Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Bread mold experiment lab report

Title: Bread Mold Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: Bread Plastic cup Water Rubber band Plastic wrap Light Scale →

John nash

John Nash is classified under Undifferentiated Type because he had a number of symptoms such as delusions, disorganized behavior, disorganized speech, and hallucinations. He believes he is being forced to work for the government to decipher codes. In his mind, William Parcher was black-mailing him to do as he was told, or the US government →

Behavioral and social/cognitive approaches to forming habits

A person will continue to perform a certain action because of the reward at the end of the action. This is not learned from observation, this is just her.of his is a good example of behavior of the family that influenced one of my habits.

Running head: scholar-practitioner model

Progression in this journey requires a clear understanding of the merits of the scholar, practitioner, scholar-practitioner, and practitioner-scholar models. This practitioner-scholar model, and the associated Psy.D.degree, were recognized by the American Psychological Association at the Conference on Levels and Patterns of Professional Training in Psychology.


Evidence shows that Holmes had personality disorders Like narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.H. H H Holmes had a lot of personality disorders that led him to become the monster he was.

Psychology 2ap3: abnormal psychology – major disorders

We will also describe the major symptoms, hypothesized or suggested causes, and accepted treatments for major categories of mental disorder as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, version IV-TR, always keeping in mind the criticisms of this categorization system. The goals of the course include a deeper →

What are scientific investigation and non-scientific investigation?

It is a discipline that deals with the systematic process of gathering knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that are measurable and can be proven by manipulation of data obtained through experiments, andobservation. Investigation is the process of enquiring into unfamiliar or questionable activities, thoroughly and →


According Bleuler , the man who actually coined the term schizophrenia, stated that the illness did not necessarily lead to deterioration over time, but the splitting of the mind. In his discussion of the history of schizophrenia and its treatment stated that the real work on the identification of schizophrenia as →

Psy 240

Consider the following questions: | | | | | | | | | | Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is | | | | | due to experience? | | | | | Why is it appropriate to separate the contributions →

Disorder paper: depression

But the truth is, some people do not recover and becomes enslaved with his/her sadness, uncertainty, depressive thoughts and feelings of uselessness and diminished zest for life that the person is said to be suffering fromdepression. Depression is a psychological disorder wherein the person's depressed state is not in proportion →

Hypothesis testing essay

Learning squad C has conducted a hypothesis trial environing the sum of clip spent on prep by males and females.and will turn to if there is a correlativity between the variables. The void hypothesis for this experiment: Is the average sum of clip spent on prep by females equal to the sum of clip spent →


After every trial the subject was asked to estimate the number of letters expected to be written correctly in the next trial. SO showed a rise in the curve throughout trials 1 to last.

Fear and anxiety

The direct denotation of a phobia is " a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it". There is a higher percentage of people with a specific type of phobia than agoraphobia and social phobia (nih, National Institute of MentalHealth). The first diagnosis of →

The importance of proper care for mental disorders youngsters, not that offered by juvenile prison

Jails and juvenile justice facilities are the new asylums". In addition to inadequate options for mental health care in juvenile justice facilities, there is also a lack of programs available to youths with mental disorders to help reintegrate into society after incarceration. In order to restore our youth population, proper treatment of juveniles with mental →

Analysis of my childhood experience and its impact on changes in my life

Initially, I noticed that being biracial was a source of curiosity and fascination to my peers and teachers. However, in this new environment, the interest in my race made me feel self-conscious and I begin to be dismissive when asked about my race.

Child development- visit

Expectation: I expect the child to be able to Paint, to draw and Linking the pictures to its words. Which means that he has to ask if he cannot read the words. Before When I told him that we are going to do some painting, linking pictures to its words and drawing which →

Mental health on every stage of life

The absences or rejection of the mother or care giver can lead the child to feel uneasy and insecure and sometimes it can leave them feeling anxious. Parents who have a hard time bonding with the child due to not having enough time to spend with them or other issues such as exposing negative behavior →

Psy 600

These journals stood out I taught about how it could relate to my live and adolescents at my job. Psychology and aging: The first 20 years speaks about how the aging process through the years of life has change and a few traits are still actively the same as the years went →

New standard in financing

For an economy money is one of the imperative and fundamental component which can be contrasted and blood of our body when money related foundation like banks go about as a course arrangement of the economy. The Bank has set up another standard in financing in the Industrial, Trade and Foreign trade business and it →

The differences in mindsets and why growth mindset will go further in life

While there are positives and negatives to both fixed and growth mindset, there are more benefits to having a growth mindset not just for educational purposes but for life as well. Fixed Mindset Having a fixed mindset is defined as the belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents are fixed traits and that one has →

The arguments of the class theorists

Class theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a " ruling" upper class, a " white-collar" middle class, and a " laboring" working class.

Childcare: child development

Areas of development from birth - 19 are : PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT including movement skills gross motor skills, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, from 0-6 months a child will turn head towards sounds and movement , try to put everything in mouth, hold and reach out for things and reach to hold their feet whilst →

Challenges & advantages of using time-sensitive networking (tsn) for developing converged ethernet

The greatest challenge in developing a converged network is providing low and deterministic latency for time-critical packets and provide sufficient bandwidth for data and infotainment applications. It has a key role to provide in converged networks for IOT , where the convergence of operation and information technology is a necessity.

Child development theories

Carl Jung was a man that believed in the individual's past experiences as well as the individual's religious beliefs.' Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler; these three figures loom large in the history of modernpsychology, casting long shadows that have, in the course of one century, forever changed the way we use the first-person →

A child’s psychology research

However, children should not be denied the opportunity to grow in a child-friendly environment. This opportunity would also enable me to be on the front line in advocating children so that we could have a better society and, in global terms, a better world.

Development of child

Between 2 and 5 they develop their vocabulary and by the age of 5 they should be able to hold a conversatlon ana Know tnousanas 0T wards ana tories.ney snou10 De aDle to start At 2 most children should be able to climb the stairs one by one and also to kick a ball. They →

Understand the expected pattern of development for children

As a baby between 0-3 months they go from being only able to move their hands, arms and eggs in a limited movement, to by the age of 3 years being able to run, have hand co- ordination I.E. Generally during the latter stage of this development they will start to have →

How childhood development leans towards learning, education and play

When I was 5 my mom bought me a mini hoop with a basketball and that's how I developed a love for my favorite sport which is basketball. My general feelings towards school was that I was going to have to get it out the way so I have to deal with it. My favorite →

Observation of a child (juna)

I chose to observe Juna because she reminds me of myself when I was a child. Physical Development I observed Juna's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development to gain a better sense of what is developmentally appropriate for a toddler. I have observed Juna playing with a baby and she is very gentle; she →

7 ways to cool your emotional hot triggers

We must become wise enough to take " time-outs" in lieu of losing our minds, making jerks of ourselves, and causing damage that may potentially be irreparable for our reputation, and the thoughts others take of us. When we are adrenalized we feel like we need to act now. Nothing is an emergency. The →

Lev vygotsky

According to Bringmann, Early, Luck, & Miller ; " a series of lectures at the Second Neuropsychological Congress in Leningrad in January of 1924 led to an invitation to become a research assistant at the Institute of Experimental Psychology of Moscow State University". According to Vygotsky, social interaction- in particular, cooperative dialogues with more →

Having dreams and achieving goals

In the chapter " I Never Made It to the NFL", Pausch discusses the importance of having great self-esteem and that it is something that comes from within, and is a motivating factor in achieving dreams. Dreams are not always the easiest tasks to accomplish, especially if they may be outreaching, but if one is →

An influence of early intervention services on adolescents and young adults with mental health issues

The researchers reviewed many articles and citations to answer their question of " What is the evidence for the effectiveness of early intervention to improve and maintain performance in occupations for people with serious mental illness?". From their research, they found that " specific interventions with clients in the earliest stages of SMI can offset →

The development of modern technologies

The gap across of each cavity behaves as a capacitance. Cavities and Magnetron A very strong magnetic field is induced axially through the anode assembly, and has the effect of bending the path of the electrons as they travel from the cathode to the anode. In the microwave range of frequencies, the time in →

How infant caregivers and educators can contribute to young children’s learning process

Infant educators also need to know what to include in their programs for quality development and learning of the young children. Infant Educators Programs for Quality Development and Learning for the Infants and their Families Help the infant's practice learning by looking, listening, and responding to their environment The work of infant educators →

The importance of community development

The writing also states the positive outcomes of the programmes as well reporting on the need to mobilise those communities and provide recommendations to address the challenges encountered. Reports on the Importance of Community Development Focusing on the Field visits Observations and Learnings from Balam, Yabob and Riwo Communities These three communities are out-suburb →

How culture affects childhood development

Typically, the culture and society in which a child grows is the key determiner of the parenting styles and development milestones one is likely to face. For instance, self-esteem and independence are valued in some cultures while in some, strong connections and interdependence are preferred on the contrary. Another key aspect affecting child development is →

Principles and implications of human development

For instance, the development of language follows a somewhat definite sequence quite common to all human beings. Educational Implications As child follow the uniformity of patterns, so we should also follow the relevant pattern to ensure and enhance the learning. The principle of proceeding from general to specific responses. It helps us to plan the →

A brief introduction to different methodologies outlining software development

There is a traditional project management methodology whose approach is linear and whose concept, depending on predictable tools and experience, makes every project follow the same cycle of different phases occuring in a pattern as clear. Agile methodology gives importance to the unpredictability in software development. Since software development usually requires evolving requirements agile methodologies →

Optical fibre sensor design & development for prosthetic legs

In this sensor, the FBG is inserted such that the connected shear strain is changed as an identical pivotal strain in the implanted fibre. When the leg is generated then the sensors are inserted in it to measure the pressure which starts to build up in various parts of skin.

Child observation study in yıldız park

By virtue of weekend and a sun Intersected same time and people wanted use that chance by taking their family to come parks. I went to Y ld z Park around 14. I had to explain that I am not professional yet and I am just a student.

Education and childhood health in reservations

Children with asthma have been shown to have poor results on some tests of concentration and memory than those without asthma. Problems with inattention and hyperactivity are the most common type of mental and behavioral health problems that affect children. Health-related problems of children play a large role in limiting enthusiasm and the ability to →

The united states’ early 20th century development

By 1949, the sign which was supposed to be temporary was left as " Hollywood", as it sits today. In 1904, the city of Los Angeles started growing and so did the need of water. On January 1919, the government passed the 18th amendment to the constitution, which was the Prohibition; making the manufacturing and →


Cognitive development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child's development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult's point of view. However, his description of the tendencies of cognitive development (e.g., that →

Elizabeth barlow: child development in the early years

I will discuss specific aspects and theories I consider to be important within infant and child development and I will highlight theories of child development I find to be of more Importance than others referencing these to my practice. I will also discuss how children, young people and their parents benefit from practitioners →

Classroom environment impacts on a child’s development

These principles are following: Rule of Continuity: It means that an individual has never ending process. Rule of Individual difference: In the term of result and rate in various dimensions is totally unique and different among every person. Rule of Uniformity of pattern: There is a clear difference between the similarities according to the term →

The concept of mindfulness

Mindfulness as an act allows the individual to act as an observer to the events that are occurring outside as well as inside and the impact that it is creating within the person, without having a judgmental perspective. In Indian act of mediation and Samadhi the individual enter a state where they become →

Personal and professional development of a mentor

However, for a number of years of continuous studies and research have created a large impact of specialized ideas, multiple of professionalism skills and informative knowledge in order to support and assess newly graduated nurses as well as newly recruited to engage in physical life (nursing practices and midwifery) with full guides, follow-up and practice →

Children and young people’s development

Development of children and young people The development of children and young people. The understanding of moral concepts and the needs and right of others are included in this area. Communication and Language development The capacity for use a common system of symbols Is called language and Is the way →

The meaning of sexuality to the adolescent generation

These studies, such as Michael Moffatt's ethnography, Coming of Age in New Jersey and Amy Shalet's publication in Contexts called sex, love, and autonomy in the teenage sleepover, provide information on what causes the suppression of adolescent sexuality in from various point of views in different areas of the world in order to gain a →

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theyory of human development

The systems identified by Bonfrenbenner which plays an important role n the human development from childhood to adulthood are: The Microsystem Consisting of the child's most immediate environment (physically, socially and psychologically), this core entity stands as the child's venue for initially learning about the world. Likewise, the child in rst grade " goes to →

Theorist report: psychoanalytic theory

He also theorized that each stage could continue while another one was taking place at the same time, though the success of the individual relied on what he called a successful completion. Keywords: Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud, human development, psychoanalysis Theorist Report; Erik Erikson Psychoanalytic Theory Background and Overview Psychologist Erik Erikson did →

Challenges to the development of non-violence

Thus violence has become an inevitable part of the world and therefore the development of non-violence in this society can be regarded as a big challenge and probably how to achieve it, is a million-dollar question and its achievement is the need of the hour. While referring to non-violence, we are certain to prefer Gandhian →

Indiscipline among the adolescent is escaping hands, the circumstances and end results and some proposed answers for controlling it

It is not amazing the present young ladies and young men dress disgustingly, and on the off chance that anybody endeavors to rectify them or remark on the dressing code, the adolescent have turned out to be rough and forceful notwithstanding naming the guide to be " a regressive individual whose eyes have gained nothing →

Sometimes prematurity can last a life time

Since Alanzo is only a one year old infant, he should have already developed the pincer grasp in order to pick up food, like cheerios, and he should be able to grasp the spoon to start to try to feed himself applesauce. Alanzo has delays in his gross and fine motor skills. We will work →

Composite materials for aircraft application

Introduction Composites are versatile, used for both structural applications and components, in all aircraft and spacecraft, from hot air balloon gondolas and gliders to passenger airliners, fighter planes, and the Space Shuttle. The types have different mechanical properties and are used in different areas of aircraft construction.

Certificate and authorizing falcifications

To facilitate the authorization of an officer of the law to contact the child and establish whether there is cause for intervention Authorize certified and procedural medical examination or suitable treatment for the affected child Facilitate the entry Of a police office to access the premise and perform survey and search locations where the child →

How imitations affects the cognitive development of children

Also, I used greater portions of my time engaging in outdoor activities with my neighbors who we were in the same age group. My favorite subject in elementary and middle school was physical education.class. I was good in solving math's calculations and had a strong urge to have an in-depth understanding and knowledge of basic →

The effect of the environment on our personal development

If you believe you have a personality that was a trait of your parents that you acquired or your personality is created by your DNA you take the side that nature affects your behavior. I believe we are a product of our own environment therefore I am on the nurture side of this argument.

Rhetorical analysis on trashing teens

He attempts to persuade the readers to make a change in how we look and treat adolescences. Summary In his Article, Epstein goes in dept on what he believes about adolescents. He gives them things to think about and put themselves in the shoes of teens and how they are treated.

Three stages of the child development

First stage: Absorbent Mind This is the period of transformation and the characteristic of this period is known as the Absorbent Mind. This is a good time to learn about the independence and interdependence of nature.

Children`s social development

In this stage children will develop awareness and understanding of the durability of their own gender and of others, this is generally focused on the physical appearance and a child may think that a person who dresses in typically opposite gender clothing has also changed sex (Emmerich et al 1977 in Harris and Butterworth 2002).

User testing

Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee a decent client encounter, it will be imperative that all the applications utilize a similar sort of controls to interface with the low vision client. The definition and the trial of these controls will give the low visual clients the required client encounter that will assist →

Recognizing and responding to child abuse essay sample

This article explains the different types of child abuse, the behaviors abused children exhibit, recognizing abused children, and reporting and preventing childhood abuse in families and communities. The method this article used to explain childhood abuse was by defining the different types of abuse, the behaviors associated with each abuse, and ways to report →

Thesis statement and outline essay sample

Supporting details 1. Supporting details 1.

supporting individuals to maintain personal hygiene essay sample

5 Describe how to maintain dignity of an individual when supporting intimate personal hygiene Maintaining dignity when assisting with personal care I always make sure doors, windows and curtains are closed. 2 Describe how underlying personal issue may be addressed As a carer I would talk to the client, explain that →

Environmental principles essay sample

The one-up position the abuser assumes by attempting to judge or invalidate the recipient undermines the equality and autonomy that are essential to healthy adult relationships. This parent-to-child pattern of communication (which is common to all forms of verbal abuse) is most obvious when the abuser takes an aggressive stance.

Child abuse prevention program grant proposal essay sample

Randomized control trail will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this program for reducing child abuse of newborns. Specific aims The first aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Cognitive Behavioral Parent Training Program for Child Abuse Prevention on maternal psychosocial health. The second aim of the study →

Research and account of abuse essay sample

1: Ashcourt Nursing Home: 81 year old Maria Worroll Maria Worroll, 81, suffers from Alzheimer's and arthritis, and requires around-the-clock care." An elderly woman was physically assaulted by a male carer and mistreated by four others in a care home classed " excellent" by the national regulator, the Care Quality Commission. In both reports, the →

Child abuse: the types essay sample

Besides, neglect is also as type of child abuse, in which the responsible adult fails to adequately provide for various needs. After we know about the child abuse story, we tend to appreciate children and feel lucky that our parents love and value us.

Prejudice and stereotypes in 12 angry men

These people are born to lie'...'I have known some who were OK, but that's the exception'.'They are violent, they are vicious, they are ignorant, and they will cut us up' The one instance where 10th juror uses details is when he argues 'his type, they are multiplying five times as fast as we →

Animal cruelty

There are many laws and prohibitions that are enforced in the state of South Dakota that help to prohibit animal cruelty a. As I have discussed, animal cruelty is a concerning problem for not only the state of South Dakota, but everywhere.a.

The symbolism of birds in z.z. packer’s the ant of the self essay sample

Most importantly, however, the birds allow the reader to more intimately examine the father-son relationship between Ray Bivens Jr.and Spurgeon. Upon Ray Bivens Jr.'s forceful capture and caging of a colorful menagerie of African birds from his ex-girlfriend's house, similarities between Spurgeon and the birds become apparent. As a symbol for Spurgeon and his →

Serious failures to protect individuals from abuse essay sample

The report identified that there was a failure to recognise the signs of abuse and understand the long-term impact in victims. This appears to be the case with Jimmy Savile, as he was respected for his charity work, and a public figure who worked at the BBC.

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They consider that flirting as misconduct in the organisation, but the manage and the secretary considered flirting as source of fun or entertainment Again when a priest socializes with the young adult of his church and it becomes routine, they consider him as their age mate and degrade him, by the priest loses his self →

To kill a mockingbird

One of the main themes in " To Kill a Mockingbird" is the coexistence in good and evil. Scout and Jem learn a vast amount in the course of the novel.

The elderly, a vulnerable population

Each year there are more and more reported cases of abuse to the elderly population and many more that occur are not reported. Victims are frail and unable to take care of themselves and depend on other to help meet their basic needs leaving them at their mercy. As the elderly population →

Obasan: dehumanization embodied through the imagery of animals essay sample

These images of spiders, kittens, and especially chickens closely relate to the destitution of human beings during the outbreak of World War II. The two spiders which Naomi and Obasan discover while fumbling through the attic are symbolic of the dreadful memories that Naomi experienced as a child. And just like these spiders in →

Brainstorming worksheet essay sample

The school might be overcrowded and there might not be enough supervision of the children. Brainstorm Two: Listing Pack bullying is undertaken by a group. One on bullying is individual bullying. Physical bullying is a form of physical abuse. Who does the bullying?

Protest poetry essay sample

This poem has exposed inequality, prejudice and suffering faced by the Aboriginal people, due to the uses and abuses of power by the Australian white majority. Oodgeroo has achieved communicating this certain message to the reader through her uses of juxtaposition, repetition as well as using a critical voice.

“gays in the closet, women in the kitchen”

" Gays in the Closet, Women in the Kitchen" Active Learning Assignment #1 To delve into the world of male masculinity is to open a can of worms. With women and homosexuals gaining equality in the work place it is leaving less room for the men of the business world to succeed.

“woman hollering creek” by sandra cisneros essay sample

Cleofilas starts to suspect that Juan Pedro is committing adultery and that he's plotting to kill her. The external conflict is between Cleofilas and Juan Pedro.

Explain appropriate responses when child abuse is suspected essay sample

When the member of staff is reporting abuse then they will go through clear guidelines where they will need to make sure that they know who they are reporting it to in order to protect the child. The staff should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and need to know what →

Bastard: physical abuse and time daddy glenn

Although it can be argued that poverty does not lead directly to abuse and pedophilia as it was in the novel, I will elaborate more in this paper of how poverty is the string to a set of these problems. Having a history of abuse in the family puts the parent at a higher risk →

Justify responses to a particular incident essay sample

The individual is lacking in hygiene and clearly tired, so by someone intervening solutions can be found and support put in place to fix the problems that are preventing the child from developing and living a healthy life. If abuse is the case the child may need to be taken away from home this →

Example of culture and substance abuse research paper

Even if the government attempts to curb such behaviors, substance abuse and crime among youths is already part of their own system. The problem is in the current set up where juvenile delinquents and their families are not provided with the necessary assistance while the bad habit is still starting up. This is because the →

Corporal punishment essay sample

We will be addressing the following topics: corporal punishment before and after 1994, the student uprising of 1976, corporal punishment and independent schools, arguments for and against corporal punishment and our recommendation. Reasons why Corporal Punishment is still used According to Morrell in 1996 the transformation of the education system for →

Common problems of high school students essay sample

Family problem family issues affect students performance in school as students are not cognitively developed but psychologically, emotionally, or affectionately developed too therefore if they are in a bad state or when family issues such as child abuse, sibling rivalry and many more are burdened on students there is the possibility for the student to →

My cultural identity essay sample

Although currently I am in a relationship and he wants to progress to the next level, I am not ready. I feel safer knowing that there will be no constrictions when it comes to me pursuing my educational and career goals.

Conflicts in “merchant of venice” essay sample

This leads to Shylock's eventual mortification and humiliating punishment- removing all which he holds dear to him- his money and his religion- and increasing his general hatred of Christians. Shylock's request for a pound of Antonio's flesh, and his refusal to relinquish his rights to it, are violent, merciless and often cruel. Antonio insists →

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The term " job satisfaction" is understood to mean everything from " making all aspects of a job easy for employees" to " making the job meaningful, significant and challenging." Research on the importance of job satisfaction can be equally confusing with some research clearly indicating no correlation between job satisfaction and job effectiveness while →

Apa guidelines for the undergraduate psychology major

Promoting psychology as a science is increasingly important given the enormous breadth of the discipline and the diversity of professional opportunities and psychological perspectives, including new interdisciplinary configurations.- The Guidelines describes a set of learning goals and outcomes for the psychology major. 2 APA GUIDELINES FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR Assumptions Underlying the Undergraduate Learning →

Thalia losada

Thalia Losada May, 26, 11 I believe that the first step towards setting and achieving personal goals is that you must realize you have to prepare for the future and not wait for it to happen. The main goals that I believe are important in education, a career, and the future are, to achieve →

The biggest mistake in your life essay sample

Yet my greatest challenge was convincing the combined team and their supporting plant personnel to review the current working practices and develop the best, unbiased business solutions. Inspired by the challenge, I initially did not understand the reluctance of senior staff to objectively evaluate their current practices. Despite my best efforts to gain plant →

The art institute

After researching the Art of Institute online, I knew that the Art Institute will give me the guidance needed to set me on the right path for my goals. To be successful in the commitment to my education will require determination and taking on more responsibilitites in my life.

Is winning everything essay sample

In the end, some of the other things that matter more than just winning are if the members of each competitive team are able to say that they gave their best effort and that everyone had a positive contribution to the team. I understand that every team's goal is to win the championship of →