Complete Essay Samples on Science

Digestive system

These spread through the tube of the small intestine and into the blood plasma or lymph and pass to the cells. The digestible carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are broken into simpler molecules by enzymes in the saliva, in juice produced by the pancreas, and in the lining of the small intestine.


The liver produces and secretes bile into the gallbladder from the right and left hepatic duct join together to become the common hepatic duct then into the gallbladder via the cystic duct. During the digestion of fattyfood, the gallbladder releases bile that passes through the common bile duct and into the duodenum through the Sphincter →

Directional terms assignment essay sample

Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms superior and inferior utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. The term medial refers to parts of the body that are toward the midline and the term lateral refers to parts of the body away from the midline.3.

Development of the cardiovascular system in vertebrate embryos

The peripheral cells within these blood islands flatten to form endothelial cells, triggered by the binding of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor to the first of its two receptors, the VEGF-R2 protein, which is responsible for the differentiation of mesodermal cells into endothelial cells and the subsequent proliferation of the endothelial cells. As the ventricular →

Affects of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and a major cause of heart attack. High blood pressure can cause a variety of medical problems from heart disease to stroke.

Digestive system disease

Moreover, when the mucosa of the duodenum are exposed to the acid been produced in the stomach then they may be breached. Some drugs have also been indicated in the development of the diseases, drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they cause this disease by blocking the production of the protective prostaglandin, and a good example →

Essay about human a&p ch. 22 respiratory system

Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system 2. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system 2.

Excretory system

Lungs One of the main functions of the lungs is to diffuse gaseous wastes, such as carbon dioxide, from the bloodstream as a normal part of respiration Kidneys The kidney's primary function is the elimination of waste from the bloodstream by production of urine. After the filtration process, the blood then returns to collect the →

Diabetes type ii

The individuals suffering from diabetes type II start having blurred vision caused by the alteration in the shape of the lens due to osmotic factors chiefly the elevated levels of blood glucose. Treatment of Diabetes Type II The immediate objective of treating diabetes type II is to reduce the elevated levels of blood glucose while →

Essay about an injury

He was playingsoccerwith his friends, and one of them thought it was funny to make him stumble, so he went leg hooking at my brother. My brother was dying of pain when the doctor touched it, and certainly when he was putting his leg in right position.

Fish anatomy critical analysis

The following illustration of a largemouth bass shows some of the common external features that are used to describe the differences among fish species. This is the part of the fish that is usually eaten, and Measuring a Fish of the fish with the mouth closed and the tail fin aying along a tape measure, →

The nervous system

The hypothalamus is to your body as the thermostat is to the internal environment of a house.________________________ ANS: TDIF: EREF: p. ANS: structure A, the cerebrum DIF: BREF: p.

The main astrological types of the huntsman

They are intuitive and are highly attuned to the vibrations of others. Their curiosity is immeasurable and they are those who would always want to get to the bottom of things.

Blizzard the century

The second week of March 1993 is a significant date in the history of the Eastern United States because it is the day when it was struck by one of the most intense blizzards ever known. Impact of the Blizzard: The blizzard of 1993 was one that broke many records in the history of Kentucky, →

Aurora borealis

Aurora Borealis In 1921 Pierre Gassendi was the person who named the colored light in the sky Aurora Borealis. The northern lights is a wide spread of a white compared to the sky which is black.

Nasa’s spacefaring: all to no avail?

NASA and the citizens of the United States do not gain any knowledge of what the missions were initially meant for if they unexpectedly fail. All in all, it is not ideal for the government to fund NASA's spacefaring.

Outer space exploration

Since issues on earth are still in effect, people's fear of what is to come in the future prevent them from becoming aware of how exploring outside this world in space can actually benefit us all, and how important it is to our planet earth. With the paranoia already build up in our minds and →

Mars atmosphere and volatile evolution mission (maven)

Why? In hopes of uncovering the answers to these mysteries, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will launch its newest mission to Mars, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission. According to NASA, MAVEN data will be used to determine how the loss of volatile compounds from Mars's atmosphere to space has influenced the evolution →

Balancing the 3 ps: people, planet and profits

The three Ps sometimes called the " triple bottom line" is an accounting framework in which a company's success is measured not just by its financials, but also by the positive social and environmental impact it makes on the world. Balancing the three Ps requires a careful focus on the company's mission and an understanding →

Ozone layer

Ozone in the upper layer of the atmosphere protects the ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth surface on the other hand ozone in the lower layer of the earth surface causes respiratory problems in living organisms. Second, ozone warms the upper layer of the stratosphere, which is an important part of the mechanism of the →

Square kilometer array telescope

On 25th may scientists in Africa launched a new radio telescope which is connected to the world's first optical telescope, now this telescope will help in understanding and studying the formation of the galaxy. Paul Groot from the Radboud University in the Netherlands said that they are listening and observing the sky at the same →

Ap euro notes

Albert of Hohenzollern- had to raise ten thousand [ which is over 9, 000] ducats, so hired Johann Tetzel to sell indulgences, Tetzel: " As soon as gold in the basin rings, the soul to heaven rings.o Pope Leo X: " Not interested in a squabble between monks", ignored 95 theses Luther cont would- Dominicans →

Carl sagan was right, we are star stuff

The paper " Carl Sagan Was Right, We Are Star Stuff" is a good example of an essay on astronomy." The amino acid glycine, a fundamental building block of proteins, has been found in a comet for the first time, bolstering the theory that raw ingredients of life arrived on Earth from outer space" The →

Non-eroding orbits of the inner planets and earths moon

Newton's law of gravitation states that the attraction of two objects to one another is the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between their centers, or F = G. They are in perpetual free fall, but at such a distance from one another and the sun that their orbits are →

Satellites and their potentials in different areas

Satellites commonly are defined as man-made objects or instruments mounted in orbit to aid in data gathering for various uses like communications, mapping, disasters amongst others and usually, rotate around the earth as well as on supplementary planets. In conclusion, application of satellites in various duties such as surveillance, disaster management, GPS tracking, and communication →

Continue to fund nasa

We are a race destined for the stars, and the formation of agencies like NASA were the first steps to that end. The initial goal of NASA was to make up lost ground on the Soviets in the space race, but on May 25, 1961 President John F Kennedy gave NASA its prime directive: put →

Better wear sunscreen

The resulting high surface temperature due to the accumulation of the carbon dioxide is referred to as the greenhouse effect. The intents of this paper are to: understand what global warming really is; know about the historical warming of the earth; figure out the causes of the global warming and; find out the expected effects →

The good news is 15 percent of galaxy note 7 customers aren’t idiots

Do they not understand that the data they are collecting will help them better serve to their customers in the future? And what will it take for so many small business owners to do the things that they know, if ignored, will kill their business in the long term?

Sonny be full of himself at times.

Throughout the memoir, Sonny and the restof the Rocketboys design, test, and build rockets. He supported the BCMA, and gave wordsof wisdom to Sonny and the boys.

The mystery of our universe

The understanding of the vastness of the space is a quite challenging and an important question for the physicists. The clustering of the outer halo was a slow and more chaotic process for the origin of the Galaxy.

What we know about the black holes

Many scientists refer blackholes as a region in space where the force of gravity is maximum that even light which is the fastest travelling entity in universe cannot escape the blackholes but a theory tells that blackholes are not attractive to anything else except the gravity. Another misconception is that one day our Sun will →

Creating atmosphere

The analysis should take into account the problems and challenges of the faculty members, the fears and doubts of the students and the different aspects of administration of the school management. The diversity of students in the class room makes it more challenging for the faculty and the administration to create an atmosphere of acceptance, →

The second race for space: nasa vs. private space enterprise

There is, in contrast, the growingly popular view that independently funded and run commercial space corporations deserve a share of the funding contributed to NASA. From what continues to happen to this day it is made clear that NASA has, and will continue, to improperly manage the money it is given for space exploration and →

Space exploration: price issue

Well instead of the American tax payer paving the path to space, we need to look to privatize space exploration. There are several different ways to get to space, but with the abilities private companies bring to the table, nothing else stands a chance.

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is also called Staph and is abbreviated to S.aureus or Staph aureus in medical literature.S.aureus is a bacterium that causes various infections. Noyce, Michels, & Keevil, 2006, p.

Canadian pyramid essay

Though constructed differently from the conventional male-on-the-left female-on-the-right orientation, this pyramid illustrates the following: the number of male and female in Canada for the Year 2001 is nearly equal with female at 50. This bulge is the effect of baby booms in the 1960's, or a phenomenon of " uncharacteristically large age cohorts within a →

Ebola informative speech essay sample

Ebola researchers believe that the natural host of Ebola are fruit bats, and the virus is first transmitted to non-human primates and then to humans through bush meat trade. You have seen what it does to people and you are about to be one of them.

Smoking effects

Even though people have been educated to know the dangers of smoking and passive smoking, they still do not want to be close to smokers because they know it is dangerous for them. If people want to give up smoking for good need to take a closer look at smoking and understand they why →

Dissecting the large field of studying health related issues, known as epidemiology

The World Health Organization defines epidemiology as " the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events, and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. John Snow is commonly referred to as the father of modern epidemiology after researching the causes of cholera outbreaks in →

Overview of cancer stem cells biology essay

CRC is one of the prima causes of decease from malignant neoplastic disease, in males 3rd most common and in females it is the 4th common cause of decease from malignant neoplastic disease. It is the 3rd common malignant neoplastic disease and besides the 2nd most common cause of decease from malignant neoplastic disease in →

Persuassive speech on vaccines

Importance of Immunizations Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience of the benefits of Immunizations. Thesis: We will be covering 3 areas of vaccines 1) How vaccines work 2) History of Immunizations/producing benefits 3) Understanding the importance and need for Immunizations Introduction: I wonder what family members I am missing at our family reunions?

Disease in the modern age: epidemics are likely to affect more people today than 1,000 years ago

With the invention of science and modern medical science technology the very term " Epidemics" has bagged its impact of from our society. The spread of knowledge in scientific world as well as its application has made us enable to stand against it in comparison to primitive era.

Childhood obesity: a global public health crisis

Childhood obesity is defined as a BMI at or above 95th percentile for children of same age and sex.[4] Classifications of obesity in children depend upon the body composition of the child, as it varies with respect to age and sex of the child.[4] MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing →

Dr. suhas kadam

Objective: ' To assess the prevalence of various behavioral risk factors of non-communicable diseases in the urban slum population of shivaji nagar, Mumbai.' To assess the relationship between various socio-economic factors and various NCD risk factors in the urban slum population of shivaji nagar, Mumbai. The population residing in this slum is generally poor and →

John snow – the father of epidemiology

The effects of ether proved to be slow and it was expensive. Snow is considered to be the father of epidemiology by scientists and researchers today.

Management and leadership

Community health nurse continue to assist with individual in need of help and assessing the situation. The goal of community health nurse is to achieve the best possible level of health for the people and the community involved in the disaster.

Muscular dystrophy

Otherwise known as " inherited myopathy", " Muscular Dystrophy" includes the following inherited sickness or medical conditions: Becker's muscular dystrophy; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy; Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy; Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy; Myotonic Dystrophy; Myotonia Congenita. For Muscular Dystrophy, the symptoms are the following: First of all is the weakness of the muscles which actually →

Principles of disease and epidemiology

Chapter 14 Principles of Disease and Epidemiology Pathology Infection and Disease 1. Noncommunicable Disease caused by microorganisms that inhibit body and only occasionally produce disease or live outside the body and produce disease when introduced e.tetanus Occurrence of Disease 1.

The role of multidrug resistance polymorphisms in chronic lymphocytic essay

The induction of CLL is thought to be attributable to a individual familial defect of B-lymphocytes, which consequences in a peculiar form of reaction where the B-cell receptor is stimulated. The diagnosing of CLL has evolved well in recent old ages and involves immunological analysis of bone marrow aspirate and biopsy tissue to to the →

Managerial epidemiology for gerontological health care

In the recent years, the field of gerontology had been the focus of many concerned citizen because there is a significant increase on the elder sector of the society. The main purpose of the industry is to providehealthservices like prevention, treatment of diseases, and the maintenance of wellness through the combined force of doctors and →

Stroke epidemiology in southwestern iran health and social care essay

The disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in the universe and considered as the 3rd in the United States and other industrialized states. In add-on gender is deciding factor in this disease; In general, the shot is more likely to happen in workforces, However, due to the longer life anticipation of adult females →

Internship handbook

We appreciate your input into planning experiences and your feedback about students' MPH Internship Procedures Mission Statement The mission of the Master of Public Health Program at the University of Missouri is to advance the well-being and quality of life of the citizens of Missouri and beyond through excellence in teaching, discovery, and service in →

Analysis of bladder cancer biology essay

Bladder malignant neoplastic disease is the 7th most common malignant neoplastic disease in the United Kingdom with 10, 091 new instances diagnosed in 2007 it ranks the 4th most common malignant neoplastic disease in males and eleventh in females. About, all malignant neoplastic diseases of the vesica start in the bed of cell which form →

Janni puente

With stomach cancer is can be described as a gastric cancer, which is a malignant tumor arising from the lining of the stomach. The description of cancer is not easily described in a sentence.

Communicable disease paper essay sample

The paper will also include: identifying the gaps and how I might link to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available; include recommendations to expand the communities' programs if there are gaps; describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease; and to include data findings, →


Childhood Obesity and Heart Disease, and the Importance of Physical Education in Schools Kristal Brandenburg ENG 122: English Composition II Instructor Deborah Zeringue April 8th 2012 Childhood Obesity and Heart Disease, and the Importance of Physical Education in Schools INTRODUCTION Childhood obesity across the world is increasing rapidly. Heart disease is one of the health →

Blue ocean strategy summary

Blue Ocean Strategy as a Management Concept The idea of the blue ocean strategy is to create market demand instead of fighting over an existing market. Benefits and Downsides of the Blue Ocean Strategy The blue ocean strategy is not an absolute solution to competition in a red ocean.

Western australian museum essays example

The geological museum was opened on the 9th of September 1891 at the site of the old goal and housed the first collection of geological sample of the state. The makers and making of indigenous Australian museum collections.

What is the blue ocean strategy commerce essay

The concern existence can be thought as a composing of two sorts of oceans the first is the ruddy ocean and 2nd one is the bluish ocean. But most of the blue oceans are created from the within the ruddy oceans by spread outing the industry boundaries which are bing.

Famous igneous rocks

Select one of the items in the list below and do some research on it. For more information on how this assignment will be graded, review the Writing Assignment: Famous Igneous Rocks Rubric.

Wegeners theory of continental drift essay

The main cause of the rejection was the failure of the theory to explain the mechanism of the continental drift that led to the drifting of the continents apart. In addition to the vagueness of the continental rift theory on the mechanism of the drift, the scientific community rejected the continental drift theory since it →

Wegener and the theory of continental drift

He was one of the first scientists to theorize about the continental drift or continents in motion, which supports the belief that the Earth's continents once were a single land mass. Based on the theory of continental drift, Wegener began to gather evidence from around the world from landforms, fossils, and climate and put it →

How was the uk formed? how the geographical formation of great britain took shape

During this era is when the British Isles came together and was formed over a number of different periods such as the Cambrian, Ordovician, Devonian periods. During the Carboniferous period, three hundred and sixty million years ago when the UK was positioned over the equator, covered by the Rheic Ocean.

Geologic changes vinoth loganathan new zealand

The location of the South Island is south of both Australia and South Africa; this is a major contributor to the geological process of weathering because it makes Mt. Weathering and erosion have contributed to the formation of Mount Cook by shaping it.

Free earth geology and its ramifications for life report sample

History of Creation During 18th century, many myths of explaining naturalistic and evolutionary nature of earth were developed. The impact of this is witnessed at the community, national and personal levels.

Blue ocean strategy

Of these six risks, the first four revolve around the creation of the strategy itself and the final two relate to the actual execution of the strategy. If you look to the chart to the right you can see that Blue Ocean Strategy has figured out that the key to value innovation is equal parts →

Lake: ocean and lakes

Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper thanponds.[1][2] Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams, which are usually flowing. Unconfirmed oceans are speculated beneath the surface of many dwarf planets and natural satellites; notably, the ocean of Europa is believed to →


The paper proposes that the theory of the supercontinent and the study of fossil records lack a confident conclusion to the geological history of the Earth and its present state, meriting the consideration of an alternative view. By account of the Bible, the creation of the supercontinent and the subsequent shifting of the continents are →

What happened to the mt helen?

Helens, located in southwestern Washington about 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon, is one of many volcanic peaks that dominate the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest; the range extends from Mount Garibaldi in British Columbia, Canada, to Lassen Peak in northern California. Helens is the smallest of the five major volcanoes in Washington State, →

The contrasting results of earthquake predictions

There will be several pieces of the earthquakes that will be discussed: geology around the area, what information was gathered before the earthquake, information that was provided to the public before the earthquake, how the public reacted, and the aftereffects. The two goals of the project were to record the geophysical details before and after →

Our children and the avalanche of crud

In the essay " Buried Alive: Our Children and the Avalanche of Crud", David Denby argues that popcultureis distinctive and damaging to children in the United States today. The Big Bang Theory according to Pirone is a sexist and stereotypical television show that portrays men to hold a higher archery towards women.

How does geology relate to human experience?

Geology is within us, from the moment we closed the door and step on the road filled with sand and rocks, to the various minerals we unknowingly utilize in our everyday life. Studying geology is indeed a necessity for us human, as we are part of Earth's system; our presence alone greatly affects the system →


In 1883 the eruption lasted from August 23 to 27, in 1988 explosive eruptions lasted February through to April and in 1992 the eruptions lasted the longest from 7 November 1992 through to August 14, 1993. Krakatoa is still grumbling away today ready to explode, in fact, the last eruption was in 2001.

Plate tectonic press release

The earthquakes in California are caused by movements of huge blocks of the earth's crust known as the Pacific and North American plates." The Pacific Plate is moving in the North West direction and is scraping pass North America at a rate of two Inches a year. Keep a flashlight and sturdy shoes by each →

Continental drift

To begin with, the rocks in the eastern coastline of South America and the rocks in the western coastline of Africa has been found out that they both have the same broad belts of rocks. This leads to the second argument in the field of geological similarity of why continental drift is true: What makes →

Catastrophism verses uniformitarianism essay examples

Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism are theories that describe the alternative process which could be primarily responsible for the formation of the geological strata and embedded fossils. This version of geology is considered to have come from a fierce insistence that the processes that alter the earth are uniform through time and constant in space as acknowledged →

What is a shaman

Shaman also foretells the future events and controls the spiritual forces because they have the power to predict the unknown and command the spirits to do as they wish. The Relationship between Shamans and Priests Shamans differ with the practices of priests since their powers are personal and intermediate.

A study of the archaeology of the uae

Utmost attempt is deployed in this paper to joint either the research is confined towards the existent clip innovation or it is merely the clip period and castanetss every bit good as rocks those are discovered in the current clip period. Boness and rocks are considered in elaborate attack as they can be used to →

Acheulean hand axes

The researcher contextualizes the article by saying that much research has been conducted to determine the antiquity, stratigraphic context and the associated middle Pleistocene stone tools of the Narmada man. He studied the region around Narmada river and the tools found indicated the presence of man.

Hale, duane. cyrus n. ray: the abilene man

It was a little misleading because the author gives two points of view on Cyrus N.Ray. For the author, he feels as though this is not fair for Cyrus N.Ray.

Breakthroughs in modern deep sea treasure hunting

Before side scanning sonar and ROVs were developed for practical use, deep sea treasure hunting professionals and marine archaeologists have to contend with human limitations on the vast three-dimensions of the sea. The deepest deep sea treasure recovery has been made by ROVs at a depth of 170 meters.

What is a shaman

Shaman Shamans referred to people who had the ability to move between the layers of the cosmos and connect the material world with the spiritual world. They had the ability to shape world views by communicating what came from the supernatural world to the world of the living.

Things that garbage can reveal

Moreover, the kind of the garbage depicts a lot in regard to the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and culture. In sum, the kind of garbage normally depicts the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and →

Good example of archaeological sites in ireland essay

The coronation of the kings was a valued ceremony, and the Hill of Tara enjoyed the privilege of hosting the ceremony. The struggling towards the abolishment of the Act of the union is part of the Ireland history.

Archaeology home work

Aside from the excavation of fossils and other historic items, archaeology also involves interpreting the purpose that these valuable items had in the life of early man and relating such purposes to the existence of man today. Archaeology, on the other hand, is about studying the history of man, which is the origin of humanity →

Example of altering artifacts essay

It is alleged his smuggling and alteration of artifacts had a significant impact on the wealth he had accumulated until his sudden death on the Christmas of 1890. Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism.

The ruins of tulum

Perched on the edge of a cliff, alongside the Caribbean Sea, stands the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum. It was however the end of a calendar cycle.

The fault in our stars reflective response

The indecisiveness and confusion that Gus has at the time of writing his letter is a universal response to insecurity and hopelessness. In terms of the novel Gus' letter provides the reader with an applicable question to think about.

The motif of the moon in ishmael’s a long way gone

Ishmael uses the motif of the moon as a figurative language as well as the setting to describe his situations and emotions in a poetic way. Ishmael's words with the moon motif in A Long Way Gone enable the readers to explore his mind as well.

Solar nebular theory

What I liked about the video is how they used good analogies such as the pizza and the figure skater to get the idea of angular momentum across. What I liked about the video is the way they illustrated how the Doppler affect worked with visuals as oppose to the dog theory in the textbook.

Why men are from mars and women are from venus.

It is easy to assume that because English belongs to the person who uses it, men and women would likely to talk the same way but that may not be the case. In the essay " I will Explain it to you: Lecturing and Listening" by Deborah Tannen, she believes that even though men and →

Albedo in urban and rural temperature settings

Albedo can be defined as the ratio of the amount of light that a ceratin body reflects and the amount that it absorbs. If the surface that is it by the sunlight absorbs or takes in most of the light, it is said to have a low albedo.

Earth and yuri gagarin

The purpose of this presentation to know more about the life of Yuri Gagarin and his exploits. During this state of weightlessness I ate and drank and everything was the same as on the Earth.

Apollo 11

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that allowed the first men to land on the moon. He was quoted saying in front of congress, " I believethat this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." And →

Right stuff

For the intent of this essay, I will define " the right stuff" as the unspoken qualities a person possesses that motivate them to attempt/accomplish feats not ordinarily attempted as well as continue to challenge themselves to the point that few can relate and the masses are viewed as inferior beings. From the challenge to →

Minor members of the solar system

Halley's is one of the best-known and brightest comets others are the Oort cloud which are comets that appear to be distributed in all directions trom the sun, torming a spherical shell around the solar system. A few meteoroids are believed to be fragments of the moon, or possibly Mars, that were ejected when an →