Essay Samples About Mathematics for Student Inspiration

Fair shares

The amount of each fair share is different as each bidder has put a different amount on the collection according to his or her valuation of the item. Q4, How much money is owed to each of the two people who do not win the collection of frogs? Soln. We calculate the amount that Abraham β†’

Logic and logically consistent manner

What is Logic? " The inherent ability to mentally compare and weigh two or more perceptions and to mentally conclude accurately what is the differences and/or similarities between each perception." " Logic is thescienceor art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thoughts, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure β†’

Ib tok prescribed title

In this case it is the progress in the search for knowledge in an area of knowing. The knowledge that is gained during the progress made in human sciences is vital to future experiments, cases, and generations.


The topic of this research is oil prices' dynamics and valuations of the derivatives of oil. Research benefits The benefit of this research is that it will provide an analysis of the valuations of oil derivatives and the dynamics of oil prices.

Math: mathematics and nurses

Nurses have to be familiar with statistics when needing to know the side effects of medications and to counsel patients when giving a diagnosis. It is helpful to know the statistics of diseases and what a person's outcome may be.

Math and psychology

The Use of Statistics inPsychologyAuthor: The Role of a PsychologistI believethe role of a psychologist is to help people understand the underlying cause of abnormal or detrimental behavior and give them the tools to modify or change the behavior or the underlying issues. An example of this in psychology might be the hypothesis that β†’

Summary for: love and math book by edward frenkel

The aim of the paper is to focus on the summary of Love and Math by Edward Frenkel. In the book, Love and Math, Frenkel ventures into a remarkable discipline of exploring one of the significant aspects of mathematics regarding Langlands program.

Math problem

Between the IQ and statistics scores r= 0. Between the psychology scores and statistics scores. r= 0.

A personal goals statement

ment Of Personal Goals I am applying for the degree in teaching Mathematics with the in order to develop the required knowledge, skills and abilities required acquiring and transferring the knowledge of mathematics. The purpose of attaining a degree in teaching Mathematics are that I am very much interested in teaching β†’

Mathematical induction essay sample

Since the theorem was already shown to work on x= 1 and that it will hold for x+1, it will essentially work on all other numbers. In our example, we must first show that the sum of the first n even numbers is equal to when n = 1. This is β†’

Argumentative essay about mathematics

I honestly believe that as lackluster as my performance for this course was, that I could not have done any better. I have never had to use any algebraic concept outside of the classroom, andI believethat this contributes to why these concepts do not stick in my mind and do not make sense. Again, I β†’

Patterns within systems of linear equations

In one of the patterns, by multiplying the coefficient of the y variable by 2 then subtract the coefficient of x from it you will be given the constant. As a word equation it can be written like so with the coefficient of x as A and coefficient of y as B β†’

Public-key cryptography term papers example

The private key is used to decode data or to create a digital signature. The term asymmetric describes this algorithm because different keys are used to run the opposite functions. It is easy to create public and private key-pair and use them for coding and decoding. The β†’

The last ride together essay sample

Print all the prime triplets between S and L , if S

Investment value

By computing the value of Grandma's investment after 20 years, this will result in the following: F = P ^nt where F = future value of Grandma's investment P = Grandma's principal investment = $50, 000 r =. This means that if Grandma was to send Kid to college now, her β†’

Mathematical reasoning and discrete structures

Number Mathematical Reasoning and Discrete Structures Question a) C = A Let 2, 3, a) A Let B Let C [ - ] - = [ ] = 1 = β†’

Relations and functions

This is because the graph of the equation goes to infinity both sides of the y-axis. The graph of the equation is a horizontal line 4 units above the x-axis and is located on I and II quadrants. The domain for the first equation is the set of all β†’

Chinese mathematics essay sample

PURPOSE: The purpose of this lesson is to create a better understanding on Modern Mathematics. OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON: To provide awareness to students regarding the existence of Chinese Mathematics To have a better understanding of Modern Mathematics thru the history of Chinese Mathematics To apply β†’

Math in biotechnology field

008ppm 5- You are setting up a PCR reaction and the protocol asks you to add 0. 6ng is in 100uL Therefore, based on 1ppm = 1ng/uL, target volume 0.

Assignment example

5 C = 190 P = 500 - 190 P = 310 Hence, Plastic = 310 x 2. 50 Ceramic = 190 x 5.

Double stub impedance matching essay sample

The length of the first stub is selected so that the admittance at the location of the second stub (before the second stub is inserted) has real part equal to the characteristic admittance of the line If one moves from the location of the second stub back to the load, the circle of β†’

Appendix c polynomials

Hint: Write an equation using two points in the form. The slope of the line for the demand equation will be When x = 42, p = $20, therefore, The equation of the line for the demand equation is given by A company's revenue is the amount of money that comes in from β†’


Linear equations Given equations Equation M is y= x+4 and Equation of line Z is y 2 x Parallel line to line M passes through coordinates and perpendicular line to line Z pass through coordinates. Finding the equation of the parallel line to line M In the equation of the origin line β†’

Probability concepts and applications

The listing of the probabilities for all possible values of a factor is called a probability distribution. The understanding of a normal distribution is essential for the execution and evaluation of business projects.

History of trigonometry essay sample

The History of Trigonometry dated back to the early ages of Egypt and Babylon. The history of Trigonometry came about mainly due to the purposes of time keeping and astronomy. Four different careers that use trigonometry are Sailors, Astronomy, Architects, and Surveyors.

Essay about mathematics

If the cost of a cell phone has decreased 400% during the past 10 years, does that correspond to a cost decrease of four times? If we add 500 to both sides of this equation, and then subtract 100 from each side, we are left with 400. What β†’

Carl friedrich gauss

The discovery of Ceres led Gauss to his work on a theory of the motion of planetoids disturbed by large planets, eventually published in 1809 as Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientum (theory of motion of the celestial bodies moving in conic sections around the sun). In 1818 Gauss, putting his calculation β†’

Simplifying radicals

First rewriting each number as a prime to a power Using the power rule to multiplying the inner exponents simplifying Multiplication of 3 and results in -2, and multiplication of 3 and results in -1. The negative exponent makes a reciprocal of base number and exponent Using β†’

Statistics final exam questions

The following data represent the number of days between the receipt of the complaint and the resolution of the complaint: 1 65, a. Is ordering a beef enter e independent of whether the person orders dessert?

Two- variable inequalities

Through the point-slope formula, the value of the slope as well as the coordinates of one of the points may be plugged into y - y1 = m to give y - 330 = -3 which in the form y = mx + b becomes y = -3x + 330. Between β†’

Vector theorems – math problem example

XXXXX MATHEMATICS VECTOR THEOREMS GEOMETRY XYZ 15 November, Theorem: A triangle and its medial triangle have the same centroid. Suppose that ABC is a given triangle as shown in the figure below with vertices given as A= , B= , and C=. Figure 1 Let D, E, and F be the β†’

Term paper on geometry of stonehenge

Many of the Neolithic ancestors used the knowledge of geometry in building Stonehenge. This is to imply that the discovery of the knowledge on geometry had many implications especially in understanding the monument.

Archimedes was a mathematician and inventor of ancient

Hirer was the king of Syracuse during the life of Archimedes. At one point of Archimedes life it was his inventions that delayed the capture of Syracuse by the Romans.

Survey of mathematical methods

In many ways, the results that are shown on the product could be exaggerated in order to get buyers to buy the product. It can be asked in order to manipulate the overall results.

From data to decision

The data sets have been graphed accordingly as histograms in the graphs presented below. The graphs presented above clearly show that the best actors in the range between 0 and 30 are only 3 which represent only 3. In contrast, the best actresses graph tends to display the greatest frequencies between 0 and 41 with β†’

My math difficulties began with pre-algebra and fractions

And worse, it went on until the end of the semester. My young freshman mind found it tough to adapt to such a demanding subject. It recommends that the primary pace is to identify that math anxiety is an emotional response.

Comparing alain badiou’s ideas in his books being and event and logics of worlds essays examples

As philosophical texts, they caused a great deal of noise and discussion in the philosophical community. Badiou has addressed a number of important philosophical concepts in these texts, including the concepts of truth and being - the latter of which became the subject of one of his most important texts, Being and Event. However, despite β†’

Solving proportions essay sample

Since this is a ratio equation I will use b for the variable, b equaling the bear population which is what we need to find. The first thing I did was to set up the two ratios, place the b for the variable which equals the bear population in this proportion.

Good essay on shaping the soccer ball

However, many parameters such as humidity, materials of manufacture of the ball, size of the ball, etc.control the movement of the ball in air. 1 The Geodesic Design The geometry of a soccer ball can be easily understood by looking into some of the primary features of the ball.

Example of essay on a beautiful mind

After this incident, he is forcefully sedated and sent to the psychiatrist because he believes it is operated by the Soviets. Instead, he manages to do this while in the company of his course mates.

Importance of calculators essay sample

It is very important that these myths be dealt with so that the truth will be known. The first myth is that calculators are used because the students are too lazy to do the computations manually, and so their calculators do all the work for them. Calculators aid the student in the calculation part β†’


Therefore, interest charges on a balance of $5, 000 will be given by: This is the interest charged on your current card, regardless of the duration. On a balance of $5, 000, the interest will be; Obviously, the student card charges a lower interest compared to your current card and even offers a grace period β†’

Example of essay on supporting mathematical standards in preschool education

Providing this as immediate information to the onset of learners' introduction into the k-12 public education system gives teachers the ability for differentiation of the mathematical learning experience of each student equipping him/her with learning opportunities using block, dramatic play, manipulative, and art areas supporting the learning standards' goals. In the process of making these β†’

Free article review about critical discussion and synthesis

Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary The article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" essentially discusses the significance of conducting research on users' behaviors β†’

Compound inequality

The graph representing a compound inequality with and constitutes the intersection of the two inequalities. A number satisfying this inequality must satisfy both the inequalities. The graph of the compound inequalities with or represents the union of the two inequalities.

Research paper example

Whispering Chamber A Whispering Chamber indicates an elliptical enclosure that is beneath a vault or dome whereby it is possible for one to hear whispers while in the other sections of the chamber. Such a chamber is interesting because it becomes easy to communicate easily with people in the other areas of the chamber β†’

Explain your brain week 5

How many students had at least 60 social interactions for the week? Number of Social Interactions Frequency 45-49 7 50-54 16 55-59 11 60-64 17 65-69 12 70-74 11 75-79 5 80-84 8 85-89 0 β†’

Excel formula and function essay sample

Excel Function Description SUM Calculates the sum of a group of values AVERAGE Calculates the mean of a group of values COUNT Counts the number of cells in a range that contains numbers INT Removes the decimal portion of a number, leaving just the integer portion ROUND Rounds a number to β†’