Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

A description of syntactic priming assignment

It tells that the processor of syntactic priming employs different knowledge sources by using bottom-up processing and top-down processing, as well as by analyzing the characteristics, the plausibility and the compact ability of the words, with respect to the context and punctuation used in a sentence. In one of the studies, the experimenters presented a β†’

Cjus 350-db5 replies

Blue Wall of Silence and Police Brutality Response to Greg McGee A concur with you about the importance of writing as a group to maintain peoples trust in the police department; however, the extent through which this privilege should be exercised must have definite scope such that the department does not end up violating the β†’

Nature -vs- nuture

History The history of the issue of nature vs.nurture began with Sir Francis Galton, the British psychologist who coined the term " nature versus nurture" after his travels in Africa, studies of heredity and the reading of his cousin Charles Darwin's masterpiece Origin of Species in the 1860s. Most Essential Characteristics of the Issue One β†’

Literature review

Personality Literature Article Review Here Here Here Here Personality Literature Article Review Introduction A 2010 study by DeYoung and colleagues examined the relationship between personality, brain structuring, and the Big Five Personality Inventory. In response to the information shortage, this article describes an experiment that examined the connection between the Big Five personality items and β†’


Question # 3 In psychology, the idea behind relying, on research, to explain behavior is because, research is scientific and systematic. However, in a quantitative research, the objective is quantification of data and generalization of results.

Behaviorist treatment

This experiment condition the little boy to become afraid of animals. This makes drivers to be extra keen on the roads and become conscious about the consequences of breaking traffic rules.

Therapies reflection paper

Cognitive therapy according to the cognitive school of thought implies changing the thinking of a person. The focus of cognitive therapy is to change the way a person thinks about a specific issue that acts as a stimulus.

An accident i will never forget

I was almost home, I just had to turn onto the gravel road to get to my house. While I was turning, I was trying to put in a mix CD I had just made, and trying to turn the corner at the same time.

Principled negotiation

Principled Negotiation School The craft of principled negotiation can become a significant communicational tool not only for social workers but for people who simply work with other people. As far as principled negotiation is based on search of compromise between different parties that want to get a benefit from a deal, the most difficult thing β†’

Juvenile re-entry programs

Best Practices in Juvenile Re-entry The discussion on a successful reentry program was structured by Newell and Salazar through initially presenting the best practices in juvenile reentry that proferred the following framework, to wit: 1. There was a lack of ability to collect, maintain, and analyze data to monitor the performance of the reentry program.

Personality and how famous psychologists view it

So how do we come to the conclusion of what the personality of a person is? We can start by asking a series of questions, reminding the person to be as honest as possible, and the more times a person answers the questions, and receives the same results each time, will show a more accurate β†’

Skinner theory of operant conditioning

It is the stimulus the change of which provokes a response in behavior. He also emphasized the value of extinction in the process of behavior shaping which means that there is no need in punishment of some negative behavior as it is possible not to reinforce it and let it die out.

Understanding the main principles of cognitive psychology: sheep-goat effect, generational cohort theory and cognitive bias

The paranormal belief was higher to the people who have a lower level of education, while people who have a higher level of education tend not believe to this supernatural phenomenon because of their heightened knowledge regarding higher levels of cognition, controlled emotions, and knowledge to the outcomes of the social behaviors that others act. β†’

Conduct testing in a prison

Usually, people who have been holding two particular psychological states in the mind at the same time, and for an adequately sufficient time, have a high tendency of committing suicide. There is a need for regular suicide screening programs among people who have expressed the desire to commit suicide.

Educatiional outreach programs

Retrieved August 28, 2011 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1342679/ The credibility of the authors is in the fact that they are pharmacy practitioners who have expertise and professional knowledge on the issue of drugs and its effects. Retrieved August 26, 2011 from http://agelesslearner.com/intros/andragogy.html The writer is an educationist with several years of practical experience in pedagogy and andragogy.

The lost parents’ perspective on parental alienation syndrome

In addition to this the child also contributes to this alienation of the supposedly reviled parent by means of; a campaign of maligning, " unfounded rationalizations", labeling of the parents, the autonomous thinker phenomenon, automatically loving the maligning parent, lack of guilt, creating pretentious situations and generalized oversimplification of hostility. The study also makes a β†’

Cognitive psychology

The linkage to memory cognition enlisted in the discussion relates to Williams' mismatch of information to bad memory. Distortion of truth, according to the discussion, can motivate false memories, which later develops into autobiographical beliefs.

Addiction problem

According to the disease model of addiction, drug addiction can be seen as a progressive disease which is irreversible and unique in nature. The supporters of this model can seem to be of the view that addiction and alcoholism is something that cannot be cured.

Psychology course work

The id refers to instincts and unconscious impulses, the super-ego refers to learned influences from society including rules and morals, and the ego is the realistic, organized part of the psyche that tries to satisfy the needs of both the ego and super-ego. Jung viewed the psyche as consisting of the ego and a collective β†’

Illict drugs

Illicit drugs and family engagements Illicit drugs Most reports from the United s and most parts of the world have come to an agreement that any substance taken illegally pose some negative effects to the user. To the patients who have a history of prevalent consumption of illicit drugs, the rate of stigmatization and relationship β†’

Alcoholism among teenagers in the us

The use of alcohol among teenagers is on the rise in the United States of America. The use of alcohol is responsible for over half the deaths of teenagers in America.

Clinical psychology assignment

In this paper about personal models of helping, the following topics about cognitive behavioral therapy will be explored: How and why my viewpoint was formed from the following personal models, my view of helping, the relationship between the clinician and the participant regarding this model, quenches or approaches to change, and a coherent model that β†’

Characteristics of an effective marriage

Characteristics of an effective marriage Insert Insert Introduction to effective marriage A successful marriage is the one that the family members understand each others needs and can stand by each other during the times of troubles. Despite the fact that challenges are full of marriages, a successful marriage is the one that the couples know β†’


Thus, the question I have always asked myself would be, " Why Ca not You Taste Food When You Have Colds When Taste Should Be Just a Matter of the Mouth?" Well, to clearly be able to understand further about this scientific wonder, one would have to know the relationship between taste and smell. Now, β†’

Written 1

Social Psychology Unit Introduction According to, Baron.& Bryne, Social Psychology can be defined as thestudy of people's feelings, behaviors and thoughts as influenced by the imagined, implied or actual presence of others. Therefore, Social Psychology's main aim is to study human behaviors, in terms of social activities, immediate and mental states.

Who has the right to counsel another person

D, in Counseling Psychology, which is a field that is concerned with the practice of counseling. Apart from the professional aspect of a person performing counseling, the ethical issues are of high relevance and importance to an individual in the field of counseling.

Romantic attachment styles

The men would provide, and the woman would take care of the house and the children. I would take my children to their grandparents and leave them for days so I could party.

A dream deferred essay

This idea is the overall theme of the poem and it is what unifies and connects the poem as a whole. This poem is not meant to decide or assign a dream for the reader, but it leaves it up to them to decide what they feel is important to them.

Power of love and relationships

The fact is that with attraction there are a huge number of variables that interact in the question of who is attracted to who: everything from wealth and physical attraction to humor and body chemistry. The fact is that people are more likely to be attracted other people that are similar to them in a β†’

Unit 4 discussion

Healing is different from curing, whereas curing involves solving the problem, disease eradication and possibly decreasing the symptoms, healing is the process of becoming healthy. Healing environment in hospitals is therefore designed to provide harmony of the body, spirit, and mind.

Social psychological theories on social inequalities by hollander and howard

The paper " Social Psychological Theories on Social Inequalities by J.A. Social psychology's approach on social inequalities has been met with a number of challenges one is the skewed kind of approach by the social psychologist.

Values and life styles survey

I also think that my ability to adapt to circumstances played a part in my classification as a striver. This does not mean that I do not have ethics as I also believe that things should be done in the correct way.

Positivity from disappointments in life

People usually resort to extensive acts of self sympathies and frustrations to deal with disappointments in life and consider their unfortunate instances as the end of their lives. My father's deceit made me stronger in life and taught me the relevance of staying true to oneself.


One of these means of punishment that re rather extreme is the death row sentence, which may lead to death through hanging or lethal injection. In conclusion, the act of sentencing an individual to death row is a crime.

Lifespan development of howard hughes essay sample

Howard Hughes, aviator, businessman, and film director, was born December 24, 1905 in Houston, Texas, to Howard Hughes Sr.and Allene Gano Hughes. Howard Hughes Sr.a successful million dollar drill manufacturer, and the owner of The Sharp-Hughes Tool Company, was an absentee father.

Intrinsic / extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is characterized by physical attributes such as gifts, rewards, recognition among others.it is particularly necessary to differentiate between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation since sound understanding of fundaments of motivation is the key to success. Needless to say, I have been able to achieve much in learning by employing both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation β†’

Behavior therapy

Psychoanalytic approach and behavior therapists Psychoanalytic Approach and Behavior Therapists Every psychiatric problem has to be dealt with from the basis of it all because for every behavior to manifest there must be a force or a motivation behind it. In most cases the reason acts as a catalyzer which pushes the victim to react β†’

Assessment (portfolio): 2 x 250 word peer-review critique posters

The study findings imply that the higher levels of stress participants experienced in the competition, the higher the percentage score, and the better the performance. The representation and the background information on the study are appropriate and useful in the analysis of the study.

Addiction and responsibility

The superego, on the other hand, is thought of as the conscience or parent based because it is a moral component of the personality in an individual. Therefore, it is believed that one would become addicted to anything due to the biological model of the theory of exposure.

Subversive advertising

The advertising industry is a powerful and prominent industry that engages in subliminal advertising which majority of people are not aware of. Subliminal advertisement tends to manipulate the minds of people through auditory and visual.


That is to say information to the long term memory passes through a short term or primary memory. At the short term memory, information is coded and sorted before it is moved to the secondary memory.

Barbara baker’squestion answers: abnormal psychology assignment

The reason suicide is linked to mood disorders is because over 60% of may or may not have an existing mood disorder, but just because someone has a mood disorder does not necessarily mean that they will commit suicide. If there is a risk the clinician will try and get the client to agree to β†’

When valor preys on reason, it eats the sword it fights with

Talking of valor and reason, then, it is worth concluding that valor is an aspect of psychology while reason is a philosophical concept. Reason is a function of the higher faculties of the self.


Therefore, it is in order to conclude that Norah is suffering from DID due to the personality shift and loss of memory including basic information such as her real identity. In a bid to ensure that Norah was indeed suffering from DID it is important to ensure that she portrays all the symptoms of DID.

Psychoanalytic personality assessment

As the writer I will compare and contrast the theories of these three gentlemen and decide which of these theories in which I agree and which of these theories I do not agree with. One of the characteristics that I agree with is the theory that dreams play a part in psychoanalytic personality.

Behaviorism in psychology essay sample

His theory was based on and around the opinion that reinforcement was the key element of learning, and the reinforcement could be anything from a verbal praise to a reward, as long as that reinforcement strengthened the desired response.B. His theory was a trademark in the field of psychology.

Annotated bibliography

This source is reliable, mainly because it is a peer reviewed article, and the authors of this article hold professional degrees in psychology. This article is reliable and relevant mainly because the authors use examples, and they identify the methods that should be used in improving the treatment of addicts.

Family therapy concepts and methods

The main advantage of a genogram is that its structure provides family therapist with detailed information about a family in treatment. The fact that genograms cover events that transpired across at least three generations of a family enables family members to gain proper self-knowledge, understand consequences of their actions and hypothesize ways to restructure their β†’

Reaction paper one

The Cannon-Bard Theory of emotions Human's emotions represent the psychological process of the ive reflection of the most common humans attitude toward the objects and phenomena of reality, toward other people, and toward him/herself. Further the psychologist Philipp Bard proved the theory of the simultaneity of the physiological and subjective manifestations of the emotions.

Objectivity versus subjectivity

Q 1 how is the first research scenario in Chillot's article about paralyzed psychologist different from the other types of research that are described? This is subjective since people are unable to measure the reactions of sick individuals.

Conceptualizing the borderline personality scale

Conceptualizing the Borderline Personality Scale I) The personality trait I will be attempting to measure is borderline personality disorder. III) To test the reliability and validity of this test, a replication of the study would need to be conducted.

Personality and age on conformity assignment

Influence of Personality and Age Differences on Conformity and Peer Pressure Society is filled with an abundance of rules and laws as to what is deemed as acceptable and what is not. To understand the effects on conformity, this study will focus on relationships between personality and conformity, age and conformity, and then how both β†’

Theories of personality

Theories of Personality: Eminem I would like to pick the famous hip hop singer Eminem as an example of this essay whose character resembled closely to openness of the The Big Five Theories of Personality. Nevertheless, this challenge motivated him to become what he is now accentuated by traumatic events in his life that inspired β†’

Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression

Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression Aggression is a quality of anger and determination that makes a person ready to attack other people. The Psychology of social conflict and aggression: Atlanta: Psychology Press.

Social psychology – passionate love vs compassionate love assignment

Lee's Typology of Love Theory Therefore, there are a number of theories and research are developed by social psychologists in order to explain the difference between romanticlove and compassionate love. This theory narrows down the type of love into six, however, it is superficial to categorise the love into different types and this theory is β†’

Sensory perceptions

Three reasons for believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory experience of the world around us and involve both The Recognition of environmental stimuli and action in response to these stimuli: 1. Language is the tool that we use to express and describe things that help our sensory perception to recognize things in order β†’

The act of altruism

In this paper we will discuss the act of altruism under the following:- Comparison Both personal and professional responsibilities of altruism aim to benefit the society at large. The future of psychology The future of psychology depends on service to others and the devotion to assist others by its masters.

Conformity and obedience assignment

The reason why people conform and obey the authority is because they feel that it is their duty to obey orders because they were told to do so. The extent in which traditional students are particularly prone to obedience and conformity is when asked by authority or when they feel as if they have to β†’

Week 4

Tactics to Elicit or Distort Testimony from an Expert Witness Affiliation Tactics to Elicit or Distort Testimony from anExpert Witness During a hearing or deposition, the direction of a case is mostly directed by the testimony of the expert witness. This may distort the testimony of the witness.

Positive and negative linear relationships

In a positive linear relationship, the increase in the independent variable also increases the levels of the dependent variable. In another study by Lamberti, a positive relationship between being given a complete set of services to incarcerated adults and the probability of them relapsing.

Psych100-module 1: the science of psychology notes

PSYCH100-Module 1: The Science of Psychology Notes - Textbook pg 2-27 Psychology * Scientific study on causes of behavior Causal Event * Event that causes another event to occur Different Fields of Psychology * Physiological Psychology * Studies the physiological basis of behavior * Mainly through the nervous system * Learning * Memory * Sensory β†’

Physiological psychology essays example

This field of psychology is devoted to find the associations of human behavior with his brain activity, as the majority of psychologists are convinced that the mind and everything, which is associated with it, is linked to the nervous system. Baron-Cohen and his assistants have described the extreme of the traditional E-S male profile as β†’

Schizophrenia assignment

What tends to make this mental disorder tricky is the fact that a concrete answer for the ause of this disorder is yet to be discovered, it cannot be prevented, and because there are several subtypes of schizophrenia. The amount of symptoms someone has varies from person to person; some may have a lot of β†’

Piaget vs vygotsky -theories of cognative development

A child in the first stage has a dissimilar level of thinking with a child in the second, third, or forth stage. An essential feature of Piaget's theory is that the stages happen universally, where every individual has to go through despite their diversity but in exception of their age, a factor on which the β†’

Multiracial and monoracial

To understand this, it is important to consider the various studies conducted on the matter. There is the logic of hypo descent which was a political measurement of racial blood composition used to separate blacks from whites in the population.

Health psychology

Health Psychology Understanding and Improving Personal Health While it is important to study the way people respond to issues relating to health in general, and the ways in which the overall health conditions can be enhanced for all individuals; it is equally important to understand the value of the different domains of health for a β†’

The spotlight effect in social judgment

In the third study the aim was to investigate the spotlight effect on behavior. The method of study was a mixed design in which both the participants and the observers were located within the study.


Motivation Various psychology texts respond to questions of performance goals and other factors in relation to organizational performance, functions, and school performance to include. Wade and Tavris also discussed the importance of praise in individual performance and motivation.

Developmental psychology and children assignment

They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and disposition to do so. Physical Development The physical development of babies and young children must be encouraged through the provision of opportunities for them β†’

Conformity in fahrenheit assignment

In the culture that Montage lives in, it is expected in everyone to participate in the civilization's entertainment sources: mindless television, the " shell", and violent games. One of these punishments is to burn down the rebel's house and put the resident in a crazy asylum.

Gender construction in a music video

Gender Construction in a Music Video Critically analyze the gender construction in a music video. However, the representation of gender and the things which are normalized in many music videos leaves a lot to be desired.

Clinical neuropsychology final assignment

That is, the deficits, practical consequences, prognosis Client care and treatment planning: o Descriptive evaluation of: client's capabilities and limitations Expressive issues related to the communication of information or how we act on that information which ranges from alert to coma; disturbances usually reflect brain pathology; also can encompass awareness Activity rate- behavioral slowing common β†’

Johari windows summary.

The second pane is called the Blind spot and contains information that I do not know about myself that the group may know. The last pane, called the Unknown pane, contains thing that I do not know about myself and things the group does not know about me.

Following my dream to be a veterinarian

I know that there are people who do try, and in the end they give up the pet and in many cases it's inhumane just to let the pet fend for itself on the streets. As a little girl people would criticize me telling me that I should not waste my time trying to help β†’

2nd reflection paper

As far as the skills are concerned, I have understood that these disabled people are no less than any one, and that they can contribute to the society in a much better manner than us. My experience has affected my ideas as per my future in the wake of my comprehension with regards to the β†’

Psychology and personality

From the point of both aggression and withdrawal, the section of Genesis in which the Lord expels Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is applicable." Because thou hast...eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt, β†’

The challenge of self-discovery

In terms of the growth and change I have experienced, I learned in the program of study in my former experiences as an undergraduate and elsewhere that being involved in knowing oneself requires a great deal of leadership and determination; people who are self-aware must ensure the success of others in every way possible by β†’

Main argument section of psychological survival book review

What comes to focus is how they will survive inside and outside the prison. They long for the touch of a loved one, or just to see them.

Behavioral, cognitive, and group therapy activity. case study

Client: " Does it have a cure?" Therapist: " That is dependent on the cause, as there are several causes of the same". Client: What are the causes and which is the one involved in my case?" Therapist: " The causes vary from clinical impairment, distress in social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning".

Th? this r?s?arch pap?r r?vi?ws th? ?ffici?ncy of

Th? b? havioural financ? lit? ratur? can b? dividing into two typ? s, th? id? ntification of anomali? s th? ffici? ntmark? t hypoth? sis that b? haviour mod? ls may? xplain and th? id? ntification of undivid? dinv? stors b? haviours or bias? d old? conomic th? ori? s of inconsist? ncy inrational b? β†’

Values of children receiving rewards

Moreover, the capitalistic minded society of the US has a direct connection with the existence of money. In this article, the author argues that people should stop rewarding children as a way of motivating them.

Parental responsiveness

The response to the child's cues, olfactory, tactile or emotional, is important in the relationship between the parent and child. The parent can identify and withhold the stimulus that causes the child to cry or apply a stimulus that the child is comfortable with.

Repressed memories are a figment of the imagination

Pope and his co-authors concluded that the absence of repressed memories in any published works prior to 1786 shows that the occurrence is not a usual neurological function, but rather a culture-bound disorder rooted in the nineteenth century and Pope argued that repressed memories falls into the analytical category of a " pseudo-neurological symptom" which β†’

Disorders of the brain

The disease result in hindrance of the I-functioning of the person and can motivate the patient to behave in an odd and senseless manner. The MRI is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging system, wherein the brain of the patient is studied with the aid of scanning and imaging.

The relation between adult development and individuation

Individuals varies, this creates a difference in the amount of ego exerted by the individual in the individuation process. In an effort of achieving the individuation goal the social influence from the peers and the society helps them reach self-actualization.

Personality and social psychology essay sample

Whatever the answer, this defense will be independent of and thus auxiliary to any justification of optimism as a credo; to support optimism as a rule of mental hygiene is not to be a supporter of optimism in the philosophical sense. This is vague but there is one version of it which seems to be β†’

Should infants be placed in day care (i say yes)

The placement of infants in daycare has been a controversial issue and many studies have been carried out to explain the effects of this placement on the children. It is clear that the income of the household increases in cases when the children are placed in daycare as the parents can dedicate a good amount β†’

Chad case study

Comprehensive intervention plan for challenging behavior When the teacher is dealing with a group, they should give some special attention to Chad and the resulting consequence is improved participation. The teacher should ask Chad questions and encourage other pupils to congratulate him for questions answered.

Research case study: personal interviewed – alcohol abuse

The combination of cognitive and behavioral, together forms the infrastructure of the individual's personality; in addition, sometimes used as a mechanism to recognized a person's distinctive way of managing challenges and determine whether the outcomes will negatively or positively impact the individual. As in this case, Josh used alcohol to compensate for his depressed mood β†’

The components of illness representation

These aspects include; identifying the illness, estimating the time that the illness will take to go away, stating the expected symptoms, the cause of the illness, treatment, control, how to cure the illness and the illness consistency. The individual can be able to prepare for the symptoms of the identified illness and can even predict β†’

Memory consolidation

Timothy and Nelson delve into convolutions of how much the duration of retention and the presentation method of memory items and the difference it causes on the rate of forgetting. The result of this experiment indicated that forgetting in simultaneous presentation of memory items is much greater than sequential presentation.

Interview summary and reflection

The school has taken the initiative of providing a safe and secure environment for its students. One assumption which the interviewer made was that he thought that the rules and measures the STL schools applied were not effective due to untrained security guards and some people got away with stuffs prohibited by the school.

Investigating organized criminal activity: the choice theory

In addition to this statement, he also stated that a certain criminal activity is undertaken by any human being after making a rational decision or in simple terms, the benefits and drawbacks of the decision is highlighted before actually committing the criminal act by the person. The theory of choice explains that a criminal takes β†’

Psychology mini case study

The theories explaining the concept of this kind of behavior include the biological perspective, psychoanalysis, behaviorism and the humanistic perspective. J, & Gergen, M.M.

What factors predict adherence

Factors that predict adherence Affiliate Factors that predict adherence Adherence is one of the most strategies in health and medical fields that reduce the cost of medication and improve the quality of health care. Environmental factors determine and predict adherence to a large number of people.