Complete Essay Samples on Science

What is heat and what is temperature

Topic: Heat and Temperature Energy is measured on the earth in the form of both heat and temperature. The specific heat of a substance is a measure of how much heat is required to raise 1 gram of the substance to 1 degree centigrade.

L2 maths and physics short task

Remember to reference your sources. Equations to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Fahrenheit to Kelvin and Kelvin to Celsius. One graph with two lines that shows the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Fahrenheit to Kelvin. An explanation of how these equations are related to the straight line equation, y = mx + c, including what →

Against nuclear power

The antinuclear alliances began basically from an environmental initiative concerning the safety of the atomic plants, with several members in the movement calling for an increased stress involving the connections between the nuclear weapons and the nuclear power. Through the endeavoured occupations of the nuclear power plant centres, the modern movements against the atomic power →

Statistical painting process control

SPC " involves testing a random sample of output from a process to determine whether the process is producing items within a preselected range".SPC is a method that can be applied to a process in order to monitor or control that process. If the sample is plotted and stays in between the limits, then the →

Nuclear power debate

It is said that the industry has been declined because of fierce emotional resistance to this unreliable technology that has a great potential of accidental deadly radiation. So it can be said that it is the misuse of this technology which can be turned in to the global threat.

The benefits of renewable energy for the environment and nature

Gill preformed a study and wrote a journal article on the conservation of wildlife and their habitats; the results of his study were conclusive that something needs to be done to change the current state of our energy resources. A variety of terrestrial land uses and near-shore activities have led to local habitat loss and →


This approach has been noted to be more useful than the standard MRI in cases where ACL tear is anticipated. The protocol could also benefit from 3D sequences such as the 3D-DESS, known to be isotropic acquisition having the potential of reducing partial volume averaging through acquisition of thin and continuous slices from the joints. →

Audiometry – lab report example

Audiometry Audiometry Introduction The technique and the strategy used to identify and examine the nature of loss in hearing as well as determination of the hearing threshold. The device was used to plot the chart graphs for the results of the experiment.. Methodology The procedure of performing the experiment was the same →

Writing a physics report

78 2, 24 2 2. 5886 v = 0.

The cfd flow study: configuration, test and enhance the flow-conditioning devices

In this paper the purpose of the CFD flow study is to configuration, test and enhance the flow-conditioning devices, as appropriate, to guide the gas flow through the duct. The standard of the sun based drying technique is to assemble sun controlled imperatives by warming up the air volume in sun based specialists and direct →

Field trip

Layer 7 is made up of 1. The final layer 8 is made up of 1.

Source of error – lab report example

Formally, the law argues that the acceleration of an object as a result of net force is absolutely correspondent to the intensity of the net force, in the similar direction of the net force and inversely correspondent to the mass of the object. Therefore Newton's law can also be expressed as; mg= a →

Scale in space

In understanding the role of the earth in the universe, the course has informed me of the need for human beings to be effectively involved in ensuring sustainability of the universe. The course also informed me of facts about the universe and therefore undermined myths that humans hold.

Question set of organic solar cells

In case the light is within the visible section of the spectrum, the observable colors mainly correspond to the transitions making other colors miss. Question 3 The energy of the hydrogen atom within the nth quantum states is represented by En=-13. 6*10-19J/Ev = 412nm Question 5 Yes, it mainly corresponds to →

Density of liquids lab report paper

Density is the ratio of mass to volume. Density= Mass / Volume Density of matter d g/ml Mass of matter m g Volume of matter V ml The SI base unit of mass and volume are →

Recruitment process and cycle

Processes of all the departments of the company are explained irrespective of the department for which the new employee being recruited. The person who has been recruited as a marketing executive is aware of other functions of the company which is more helpful in performing day to day activities and moving with other →

The great pacific patch

The Great Pacific Patch Grade The garbage dump in the sea is a collection of marine garbage that ends up in the sea and other large water bodies. Increased number of plastic wastes in the seas and large water bodies has increased egg concentrations in the gyre area because the plastic garbage provides surface for →

Clean efficient energy for our world

I will go over what fossil fuels are and their impact, secondly, we will examine our alternatives and thirdly we will discuss what this means for our world's developing nations. Globally, our currently most used form of energy is the burning of nonrenewable resources. The transition to renewable resources such as wind, solar and hydraulics →

Unusual life of the ocean

Scientists discovered in 2011 in the Mariana Trench, deepest point in the Earth's oceans, giant amoebas who have managed to withstand the pressure, unlike the scientists' equipment, which had to be designed with additional support. Besides giant amoebas, called xenophyophores, other forms of life have managed to adapt to such extreme conditions as well, turning →

Reflection of light on a water tank

Sur Lecturer Reflection of light on a water tank Reflection is the change of wave front direction at an interface between two different media, so that the wave returns to the medium where it originated. From the reflection experiment, light typically shined upon the water and illuminated a white sheet of paper directly placed below →

Basic equations of fluid statics

Surface force : The pressure at the center of the element is assumed to be P. 5 The total force acting on the fluid is L - 7.

Dark side of the universe – wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe of nasa produced findings which allowed to calculate the universes age and drew the curvature of space

The paper " Dark Side of the Universe - Dark Matter and Dark Energy" is an impressive variant of a term paper on physics. The knowledge and understanding of dark matter are greater than dark energy so far.

Force and lb b.

The speed of the center of gravity of the system is a.v/2 b.v c.2v d.v2 12. The mass of A is a.0.

Boom’ s problem

0 m from the bottom of the boom, then: a) what is the compressional force in the hydraulic? b) what is the magnitude and direction of the force on the pin at the bottom of the boom? a) ' Torque = 0 F cos 30 x 2. What is the the magnitude and the sign →

Apparent weight: person on scale in elevator

When a person stands on a scale, the reading (the number of pounds or newtons) on the scale is actually the Normal Force that the scale exerts back towards the person to support the person's weight.(Note that the person and the scale are stationary relative to each other, in other words they are always in →

Why are coastal and mountainous regions often much more windy than other locations at similar latitudes

This results in movement of the wind from the mainland to the sea regions due to the pressure difference that has been created by the alternate heating of the main land and sea. This explains why mountainous regions are windy as compared to other regions. Mountainous regions are characterized by relief rainfall while the coastal regions →

Marta gebregziabher

E-Stilbene is a hydrocarbon with a double bond and with phenyl groups attached to each side of the double bond in a such a way that the configuration is in the trans formation. The melting point should be a combination of two melting points for the meso product and the d/l product.

Effects of nursing rounds on patients’ call light use

The independent variables are scheduled one-hour or two-hour rounds as they affect the dependent variables of number and frequency of patient use of call button, patient satisfaction and the safety of patients. The research functions under the hypothesis that scheduled rounds by nursing staff, involving the performance of certain mundane tasks related →


Based on such a perspective, this paper addresses the aspect that despite the fact that fracking indeed causes earthquakes, it does so to limited extent as compared to other causes such as reservoir-filling. Fracking, which is also the hydraulic fracturing process used to access oil and gas from rock and shale has caused a significant →

The breathing process

The diaphragm is a large dome shaped muscle that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and attaches to the ribs at the sides and the sternum in the front of the body. When the brain tells the diaphragm to move, it flattens out, enlarging the thorax of the body, the ribs, and the →

Atomic theory

But the core concepts of the theory (that chemical reactions can be explained by the union and separation of atoms, and that these atoms have characteristic properties) are foundations of modern physical science.4. By studying the magnitude of deflections of cathode rays in different strengths of electric and magnetic fields, Thompson determined the mass-to-charge ratio →

Investigation of morphological, optical properties of multi-layer coatings for solar energy

For Solar Energy Multi-Coatings applications we investigated the influence of surface roughness with the number of layer on the optical and structural properties, hence, improved transmittance, reduced reflectance, and increased band gaps for single-, double-, and triple- coatings of semiconductors, more over the decrease in crystallite size and change in lattice parameter →

Preservation of biodiversity

Preservation of Biodiversity Preservation of biodiversity should be secondary to the well-being of people. All countries should not be held to the same standards in the preservation of endangered habitats and species because different countries have different levels of economic strength, and socioeconomic and political issues.

John dalton and atomic theory outline and sources

Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory.D. This is the general path to his discoveries.

Planetarium summary

Although the weather outside was rather cold, the temperatures in the planetarium demonstrated something different. The guide was categorical to mention the planetarium as among the biggest in the world. It was amazing to realize how the sky is rich in objects that cannot be seen easily. I was able to learn that the experts →

Demographic transition

Phase I is mostly seen in pre-industrialized countries. Most developing countries are in the Phase II of the transition. In the second phase, the state of equilibrium in the population is lost and death rate is exceeded by birth rate thereby leading to a " population explosion".

Pros and cons of nuclear power in usa

Regulations The Regulations for Nuclear Energy Power Plants are many and cumbersome due to the massive risks of afailureof a nuclear reactor. This greatly increases the costs of generating nuclear power. The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure →

Nanotechnology applications

It is safely being called the technology of future. Subject to the detailed level investigation of elements, the Nano technology finds its applications in the different disciplines such as electronic industry, biological experimentations and nuclear physics and sub atomic particles exploration. The use of Nano technology is so dynamically broad that it even finds its →

Child observation critical analysis

His mother took him immediately to the corner of the room containing the toys and books, then lowered him to the floor. Dan picked out asciencebook that appeared to be geared towards children a few years older than he. I answered that I was just writing something for school and that he →

Electrical and electronic principles – lab report example

The charge Q in a circuit is dependent on the amount of voltage present and in turn this influences the current measured on the circuit. The phase angles of both current and the voltage in this circuit have equal but opposite magnitude.

Technological tanks had big armoured plates to protect

The drawback was that it was really heavy and in the muddy landscape of the battlefield the tanks got stuck pretty often. The conditions inside the tank were also pretty bad. There were many versions created by the germans but two of the most used were: The Kleinflammenwerfer which was designed for single man use →

Astronomy homework assignment

Hence, perhaps at one point, there were star clusters at one place and galaxies closer to each other. Question 2 The brilliant, Greek mathematician and astronomer, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had an easier way of using geometry in determining the size of the earth. He assumed that the sun was miles away, perhaps compared to →

Wall switches and light fixtures in a building

54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The light fixtures of the place usually etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient lighting for the place. Outdoor lighting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables.


Compressing the air by squeezing the bottle was accompanied by an increase in the temperature of air inside the bottle. 2. The cloud forms when the pressure acting on the saturated air lowered and the temperature decreased. 7.

Moving charge create a magnetic field – lab report example

The magnetic field created in turn exerts a force on the moving electric charges which is given by: Since the electric current consists of moving charges, the magnetic field can also exert a force on a current and for a straight wire with length L carrying current I, the magnitude of the force that is →

Econometric analysis – math problem example

Taking the first, with the French data as example, it can be said that economic theory holds that consumption should be directly proportion to income while it should be inversely so to interest and unemployment rates. It is, of course, incumbent upon theorists to interpret why there is variance, if evident after analysis, and this →

Urgent need for renewable energy

These resources are classified as non-renewable resources. In this report we will discuss different types of resources which can be used as a replacement for producing sustainable energy and also the effects on theenvironmentby burning the carbon based resources. Renewable Energy Renewable energy is energy →

Refrigerators: reservoirs and sinks, external forces

The diagram only needs contain the most basic components of a refrigerator or heat pump. The above figure shows a simple cross section of the refrigerator. Part 3 Relate Part 1 to Part 2: talk about the diagram and explain which part fulfils which function in the machine and where the energy is needed, where →

Chemistry of bath bombs essay sample

This was proven in the experiment when 5g of bicarb and 3g of citric acid was mixed with water, this mixture took the longest time to react and therefore would be a better product as a bath bomb. The first two experiments where 1-2 grams of citric acid was used shows that the average →

Ap english language – synthesis essay example essay sample

Despite the fact that there is statistical evidence, there have been controversies as in how much effort should be put in to solve the issue of global warming. The seriousness of global warming is evident." In the 20th century, the world's average surface temperature rose by...the fastest rate in any period over the last →

Organic chemistry essay sample

When doing each procedure, take extra care and wear eye protection, gloves, and lab coat because there's a high risk due to the organic chemical been unknown. Risk assessment before the test alkene and phenol: Procedure / Chemical Risk Precaution Information derived from →

Jacobsen’s method of epoxidation of an alkene essay sample

This difference in solubility is likely due to stronger ionic interactions between the tartaric acid and the diammonium with the matching configuration. When running the experiment it is important to add the diamine to the tartaric acid in neat form because the reaction is exothermic and the heat could hinder the reaction. Adding ethanol →

Nalytical analysis of anti-depressants in human plasma using liquid-liquid chromatography

Measuring of the serum concentrations of antidepressants is therefore important to ensure that physicians are able to administer the correct dosage for the treatment of depression. The process involves the extraction of the drugs in neutral forms to ensure that the pH does not alter the chemical composition and structure of the drugs.

Chemistry 12

Given the following mechanism, answer the questions below: Step 1: Step 2: O3 + NO NO2 + O2 NO2 + O NO + O2 a) Give the equation for the overall reaction._________________________________________________________________ b) What could the catalyst be in this mechanism? c) What is an intermediate in this mechanism? ________________________ ______________________________ →


They should pick the best of there employees to give them training courses to be the next managers to lead the company to a better future. After setting the goal of the company and achieving it the company should make a party to celebrate their goal, to have a better loyalty.

Quantitative glucose test essay sample

Finally when all of the results of the controls were recorded the test was repeated on the samples A, B and C and compared to that of the controls to obtain how much sugar was present within the samples. The time taken for the loss of colour from a standardised solution of permanganate is directly →

Cai in chemistry

There is no significant difference between the students' achievement scores in Chemistry of the control group and experimental group at Pre-test level.2. There is no significant difference between the students' achievement scores in Chemistry of control group and experimental group at Post-test level.3. This implies that the difference in the achievement of →

Chemical formulas and chemical compounds

What is the mass in grams of 0. What is the mass in grams of 3.

Analysis of soda ash and carbonate-bicarbonate mixture essay sample

The first endpoint determines the half-neutralization of the carbonate and the second determines that of the bicarbonate. The standardized HCl solution was used as titrant for both the analysis of the soda ash and the analysis of the carbonate-bicarbonate mixture. Determination of Alkalinity of the Soda Ash The unknown soda ash sample was →

Determination of the amount of calcium carbonate in the eggshell

005 mol Mean amount of HCl which reacted with CaCO3 in the eggshell 0. 00075 mol Number of moles of CaCO3 in the eggshell 0.

Gene cloning (the construction of a cdna library…)

The Construction of a cDNA Library from an Extract of Human Brain Cells 909 words The Construction of a cDNALibrary from an Extract of Human Brain Cells A complementary DNA library refers to a blend of reverse transcribed mRNA pieces inserted into a group of host cells.cDNA is made from wholly transcribed mRNA →

Reducing transport carbon emissions in the uk environmental sciences essay

8 MtCO2- accounted for a one-fourth of all CO2 emanations in the UK ( Department of Energy andclimate change, 2010 ) This shows that conveyance remains one of the major users of energy and emitter of C, non merely in the universe or European Union in general but besides UK in specific. In position of →

Extraction of organic compounds from natural sources essay sample

This is the type of extraction we performed in our experiment. Nature of the Experiment Our goal was to extract a triglyceride called trimyristin from solid nutmeg. Trimyristin in the major triglyceride found in nutmeg, representing 20-25% of the dried weight of ground nutmeg. To extract the trimyristin we performed a →

Responses of enzyme activity from ph and concentration essay sample

The objective of this exercise is to learn the relationship of enzyme activity and the enzymes environmental conditions The hypothesis tested in exercise A was that the enzymes function will be affected if the pH of its environment is altered. For this reaction, a pH of 7 is the best to use.

Abiotic factors affecting organisms – revision notes

Knot Factor Light Light is important to both animals and plants as it is the main source of living organisms energy on earth. However plants need co2 for energy. Factor-Wind Wind effects seed dispersal and aids the production of pollen needed for pollination which is important because it leads to the production →

Why magnesium is used in grignard reactions?

In the extreme case of complete polarization, the covalent bond ceases to exit and is replaced by electrostatic attractions between ions of opposite charge. The reactivity of the carbonyl groups is due to the polarization of the carbon-oxygen bond toward the more electronegative oxygen. For e.g. In organolithium compounds and Grignard reagents, the key bond →

Carbon dioxide emissions essay

3 % per twelvemonth while entire primary energy supply is turning at a smaller rate of about 2 % per twelvemonth. Taking into history the appropriate efficiency and capacity factors* the Numberss in Table I can be converted into the entire primary energy part from renewables and Figure 6. An extrapolation of the →


This paper discusses some of the physical and chemical properties of benzene, its uses and hazards. The Chemical and Physical Properties of Benzene Benzene is a nonpolar molecule with a molecular weight of 78. Petroleum products are the major contributors of benzene in the environment. Other aromatic chemicals such as phenol and toluene, are →

Prevention of calcium carbonate precipitation in synthetic formation waters

The chief grounds of deposition of salts are altering of thermobaric conditions in the procedure of production and the mutual exclusiveness of injected and formation Waterss [ 2 ]. Inorganic salts deposition on the interior surface of oilfield equipment takes topographic point in the procedure of field development of production of moire oil. Dose into →

Environmental health and safety/ interaction of hazardous materials

For eachof the following compounds: 1) give an acceptable name; 2) identify the functional group; and 3) discuss general key chemical properties of the chemical that a fire, environmental, health or safety personnel should know. Acceptable Name: butyl ethyl ether or 1 - ethoxy butane Functional Group: Ether Acceptable Name: 3 →

Arsenic delivery recommendation

59kgs net weight safely and abiding by the guidelines set forth by the Code of Federal Regulations under Title 49: Transportation, the following are the recommendations to maintain the integrity of the shipment, mitigate the effects of accidents causing the spillage of the hazardous chemical to the environment, and prevent the personnel from accidentally inhaling →

Observation of chemical change essay sample

That yellow stayed concentrated at the top segregated. F / A7 NaOCI and KI Automatically turned brown and when the starch was added it turned black. G / A11 KI and Pb Automatically turned a cloudy yellow color and became more solidified than the other experiments. The →

Carolina perez

In order for sickle cell anemia to occur is when a sickle cell gene have, been inherited from both the mother and the father, so that the child has two sickle cell gene. Pain is cause by the lack of oxygen to the organs and the sickle cells that eventually block blood vessels due to →

Chemistry project: acids and bases & the ph scale essay sample

The pH scale was developed because the concentration of the solution can vary by many factors over time, and a pH scale was the easiest way to express the variation of the solution. Results: The pH of a solution measures the hydrogen ion concentration in that solution.

Biomass energy and biofuels essay sample

Currently, crop-based bioethanol and biodiesel are the most widely used biomass-derived fuels, and they have been successfully implemented in the transportation sector as alternatives to petrol-based gasoline and diesel. Bioethanol and biodiesel, referred to as first-generation biofuels, are both produced from commodities that are also used for food; the difference is that biodiesel is →

Pyrolysis of aryl sulfonate esters in the absence of solvent: e1 or e2 – lab report example

Pyrolysis of Aryl Sulfonate Esters in the Absence of Solvent: E1 or E2 Pyrolysis of Aryl Sulfonate Esters in the Absence of Solvent: E1 or E2 Chemistry Lab Report 28 November High purity alkenes can be produced by pyrolysis of aryl sulfonate esters that contain a basic substituent. It also intended to pyrolyze →

Lab report on chemical testing of water sample for contaminants

A little amount of the solvents was poured into beakers and some of the substance in its solid form was added in and the beaker was swirled for a couple of seconds and either the substance dissolved or did not. The tests resulted in the substance being soluble in water only and insoluble in both →

Molecular modeling

All the valence-shell electron pairs of the central atom are considered both the pairs that form covalent bonds and the pairs that are unshared (called nonbonding pairs or lone pairs). The nonbonding pairs help to determine the position of the atoms in the molecule or ion.

Christine otieno

6M | Final weight | 1. 36 | % change in weight | 1.

Soil concentration

The salt concentration found in soil solutions is measured in form of its salinity. The amount of Cl- present in a given soil solution determines its salinity, which is required for proper plant life.


Entropy: Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system, and systems tend to favor a more disordered system.

Research paper example

Biopolymers and their application Biopolymers are the polymer materials that can be obtained from renewable sources. Most of the biopolymers and some polymers obtained from the fossil fuels are biodegradable.

Lab write up for separation by filtration and crystallization essay sample

Filter the mixture and collect the filtrate in a 100 mL beaker as shown in Figure 1.1. #3 Wash the solid with a further 5 mL of water but do not add this to the filtrate. Note and record the appearance of the solid#4 Add a boiling chip to the filtrate. Both of these →

Chemical reaction paper

The most common type of bleach used in the world today is made of chlorine compounds. The chemical bond in the chromophore is broken which converts it to a compound that has no color or cannot reflect color in the normal spectrum.

Comparison between cyclohexane and cyclohexene essay sample

Majority of the reactions including the addition reactions involve the rupture of the pi bond to form new single bond in which the unsaturated carbon atoms become saturated. The equation for combustion of cyclohexene in excess oxygen is shown below: [Equation] In a process named halogenation, halogens such as bromine and chlorine, readily add →

Assessing water quality in a stream by chemical means essay sample

Materials & Methods a.materials Thermometer ph meter Transparent plastic bottle Test kits Turbidity disc Stop watch Floating object b.method 1. 0 Table 2: The speed of the water 1.

The atomic mass of beanium essay sample

How are they the same? The isotopes of an element have the same amount of protons, but a different amount of neutrons, so they vary in size. 2. The mass number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom while the atomic mass is the total of protons and →

Effect of carbon chain on equilidruim and rate constants of esterification

Very little data is available on how does the carbon chain length of carboxylic acid and alcohol affects the rate constant and equilibrium constant of esterification. Thus, the research topic of this investigation is: How does the carbon chain length of the alcohols and carboxylic acids affect the rate constants of the →

Chlorine and magnesium lab introduction

Introduction The purpose of this lab experiment is to determine the atomic weight of magnesium by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. H2 + Mg2+ + 2Cl- In this experiment there is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen →

C60 metal ions, although there’s no evidence to

Instead, the structure was confirmed byobserving the structure of the first fullerene derivative synthesised C60 1. This derivative has also been used to determine the ratio of 13C: 12Cwithin C60 when the C60 has beenpartially enriched with 13C. The scientific community was eager to investigatethe structure and properties of the molecule further; however, they →

How much gas is preduced

The Ideal Gas Law states that; where P is the pressure , V is the volume , n is the number of moles of gas in the system, T is the temperature and R is the ideal gas constant, given as 0. Therefore, the mass of magnesium used in the reaction →

Analyze the chemistry experiment essay

Accuracy refers to a standard whereas precision does not. Solve the following problems and record the answers to the proper number of gures. a.21. 47 g/cm3 The density of the coins is 8.