Complete Essay Samples on Science


Now bacteria gets ' confused' and cannot predict or see a pattern in the drug that is in the body to kill it. I am sure that the side effects of this method of combining natural toxins and the cancer fighting drug are small, as only a small amount is administered to the patient.

Rafat hypothesized that the measuring device with

Weightthe Erlenmeyer flask, place it on the balance and tare the scale.5. The order of the most accurate to leastwithout going over 100ml would be volume flask, Erlenmeyer flask, graduated cylinder, and then 40ml beaker.

The use of drugs for nontherapeutic effect biology essay

Physical abstinence syndrome: This is when a drug has been administered repeatedly and stopping the drug leads to unpleasant effect such that the individual taking the drug tries to stop this effect by self-administration of the drug. ETHANOLOccurs in the liverAcetic acid is not formed and this leads to accumulation of acetaldehyde.

Breast cancer sugery

Biology 214 The Report on the Article " Why Should Breast Surgeons Use Ultrasound?" The studied editorial article by Ahmed et based on the data of their previous investigations and literature analyses. It is focused on the observation of portable ultrasound use by the breast surgeons.

Cell fractionation and mitochondrial function – lab report example

In graph representing tube 6 it is also observed that, there is no change in the O. D with time and this as well indicate that there was no mitochondria in the tube because it was water which was added.

Characteristics of laser eye surgery biology essay

Equation 1 is an example of the ablation profile for the correction of myopic Lasik where; R and Rm are the initial and final radii of curvature, n is the refractive index of the cornea, S is the optical zone diameter and Tm is the depth of tissue removal. The frequency can be related to β†’

Biol 130 first midterm notes

Autophagy lysosome digests a damaged organelle, small particles are released into cytosol.mitochondria and chloroplasts: * contain DNA that encodes some of their own proteins * have unusual double layers of membranes Origin of Eukaryotic Cells: Endosymbiont Theory * once believed that eukaryotes evolved gradually, organelles becoming more and more complex * now accepted that early β†’

Foraging in nectar feeding bats biology essay

Instead, the bat relies on developments such as high rate of absorption of sugar and the presence of the enzyme sucrose in its digestive tract that helps the sugar-rich nectar to be digested. The more diluted is the nectar the larger quantity is needed to satisfy the energy budget and so the bat needs to β†’

Commercal production of bovine somatropin

Bovine Somatropin is the Somatropin produced in cattle. The E.coli is fermented and thus, the Somatropin is produced en masse.

Blood formation and maturation

The outline of the red blood cell gets attained at this point, and the cells still contain the ribonucleic acid. On the eighth day, the red blood cell is mature without the ribonucleic acid, and no synthesize of the hemopoietic.

Blood groups and rh factor incompatibility

People with antigen A present on the surface of their red blood cells are said to have the blood group A whereas the presence of antigen B on the surface of red blood cells defines the blood group B. When both A & B antigens are found on the surface of blood cells the blood β†’

The dietary requirements necessary to maintain a healthy biology essay

The most crucial ingredient is nitrogen and is in the form of amino and nucleic acids. This form of sugar is transported within the body via the bloodstream and is used by the body.

Understandings of risk assessment biology essay

The International Regulations and the Codex guidelines regulate the biosafety requirements of the GM crops. This gene confers resistance to the antibiotics spectinomycin and streptomycin, and facilitated the selection of bacteria containing the plasmid in the initial steps of transforming the cotton tissue.

Frequency warping control parameter determination biology essay

X} is defined by, Where, In the N-point DCT matrix the kth row can be viewed as a filter and its transfer function is given as, The th element of the DCT matrix is the nth coefficient of the Fk. To increase the frequency resolution one of the possible way is to increase the total β†’

Microbiology in your chosen profession

The pathogenesis of the infectious diseases of the cardiovascular and the thoracic systems has been an area of interest and attention in the health industry in current times. This paper explores the microbes and the infectious diseases of the cardiovascular and thoracic systems and the manner in which they may be prevented, controlled, diagnosed, treated β†’

Darwin: educators’ professional development program evaluation prepared by ellen giusti

The purpose of the evening was to acquaint teachers with the Museum's Darwin exhibition and to offer methods for using it to enhance classroom instruction. The event took place in the Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians and the exhibition in Gallery 3.

Determination of the glycaemic index of novel foods

GLAECEMIC INDEX By Location Introduction Glycemic index is a number between 50 and 100 that describes a measurement of carbohydrate foods and the effects that they have on the level of sugar in the blood. The condition of postprandial glycemia also results in the cells developing a resistance to the insulin.

Healthcare disparity in different race health and social care essay

In add-on, health care disparities has been regarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration as the differences that emerge out of the assorted population categorizations in footings of the manifestation of disease, wellness wakes, every bit good as the degree to which people entree health care services. Research Aims The general aim for the β†’

Natural polymers of sugars biology essay

It influenced the formation of colonies, the perpetuation of slavery, the transition to indentured labour, the migration of peoples, wars between 19th century sugar trade controlling nations and the ethnic composition and political structure of the new world. Numerous studies have been undertaken to try to clarify the position but the results remain largely unclear, β†’

Environment, more than genetics, shapes immune system

The study examined identical twins to determine the variations that occur between people in the same environment. This is a further advancement in the field to expose more elements that influence reactions to vaccines.

Species interactions in ecosystems biology essay

For example - Birds removing pests from the bodies of bovine animals absence of interaction, the bird have the option of finding alternative food sources and so do the bovine does not depend upon the birds to survive. In this way the bird procures its food and the crocodile is relieved of the blood β†’

Targeted nanoparticles sustained delivery of paclitaxel biology essay

Near IR images of the mice treated with 3Gy XRT and injected with peptides, were done using the IVIS imaging system with the help of labeled complexes. The staining assays suggests that peptide targeted nanoparticles have helped in sustained and targeted release of paclitaxel which has led to apoptosis of tumor cells.

The advantages and disadvantages of herbal drugs biology essay

The use of herbal drugs due to toxicity and side effects of allopathic medicines, has led to a rapid increase in the number of herbal drug manufacturers. Some of the plants that make up herbal drugs are cultured and processed in the country and others are imported from around the world.

Analyze the assigned neurological disorder and prepare a report

Analysis of Stroke A stroke represents an attack of the brain that occurs through blood clot hindering the flow of blood to the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a burst or leakage of the blood vessel.

Causes of abnormal uterine bleeding biology essay

The bleeding that occurs in between the menstrual periods is known as abnormal uterine bleeding. Before the beginning of the first period in the girl's life, if the bleeding appears, then it might be considered as abnormal.

Evolution of e-business

The evolution of e-Business has placed many organizations in a position to rethink business strategies to remain productive and competitive. Initially e-business was geared toward business to customer purposes however operations have expanded to business to business E-business has theresponsibilityof supporting operations of the business from start to finish.

Sample essay on ess

In addition, the glucose produced is also important in treating shock in the bacteria cell. Finally, ribosomes are molecular machine found in the bacteria cell whose work is to synthesis proteins and they connect amino acids together.

The diversity of protoctist cell shape, arrangement and size

This may be a proteinaceous outer layer as in the Cryptophyta sp or a more complex cellulose and alginate matrix as in Phaeophyta. The Phaeophyta are a good example of multicellular organisms and differentiation within protoctists.

My interpretation of the chrysanthemums

Steinbeck opens the story up by describing to us how the fog closes off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from the rest of the world." The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed of the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world". In the beginning of the story, β†’

Anthropology book report

The writer gives a voice to the homeless youth and highlights on their everyday lives, the condition in which they live and the experience they go though in the streets. Finkelstein discusses how the youths in the streets are prone to victimization by the society; they are ill treated, oppressed and discriminated the youths reiterate β†’

Big valley landscape exploitation biology essay

Besides the foraging behaviors, bees in the proposed algorithm are equipped with theability to explore the search space which appears in a BigValley structure as discussed in the works by Reeves, Nowicki and Smutnicki, and Boese et al. Apart from these, the followingconstraints have to be fulfilled: _ Each job Ji in set J is β†’

Restriction and gel electrophoresis of plasmid dna – lab report example

1 RESTRICTION AND GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF PLASMID DNA The practical report Introduction The purpose of this laboratory exercise was to acquire an understanding of the principles and practice of DNA gel electrophoresis. The analysis consisted of making measurements of each of the DNA bands on the gel in millimeters from the point of application to β†’

The event of quality control non conformances biology essay

The purpose of this Test method is to detail the procedure for the determination of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning toxicity in molluscan shellfish by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. 9Analytical balance calibrated and verified to cover the daily working range of the balance.3.2.

The idea of an ideal body in modern society

Women start to see that the only way to attract the attention of a male, is to have a desirable, and attractive body. To women, the appearance of their bodies, show the rank in how active you are.

Monologue of spider

It was fine when I was very small, I had no worries in the world and a loving mother and father. Then I felt a blow to the back of my head and that was the last thing I remembered.

Lecture summary

Human being are dependent on the ecosystems, which are being destroyed due to the cultivation of coffee. The coffee cultivation is affecting the quality of such forest which in turn have a direct negative effect on the present ecosystems.

In danger of extinction is improving their survival rates

The sensors on the collars and chips transmit information to a local network connected to the police and the IBM network. The Rhino's crisis is closely related to social culture in Most of East Asian countries.

Biology conferences

EVALUATION OF VARIOUS HUMAN DISEASES AND DISORDERS Evaluation of Various Human Diseases and Disorders Response to Sarah's Post Sarah Ellis post on the revelation of the MRI, " damaged areas were of the white matter in the region" is correct as following the prescription of the disease. The hot object is the stimulus, and the β†’

The evolution of english churches

Each and every period was landmarks of the architecture which influenced in the building of English churches within the cultural boundaries. All the earliest churches which were built here whilst Britain belonged to the Roman Empire and in the southern parts where the influence of the Christianity predominated for long afterwards were in the basilican β†’

The mongolian terminological system in sphere of publishing

The highly scientific and technological level of industry and introducing new equipments and technology enrich the Mongolian with new terms, professional words and speech formulas relating to the names of different printing products, industrial processes and machinery. The systematic characteristic of terms and the strict inner relevance of terminology are the major attributes of this β†’

Ccea as biology coursework: an investigation to measure

At a low pH the amount of gelatine broken down by the trypsin is low so this means there is a high mean percentage light transmission because a little colour of the jelly will leak in the solution causing the colour to be lighter. At a high pH the amount of gelatine broken down by β†’

The synthesis of silver nanoparticles biology essay

The present study involves the biogenic synthesis of silver Nano particles utilizing the aqueous extract of Cassia auriculata. The preliminary studies indicated the formation of silver nanoparticles as confirmed by the UV studies.

Introduction to antropology

He believed that just because we look biologically the same that our cultures still differ from each other and that our cultures are the reasons for our behaviour, the fact that we should not think of culture as backwards by thinking one culture is superior or more developed then the other and the idea of β†’

Pollution and general degradation of the ecology biology essay

The trends in ground level ozone in the urban and rural areas of industrialized regions are strongly linked to the changed in anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursors. In the northern hemisphere, the ambient ozone is basically attributed to the anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursor gases.

Dna sequence analysis, primer design, protein expression, and mutagenesis assessment

RecA is a recombinant gene and when in the presence of single-stranded DNA, can behave as a catalyst in the hydrolysis process of ATP. Replacing residue lysine 83 with alanine 83 however, may be a wise alteration as many organisms cannot survive in the absence of lysine.

Example of persuasive draft: the need for siestas in the american workplace essay

Given the problems of workplace stress, lower productivity and the need to facilitate more beneficial sleep, invoking a mandatory Spanish-style siesta is the suggested solution to the problem of workplace stress and productivity. The aforementioned presence of sleep bulimia leads to greater amount of stress; Knudsen, Ducharme and Roman performed a study in which poor β†’

Titration and standardisation abstract biology essay

Many steps were applicable in measuring and equalising the standard solution, but the main steps were measuring the oxalic acid as the standard solution; pouring the phenolphthalein, the indicator; and finally, titration of the solution until the first colour change. Experiment also found the value of the average titre of NaOH in moles by multiplying β†’

Theobromine as a potential cough suppressant biology essay

The aim of this project was to investigate the solubility of theobromine, in particular its solubility at pHs of the stomach and small intestine. Solubility investigated at acidic pH of stomach and neutral pH of intestines showed theobromine to have a solubility of what is reported in water of 0.

Entamoeba histolytica

The characteristics of the cyst nucleus are similar to that of the trophozoite. Immature and mature cysts of E.histolytica may be found in the formed stool.

Questions to be answered (memo 11)

The downward, upward, and outward movements of the diaphragm are responsible for the breathing in humans making the main functions of the diaphragm to be inhaling of fresh air and expulsion of carbon dioxide from the lungs. I found particular confusing that the functions of the kidney, the urinary tract system, and the nephron have β†’

Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents

Clinical resistance is therefore a process by which the type of infecting pathogenic bacterium, its point of attachment in the body, the distribution of antimicrobial in the body, its concentration at site of infection and the immune status of the subject interact. Figure3 structure of beta-lactam Some antibiotics such as Streptomycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis β†’

A fish in a pond

Just like a big fish in a little pond that has his own space or territory, the top-rank member of the organization has a spacious office in the building with matching fine quality furniture and other amenities in his office space. The same thing happens with the top-rank member of an organization, he is the β†’

Male patient with prostate cancer biology essay

1 One of the most common problems of prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia whereby there is an enlargement of the prostate gland and can possibly leads to prostate cancer. Figure 2: Stages of prostate cancer 12In stage I, the cancer cells have not spread and found completely in the prostate whereas the cancer is more β†’

Material and methods experimental design biology essay

The current study involves the investigation of hematological and serological alterations, electrophoretic analysis of the serum protein profile and the histopathological changes in the liver tissues of rats treated with high doses of iron and copper via intraperitoneal administration against a control group. The colonies of Wistar Rats were obtained and reared at the Department β†’

The polycrystalline chalcogenide semi-conductors in solar cell

The growth of ternary semiconductors thin films has been studied very extensively in the recent years, since these films play an important role in the fabrication of solar cells due to their favorable electrical and optical properties. The physical properties of the chemical deposition of Cd1-xZnxS films are dependent upon the growth parameters such as β†’

Eassy 1

Section/# Diversity of Life Although one might look at the diversity of plant and animal life and find it overwhelming within the construct of ecology and evolutionary biology, the fact of the matter is that the diversity that is represented can ultimately be biologically explained through the identifiers of speciation, environment as an agent of β†’

Biology: potato lab experiment

2 Figure 1: The effect of sucrose solution on the mass of potato cores Figure 1: In the above graph, it's visible that with an increasing concentration of sucrose solution there is also a decrease in the percent change in mass. M sucrose solution the increase in the change of mass was 1.

The scarlet ibis

The Scarlet Ibis was also injured and small, just like Doodle. Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis both exhausted themselves, eventually leading them to death.

A electrospun bead free chitosan biology essay

With the Biodegradability and Biocompatibility of the silk protein matrix merged with the electrospun silk matrices capability of supporting BMSC attachment, growth and spreading, result shown suitable biomaterial matrices as scaffolds for tissue engineering [3]. Silk fibroin with no blood clotting, low inflammation and good cell and tissue compatibility in vitro and vivo is adopted β†’

The circulation

From the left, 70% of the blood then flows through bicuspid valve to the left ventricle when the heart is relaxed. The contraction of the atrium leads to 30% of the remaining blood to flow and fill the left ventricle.

Free critical thinking about biological weapons and high-explosives

Those explosives with the reaction faster than the speed of sound are " high-explosives". The materials that a slower than the speed of sound are " low explosives".

Health effects with regards to exposure biology essay

Health effectContacts with skin cause the irritation which may result to redness of skin. It is also a form of sensitization where the mist may cause the irritation of the respiratory airway.

We are blessed to have trees & plants

In this poem the poet shares the thoughts of his grandmother who was of the opinion that the house that has trees around is blessed. Trees Are Carbon Sinks To produce itsfood, a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide in the wood, roots and leaves.

Obesity & body mass index

The experimental group was the obese pigs, and the control group was the lean pigs. At the end of the study, the data between the lean and the obese group were analyzed.

Osmosis: potato and blackcurrant squash

In a hypertonic solution, water will move outside of the cell due to the outside of the cell is having a higher solute concentration than the Inside of the cell. HYPOTHESIS: The higher the concentration of blackcurrant squash solution, the lower the concentration of the solution getting bigger, water inside of the cells will move β†’

Identification of gram negative bacteria using biochemical tests, including api

The bacterium used in the API was identified as Staphlyococcus.aureus, by use of an identification table, provided by the manufacturer of the API. The shape of the bacteria can be determined by microscopy, and culturing of the bacteria on various media selective, differential and certain characteristic media.

Biology hsc dot points

The shape may deform due to PH or temperature levels, the metabolic processes can be modified in three main ways by controlling the: Amount of enzymes, Catalytic activity of enzymes and accessibility of substance Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions in the cell. Identify the pH as a way of describing the acidity β†’

Genetics((drosophila)) – lab report example

During segregation, the factors join up in twos to allow for variability of the new daughter cells. The results, of course, make sense as they are consistent with theories of Mendel's Law.

Implications of gut microbiota modulation biology essay

The objective of investigation was to study the effect of altering the gut microbiota by oral administration of pH sensitive cefdinir microspheres to high-fructose fed rats. The extent of the impact on non-target microbial populations depends on the specific antibiotic used, its mode of action and the degree of resistance in the community.

G protein

G PROTEIN The sequence of events that occur to bring about a cellular response following activation of a G-protein coupled receptorG protein coupled receptors are found in choanoflagellates and yeast. When the G protein coupled receptors are activated, the GEF sphere activate or energizes the G protein by aiding in the exchange of GTP.

The effects of overfishing

The world's population has been on the increase, which has necessitated the increase of the amount of food, and other resources required in order to support human life. Wildlife overfishing has led to decline in the number of fish in the wildlife; thus having a negative effect on the diversity and richness of our environment.

Forensic serology and its applications

The term Forensic serology means the detection, classification and study of bodily fluids like blood, semen, saliva, fecal matter, sweat, urine which is found in the crime scene. Kastle Meyer Test: This method is an accessible, easy and reliable forensic method to detect the presence of blood.

Eggplant solanum melongena has been cultivated biology essay

The place of origin of the eggplant is probably India, with the secondary center of diversity in China. Development and application of IPM requires a thorough understanding of the phylogeography of the target pest species as the population structure and dynamics usually varies from region to region.

Acquisition of the adipocyte phenotype biology essay

During adipocyte differentiation, acquisition of the adipocyte phenotype is characterized by chronological changes in the expression of numerous genes. The early expression of C/EBP and PPAR is logical given their subsequent involvement in terminal differentiation by transactivation of adipocyte-specific genes.

Discussion chapter 6

In view of the above, it is proposed that the corn subsidy be instead transferred to subsidy in grass to produce bio-fuel. Given the scenarios above, it is highly recommended that the subsidy for corn as source of bio-fuel be totally abolished and replaced by a subsidy for grass.

An liquid crystalline system biology essay

The incorporation of the cationic polymer PEI into the MO-based systems was necessary for siRNA complexation, and the systems maintained the siRNA in a stable state. For the systems containing the cationic polymer, PEI was mixed with the MO in the following proportions: 12: 1, 6: 1 and 3: 1 ).

The evolution of thornton’s views on the working class in north and south

North and South offers a glimpse at some of the crucial issues in the relationship of industrial capitalists and the working class, but also a possible solution to these problems, which is presented to the readers through the evolution of John Thornton's views on the working class. Slowly but surely, he started accumulating wealth and β†’

Osmosis: concentration

If a solution is Hypertonic, then the solution will move into the cell from the beaker and water will move out of the cell into the water because of a difference in concentration. Use a dropper pipette to cover the potato strip in test tube A with solution A, the potato strip in test tube β†’


Genetic drift on the other hand leads to variation in the gene pool while non-random mating and gene flow results in reduction of differences among populations.9. Gene flow and genetic drift that occur through migration and mutations which are changes in the genetic material are the forces that lead to speciation or formation of new β†’

The impossibility of photosynthesis without a light source

The bottom of the paper is then placed in a small amount of water and is allowed to sit as the solvent travels up the cellulose fibers in the paper and carried the solute with it. Spectrophotometry is used to determine the absorbance of a plant's individual pigments.

Stem cell biology and its complications by gina kolata

An article by Gina Kolata in New York Times in 2010 demonstrates that the debates around stem cell research have taken a new turn with the possibility of using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells instead of extracting stem cells from human embryos. The major ethical debate in the use of stem cells is that the cells β†’

Reaction between valine and serine

Once the 2nd amino acid is bound to the 1st one, the 1st tRNA will be released and the 3rd one follows. This process is repeated until the so-called stop-codon in the mRNA terminates the growing protein synthesis.

Examiner tips for igcse biology 0610

Do not try to mix the spellings of two words when you are not sure which of them is the correct answer, e.g.meitosis, when you are not sure whether the answer is mitosis or meiosis, or urether, when you are not sure if the answer is ureter or urethra. To answer this question o You β†’

Biology – planaria research

A blastema is a group of cells that forms at the site of a wound that eventually turns into the missing parts of a planaria.2. Began to twist and curl in order to move, similar to the movements of the full-grown planaria.

Highlight of food packaging development biology essay

Without food packaging the safety and quality of food would be compromised and pervasive as almost all the food is packaged in some way.[1][2] An ideal food packaging must be able to perform a number of different tasks: protecting the contents from contamination and spoilage, making transportation and storages of the product easy, providing a β†’

Directions: answer the following questions in one sentence, unless otherwise noted movie review example

Its means that race is just a name given to identify people of a specific ethnic background, and it defines how people from a specific ethnic background are viewed by other groups or people in the society.- What does it mean to say that race is an essence? Race is an essence for the reason β†’

Biological anthropology

The closest aspect to a biological feature in grouping people is cline; geography making people of the same area in the world similar. Soil marks in the dirt from decayed wood where a coffin once was were visible to determine where to locate the heads and bodies of the skeletons.

Race does not apply to humans at a biological level essay

It is imperative to take note of the fact that there is only one race to which human beings subscribe, and that is Homo sapiens. Whether believable or not, it is for a fact that the notion of race does not apply in any way, to the biological level when it comes to human beings.

Coral bleaching proposal

The method of restoring the damage even of coral death is researched into four parts: coral Introduction, what is the coral bleaching phenomenon, causing bleaching, and the strategy to save coral bleaching. Coral bleaching caused by the decline in species diversity of coral reef ecosystems, and even affect the entire marine physical system.

Stress response

Stress response Stress is perceived as a regular response to events that are a threat to life or upsetting events. Stress is common to the human body because of its capability and its adaption to experience stress.

The problems of bioethics

Because technology has provide humans so many benefits in every aspect of life but along with these benefits it carries bundle of problems like social, economical, environmental, and most striking among them all is moral problems raised in the field of medical science especially and hence succeed to drag the attention of the people all β†’

Gene doping: the hype and the reality

Genetic manipulation has produced some potential advantages to be able to alter the cells in animal models of human diseases, which may make disease as a thing of the past and help with the development of better pharmaceutical products in order to extend the human life ps, however, there are still major technological obstacles that β†’

Heat can be transferred in three ways biology essay

To investigate the effect of surface area to volume ratio in the rate of heat loss from a body. Null Hypothesis: If the surface area to volume ratio of the container is increased, the rate of heat loss will be less.

Sugar transporters as potential drug targets biology essay

As glucose is obtained in via the diet coming from the lumen of the small intestine and the need of glucose transporters is significant as they introduce an energy source into the cells. The distribution of this particular transporter is primarily in the liver and in the pancreas in the beta cells and also found β†’

Chocolate agar and pneumacult media

The small organisms need nutrients to survive, this is provided to them by the culture media. Pneumacult media is a specialized media containing various growth hormones and supplements allowing the cells to grow.