Complete Essay Samples on Science


Unfortunately, they also found it hard to research on the causes of the variation because of racism ideas that were to crop from. To justify their opinion that Europeans have high brain power, Cochran and Harpending decided to carry out research. Additionally, it is evident that their study only involved young children who were to β†’

The brain as an essential organ in a man

Gage had a change in career after the brain injury and worked in farms instead. The three types of brain injuries are commonly referred to as head injury by most people and have various consequences.

Importance of osmosis in living organisms and beings

If this is the case, the increase in water in the cell, may cause the cell to swell, which could consequently lead to the cell bursting. If the concentration of water is the same both inside the cell and surrounding the cell there will be a dynamic equilibrium between the number of β†’

Food microbiology

The factors contributing in the effectiveness of condiments and preservatives in inhibiting the growth of microorganisms are the concentration of the antimicrobial, temperature, characteristic of the microorganisms and food, storage time. The growth of microbes can be controlled by using various methods, namely physical method, chemical method, and immunological method. The control β†’

The history about hangovers biology essay

The primary causes of the hangover are dehydration, immune response to alcohol, and the poisonous effects of congeners and alcohol metabolites. Therefore, this paper will investigate the causes of hangovers, and explore both preventative and reactive methods of alleviating their symptoms. Medical Causes of Hangovers While the underlying physiology that produces hangovers is not β†’

The cause of sickle cell anemia biology essay

When the mothers gene has one gene with sickle and fathers gene has one gene with sickle, then the change of the child being normal will be 25%, 50% chance will be Sickle cell trait and 25% chance of being SDC[1] Please refer Chart 1. When pathogen gets into the blood system, the sickle cell β†’

Discussion topic

The locus of the disorder is in a region of chromosome CFA29. Through the process of converting DNA to proteins, a gene responsible for this trait was inserted within the amino acid sequence in the protein structure.

Toxicity studies and heavy metal detoxification potential biology essay

5 ppm and 3 ppm nickel, showed reduced growth when compared to the control and the growth in 1 ppm of nickel is similar to the control. 5 and 1 ppm of nickel in comparing with the control.

Bio-terror threat for future presidents essay examples

It had the purpose of promoting awareness about the existence of such a threat, as well as knowledge on the measures that will enable the public the students, in this case to prepare for such events if they do arise. The event concluded that, although the launching of a biological attack is no simple task, β†’

Effects of lactoferrin on the survival biology essay

In tumour cells, although the amount of cell death is far less than what arises from cell proliferation and differentiation, apoptotic cells played an important role in regulating the neighbouring tumour cells by interacting with the microenvironment of tumour. A similar experiment was carried out with the induction of apoptosis by STS for 2h in β†’

Good example of other essay

On the rate of one to ten, with ten being the highest, I have gauged my achievements in various disciplines, in relation to poor and excellence. Based on the evaluation parameters, I have the strength in tackling Chemistry-oriented subjects especially in the topics of organic and inorganic science.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals essay

For instance, acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is involved with voluntary movement of the muscles; and dopamine is released for voluntary movement and emotional arousal. An individual's wakefulness is dependent on norepinephrine and serotonin. Treatment for this disease potentially affects the dopamine precursors, which show moderate success. The importance of knowledge when dealing with the β†’

The euorpean gypsy moth

The recent development in genetic manipulation where it is possible to control the genes of bacteria and use them for benefits may be used in controlling the moth population by using Bt. Firstly, being voracious eaters they feed extensively on the leaves of trees such as firs and spruce thereby completely destroying the foliage. The β†’

Top 10 logistics industry trends that will change the future of freight transportation

As such, businesses and organizations around the world are aligning their strategies to meet the current and upcoming trends in logistics such as Artificial Intelligence on Internet of Things. Here are top 10 logistic trends that will transform freight transportation in the future. Disruptors We are seeing more and more advanced technologies breaking into β†’

News article

of Article Reproductive System The reproductive system comprises of the physiological and structural network and organs whose main purpose is creation of new life for perpetuation of species. The reproductive system of the male physiologically forms and delivers the spermatozoa to fertilize the egg.

The basis of genetic inheritance biology essay

These processes indicate that the structure of DNA and the process of mitosis does contribute to genetic inheritance of DNA because a cell, that consists of double the number of identical chromosomes, divides into two identical single numbered chromosome cells which carry copies of their information. During this phase the nucleolus degenerates, the centromeres of β†’

Describe the regulation of pfk-1 and pfk-2 and the production of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate

Regulation of PFK and PFK-2 and the Production of Fructose-2, 6-bisphosphate The conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate , is catalyzed by 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase using ATP. This step has different regulation mechanisms in the liver/hepatocytes and the muscle cells. In the liver, when glucose levels are high , F-6-P is β†’

The successful yet lost art of thinking

Success-oriented people are people who do not limit their thoughts to popular opinions or to the realm of what is possible but are rather willing to stand-alone and think of the impossible. So to particularize, what does it mean to think? I believe these questions are best answered by another question which is " What β†’

Loss of normal growth control biology essay

Cancer is usually named by the organ or the type of cell where cancerous cell starts to grow, for example, cancerous cell that begins to grow in colon is known as colon cancer.(National Cancer Institute, 2012)In the human body, cells are constantly dividing and growing to form new cells and then old and damaged cells β†’

Agarose gel electrophoresis of dna

Gel electrophoresis is applied in clinical chemistry to separate proteins by size and/or charge and in molecular biology and biochemistry to separate RNA and DNA fragments by length, separating proteins by charge, or estimating the size of RNA and DNA fragments. By adopting agarose gel electrophoresis, scientists are able to understand the mechanisms behind the β†’

Biology and technology at high temperatures

While these spores are extremely helpful in tracking down marine hot spots, they also offer new information about the wildlife and everything about the different variety of things here in the biosphere. The bacterial species found in the environment hide many of the minor groups of bacteria that apparently do not seem to participate in β†’

Bottle biology

I then cut off the tops of both bottles, and threw out one of the bases. In the leftover base, I poured water, aquatic gravel, and a fake plant for the fish. I taped it securely into the base, to ensure that the whole upper layer would not crush the fish.

Brain tumour segmentation techniques of mri

In order to help doctors for diagnosis and treatment of tumour and to help researcher for studying the brain activities, the research in automatic segmentation techniques of brain tumour are gaining more importance. Section III discusses the brain tumour segmentation techniques of PET. Brain Tumour Segmentation Techniques Of MRI MRI is mainly used for β†’

The effect and toxicity of silver nanoparticles biology essay

This is why the study of the toxicology of silver is a necessary study, as the number of uses in daily life has grown considerably and the possible ways of the residual silver nanoparticles to enter the environment have grown. For the exposed sea urchin sample preparation, the steps are as follows: In the case β†’

Using scientific method

As the experiments proceed maize at non-arable soil, grow at higher late than that in arable soil. Results: Table 1: Maize Yield from Arable Soil Amount of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization Yield of Maize (mg of dry mass per 100 acres per year) in Arable Soil 0 8. 0 100 β†’

Anemia in pregnancy is a public health problem biology essay

There is need to explore the extent of above mentioned structural changes, because severity of these histomorphological parameters is correlated with the efficiency of placenta to support the growth of a fetus, and this condition is likely to be related to insufficient function of the placenta. In the term placenta, the cytotrophoblast is inconspicuous, and β†’

Discuss the main types of end point used in toxicity testing in cellular system ,indicating how they can be incorporated into ti

Despite these outlooks, other setbacks in the use of alternative methods of toxicity testing can still occur such as optimisation and standardisation of methods, validation of the results, and the relative expenses of performing only small to medium loads in assays especially with regards to automated processes such as sampling and readings. Still, the use β†’

Double side band the suppressed carrier biology essay

Demodulation in this case simply reduces to the detection of the envelope of a modulated carrier with no dependence of the exact phase or frequency of the carrier. As shown in Figure 19, the product of the modulating signal and the carrier signal is added to the product of another pair of modulating signal and β†’

Four forces of evolution

Upon discovery, the European explorers realized that all kinds of life are related in one way or another, and populations of organisms often have similarities to other populations in different areas, and the discovery of fossils throughout the world showed that the organisms of the past were different in varying levels from present day organisms, β†’

Critical analysis on an

Critical analysis: the limit to tree height The article addresses the issues of tree growth and the impact of other factors in the development of leaves and other support features. In fact, the leaf size and growth height are a product of internal forces such as turgor pressure, as well as the reduction water potential β†’

The discovery of antibiotics

The most common way to discover antibiotics is for researchers to sample random soil, and to test if the microorganisms in the soil are capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics proved to be a great resource for treating disease across the world. The isolate A was inhibited by antibiotics capable of β†’

Selective sensing of copper biology essay

The maximum excitation and emission wavelengths of the OMRTH-AuNps were observed at 480 and 550 nm.depicts the fluorescence emission spectra of OMRTH-AuNps in the presence of Cu2+ with varying concentrations. It was also found that OMRTH-AuNps were selective and sensitive fluorescent chemo sensors for Cu 2+ and leucine up to the detection limit of 0.1 β†’

Holger heyn et al. distinct dna methylomes of newborns and centenarians pnas 2012 paper and answer the following questions

The main finding of the study was in terms of the number of methylated CpG dinucleotide in newborn, old aged and intermediate sample. The CpG were many in the newborn sample followed by the intermediate and the least were in the old aged sample.

Bacteria & their types

In any case, there are a couple of animal varieties that have procured the capacity to dodge the insusceptible framework and are of significant concern in light of the fact that these are pathogens that can cause malady and passing. Generally microscopic organisms' are innocuous and valuable yet some are pathogenic. Salmonella Salmonella is β†’

The risk of heart attack biology essay

We also performed sensitivity analyses to assess the risk of residual confounding. Results Incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction and death from coronary heart disease Over a mean of following these years, we identified 876 individuals with a new diagnosis of non-fatal myocardial infarction. The combined incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction or death from β†’

Charles darwin natural selection

Most educated people in Europe and the Americas during the 19th century had heard of or been exposed to Charles Darwin and the concept of evolution. Although he did not invent the idea, he did carry out the necessary research to document that evolution occurred and then made the idea acceptable for scientists and β†’

Summary of journals

Although the evidence presented in the studies needs further confirmation, the initial experiments conducted on the Prickly pears have convinced the research workers that it can potentially treat a number of common health conditions like cardiac problems and diabetes. The traditional use of Prickly pear has been related to problems like local pain and healing β†’

Evolution & cambrian explosion

Evolution and Cambrian explosion Introduction After the publication of Darwin's theory of evolution there were lots of debate on his theory versus theory of creationism. Rates of Phenotypic and Genomic Evolution during the Cambrian Explosion.

Bioinformatics – lab report example

This E value is high; its significance is low in relation to Down syndrome. Protein 2 is EGW12244. This protein has an E value of 1 and is related to Down syndrome since the E value is very low.

Mechanism of vitamin d action

The biological reaction can either be the stimulation of proteins that perpetuate intestinal absorption of calcium or providing the appropriate balance of elements crucial for bone function and growth. Vitamin D and BoneHealth. Numerous studies have demonstrated that vitamin D has important ramifications on bone health, not only in life, but even in the course β†’

Biological changes in males & females during puberty

The estrogen and testosterone released by gonads bring biological changes and help in the development of breasts in girls and testicular development in boys. The height increases while body proportions and body hair changes experiencing voice changes. Development of Hypothetical-Deductive Thought and Abstract Thinking in Adolescent Cognitive Development The adolescent's cognitive development determines the β†’

Muscular and skeletal system worksheet

Describe the process of healing a fracture Fracture healing is an intricate procedure that needs the recruitment of proper cells and the consequent manifestation of the proper genes at the correct time and correct, structural locations. Define the attachment points of muscle to bone. All muscles cross a joint to allow the movement of β†’

Bacteria and acidic end products

Lactose Bacterial fermentation of lactose, which results in the formation of acidic end roducts, is indicated by a change in color of the Indicator present in the medium from red to yellow. Any sign of yellow should be interpreted as a positive reaction; orange should be considered negative. Sorbitol Bacterial fermentation β†’

Population ecology

In population ecology a population is a group of individuals of the same species inhabiting the same area. In contrast to genetics, where the population is a group of interbreeding individuals of the same species, which is isolated from other groups and in human demography, the population is the set of humans in a given β†’

Biology phylum notes

98, 558 (Familiar, a surrounding of prokaryote that act as an attachment structure) Inside the familiar is the capsules followed by the cell wall distinguish eukaryote from prokaryote. Chemo towards light Know structure and basic functions of the prokaryote.A.

Alzheimer disease pathophysiology diagnosis treatment and management biology essay

On average 8 years is the span between the start of disease and death The most common cause of Alzheimer's is advanced age. DiagnosisNeuroimaging is a major field in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

The diseases of digestive system

People with ulcers may have blockage of the stomach, internal bleeding, and perforations on the wall of the stomach. Now you know some more about IBS and how you can treat it. Crohn's Disease The third disease in the digestive system you are reading about is Crohn's Disease.

Wall function approaches using two equation model biology essay

The aim of the literature survey of this project is to study the wall function to an oscillating turbulent flow imposed on top of a steady through flow and analyse earlier works on wall function near the wall. After extensive testing, it was claimed that the ratio of the shear stress between the wall and β†’

Ponds aquatic ecosystem

Ideally, the presence of standing water characterizes ponds as well as the wetlands around the pond. The wetlands provide the site for the growth of algae which in turn acts as food for the insects and minnows that live in this ecosystem.

The effect of acidic solutions on the rate of photosynthesis of c. demersum

With the threat of the increasingly acidic pH's of water, the survival of plants native to the environment is at stake.C. Demersum conducts photosynthesis the most efficiently in pHs of 6 8.

The history of algebra and integers biology essay

A) B) C) D) E)When the product of and is divided by , the quotient is: A) 0. A)9B) 11C) 13D) 15E) 17If is, both the cube and the square of an integer and is between 2 and 200, what's the value of?

Literature review topic

The Evolution of Heart Chambers from Amphioxus to Mammals Heart is main organ of supplying blood to all the body organs. With the evolutionary process, they have been changed to eukaryotes, the most developed organisms of the world.

Implications of encode on cancer biology essay

Human Genome Project : The HGP was initiated in 1990 with the objective of determining the DNA sequence of the entire human genome within 15 years. ENCODE Project: The function of the vast majority of the human genome has remained largely unknown, but the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, launched in 2003, β†’

Anterior cruciate ligament injury

Surgery may be required in case of such injuries, depending on the severity of the injury (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries). The Injury: Mechanism of the Injury When ligaments are injured, they are considered as sprains which can be graded depending on the severity of the sprain (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries; β†’

What is life

In the development of objectives on a given research, science gives the outlines of the facts that could form the basis of the research and thus the development of the hypotheses. The Chemical Reactions of Life : From Metabolism to Photosynthesis.

Effects of water pollution eutrophication biology essay

Thus, the longer the biological life of the substance the greater is the risk of chronic poisoning, even if its level in the environmental is not very high. The disease is because of the severe pains in the joints and backbone.

Name: jean-paul belmar

Creation is the belief that there is a higher supreme being that has created life as we know it and everything in the universe. I believe that there is a supreme creator who designed life as we know it and i believe that the creator designed evolution.

Human nature versus social roles and need for self-observation

Conflict Resolved: Human Nature versus the Social Mores of Men and Women Despite the massive changes that have occurred over the past 20 years in the relationships between men and women, Tannen's argument is still timely and relevant because is touches something deeper than roles people play. Tannen tells us that we have β†’

The word democracy means different things to different people

In an autocratic government, the leaders make all the decisions independently while in a democracy the leaders seek input in the decision making process. The distinguishing characteristics of a democracy include citizen's contribution in decision-making, decisions made reflect the beliefs of the majority, limitation of the government's power and respect of individual rights. The main β†’

Political science

Rational Choice Model College: Rational Choice Model The rational choice theory explains an individual's social and economic behaviour in decision making. This means that one opts to use the rational choice model to gain from it while others will not leap an equal benefit.

Border on our backs by roberto rodriguez and the se habla entitlement by star parker

The essay " the Border on our Backs" and the " Se Habla Entitlement" are both addressing the issue of illegal migration. Despite addressing the American citizen, Parker's credibility, and logic, he can still show others that immigrations follow immigration laws (Nadell, Langan, and Comodromos, 2011). On the other hand, Rodriguez only concentrates on attracting β†’

Framing: people for the ethical treatment of animals

The idea that relies on framing depends on the interpretation of the frame such as raising an arm and waving the hand; in a physical frame, it may appear that the person is just raising a hand or stretching perhaps, while in a social frame it means waving goodbye. The term is largely used in β†’


Putin, being the president of Russia, may be blinded by his class and opt for war. According to Mingst and Ivan, Russia's power is a result of its control over the neighboring states. The main agenda of attacking Ukraine was to show Russia's superiority.

Coming home

Sandra's mother Deborah has contact with Jeremy, but Sandra understands that her mother's parenting skills are lacking, so she sets limits and has requested that Deborah take parenting classes herself, if she is to take Jeremy for any length of time or away from Sandra's house. She is working on becoming a better grandmother and β†’

The different factors of social control: the social actions of the individual in society

Despite the fact that my friends are considered as one of the influential factors in my life, my family proves to be the first and most influential of the factors for the fact that they are the people whom I shared the most susceptible times of my life. Despite the fact that my friends are β†’


Marshall Berman describes modernity as " a mode of vital experience experience of space and time, of the self and others, of life's possibilities and perils that is shared by men and women all over the world today". It is to be both revolutionary and conservative: alive to new possibilities for experience and adventure, frightened β†’

Reading respond

This refutes the anti-federalists' claims that federation would lead to the emergence of a dictatorial regime and strip Americans of their individual rights. Thus, it would result into a strong and much powerful nationalgovernment. In conclusion, I am strongly in support of the federalists.

Sexual harassment cases are becoming more complex

Why? The president of Caritas Christi Health Care should be accorded with the appropriate legal sanction based on the company's progressive discipline policies, if and when found that the allegations were indeed confirmed. 2. As such, based on company policies or codes of discipline and ethical behavior, organizations should clearly and explicitly stipulate instances that β†’

The subject is international relations : un simulation . focus on germany only

One of the most admired and praised convention and meeting in the world is the United Nation's convention where different dignitaries ranging from the head of nations, delegations meet. ARKOSI, ODIPOS, and GAPSI: Experiences with Three Simulation Games in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Personal development

I believe my mom and dad have done the best to give me the best in life. I believe that my family is the best in the world.

Wilderness the great debate

The paper " Wilderness the Great Debate" is a wonderful example of an assignment on social science. Is the west gonna be reduced to just photos and film to show young people how it used to be or are there going to be places where they can go and see the way it was used β†’


For a reversible isentropic process, there is no transfer of heat energy and therefore the process is also adiabatic. For a reversible isentropic process, there is no transfer of heat energy and therefore the process is also adiabatic.

Phy 155 assignment

The usage of the product remained limited to personal computers although many units were manufactured and heavily used in the company offices and several universities. The increased usage and increased population is expected to increase the pressure on internet connections necessitating upgrades within short periods. References Nielsen, J..

Macro-scale modeling

Shi et al [124] have employed the macro-scale approach to predict the impact damage of composite laminates in the form of intra- and inter-laminar cracking under low velocity impact. Feng [126] examined the structural response and the failure mechanisms of the composite laminates subjected to low-velocity impact using the macro-scale technique in combination with β†’

The effect of temperature in energy loss in a basketball

When the energy-driven ball hits the floor, the physical forces that are in play flatten and deform the shape of the ball which compresses the molecules that make up tha ball. How bouncy a ball is depends on the fraction of the energy which is lost in collision between the ball and the floor.

Solenoids – physics coursework

The strength and direction of a magnetic field is represented by magnetic field lines. The magnetic field for a coil of wire is shown below.

Moment and equilibrium – lab report example

05 + RA = 20 + 15 + 10 19. 95 CaseIII 0 = P1 X 1 + P2X2 + W + L/2 Rc + L 0 = 20 x 0.

Project 2: moon journal

The position at this time changes relative to the stars in the sky having in mind that there are 360 degrees in a complete circle. Taking the 360 degrees and dividing them with the number of days the moon can approximately go round the earth, I came up with 13. The moon according to my β†’

Section ii newtonian mechanics

Newton s Second Law The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body, and the momentum change takes place in the direction of the net force. Linear momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and velocity ie p = β†’

Main types of welding – gas metal arc welding, tungsten inert gas, arc welding, gas or oxy-acetylene welding, and cutting gas metal arc welding

They include; - Gas Metal Arc Welding , - Tungsten Inert Gas , - Arc Welding , and - Gas or Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting, - Gas Metal Arc Welding. Also referred to as, " MIG welding", GMAW is the most commonly used type of welding. The welding wire is positioned at the extreme end of β†’

Epc plant equipment maintenance process

Of total Man-hours Mean work-order execution time Maintenance cost and cost ratio 0 Total maintenance cost per month / Total equipment book value 0 Differentiated values for man-hours and spare-parts 0 Divided in separated categories of equipment (rotary, fixed, facilities, etc.) Measured monthly Level 1 cross-functional map of the current process

Floor care, cleaning and maintenance

Spread the solution and cover the whole area. Soften the old film to make stripping easier to accomplish. Spread the solution on the floor with a mop and let it be absorbed - for 10-12 minutes. Scrub the area thoroughly from the farthest to the nearest. Use a floor machine with an abrasive pad or β†’

Description of the lathe operation

Description of the Lathe used The parts of the lathe machines are: The Bed is a mounting and aligning surface for the other machine components. Viewed from the operating position in front of the machine, the headstock is mounted on the left end of the bed and the tailcoats on the right.

Cambridge as level weathering process

The daily cycle of heating and cooling sets up stresses in the rock that cause it to disintegrate. Occurs mostly in deserts where there is the greatest diurnal temperature range. Exfoliation Under warm conditions rock surfaces heat up and expand more than the main mass of the internal body of β†’

Physics134 week7

NERC analyzes causes of power disturbances to help avoid future disruptions. Long distance power transmission Long distance power transmission is sent on high voltage wires because power is roughly the product of current and voltage. High voltage wires are used because high current leads to the loss of power due to the wire resistance.

Tutorial 1

Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through this glass window and the temperature of its inner surface for a day during which the room is maintained at 24 0C while the temperature of the outdoors is -5 0C. Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through this double-pane window and the temperature of its β†’

Stability, controllability and maneuverability

Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuverability since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an β†’

Kinetics chemistry lab

Research Question: How does the surface area affect the rate of the reaction? Varaibles Independent: Surface Area Dependent: Rate of Reaction Controlled: Water temperature, Volume of water, Concentration, Still water, and One tablet. Hypothesis: Increasing the β†’


This paper focuses on the advancement of " non-clinker green cement" through the utilization of cement kiln dust and fly ash. CKD has incompletely calcified substances possessing hydraulic and cementitious qualities. In addition, sulfate, alkali, and chloride elements are high and may affect the quality of cement performance.


Some aldehydes are used as intermediaries in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and dye. 026215 Da ChemSpider ID of ethanol: 172 Uses of C2H4O The main use of acetaldehyde/ ethanol is as an intermediate in the manufacture of other chemicals. Acetaldehyde/ ethanol are used in the process of production/ manufacture of perfumes, basic β†’

ο»Ώthe problem and review of related literature and sudies essay sample

Several factors may contribute to the hindrances in the formation of new life especially to man because male gamete is the one responsible to initiate fertilization, the union of male and female gametes. The researchers will also conduct phytochemical screening for the determination of the different chemical constituents present β†’

Reading and comprehension of scientific writing

The two modules " Evaluating Student's Understanding of Chemical Bonding" by Tan and Treagust, and " Chemical Bonding" by Thompson and Staley both discuss the topic in different approaches resulting to different levels of response from readers and students. The module " Evaluating Student's Understanding of Chemical Bonding" by Tan and Teagrust is β†’

Unknown indicators, acids, and buffers

You will have a total of 5 lab periods to complete 3 experiments: the pKa of an unknown indicator, the identity of an unknown solid acid, and the composition of an unknown acetic acid buffer. You should base your identification on a measurement of the molar mass and the pKa of your unknown.

Finding the ratio of moles of reactants in a chemical reaction

Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction Purpose: The goal of the lab is to determine the mole ratio of two reactants in a chemical reaction. The optimum ratio, which is the ratio of the reactants in the balanced chemical reaction, will form the greatest amount of product, or generate β†’

The phenoplast fraction as a marker of oil quality

One among the needs of this text is to propose the phenoplast fraction responsible for the soundness and flavor of oil and endued with " pharmacological" properties as a further, valuable marker of oil quality. Olive oil contains polyphenols, vitamin E, and alternative natural antioxidants that are the oil's own natural preservatives. In line with β†’