Complete Essay Samples on Science

Stat 2

Minimize Z= 8X12+4X1X2+12X22 Subject to: 6X1+X2 50 X1+X2 40 A statistical programming that uses a scale of 0-1 is a simple and powerful integer scale. Quantitative analysis of quality management literature published in total quality management and business excellence.

Test characteristics

Thus, when one talks about the reliability of a test, he refers to the scores and not to the content or the form of the test. The correlation between the scores of the examinees in the first half and the second half will determine the reliability of the test scores.

Cs 2 descriptive statistics part i: normal curves, variability, and plotting

The various measures used to describe a set of data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and measures of distribution. The made calculations usually cover central tendency, dispersion and distribution of the data.

Measurement and nominal b. ordinal

Quantitative Analysis for Business Final E Progress: The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to A.summarize data in a useful and informative manner B.make inferences about a population C.determine if the data adequately represents the population D.gather or collect data The general process of gathering, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting data is called A.statistics B.descriptive →

Forecast exam test quiz

4 For; t = 2, 3, 4. 00 2 21 20 1.00 1.0 1.

Selecting relevant research that addresses the variables in the research question(s) of the article

With this increase, the mobile element of the social media continues to spread the adoption as well as the widespread of the social media and digital marketing. In addition to the marketer-directed roadblocks and other online ads, there were other consumer directed actions used via the digital media that increased reach and sales of the →

Measures and scale

20 2, 025.00 0.04 9. 60556 6 30 3.1 -0.83 0.2 0.

Inferential and descriptive statistics

There are a number of advantages associated with inferential statistics, one of the advantages is that inferential statistics will provide more information than descriptive statistics, for example, descriptive statistics regarding the gender variable will indicate percentages of male and female participants, inferential statistics will involve determining the percentage of male, and also will also involve →

Essay on the role of research and statistics in the field of psychology

The third step is the use of the formulated hypothesis in the prediction of other phenomena that are in existence or the prediction of the results for a new observation quantitatively. Collection of secondary data is less expensive and takes a shorter time to collect than the primary data collection.


69333 3 -0. 69333 4 -0.

1 more than 3 nails for adults, or

For more severe cases in adults a course of Terbinafine may be recommended at a dosage of 250mg orally every day for 3 to 4 months, though it is worth noting that due to the nature of the drug the liver function should be assessed at a minimum of every 4 to 6 weeks throughout →

Relegion and marraige health

The relationship between religion and have a healthy marriage The research is about the relationship between marriage and religion. Different age groups, ethnic groups have been sampled so as to come up with the results the questions asked were the frequency of going to church, marital status and the health of the marriage.

Statistics chapter 12 solutions

If we wish to determine whether there is evidence that the proportion of successes is higher in group 1 than in group 2, the appropriate test to use is a) the Z test.b) the [pic]test.c) both of the above d) none of the above ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: chi-square test for difference →

To attain such goal

The sample mean is considered as the most valid estimate of the true value that is considered in the course of the experiment. It is considered as the norm in finding the probable location of the center of the data set since it is the value in between the extremes of the data.

Week 4

90 R2 = 0.81 d.r = 0. R2 = 0.


To accomplish their objective, they set out to investigate the influence of ICT in the profitability of the hotels in the study area. Dana conducted a statistical research with the primary objective of establishing the role of information technology in the hospitality industry.

Lin article questions

In long articles do the researchers briefly summarize the purpose and results at the beginning of the discussion session? Are the results discussed in terms of their literature cited in the introduction.

Probability assignment

For the first member of the committee, there are 8 possibilities. Therefore, the total number of ways these 5 envelopes can be posted in the 3 mailboxes is 3*3*3*3*3 = 35.

Water leak and a pump failure

The probability table shows the probability for all states of the node given the states of the parent nodes.b) What is a joint probability distribution? Is it possible, in your model, to compensate for the lack of Mr H.S.'s expertise with a better pump?

Statistical survey

The main elements of entertainment that can be studies include the likes or dislikes on the various forms of entertainment, the role played by entertainment in people's lives and the impact of entertainment channels within a given population. The ratio of the sampled students to the whole population gives a firm ground to stand when →

An excellent analysis and methods with a pulmonary disorder

To provide appropriate medicinal care and education to the patient and then statistical analysis of individuals has to be obtained to relate to the type of medication he/she is to be with. Record keeping and data is very essential to assist the physician to know the progress of a particular patient with time.

Creative writing on information in speech making

The purpose of a speech in a very fundamental sense is to inform, persuade and entertain the audience. After all, we live in the Information Age and any incorrect information one might provide is bound to be pointed out or realised sooner or later, which makes the whole purpose of the speech invalidated.

What is an outcome

What is a probability distribution? How do we find the probability of two or more dependent events happening?

All graduate programs

All Graduate Programs The data indicates that the total number of students in the All Graduate Programs is 1, 390. In terms of their age group 311 are in the 25 years and under age group, 639 in the 25 to 34 age group, 249 in the 35 to 44 age group, and 191 →

The education program that thrives on children freedom

The Montessori education programis a well-known education program that thrives on children freedom of Choiceand group-based centers in the classroom.Dr. Based on the structure that enhanced hands-on learning, social interaction and independence the Montessori Education Program is a greatchoice.

Problem set 2 × 3 between s factorial

During the first half of the spring semester, 120 male students and 120 female students in grade 10 at a public high school in a large metropolitan area in the southwestern region of the United States were randomly assigned to one of three study environment: study in front of the TV, at the library, or →

Statistics study

Application of Statistics in Research A researcher may apply statistics in the planning and execution of research. Statistics helps give credibility to methods used, findings and conclusions of the research.

Correlation discussion

On the other hand, if we had two variables that were measured using a number scale, then the best method to use is Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The likely opportunity that this method would be used is a correlation between gender and height.

Using probability concepts to formulate a decision making for abc

The cost of production is currently close to the contracted price and ABC Ltd is considering the possibility of sourcing the product at a cheaper price as there is a 0. The probability of manufacturing corn cheaply is a mere 0.

Quantitative analysis of a data sample

The mean score for whites in English MCAS is 241. 10 The hypothesis is that race affect a student's performance in English exams.


However, in a bid to establish the most commonly engaged activity in the beach, I was able to count the number of people engaging in various activities for instance, swimming, surfing and others just went to the beach to enjoy the view of the ocean. On that note, the study was able to yield the →

Minitab work

To three decimal places, what is the p value from this F test? is it reasonable to assume that the two fertiliser yields have equal variance The null and alternate hypotheses are The selected level of significance, is 0.05. What is the p value of your test to three decimal places?

Discussion board question

Furthermore, in the case of the cheeseburger and doughnut, the graph did not specify the size or type of the burger and doughnut referred to in the graph. In the case of the beer and the soda, the type of beer and soda was not specified although the size of the beverage was indicated.

Basic statistics

Basic Statistics of Affiliate Research Questions Is there a significant correlation between age and depression according to the data available in Book 5 Pearson Correlation Number of Observations: 681 Table 1 Pearson Correlation Matrix AGE DEPRESSION AGE 1. The positive integer implies that there is a negative correlation between work and depression according to the →

Gap inc statistics on competitive advantage

Porter's five forces model is to be used in the apt industrial analysis of Gap Inc: Rivalry Gap Inc.strives to survive in a fierce and competitive industry through the aid of its competitive advantage. While Gap Inc.generates revenues and maintains a rate of profitability from its products, the company is compelled to allocate budget for →

M and m’s

The value of test statistic is = 0. This is because the test statistic 2 = 0.

Hypertension and diet/exercise2

This report is not based on particular data collected by the authors; but on the results on a large number of studies; and it attempts to provide a scientific and precise understanding of the mechanisms that control the effect of diet on bold pressure across age, gender, weight, race and lifestyles. The report provides overwhelming →

The effect of computer in our daily lives

Most educators agree that the principal causes of failure are lack of basic skills, lack of study skills, and lack of motivation. A firm grasp of basic skills what are termed the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic is a must for college or university work.

Mini project

The graph points the trend of oil fracking as compared to the total oil and gas production from 2005 to 2015. Nevertheless, the difference or the ratio of the fracking to the total amounts can be easily calculated from the graph.

The sticky-priced condo essay

She also told the couple that if they refuse to sell their unit at a lower price such as $195, 000, they would suffer from sticky prices, in which there would be no buyer. If I were Wendy, I would persuade Jack and Sarah to sell their condominium at a lower price by using the →

Statistical reasoning summary

Statistical Reasoning Summary Statistics, if not handled skillfully, can lead to misinterpretation and incorrect results. At times, plenty of data are available but analyzing these data through critical thinking and reasoning skills requires a great understanding of the principles behind statistical techniques.

Implications and limitations of economic feasibility

One of the implications of the study is a target-specific approach to management of operations costs for greater profit margins. This also implies that profitability of hospitals do not depend on type of locality and with consideration of competition due to concentration of facilities in urban areas, I would locate a hospital, especially for a →

Risk assignment

Answer the following questions regarding each one of the risk sources you have identified.i)If you desired to follow a statistical approach in the assessment of the risk, what hard data would you need, what hard data do you think would be available, what near accident data could be used to support the available insufficient accident/failuredata? →

Interpretivists approach to suicide

He thus says that Durkheim's study of suicide is not useful in society because the statistics were based on coroner's interpretations and so his study was not reliable. In conclusion, there are many criticisms against Durkheim's study on suicide which suggest that it is not suitable to study the causalities of suicide and maybe the →

Final conclusions memo

During the analysis of the data given, it is remarkably clear that people believe of the finest basketball players is different from the real day occurrences. From the convinced interval data collected and analyzed, it is remarkably clear that the number of wins rarely affect the amount the player is paid.

Normal distribution

The reason why normal distribution is so important is because of the Central Limit Theorem. This theorem states that as long as there are a significantly large number of variables involved in the sampling process, then the average, or mean, will approximately located at the center of the curve.

Data interpretation practicum

Hypothesis The correlation test will test the level of association between injury rate and number of hours worked will be investigated consequently, our hypotheses are as follows: Null Hypothesis, H0: Injury rate and hours worked are correlated Alternative Hypothesis, H1: Injury rate and hours worked are not correlated A scatterplot of the data is shown →

Statical data in a business

Therefore: P = P + P P = P P + P P It is by now known that 40% of the detergent is produced by Florida plant and 60% from Texas. It is notable that P represents the probability of the faulty detergent.

Social research methods

Unobtrusive research is simply the methods of studying social behaviorwithout affecting it.- There are three types of unobtrusive research: Content Analysis Analysis of existing statistics Comparative and historical analysis Content Analysis - With content analysis you focus on the details of recorded human communications. The determination of latent content requires judgements by the researcher.- Both →

Statistical graphs

The article by Rampell, whose heading reads ' SAT scores and family income', shows the effect that family income has on the SAT scores of individuals. The line graph shows the change in SAT scores over change in income more effectively than the bar graph.

Biomes of africa

The equator is a determinant factor for the climatic characterization whereby it divides the content into the northern and southern regions. It is found on the edges of the equator or between the desert and tropical rainforest climates.


Jerry Ciacho November 3, Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded British journalist, explorer and geologist Simon Winchester delves into and explores the lasting and the ever so powerful consequences and results of the disastrous and shattering explosion in the coast of Indonesia of the planet's most devastating super volcano island, Krakatoa. Winchester portrays the violent →

Geography of minnesota

Geography of Minnesota Spatial distribution refers to the phenomenon of movement across the earth's surface to different places. They immigrated to Minnesota in search of work, business and an education.

Migrant workers to saudi arabia

Migrant Workers to Saudi Arabia: Outline This paper discusses the following aspects about migrant workers to Saudi Arabia: Nationalities Migrant workers to Saudi Arabia are mostly from South Asian countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Cultures Migrant workers to Saudi Arabia generally come from conservative cultures, so they find it easy to adjust in the →

Latin america

Latin America: Geography and Ecosystem What happened to the ecosystems of the region when the people changed the environment? Where the changes made for the better or for the worse, for the region?

A)the hurricanes pauline on the cost of south pacific is caused for the climate changed or is human responsible( what causes and effects)

Such a disastrous and still considered one of the strongest hurricanes of the south pacific coasts was hurricane Pauline. Indeed some of the researchers have been able to prove that global warming has somewhat a role in this increased number of hurricanes and their disastrous effect.

Geography of minnesota

The state has North Dakota and South Dakota to the West and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba to the North. The North Shore The North Shore as referred by the Americans is the shoreline of Minnesota between the city of Duluth and the international border at Grand Portage.

Sedimentry rock topic

Sedimentary Rocks To the CBRM Council Definition of the Problem The CBRM Council has been experiencing a number of challenges when it comes to the erection of new buildings. Description of Sandstone In lieu of the above problem, it is quite possible that sandstone, a sedimentary rock, can help CBRM City Council to overcome its →

Afghanistan case essay sample

As the region lies on the border between the Western Asian and South Asia, conflicts have taken a strange cultural and ethnical turns. In conclusion, it can be safely assumed that Afghanistan is on the border of South and South west Asia.

San francisco climate classification

San Francisco climate ification San Francisco is a in the United s, and it is the capital the countyof San Francisco. Some people articulate this is the best occasion to visit The City in the year, and that the true summer here occurs in September and October.

Reducing your carbon footprint

My home and energy rates are above average and they account for 66%, the highest against the national average of 36.8 %. America is a heavily industrialized country and a lot of fossil fuels are used as energy in the industries.

Middle east geography

Middle East: Population Growth and Its Impacts, indicate that the region's population increased from 127 million in 1970 to 305 million in 2005. It is observed that high rate of population growth in the Middle East has serious impacts on the region's social, economical, and political landscape.

Conflict over water: the quality and quantity of the resource

Later in 2010, when the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council passed a historic judgment and declared water as a human right, in the favor of almost 900 million people in the world who do not have access to clean drinking water; the war was officially announced. But today, economies have begun →

Analysis of aircraft incidents caused by weather conditions

The ATSB stated that, the pilot downloaded the appropriate weather forecasts for the flight between the hours of 0511 and 0637. Which meant that the pilot would have to conduct a majority of his flight in the midst of cloud.

Human geography in action

Whether it is caused by polluting our environment or by deforesting the forests in an attempt to make more land available for agriculture or any other way, the planet is now bearing the after effects of these human interventions and this poses a threat for the survival of coming generations. Apart from these the human →

Globalisation as the enhanced cooperation

Acclimatising and adapting to a new area could have been easier if the heavy equipment operator could have been of a tender age. The movement of people into a certain area creates cultural diversity and the most appealing cultural practices from different cultures are adopted by all.

Geography – problem solving: flooding

By doing this, it will also disrupt the wildlife where the town could be moved. As a result, this saves the town from being flooded but the flood downstream will be worse.

The pampas: the temperate grasslands of argentina

Once Europeans discovered the potential the Pampas had to offer in the 16th century, they exported large amount of cattle to Argentina in hopes of making a monopoly of the situation to economically benefit their home countries. This increase in sea levels is what causes the increasing levels of rainfall that threaten the species and →

Globalization photo and statement

Essence of Globalization Photo The essence of globalization is mainly captured through the increasing trade in good and services. Understanding Globalization: The Social Consequences of Political, Economic, and Environmental Change.

Compare and contrast two indian states

Compare and Contrast Two Indian s Comparing Gujarat and Maharashtra Both Gujarat and Maharashtra are northern s of India and they are developed states with regard to industrialization. The infrastructure of Maharashtra is more sophisticated and developed than that of Gujarat.

Sa pa mountains, vietnam vs rainbow mountain, peru: where to visit

Nowadays however, the town has become a tourist attraction and is visited by tourists from far and wide who seek to see the magnificent sights of the mountains in the area and perhaps go for a hike up them, and also to experience what their culture feels like. All in all, the Sa Pa Mountains →


This is a time of considerable joy and anticipation for many, equipped with the knowledge, experience, and lingering positive impact of the dedication of well-trained staff members that ensured we could stand together on graduation day ready to tackle the challenges of new careers and other personal ambitions. I would like to compare my experience →

Southeast asia

If civilization was to clash, the westerners would not be interested in the culture of other nations. If a majority of the world is ready to coexist, civilization is on track and its benefit will be enjoyed in perpetuity.

Introduction to geography-montessori

However it's not uncommon for the child in Montessori schools to know the names of all the countries and counties of the child's own country/continent. At a later stage the child can also do a matching activity with flags, and later maps are provided with the names of the countries and capitals.

City states

Notably, the environs that form a city-state have the same culture and language, profess the same religion, lead the same life, adopt a unique form of government, and follow a definite law. In Pakistan, we have a city-state called the colony of Gwadar City.

Culture geography

Currently, due to the lack of treatment of measles once one gets it, as it is entirely dependent on one's immune system, quite a number of complications can result from it. Measles in Iceland is believed to have come from North of the country and infected the town of Reykjavic first.

Natural and houman life in mono lake

Alkali Flies in Mono Lake Mono Lake is one of the most visible lakes in the state of California, according to Nixon. Herbst2, David, Distribution and abundance of the alkali fly at Mono Lake, California in relation to physical habitat.

Latin america ( physical system )

Recently, the president of Ecuador has been in defense of the oil extractions plans in the Amazon. According to the president, the plans to carry out the oil extraction will have minimal impact to the people and the environment.

Latin america

The pacific coast, the amazon basin and the Andes are the three major regions of early development. This allowed the Incas to dominate the western part of the continent.

Remote sensing project

Hiltner proposes the advantages and ease of execution of police roles with the integration of the UAss, as highlighted by their manufacturer and mandated by the constitution of the United States. The document provides relevance in the use of police drones as a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Case study example

The business venture Dwayne and Fred started is currently in a tough situation due to the fact the bank loan they had approved for $300, 000 was reduced to $175, 000 by the bank. A second option is to incorporate the business in order to be able to sell common stock of the company in →

Geography: herodotus and strabo

It is not only maps that help us learn to travel but also the understanding of geographical elements like the weather that these scholars have contributed to the knowledge we all know of today that play a part in knowing how and when to travel. Often called the father of history, Herodotus was a greek →


While the anthropologist-cum-physician at the University of Texas strives to provide realistic explanations to his argument, he fails to provide realistic solutions and deliberately ignores the importance of family planning in the contemporary society. This implies that unlike in the traditional African societies where children were communally owned thus taken care of by all the →

Chapter 9

While centrifugal is the term used for those forces who work opposite to the centripetal forces i.e.split the mind of the people and decrease support for a nation. On the other hand, nationalism can also be termed as a centrifugal force as it can cause a group of people to place their needs in front →

What is the israel lobby

The success of Israel Lobby, as it was argued by Smith, is in tandem with that of Mearsheimer and Walt; the Israel Lobby focuses on influencing the Congress, the executive, manipulate media, and policing academia. Smith, Mearsheimer, Walt, and Frankel claim that the work of lobby make Israel gets direct foreign aid every year.

Reflection assignment for the intro to orienteering class

We did not have a map to guide us on the tracks and routes to use while in the forests. Notably, this helps the person to familiarize him or herself with the routes to use, the culture of the people, the nature of the environment, and the potential risks.

Discuss the factors between denmark and solomon islands that responsible for increased and decreased growth rates within populat

In relation to the case study of Denmark and Solomon Island, it is construed that the population growth rate is unique from one place to the other. The growth rate in population is the percentage increase in the total population of a given country; it is calculated as the ratio of the increase and previous →

The power of the us

The Power of the Us The Power of the US The USA is an economic, social and political powerhouse of the world. The US is also one of the countries in the world, which has the highest number of immigrants annually.

Te lawrence fundamentals of an insurgency

E Lawrence Analysis of the Taliban guerilla movement in Afghanistan The Taliban insurgency is an Islamic political movement operating in Afghanistan. In order to understand the activities and nature of the Taliban guerilla movement, it is vital to analyze it based on T.

The ways to improve older workers’ contribution to the workforce

This paper aims to encourage employers to hire older workers in Singapore to speed up the rate of productivity growth as older workers' skills when upgraded will be on par with the younger workers. Older workers tend to be less flexible and more challenging to train; especially in the more technical areas.

Top origin and destination locations

The poor conditions in Mexico have made many people in Mexico to seek other favorable conditions in the USA in order to attain prosperity and wealth due to the attractive facilities in the USA. PULL CONDITIONS Wealth: Most of the people in USA are admired due to the perception that the people live in comfort →

Middle east

This perspective mostly refers to a conventional Muslim female whereby according to the creed ought to conduct themselves in a decent manner, which is having veil. France: In this state, the regime barred full-face veil in public places whereby the president contended the practice was basically a way of oppressing the female gender, hence France →

Exploring exciting kathmandu

The old town of Kathmandu is what holds the true spirit of the city- comprised of Hindu and Buddhist temples, royal mansions, and narrow streets that take you to unexpected places- it tells a story that is felt and experienced rather than simply observed. Bright, colourful, noisy and busy during the day, the full of →

Colorado in searching for new oasis by lavender

The book thus linked my knowledge of Geography and Geology to sociology and the study of culture and history of this region. The way of living of people from Colorado has changed a lot over the passage of the last few decades.


The main point of the above reference is the emergence of a new concept of a region and the advancement of techno-science. The purpose of the article is the analysis of the offense pattern between two points in time on the border between Sweden and Denmark.

Example of definition of geography essay

It is through the interconnection that exists between people and the environment that helps in the understanding of the world and the changes happening in it Geography is the study of living things that exist on the surface of the earth. It is through the interconnection that exists between people and the environment that helps →