues and cancer cell types, they found a collection of genes whose de novo methylation in cancerous cell, which is associated with the survival of cancerous cells. The epigenetic silencing of these genes by DNA methylation process is regulate cancerous cell survival in the →

Using bacterial foraging optimization approach to optimize the learning of hidden markov model

The definition of a chemotaxis step to be a tumble followed by a tumble or a tumble followed by a run is as follows: j be the index for the chemotaxis step, k the index for the reproduction step, and l the index of the elimination-dispersal event. The parameters are described in the Table below: →

Sordaria fimicola crossings linkage analysis and frequency biology essay

After ciphering the frequence of traversing over, the map distance of the cistron to the kinetochore in the sunburn colored cistron observed was 32 map units, significantly different from the projected void hypothesis and expected 26 map units. By mensurating the sums of intercrossed MI asci and MII asci, and ciphering the frequence of crossing →


Kinetic energy is a form of energy and is the energy of movement while potential energy is the energy that is stored in a biological system.ix. The second law of thermodynamics states that as energy is transformed from one form to another, energy available at the end of the process is less than energy available →

Biology vs psychology

There are many levels of study in biology that include botany, zoology, and the study of cells in a molecular level. The negative symptoms are alogia, which is poverty of speech, avolotion, disinterest in social life, and affective flattening, no emotional expression.

The historical development and principles of dart biology essay

The analysis of a sample before the introduction of ambient mass spectrometry like DART-MS had to do with the use of chromatography e.g.liquid chromatography for the analysis of samples in the pharmaceutical industries. 7The ambient mass spectrometry has overcome the limitation of sample preparation or chromatographic separation of components of the sample, the introduction of →

Your inner reptile

The earliest evidence is demonstrated in the remnant egg yolk at the beginning of embryonic development of a human. The egg yolk is still a dominant feature in the egg of a reptile and birds.

The eukaryotic cell structure

The Eukaryotic cell structure The Eukaryotic Cell Structure The two organelles chosen for the purpose of comparisonare Mitochondria and the ribosomes. The mitochondria are organelles that work similar to that of a digestive system that ingests foods which is then broken down and the cell's energy is thus produced in the form of energy rich →

Rapid detection of permethrin in treated wood biology essay

Gibbs reagent concentrations studied were in the range of 0-2 M and permethrin concentration used was 25 M, 50 M and 100 M in buffer solution at pH 11.0. The linear response range of the optical sensor was of 0-150 M of permethrin.

Basic concepts and recent advances biology essay

MLC is versatile in nature because of the wide variety of interactions that are established among the eluted solutes, the stationary phase, the aqueous phase and micelles. For example, air-water interface when an surfactant is dissolved in the bulk aqueous phase, the hydrophobic sections of the surfactant distort the structure of the phase by breaking →

Atmospheric pollution is known to induce corrosion effects biology essay

The technique is finally applied to 12locations in GAA, which include some of the mostimportant archaeological monuments of Athens, andprovides comprehensive results for the estimation ofthe impact of atmospheric corrosion on the structuralmaterials of these archaeological sites. These corrosion maps can be considered auseful tool in predicting corrosion effects over theregion and can thus give →

A major role in cardiomyopathy biology essay

Role of miRNA in heart development and function: Role of miRNAs in heart development was identified in Zebrafish and mice by targeting theDicer protein which is the main component of miRNA machinery. Further studies also showed that additional miRNAs, miR1, miR133, miR1/133, miR21 and miR138 are involved in the regulation of heart development.miR-1/miR-133: The most →

The oldest manufactured products soap biology essay

To analyze the pH, the foaming capacity and the degree of cleanliness of the soap. The nature and the properties of the oils and fats used in the manufacture of soap will determine the properties of the soap and also the cost of production.

The identification of bambusa sp

Running bamboo species are highly variable in their tendency to spread; this is related to both the species and the soil and climate conditions. Some of the techniques that can be used to identify to a species level are PCR-ITS, RAPD, and PCR-RFLP.

Marketability ampalaya seed coffee

The coffee gave a bitter taste so as the amplify, that's why the researchers decided to use the amplify seeds to make coffee as a substitute to the commercial ones instead of throwing them. This is the potential of amplify and the good basis of the researchers in the development of the study - Amply →

The effect of cocaine treatment biology essay

In a parallel study, the effect of acute and repeated cocaine treatment on DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B mRNA levels in the hippocampus at 1. However, 24 h after treatment in both acute and repeated cocaine groups, the PP1c mRNA levels were significantly decreased compared with the saline control.

Control by heat and uv – lab report example

The requirements vary according to the habitat of the organism, and each bacteria species will thrive in environments with optimal conditions. Each student in the team exposed the organism to different temperature of 40 C, 55 C, 80 C and ~100 C.

Unknown facts about cells

For the Surface Area to Radius and the Volume to Radius graphs, the relation of the two components seemed to grow while the graph for the Surface Area to Volume ratio graph, the relations seemed to decline. This is the case because if a molecule was placed in the center of a cell, it would →


Another way of recovering the DNA from the gel is by using agarase to digest the agarose, which leaves behind the desired DNA which we can separate easily.5. If DNA cloning is possible in this case, then this means that we have identified the bacteria.

Evolution and natural selection lab

The " tree of life" is a phylogenetic illustration of the origin of the various species of animals from an ancient single organism dating from millions of years. Geologists had no idea of how old the earth was but the emergence of the study of rocks especially sedimentation rocks started giving light to the possibility →

Patrick long

However, it was not debatable that many key factors such as inbreeding amongst close relatives, isolation, the nature of the genes involved, and the role of environment and culture on the expression of the gene. It is unlikely that this family is a " genetic throwback" or a " missing link" and it was almost →

Biological clocks by menaker

In addition, the ways in which biological rhythms are affected by the physical rhythm of the surrounding have not got sufficient examination. The daily rhythms are also present in every significant unit of organisms.

Improper function of the thyroid gland biology essay

This is achieved mainly in two stages which deal with three major causes of osteoporosis as stated below: High calcium intake with low magnesium intakeImbalance of oestrogen in females and testosterone in malesImproper function of the thyroid glandThe process of preventing and reversal involves magnesium and other supplement intake for only couple of months. The →

Research applications of stem cell

Studies aim to regenerate lost motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord with bone marrow stem cells and iPS. Experiments with prenatal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells feature in the early phase of clinical trials.

Marine ecosystem essay sample

Add to this, the level of oxygen being reduced in the water and the biochemical changes, marine and aquatic species are forced to migrate for survival or potentially be eliminated. The second law of thermodynamics is consistent with the first law-that is, the total amount of energy in the universe is not decreasing with time.

Life cycle of schistosoma haematobium biology essay

The eggs containing ciliated embryos travel to the lumen of the urinary bladder and are eliminated from the host by micturition where it reaches the water supply. Once in the human host, the cercariae enter the bloodstream where they reach the lung in about 4 days and then migrate to the liver to mature into →

The biological basis of the human personality and behavior

The ascending reticular activating system, also known as the ARAS, is situated in the brain stem and it connects to various parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus, cortex, and thalamus. The ARAS controls the stimulation or amount of information that the brain obtains and keeps people aware and active.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction in animals

This constitutes part of the advantages of sexual reproduction since the genetic variation gives the species an advantageous element of survival. On the other end, lack of genetic variation of asexual reproduction in off springs is a disadvantage.

Briefly discuss, using specific examples, the issue of vaccine safety

Infants and children under the age of five are the most vulnerable to a number of diseases like diphtheria, polio, pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella, with hepatitis B and chicken pox being the recently added in that list. Issues surrounding the safety of vaccines are based on the fact that the use of vaccines has →

Zha reflection week 7

The experience and interest has played an important role in shaping my understanding from the materials. Based on my experience and the interest, the title, ' a hidden genetic code,' reminds me of the potential that gene arrangements have in understanding and managing disorders.

Pathology of the heart

Pathology of the heart The heart is integral in the circulatory system of living organisms. This condition kills the cells of the heart and is majorly a result of blockage in the artery that transports oxygenated blood to the heart.


The free running period of the rhythm was the same in space than as on the earth, but there was a marked reduction in the clarity of the rhythm, and apparent a rhythmicity in some tunes. There was more variability in the growth rate and circadian rhythm of individual cultures in space than it is →

Study of the hypervariable regions biology essay

Aim: To determine the variability of the HV1 and HV2 regions in the mtDNA of the Maltese population. The sequences found in this region are important for regulating transcription of the H and L strands, and also acts as a promoter for the replication of the H strand.

Virtual lab 3

Question 3 On the tenth day, the Paramecium caudatum population reached the carrying capacity of the environment when grown alone. Question 5 When the two Paramecium species utilize the available food resources, then one of them has the likelihood of benefiting from more of the available resources over the other one, further leaving it to →

Ginger and vinegar as pesticide

DNA isolation is one of the most basic and essential techniques in the study of DNA. The extraction of DNA from cells and its purification are of primary importance to the field of biotechnology and forensics.

Co encapsulated resveratrol and quercetin loaded peg biology essay

For the association of RES and QUR into the PEG modified NPs, dissolve of RES and QUR in acetic aqueous solution are added into chitosan solution. The morphology of the RES and QUR loaded chitosan NPs and PEG modified chitosan NPs was examined by a TEM.

Heroin addiction & its effects

The goal for family therapy treatment is to reduce the adolescent substances abuse and other behavioral problems, improve family functioning and increase the adolescents productive use of time. Heroin use can be one of the more difficult additions to recover from and relapse has happened, but there is still light at the end of the →

Zoology article from nyt

During the mating process, the pedipalp that transfers the sperm from the male is broken off while in the female to form a plug. Later on in the day, the male spider seeks to mate with a second spider.

The effect of starch on the activity of amylase with ph variable

We then used a calorimeter to measure the absorbance of our samples with the variable of pH over set periods of time. We used the substrate starch with the variable, pH, to measure the absorbance of our samples using a calorimeter.

Rapid growth and development of probiotics biology essay

The Bifidobacterium bacteria is gram positive, anaerobic and non motile bacteria, they are found in gut flora as one of the major genera that makes up the flora and are also found in the mouth and vagina [Sonenshein A et al 1993]. All the bacteria mentioned above are all of human origin and can be →

Signs you might have a hormonal imbalance (and what it means)

The treatment for both is to be put on the pill, which is not a solution because it just regulates the cycle for the time you are taking it. Exercise Getting our bodies moving is vital to a healthy lifestyle, but it's finding the sweet spot between exercising enough and not overdoing it.

Development biology lab grant proposal biology essay

Chris BlashDevelopment Biology Lab: Grant Proposal The primary intention of this research project is to investigate the process of heart tissue regeneration in the zebrafish. It is speculated the role of the epicardium in zebrafish cardiac regeneration is to contribute endothelial and smooth muscle tissue to the coronary vasculature.

Paraneoplastic pemphigus a retrospective case biology essay

In this study, we retrospectively collected PNP patients in a referralcenter in northern Taiwan and analyze the characteristics of this rare disease in thedomestic region. However, onlyone of the four patients with Castleman s disease in our study is young.

Questions for an exam

Chromosome mutations can be caused by deletion of gene that will cause some genes to be absent in the resulting organism, by duplication of gene that will cause some genes to be duplicated and in turn the resulting organism will have some extra genetic information, by genetic inversion in which genetic order is altered and →

Creationism vs. evolution

I have come to believe through reading, research, and soul-searching that evolution is the best and most plausible explanation for the progression of life on this planet. I feel that biological evolution is a beautiful and reasonable explanation for the physical progression from apes to humans but it lacks a spiritual explanation.

Unknown paper

With the sterilized loop containing the organism we proceeded to transfer the organism to the plate of quadrant I in a zigzag movement. With our selected plate ready and available, the slant in the least dominated hand, we inoculated the loop till red, uncapped the tube, flamed the tubes, obtained the yellow organism from the →

History of biology essay sample

He also studied bone structures and illustrated almost 700 diagrams of bones, muscles, internal organs, and the brain along with the position of the fetus in the womb of female body. Harvey' book is published in 1628 provides one of the greatest revolution in the undoubtedly the greatest until the discovery of the structure of →

Epithelial tissue, osteoporosis and growth hormone

They cover all the body organs for example, the organs of the digestive system and they line the body cavities, such as the inside of the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. This hormone is the main regulator of height.


The article evaluates the present facts on diapedesis and itemized several unresolved issues yet to be studied for perfect understanding of the biology of diapedesis. The articles points out literature reviews by several other authors to justify the possibility of transcellular and paracellular movements of leukocyte through the endothelial cells.

Enzymes are biological catalysts biology essay

The enzymes have been used for the last 50 years but their use in animal feeds has received more attention in the last 20 year, s Enzymes, even in small quantities, can initiate or accelerate the rate of chemical reactions that transform dietary substrates into products of biological significance for broiler growth and production. Phytase →

A solubility of sulfacetamide using surfactants biology essay

The aim of this product is to investigate the use of different types of surfactants on solubility of sulfacetamide. Anionic surfactants were found to be the most effective surfactants in improving solubility of sulfacetamide.

Analyze the and answer the questions

BIOLOGY The possible diagnosis of this patient is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The aim of this is to kill all the tumor cells.

A nba player scoring per game statistics biology essay

The t-values test the hypothesis that the coefficient is different from 0. The effect of the variable is called statistically significant if the P value is less than 0.

Incomplete dominance vs codominance

due: Introduction Incomplete dominance is the condition that one of the allele is not completely dominated by the other paired allele, while codominance is the condition where the both alleles of a gene are present. Homozygous recessive have a recessive characteristic that the offspring's phenotype has to have the features of both parents, while dominant →

Isolation of plant dna from onions essay sample

In this experiment, the aim is to isolate DNA from plants, in this case, an onion, and to discover the fundamental properties of DNA and the scientific methods required to isolate it. Aaij C.and Borst P." The gel electrophoresis of DNA".

Assignment example

HSP60 and HSP70 and Their Confusing Roles in Aging Based on the first ment, " Starvation causes a cellular response...that encodes...hsp70 and hsp60 family members," and the second statement, " Starvation can diminish some of the signs of aging," it seems that there is a link between the encoding of hsp70 and hsp60 and the →

Bio 345 – molecular genetics – protein paper

Figure 2B is a graphical representation of the amount of mRNA from both the constructs A and B. Figure 3 B and C indicates the relative mRNA level from the constructs B, C and D.

Aggression & biological explanations

Though some scholars have concluded that biological causes of aggression, the ability to address it by changing things in theenvironmentat different levels of growth and development makes it to be more psychological. Unlike other causes of aggression which appear to be controversial in causing aggression in people, high levels of the testosterone in men compared →

High dosage essay

These are known as the embryonic stem cells and the adult stem cells. Adult stem cells can be found in specific tissues in the body and include neural stem cells, skin stem cells, and blood stem cells.

Water quality monitoring and analysis biology essay

The water temperature is a measure of the heat content of the water mass and influences the growth rate and survivability of aquatic life. Inputs from the air depend on the turbulence of the air-water interface, and the oxygen deficiency of the water.


These differences in pairing and arrangement of the chromosomes will determine the differences in our physical looks and appearances. Chromosome 5, Trisomy 5p is a disorder that occurs when copies of the short arm or a part of the short arm appears thrice on chromosome number 5.

Mitosis, meiosis, and mutation

In the second sample, 90 percent of the cells were in anaphase while only 10 percent of the cells were in the telophase stage of mitosis. In sample 3, which was a cancerous tissue, 70% of the cells were in the interphase stage while 20 % were in the prophase stage.

Class poll – a species value 7

In this case, the relationship between kudzu and goats will form the basis of the discussion. Kudzu and goats has been used as food, Kudzu in particular is used as food and beverage.

Ecosystem services

The United Nations has grouped the ecosystem services in four categories which include; provisioning, which is the production of water and food, cultural which are the recreational and spiritual benefits, supporting which include crop pollination and nutrient cycles and regulating which is the control of disease and climate. UNEP's Millennium Assessment of the Ecosystem which →

Effects of silane based qac on hygienic unifrom fabrics

The intervention with zycrobial besides improves the antimicrobic consequence of cotton, p/v and p/c cloth measured by BPB discoloration trial compared to untreated cloth. Specification of Assorted Fabrics After usage for 3-6 yearss by the staff members in the several environments, the aprons were collected in unfertile polythene bags and brought to the bacteriology lab.

Criminal law critical thinking examples

The best way to understand the criminal behavior of humans is to provide a scientific treatment for the rehabilitation and cure of the offender's pathologies. This was negated by the Classical theory which is focused on the duty of a person to make a choice and become responsible for the consequences of their actions.

The concept and evolution of developmental state

Fundamental to the design of the developmental state for these countries was the creation of an alliance between politics and the economy, which materialized in the establishment of a specialized bureaucratic apparatus that had ample powers and coordinated the developmental efforts, at least in their initial stages. L Central to the developmental effort in the →

Malware information systems security

This is to mean that the association has to be alert on how they can conquer each of the conceivable security by first educating their teams and creating security alertness on a portion of the potential threats that are probably going to disturb the operations in the organization. In this way, in the training, there →

Group 1 syllabus

General overview of the Indian Constitution Paper-III: i) Planning in India & Indian Economy ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after independence iii) Andhra Pradesh's Economy, present status its strengths and weaknesses Paper-IV: i) The role and impact ofScience & Technologyin the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects ii) →

The phenotype genotype relationship biology essay

This study has focused on the role of transporter activity as a confounding factor, and has found that the effect of transporter variation has the potential to discredit the validity of the metabolic ratio as a measurement of enzyme activity. In comparison to the phenotyping, which looks at the manifestation of the metabolic enzyme activity, →

Impacts of roads through protected areas biology essay

The installation of roads through protected areas seems harmless on the surface; used as a means to increase economic wealth by creating easy access to natural resources, and providing an avenue to support the transportation of these resources. Research in Catalonia of roads in protected area represented the amount of damage a road can do →

Reproductive system components, physiology and function

Corpus Luteum is a yellow mass resulting from the rapture of the ovarian follicle which produces the ovum. This component is crucial to the reproductive system in that it supplies a high level of progesterone which supports the zygote in the early stages of development.

Reborn of mammoth species biology essay

Electric pulse is used to stimulate the fusion of the somatic cell and the egg cell without nucleus. The embryo will then be implanted to the surrogate mother that is the elephant's womb.

Metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia biology essay

The kidneys are one of the most important sophisticated organs in the body which mainly serve as a natural filter of the blood keeping the body chemically balanced. Diabetic nephropathy occurs approximately in one third of Type II diabetic patients 8, 11, 12 and is on the rise.

Free radical scavenging activity biology essay

In conclusion, the mean pixel densities in pretreated worms with 40 g/ml and 50 g/ml EPs7630 were reduced compared to control. 45 % of the worms which were treated with 40 and 50 g/ml of EPs7630 for 48 h were alive respectively.

Sugarcane as a renewable biofuel biology essay

The stem is the main part of the cane which is collected while the straw is often left in the field as trash. In the pre-treatment process hemicellulose is hydrolysed into the basic sugars and a small amount of cellulose is also hydrolysed to glucose during the pre-treatment.

Simulation of planar cntfet biology essay

In this paper the effect of chirality, different diameters of CNT, different dielectric material used as gate insulator and thickness of gate insulator material for planar type CNTFET is simulated and studied by quantum simulation using the non equilibrium Green function formalism with self consistent born approximation. Our focus is to study variation in output →

Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced nmr spectroscopy biology essay

2 Introduction of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization enhanced NMR techniqueIn the past decades, the sensitivity of NMR was enhanced via increases in the intensities of magnetic field, besides that, dynamic nuclear polarization technology as an essential method was utilized in NMR technique to improve the sensitivity of NMR spectrometer. With the development and application of dynamic →

Virtual lab #3

On the 8th day, the species attained a maximum number of 98 organisms. Explain the differences in the population growth patterns of the two Paramecium species.

Literature analysis of novel “tom sawyer” by mark twain

Although many reasons for this discrepancy in the level of critical reception of the two works may be reliably cited, one of the contributing factors to the critical reception of Tom Sawyer both on its initial publication in the nineteenth century and during its present status in critical estimation is the function of literary realism. →

Orchids or orchidaceae

The region has a cool and wet climate that ranges from extremely cold winters and warm and humid summers all of which are conducive for the growth of the plant. Once the ovaries mature into small fruits full of the seeds, they dry up and pop open, the popping process disperses some of the seed →

Project report on bamboo

Looking at the present upbeat atmosphere in the NE Region for development of industry, thrust by Government of India for the development ofenvironmentfriendly alternate resources and last but not the least, the spectacular progress made by China in the bamboo based industry The KOTHARI group has decided to put up a unit in Guwahati to →

Long term memory: types and the main aspects

John Locke was of the view that a continuity of consciousness and memory helps in the creation of the self. Previously it was believed that the size of human memory is equivalent to the number of synapses in the cerebral cortex of the brain.

The scientific method – lab report example

In this study the independent variable would be the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in water where as the dependent variable is the number of fish seen in a body of water. In this case, the dependent variable will be number of captured fish where as the dependent variable will be the time of the →

Role of micrornas in medulloblastoma biology essay

Despite the fact that miRNAs are involved in the tumorigenesis of a range of different tumors [18], the knowledge about the prognostic, diagnostic and/or therapeutic target potential of these molecules in brain cancer, especially medulloblastomas, is still in its beginning.miRNAs are short and evolutionary conserved RNA structures that can bind to the messenger RNA of →