Complete Essay Samples on Science

Critique of primary article

Purpose of this study The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the measurement of trace metals and compare it to the severity of sickling of hemoglobin F.C. What was the conclusion of the research/experiment done?

Energy wedges – lab report example

However before we expect the opportunities to occur it is important to plan and execute a mission that is likely to reduce carbon emission by half in the next 50 years. The increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is mainly attributed to production of energy, which is required to β†’

Radiation protection process

Radiation protection is the process whereby the individual working in a place where radiation is emitted are protected from its harmful exposure. Basically, the protection gears are meant to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of radiation emissions.

Acid-base titration chemistry formal lab writeup by essay sample

We found that the equivalence point of the titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide was not within the ph range of phenolphthalein's color range. The titration of acetic acid with sodium hydroxide resulted in an equivalence point out of the range of methyl red.

Chemical engineer

Thus the engineer is the link between the laboratory and commercial production. The occupation of a chemical engineer is a very exciting one.

Pre-lab paper

The contents of test-tubes A & B were centrifuged to obtain the solids. The observations were recorded in each case and the contents of A1, A2, B1, B2 discarded.

Yeast experiment – temperature essay sample

In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested. If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different levels of temperature.


Checked the alignment of the shell with the Piano wire arrangement. Preheat the joint area of the shell to 150 deg Welding electrodes are to be preheated Complete the root run on the outer surface of the joint side with 2.


Formaldehyde Formaldehyde Formaldehyde has negative effects to the liver, the immune system, the respiratory system and many other organs in the body. The toxic effects of formaldehyde and formalin.

Multistep synthesis of benzilic acid

With the literature melting-point value of benzil being 95oC, the product was deemed of pure enough quality to be used in the preparation of Benzilic acid. The product was then transferred into a flask containing 3mL of water at 70oC and then stirred.

Extraction of trimyristin

After most of the product was filtered an additional 2 mL of TBME was added to the RB flask to wash any remaining product from the nutmeg powder, the additional product was then filtered and added to the previously obtained product. Melting point tests of the purified trimyristin was determined to be between 52-55 C β†’

Example of cardiovascular and pulmonary reflexes report

Reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the cells may result into the reduced pH in the blood which eventually results in the reduction of the blood vessels. Experimental variable was change in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood while the dependent variables were the heart rate, breathing rate and the depth of β†’

Analytical chemistry questions essay sample

Calculate the percentage of KCl in the sample. Calculate the percentage of chloride and iodide in the sample.

Compare newton and goethe’s theory described in a particular video

The difference in appearance is as a result of the fact that the eyes try to counter the strong orange-red light from the sun. Therefore, Newton's theory associates the perception of color with light and excludes the role that darkness plays in the display of colors.

The neutralization reaction as a double displacement reaction essay sample

The mechanism of the reaction is explained through double displacement reaction in an aqueous medium, which can be illustrated in the following reaction, for this matter the common acid and base used are hydrochloric acid and and sodium hydroxide: HCl + NaOH a NaCl +H 2 O Take note that the reaction produces the salt, β†’

Investigating the rate of reaction between peroxydisulphate (vi) ions and iodide ions

The transfer of charge between the iodine and the starch and the spacing between the energy levels in the complex formed corresponds to the absorption spectrum, and so, the complementary colour, a blue-black solution, is observed. Affect of concentration on the rate of reaction For many reactions, including this one, increasing the concentration of the β†’

The importance of using chlorination reactions

The most prominent mechanism bacteria are destroyed is through the chlorine agent destabilizing the bacterial membrane by binding to reactive compounds in the membrane. This proves most effective when the chlorine is able to react with the bacterial enzymes, replacing one or more of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule with chlorine.

Fossil fuel is not forever essay sample

Fossil fuels which are one of the basic sources of energy for all our activities are exhaustible. Visit atleast 10 houses in your neighbourhood and find out the types of fuels used for cooking, heating and boiling of food and water.14 2.

Welding outline

The Egyptians were also one of the first to use pressure welding.c. The blacksmith of the middle ages was the one to bring forge welding into the world.d.

Effect of carbon dioxide on rate of photosynthesis essay sample

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to investigate into the effects of the change of carbon dioxide concentrations on the rate of photosynthesis. G & Toole.

Nuclear energy and comparative risks

This does not affect the workforce only, but the neighboring inhabitance and extending to unprotected regions where the waves may leak and inhabit the place rendering it unproductive. This is because its negative impacts are worse and long-term compared to the benefits.

Physical chemistry

The more electronegative atom attracts the shared electron pair, causing a polarity in the bond. In molecules with very high electronegativity differences, the bonds are ionic as the electrons are with the electronegative atom.

Analysing carbon emissions from pakistan environmental sciences essay

It is due to non merely the monolithic emanation of GHGs in the ambiance but besides deficiency of appropriate direction system to cut down the monolithic sum of the GHG. In an absorbent, the MEA solution is allowed to hold a contact with fluke gas which consequences in the soaking up of CO2.

Of purpose

I believe the University of has the resources I need, right from a dedicated faculty to a vibrant student community. I also believe that I will not only be gaining from the university but will also be a worthwhile and useful addition to the student community.

Chemistry experiment- calculating enthalpy change

The reaction between copper sulfate and zinc is exothermic as the energy required to form the bonds of the products is greater than the energy required to break the bonds of the reactants. 5 C The volume of the copper sulfate solution used was 25cm3, thus the mass of the solution is 25g.

Sparkler investigation lab essay sample

In other words the purpose of this experiment is to determine the enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide. The function of the magnesium in sparklers is to provide the bright light to the sparkler.

Chemicals are everywhere: impact on reproduction

In 39% of these cases the problem involves the woman, in 20% the man and in 26% both; there are also 15% of cases where no specific clinical disorder can be identified as the cause. Phthalates are found in a variety of industrial and consumer products, and as they are not covalently bound to the β†’

Tea flavonoids (phytochemistry) essay sample

The Tea Council released studies that proved the efficacy of tea in the diet. They have proven that the antioxidant property of tea flavonoids protect against and even reverse cognitive declines in aging such as Alzheimers disease.

Polystyrene facts essay sample

It comes in many shapes and forms, from foam egg cartons and meat trays, to soup bowls and salad boxes, from coffee cups and utensils to CD " jewel boxes," and from produce trays to " peanuts" used in packing and the lightweight foam pieces that cushion new appliances and electronics. Fast Fact #6 The β†’

Biology campbell chapter 2

Atomic Number - the number of protons, which is unique to that element Mass Number - the sum of protons plus neutron in the nucleus of an atom. Covalent Bond - the sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two atoms.

An article about using tafel kinetics to evaluate an electrode material

The author tries to showcase a simple and low cost method at which the amount of anti-knock platinum used in the cathode can be reduced. Reducing the amount of platinum needed for anti-knock at the cathode is surely important to the economy.

Solubility and spectator ions

Hydroxides: Most of the hydroxides are insoluble, except those of the alkali metals and barium; calcium hydroxide is moderately soluble.F. Carbonates: All carbonates are insoluble, except those of ammonium, sodium, potassium, and the other alkali metals.K.

Chemistry galvanic cell essay sample

Purpose of Experiment: To determine the effect of concentration of reactants on the current produced by a galvanic cell. Hypothesis: The greater the concentration of solution in the two half cells reacting with the two metals to produce current, the greater the flow of current will be produced from the galvanic cell.

Finding the concentration of a potato cell essay sample

The amount of water molecules moving into the right solution is less than the movement to the left so the most significant net movement is to the left. I also changed the diameter of the potato cylinder, the length of the potato cylinder, and the time the potato cylinder had to be in the solution β†’

Water: an overlooked essential nutrient

If the fluid is not replenished, it may lead to fatigue and reduced performance, a minimum of 8-9 cups in a day is recommended. Powerade is a flavored sports drink and comprises of four main electrolytes in the same ratio that is lost in perspiration and these added electrolytes do not cause harm on the β†’

Enthalpy of neutralisation – lab report example

This is attributed to the fact that the enthalpy of neutralization of a NaOH with a HCL involves complete ionization of the dilute aqueous solutions and hence the reaction involves higher energy. In the case of CH3COOH, while NaOH undergoes complete ionization, CH3COOH only partly ionizes and as a result the enthalpy of neutralization is β†’

Chemistry and types of bonding

Unlike ionic bonding, covalent bonds between atoms are formed by sharing of electrons. The following table summarizes the difference in properties of ionic and covalent bonding.

Tea project essay sample

INTRODUCTION Tea is made from the young leaves and buds of the tea plant. Weigh exactly 3 g of each of the different samples of tea and place them in tea bags.2.

Hazardous materials chemistry for emergency responders

When this poisonous gas is exposed to water, it can contribute to the danger to the firefighters because the basic element that they use while extinguishing a fire is water. Thus, it is advisable to the firefighters to use dry sand while extinguishing the fire that is ignited due to red phosphorus.

Applying to king abdullah university of science and technology

In the same year, I was selected by my university to meet the Norwegian ambassador in order to convince him to contribute to the development of Kabul University. By increasing my knowledge in Analytical Chemistry, I will be able to perform the necessary analysis and help my country import good quality medicines.

Enthalpy lab background

If the reaction is endothermic, the enthalpy would be positive and if the reaction is exothermic, the enthalpy would be negative. H is the change in enthalpy in kJ/mole, and?

Effects of reducing sugars, starch, lipids and proteins – lab report example

Water was used as a common chemical in each of the experiments and we can conclude that water is not a reducing sugar, starch or protein from the tests. The only major issues with the experiments were that it was difficult to know exactly how much of the solution to put in each vile.

Chemistry famous quotes

5) Amando Kapauan - one of the first to study the problem of mercury in the environment and designed equipment to analyze its presence in soil and water. His most renowned contribution to the world of science is discovering and creating a polio vaccine.

Chillers – the main characteristics and types

Absorption chillers utilize water as the refrigerant and rely on the strong affinity between the water and a lithium bromide solution to achieve a refrigeration effect. The water flows from the chiller to the application's point of use and back.

The impact of chemistry on society essay sample

In: Biology Answer: the impacts chemistry have on a society is huge.every single material that we come in contact with, in our daily ife is composed of chemicals there are negative and positive effects of chemistry but the negative effect is mainly due to the inability of a man to think carefully first of all β†’

Overview of stevensite mineral: classification, history, uses

Although, Edwin Augustus Stevens died in 1868 at the age of 73, he is accredited for the discovery of the mineral Stevensite. Synthetic recreations of Stevensite are in existence and are popular for research purposes due to the purity and ease of production.

Energy transfers which take place in living organisms

The ATP used in plants is made from the conversion of light energy from the sun, to chemical energy by plants, into the form of organic molecules during respiration in all cells. In the light- dependent reaction, light is captured and the energy is used to add an inorganic phosphate molecule to ADP to make β†’

The element argon essay sample

It is a byproduct of the product of nitrogen and oxygen. 02 Feb.2012." It's Elemental The Element Argon".

Blast furnace

Blast furnace consists of five constructive elements: top cylindrical part is top throat, that is necessary for the charging and distribution of burden in furnace; the highest splayed conic part is shaft, where the heating process of materials and the reducing of iron from oxides pass; the widest cylindrical part is belly, in which the β†’

Drilling fluid

With the advancement in drilling technologies, drilling fluid also known as drilling mud is being used to provide buoyancy, cooling and lubrication during drilling operation. The drilling fluid clogs the pores reducing the rocks permeability.

The concept of reactive extraction

Reactive extraction is advanced method of solvent extraction or liquid-liquid extraction for recovering of carboxylic acid in which carboxylic acid is isolated by reactive extraction with the help of some extractant i.e.trioctylamine, tributylphosphate etc.and it is an advanced formed of a solvent extraction. The major difference between reactive extraction and solvent extraction is the reaction β†’


2)What is the relationship with sodium and water balance, and how is that relationship monitored as well as maintained in the body? Therefore the amount of water and salt excreted in urine and the amount of urine excreted is adjusted to meet the needs of the body.

Evaluation of three different types of spectroscopy – lab report example

There is a direct proportion between the number of atoms and amount of light absorbed, therefore, we can determine the concentration of the sample by measuring the amount of light absorbed. To calculate the x values of the blood plasma and reference standard, the quadratic formula was used.x = unknown Lead concentration Y = absorbance β†’


O14 CO + Part b For all the conversion of all the labeled atoms of carbon to 14CO2 from glucose during the fermentation of ethanol, the original label has to be placed on C-3 or C-4 of the glucose as these are changed to the pyruvate carboxyl group. Part a Phosphate was needed in the β†’

Science periodic table essay

The discovery of the periodic table is also the discoveries of the elements. It is a child of the elements.

Radical halogenation and gas chromatography essay sample

The energy liberated in the reaction of the free radicals with other atoms is sufficient to keep the reaction running. After the experiment, according to GC data, 1, 1-dichlorobutane had 5% of the product.

Laboratory protocol for carbohydrates

Add 1 ml of the solution to be tested to 5 ml of Benedict's solution in a test tube and mix well. Add 10 drops conc HNO3 to 3 ml of the solution to be tested and mix well.

Precision worldwide, inc havard case study

By immediately stopping production of the steel rings PWI will lose quite a bit ofmoney, but in the long run they will be able to bring in a larger profit and more clientele with the production of the plastic rings. During the production phase of the new plastic rings, PWI can try to sell all β†’

Active and passive transport essay sample

Active and passive transport are the ways in which cells allow things to move into and out of the cell through the cell membrane. In an isotonic solution the concentration is the same in and out of the cell, and water moves in and out evenly.

The wittig reaction – lab report essay sample

The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize trans-9- anthracene from benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride and 9-anthraldehyde through the reaction mechanism recognized as the Wittig Reaction. A more recent and inexpensive version of the reaction is the Wittig-Horner reaction.

Priscilla omai

Emphysema is a lung disease, a kind of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in which a person's ability to breathe easily and deeply is steadily weakened over time by the destruction of lung tissue. When breathing occurs, the air travels from the nose and mouth through the windpipe and then into the right and left bronchi β†’

Critical review of dementia service user’s experience of care

In conclusion, the government acknowledges dementia as a growing problem and has put strategies in place to care for people with dementia. In order to address Jack's needs and that of other people with dementia the professionals need to adapt a person centred approach.

Determination of the content of mg (oh)2 in an indigestion remedy by back titration essay sample

A direct titration of Milk of Magnesia is difficult due to the cloudy suspension and the fact that some of the solution may stick to the sides of the conical flask, preventing complete titration and altering the measurement of the endpoint. The results obtained from the titration and the subsequent calculations determined whether the Milk β†’

Cellular energetics study guide

NAD+ - oxidizes glucose to 2 pyruvate in glycolysis, oxidizes pyruvate to CO2 in the Kreb's cycle 2. PGA is reduced to PGAL using the products of the light dependent reaction, NADPH and ATP 9.

Saponification – lab report example

Saponification Lab Report Background The Purpose of experiment is to produce potassium soap from saponification of fat. Saponification was popular in the early 20th century that saw the development of technology to increase the quality of soaps.

Reebop lab essay sample

Also the mating was very random which could also increase the chance of the reebop not being a purebreed.g) What is the probability of your ReeBops genotype occurring? h) What is the probability of your ReeBops phenotype occurring? The result would be a trisomy with three chromosomes in total.

Example of argumentative essay on gmos are a health risk to american consumers

GMOs are products of biotechnology which makes use of bacteria or viruses to penetrate the cells of plants and introduce genes that would make the plant more resistant to environmental conditions such as drought and insects. The study by French scientists of 200 rats for a period of 2 years showed that the rats that β†’

Dna worksheet essay sample

The genotype basically is the sequence of nucleotides bases in its DNA. The gene dictates the transcription of a corresponding sequence of nucleotides in mRNA.

The generation of ips cells from somatic cells critical thinking examples

The authors obtained 24 colonies, and then the authors determined which of the 24 candidates were critical by examined the effected of the withdrawal of individual factors from the pool of transduced gene on the formation of G418- resistant colonies. The authors found that the authors were highly unmethylated in IPS and ES cells.

Our lady of mercy school

In this case the genotype would be S or s and the phenotype would be the shape of the bee. Even though the probability of having double recessive genes is lower, some traits, even in humans, the percentage of double recessive is greater than dominant.

Mutation flow chart

This impacted on the relationship between Christopher and his father negatively, he began losing his trust in him and eventually he ran away to his mother. The lack of understanding and communication in Chorister's world affects our understanding and response to autistic people.

Behavioral genetics and mental disorders

The way one interacts with other and the perception of that individual by society can be influences by mental disorders. McInerney provided in depth research that alluded to the fact that genetics alone does not influence human behavior.

Why do people become obese essay example

If one asks these people, they would make a variety of reactions; each would note that they are denying the fact that they are fat. There have been studies that have pointed out that people become obese because each person has a very unique genetic makeup and it contributes to their body image and how β†’

Free bioethics essay sample

The gender assigned will be based on the results of genetic testing, as well as the gender that is most likely to be accepted by the child and parents. Ethically, it is not right to allow an individual to bear a child at the expense of the welfare of the child, whatever might be the β†’

Nature vs. nurture

In the article, " Nature and nurture predispose to violent behavior: Serotonergic genes and adverse childhood environment" the authors are conveying in their hypothesis that certain psychological problems have been shown to be heritable and if given the right circumstances, individuals with those genes could find themselves engaging in criminal activity. Heredity and role of β†’

Honors biology genetics mixed review worksheet

Show the cross between an orange faced male and a heterozygous female.10. Show the cross between a blue haired male and a purple haired female.

Rna analysis

A positive Biuret test indicates the presence of proteins in the filtrate. It is a light blue color and changes to purple in the presence of protein, a polymer made of amino acids.

Nature vs nurture debate essay

In contrast to nature, the nurture aspect was originated from John Locke, who believed we are born with a tabula rasa, and our experiences are written upon it. Therefore, we need to approach our behaviour as a product of our environment and genetics intertwining, or as David Lykken phrased " Nature via Nurture".

Genome editing using crispr/cas 9 technology and plants

On the 25th of July 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that gene-edited crops are to be held to the same strict regulations as GMO's. The court concluded that plant developed using newer gene-editing technologies are to be subject to a 2001 mandate.

Causes of autism research paper

Knowledge of causes of autism has led to a reduction in cases of pure autism and identification of individuals with autism because of specific causes. Researchers are in the process of discovering the responsibility of gene mutations in behavioral and problems that relate to cognition of people with autism.

The cdna coding region sequence not the mrna information page essay examples

The identification of the cDNA coding region sequence is not straight forward because the existing cells only translates a portion of the open reading frames of the proteins. The cDNA coding region sequence prediction uses the sample and sequence of mRNA from the cells despite that presents the parts of the mRNA translated to proteins.

Genetics overview notes

They self-fertilize, but can be artificially fertilized.* Reciprocal cross a cross between different true-breeding pea varieties in both directions * Mendel's reciprocal crosses resulted in all F1 progeny showing only 1 parent trait * Principle of Segregation: genes randomly separate into reproductive cells * Gametes: reproductive cells that contain only 1 copy of the gene, β†’

Essay on mechanisms of microevolution

When random mutations change the genome of a given organism in a population and then these mutations are inherited by successive generation, the species that inherits the best traits is able to cope better with its environment than that which inherits inferior traits. While mutation facilitates the introduction of new alleles to the offspring of β†’

What is the effect of temperature on the permeability of beetroot cell membranes? essay sample

As the cell membrane controls permeability it is the effect of temperature on the protein carriers that will alter the permeability of the beetroot cell membrane. This is what causes the proteins to lose more pigment, they cannot control what comes in and out of the cell.

Gene control variation within a species using a simple coded message essay example

In conclusion, it is evident that gene control variation of a species is a vital process in the adaptation and evolution of a species. The importance of the simple coded message in the control of gene variation is largely manifested in the Darwin's theory of the survival for the fittest where the species with varied β†’

A comparative analysis of moses

The biblical Moses and the Moses described by Zora Neale Hurston in her book Moses, Man of the Mountain, are both based upon the Exodus story, found in the second book of the Bible. Although the stories are similar in many respects, both concerned with the bondage of a people and their cries for a β†’

Good essay about lipid bilayers: synthesis of cholesterol and the role of circadian rhythm

From Lanosterol to Cholesterol: Molecular and Thermodynamics Behavior The concentration of cholesterol is essential in the fluid function of the plasma membrane in the mammalian cells. Thus, the evolution of lanosterol to cholesterol shows the capacity of sterols to stabilize a liquid-ordered phase and induce a collective order in the acyl chain conformations.

Research in cloning summary essay sample

In biotechnology, cloning requires a gene of interest, a vehicle to carry the gene, a host to provide an environment for multiplication of genes and a medium for growth of the host strain. DNA cloning is the procedures to produce multiple copies of a single gene or segment of DNA.a DNA fragment containing the gene β†’

Creative writing on theories

The strength of this method is that assumptions of equal environment are always correct and can be measured by questionnaire. If he individual and the parent are relatives or related by genes it is evident that traits are similar to that of the adopted parents, however environmental factors are also taken into consideration in terms β†’

Good example of parkinsons disease research paper

PD also causes a range of non-motor symptoms and pathology in a number of regions of the nervous system. The principal cause of PD is destruction of the dopamine-producing tissues in the substantia nigra as a due to the interaction between genetics and environmental toxins.


In August 2001, a man walking his dog in Lindley Woods in West Yorkshire, England, found the body of 16-year old Leanne Tiernan, buried in a shallow grove. His name was John Taylor, and he was a poacher who had been seen around the woods where the body was found.

Free research paper on genetic testing

The news and disclosure of the test results is traumatic and devastating and there is need for professional counseling and support to victims before and after the test. It helps to diagnose individual's vulnerability to inherited diseases and also for the possible presence of a genetic disease itself.