Complete Essay Samples on Science

Leaked information in central intelligence agency

The press, therefore, has an important role in exercising of their rights for the wellbeing of its citizens and to help shape the governing mechanisms for the common good. It was within media right that Snowden, as a whistle blower, exposed the unconstitutional practices that the government agencies were using in contrary to the common β†’

Does television viewing influence behaviors among the youth

Cluster sampling is a collection of samples in groups that identify with a specific research area or location. Data analyzed revealed that young people emulate the language, dressing, and way of living viewed in several programs aired on the television. Although more than ninety percent of the questionnaires distributed were valid for analysis, it was β†’

Summary and response

Howard analyzed the contents of YouTube, Twitter, and blogs to compile the findings of a study entitled " The Project on Information Technology and Political Islam" that attribute the role of social media in agitating for revolution in Arab countries. In addition to Twitter and video protests, the instant Facebook messages and blogs inspired the β†’

Animals in the third reich

In 1932, a ban on vivisection was proposed and enacted in the following year. This was followed by the regulation of the slaughter of poikilotherms.

Examining collaborative and individual writing processes

The collaborative writing process is similar to the individual writing process as many of the same rules apply. In this paper we, as a learning team, will illustrate some examples of how to use the tools of individual writing in the collaborative process. Writing as a group facilitates a more thorough and accurate end result β†’

Clear light of day

Their struggles with autonomy and independence are echoed in the backdrop of the newly-partitioned nation Plot summary The book is split into four sections covering the Das family from the children's perspective in this order: adulthood, adolescence, childhood, and the time perspective returns to adulthood. The book centers on the Das family, β†’

Lighting the way to the future

65 Quads of feedstock energy. Yes it is worth the trouble because when that energy is saved, operations cost put in supplying the lighting energy go down. It will end up having no effect in energy consumption and conservation efforts. Works Cited Boston Business." The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE".

Experiment 12

1: q rxn = -qsurrounding - Heat of capacity of the calorimeter: " Cp" must be calculated at the beginning of every calorimeter experiment in Joules/ C Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter: The calorimeter constant is easily found by adding a fixed amount of hot water to a known amount of cold water and the β†’

Current, voltage and power

Current is usually thought of as moving in the direction of positive charge, so from the positive power supply to the negative. However, since in metals it is electrons that carry electric charge, the actually flow is opposite to the way in which we think of it.* Current it the amount of Charge, Q that β†’

Detection of backlash phenomena in induction motor

The main problem are vibrations from motor as a result of high ripple torque in the motor. The motor is a kind of an AC machine in which alternating current is supplied to the stator directly and to the rotor by induction from the stator. In a poly phase motor, the three phase windings are β†’

Materials science

Material Science: Ballistic Glass Affiliation Ballistic Glass Material science has prospered towards the provision of ideal solutions towards the addressing of the challenges in the contemporary world. The development of bullet proof glass remains considered as an achievement of material science in the hope of offering a solution to the concern of safety in its β†’

Research and discussion: politics and the environment

This process involves the use of biological methods to handle oil spillage in water. It is less harmful to the environment as compared to partial combustion of spilt oil.

An alarming portrait of the nuclear power in the world

Since the end of World War II, nuclear arms have kept the world's population in a state of constant concern that " something" could happen, whether by design or accident. As tensions continue to build throughout the Middle East, particularly between India and Pakistan, and more recently the nuclear potential of North Korea and China, β†’

Ocean power 2

The ocean winds, ocean currents, and salinity gradients of the ocean water help in developing the three power technologies. Ocean power involves technologies that are advanced in the consumption of the energy from the sea by crashing the waves during the movement of the tides. The most obvious type of ocean energy is the power β†’

Performance fibers for energy harvesting

Energy harvesting is the technique of capturing and accumulating by-product energy as the energy becomes accessible, keeping the energy for some time and treating it into a form that can be utilized later for example working a microprocessor with in its points of confinement. The improved qualities of fibrous materials emerge from the mixture β†’

Nature valuable resources

The purpose of this essay is to happen out the causes behind the publicity of these energy beginnings, their restriction and impact on single footing to happen out why and how the recreation towards these energy beginnings can be expensive and to propose the better manner to conserve energy for future. Causes behind the publicity β†’

Negotiation process

Application to a business or personal situation For a business or personal relationship to thrive, more often than not one has to avoid bargains and instead employ good negotiation skills. Some times back as an investments consultant I had the lee way to charge my clients initial fees between 2% and 4. β†’

Forces friction

Here is one we learned in class: The up thrust of the water and the weight of the boat , help the it float. That's because the force of kinetic friction is pushing in the opposite direction of the motion of the box, trying to bring it to a stop.

Eye laser surgery

Eye Laser Surgery Laser eye surgery is a process conducted by surgeons on the surface of a human eye with the aim of reshaping the surface mainly using the excimer laser. At the start of the surgery, eye drops are used on your eyes to minimize the discomfort you are likely to experience β†’

Light and its characteristics – lab report example

As the sub-field of physics, optics essentially focuses on the entire study of light and its characteristics. The correlation between the angle of reflection and the angle of incidence is largely determined by the focal length and the object distance.

Sara creed

Sara Creed SC1040 Assignment Week 3 Kendrick McQueen April 6, 2013 Living things and The Sun's Energy Most of the energy we use is from the sun. This energy from the sun is called solar energy, plants convert it into energy, and animals eat plants and convert that into energy.

Blood chapter checklist bio202

Describe the important components and major functions of blood.- Blood performs a number of functions dealing with: - Substance distribution - Regulation of blood levels of particular substances - Body protection - Blood transports: - Oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive tract - Metabolic wastes from cells to the lungs and kidneys β†’

Chemistry – reactivity serires report essay sample

Mg + Cu 2 Cu + Mg 2 Table 2: This table shows about the reaction occurred when using Zinc piece. Solution Any Reaction occurs Any bubbles Any Colour Change Colour change in metal Colour Change in solution

Chemical engineering – lab report example

For instance, process of fixed bed, where both countercurrent and concurrent liquid and gas flow are permitted, and for either of these both flow of bubble, in which the gas flow is discrete, and dribble and the liquid is the continuous phase. Amongst which the most striking one is the co-current three-phase fluidization with the β†’

Organic chemistry lab determination of the structure of a natural product in anise oil

Task DETERMINATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF A NATURAL OIL PRODUCT IN ANISE OIL The purpose of this experiment is to isolate the anise oilmajor component and unveil its structure and identity with use of IR spectroscopy and determination of melting point. 1. The anions of the reactants and the products are transferred across the interfacial β†’

Oxide and correct formulas

What is the total number of atoms of oxygen in the formula Al 3. Write formulas for each of the following compounds.

Environmental and occupational toxicology

They also specialized in skid packages and are involved with fabrications for the last ten years. In compliance to the OSHA Act 1994, and ' The Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health' Regulations 2000 , PI Supply Sdn Bhd, being a responsible corporate, is carrying out chemical β†’

Business process model & notation (bpmn)

A well thought out BPMN provides the organization with the ability to synthesize internal business procedures in the form of a chart. 0: Introduction to the Standard for Business Process Modeling.

Example of essay on data visualization

Types of data visualization include scientific visualization, information visualization, and information graphics also called ' infographics'. Information Visualization is being used extensively by people in the fields of business, media, and engineering to aid in the analysis and understanding of information.

Analysis of variance

However, this violation of normality could be due to the relatively small size of the data sets. A linear model on the data is as follows; > MB summary Call: lm Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.8 -2.6 0.4 1.4 5. 583753 - 0 '***' 0.

Good essay on abuse of statistics

The collection of fake data results in the bad statistical analysis. Researchers are showing the unwanted data for analysis.

Busness statisics

Under this kind of statistics, there is an estimation of an unknown parameter of the population to check the basis of the sample and to test if the sample data has enough evidence to show the population parameter. Statistics and Decision-Making in Business World In business, the knowledge of statistics is extremely crucial. For β†’

Argument essay

The fact that these incidents happen is truly heartbreaking, but as far as Alexander argument goes it is very well put together. His argument is solid because it does have statistics, but on the weaker side it does not maintain a reasonable tone and it also has fallacies. Finally, it showed me in order to β†’

The normal distribution and probability

In terms of central tendencies, it is to be expected that the mean, median, and modal value for number of words typed per minute would be most likely the same value. In this particular example, it is the percentage of participants that typed a particular number of words per minute.

Elementary statistics

Examples include: national identification numbers or social security numbers. 2. Interval Nominal Ordinal Ordinal Ratio 3.Continuous Discrete 4.FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 5.C) Systematic E) Random C) Convenience β†’

Smu i sem stat assignments set 2

Step 2: Objectives of the investigation should be stated at the outset. Objectives could be to: Obtain certain estimates Establish a theory Verify an existing statement Find relationship between characteristics Step 3: The β†’

The role of research and statistics in the field of psychology

However, one method reigns true and consistent, and that is the Scientific Method; of which will be further explored. This paper will discuss and make sense of the roles in which both research and statistics play in the field of Psychology, and the procedures in which such methods are conducted will be β†’

The invention of writing

The intent of the article is to paint a realistic picture of how different ancient cultures and people groups contributed to the development of writing as it is done in the modern day. For instance the writer explains that the Cuneiform writing of the Sumerians was not used to represent their linguistic sounds but to β†’

According to the article and answer the question

As per the article, scientists define culture as the commonality of behaviors " from bedtime rituals to eating habits to sexual practices" adopted by a group that reflects " patterns of behavior, learned from being around others in a group". 2. These behaviors are significant to show the existence of culture in animals, and specifically β†’

The four forces of evolution & speciation

The ones focused on are; Species, Population, the four forces of evolution, the variation within and between populations, isolating mechanisms and speciation. Microevolution: This describes the significant changes that occur in a species over time, to give it traits or groups of traits classifying it differently from its original species, for example, as a sub-species, β†’

Anth week 5

Anthropology: Origin of Homos This paper aims to jot down the imperative points of the chapter Early Homo and the Origins of Culture from the book: Anthropology: The Human Challenge by Haviland et al. The origin of Homos as maintained by the archeologists has been trivial and had been explained differently. The classification of the β†’

Geert hofstede vs. fons trompenaars essay sample

The culturalists qualify culture as " the way of thinking, feeling and acting of a human group, which was acquired and transmitted by symbols and which represents its specific identity".Geert Hofstede explains the origins of the differences in behaviours, which can tend to problems. Collectivism In individualistic cultures, people place the community after β†’

Motivations of war

Apply one of the theories presented in " The Origins of War: Biological and Anthropological Theories" to the war. Investigate the general experiences and factors that shape human experiences during the time of the war and recovery from the perspective of at least one culture involved in that war. There were numerous stated motivations β†’

Hominin discussion : the evidence for early human evolution

After comparing Homo erectus with Dmanisi, and Homo erectus with the WT 15000, this paper reveals that the paper Homo erectus and WT 15000 share numerous characteristics and this makes WT 15000 the direct ancestor to Homo erectus. Within the same time the fossils of Homo erectus were found in East Africa, the fossils of β†’


The film depicts the current cultural phenomenon in Hollywood and around the world as we will see when comparing and contrasting the two films. Discussion The antagonists in both the " Blade Runner" and " Shaun of the Dead" depict human-like characteristic in their physical form but are still monsters. There is a fear β†’

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the β†’

What is field theory?1

THE PASSING CRISIS IN WESTERN SOCIOLOGY Surveying the state of Western sociology at the dawn of the new millennium, what is most striking and perhaps troubling is the absence of theoretical crisis: even the most sour doomsayer cannot in good conscience point to any signs that there is a deep theoretical rupture or confusion in β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of a multi-racial society

A multi-racial society is also a multi-linguist society so people living in such societies benefit from the richness of languages and are thus able to speak different languages , there is also a wide variety of traditions, customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. In addition a multi-racial society teaches people β†’

Lab report example

These occipital condyles are projections from the bottom of the skull that attach the skull to the atlas and axis of the cervical vertebrae. This means that the brain is posterior to the eyes and thus a trait of primitive hominids.


In a review the author examines the tactics used by people in the sugar plantation to stay alive in the society ravaged by poor working condition, malnutrition, sickness and high deaths. Main body In this book Hughes investigates reasons behind high mortality in children and factors contributing to the high mortality. The frequency with β†’

Example of behavioral sciences essay

The philosophical justification of experiment is that, this research method makes the variable research method essential because the steps of experiment research are based on the results of the variable research. Experiment research method utilizes the data and variables produced by variable research. Cultural anthropology research methods Anthropology is the study of human being β†’

Short answer only

Focusing on the said ' harmful intent', contemporary scientists, sociologists, and politicians continue to monitor and study how to prevent racism among groups in the context of more controversial issues on " race and intelligence, race and health and race and crime". 3. Retrieved from Multiculturalism..

Medical anthropology

By narrating his personal story, just as he so often narrates the problems of Haiti, Paul Farmer, a physician, anthropologist, and the author of ' Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor', displayed a corresponding between medical anthropology with that of the stories of his personal past. β†’

Communication technologies that will change our lives by graham t. t. molitor and technology and social change: the effects on family and community, by dr. j. a. english-lueck

Effect of Technology on Family Molitor and English Lueck offer slightly different views on the effect of technology on family. In addition, distance has no effect on the cost and time required to be in touch with the ones who live far away. While Molitor provides a picture that is optimistic, English-Lueck β†’

Sorsogon state college

Peoples connect if their conversation have been properly discussed and come with the same decision.* How does an employee cope with changes in the work place Employee cope with the changes in the work place by accepting the fact that change is under way and they must bear in mind that every changes does not β†’

Compare nacirema and voodoo

Like the authors of " Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" and " Voodoo in Haiti", they hold quite different attitudes and views to these exotic cultures. He thinks that " the magical beliefs and practices of Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to β†’

Do you agree or disagree: β€œit is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics”

Personally, I think that it is more important for every student to take part in history and literature class since these subjects will educate students about the past of history and give them rich sources of culture values. In conclusion, I think history and literature would be put in the curriculum in university since it β†’

Afghan woman prisoner

Afghan were too proud of ruining their reputation, saving face was the only thing they can do to maintain their name in the village and so sending her to prison was their way of saving face. In my point of view, it is wrong to imprison young women for crime that were against their culture β†’

About me essay 8

Principle of Accounting is one of my favourite subjects and this is the main reason I refused to study in Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu which offered me Science stream. After SPM, I decided to further study in Accounting course and I am really hope that I can get my high education in overseas.

Mat540: statistics concepts for research paper

Yet at the same time, it is clear that the occurrence of childhood obesity places those afflicted at increased risk ofhealthproblems now and in the future. Overweight and poor nutrition of children in the United States are becoming issues of increasing concern for public health. But schools do not seem to be β†’

Elementary analysis

Assuming the represents the partial figure of and represents the partial summation of , so From the hypothesis that for all values of n, we know for all values of n 2b) Supposing that converges, meaning from the definition that as. Therefore, because the equation is a convergence p-series, it definitely converges by β†’


Pending litigations about an entity are for example not reflected in financial statements and therefore do not affect financial ratios. Ratios also assume linear relationship between variables and this mislead stakeholders because most variables are not linearly related. Investors could use liquidity ratios to make decisions, on whether to invest in a company or not, β†’

Alphabet of lines

Alphabet of Lines The " Alphabet of Lines" refers to the different styles of lines used in drafting to show different features about an object that is drawn. Dimension lines are dark, heavy lines. They show the length, width, and height of the features of an object.

Corellation between math, logic and truth

In other words, the soundness of a truth should not be based on an absolute dichotomy, but rather as a spectrum of validity where locality and scope are cornerstones of validity. Let us however, allow this essay to begin the discussion by assuming that such absolute distinctions are plausible. What must be considered β†’

Dynamical systems with applications using matlab

The involved Math Works in MATLAB creates an opportunity to understand the simulation language, which is vital in the process of prototype testing in scientific research. Such occurs since MATLAB aids in the processing of generating effective plots and utilization of numerical codes, which research users in different locations find useful in their research work.

My learning experiences in math

She taught me to understand math the way I understand my easiest subject. She taught me to understand math how complicated life is.

Mathematics and trial rate

We found that the trial rate for " actual definitely would buy" for pizza will be 80% of the definitely would buy rate of the BASEL research. The demand for the pizza is the multiplication of marketing adjusted trial rate and the target households, which is 1.


Below figure shows a line as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. c.a region Yes, the graphs of two linear inequalities can be drawn with a region as the intersection. Below figure shows a region as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. intersection Yes, the graphs β†’

Electrospun bead free silk fibroin biology essay

The self-assembly properties of SF, together with the excellent chemical and mechanical stability and biocompatibility, were combined with elastin protein to produce scaffolds with the ability to mimic the extracellular matrix. This study encourages the further exploitation of SF-NC for growth factor delivery and evaluation in peripheral nerve repair.[14]The potential of silk fibroin and chitosan β†’

Cell biology

A T to G mutation in the TATA box in a prokaryotic promoter would increase / decrease the binding of RNA polymerase decrease 10. A mutation in the 5' untranslated sequence of an mRNA that changes a AAG to an AUG would / would not affect the amino acid sequence. would 15.

The obstacles to malaria vaccine biology essay

Chronicles of Young Scientists 3 : 111-121Garcia-Basteiro, A., et al.." Approaching the Target: the Path Towards an Effective Malaria Vaccine". Heppner, D.." The malaria vaccine".

Enzyme activities in mesothelial cells

The lacking base is then replaced through the action of other members of the DNA repair system, restoring the original, correct sequence of the DNA. This paper was also the first to show that a carcinogen that is associated with oxidant stress in normal lung cells induces AP endonuclease. The results obtained from the research β†’

The journey of co2 biology essay

The chloroplasts are the organelle in which photosynthesis takes place and the site of the production of metabolic food for the plant. The water needed for the processes is transported up the plant from the roots by the xylem.


Global summary In the review " The pivotal role of microglia in iron homoeostasis in the brain," the discusses the negative effects of iron especially in cases where it accumulates in the brain. The conclusion sums up the conditions that can lead to iron accumulation in the brain and its impacts. Positive comment The β†’

The effects of black tea on the growth

We expected to see no difference in the amount of bacteria exposed to the black tea solution. Tannic acid, black tea, boiled water, and a tetracycline antibiotic were tested for their zones of inhibition in order to determine antimicrobial properties. We believe that if black tea is steeped in boiled water, then β†’

Dominant and recessive pattern of osteogenesis imperfecta

There are 3 pathogenesis mechanisms of OI: 85-90% of individuals with OI have dominant mutation in type I procollagen genes and recessive mutation of OI occur in genes involved in defect of collagen modifying enzymes and in genes coding type I procollagen chaperones. We proposed to look for a new candidate β†’

A report on penicillium, its benefits and global impact

They do this by acting directly on peptidoglycans, almost like the backbone of the cell wall, providing structure to the cell. Peptidoglycans produce a mesh-like structure around the plasma membrane of bacterial cells, that will increase the strength of the cell walls and prevents external fluids and particles from coming into the cell. As the β†’

Sexual selection

Characteristics that indicate reproductive success are selected for our mates. Dunbar and Waynforth found men valued physical attractiveness and youth in females, supporting the concept that males seek fertility and reproductive success in females. This suggests that these traits are genetically determined with an evolutionary value rather than a nurtured preference. However, Bereczkel et al β†’

Effect of moisture content on physical properties biology essay

The relationships between static coefficient of friction and moisture content were expressed as follows:+ 0. Means of physical properties of flaxseed at different moisture content M.C.. Length Width Thickness True Density Bulk Density Angle of Repose β†’

The advanced colorectal cancer biology essay

The inactivation of MMR is owing to the germ-line mutations of the hMLH1, hMLH13, hMSH2, hMSH3 and is the cause of the colon cancer family syndrome, the HNPCC3, 5. The symptoms of CRC are highly depending on the site and size of the cancer as well as the presence of metastasis.

4 levels of organization

Level of Organization of Living Things Introduction The level of organization is the biological hierarchy of living things from simple to complex forms. In the essay, the four levels of organization discussed are the organism, population, species, and community. According Chapman, an organism is a product of several organ systems.

Drug interactions associated with distribution biology essay

The competition of the drugs for protein binding affects the degree of the free drug. A mutation in the thy A gene of clinical PAS-resistant isolates was identified and found to be related to a mechanism for drug resistance to PAS 8.

Slow exchange core absolute correlation biology essay

According to the " first-in last-out" hypothesis, the residue that folds first in the kinetic refolding of a protein will be the last to get exchanged in the unfolding kinetics of the protein under native conditions. Results: In the present study, four new strategies namely Absolute Correlation Percentage , Normalized Correlation Percentage , β†’


Rhythmic synchronisation assists in elimination of continuous signal relays to the brain, a phenomenon that would be costly to sustain in terms of coordination. Print. Gross, Joachim, Miniussi Carlo and Thut Gregor." The Functional Importance of Rhythmic Activity in the Brain".

Storage of radioactive materials

The burette needs to be clean because it will affect the absorption of the chemical that is inside the burette. The Ph meter probe is a chemical material which must be put away in a salt solution like a ph 7 solution. The microscope should to be secured with a dust cover when you are β†’

And data interpretation

Round the values up to an appropriate number of decimal places. [4 marks] WHOLE CLASS Supine systolic Supine diastolic Standing systolic Standing Diastolic MABP Supine MABP standing MABP increase MEAN 119. 232925 SEM 1.

Stability requirements during development of a drug biology essay

The developed SIAMs can identify the changes over time in the physical and chemical properties of the API and dosage forms [1], so that the components of analyte, degradation impurities and other components of analyte can be precisely estimated without interference. 2 Stability testing of New Drug substances and Drug Products: The aim of the β†’

Explosives have been used biology essay

The challenges of detection is compounded by the variety of different explosives which have an array of chemical structure and the fact that they are used in a plethora of complex environments with dynamic backgrounds and have a range of matrices and containments. The concentration of explosives in the air is related to the vapour β†’

A polymer matrix particulate reinforced composite biology essay

The goal is to evaluate the importance of different factors and to suggest a well-balanced post cure mode thatsupports the application of the material. The addition of particles to the matrix materialincreases the stiffness, reduces the shrinkage and thermalexpansion, lowers the cost and modifies the rheologicalproperties [1].

Results, figures, & discussion rubric

The average absorption rate for the premium brand paper was 20 ml of water. The average amount of water absorbed for the premium paper towels was 20mL.

Amphibians of west africa

On the other hand 2065 had the lowest maximum and minimum. The declining of the rainfall and climate change in general has tremendous effects on the arbitrament of the amphibians and therefore may lead to decrease in the general population of the amphibians. During the high rainfall season, amphibians in the west Africa normally mate, β†’

Invasive species: rock dove

To continue discussing Rock Dove and the issues involved with being considered an invasive species, it is important to understand the origins of the Rock Dove species. The Rock Dove, Columba livia, is also called the Rock Pigeon. The species of Rock Dove we typically see today are actually descendents on the evolutionary line β†’

Dan-erik nilsson: a research paper critical analysis

There are many researchers who have studied this issue, most of which who have suggested that prior to the evolution of the lens, there was a " regulatory link between two tiers of genres, those that would later become responsible for controlling lens development, and those that would help give the lens its special physical β†’

Oryx and crake: the confusion with evolution

Jimmy is the only human throughout most of the book that survives and adopts the persona of Snowman who lives with the green-eyed Children of Crake. These three causes affect both Jimmy and Crake in their life that allows them to connect with the outside world through a different perspective.

Essay about mitosis replication of eukaryotic cells

Each cell is smaller than the parent cell. 5. a. They both produce similar banding patterns on the gel. Exercise 23 SURVEY OF BACTERIA: KINGDOMS ARCHAEBACTERIA AND BACTERIA ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. a.

Light-induced transformation of amyloplasts into chloroplasts

It is well known that potatoes turn green on exposure to light for several days. Not only does the study of the organelle transformation and light-regulated gene expression stimulate theoretical interest, but the greening of potato also has some practical importance, since the greening of the potato is accompanied by the formation β†’