Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Dieting through operant conditioning

Since the program would need to be in a span of 1 month, it is important to write the amount and types of food he is eating and the liquid he is drinking in the week before that. In the first week, one snack of junk food should be eliminated and as a reward he →


Adolescence In the Article, the focuses on the issue about self-esteem during the adolescence period. The initial drop of self-esteem in the adolescence occurs in the age bracket of 9-13.

Self-reflection paper. self-assessment need this by saturday3/ 31/2013

I am familiar with the ethical codes and even the ethical principles according to APA and always strive to attain them. It is also the best reference and tie breaker when I am faced with situations that seem to deviate from the norm or ethical codes.

Journal assignment

The attitudes are the basis on which the science method is affected, and one that provides room for the establishment of the truth. When riding a bicycle, the medulla oblongata is responsible for increasing the heartbeat and number of breaths in order to supply the muscles with adequate oxygen.


The second time I tried to end my habit when I came to know that my wife was pregnant. But still I was wrong with my thinking as it was not easy for me to quit my smoking and drinking habit.

Question about relationship

Therefore, this aspect can be used to illustrate the reason why society has the perception that men are more likely to cheat than women. Another study that has been carried out to assess the reason why men are more likely to cheat than women involves the analysis of their perception and values in a relationship.

A couple inerview

Joseph is the head of this family and is responsible for paying the mortgage, children's school fees, medical insurance, automobile fuel bill, and electricity, water, and gas bills. This might be because she spends most of the time with the entire family and has a close relationship with everyone in the family.

Self-regulation and time management

Planning on what I intend to study on the internet can also be an important way of managing my time. Additionally, I can schedule my time in such a way that I identify a particular time of the day when I work best and allocate my most complex studies to this time.

The mmr controversy

This was after he identified a relationship between the incidence of autism among the children who had been vaccinated with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. The original evidence of the link was, therefore, the presence of the measles virus in patients who are autistic and suffering from gastrointestinal problems Autism in child's development At →

Psyc 320 wk5 db replies

PSYC 320 WK5 DB Replies Response I agree with your post and support the use of your child's attempts to learn to ride her bicycle without the training wills to be a fantastic one. Shaping to me is about positive reinforcement, like rewarding a toddler for using the potty, or B.F.

Student name chiu man heia number assignment

When I know I assigned to the Japanese company the time, I am really excited, reverse, because I never thought I could be assigned to here. Also, thank you taught me to understand the communication can be solved Also, I would learn the local culture, because I know that Japanese culture is very

Negative team behaviors

Conflicts arise when a member fails to respect the right of other team members to voice their opinions and ideas. Meanwhile, the failure of a team member to contribute to the group may lead to a low level of productivity or performance.

Psychological question

Application of t-test for independent samples The application of the t-test in the testing of whether there are differences between populations thus the use t-test requires the use of independent means of the samples. In this case, the use of tutorials for college statistics students is dependent or shared phenomenon.

Introduction to psychology testing paper

It will also describe the major categories of tests and identify the major uses and users of the tests, and compare and contrast the concepts of reliability and validity. Personality testing is created to give information about the personality and is used in a lot of different tests.

History of wayne william’s serial killings

He had the gift of impersonation and was arrested in 1976 for " impersonating a police officer and unauthorized use of a vehicle". Williams was arrested for the murder of the adult's Jimmy Payne and Nathaniel Cater.

Review on the characteristics of effective and dynamic followers

Article Review on the Characteristics of Effective and Dynamic Followers Leadership, defined as the influence over a group of people, is one of the essential elements in organizations and defines the type of followers in an institution. Webber, therefore, successfully explores the five categories of followers and points to survivors as the most effective and →

Written assignment: the matching law

The Matching Law The Matching Law The matching law attempts to justify the choice of behavior. According to Cooper, Heron and Heward, behavior is described by this law as a reaction reinforced on an interval schedule.

Psychology a unit 2: biological psychology (stress) flashcards assignment

Stress and Illness * Stress on its own does not make you ill, may increase the risk of illness * Linked to Cardiovascular Disorder; Immunosuppression Stress and the Immune System * The ability to fight off anti-gens is reduces, therefore makes more likely to fall ill.* Stress response hormones effect the Immune System Direct and →

Summary of a quantitative study on mental health and exercise

Mental Health and Exercise Health and Exercise The health benefit of regular exercise is something everyone knows about because of all theresearch done over the years. This result can be used to justify the need of people under going mental therapy to take part in physical exercise to improve on their chances of quick recovery.

The bright side of life

On the contrary, if one willingly chooses to observe life as a unity of the good and bad, manages to focus on the good and learn from the mistakes that represent the bad, he is on the right path to a full and rich life of personal satisfaction and gratification. In the end, it is →

The talent code essay sample

It was slow and had momentary pauses through each step of the process before there was what Coyle describes as the " Sweet spot" as the boy started to nail the move. These stories were persuasive in a way that it touches the hearts of many who had dreams yet was disappointed by the " →

Freud and jung- the unconscious

Freud and Jung- The Unconscious The unconscious is hypothetically a region of the mind that contains desires, recollections, fears, feelings and thoughts that are prevented from expression in the conscious awareness. The personal unconscious is interior to the ego and corresponds to a mix of Freud's unconscious and preconscious.

Designing and writing a report

In fact, his is more than just seeking attention, he is a nagging boy who requests something from the parent and keeps on asking and mentioning the same thing once he sees the father. George was the youngest of them and he witnessed all the occasions when his father abused the mother.


In the case of Tom's data the level of self-esteem can be denoted as the x variable and the level of depression can be denoted as the y variable. The existence of positive correlation between the two variables means that for every increase of x, there is a corresponding increase of y.

My essay about my own exprerience in english language

In middle of the semester, I understand more English and I started asking question regarding my problems to my teacher; the problems were solve in clear and effective way and I handle easily. I believed that, the way of learning English language just to write and read loud.

Insights gained from the course

Insights Gained From the Insights on Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is one of the most vital issues in business today as it revolves around the business environment and strategies that can help sustained performance of organizations in to the future. One of the most prominent insights from the course is the fact that organizational behavior →

Modifying exercise habits through positive reinforcement of self-control

Based on the guidelines from the world health organisation, and the institute of medicine; plus taking into account my personal history and abilities, the goal I set for the first two weeks of my program was to complete at least 30mins of physical activity per day, for at least 3 days a week. If I →

Health psychology assignment

The studies examining the capability of the T BP usually address only a specific health behavior and majority of the research ball the theory of planned behavior do not considers the importance of performing a health behavior on a long-term basis, however health behaviors are not immediately observable, health behaviors have to be performed repeatedly →

Operant conditionings from a video

When supernanny first arrives, the Agate's family is in a complete mess and the mother is not in total control of the situation. The technique was meant to instill discipline in the house by ensuring that the children acknowledged who is the head of the house and that they are not free to go and →

Punishment and learning

Those who support corporal punishment believe that it can effectively contribute to learning new knowledge or good behaviors through its solid, unpleasant, and quick nature, while those who are against corporal punishment assert that it is not effective in promoting learning because it promotes violence instead, it is ineffective because the conditions that can make →

Dead poet society

Dead Poet Society Analysis of Neil's Character in Light of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most popular theories of psychology which established relation between an individual's motivation and satisfaction of needs. Maslow identified five fundamental needs of human beings and placed them in a hierarchical order →

What is the evidence that aggression and violence are biologically determined

It is suggested that responses to stimulations are individual and environmental and the causality of brain stimulation and aggressiveness is open to various interpretations. Similarly, the AD is suggested to play a critical role in emotional behaviour, and particularly with the mediation of aggression, as are the PAG, HT, and FL.

Requiem for a dream

Movie review: Requiem for a dream affiliation Movie review: Requiem for a dream The problem of drug addiction among the population is comparable to a love story. The portrayal is realistic, even though extreme; it helps in showing out the moment an individual gets into a state of drug addiction the focus of life changes →

Discuss some of the issues surrounding the diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia assignment

Even if it were possible to carry out ' schizophrenia tests', there is still the issue that the cause is unknown, and it is possible that it does not have a single aetiology. One of the major issues of diagnosing schizophrenia is that the diagnosis has been used so widely and inconsistently over the world, →

A more humanist approach in psychotherapy

It is more inclined on a humanist perspective, in which it develops a process of relationship between the therapist and the patient to better understand how the problem began and how it can be treated under the circumstances in which it happened. It creates a process of psychotherapy in which it focuses on understanding the →

Effect of self-perception on academic performance

This is focused on the self-perception which is defined to predict the achievement of a person or a group. The study concluded that self-perception is a powerful and influential factor in the performance of a person.

“after virtue” by alasdair macintyre

Why are the virtues of justice, courage, and honesty essential to participating in practice? Justice, honesty, and courage are examples of virtues that are essential to be engaged in a practice.

Big 5, intelligence, age

Differences in Personality as Dictated by Big Five Psychological Traits The five-factor model of personality in a hierarchical organization of personality traits is organized in terms of five basic dimensions. Intellectually William is in a better position as compared to John, with a G.P.

Understanding human behavior and the social environment

2- Analyze the differences in Freud's and Klein's view of the development and involvement of the superego. Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and the Psychoanalysis of Children and Adolescents.

Addictions counselors

Counseling Counseling Recovery counselors Recovery counselors have the advantage of having a prior experience of the addition. Addiction counselors in the Republic of Ireland: Exploring the emergence of a new profession.

Three faces of eve

In the movie " The faces of Eve" the main heroine Eve White is suffering from dissociative identity disorder. Aversion to a dead body and the necessity to kiss her in front of the whole family worked in some specific way: in order to do that Eve had to split in two: Eve Black and →

Distinction between normal and artificial behavior

The first and foremost criterion which helps us distinguish between normal and artificial behavior is an understanding of the individual's nature who is displaying the behavior. The second way to distinguish between normal and artificial behavior is spying on the individual.

Radiolab critiques

You are killing one person to save the lives of 5 people. No one wants to kill someone directly, if they had to choose who to kill, they would want to not have a direct impact on the lives of others.

Self compassion, self esteem, and well being

Neff's article " Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, and Well-Being" A review: " Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, and Well-Being" Reading the article initially I did not expect to agree with Neff's ideas on self compassion as compared to self- esteem and the benefits of advocating one form of self construct over the over. Self-compassion on the other hand is a →

Anomie and strain theories

In this case, it is believe that anomie theory has numerous impacts in ensuring that variations that are witnessed in rates of crime are understood. It has been noted that increased crime rate in America is as result of failure by social institutions to regulate crime rate.

Family therapy and healthy family systems

According to the authors, healthy family systems are defined as those that have a commitment towards each other and hence dedicate time, and energy towards the benefit of each other. This must not, however, be misrepresented as a compulsion for family members to give up their ideals in order to suit other family members.

Discussion question

As far as their depth perception difference is concerned, there are no major variances given the eye concept that although the eye is made of a 3D ball, the retina differs in that it is flat. The vertical and horizontal perception of distance is balance by the eye regardless of the area occupied.

Discussion 6.1

Discussion 6 of the Psychology of the Teacher February 5, Discussion 6 The Indian Psychology places all the aspects of human consciousness subservient to an immutable, unborn, immortal, eternal element that is called the atman. The Core and Context of Indian Psychology.

Conformity as a psychological concept assignment

Kathy herself is the victim of such a struggle she wants to identify with the crowd that appears to be " with it". This is because most of the activities in the party are those that are deemed to be lusted upon by the youth in that age bracket.

A psychological perspective ,,,,study plan 4

Theories of human development Describe some of the theories that relate to psychology and human development. Causal and contextual theories Causal and contextual theories are development theories which explain behavior in terms of understanding the exact causes of the situation and understanding the context of the situation.

Tests and measurement- influence of historical events

The officials administered the tests to two million people to determine the one who was fit. This has made a great contribution to the development of personality tests that are in use today.

Forensic psychology assignment

The cross race effect refers to people of one race being able to identify others of the same race more clearly than they can Identify those who are of a deferent race. Of this 77% a large proportion were convicted In Although there is little known about the cause of this effect, it is proven →

Unit 3 discussions

Technology has made it easy for the counselors to deal with both the parents and students in that the counselors can use the social networking sites to avail information to the parents and students who may not be in a position to physically attend certain meetings. Due to the availability of Google documents, the counselors →

Early childhood care and education

The pictures also had names of the fruits and hence making it easier for the children to refer to their earlier acquired knowledge of the fruits. Finally, both the information in the long term memory and that of prior knowledge are stored for a long time hence can be remembered way later.

Longevity paper

Lifestyle habits encompass sleeping habits, coping mechanisms, drug and substance intake, and duration of exposure to the sun. However, because of my current dietary intake, I strictly adhere to my exercise regimen.

Summarize in outline form the main points that dr. murray sidman discusses concerning the historic scientific and practical contributions of b.f. skinner

of the of the Psychology A Review of the Contributions of B. He was able to prove that the Stimulus-Response connection worked even in reverse- that is a Response could also lead to a Stimulus, and he interjected the concept of Discriminative Stimuli.


The oldest, having the advantage, will often assume the leadership role for the rest of the children. This is influenced by the parents' desire to cling to parenthood as long as possible and will perpetuate the image of the youngest as a child.

How to avoid student stress assignment

Finding some time for yourself and empty your mind of the worries you have can really help a lot to avoid stress and stay more positively in life. The know-how of preventing stress can be crucial for a student's life to live it to the fullest.


Generally, there are two approaches towards explaining this phenomenon, altered state and non-state theories: the former implying that hypnosis is a state of trance and the latter understanding it as peculiar type of role enactment in imagination. Hypnotic induction is thereby the regular procedure including a special set of suggestions and instructions on the part →

Sudden infant death syndrome (sids)

At the same time, Moon et al.provides detailed analysis of risks caused by bed sharing overall, bed sharing with parents or one parents and bed sharing in other combinations stating that bed sharing in other combinations is the most dangerous as it adds 5% to the risk of SIDS. Bed-sharing in the absence of hazardous →

The framework of writing assessments

Nevertheless, both the merits and the demerits of open and closed ended questions must be considered during questionnaire design as they dictate the quality of information generated at the end of research. In conclusion, it is always prudent to combine both open and closed ended questionnaire in any data collection process as it gives the →

A path to happiness

To me, I think I could say that I have been able to achieve a state that makes me feel confident about my life. During one incident that I was sad, I was able to overcome my sadness and achieve a state of happiness by engaging in some activities.

Psychiatric rehabilitation

This extensive spectrum is the unlimited power of community mental health in that it delivers choices and permits persons to have access to the variety and type of services and care that they wish to have. Significant lessons on the need to lay emphasis on treatments instead of structures appear not to have been studied.

Classical conditioning and behavior assignment

However, by pairing the bell with the stimulus that did produce the salivation response, the bell was able to acquire the ability to trigger the salivation response. People can learn by observing the behavior is of others and the outcomes of those behaviors.2.

Narcoplexy, insomnia, parasomnia, and other sleep disorders normally affect people having psychiatric conditions and increases with age

When a person does not have enough sleep, apart from having partial memory and sight, the person is at risk of contracting Insomnia, which is one of the most common sleep disorders. There are different types of sleep disorders but the most common is insomnia and Parasomnia.

Cognitive psychology

Your full July 27, Cognitive Psychology I have learned that the main focus of this branch of psychology is on the way people get hold of, store, and retrieve information in their brains. I have done some research on the positive side of cognitive psychology, and I learnt that cognitive psychology uses scientific research processes, →

Development of the social self

The ability to develop and maintain a consistent and functional sense of the self in the increasingly superficial and anonymous interpersonal context of modern mass societies is widely believed to be one of the cornerstones of personal and social success. Chapter 2 discusses the development of the self as the result of comparing the self-concept →

Pros and cons of diagnosing children

They are deprived the right to study, the right to marry and the right to ownership of possession. The family becomes the laughing stock in the society and they are tempted to segregate the sick child for such fears.

Late adulthood and end of life

Late adulthood and end of life Late adulthood and end of life Life expectancy refers to the number of years an individual in a country or a population in a country is expected to live. Cultural Interpretations of Dying and Death in a Non-Western Society: The Case of Nigeria.

Week 4 dis 1-2 psy 110

It is firmly believed by the parents and coaches of the disabled parents that this college experience will prove to be catalyst for these students just as it does for the normal college students to a fuller and prosperous life. ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a disability in which a person lacks the ability to →

Meta analytic study about mental health and exercise

The purpose of the study by Paxton, Molt, Aylward, & Nigg was to establish the role of self-efficacy and mental health in the physical activity and the quality of life relationship. The main reason of using meta-analysis in this study was to determine the correlation that exists between physical activity and QoL.


Having a fixed mindset affects my response to failure. I hope to change my mindset in the future to avoid this.

Describe different perspectives in psychology

PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES By The of the As one of huge scientific realms psychology is considered to be a very precise science with multiple perspectives that studies certain laws and regularities of human behaviour. If a theory is applicable to human beings and displays the working patterns of human behaviour this means that its methods are →

Emerging trends

Health psychology: Key Aspects: The hospital require counselor who has the ability to provide the helping hand and work to improve the state of mind of the mentally stressed individuals with compassion and in some cases the right to prescribe medications as in two States Louisiana and New Mexico. Implications: The field of psychology is →

The impact of culture on substance abuse

Impact of culture and family on substance abuse A comprehensive outlook on questionnaire of substance abuse that comes as cocaine abuse or alcohol abuse or cigarette smoking led to several theories as to what are the cultural impacts of these addictions. When culture and work has a severe impact on the substance abuse or →

Whatever happened to little albert

It is necessary to bear in mind the findings and more importantly the methods of the Little Albert study in the context of its time and early history of psychological experiments. According to Harris, the repeated recounting of the study on Little Albert may have affected the accuracy of the study adversely.

Group therapy

Goal of group The goal of the group therefore is to generate empirical evidence associated with the delinquent behaviors of the adolescents and probable recidivism through their parents or other close family members. In this way, treatment would be ongoing, but on the other hand, remarkable data should be obtained, all for the purpose of →

Two sides of a coin

Two faces of a single race, in a world wherein they are oppressed, they remained to be puppets and properties of the society despite of the attitude, the bravery and the goodness that they have. The first person who they suspected as the culprit is Will Mayes, however, the barber insisted that it was not →

Hughes and blues: double consciousness assignment

Double Consciousness, Double Cognizance As depicted by Longboats Hughes in " The Weary Blues," double consciousness In African-American culture poses a difficult question: Is It necessary to assimilate to the Euro-American culture in order to blend into the melting pot of America, or is the celebration of African-American culture necessary to retain and preserve the →

Correlational methods

Section/# Correctional Article Review and Methodological Understanding The study in question discussed the need for correctional officers and other corrections stakeholders to analyze the psychological and acute medical needs that the inmate population might have experienced in the past; as a means of effectively creating a strategy by which their individual correctional needs could be →

outline and evaluate two or more definitions of abnormality essay sample

An example of a social norm is politeness as this is the start of interpersonal relations. Social standards are not restricted to rules of etiquette but also more serious issues, such as what is acceptable in sexual behaviour.

The field of neuro-cognitive psychology

Due to the interrelatedness of psychology to cognitive neurosciences, the thrust of delving more into research-oriented activities within the field of endeavor becomes paramount. It was therefore justifiable that during the first two semesters in the program, my grades did not merit rates of academic excellence due to the nature of pursuit in identifying and →

Conformity: summary assignment

Muzzier Sheriff on Norm Formation * The Autocratic Effect/Phenomenon is when very small movements of the eyes aka a spot of light in a darkened room appear to move because the eyes lack a stable frame of reference.2. Persuasion The process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.

Stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination

Module Module ID: Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination The term stereotyping simply refers to the established image of an individual, group, community, nation or a thing the large majority of the members of society have developed in mind, and take that specific person, community or thing within the frame of that concept they have established the →

Altered states of consciousness assignment

First there is meditation, in a state of meditation you bring yourself to a state of thinking where you " bring yourself away from your body'. There is also the state of consciousness where you are altered by a chemical factor, often drugs and alcohol.

The rehabilitation program for mr clive wearing

Before designing a therapy for the patient, the assessment of memory dysfunction has to be applied, to investigate to what extent the patient is impaired. An example of domain-specific training is the study of Carr and Wilson with a paraplegic patient with impaired memory, who would not remember lift himself up from the wheelchair in →

Defining abnormality paper

The ingestion of toxic substances or allergens can cause abnormal and emotional changes in behavior. A behavior that fits within the spectrum of norms for one society may be classified as severely abnormal in another.

Causes of crime in the society

Contribution of Individual and Society to Causes of Crime in the Society There has been increased rate of crime happening in the society today and the rhetoric question is who supposed to be blamed for this incidence? We can conclude that both parties have an influence on the cause of crime in the society →

Divorce: causes, psychological impact

Thus, divorce is not a problem of a husband and a wife; it is a problem of the whole society. A family is very important for the society, thus psychological work should be done in order to reduce the number of divorces.

Kurt lewin and group dynamics

Kurt Lewin and group dynamics Kurt Lewin and group dynamics Who was Kurt Lewin and what were some of his key contributions to the study of group dynamics? On the other hand, Lewin's contribution to group dynamics is strongest when considering the arguments on task interdependence.

Organizational engagment

Saks defined the former as an employee's sense of attachment to the organization, which is independent or separate from the role assigned by top management. The dynamics of engagement in work and family roles.

Hsco 508 db1 replies

One should strive to blend their characters with the prevailing situations because of the challenges involved in communicating to stranger. The statement implies that there can never be a fixed definition of how individuals behave, which is a description of human characters.

Career development

Running Head: Career Development Career Development [Institute's Career Development Career development can be defined as the social economical, mental and physical circumstances under which an individual can design his/her career and follow a sequential path on which he can accomplish his career. A proper career development enhances the educational performance of the individual, self esteem →

History of abnormal psychology essay sample

Evolution of Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology as a scientific discipline has been around for 100 years; however, the beginning of abnormal psychology most likely have the works of Hippocrates believed that diseases and mental illness were caused by disorder of an imbalanced of fluids in the body. Hippocrates introduced a perspective view pointing to what →

Methods in measuring infants development

Some studies exploring infants' category representations found that 3-4 months old infants presented with animal category formed category representation of domestic cats and novel cats but not tigers, dogs, birds, and horses. Thus, infants' processes of category formation are considered responsive and flexible to the inputs' variability characteristics.